

Mar 19th, 2018
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  1. On the first floor of the library is a shop called “The Printers Row” which has a carved wood sign of two workers arguing over an antique press. The Printer’s Row is a print on demand printers and artisanal bookbindery, it’s the source of a lot of the posters which plaster the signposts in the area. It’s a local hot spot for public debate on politics, and yes they do pamphlets on so many positions, including ones of historical note, it could boggle the mind.
  2. On the other side of the first floor is the tool library/maker shop called “Social Fabrik” which a lot of people in the community belong to. It’s almost always open and has a few people in it. It has 3d printers and CnC mills for making things.
  3. The Library proper starts on the second floor, and continues through the fifth. It’s got large areas of wooden shelves with those brass and iron rolly ladders, computer arrays running mostly ubuntu. The auto reshelving system lives behind the shelves and restores the spines to an even row. The children’s section has toys, and it’s soundproofing is enhanced to only not block cries of distress. The Study area has cunning acoustics to prevent noise from spilling out. Throughout the library are nooks which are noted as having better cell reception, via repeater, where the acoustics doesn’t cause the noise to spread. There’s a few small auditoriums for events, movies, games, public forums, or even actual classes on topics which are regularly hosted. These are shoved into the floors to create a larger amount of neat little nooks and passages, and to break up noise into white noise naturally. Art by local artists adorns the walls and pedestals at the center of overstuffed chairs. The lighting is dimmed and colored by irregular if imaginative stained glass covers.
  4. The Private, and Historical Collections and Archives are on the sixth and seventh floors. These are just as well ornamented in wood, but tend to plainer lighting options. There’s an archivist who is very slowly scanning and indexing the books, who can retrieve and prioritize a book if you need one.
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