
FoE RPG G0 - #038 Nnoto Village: Airhead Science

Nov 25th, 2013
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  1. [19:51]? Royal_Lace Leaves her large spell tome out and starts making mental calculations and alterations to the ideas swiming through her head, pulling another smaller book from her bag she props it open on top of the spell book and begins to reads it.
  2. [20:10]? Royal_Lace grins and grabs a spare peice of paper before rendering a crude drawing of her general idea. Levetating her books away she trots out of the hut to look for help with her plans and ideas!
  3. [20:13]? Ignis is incoscipiouslly lounging in a hammock, in some awkward position [at least, in some quadrupedal's perspective], mildly asleep in some light nap, idly scratching his belly while his mouth mumbles lowly some incoherent words and giggles faintly.
  4. [20:15]? Royal_Lace spots the dragon, smiling she trots over. "Of course, Mr. Ignis can assist me!". Beaming as she makes her way over she gingerly taps the young dragon on the sholder, "Pardon me Ignis, but if I could trouble you for the breifest moment of your time?"
  5. [20:17]? Ignis mumble-grumbles, spying underneath the border of the hammock with his tiredy eyes, moving a claw to rub his eyes. " still awake?" He yawns,spreading his arms. "What's this about?" His eyes open and close in rapid sucession as he gets used to the light levels. "Get me into the loop of...well, whatever you're all hyped about."
  6. [20:21]? Royal_Lace smiles "Yes I am still awake, I was helping to guard our -er- Guests? Yes, well in any case I also happened to be working on a side project of my own which has finally come to a rather sudden and thankfully succsessful conclusion which will allow for the exicution of the primary testing of core concepts for yet another project!!!"
  7. [20:21]? Royal_Lace her voice seems to pick up more and more steam as she speeds up, concluding her long winded speach at recod speeds and a wide grin.
  8. [20:23]? Ignis headtilts. "Still, what exactly is it about? what is its intent, exactly?" His voice tone grows more grave, he wants answers. "It doesn't have to do with magic...or spirits...or stars...or stablefolks...or deranged assholes...or bunnies...right?"
  9. [20:24]? Royal_Lace opens her muzzle to answer but then quirks a brow, "Wait... bunnies?"
  10. [20:25]? Ignis waves off with a claw, looking off. "Forget about it..." He turns back to the unicorn. "So...what this project of yours is about?"
  11. [20:26]? Royal_Lace Levitates out her magic book and shakes her head, "Oh, sorry, of course. Well do you remember my cloud walk spell?"
  12. [20:28]? Ignis nodsnods. "Yep, what about it?"
  13. [20:30]? Royal_Lace grins as she explains, "Well by the standards of the day for when this tome was written it was considered a very weak spell, reasearching it further though I found out that it was never developed past that point! I have been spending the past few days doing just that and belive I have created a spell form that would hold the same effects over a greater surface!"
  14. [20:31]? Ignis idly "draws" on the air with his fingertips, not quite sure where Lace was trying to go to. "And that would benefit us by...?"
  15. [20:34]? Royal_Lace chuckles, "Well in and off itself nothing, but with a bit of assistance from what you may consider a more practical application of technology". Lace then levetates out a Mechanics book tittled 'World of Cogs', "And I hope to one day be able to creat a craft that could reliably fly us around"
  16. [20:36]? Ignis widens his eyes. "Lace, you seriously want to take a leap from a spell of cloudwalking to actual flying? Shouldn't you be researching a new spell instead of trying to milk this one for all its worth, then?" He blinks. "I'm by no means an expert, seems that cloudwalking has certain constraints that disallow flying, hence the reason why its a distinct spell from actual flying."
  17. [20:39]? Royal_Lace rolls her eyes as she tucks her books away and pulls out a scrap of loose paper with a drawing on it, "Of course that will necisitate more reasearch but that is why it is a long term goal. In the mean time however I need to test out some basic proof of concept designes wich will aid in the eventual creation of such a device"
  18. [20:39]? Royal_Lace smiles, "But your concerns are appreicated Ignis, here take a look at this"
  19. [20:40]? Ignis raises an eyebrow, gazing at Lace for a good five minutes with a balnk expression before nodding slowly. "Alright, just tell me how high I should jump."
  20. [20:41]? Ignis examines the paper
  21. [20:42]? Royal_Lace giggles and hold the paper out for him to take, "Such a jester Ignis, but in all seriousness I could use some help with this idea of mine. If you could take a look and make some suggestions? I should warn you though, Im not a very talented artist"
  22. [20:42]<Royal_Lace> the paper is a very crude drawing which seems to be a Pony... attatched to large balloon with a cloud in it.... with a small fan for propulsion
  23. [20:43]? Ignis delicatedly takes the paper off her magic field and examines Lace's artworkry
  24. [20:44]? Royal_Lace kicks the dirt with her hooves, aware at her lack of talent with art, "Its basic I know, but the principle seems sound and I think its perfectly safe to test on small scale"
  25. [20:46]? Ignis scratches his head. "So...the fan moves the pony around, while the ball..." His voice cuts off as he gazes at the picture, the dragon's claws tremble as he keeps staring at it no matter what, deeply... "That long ago..." He mumbles, as some tears stream down his face.
  26. [20:47]? Royal_Lace blinks, steping forward at the sudden and unexpected waterworks, "Ummm, Mr. Ignis? Are you quite alright?"
  27. [20:48]? Ignis tumbles down and shakes off his torpor, supporting himself to get a hold of himself. "Oh, yes....yes..." He runs a claw over his face. "Just...some old silly memories,sorry about that..." He grins, taking a deep breath and allowing himself a moment to rest.
  28. [20:49]? Royal_Lace takes the paper back with her magic, "Are you quite sure? You seemed quite distressed... I could come back if you need a moment, or maybe Find Miss Green for you?"
  29. [20:50]? Ignis takes some more breath and nods., disregarding his outburst or Lace's advice...what was once, was already. "It could, If I get it...a fan for moving around and the cloud for changing heights."
  30. [20:52]? Royal_Lace resists prying farther into the dragons personal ordeals, "Yes well the idea is that the balloon could contain the cloud better so that one dose not experiance the same problem we did where it broke apart on us. The Fan is for propulsion... though I had not thought about controling altitude, maybe we could incorporate some way to vent cloud and some balasts to aid in that?"
  31. [20:54]? Ignis nods. "The weak point would be the cloud reservoir, plus, the cloud into it is finite...if one runs out, he is in for a hard fall." The dragon says. "Also, how do you plan to attach somepony to it?"
  32. [20:57]? Royal_Lace taps her chin, a small smile returning to her muzzle. "My first thought is a harness of some sort, I doubt it would have to be very complex in design. As for your concerns they are all valid but keep in mind this is just an experiment to proove the effectivness of the balloon system and the spell. Im not looking for optimum fuctionality, just something that works"
  33. [21:02]? Ignis hums. "You should account for one's weight and their gear as well for each could work..." He says. "And...since you mentioned cloudwalking before, don't suppose you could enchant footwear with it? Seems more logical than casting it over a group several times." He smirks
  34. [21:03]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Actually I had considered looking into that, but its currently in line with some other research projects. Thank you for taking the time to help me with this by the way, speaking with somebeing ells is always helpful to get ones ideas in order".
  35. [21:04]? Ignis nods. "Yes, yes...say, you were talking about building a working prototype?"
  36. [21:06]? Royal_Lace smiles and turns the paper over to the clean side, "Yes, I intend to. But first we need a working Blueprint! Are there any changes you could suggest before we start? Im still a bit concerned with the choice of a fan in my original design"
  37. [21:09]<Ignis> taps his chin a few times. "How do you intend to power it? Which material will house the clouds?Maybe..." The dragon squints his eyes. "We could set the thing to make clouds for itself? With the right ammount of water, temperature and light conditions, it might generate it...still, I wonder if its efficient enough..." He gives a few nods. "Do you plan to just have it with a fan and a baloon-thingey? No other add-ons, Lace? You should really talk to Firefly to consider the aerodynamics of it."
  38. [21:14]? Royal_Lace shrugs, "Well belive it or not this is my first adventure into the world of aronautics Ignis and I hoped to keep this early version very simple and straight forward to work out kinks and inspire the next designe. As for Cloud creation I am well and sure that is far beyond my abilities just yet"
  39. [21:17]? Royal_Lace continues, "As for power I had considered using a come to life spell but the duration of such a spell is fairly abismal, maybe you could suggest an alternative power source? Some sort of battery?"
  40. [21:18]<Ignis> hurrumps. "Fair enough, there's also something..." He starts. "I'm pretty sure you already get that, air goes up, I tried that one...quite some time ago, was able to lift myself off several party baloons just off my own breath..." The dragon overhears the mare going on. "Come to life? I'm not sure if that would work...or if it would work as tested that spell already? And yeah, batteries would be nice for versatility, though they might be flammable..."
  41. [21:21]? Royal_Lace chuckles, "Again, this is very early prototyping. There are bound to be some issues, I suppose flammablility could be considered as an issue. One that will be worked out in following models to be sure"
  42. [21:23]? Royal_Lace taps her chin, "Actually... flamable, I dont suppose there is some way to possibly make a.... no, that would be a terrible idea, and a whole other project in and of itself. I mean I have some idea of the basic idea of jet or rocket propulsion but I dont think that we should dable with it"
  43. [21:25]? Ignis hears her out, nodding in accord. "So, knowing your resourcefulness, I assume you got one ready...or almost..." His eyes glow as he overhears the last statement. "A jet rocket propulsion set! I would definately throw my caps on whoever would go after something like that, it sound...." He tries hard to find a more appropriate word, but none other seems as fitting as that one. " rad."
  44. [21:27]? Royal_Lace grins, "well maybe we could work on it together for later designs then? I would be willing to give it a try, but I want to see such an engine tested before attatching it to me or a balloon"
  45. [21:28]? Ignis nodsnods excitedly. "Sure, would love to...just tell me how I could be of help whenever you got the basics down, Lace."
  46. [21:29]? Royal_Lace "As for having one ready, not just yet. But I feel that as a, as you put it sir, Resoursful pony I can possibly have the materials gathered very quickly. Of course I will make sure you are the first one aware of any progress in the area of Jet propulsion Ignis!"
  47. [21:30]<Ignis> "Aye, aye..." He giggles. "So, back to the baloons...anything I can do to be of aid?"
  48. [21:31]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Help me design something that wont fall apart the moment I try to gain altitude? I may be inteligent and well versed in magic but this is my first time trying to... well, Invent anything. Any help you could offer would be fantastic"
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