
chess strats

Aug 21st, 2020 (edited)
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  1. be aware of positional threats
  2. chip away at the center with pawns of your opponent
  3. ask how your op will counter or respond to ur threats before you move
  4. ask what is opp trying to do, calculate if worth attention
  5. avoid passive defensives
  6. seek counter play instead of defending
  7. break down pawn structures
  8. if you must retreat, do so where you can form a pin
  9. get enemys out of your territory. trade off if you must.
  10. pin opps pieces that can be used for further advancement
  11. pin Q/K and take whatever piece was being defended that might unpin if you take.
  12. sac so queen takes, but then see if you can pin as a result of sacking (sac a knight or rook and pin queen with protected bishop)
  13. sac for a pawn, but then see if piece was defending something else that it is not anymore that you can then take (diversion)
  14. sac, but then fork after new position from taking your piece
  15. seek in-between moves if you can still execute original plan anyways
  16. overload minor piece defense near backranks
  17. if stale play, wait patiently for your opp to make a mistake and improve your defense/pawn structure
  18. passive moves: doubling up on rooks
  19. passive moves: avoiding checks by moving king so you can free up other pieces protecting that square
  20. passive moves: sometimes your position is so stale you have to wait for opp to make a mistake, so you make a move that improves your position little by little
  21. if you cant overload try focusing on a defender
  22. if a piece is trapped, you don't have to take it right away, try to improve further your position until the trapped piece can get away.
  23. look 2 moves ahead if you can mate and sack/abandon some pieces in the process to make opp think hes winning (kasparov style)
  24. analyze weak points made from opps next move
  25. ignore and push, calculate if you can get away with it for a better exchange or m8
  26. move your piece to a mate in 1 position ignoring any advanced threats opp made
  27. always make a move with tempo, instead of retreating/defending.
  28. develop pieces bring them all in enemy territory with pawn protection
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