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a guest
Sep 2nd, 2022
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  1. [ o.k. ] This script will try to update
  2. [ warn ] Can't update since you made changes to:
  3. patch/kernel/rockchip64-current
  4. Press <Ctrl-C> or exit to abort compilation , <Enter> to ignore and continue, diff to display changes
  6. [ o.k. ] Using config file [ /home/wifasoi/Projects/linux/armbian/userpatches/config-docker.conf ]
  7. [ .... ] Using existed a armbian Docker container
  8. [ o.k. ] Running the container
  9. [ o.k. ] Using config file [ /root/armbian/userpatches/config-soquartz.conf ]
  10. [ .... ] Extension being added [ rkbin-tools :: added by -> -> config/sources/families/rk35xx.conf:1 -> config/sources/families/include/ ]
  11. [ o.k. ] Extension manager [ processed 3 Extension Methods calls and 3 Extension Method implementations ]
  12. [ o.k. ] Using user configuration override [ /root/armbian/userpatches/lib.config ]
  13. [ o.k. ] Preparing [ host ]
  14. [ o.k. ] Build host OS release [ jammy ]
  15. [ o.k. ] Running in container [ docker ]
  16. [ warn ] apt-cacher is disabled in containers, set NO_APT_CACHER=no to override
  17. [ .... ] Installing build dependencies
  18. [ o.k. ] Checking for external GCC compilers
  19. [ o.k. ] Downloading sources
  20. [ o.k. ] Checking git sources [ u-boot quartz64 ]
  21. warning: redirecting to
  22. [ .... ] Up to date
  23. [ o.k. ] Checking git sources [ linux-mainline v6.0-rc3 ]
  24. [ .... ] Up to date
  25. [ o.k. ] Checking git sources [ rkbin-tools master ]
  26. [ .... ] Up to date
  27. [ o.k. ] Installing [ rkbin-tools ]
  28. [ o.k. ] Checking for rootfs cache [ current soquartz bullseye no ]
  29. [ o.k. ] Checking local cache [ bullseye-cli-arm64.71c...5ab.tar.zst ]
  30. [ .... ] searching on servers
  31. [ .... ] not found: try to use previous cache
  32. [ o.k. ] Checking local cache [ bullseye-cli-arm64.b88...870.tar.zst ]
  33. [ o.k. ] Extracting bullseye-cli-arm64.b88...870.tar.zst [ 0 days old ]
  34. [ .... ] bullseye-cli-arm64.b88...870.tar.zst: 319MiB [ 220MiB/s] [======================================================================================================================================>] 100%
  35. [ o.k. ] Adding Armbian repository and authentication key [ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list ]
  36. chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
  37. chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
  38. [ o.k. ] Applying distribution specific tweaks for [ bullseye ]
  39. [ o.k. ] Configuring locales
  40. chroot: failed to run command '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
  41. chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
  42. chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
  43. [ o.k. ] Applying common tweaks
  44. chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
  45. chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
  46. chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
  47. [ .... ] Cleaning [ package lists ]
  48. chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
  49. [ .... ] Updating [ package lists ]
  50. [ .... ] Temporarily disabling [ initramfs-tools hook for kernel ]
  51. [ .... ] Installing PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY packages [ ethtool ]
  52. chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory
  53. [ .... ] Installing [ linux-u-boot-current-soquartz_22.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb ]
  54. [ error ] ERROR in function install_deb_chroot [ -> -> -> -> -> ]
  55. [ error ] Installation of /root/linux-u-boot-current-soquartz_22.11.0-trunk_arm64.deb failed [ soquartz bullseye no rockchip64 ]
  56. [ o.k. ] Process terminated
  57. [ error ] unmount_on_exit() called! [ -> ]
  58. [ o.k. ] Unmounting [ /root/armbian/.tmp/rootfs-2688d76c-f6cd-413d-88fd-c936c9130c47/ ]
  59. [ error ] ERROR in function unmount_on_exit [ -> -> ]
  60. [ error ] debootstrap-ng was interrupted
  61. [ o.k. ] Process terminated
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