
Language Barrier Chapter Four [New]

Aug 25th, 2012
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  6. >Thump.
  7. "Hrmgrrmbl..."
  8. >Thump!
  9. "Just one... more... minute..."
  10. >THUMP.
  11. "Oh come on... where's that blasted... snooze button..."
  12. >You lazily drop your hand to the side of your bed, trying to aim where your clock should be.
  13. >Much to your surprise, it doesn't fall on the clock or on your nightstand.
  14. "What the... hay?"
  15. >Oh. Right.
  16. >Ponyland.
  17. >Always slips your mind.
  18. >You're really not a morning kind of guy.
  19. >THUMP!
  20. >Oh godammit. What the hell is that noise?
  21. >You stand up and brush off the stray hay on your clothes.
  22. >Let's go investigate on where's that thumping coming from.
  23. >Leaving the barn, you spot Applejack walking to one of the apple trees that are spread all around you.
  24. >Once next to it, she turns around and-
  25. >THUMP!
  26. >-kicks it with both hind legs.
  27. >The tree shakes and all of its fruites fall into a few baskets layed around its roots.
  28. >Applejack notices you and wave a hoof welcomingly in your direction.
  29. >She trots over to you.
  30. >The mare lifts her hat a little higher, allowing her to look at you in the face.
  31. >You nod a salutation to the mare.
  32. >She points to the barn, then closes her eyes and 'snores' for a moment.
  33. >So... She's probably asking if you had a good sleep.
  34. >You nod, but rub your neck trying to show that it wasn't really the most comfortable thing ever.
  35. >While your arm is raised, Applejack looks at your armpit and frown a little.
  36. >You give a quick look at it to see the reason of her scowl.
  37. >There's a pretty large rip in your shirt.
  38. >It was probably damaged when you fell off that tree yesterday.
  39. >Oh well.
  40. >Applejack gestures you to follow her back to her home.
  41. >And you're happy to oblige, you left your violin there last night.
  43. >As soon as you enter the house, Applejack yells something.
  44. >Not a moment later, the filly with the oversized bow erupt into the room.
  45. >That was probably her name.
  46. >Applebloom, you think.
  47. >The two of them discuss for a minute and then they drag you to the kitchen.
  48. >Applejack lay a few things on the table.
  49. >A scroll, some sheet of papers, a pencil and some crayons.
  50. >She picks up the pencil in her mouth and start to write on the scroll.
  51. >Next to her, Applebloom is using the crayons to draw on the paper.
  52. >Since you can't understand a single word of what Applejack's writing, you turn to Applebloom and watch her draw.
  53. >Okay, she's drawing a... little stickman.
  54. >It's not bad for someone who just met a human for the first time.
  55. >She drops her crayon and picks up a light purple one instead.
  56. >A new scribble is started next to the other one.
  57. >It's some sort of building? Maybe?
  58. >Oh! It's the strange carousel thing you saw on your first day.
  59. >An arrow points from you to the weird construction.
  60. >Okay, so she wants you to ge-
  61. >Oh, she's not done yet.
  62. >A light brown scroll is added under the first drawing, then another arrow pointing to the empty space to its right.
  63. >She stops, then look at her white crayon, then at the white empty space, back to the crayon.
  64. >Putting a hoof to her chin, the filly ponders for a few seconds before grabbing the light blue one.
  65. >She fills part of the empty space with the pale color and goes back to the white crayon.
  66. >You turn back to Applejack who is apparently done writing. She hands you (hoof you? No that's just silly.) the rolled up scroll.
  67. >The mare opens the door that leads outside from the kitchen turns back to you.
  68. >She points to herself, then outside and finally at her... flank.
  69. >Or rather, the apples on her flank.
  70. >Guess she has to get back to kicking trees.
  71. >She leaves with a tip of her hat.
  72. >Before you can tell her goodbye, a yellow hoof pokes your side.
  73. >Applebloom, sitting on her chair, is holding the drawing in her mouth and presenting it to you.
  74. >You grab it and look at her finished work.
  75. >A handful of new pictures have been added.
  76. >A white unicorn with squiggly purple mane and tail is drawn over the blue background.
  77. >Close to the bottom edge of the sheet, there is something that must be your shirt with a rip on the armpit.
  78. >Then yet another arrow pointing to another shirt, this one with stiches instead.
  79. >Alright, so you need to go to the carousel thing, give your newly acquired scroll to a white unicorn and you'll get your shirt fixed?
  80. >...
  81. >Well okay then.
  82. >You rustle the kid's mane and pocket the drawing after folding it.
  83. >Picking your violin up, you leave the house by same the door Applejack walked through earlier.
  84. >You wave Applebloom goodbye as you cross the doorway and then make your way back to town.
  86. >You're walking through the streets, looking around and trying to find your way to the flashy carousel building.
  87. >Looking at the sky, you realise something.
  88. >This paper Applejack gave you probably doesn't have an expiration date.
  89. >It's a beautiful day and the population is roaming in the town, doing... whatever magic pastel ponies do in their daily lives.
  90. >Might as well look around and see what this town has to offer.
  91. >Yeah, let's go with that. You'll just go get your shirt repaired later in the afternoon.
  94. ------------------------------------
  95. PART TWO
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  99. >Eager to begin your little exploration of the town, you start walking in a random direction.
  100. >...And you quickly get lost.
  101. >Why did you even start walking through the back street?
  102. >You end up walking by the tree-library. For the third time today.
  103. >Maybe you should go talk to Twilight?
  104. >She left so hurriedly yesterday, leaving only a crude drawing behind her that didn't explain much.
  105. >And you're really curious about what it meant.
  106. >You go to the front door and knock a few times.
  107. >While waiting for someone to answer the door, you quickly remember that it -is- a library and that you could just enter.
  108. >You open the door, but stop halfway through, your hand still holding the handle.
  109. >Why do you stop?
  110. >Well, because there's a big green and purple humanoid lizard shelving books.
  111. >Hearing the creaking of the hinges, it turns around and looks straight at you.
  112. >It continues to very slowly push a book between two others on a carved bookshelf.
  113. >His eyes never leaving your person while doing so.
  114. >Yeah, no. Fuck that.
  115. >Not dealing with giant lizards today.
  116. >You carefully close back the door while keeping eye contact with the creature.
  119. >You're sorta able to locate yourself from the library.
  120. >Slowly, you start to map the town in your head from this landmark, wondering where you could go while doing so.
  121. >There's the gingerbread house, maybe you could see Pinkie Pie again.
  122. >The town square seems like a calm enough place. You could probably sit somewhere and relax a little while watching the locals go about their daily lives.
  123. >The marketplace could be interesting, you bet it's pretty lively during the day.
  124. >You wonder what kind of stuff those guys sell there, it could be nice to see what kind of food the ponies eat.
  125. >So far, you only know that the ponies eat pastries and apples.
  126. >Knowing what they eat might help you avoid some pretty awkward moments.
  127. >Yeah, the market sounds like a nice idea.
  128. >You head for the town square, you're probably going to be able to find a way to your destination from there.
  129. >Now that you are walking through streets that have a higher pedestrian traffic, you can observe the various reactions of the ponies when they see you.
  130. >Some of them look at you like they just saw a ghost, a few of them simply ignore you, an even lower amount of them look interested and curious about you.
  131. >Two or three of those last ones actually came closer and tried to speak with you.
  132. >You can only smile and try to motion them that you can't understand.
  133. >Fortunately, all of them understood the gestures you made and left slightly disappointed.
  134. >It's nice to know that you don't make the town go into full panic anymore.
  135. >Weird looks you can deal with, but utter chaos is just saddening.
  136. >You succesfully navigate to the town square and try to remember which way's the market place.
  137. >While looking around, you notice that this part of the town looks simply amazing in broad daylight.
  138. >...
  139. >Maybe the market can wait.
  140. >It'll still be there even if you stay here an hour or two.
  142. >You sit on the edge of a large fountain in the middle of the plaza and lift your violin case on top of you knees.
  143. >Opening the case you reveal your musical friend and let it bask in the sunlight for a few seconds.
  144. >You pick it up along with your bow and place its paddded prison on the ground in front of you.
  145. >The hairs of your bow glide on the strings as you play random parts of your favorite pieces of music.
  146. >Minutes fly by and you close your eyes to fully appreciate the moment.
  147. >Your surrounding seems to fade, leaving you alone with your music.
  148. >You're playing your favorite part of 'In the Hall of the Mountain King', when a light metallic sound breaks your concentration.
  149. >You stop playing and look at where the noise came from.
  150. >Two shiny coins are laying in your case.
  151. >A pegasus is looking at you, smiling.
  152. >Well, that's unexpected. Especially with the kind of looks you got while walking around town.
  153. >You nod and return the smile, before resuming your performance.
  154. >This time, you decide to look around a little while playing.
  155. >You can tell by the sun that it's about noon.
  156. >Ponies are sitting on the benches spread around the plaza, talking with friends, eating lunch or simply enjoying the day.
  157. >From time to time, you can see one of them looking at you.
  158. >Today is a nice day.
  160. >After a few more minutes, you decide that you should probably go back to your little exploration of the town.
  161. >Time for one last song.
  163. >Once again, you feel yourself slip out of your surroundings, focusing on your music.
  164. >You let the song flow through you.
  165. >Your fingers dancing on the neck of your violin.
  166. >The repeated motion of your bow across the strings.
  167. >This satisfying feeling of quietude.
  168. >There's nothing else similar in the entire world.
  169. >The song ends and you can hear a few clinks coming from the ground before you, followed by a handful of ponies clapping their hooves together or on the ground.
  170. >Some of this clapping seem to be coming from really close to you.
  171. >You turn around to locate its origin and see a pretty familiar mint-green unicorn sitting next to you on the fountain.
  172. >As soon as you are facing her, Lyra wraps her hooves around your chest and hugs you tightly.
  173. >Heh. Guess she missed you, you did leave without saying her 'goodbye' yesterday morning after all.
  174. >Or maybe it's just how she is.
  175. >Hell, for all you know hugging could be the normal way to greet friends around here.
  176. >But you're probably just overthinking stuff again.
  177. >You return the hug.
  178. >Maybe now would be a good time to surprise her with your recently acquired knowledge of her name.
  179. "Hello, Lyra Heartstrings."
  180. >Of course, you know she won't understand that first word.
  181. >But it does sound better than just spouting her name at random.
  182. >At the mention of her name, she perks up and says something to you, smiling all the while.
  183. >Sounds like a question, maybe she's asking how you know her name? Or what's your name?
  184. >Since you can't really know what she said for sure, you decide to introduce yourself anyway.
  185. >You bring a hand to your chest.
  186. "Anonymous."
  187. >She looks at you, slightly confused.
  188. >Let's try something else.
  189. >You point at her.
  190. "Lyra Heartstrings."
  191. >Then back at you.
  192. "Anonymous."
  193. >Confusion leaves place to sudden realisation and she happily repeats after you.
  194. >"Anonymous!"
  195. >Lyra then starts to talk. And talk. And -talk-.
  196. >Thankfully, she's not as bad as that pink mare you met yesterday.
  197. >You wonder how long it'll take her to remember you can't understand her.
  198. >While talking, she gestures at some saddlebags on the ground next to her, then toward some random direction.
  199. >And finally, she notices that you're not reacting to her words.
  200. >Her speech progressively slows down until it stops.
  201. >She then facepalms with all her might. Or is it a facehoof?
  202. >Whatever.
  206. ------------------------------------
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  211. >Lyra hops down from the fountain and levitates the saddlebags to her back.
  212. >While she does that, you use that time to gather up your stuff.
  213. >You pocket the bits that were given to you and put back your violin and bow in their places.
  214. >As soon as you lock the clips on your case, an aqua glow manifests itself on the end of your sleeve and starts dragging you away.
  215. >Okay. So. You guess that either she's a wizard like Twilight or it's something every unicorn can do.
  216. >...
  217. >Is that really a sentence you just thought?
  218. >No matter, the new tension on your sleeve is strong enough to aggravate its condition.
  219. >The rip extends until it complete its course around your shoulder and the sleeve suddenly slides off your arm.
  220. >Lyra and you gasp and stare in surprise for a few seconds at the piece of cloth now magically floating inbetween the two of you.
  221. >You shrug and grab the sleeve in mid air, rolling it up and stashing it in one of your pockets.
  222. >Just because it's ripped off doesn't mean it can't get fixed, right?
  223. >Anyway, since you'd like to keep the rest of your shirt intact, you start following Lyra to wherever she wants to take you.
  225. >The marketplace.
  226. >Neat.
  227. >Now you won't have to look for it.
  228. >It's not as busy as you thought it would be.
  229. >Though, judging by the sun, it must be about six or seven in the evening.
  230. >Actually, you think you can see a few shops that are currently closing.
  231. >Why would Lyra wait so la-
  232. >Wait...
  233. >Where the hell is she now?
  234. >A quick look around the market reveals that she already started to make her way to few stands on your right.
  235. >Never a slow moment with her, uh?
  236. >You jog to catch up.
  238. >Alright so, it looks like you two are going through the fruit stands first.
  239. >Heh.
  240. >This guy is looking at you with eyes as big as the melons he's selling.
  241. >Lyra grabs two of the fruits with...
  242. >Uh...
  243. >How are you supposed to call that?
  244. >Sorcery? Wizardry? Telekinesis? Magic?
  245. >...
  246. >Melons. Floating.
  247. >One of them gets stashed into Lyra's saddlebag and she produces a few gold coins from her other compartment.
  248. >The coins drop in front the shopkeeper as she turns around to face you, the second fruit still floating next to her head.
  249. >The unicorn makes a few gestures and you quickly understand that she's asking about if you eat melons.
  250. >You give her a thumbs up and smile to answer her.
  251. >She raises an eyebrow and gives you a puzzled smile, while looking at your extended arm.
  252. >At your hand, more specifically.
  253. >Oh. Right.
  254. >Thumbs up probably aren't a thing around here, are they?
  255. >Well, no matter.
  256. >Lyra shrugs and stuffs the melon in her saddlebag.
  257. >Onward to the next stall.
  258. >The two of you repeat the same process at every stand you stop by.
  259. >Buy product.
  260. >Lyra shows it to you.
  261. >You nod or shake your head to answer.
  262. >Go to the next stall.
  264. >So far you learned that ponies eat fruits and vegetables, unsurprisingly;
  265. >Eggs, which makes sense considering the bakery you visited earlier;
  266. >Hay, duh;
  267. >And flowers, that you thought she was buying for how they looked until she snacked on one.
  268. >You haven't seen a single piece of meat in the entire market so far.
  269. >Not that you were really expecting to see some, but it wouldn't have been the craziest shit you saw in the last few days.
  271. >Lyra, seemingly satisfied with her purchases, yawns loudly and then points to an invisible watch.
  272. >Yeah, you agree that it's getting pretty late.
  273. >She points at you then 'draw' a house in the air and slightly tilts her head, an inquiring look on her face.
  274. >You're not sure if she's asking you if you want to come back with her to her home, or if you found somewhere to live.
  275. >Either way, you have to get your shirt fixed before it's too late.
  276. >You shake your head, then pull out the ripped out sleeve from your pocket along with the drawing Applebloom made you this morning.
  277. >After some wordless explanations, Lyra understands the situation.
  278. >She puts a hoof on her chin and ponder for a few seconds, before pointing at something behind you.
  279. >Turning around and following the hoof, you notice a red flag floating above the rest of the surrounding stalls and tents.
  280. >You nod and wave her goodbye as you two part ways.
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