

Oct 26th, 2019
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  1. % ok while Eri already tried to talk with you, please hear my own stance
  2. % nobody is happy with your rampage leaving and I refuse to accept it
  3. % nobody is satisfied with losing you as a compagnion and a friend
  4. % nobody is satisfied with you suddenly turning into a sort of traitor for the time being
  5. % we basically mourn the loss
  6. % Eri surely told you his grievances about your behaviour but I will tell them again, independently
  7. % I noticed them even before he voiced them, I just never thought that it would end this badly
  8. % the first and most important one was you feeling called to control the whole development process towards your ideals, almost acting as his supervisor and parent
  9. % the conflicts had great resemblance to a common parent-child-conflict, and seriously, Eri owns his work
  10. % you know Eri decided to change and no longer be an obsessed perfectionist
  11. % and you know yourself that Eri being a perfectionist was the core of so many earlier troubles
  12. % and yet you had the guts to forbid him and direct his mindset, for what vain purpose?
  13. % there were still enough other people to judge, if that was your worry
  14. % I don't even need to go into detail about the unhealthy, pseudo-academic and narcisstic codehaus culture
  15. % you know it yourself, you criticized it yourself
  16. % but ironically, you've been the exact same to Eri, just Eri out of all people, who's already been affected the worst by it
  17. % this is a dead-safe fact, I already told you after your all-caps rage in the mka channel
  18. % I've been watching the Novaverse Part 1 teaser again
  19. % and I think, heck, why did people feel called to tear it down this much
  20. % who called them to be such inquisitory judges
  21. % honest question, have you only been a friend of Eri's works to begin with?
  22. % can you just REMOTELY imagine what an incredible emotional burden he has? % what he has to bear this week, first being attacked by his stepfather, then your breakup?
  23. % by the way, this was also followed by problems with Inferno
  24. % he campaigned really hard to become server owner and when we told him that he's too unstable and untrustworthy, he also started to rage and said nonsense things like "I want to quit" and "joining this was the mistake of my life"
  25. % seems like both him and you were only willing to join as long as your standards count and as long as you're not being objected
  26. % you don't even imagine what you've done to Eri
  27. % I don't want to put you against the wall for this
  28. % I want you to reflect and understand
  29. % It's already stressful enough for me to deal with it while facing uncertainties regarding my real life and needing to organize them etc
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