
Rune Master Feat Proposals

Aug 3rd, 2011
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  1. Hidden Tutor TA, I
  2. Prerequisites: Rune Master, any three out of the following feats: Hidden Teleport, Hidden Disable, Hidden Recover, Hidden Spike, Hidden Curse
  3. Daily
  4. Target: A Prime Unown
  5. Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your WIS modifier. If the total exceeds 15, replace one of the target's instances of Hidden Power with a move that is of the same typing as that Hidden Power according to the guidelines below corresponding to damage roll. Hidden Tutor may not target the same Prime Unown more than three times.
  7. 1d10+10: any at-will frequency move of the type
  8. 1d10+12: any EOT frequency move of the type from TMs 1-95 or any at-will frequency move of the type
  9. 1d12+14: any battle frequency move of the type from TMs 1-95 or any EOT or at-will frequency move of the type
  10. 2d12+16: any center frequency move of the type from TMs 1-95 or any Battle, EOT or at-will frequency move of the type
  12. Hidden Shifting TA, I
  13. Prerequisites: Rune Master, Unown with at least 8 differently typed Hidden Power Moves
  14. Static - Activate Once
  15. Target: A Prime Unown
  16. Effect: Choose one Hidden Power move this Unown knows. The Prime Unown becomes the type of the Hidden Power. This Hidden Power Move may not be targeted by Hidden Tutor in the future. You may take Hidden Shifting up to 3 times.
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