

Dec 12th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Door specifications:
  2. Order of door: &
  3. Basic info:
  5. UL 8 Equivalent / FB6 Ballistic Standard Bulletproof: Designed to withstand fire from rifles including automatic weapons (.223, 7.62x39, etc.)
  7. Standard Features
  9. Door is 3.5" thick, 14 gauge galvanized steel
  11. Frame is 4.5" thick, 14 gauge galvanized steel
  13. 9+ security cylinders around full perimeter of the door
  15. Frame secured to wall using 16 protected anchors
  18. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. Dec 13, 2020 01:26:50 Player /me Rico Evans reopens the door, checking it opens and closes before using the new keys to test the motorised lock.
  22. Dec 13, 2020 01:23:36 Player /me Rico Evans pushes the trim pieces together to tighten them a little more before drilling a 1/16 hole down through the top of the header, hammering a nail in place.
  23. Dec 13, 2020 01:22:39 Player /me Rico Evans grabs a stool as he picks up the drill, standing on the stool to reach the top part of the door, placing the top trim on as he then attaches it using screws, ensuring its firmly fixed in place.
  24. Dec 13, 2020 01:22:04 Player /me Rico Evans takes out some 6d nails as he uses them on the outside part of the trim, securing it in place.
  25. Dec 13, 2020 01:21:44 Player /me Rico Evans waits for the insulation to drive before placing the new trim around the door, positioning it in place around the door frame before using a finisher nail to secure the trim, using 3.8cm nails on the inside part of the trim.
  26. Dec 13, 2020 01:20:33 Player /me Rico Evans adjusts a couple of the shims that are sticking out the door frame before filling the gaps around the door frame with fiberglass insulation spay.
  27. Dec 13, 2020 01:20:06 Player /me Rico Evans double checks the spacing around the door frame, nodding to himself as he then opens and closes the door a couple of times to make sure it is working properly.
  28. Dec 13, 2020 01:19:39 Player /me Rico Evans uses the drill to drive screws through the frame into the shims, checking they are firmly secure.
  29. Dec 13, 2020 01:19:27 Player /me Rico Evans ensures the screw is in properly before drilling in the other screws for each hinge, ensuring they are fully in place as he then on the opposite side which is the lock side, inserts wood shims at the top and bottom of the new frame.
  30. Dec 13, 2020 01:18:39 Player /me Rico Evans takes out his drill once more, inserting a cross head drill piece into it as he then lines the first screw into the hole of the top door hinge, using the drill to drive the screw into the wood shims in the gaps.
  31. Dec 13, 2020 01:16:17 Player /me Rico Evans places wood shims to adjust the new door frame in order for it to be square and flush at the opening, inserting the shims between the door and rough frame as each hinge location.
  32. Dec 13, 2020 01:15:47 Player /me Rico Evans applies caulk to the underside of the door's sill, placing it down firmly in order to make the sill waterproof, hammering in a nail carefully to secure it down.
  33. Dec 13, 2020 01:15:10 Player /me Rico Evans tests it a few times to ensure the measurements are correct.
  34. Dec 13, 2020 01:15:01 Player /me Rico Evans takes out his tape measure once more as he measures the new door from the bottom of its sill to the bottom of the door, then measuring the height of the interior flooring to make sure when the door is open it will not hit the flooring.
  35. Dec 13, 2020 01:14:23 Player /me Rico Evans levels the sill, to make sure it's level and square in order for the door to be flush.
  36. Dec 13, 2020 01:13:41 Player /me Rico Evans uses a knife to remove the packaging tape on the new door, as he then lifts it up with a brief grunt, sliding the door and molding into the existing space as he checks that the door fits properly.
  37. Dec 13, 2020 01:12:51 Player /me Rico Evans nods to himself, marking out with a pencil on where the new hinges will go.
  38. Dec 13, 2020 01:12:35 Player /me Rico Evans crouches down as he takes out a tape measure from his bag of tools, sliding the top bit out as he measures the frame of the door, checking the new one will fit.
  39. Dec 13, 2020 01:11:05 Player /me Rico Evans sets the drill away, removing the head as he places it back into the case, shutting it and moving it out of the way.
  40. Dec 13, 2020 01:10:29 Player /me Rico Evans removes the door as he sets it to one side, grunting slightly from the weight of it.
  41. Dec 13, 2020 01:10:11 Player /me Rico Evans runs his hands along the frames, removing any wood shims that are wedged between the frames.
  42. Dec 13, 2020 01:09:57 Player /me Rico Evans sets the hinges away as he then uses a hammer to remove the nails that attach the rough frame of the houseto the door frame
  43. Dec 13, 2020 01:09:28 Player /me Rico Evans uses the drill to remove the metal hinges from the door, using the drill in smooth bursts in order for the hinges to come off cleanly.
  44. Dec 13, 2020 01:08:16 Player /me Rico Evans opens up his drill set, as he connects a small head to the drill, twisting it in place.
  45. Dec 13, 2020 01:07:15 Player /me Rico Evans takes out a screwdriver as he undo's the screws holding the metal hinges of the door, using an anti clockwise motion until the screws are undone, pocketing the screws.
  46. Dec 13, 2020 01:06:20 Player /me Rico Evans removes the trim completely as he places it out of the way before using his knife once more to remove any old caulk left over.
  47. Dec 13, 2020 01:05:49 Player /me Rico Evans takes a pry bar as he slides the edge of it under the trim near the nail, gently pulling back one piece of the trim at a time, taking care not to damage the door jamb and the walls.
  48. Dec 13, 2020 01:05:19 Player /me Rico Evans carefully uses the knife all around the trim, before sliding the blade away and putting the utility knife in his back pocket.
  49. Dec 13, 2020 01:04:48 Player /me Rico Evans pushes the switch on the knife forward to bring out the blade as he then uses the knifes blade under the outside edge of the trim of the door, using it to cut through the caulking.
  50. Dec 13, 2020 01:03:55 Player /me Rico Evans sets the toolkit down by the front door as he puts on a pair of working gloves, taking out a utility knife from the bag of tools.
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