

Apr 17th, 2013
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  1. she gathers a smallish bundle of sticks from the nearby trees, piling them up to make a campfire before tossing her torch onto it, watching as the flame crackles to life.
  2. she lies down in the orange warming glow of the fire, relaxing as she looks into the sky. The stars always seem so beautiful, she wishes it were possible for her to research them as well. She was somewhat saddened by the departure of her friend, but it was unavoidable. He had at least shown her some interesting sights before he left. Though she was still upset that the turtles hadn't been friendlier. She wonders why, but can't think of any reason that isn't rather depressing.
  3. As she lies there, she worries that he might be getting the wrong idea from her joking and travelling with him. Much less giving him ales, what was she thinking!? She doesn't have any romantic interest in him, or any of his kind for that matter. Her interests lie elsewhere, but she has given even that barely any thought lately. She's been far too preoccupied with her adventuring, her research, everything else she has to do.
  4. She realizes that she very well might be using those as excuses, to keep from having to face her more complicated problems. Though she supposes, the fate of the world is a fairly good excuse. She isn't sure if she would even have enough time for her own life even if she wasn't trying desperately to avoid it.
  5. She stirs and sits up, relaxing can't last forever after all. Her fire was dying out any way. She sits closet to the fire and, with the last dim light of it's burning logs, writes out her memories of the day's adventures. Her near perfect recollection the islands of turtles, her thoughts as she was laying here, her earlier exploration in moria, in her research journal.
  6. She has a different section for research on the people of the world, and the section on the world around her of course. And an entirely different, rarely looked at, section on herself. She finishes writing her notes quickly as the fire dies out, and gets up. After gathering a larger pile of larger logs, she piles them into a much longer lasting campfire, lighting it with her flint and steel this time, her torch having burnt out with the previous fire. This one should last all night, at least she hopes as much. After unrolling her sleeping bag from her backpack and laying it next to the fire, she climbs into it. Even warmed by the fire and exhausted from her day's travel as always, she has trouble escaping her thoughts long enough to fall into a restless sleep.
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