
Ending 3: The Path of Pain (Dark Grey Anon)

Jul 15th, 2016
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  1. >It is not exactly with a steady hand that you hold your lightsaber.
  2. >The more you think, the more you question, the more you doubt.
  3. >Scorpan continues to watch your every move, studying you for any signs of disobedience, ready to end your life.
  4. >Noteworthy hums and Flash remains still.
  5. >So very, very still.
  6. >You can hear his breathing as though you were in a vacuum; it is steady, calm and quiet.
  7. >He has said that he will forgive you, but still you hesitate.
  8. >Can you truly do this?
  9. >Does he deserve such a fate?
  10. >After what he has been through, to face extermination at the hands of his friend and Padawan, but to be so calm while doing so...
  11. >You find yourself lost, held back by hesitation to actually carry out what you are thinking of doing.
  12. >Shadowed in doubt, you stay very still, but your hands yet shake slightly.
  13. >There is a whisper in your ear, not one of words but of wordless ideas, encouraging you to do it.
  14. >To get it over with.
  15. >Do it.
  16. >If anyone should end his life, it should be you.
  17. >Not one of his enemies, not one of his enemies but one of his allies who works for a greater cause.
  18. >His death could have such meaning that few in the galaxy achieve in their meager lives.
  19. >Let him be the ideal, the one who died while holding true to his oaths and faith, let him be a martyr.
  20. >It will make you stronger, the inspiration you derive from his demise will be fuel your power.
  21. >And you should kill Noteworthy, too.
  22. >Destroying them both will only push you further along your true path.
  23. >Do it.
  24. >You shake your head, realizing that something is trying to influence you.
  25. >It is strong in the Dark Side of the Force.
  26. 'No,' you think. 'No, I can't.'
  27. >Destroy them.
  28. >Make yourself powerful!
  29. >He will not be expecting your reprisal!
  30. >Make both of their ends your strength and unlock the power that awaits!
  31. 'No, no I can't, I can't kill them both, I won't!'
  32. >You wish to survive, but they cannot.
  33. >Scorpan will kill you and them if you fail.
  34. >Show them mercy and take their lives...
  35. >Do it!
  36. 'No! No, I won't! Not both, not both, I only need one, I only need one...'
  37. >Do not deny your destiny!
  39. >With a shout of frustration, you swing your lightsaber once, almost as if it were out of your control.
  40. >But then you open your eyes and realize what you have done.
  41. >You look upon Flash's body, lying on the ground at your feet, and your hands shake even more.
  42. >Whatever was speaking to you before goes away as you lose all resolve you were carrying yourself with up until this point.
  43. >You can't kill Noteworthy, not after seeing this.
  44. >You realize, in this moment, that you have made a terrible mistake.
  45. >You thought you could kill him and simply shrug it off, but now, having done it, you realize that you thought so very, very wrong.
  46. >Your body trembles as your eyes, unblinking, are glued upon his corpse.
  47. >You feel him passing into the Force, his spirit disseminating into the ocean of life-energy that surrounds all, but it brings you no peace that he died painlessly.
  48. >He is gone.
  49. >Your friend, your ally, your fellow Padawan...
  50. >Your brother Jedi.
  51. >Noteworthy is quiet now, staring over at you in fearful awe.
  52. >Scorpan, too, is a bit taken aback.
  53. >"...Not what I thought you would do, Nito," he admits. "Perhaps there is promise in you yet."
  54. >You don't regard him as you stare at Flash's body, remorse coursing through your veins even more quickly than your heart pumps blood.
  55. >Slowly, your hand unclasps the saber and you look at it, feeling every small sensation upon its surface magnified a thousand fold.
  56. >This hand---and your false one along with it---killed Flash.
  57. >There was a dark presence, something lurking over you and whispering into your ear, but you let it make you lose control.
  58. >Yes, you were considering killing him, but you had never anticipated what it would make you feel.
  59. >The aura of darkness seems to slip away as Scorpan approaches, chuckling to himself.
  60. >"You seem upset, Nito. I can only imagine why."
  61. >Now your eyes stray up to him, taking in the sight of his smug self as he approaches the edge of the stone platform.
  62. >"I can already sense the pain in you... You didn't want to do it, yet here you are. The blood is on your hands."
  63. >Closing your eyes, you look away, but also cannot bear to look down at the body before you.
  64. >Scorpan continues to speak.
  65. >"This is the price that we must pay for weakness. We must drive it from ourselves, purge it from our hearts and minds, until only purpose remains. A shame you could not learn this before failing me so many times. Killing your friend will not spare you from my surgical table. But first, before we do, there is more garbage yet to clean up."
  66. >You hear Noteworthy's whimpers and turn back to see Scorpan raising his hand.
  67. >He gives the chagrian a look of disgust. "What a pitiful life form you are. Hardly 'noteworthy' at all. Before I complete your training, Nito, watch this worthless being die."
  68. >With that, even as Noteworthy begins to beg for his life, Scorpan blasts him with lightning.
  69. >Bolt after bolt fly from his fingertips as he smiles a vile smile, sending electrical death pumping into his body as he writhes and screams on the floor.
  70. >You watch, still as a statue, as you listen to his screams of anguish.
  71. >Amidst his writhing, he manages to cry out to you, "A-Anon! P-Please! PLEASE!"
  72. >Scorpan takes a step closer, now using both hands to unleash his hatred, still holding the remote in one but using his fingertips with the same hand.
  73. >Noteworthy manages to look at you for a brief moment, and in his eyes you see the same desperation, the same fear of death that you once carried yourself.
  74. >You slew Flash, and spared him.
  75. >You saved him once before, only to turn him in.
  76. >You will save him again.
  77. >Leaping in front of the lightning, you grunt as the bolts now hit you instead, causing every nerve in your body to scream in protest as the harmful energy surges through you.
  78. >But another part of you, one that remains rational and intent on your survival, begins to use your natural talent to prevent yourself from being harmed.
  79. >Even as you focus through the pain and begin to use Tutaminis and channel the energy, his lightning damages your clothing, skin and mechanical arm.
  80. >You attempt to keep the energy focused in your chest, to prevent it from reaching your mechanical bodyparts---especially your eyes and the bomb behind your right eye---but your left eye short-circuits and your arm follows it.
  81. >Your lightsaber falls out of your right hand, bouncing away on the stone floor.
  82. >Halfway blind, skin burning with pain, you focus with every last bit of your willpower to absorb the energy within yourself.
  83. >All the while, Scorpan does not cease, his face twisting into an even greater scowl.
  84. >"What is this? You still have some mercy within? Fool! You truly have learned nothing! Even murdering your friend has taught you nothing! I suppose I will have to teach you the power of the Dark Side... I shall make you fall!"
  85. >But you continue to stand, holding up your palm and forcing all of the energy he is putting out to collect within your hand.
  86. >He grows angered by your continued persistence, even as he continues to increase the intensity of his blasts.
  87. >"Strike him!" he commands his acolytes. "Strike him now!"
  88. >The two of them run up to your back, past Noteworthy who crawls away, and both hit you in the back with their electro-batons.
  89. >You shout in pain as you are forced onto a knee, your focus faltering as they hit you again.
  90. >Scorpan stops his lightning as his acolytes mercilessly slam their batons onto you again and again, physically beating you as they deliver additional volts of electricity with each strike.
  91. >But even as you lie down and take the beating, you continue using your power to absorb the energy they dish out, with strike fueling your reserves more and more.
  92. >After several moments, they stop when Scorpan holds up his palm and commands them to step back.
  93. >He looks upon your bloody, smoking form and shakes his head.
  94. >"Such a waste. I didn't think it possible, Nito, but you are even more pathetic than Noteworthy. You are pathetic because you are merciful, weak and you waste your powers protecting the pathetic. You had such promise, such potential, you could have truly been a Sith. but like a fool, you continue to cling to the Light, even if it means your death."
  95. >Slowly, you push yourself up, but then fall back down as you try to support your weight on your false arm, which buckles uselessly.
  96. >Scorpan watches, amused, as you manage to get up to your knees.
  97. >With his hands still up, he shrugs.
  98. >"Perhaps I should just push the button after all," he muses, waving around the detonator. "I could torture you to death for this insolence, but I think I'd rather be done with you."
  99. >As he speaks, your face cringes a bit from the pain of the lightning and the batons, but this is merely an outward façade.
  100. >Inwardly, you are gathering the absorbed energy, getting ready to channel it.
  101. >Which is good, because Scorpan likes to drag things out and talk.
  102. >"Have you anything to say before you die, Nito? Any final words? I'm curious."
  103. >You open your eyes and look up at him questioningly.
  104. >"No, no, truly, speak away! Do you mean to curse me? Perhaps lament your fate? Or would you like to simply die with whatever meager shred of dignity you have left in your pathetic body?"
  105. "There is," you say, your voice barely louder than a whisper.
  106. >"Oh? Well, come on then! Don't keep me in suspense!"
  107. >You hold up a hand and point it at him.
  108. "Tutaminis."
  109. >Sparks and bolts collect around your fingers and form a bright blue ball in your palm that is launched towards him.
  110. >Not quite Force Lightning, yet not quite a Force Push, it is a combination of both.
  111. >This Ball Lightning flies towards the remote in his hand, hitting it and then exploding outwards with a wave of electricity and kinetic power.
  112. >The remote explodes, shattering into pieces, as Scorpan is sent flying backwards.
  113. >His two acolytes lift up their electro-batons and prepare to swing down at you, but your reaction time is heightened by desperation and instinct.
  114. >You move to the right, dodging one, while also turning and bringing up your hand to catch the head of the second.
  115. >You grip the head of the weapon tightly even as electricity surges from it.
  116. >You've held a lightsaber's blade in your hand before---this is nothing compared to that.
  117. >Absorbing the energy completely, you tear it out of his hand and slide it through your fingers until you reach the grip, then return the favor to him for earlier by slamming the baton against his hooded face.
  118. >He spasms and falls back while his companion prepares to hit you again.
  119. >You block his attack with your own, sparks flying between the two batons as they clash.
  120. >He pulls back and swings again, but you leap backwards onto your feet and throw the baton at his waist, which he catches in his free hand.
  121. >Thinking that he now has you beaten, he charges up, only to receive a ball of lightning to his chest that knocks him out.
  122. >Nearby, on the platform, Scorpan begins to stand up.
  123. >You immediately reach for your lightsaber with your outstretched hand, compelling it to fly to your grip.
  124. >The orange blade snaps out of the hilt as the Sith Lord rises fully.
  125. >His eyes blaze red as he looks upon you, shaking his hand.
  126. >"How dramatic," he spits. "But you still have no hope of defeating me. It seems I will have to simply kill you the old-fashioned way."
  127. >His lightsaber is drawn, a crimson blade emerging as he stalks towards you.
  128. >"I decided, while I was getting back up, that I would not make this quick for you, Nito. I will take my time and enjoy your death; I assure you that you will not!"
  129. >You look over at Noteworthy, who is cowering nearby.
  130. "I need your help! Grab one of their weapons!" you point at the acolytes.
  131. >Scorpan laughs as he leaps from the platform, bringing his weapon down upon you.
  132. >You parry as he says, "You look to HIM for aid? Still your antics never cease to amuse!"
  133. >His attacks are fast, calculated, well-trained.
  134. >You are put on the defense; with only one working arm and eye, you must rely on the Force to guide your movements.
  135. >But the Force can only do so much; his strength and experience, he already has you on the ropes.
  136. >"You only prolong the inevitable, Nito. You are without hope!"
  137. >As you block and parry his attacks, attempting every now and again a probing strike only to have it swiftly parried right back, you look over at Noteworthy, who still hasn't moved.
  138. "NOTEWORTHY!" you shout at him. "Move!"
  139. >Jarred out of his stupor, he begins to move towards the nearest acolyte, intent on grabbing a weapon.
  140. >"You really think that he can do anything to me? He is terrified. He is weak!"
  141. >Scorpan laughs and moves his lightsaber to block yours before putting his hand against your chest.
  142. >With a simple push, he knocks you off your feet and sends you spiraling away.
  143. >Scorpan looks over at Noteworthy, who stands there with a lightsaber he has taken from the acolytes.
  144. >The bothan looks down at the trembling chagrian and laughs.
  145. >"Look at you! I've never seen a more sad sight. You actually mean to fight me?"
  146. >Noteworthy swallows a nervous lump in his throat as he holds the lightsaber with shaking hands.
  147. >"Give up. Surrender. Kill yourself, if that would make it feel any better. You're not going to stop me, and once I am done with Nito, you will be next. Why even try?"
  148. >"Because he gave me a chance," he says before charging.
  149. >Scorpan holds up his hand and grabs him by the throat with the Force.
  150. >The chagrian's eyes bulge slightly as he drops his weapon and grasps at the invisible hand at his throat.
  151. >"A chance. What a joke. As if you ever had any chance at all, whelp."
  152. >He looks now back to you, now lifting and holding him up above the ground with a telekinetic grasp.
  153. >"What a shame, isn't it? This was the one you chose to fight with you? With the other one, you might have actually stood a chance, but you killed him! Just as surely as you have killed this one as soon as I am done with you."
  154. >Noteworthy's arms go limp and he closes his eyes.
  155. >Scorpan drops him to the floor, where he lies very still.
  156. >You can sense that he is unconscious, but not dead.
  157. >"You have nothing now," Scorpan laughs. "Nothing! Not a shred of a chance, Nito."
  158. >He points his lightsaber at you and grins even more widely.
  159. >"And now you are going to die, devoid of hope and purpose."
  160. >"No, he isn't," a voice calls out.
  161. >All eyes turn towards the entrance, where two new figures are entering.
  162. >Stepping past dead guards, taking down their hoods, are Master Luna and Sunset.
  163. >You feel a rush of elation as you look upon them, as does Scorpan---but for very different reasons.
  164. >"My, my, my, what have we here?" Scorpan says, amused at this latest turn of events.
  165. >His red eyes narrow and his grin widens as he takes in the appearance of Master Luna and Sunset.
  166. >"If it isn't my former pupil... and my former fellow student! What a reunion this has turned out to be!"
  167. >Though the Jedi Master's eyes are focused on the Sith Lord, Sunset's are solely upon your prone form.
  168. >"Anon!"
  169. >Sunset immediately runs to your side as Luna draws the Arbitrator and activates the green blade, moving to stand between the two of you and Scorpan.
  170. >His lips curl away from yellow teeth and he smiles at the pantoran.
  171. >"Of all the things that I had foreseen today, you were not one of them, Master Luna. How delightful that you should come here to die with your pupils."
  172. >"I came to save them," Luna says firmly. "Both of them. Where is---"
  173. >Her speech cuts short as she looks over and sees the dead corpse of Flash Sentry lying nearby.
  174. >As her eyes widen in terrifying realization, Scorpan's laughter echoes throughout the hall.
  175. >Sunset props you up into a sitting position and you both look on as he howls at the expression upon Luna's face.
  176. >"You..." she mutters, holding up your lightsaber and pointing it at him. "You did this!"
  177. >"In a manner of speaking, I suppose I did," he says as his cackling lessens, but his face loses none of its tortuous delight. "But it was not my hand by which he was felled, my dear Jedi."
  178. "No!" you say, struggling to stand. "Stop!"
  179. >Your words are futile, as he is enjoying this moment far too much.
  180. >"Your failure as a teacher is now complete, Luna! It was my newest pupil, YOUR pupil, who murdered his fellow apprentice!" He points his hand at you. "Behold: Nito! I gave him the choice to kill your apprentice, and he did! Without mercy, nor regret!"
  181. >Luna's hand lowers, the green blade dipping until it barely touches the ground, and her eyes are drawn from Flash to you.
  182. >Similarly, Sunset, though she is still holding onto you and supporting you, stares as you lower your head.
  183. >Scorpan takes in all of this with a wide grin.
  184. >"And oh, how he begged for his life!" he lies. "He tried to appeal to Anon---to Nito---not to kill him. He spoke of their bond, their history!"
  185. "Liar!" you shout, struggling to stand on your own, though Sunset continues to clutch your arm protectively. "Master Luna---He speaks lies!"
  186. >"Are you not the one who killed him?" Scorpan points out. "Are you not the one who swung your blade and severed his life?"
  187. >Luna stares at you, her eyes questioning.
  188. >Slowly, you lower your head.
  189. "...Yes," you mutter. "Yes, I did!" You look up to behold her shocked face and hurt eyes. "He made me!"
  190. >"I made you do no such thing!" Scorpan insists. "I gave you a choice, Nito---and you chose to kill him!"
  191. >Once more his laughter fills the room as you shrug off Sunset, who steps back and places a hand to her heart.
  192. >You take a step towards Luna, who remains passive and completely still.
  193. "Master... You must understand, there is a reason, I..."
  194. >You hold up a hand as your heart pounds in your chest.
  195. >Everything you did, everything you had told yourself, suddenly runs away from you as you face your master.
  196. >Every justification, every reason, every word seems hollow and empty as she stares at you, for her gaze contains the most damning thing of all: disappointment.
  197. >You want to see understanding, you seek more than anything for her to know the truth of what you did, but the judgment in her eyes, the hurt, the betrayal...
  198. >It shakes you to the core.
  199. Finally, you manage to speak. "Master Luna, I... I had to."
  200. >You stand in tattered clothing,
  201. >For the first time since learning the truth, her lips move ever so slightly, though her eyes remain locked and unblinking.
  202. >Her words are simple and few.
  203. >"Did you truly?"
  204. >And when you speak, you cannot lie to her.
  205. "...No. I chose to."
  206. >Scorpan leers at you both, deciding it is time to bring his former apprentice into this as well.
  207. >"And in so doing, Nito, you accomplished what Sunset could not. You truly do belong to the Dark Side."
  208. >The zabrak's hand closes in front of her chest as Scorpan speaks to her, averting her gaze from you.
  209. >The Sith's laughter is cut off only by Luna turning towards him and raising her lightsaber once more.
  210. >"No. He doesn't. He belongs with me.
  211. >You watch her grip tighten on the hilt as she holds it high, ready to strike.
  212. >Then, another snapping noise is heard as Sunset's saberstaff is unsheathed and held at the ready.
  213. >"And with me," she says.
  214. >Scorpan's eyes dart between them. "My, what a pair you two make. Luna, are you attempting to groom young Sunset here into a new apprentice? Well, I suppose you would need a replacement, given the circumstances..."
  215. >The Jedi Master, overcome by his taunting, rushes in to attack.
  216. >He blocks her opening strike, but the initial ferocity of it catches even him off-guard.
  217. >It is worth remembering that she was not always the Jedi she is now, and as she grapples with this latest revelation and a dead apprentice, one can see her giving in to older, darker tendencies.
  218. >Scorpan sees this as well, and smiles in glee.
  219. >"Good, gooood! You remember these feelings, don't you? You remember the anger, the hatred! You have stiffled it for so long---let it all out, Jedi Master! Let the hate flow through you!"
  220. >Sunset then charges into the fray, shouting, "Silence!"
  221. >Both her and Luna's sabers cross with Scorpan's; green, orange and red meeting all at once in a dazzling display of light.
  222. >"Yes, you feel it as well, don't you?" he says as he pushes back against them. "It has not been so long since the Dark Side was your true source of power! You have not forgotten how it feels, either!"
  223. >With a burst of strength, he pushes them both backwards.
  224. >They step together and regain their footing before moving in to reengage their foe.
  225. >As you watch, you look to the side and see your lightsaber lying nearby, and though your pain is still great, you know you cannot remain a mere bystander to this duel.
  226. >You call it to your hand with the Force and soon the blade burns brightly once more as you charge towards the two-on-one duel, intent on making it three-on-one, albeit with a limp that keeps you from moving as fast as you could.
  227. >Scorpan, supremely confident in his abilities and high on his ego from his success so far, is still no fool; he knows he is outnumbered.
  228. >When you join in, attacking him from the side, he knows that he must shift tactics.
  229. >Luna sweeps low and he jumps up high, issuing forth a torrent of lightning from his fingers as he does to keep you three at bay while he gains some distance.
  230. >All three of you hold up your lightsabers to block the bolts as he lands near the corpse of one of his fallen acolytes.
  231. >With a free hand, he reaches down and picks up the fallen warrior's lightsaber, quickly activating it in time to react to Master Luna leaping at him.
  232. >He blocks the attack and Sunset is quickly behind your master and you behind her, as you are still walking with a considerable limp.
  233. >Now brandishing both blades against you three, he defends himself with quick movements, all the while continuing to speak.
  234. >"What is it like, Luna, knowing that you have failed? One apprentice lies dead by the other's hand, and your new apprentice was once mine?"
  235. >Sunset lets out a cry and swings fiercely. "Shut your mouth! He's not what you say he is, and neither am I!"
  236. >He blocks the attack as Luna engages him from the other side. "Yes, yes! Feel the anger! Give into it! Let it guide you!"
  237. >"Do not heed him!" Luna instructs as the three of you step back. "He speaks, but do not listen! Feed him, and he will remain strong! Disregard him and he will falter! Keep faith, my Padawan!"
  238. >He faces her and smiles. "Listen to you, Luna... Prattling on as though you have some kind of moral high ground. You were once more zealous than even I!"
  239. >"Once and no more," Luna says, holding up the blade. "I have found new purpose that far outwieghs any you could hold, fiend!"
  240. >"Yes... with Grand Master Celestia, yes?"
  241. >Your eyes widen as you realize what he is about to say.
  242. >Having positioned yourself behind him, you charge in and strike, but he twirls to block your attack while also moving to intercept Sunset's.
  243. >"You were missed at the sacking of the Jedi Temple!" Scorpan says, pushing you both aside to parry Luna. "But Celestia was not!"
  244. >Luna grits her teeth and tries to press onwards, but the insideous Sith Lord continues to speak.
  245. >"She fought valiantly, truly she did, but in the end... SHE FELL!"
  246. >He pushes her attacks to the side, pausing briefly to doubly block both you and Sunset once more.
  247. >"And what's more, it is not Tirek that dealt the killing blow to her..."
  248. "Keep your mouth shut!" you shout, desperately attacking him once more.
  249. >He laughs. "It was I! I took her life!"
  250. >Luna and Sunset are both stunned, but you continue to wail away at him.
  251. "You are a coward! You snuck up behind her and stabbed her in the back! Do not speak of this like you acheived victory over her---you didn't!"
  252. >Scorpan uses both blades to parry and pushes you back before holding them both in one hand and using the Force with the other to lift you off of your feet and toss you aside.
  253. >Compromised as you are, physically and mentally, you cannot resist as you end up flying across the chamber, skidding on the stone floor.
  254. >Sunset and Luna both move back in, each of them affected by his taunting, despite their efforts to the contrary.
  255. >Scorpan once more defends himself as he shouts over the cascade of clashing blades, "True enough, I stabbed her from behind! The fool was not aware of her surroundings! I took her life, as cleanly as Nito took your apprentice's!"
  256. >A blade in each hand, he blocks their attacks with a wide cross as he sneers. "You should know... Flash's final moments were pitiful, but Celestia's were even moreso! She wept for her precious 'Order' and wept for her loss!"
  257. >"YOU LIE!" Sunset shouts, spinning her saberstaff as she attempts to strike at him.
  258. >With one hand he forces Luna back as he revels in the fury that Sunset is bringing to bear against him.
  259. >The master steps back, but Sunset does not.
  260. >So immersed in the Dark Side, Scorpan blocks her attacks with a speed she cannot match.
  261. >"Pull back, with me!" Luna shouts.
  262. >Scorpan smiles at the zabrak. "Your love is mine, Sunset! I have taken Anon from you, and now all that remains is Nito!"
  263. >Luna dashes in to help her apprentice, but in so doing sacrifices her even footing as she focuses on keeping Sunset alive.
  264. >She blocks an attack that would have dealt a potentially fatal blow to the distracted girl, but Scorpan sees his opening and takes it.
  265. >You watch as Scorpan brings down his left hand, and with it the crimson blade, swiping it across her face.
  266. >Luna shouts in pain and falls back, the right side of her face charred and burnt, her eye sealed shut.
  267. >Your lightsaber falls from her grip and rolls nearby, deactivating.
  268. >Panic races through you as you struggle to get up to your feet and limp towards them, ignoring the pain as best you can as you desperately try to get back into the battle.
  269. >"Master!" Sunset says, but barely has time to react before Scorpan is upon her once more with a series of skilled attacks she can barely parry. "Anon!"
  270. >You hear her call your name, knowing that she needs help, and with Luna still trying to reach for your hilt you know that you are the only one who can.
  271. >"Say goodbye to them both!" Scorpan shouts, using one saber to push her blade out wide before bringing the second down on the elongated hilt.
  272. >He cuts her saber in half and both ends short out.
  273. >As though in slow motion, you watch the blade he used to cut her weapon with pause at her midsection, pointing directly at it.
  274. >She sees it too, with wide and terrified eyes.
  275. >Scorpan hesitates---but only for a fraction of a second.
  276. >He thrusts it forward, impaling your love.
  277. "NOOOO!" you shout as you see the blade emerge from her backside, a nightmare made into reality unfolding before your eyes.
  278. >You stop moving as you feel everything collapsing around you, the galaxy itself stopping in this moment as a freezing, painful, all-consuming emptiness begins to form.
  279. >Sunset's arms go limp as the two halves of her saber hit the ground and bounce away.
  280. >Unable to draw breath, she looks up at him as he smiles down at her.
  281. >"You escaped this before," he says. "But not this time."
  282. >Luna looks up, staring with her one working eye. "Sunset..."
  283. >He then deactivates the blade, leaving a scorched hole in her chest, before casting aside his acolyte lightsaber.
  284. >Using his hand to conjure the Force, he picks her up and holds her aloft before him, as though a trophy for all to see.
  285. >And with the same disgusting smile he has worn throughout the fight, he then hurls her away---directly at you.
  286. >"Take this," he mutters with a chuckle.
  287. >So caught up in what you just saw, you can hardly react in time to catch her.
  288. >She hits you with great momentum, but you quickly wrap your arms around her and come to a sliding stop.
  289. >Slowly, gingerly, you kneel and hold her head in your hands, staring into her terrified eyes.
  290. >"A-Anon..." she gasps. "I can't... I c-can't breathe..."
  291. "No... No, no, no!"
  292. >Your body shakes as you try to come up with some words to comfort her, something to tell her that it will be alright, that everything will be fine.
  293. >But you can't lie to her, and deep down, you know this is your fault.
  294. "Sunset... I... I'm so sorry, I..."
  295. >A trembling hand reaches up to touch your mask.
  296. >"Your f-face... I want to see..."
  297. >A line of blood appears at her mouth, running down her cheek, mixing with the tears that begin to stream from her eyes.
  298. >"A... non..."
  299. >Without hesitating, you reach up and grab your mask, gripping it tightly with one hand.
  300. >And then you pull.
  301. >Pain shoots through you as the skin protests, your nerves screaming as you apply more pressure.
  302. >You close your eyes and grit your teeth; before, you had always stopped yourself from getting too far, but now you no longer care.
  303. >With Sunset in your arms, life fading from her fast, you would do anything for her in this moment.
  304. >And so you do.
  305. >The pain is immense, indescribable and nearly blinding as the mask begins to come off.
  306. >It isn’t alone---skin comes with it.
  307. >A sickening tearing sound is heard, and each little bit you tear makes you want to stop and quit.
  308. >But she’s holding on, and may only have seconds remaining, so you don’t even consider quitting.
  309. >You keep going until more than half of it is gone, with the other half remaining, still gripping your upper face.
  310. >As the bottom half is lifted up, you gasp and breathe your first bit of fresh air since the mask was fused to your skin.
  311. >But it is not a pleasant thing, for this air you breathe is the same air that Sunset is breathing in---her final breaths.
  312. >With one last yank, ignoring the pain and the blood, you completely tear off the mask and cast it aside, rubber, metal, skin and all.
  313. >Your torn face, now covered in runny blood from the many openings around it, is revealed to her in all its gory glory.
  314. >But she sees not the wounds, not the blood, not the tortured visage of the ruined Jedi.
  315. >She only sees you.
  316. >The one she loves.
  317. >An unsteady hand touches your cheek, and you stare into her eyes, seeing a galaxy’s worth of emotion within them.
  318. >Fear, pain, desperation, the realization of her ultimate mortality... but there is something else as well, something that slowly makes its way to the forefront as she draws closer and closer to her inevitable demise.
  319. >A smile graces her lips.
  320. >Her eyes grow soft, as though she has accepted her fate.
  321. >Her lips part again as she speaks.
  322. >Her words are barely a whisper, so faint and quiet as she becomes very, very still.
  323. >"There you are... I missed you. Anon..."
  324. "Sunset, I..."
  325. >Her eyes grow brighter, as though she can see something you cannot.
  326. >"I’m on Yavin 4 again... in our special place... just you and I... I... I’m happy..."
  327. >Her smile is wide, framed by tears and blood.
  328. "I love you," you say, crushing your lips against hers, knowing this would be your last chance.
  329. >She closes her eyes and says something, though her words are muffled and hollow.
  330. >With her final bit of air, her mouth on yours, she whispers, "Love... you..."
  331. >Her last breath is breathed into your mouth, and then you feel her pass away in your arms.
  332. >Her body grows even more limp, her lips unresponsive, her fingers fall from your face.
  333. >You can feel her presence in the Force leave her body, as though it is spreading out, no longer contained in her mortal shell.
  334. >There is an aura that surrounds you and grips you tightly, as though she is giving you one, final hug.
  335. >You can feel her all around you; her warmth, her radiance, her love.
  336. >And then it is gone, slipping from your grasp like water, fading away into the netherworld of the Force, to that place all life goes, an unknowable ethereal plane.
  337. >Gone.
  338. >Your face is mess, not only of blood, but of tears as well.
  339. >You press your forehead to hers, holding her body tightly.
  340. >Inside, a whirlwind of emotions rages.
  341. >Chief among them is denial.
  342. >You want desperately for there to be a way to bring her back, to stop her from dying, to go back and prevent all of this from happening---to make another choice.
  343. >But you know there isn’t, not for any of it.
  344. >And you feel lower than you have ever felt before---lower than any torture or torment that have been through.
  345. >Any pain you ever inflicted upon yourself through doubt or self-loathing cannot be compared to this loss.
  346. >Crimson drips onto her face from yours, painting it with your blood.
  347. 'Come back to me... Please, come back to me... I'm so sorry, Sunset, I never meant for this to happen to you, I...'
  348. >Your hand squeezes the back of her head.
  349. 'Come back...'
  350. >Slowly, you lift your head up, your ears picking up the sound of laughter.
  351. >Scorpan is there, ever taunting.
  352. >”How sweet. Her final moment, spent proclaiming her love… for a pathetic failure like yourself. Well, I never claimed to understand love.” He shrugs.
  353. >You begin to set her down, gently as you can, upon the stone floor.
  354. >At first there was denial, but now there is something else, growing even stronger.
  355. >Hate.
  356. >Scorpan continues, “Don’t weep for her, Nito. She was a weak apprentice. A weak Sith, a weaker Jedi. In the end, I did her a favor."
  357. >You hear his smug, loathsome voice turn now to Luna, who is picking herself up and staring at you and Sunset.
  358. >"My, my, Luna; you’ve lost two apprentices in one day! Three, if you consider Nito, seeing as how he is now lost. How tragic." He lifts up his lightsaber and holds it in front of his face. "You must feel like such a failure as well, both as a Jedi and as a master. Perhaps you would like to join them? I can always oblige an old friend.”
  359. >She is silent as she picks up your lightsaber.
  360. >Activating it, she holds it up and stands her ground.
  361. >He remains amused. “You still intend to fight me? I cannot fault your courage, but I will call you a fool. I have beaten you, within and without! You mean to stand against me with one eye? And with who at your side---a broken, ruined thing like Nito?”
  362. “My name…” you say, turning on your lightsaber once more, “…is Anon.”
  363. >Both he and Luna face you as you point at the mask and skin on the ground nearby.
  364. “That was Nito. You didn’t break me---you woke me up.”
  365. >The smile returns to his face. “Is that so?” He lowers his weapon into a combat-ready stance. “Then what are you going to do, Anon? Do you actually think you can fight me?”
  366. “No,” you mutter, and he laughs. His laugh is cut short as you say in a firm and strong tone, “I’m not going to fight you. I’m going to kill you.”
  367. >There are no more words now; only righteous fury and glorious hatred.
  368. >Your hand shoots up and conjures forth a burst of kinetic energy, propelling it directly at him as you hold onto your lightsaber.
  369. >He counters it with his own hand, pushing back with just as much energy.
  370. >"Is that your best?" he taunts, but then stops when Master Luna holds up her hand and adds to your strength.
  371. >Together, you both push against him as he stands, his cloak now flowing behind him.
  372. >"Fools! You are both weak! I am strong in the Dark Side! Stronger than any of you could ever hope to become!"
  373. >His power grows and he resists you both, now using both of his hands to counter your energy.
  374. >But you have more to give; more hate to pour out.
  375. >Much, much more.
  376. >Slowly, you take a step forward, thrusting out your hand as you do, and then you step again, and again, growing closer and closer.
  377. >The room seems to shake from the kinetic energy being output by all three of you, stones bouncing on the floor and cloaks whipping out behind you.
  378. >His smile fades, replaced with a gritting sneer, as he desperately attempts to push you both away.
  379. >Every ounce of your strength, your love, your hate is concentrated and put into your hand, and through it, you begin to push him backwards.
  380. >His feet slide on the stone floor ever-so-slightly but he remains standing, shouting over the growing rumbling sound.
  381. >"I will not be beaten! You have no hope!"
  382. >Now you are alongside Master Luna, and together you both make eye contact before unleashing everything you have against him.
  383. >Not only are you full of pain, but so is she---she has lost Celestia, Flash and Sunset, along with several other masters.
  384. >Together, you both draw upon a collectively greater power than he could alone, for while his power in the Dark Side is great, yours are greater.
  385. >His bloodshot eyes open wide as you both thrust your hands out again, creating an invisible shockwave that knocks him clear off his feet and back up against the wall, cracking it.
  386. >He takes the full blast and it tears at his clothing, forcing his lightsaber out of his hands.
  387. >You both lower your hands and he appears to be ready to fall over, but you aren't done yet.
  388. >What you unleash next is not lightning like you had been using, absorbed energy converted into bolts through your fingertips, but rather pure, concentrated hate.
  389. >Before he can fall, you blast him with true Force Lightning, and in his vulnerable condition he is unable to defend himself.
  390. >Luna steps back as you approach him, furiously assaulting him with bolt upon bolt of lightning, sapping him of his energy, his strength, his resolve.
  391. >You release everything, absolutely everything, and when you are done he is ruined.
  392. >Charred clothing falls from his form as he slumps to his knees in front of you.
  393. >Slowly, his red eyes open up to look up at your face.
  394. >Once more, his lips curl away from his yellow teeth.
  395. >"Look at you... I made you. Not her..." he looks at Luna, then back. "I did this..."
  396. >His laugh is softer than before, as he can barely breathe after taking your lightning.
  397. >"I suppose you think you're... powerful. But you weren't strong enough to save her... You weren't strong enough to save any of them... And you weren't strong enough to stop yourself. You'll forever live with the knowledge that you failed, even in victory. Even if you kill me, the Dark Side will always be with you. And I will always be with you... You'll never be rid of me!"
  398. >Your grip tightens on the hilt and you hold it up high.
  399. >"Do it..." he spits. "I made you! Now I command you! Finish it! Give into the hate! Give into the Dark Side!"
  400. >You really want him to just stop talking, and so you bring it down---upon his shoulder, severing his arm.
  401. >He shouts in pain and falls to the side, but you aren't done yet.
  402. >Next, his other arm, then his legs at the knees.
  403. >Each attack is accompanied by a louder scream, but you don't care.
  404. >Some part of you even likes hearing him scream.
  405. >After his limbs are gone and he flails upon the ground like a useless fish, you deactivate the lightsaber and take the sharp blades around the hilt, pointing them downwards in your grip.
  406. >You straddle his chest to hold him in place.
  407. "I'm going to do to you what you did to me," you mutter, holding the knives over his eyes. "...but I'm going to make it worse for you."
  408. >You stab downwards, digging the four blades into his eye socket and twisting.
  409. >Again he screams, shouting as blood runs down his face as you twist some more.
  410. >You carve out his bloodshot eye and look at it dangle at the end of your hilt before tossing it aside.
  411. "I'll start with your face," you say, preparing to cut out his other eye. "I'll take it off, like mine!"
  412. >Just as you are about to take his second eye, you halt as a bright green flash fills your vision for a brief moment.
  413. >When it is gone, Scorpan's head rolls away from his body, which grows still after a final bout of twitching.
  414. >You blink several times before looking up at the green lightsaber---the Arbitrator---held by Luna.
  415. >She turns it off and looks down upon you with her ruined face and one good eye, and in that eye is something that you cannot entirely understand.
  416. >It is not quite like contempt, but... pity.
  417. >Before you can speak, she reaches down with her free hand and grasps you by the shoulder, hoisting you off his corpse and pushing you up against the neary wall that he was blasted against.
  418. >You grab her hand and stare wordlessly into her judging face.
  419. >In your chest, your heart continues to beat rapidly---at first you are angry for being denied revenge, but you don't dare make a move against her.
  420. >Instead, you watch as her face grows more sorrowful until she finally speaks.
  421. >"Anon... What have you become?" she whispers. "It wasn't supposed to be like this."
  422. "Master... You took him," you reply just as softly. "You took his life. He deserved more than---"
  423. >She sharply interrupts you. "And then what? What would you have done? Tortured him for hours? What would that accomplish? Would that bring back Flash? Would that bring back Sunset?"
  424. "He... He tortured me..." You avert your eyes. "He... He did all of this to me! It's all his fault! They would have wanted me to... to..."
  425. >You stop as you watch her close her eyes and shake her head. "Yes, he can be blamed for much of it... But not all of it."
  426. >She lets go of you and walks backwards. "I saw your choice when you made it... I felt the Shatterpoint and came here as soon as it happened. The Force allowed me to see what you did, it allowed me to feel it, but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe that you had made the choice to..."
  427. >Her voice trails off as she looks at Flash's body.
  428. >" murder him."
  429. "Master, I had no choice," you protest.
  430. >"But you DID!" she snaps, a tear now rolling down her cheek. "You had several of them, I know you did! If you had no choice, it wouldn't have been a Shatterpoint! I had visions of this, I was training Sunset to have the same! I---"
  431. >She brings a hand up to her face and cups it, rubbing her eyes.
  432. >Your grip on her hand softens and you let it drop completely.
  433. >There is no more anger within you, only despair.
  434. >And Luna is the same.
  435. >"Celestia... My apprentices... all of them are..."
  436. "Not all," you insist. "I'm still here, Luna..."
  437. >"No. You aren't."
  438. >She brings her hand down, her face cold and distant like a stone.
  439. >"I can never teach you again."
  440. "What are you saying?"
  441. >She steps back, turning slightly. "I must return to the Jedi," she whispers. "I must go to them, help them... But I cannot take you with me."
  442. >At first, you are compelled to protest more---of course she can, she must---but then you stop yourself when you realize that she is right.
  443. >The choice you made was because you never intended to return to the Jedi, but rather go to Mestare.
  444. >She knows this, too.
  445. >"You wanted balance," she whispers. "Look around you, Anon. Is this balance? Do you feel this is what you wanted?"
  446. >She holds up her hands, pointing at the corpses around you.
  447. "No, of course not... But I---"
  448. >"Silence," she waves her hand. "There may still be some good in you, Anon, something of the young Jedi I once hoped to groom, but now... Now, you will forever be the one who killed my apprentice."
  449. >Your head hangs low and you are unable to reply, words welling up in your throat and feeling as though they are choking you.
  450. >"I don't blame you for Sunset... I brought her here. I blame myself."
  451. "No, that's my fault too," you say. "All of this is my fault."
  452. >For a moment, Luna is silent, contemplating how to resond.
  453. >Until finally she walks towards you.
  454. >At first, you prepare yourself for more crushing words; you think you deserve them regardless.
  455. >But instead, she puts her hands on your shoulders and pulls you into a hug.
  456. >Though you can only hug her with one arm, you hold onto her tightly and bury your face in the neck of her robes, sobbing softly a moment later.
  457. >She returns the hug just as tightly and says, "Anon... None of us could have known. I do not mean to hurt you more than you already are. I hurt as well. Our pain is a shared one, but we cannot share it together."
  458. >Leaning back, she tilts your head up to stare into her eyes.
  459. >There is such sadness in them as she looks upon your ruined face; hers is damaged as well, but yours is far worse.
  460. >"Oh, my Padawan..." Her voice breaks slightly as she gently touched your face, careful to avoid the torn skin that surrounds it. "If only things had been different."
  461. "They could have been," you say forlornly.
  462. >"I know." With a sigh, she pulls you in again, resting your head against her chest. "I remember the day we first met, and I knew you were special, destined for great things... I just didn't know what those things would be. I wanted to be your teacher, your guide... but I failed you."
  463. "Master, you didn't," you say as you pull back, but a look from her silences you.
  464. >"I did. I gave you your dreams, I helped you along this path, and then I wasn't there for you when you needed me. You left the temple and now... Now, we are here."
  465. "It wasn't your fault. None of it was your fault. It was me."
  466. >"Anon, we can talk about fault until the sun burns out. None of that matters now---it is done." She averts her gaze again and lets out a pained sigh. "Now, all we can do is move on..."
  467. >You stare at her for a moment and then she speaks once more.
  468. >"I may have spoken out of turn. I am... distraught over the losses we have faced. So many, so suddenly."
  469. "What are you saying?"
  470. >"That it was wrong of me to say that I could never again be your teacher. If you came with me back to the Jedi, I promise that I would do everything I can to make things right again."
  471. >She brushes your hair back slightly and manages to smile. "We can try..."
  472. >For a moment, you feel inclined to agree with her.
  473. >You'd like to go back and be with her and the others.
  474. >But then you look past her, at Flash's body and then at Sunset's, and you know that you cannot.
  475. "No..." you reply, and you see her smile fade away. "I cannot. After what I have done, I could never be a true Jedi. Now the only path that is open to me is the one I chose when I took his life."
  476. >She is saddened by your words, but not surprised by your words.
  477. >A part of her knew that it would be so regardless.
  478. >"Perhaps I just did not wish for us to leave on such unpleasant terms," she replies. Once more she tilts your head up and adds, "I do not hate you, Anon. I could never hate you."
  479. "I know, Master. But for what I have done, I will always hate. I will hate the Dark Side, I will hate Scorpan, and I will hate myself. I will carry that hate to Mestare and beyond."
  480. >"Your hate will only bring more suffering," she says, squeezing your shoulder. "You cannot hate yourself, Anon."
  481. "But I will. Maybe on Mestare I will learn whatever it is that I will need to learn, to balance the Force, balance my emotions... but it's like you said: I'll always be the one who killed your apprentice. And I'll always be the one who was truly responsible for Sunset's death. You may have brought her here, but I am the one who brought you both."
  482. >Luna is quiet before she lets go and steps back.
  483. >She walks towards Noteworthy's unconscious body.
  484. >"What will you do now?"
  485. "First, I think I'm going to find some bacta for my face. It stings like hell. The bacta won't get rid of the hurt inside, but at least I can get rid of that."
  486. >You gently rub your eyes, feeling a dull ache.
  487. "Then, I'm going to go to Mestare. I made my choice for a reason, so I have to follow through with it, otherwise... Otherwise Flash will have died for nothing. I won't let that be."
  488. >If Luna has anything to say about that, she doesn't vocalize it.
  489. >She kneels down and touches the chagrian, inspecting him.
  490. >"He's not dead, but he won't wake up without some medical attention."
  491. "There's something else," you say. "There's a pilot in the cells in this academy; he and Noteworthy are close. He has a ship and can take you back to the Jedi. He's Applejack's cousin, and if he and Noteworthy were to be trained to be Jedi, it'd help your cause."
  492. >"Yes... we'll need all the Jedi we can get in these dark times."
  493. >She stands up and looks over her shoulder.
  494. >"Anon... I'm going to take the bodies with me as well. I'll give them a proper funeral---not on this Sith world." She swallows before asking something difficult. "I know you do not wish to return, but if there was something you wanted me to say to them---your friends? What would it be?"
  495. >For a moment, you do nothing but think.
  496. >There are things you would like to say to them: explanations, excuses, apologies...
  497. >But imagining their faces when they hear what you have done and how you would pretend to justify it makes you cringe inwardly.
  498. >You left them with such promises...
  499. >Then it occurs to you what you must do.
  500. >It comes in a spur of the moment thought, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense.
  501. >Noteworthy is unconscious; he won't know the truth.
  502. >But Luna will.
  503. "There is, Luna... Master, I must ask you to do something for me. It may be the most difficult thing I have asked of you, or the simplest, I know not. But I beg of you, not as the man who killed Flash, but as the one who was once your apprentice, please heed me."
  504. >"Speak," she urges you. "Please, tell me."
  505. "Tell them I am dead. That I died along with the others. That I am no more---one with the Force."
  506. >At first, she is stunned into silence, but eventually she recovers.
  507. >"Anon, they don't deserve to be lied to."
  508. "Yes they do, but not for the reasons you are thinking," you insist. "They deserve it because they deserve better than me. I helped them at the Jedi Temple, I gave them the tools to defeat the Force Hunters and escape. Celestia and some of the others may have died, but the Jedi Order lived on---let that be my legacy. They deserve to think of me as something that I'm not, because if they learned what I became and what I did..."
  509. >You imagine them again, their spirits breaking a bit more.
  510. >Perhaps some of them wouldn't falter, but when you think of someone like Fluttershy hearing what you did to Flash, only to obtain some arbitrary measure of a vague concept of balance...
  511. "Please, Master. Let them think that I died like a Jedi. That I died as Anon. In the end, you're the one who can do this. You're the only one who knows the truth."
  512. >"What you ask of me is to lie to those who will look to me for guidance, for answers," she points out.
  513. "In a way you will be lying; that's unavoidable. But from a certain point of view, you won't be."
  514. >Your eyes stray over to the bodies and you shudder once more.
  515. "I died here today, and when I leave this planet, I'll return to Mestare and become someone else. I don't know who it will be, but it won't be Anon, and it won't be Nito."
  516. >"And what will happen when, in the future, we meet again?"
  517. "At least then the others will have had time to heal. It's like you said before---too much has happened in too short a time. My 'death' will pain them, but not as much as if they knew what I did while I was alive."
  518. >"And this is what you want me to tell them?"
  519. "You're the only one who can. I won't be there to hear what you will say to them, but it's what I wish. And I know that you're in no position to grant me anything, but it's what I'm asking."
  520. >You meet her eyes again.
  521. "Please, Luna. Let them think I died and let it be as though I truly did. I already feel like I am, so I see no reason to let the others think differently."
  522. >She stares back, still and quiet.
  523. >Her one working eye, set beneath a furrowed brow, eventually softens once more and she sighs.
  524. >"If... If that is what you wish." She straightens slightly and says, "The archives will record that you perished here battling Scorpan. Your body was unable to be recovered. It will be a sad time for the Jedi upon my return, for we shall have three funerary pyres: two for them, and one for you, though it will be symbolic in nature."
  525. >She walks towards you, her face full of sorrow yet there is a small glint of hope.
  526. >"I will tell them what you want them to hear. Then I will lead them. But even though you will not be with us, I do not wish for you to be lost in despair."
  527. >She puts her hand on your shoulder again.
  528. >"I know you blame yourself. You are hurt, as I am hurt. But this will not last forever. Do not let your pain rule over you, Anon. Do not let it destroy what you truly are, what you aspire to be. Perhaps you will find a way to balance the Dark Side and the light, but if you let your pain control you, all you will know is suffering."
  529. "Were it so easy."
  530. >"It will never be easy. We will live for the rest of our lives with what has happened here today. But if nothing else, you must remember: there is no death. There is the Force. Our lives are but fleeting things, and we cannot spend them in ruin and regret. The pain is great now, but in time, you will heal. I promise you this."
  531. >You take in her words and listen to them closely, committing them to your heart.
  532. >Her hand squeezes you and pulls you in for another hug.
  533. >As you embrace her, you nod and shut your eyes.
  534. "Thank you," you whisper. "You never failed me as a teacher, Master. You never failed any of them."
  535. >You know she is right, but for now you will live with the pain.
  536. >In a way, Scorpan was right as well---part of the pain will be with you forever.
  537. >This torture he has inflicted upon you cuts more deeply than any he ever engineered upon the torture table, but not all is darkness.
  538. >If you let him and the pain he has given to you cause you to break, he will win.
  539. >Though he has taken so much from you, you know that you mustn't stop, you mustn't break down.
  540. >Still, here in the embrace of Luna, you can't help but let some of it out.
  541. >Several minutes pass as she gently holds onto you before you finally part from her.
  542. >You approach Sunset Shimmer's body and kneel down alongside it, taking in the strangely serene look upon her face.
  543. >It's strange to think about, almost like she truly is at peace now.
  544. >Though you grieve for her loss, the fact that she is no longer bound to this mortal coil, that she is finally free from the burdens of life, is in a way relieving.
  545. >But she is still gone.
  546. >Gently, you tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, just like you used to do, and kiss her forehead.
  547. >As you stand up, you let out a long, painful sigh.
  548. "I guess this is it, then. Goodbye, I mean."
  549. >"For us, and for them," Luna replies softly.
  550. "I wish you good luck when you return to the Jedi. I know that under your leadership, they won't disappear."
  551. >"And to you as well, my apprentice. May the Force be with you."
  552. >For a few seconds, you don't reply, but then you look once more at the discarded mask with your skin still attached, and then at Sunset's body.
  553. "The Force is with me... but she is not."
  554. >You then turn to leave and don't look back, pulling the hood of your tattered robe over your head.
  555. >You leave the hall as Luna returns to tending to Noteworthy.
  556. >In that entrance hall, you leave behind two corpses who died because of your choice, two masters who could not complete your training, a lost soul who idolized you until your betrayal, and your life up until this point.
  557. >Before leaving, you raid the medical bay and take some supplies for your face and other injuries.
  558. >You board your ship and take off, leaving Korriban behind.
  559. >As before, you never look back; there is nothing left for you there.
  560. >You enter in the coordinates to Mestare and then pause immediately afterwards as the first of what is to be a continual loneliness begins to set in.
  561. >As the ship enters hyperspace, you think about how now you have no one to make this journey with.
  562. >Sunset, Coco, Maud, nor any of the Jedi can accompany you.
  563. >To push such thoughts from your mind, you busy yourself with other tasks, such as applying bacta to your face.
  564. >It still stings, and you don't want to look in a mirror, but you must in order to do it properly.
  565. >There is a circle of torn flesh around your face; you can't help but think it looks monstrous.
  566. >Before you use the bacta, you look at yourself for a while and can't help but feel that this face is one you deserve, one that reflects a fraction of the soul beneath it.
  567. >You apply the transparent liquid before any further self-defeating thoughts take hold.
  568. >You grit your teeth and bear the pain that comes from touching the tender flesh, maintaining a calm state.
  569. >In a way, the pain is almost a welcome distraction from what's going on inside.
  570. >After this, you repair your arm.
  571. >You regain functionality of it and can use it freely once more, but some of the internal mechanisms are broken from the lightning.
  572. >For example, the rotating function does not work quite well enough, and the wrist itself is somewhat wonky, twisting too far and not stopping properly when you want it to.
  573. >To compensate, you slide a rubber glove over the arm, a grey one meant to be used in maintenance, but it serves a good purpose of keeping the wrist in place and allowing you better control.
  574. >When both of these things are done, you attempt to meditate.
  575. >But retreating into the recesses of your mind only brings the freshly-dealt blow back to the forefront of your mind, causing you an agony of grief that keeps you from focusing.
  576. >You pound your fists on the walls of the ship, slamming them against the metal, shouting in the dark holds of the vessel.
  577. >There, with the only sound being the engines reverberating through the walls and your own haggard breathing, you curse this fate you find yourself faced with.
  578. >You try to find some solace in Luna's words, that in time you will heal, but time cannot come quickly enough.
  579. >Scorpan was right.
  580. >He, and the pain he has inflicted upon you, will always be with you.
  581. >For now, all you can do is sit in silence and isolation, wallowing in it.
  582. >Eventually, you hear the ship come to a stop; the familiar humming ceases as the ship drops out of hyperspace.
  583. >You open your eyes and crawl back up to the cockpit, forcing yourself into the chair to pilot the ship towards Mestare.
  584. >When you land and lower the exit ramp, you pause at the top for a moment.
  585. 'Why am I here?' you think to yourself.
  586. >Surely you know why, the reasons that led up to this moment, but was it all worth it?
  587. >Each step you take down the ramp is heavy; your legs feel exhausted and your body aches.
  588. >The dull throbbing from your face and head is almost a welcome sensation.
  589. >Mestare, as always, is beautiful.
  590. >But now it has changed, for there are things here now that were not there before.
  591. >Or rather, they were there all along, but you were not allowed to see them.
  592. >Bringing up your eyes, you scan the horizon and take in many fascinating and awe-inspiring sights of temples, towers and ancient structures that rise from forests, valleys and plains.
  593. >One of them even floats in the sky; an octahedron of stone and metal.
  594. >These places of knowledge and worship beg to be explored, to be studied, their secrets learned once more.
  595. >On the wind, echoes of long dead voices seem to beckon at you from afar, urging you to come forth.
  596. >But you cannot muster up the motivation to do so.
  597. >When you look upon these temples, ancient and wondrous though they may be, all you can think about is how you will explore them alone.
  598. >In the end, whatever training you will receive upon this planet will be accompanied by loneliness as your only companion.
  599. >Or so you think.
  600. >For now on the wind you hear something else; a stranger echo with a familiar sensation.
  601. >You aren't certain of what it is until it comes back a little bit stronger.
  602. >It is not words you hear, but the presence of something---or someone---upon this planet.
  603. >Somehow, you know it is Sunset.
  604. >She is not in one particular location, but everywhere at once---a part of the Force.
  605. >You do not know how to speak to her, but something about the echo in the wind leads you to believe that you could learn.
  606. >There are more; Flash, Maud and others.
  607. >With time, and training, you could see them all again.
  608. >You can see her again.
  609. >With renewed vigor, you step away from your ship and begin walking towards the nearest temple.
  610. >Your footsteps do not seem so heavy now.
  611. >Soon enough, you are running, not only to the temple, but towards the future.
  613. 20 years later...
  615. >The Mandalorian Wars have begun in full.
  616. >Ever since the rise of the new Mandalore, who brought the clans together beneath one banner, they have struck out against the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.
  617. >Supreme Chancellor Starlight Glimmer, embroiled in conflict against the Emperor and his armies, has been unable to properly respond to the hard-hitting mandalorian crusaders.
  618. >Sector by sector, they have raided and pillaged, destroying all in their path.
  619. >Republic and Sith alike have fallen or fled before the might of the new Mandalore.
  620. >Innocents, too, have been caught in the crossfire of this crusade, but this is not unintentional.
  621. >Those closest to the Mandalore, advisors and generals, know that the true goal of this crusade is lure out the hidden Jedi Order.
  622. >Atrocities committed by the mandalorians only further this eventual goal; the sacrifices of the innocent will only hasten their return.
  623. >On a small moon, the Mandalore is planning the movement of the fleet through the next several sectors when the perimeter alarm goes off.
  624. >Several squads of supercommandos are sent to see what it could be; anything this close to the Mandalore warrants no lesser response.
  625. >A lone figure approaches the camp and is told to halt.
  626. >He doesn't.
  627. >They attack, and before anyone can know what's happened, they are defeated.
  628. >Bodies hurled through the air, vehicles crushed, weapons shattered.
  629. >And in the midst of it all, the lone figure continues to approach with no weapon drawn.
  630. >His point made, the Mandalore marches out to meet this man face-to-face, flanked by several guards.
  631. >Around them, the remaining soldiers continue to aim at him, but do not fire.
  632. >The Mandalore looks upon this cloaked figure, who wears a mask upon his face.
  633. >The leader of the mandalorians asks but one question. "Be you Sith, or Jedi?"
  634. "Neither. Light, dark---I'm in the middle. I am grey."
  635. >"Then why are you here?"
  636. "You are looking for the Jedi. So am I. I think we can help each other. as old friends."
  637. >"Who are you?"
  638. >He reaches up and removes his hood, and then his mask.
  639. >The Mandalore looks upon this man; his scarred face, his white eyes, his mechanical arm.
  640. >She knows who he is and is stunned.
  641. >Slowly, wordlessly, she reaches up and takes off her own helmet.
  642. >The man smiles.
  643. "It's good to see you, Coco. It's been a while."
  645. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
  646. There is no fear; there is power.
  647. I am the heart of the Force.
  648. I am the revealing fire of light.
  649. I am the mystery of darkness
  650. In balance with chaos and harmony,
  651. Immortal in the Force.
  653. THE END
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