
Polishing that Topaz

Apr 1st, 2015
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  1. Maintenance is a very structured job. As a maintenance engineer (in laymen's terms, a repairman), I solve problems. Not problems like "What is beauty?", because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. Nah, I solve practical problems. Finding faults in equipment, maintaining the upkeep of the machines here, that sort of thing. I try to keep things in order best I can, but here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, there's anything but. It's kind of hard to keep a machine in order when it keeps trying to have its way with you. I admit, at first I thought that with such anatomically correct animatronics, it'd be a pretty sweet gig. But half the time it feels like some kind of corrupted wish off a monkey's paw. The robots can get pretty out of hand, always trying to get you to "stuff them". Still don't see why so many animatronics these days have problems regarding an obsession with stuffing things in the first place. Understanding these kinds of things is beyond me though, it's for the eggheads in R&D to deal with. I'm more of a hardware guy anyways.
  3. Anyways, today doesn't seem to be particularly different. I've managed to avoid any lewd liaisons with the animatronics so far. Not for lack of trying on their end or anything. Take the tits with tits (the Chicas) for instance. One had me check the lights in each oven in the kitchen, all the while she prepared pizzas in nothing but an apron with "Let's Titillate!" emblazoned on it. Chica's chicas were formidable, but I managed to persevere somehow. Her "sister" Toy Chica's shenanigans were also equally ridiculous. She had me lube up her joints, making sure she was greased thoroughly before she then started holding incredibly suggestive yoga poses in those tight as fuck hotpants. On top of that, she forced me to watch (and listen) carefully for any problems. God, the noises she made. I'll definitely have to place an order for looser fitting coveralls after my shift is over today. The image of her posing was burned into my mind to the point that I didn't even notice that I had walked into another animatronic's attempt to get stuffed. This one was a mischievous vixen, who would sometimes use her unorthodox frame (practically a mess of wires really) to coil around me, trying to suit me to her needs. Thankfully, she was simply hanging off the ceiling this time. She shifted her frame, allowing for her to get closer, as she exclaimed a greeting to me.
  5. "Oh my, Mr. Valdez, hello! Have you got time for little old me?" the animatronic's fox head cooed in my ear.
  6. "Mangle." I responded, remaining curt. I was still on the clock after all.
  7. "Jeoff." said another voice at around my waist level. I looked down to see it coming from her less refined second head.
  8. "Mangle's other head." I said, again remaining curt. The head was quite clearly staring at my crotch, and seemed to be muttering stuff to it. I knew I was going to regret it, but I found myself asking what the hell it was doing. The response it gave me actually cracked me up, saying that it would converse with *my* other head while the Mangle and I were chatting. I eventually shrugged it off, figuring that as long as it didn't go further than words, there was no harm in it. We ended up talking for only a few minutes anyways. To my surprise, it seemed that the Mangle wasn't actually trying anything this time around. Apparently, one of the kids accidentally got an early sex ed lesson when they found one of her less child-friendly parts and played with it earlier today. I felt both relieved and a little guilty that I felt such, since it came at the expense of a child's innocence.
  10. Finally, I made it back to the Parts & Storage room unmolested. The last thing I had to do today was take inventory of spare parts, along with filling out some paperwork. Easily the most boring part of the job, but at least it was the safest. At least, that's how I thought until I noticed I was hearing music coming from inside the room. "Oh good." I complained, "That fucking bat probably unpacked the NES again." I muttered, as I entered the room. Shutting the door behind me, I flicked the light on.
  12. "Oh my Mr. Repairman, are you here to give me a tune-up?" said an animatronic voice I didn't quite recognize, though it was familiar. Standing in the room was a tall rabbit-like animatronic. It reminded me of Bonnie, but this one had definitely thrown ambiguity out the window what with having curves in all the right places, and a rack that rivaled Chica's. At the same time, it looked incredibly old, and sorely in need of repair. Before I could fully gather my thoughts, the rabbot did a sultry walk towards me and placed her hands on my shoulders. Just like with all the others, personal space was clearly not an issue for this one either. As I felt one of her hands trail down my chest, I heard a strange sound. She continued, saying something about needing my biggest tool for this when something suddenly struck her chest, cutting her off. I found myself staring, partly because it's hard to ignore, and mostly because it looked like what it would look if she used those WMDs on me. Oh man. I can't be slipping now, the shift's almost over. She took notice of my staring and dabbed at the stuff on her chest with a finger before gingerly sucking on it. Then she softly moaned, which did nothing to halt the ever tightening feeling my coveralls had on me. "Mmm, cheese... and pizza sauce? These aren't regulation tools, you naughty boy~" she stated seductively before aggressively attacking my mouth with her tongue.
  14. Huh. She was right, it was cheese and pizza sauce. Wait no, now's not the time for this. I hurriedly broke off her kiss, putting my arms up to try and keep out of kissing distance. "No no, we can't. I'm still on duty, uh..." I began before stopping short, remembering I didn't know this one's designation. The randy rabbot told me I could call her Topaz Bonnie, as she used to shine like one a long time ago. How about that, so she was a Bonnie after all. That explains why the voice was so familiar, as it sounded just like the purple one. I have to admit though, without the staunch professionalism and dry wit, she sounds very different from the Snarkmaster 3000 (I need to remember to thank Mike for telling me about his nickname for it, it's so damned fitting).
  16. While I mused, one of her legs had slipped between mine, her knee being bent and moving, kneading me through my coveralls. It was at this point I realized the size difference here was going to work against me. "Don't be like that." she pouted, as I pushed passed her, trying to ignore her and walk to my desk. It was then I felt her wrap her arms around me and pull me back close to her. One of her hands pawed at my crotch while she breathed in my ear and began speaking those sultry tones some more. "I need you inside me, Mr. Repairman." she said, as I felt her pillows press against my back. "You're so good at your job you must have been able to tell how long it's been since I've been... handled and worked on. Inside and out." she had put emphasis on those last three words and I shuddered as her hand tried to work my shaft through the fabric. I gulped and tried to think of a way out of this, but fuck if it wasn't hard. Like I was. God damn it.
  18. Her hand stopped moving, and it allowed me to notice that she had already unzipped my coveralls all the way down. Then her hand dove back in, getting a much better handle on the situation. I never would have thought those eggheads could have programmed game into an animatronic. She squeezed me tighter, and I heard her recycled breath in my ear again. "Like I said, Mr. Repairman. I want you inside me... all of you. Every part of your body." she said, as the sultry tone in her voice suddenly went away. Before I knew what she meant, she hugged me incredibly tightly as I heard the sound of metal scratching and machinery turning. I then felt a very wet sensation around my body, hearing a squelching noise before being robbed of consciousness.
  20. I awoke to the sounds of someone being incredibly lewd. There were very wet noises I could hear along with moaning that sound like it was right in my ear. As the moaning went on, I realized couldn't move. I also noticed that my vision was fairly impaired, as though I was wearing a mask. I also couldn't speak, in fact, I seemed only able to use my senses and nothing else. It was at this point my vision cleared enough for me to see out the mask better. I was looking at a full-length mirror, but instead of my reflection, I could see Topaz Bonnie instead. She was splayed out on a table, using a spare animatronic arm to pleasure herself. As I watched not knowing how the hell to interpret what was going on, I felt pressure where my crotch should be in time with the animatronic's ministrations. Then it clicked. My God... I was inside of the fucking thing. Then I heard her voice from all sides, confirming my realization. She was using the arm to jack me off while also pleasuring herself in some sick S&M display with me as her unwitting puppet. Her moaning drowned out any protests I tried to make. I couldn't struggle, being helpless, I could only bask in the sensations.
  22. She began pumping faster, and with the amount of times I had been subject to an animatronic's selfish desires, I knew what was coming. But they all had the same flaw, where reaching a climax would momentarily shutdown the unit, which is how I'd usually get away. Whatever hold on me was bound to end when she reached hers. I also found myself internally cursing as I too, began losing it. To be honest I would have thought I'd have lasted longer with the experience I had, but at the same time, I've never had anything like this done to me before. As she reached her crescendo and static started punctuating her voice, I suddenly felt stabbing metal puncture my skin. I tried to cry out, but still I could only feel the pain as metal began grinding and crushing my from every direction. My bones snapped like twigs, and I felt the metal keep going, penetrating into my vital organs. I could only hope that I would lose consciousness before I went mad from the pain.
  24. A few hours later, and I came to. Immediately, I tried to move and I found that I could. I sat up quickly and looked myself over. Flesh, skin, coveralls on and zipped up. Oh thank God, I wasn't in that thing anymore. But what had happened? I could not say. The room was darker than earlier, but I could still make out a figure on the table with me. I immediately recognized it as Topaz Bonnie, and pushed her away from me. She fell to the floor with a clatter, but remained motionless. The lights then turned on, temporarily blinding me. I then heard her voice again, but it was still without the sultry tone.
  25. "I wish you would have told me that you're a bleeder. Cleaning that mess up took awhile." she stated as though I fucked up.
  26. "What happened?" I shouted at her. "And how am I not dead?"
  27. "No, no, you're mistaken. You definitely died. I just took you beyond the threshold, when I took myself beyond the threshold." I felt like I could almost hear a blush behind the last bit of that sentence. My vision finally cleared and I could see the rabbot's endoskeleton standing in front of me. It was her discarded suit that was on the table with me. I closed my eyes and tried to make sense of the situation. So I died? But I'm here. I don't understand. I told her as much, and she grinned a toothy grin. "Oh don't worry about it. The part that matters is that you were a complete success of my latest experiment." then she mused almost as if to herself about she was never able to kick the habit of experimenting on people, and wondered aloud if she ever would. Then I felt my motor functions leave me again as her ocular units flashed a golden colour. Catching me before I fell, she spoke softly in my ear. "I've been in that old dusty suit for so long and I've always hated it. I'm going to have you do something for me. I let you inside me, so now I'll have you return the favour." then she tore off my coveralls and let me look down at myself. There was a zipper embedded into my flesh. As I felt her pull down the zipper, my mind screamed in agony as my skin tore open again, exposing my ribcage and organs. She then pushed her fingers into my eyes as though pressing a pair of buttons. A seam in my throat split open and I felt blood gush out. Tilting my head back she pressed another embedded button and I felt my skeleton decompress, bones bending in ways they were not meant to. Amidst all the pain, I felt it as she began trying to fit herself into me, intending to wear me like a suit. Every fiber of my being was on fire from the pain yet I could not lose consciousness. I could not die, because like she told me earlier, I had already died.
  30. Oh God, please someone kill me. Kill me twice.
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