
Muvluv TE Impression

Nov 23rd, 2019
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  1. I have mixed impression regarding this VN. I absolutely enjoyed this VN, but in the other hand, this VN is also plagued with quite a lot of flaws.
  3. First of all, let's talk about the plot. TE is a linear VN, so there's no route system or multiple endings. Just like any other muv-luvs, the story is composed of several episode. The plot quality itself is...ok-ish. The first half is good, but the second half is..quite meh. It could have a lot of potential to be really good, but it suffer from too sudden development, things being unsettled or isn't settled properly, and other bad writings. There's also a problem with the story focus. I feel like the story of TE didn't actually have plot focus or main plot until the late episodes. And because of that, it feels too rushed, with a lot of things are not taken up properly, and some of it were feels forced.
  5. Great atmosphere, and for world building and settings, you needn't to ask anymore. It's muv-luv series, which in itself already have a solid and fascinating worldbuilding and settings. The settings is rather fresh for a Muv-luv, since TE is set in the region untouched by BETA, and it's involving TSF development project. Sometimes it feels like a sport theme with the TSF development competition rather than in post-apocalyptic survival against some weird alien. So, don't expect a lot of actions against BETA.
  7. For writing, just like any other Muv-luv VNs, there are no actual prose presented in this VN. If there's any, it's largely the character's inner mind that serve as exposition or monolouge. Which makes muv-luv so unique because it still managed in the boundary of novelgame with that inner mind depiction while having semi-cinematic presentation that dismiss the narration. So again, there's not much to be talked about.
  9. For the characters, I'd say this is the best aspect from this VN. The characters is fun, engaging, and fascinating. Though anyone except Yuuya and Yui lack character depth, they are still pretty interesting. The character interaction is fun, and every characters always have good amount of screentime. A lot of characters have fair amount of role and influence in the story, and toward Yuuya, with some have a really strong influence or strong but subtle one. And as this VN emphasize romance, I'd say the romance is quite decent, but could be better. The romantic relationship, especially the triangle love relationship between Yuuya, Yui, and Cryska is mostly fun and interesting. The heroine is always progressing with their feelings, but sadly, our protag is a donkan one. The romance would only getting serious in the late episodes, albeit the relationship development is a bit too rushed as a consequences of the plot. The character development is excellent, but it's only happened on Yuuya. Yuuya really grow throughout the story. He went from a racist douchebag to a solid and fascinating character. And I really liked how his personality is changed throughout the story.
  11. For the Art, it's really good. Being Muv-luv series mean that you're offered with unique semi-cinematic presentation, but still in the boundary of a novelgame. The mech design is really cool and the character design are impressive.For the character design, it's drawn by Iizuki Tasuku, so yeah it's amazing. Expect some superb quality heroine design :^)
  12. However, I feel like the CG are being inconsistent with the quality; some feels like an old CG that is probably adapted from the discontinued LN illustration, and some feels like a newly drawn CG. Eitherway I still loved it.
  14. The music are great. A lot of amazing insert song such as No Place Like a Stage, or Snow Maiden. The music really plays right to make the scene emotional. The OP and ED is excellent as well.
  16. Overall, Total Eclipse has many flaws, and I'm quite disappointed by the ending. However, the characters truly help make this VN memorable to me, or at least the characters, and I absolutely enjoyed it.
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