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- 15:03:42.108 T:1657176944 DEBUG: Twitch: Player: |onPlayBackStarted| isTwitch |False| SeekTime || (ENCODED)
- 15:03:42.187 T:1938766496 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
- 15:03:42.205 T:1682355056 DEBUG: [] Cleared home window properties: []
- 15:03:42.208 T:1623606128 NOTICE: Librespot: a playback stopped
- 15:03:42.208 T:1623606128 NOTICE: Librespot: restarting librespot
- 15:03:42.208 T:1623606128 NOTICE: Librespot: systemctl restart
- 15:03:42.277 T:1657176944 DEBUG: Twitch: Player: |onPlayBackStopped| (ENCODED)
- 15:03:42.435 T:1623606128 NOTICE: Librespot: pactl 1
- 15:03:43.717 T:1403007856 DEBUG: [plugin.googledrive][service-export-1403007856]: export_map: {}
- 15:04:04.481 T:1928328048 DEBUG: CLibInputKeyboard::ProcessKey - using delay: 500ms repeat: 33ms
- 15:04:04.482 T:1286599536 DEBUG: Thread Timer start, auto delete: false
- 15:04:04.514 T:1938766496 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
- 15:04:04.643 T:1286599536 DEBUG: Thread Timer 1286599536 terminating
- 15:04:04.668 T:1938766496 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x000d, modifier: 0x0
- 15:04:04.668 T:1938766496 DEBUG: HandleKey: return (0xf00d) pressed, action is Select
- 15:04:04.699 T:1938766496 DEBUG: OnPlayMedia plugin://
- 15:04:04.699 T:1938752368 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnClear from xbmc
- 15:04:04.700 T:1938752368 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnClear
- 15:04:04.719 T:1938766496 DEBUG: StartScript - calling plugin HBO GO Hungary('plugin://','20','?','resume:false')
- 15:04:04.720 T:1286599536 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
- 15:04:04.720 T:1286599536 INFO: initializing python engine.
- 15:04:04.720 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(37, /storage/.kodi/addons/ start processing
- 15:04:04.736 T:1938752368 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAdd from xbmc
- 15:04:04.737 T:1938752368 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnAdd
- 15:04:04.741 T:1769415536 DEBUG: Thread scriptobs start, auto delete: false
- 15:04:04.786 T:1286599536 DEBUG: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 15:04:04.787 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(37, /storage/.kodi/addons/ the source file to load is "/storage/.kodi/addons/"
- 15:04:04.788 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(37, /storage/.kodi/addons/ setting the Python path to /storage/.kodi/addons/
- 15:04:04.789 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(37, /storage/.kodi/addons/ entering source directory /storage/.kodi/addons/
- 15:04:04.789 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(37, /storage/.kodi/addons/ instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "" dependent on version 2.25.0 of the xbmc.python api
- 15:04:04.941 T:1938766496 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
- 15:04:05.908 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[]: loading setting definitions
- 15:04:05.908 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[]: trying to load setting definitions from old format...
- 15:04:05.910 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[]: loading setting values
- 15:04:05.910 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CSettingsManager: requested setting (customerId) was not found.
- 15:04:05.910 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[]: failed to find definition for setting customerId. Creating a setting on-the-fly...
- 15:04:05.910 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CSettingsManager: requested setting (individualization) was not found.
- 15:04:05.910 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[]: failed to find definition for setting individualization. Creating a setting on-the-fly...
- 15:04:05.911 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CSettingsManager: requested setting (lastsearch) was not found.
- 15:04:05.911 T:1286599536 DEBUG: CAddonSettings[]: failed to find definition for setting lastsearch. Creating a setting on-the-fly...
- 15:04:06.622 T:1286599536 DEBUG: {u'Purchase': {u'AuthToken': u'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.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.WGUKgwCVloAWtkotgWV2EOhvvBeIYMg71JPSwxZq5CHNZ4ly2BiSYWWtDxs-ZZQaXm1_omVQpfJ1NnEn0Zh0CA', u'Merchant': u'hboeurope', u'CDNInfo': u'LEVEL3', u'HighResolutionMediaUrl': None, u'AudioTracks': [{u'Url': u'0', u'Code': u'EN', u'Name': u'ENG'}, {u'Url': u'1', u'Code': u'HU', u'Name': u'HUN'}], u'AuthXml': u'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', u'MediaUrl': u'', u'AssetId': u'COMP_1_612558', u'Subtitles': [{u'Url': u'', u'Code': u'EN', u'Type': 1, u'Name': u'ENG', u'IsDefault': False}, {u'Url': u'', u'Code': u'HU', u'Type': 1, u'Name': u'HUN', u'IsDefault': False}, {u'Url': u'', u'Code': u'HU', u'Type': 1, u'Name': u'HUN', u'IsDefault': False}], u'AdvertisementSegments': [], u'CreditRollStart': 8792, u'ResponsePlatform': 1, u'PlayerSessionId': u'76d7728d-e5b3-44d7-aa0c-3b326a94aaff', u'VariantId': u'612558', u'LicenseUrl': None, u'SecondaryMediaUrl': u'', u'StartPosition': 0, u'ContentKey': u'BDD42D5F-7889-B51A-52C2-8AAF41455AF2', u'AllowAirPlay': False}, u'Host': u'AZWM1CLW10', u'Tracking': {u'Operator': u'HBO Hungary', u'Country': u'Hungary', u'CDN': u'LEVEL3', u'Host': u'', u'StreamUrl': u''}, u'ResponseStatus': 0, u'Success': True}
- 15:04:06.745 T:1286599536 INFO: CPythonInvoker(37, /storage/.kodi/addons/ script successfully run
- 15:04:06.745 T:1286599536 DEBUG: onExecutionDone(37, /storage/.kodi/addons/
- 15:04:06.788 T:1938766496 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
- 15:04:06.788 T:1769415536 DEBUG: Thread scriptobs 1769415536 terminating
- 15:04:06.826 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers(
- 15:04:06.827 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: system rules
- 15:04:06.827 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: matches rule: system rules
- 15:04:06.827 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: mms/udp
- 15:04:06.827 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: lastfm/shout
- 15:04:06.827 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtmp
- 15:04:06.827 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: rtsp
- 15:04:06.827 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: streams
- 15:04:06.828 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: matches rule: streams
- 15:04:06.828 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: aacp/sdp
- 15:04:06.828 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: mp2
- 15:04:06.828 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvd
- 15:04:06.828 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: dvdimage
- 15:04:06.828 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: sdp/asf
- 15:04:06.829 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: nsv
- 15:04:06.829 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::GetPlayers: considering rule: radio
- 15:04:06.829 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: matched 0 rules with players
- 15:04:06.829 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: adding videodefaultplayer (VideoPlayer)
- 15:04:06.829 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=0
- 15:04:06.829 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: for video=1, audio=1
- 15:04:06.829 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreFactory::GetPlayers: added 1 players
- 15:04:06.830 T:1938766496 NOTICE: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: plugin://
- 15:04:06.831 T:1938766496 ERROR: CCurlFile::Stat - Failed: Unsupported protocol(1) for plugin://
- 15:04:06.831 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CCurlFile::GetMimeType - plugin:// -> failed
- 15:04:06.832 T:1938766496 DEBUG: OnPlayBackStarted: CApplication::OnPlayBackStarted
- 15:04:06.832 T:1769415536 DEBUG: Thread VideoPlayer start, auto delete: false
- 15:04:06.836 T:1769415536 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
- 15:04:06.837 T:1769415536 DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - InputStream Adaptive
- 15:04:06.838 T:1769415536 ERROR: ADDON: Could not locate
- 15:04:06.838 T:1769415536 ERROR: IAddonInstanceHandler::CreateInstance: inputstream.adaptive returned bad status "Permanent failure" during instance creation
- 15:04:06.838 T:1769415536 ERROR: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [plugin://]
- 15:04:06.839 T:1769415536 NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
- 15:04:06.843 T:1769415536 DEBUG: Thread VideoPlayer 1769415536 terminating
- 15:04:06.859 T:1300231024 DEBUG: Loading settings for plugin://
- 15:04:06.870 T:1938766496 DEBUG: CVideoGUIInfo::InitCurrentItem(plugin://
- 15:04:06.870 T:1938752368 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnChanged from xbmc
- 15:04:06.871 T:1938752368 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1024, from xbmc, message OnChanged
- 15:04:06.908 T:1744237424 INFO: Deleting settings information for files plugin://
- 15:04:06.913 T:1261421424 DEBUG: DoWork - Saving file state for video item plugin://
- 15:04:06.936 T:1938752368 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnPlay from xbmc
- 15:04:06.936 T:1938752368 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnPlay
- 15:04:06.971 T:1938766496 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
- 15:04:06.977 T:1744237424 DEBUG: OnPlayBackStopped: CApplication::OnPlayBackStopped
- 15:04:06.995 T:1938752368 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnStop from xbmc
- 15:04:06.996 T:1938752368 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnStop
- 15:04:07.070 T:1286599536 INFO: Python interpreter stopped
- 15:04:07.070 T:1623606128 NOTICE: Librespot: a playback started
- 15:04:07.070 T:1286599536 DEBUG: Thread LanguageInvoker 1286599536 terminating
- 15:04:07.071 T:1623606128 ERROR: EXCEPTION: XBMC is not playing any file
- 15:04:07.073 T:1682355056 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.
- 15:04:07.073 T:1682355056 ERROR: EXCEPTION: XBMC is not playing any media file
- 15:04:07.075 T:1682355056 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
- Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
- Error Contents: XBMC is not playing any media file
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 74, in onPlayBackStarted
- self.current_video_total_time = self.getTotalTime()
- RuntimeError: XBMC is not playing any media file
- -->End of Python script error report<--
- 15:04:07.076 T:1606820720 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
- Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
- Error Contents: XBMC is not playing any file
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.clouddrive.common/clouddrive/common/service/", line 74, in onPlayBackStarted
- Logger.debug('playback started: %s' % self.getPlayingFile())
- RuntimeError: XBMC is not playing any file
- -->End of Python script error report<--
- 15:04:07.078 T:1623606128 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
- Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
- Error Contents: XBMC is not playing any file
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/storage/.kodi/addons/service.librespot/resources/lib/", line 50, in onPlayBackStarted
- if self.getPlayingFile() != _STREAM:
- RuntimeError: XBMC is not playing any file
- -->End of Python script error report<--
- 15:04:07.078 T:1623606128 NOTICE: Librespot: a playback stopped
- 15:04:07.078 T:1623606128 NOTICE: Librespot: restarting librespot
- 15:04:07.078 T:1623606128 NOTICE: Librespot: systemctl restart
- 15:04:07.159 T:1657176944 DEBUG: Twitch: Player: |onPlayBackStarted| isTwitch |False| SeekTime || (ENCODED)
- 15:04:07.163 T:1657176944 DEBUG: Twitch: Player: |onPlayBackStopped| (ENCODED)
- 15:04:07.170 T:1682355056 DEBUG: [] Cleared home window properties: []
- 15:04:07.186 T:1938766496 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogBusy.xml) ------
- 15:04:07.313 T:1623606128 NOTICE: Librespot: pactl 1
- 15:04:07.381 T:1343206256 DEBUG: CRBP::WaitVsync no vsync 125148/125149 display:10000020(10000020) delay:0
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