
PxA Chapter 4a

Mar 11th, 2014
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  1. >Your sleep has been troubled by terrible dreams
  2. >Your hands are covered in blood, and you're standing over Pinkamena's body sobbing uncontrollably
  3. >every time you wake up weeping
  4. >Pinkamena's warmth has always been there to comfort you however
  5. >her back hoof draped over the inside of your thigh does a lot to distract you from the terror your subconscious has been inflicting upon you
  6. >very distracting
  7. >but this morning, Pinkamena isn't there as you are awoken by another nightmare
  8. >you stir from bed and collect your discarded clothing
  9. >last night's fresh cuts still sting
  10. >you relish the sensation
  11. >you eventually make your way to the front room
  12. >Pinkamena is moving around the room
  13. >she acknowledges your presence with a nod and a grin
  14. >there is a light rapping at the door
  15. >you move out of sight, but remain within earshot as she moves to answer the door
  16. >"Hey there Pinkie Pie!" a young voice you don't recognize says.
  17. >Why hey there Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo. Anything I can help the Cutie Mark Crusaders with today? Maybe a party?!
  18. >"No, nuthin like that," another voice answers. "We...uh..."
  19. >We were wondering if maybe you knew where my sister Rarity was? We haven't seen her in a few days, and thought maybe you knew where she might be."
  20. >your blood runs cold
  21. >you stir from bed and collect your discarded clothing
  22. >last night's fresh cuts still sting
  23. >you relish the sensation
  24. >you eventually make your way to the front room
  25. >Pinkamena is moving around the room
  26. >she acknowledges your presence with a nod and a grin
  27. >there is a light rapping at the door
  28. >you move out of sight, but remain within earshot as she moves to answer the door
  29. >"Hey there Pinkie Pie!" a young voice you don't recognize says.
  30. >Why hey there Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo. Anything I can help the Cutie Mark Crusaders with today? Maybe a party?!
  31. >"No, nuthin like that," another voice answers. "We...uh..."
  32. >We were wondering if maybe you knew where my sister Rarity was? We haven't seen her in a few days, and thought maybe you knew where she might be."
  33. >your blood runs cold
  34. >"Nope, sorry girls," comes Pinkamena's answer without missing a beat. "If I see her I'll let you know something allright?"
  35. >that mare knew how to think under pressure
  36. >"Allright...well, see you later," the first voice answered dejectedly
  37. >Pinkamena reassured them one last time before sending them off and closing the door behind them
  38. >you let out a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding in
  39. >Pinkamena comes over to where you're sitting
  40. >"Do you think anypony is getting suspicious of us?" you ask nervously.
  41. >"Not yet," she replies, draping her foreleg around your shoulder. "You don't need to worry so much Nonny. I know how to keep us safe."
  42. >you knew she was telling the truth
  43. >still, that guilt over having taken your first life still nagged at you
  44. >you pull her in for a hug, her tongue finding its way into your mouth after several moments of embrace
  45. >everything would be fine, one way or the other
  46. >after several more minutes of making out, Pinkamena pulls away and smiles at you
  47. >"You ready to try again, Nonny?"
  48. >you know exactly what she means
  49. "Yeah Pinkamena, I think it's time. Can't spend the rest of my life moping around here over what happened now can I?"
  50. >"That's the spirit!" she cried, squeezing you one more time. "So...I was thinking..."
  51. >you hang on her every word
  52. >" I think it's Applejack's turn to come have fun with us. What do you think?"
  53. I think that's a splendid idea!
  54. >you agreed most heartily
  55. >Pinkamena always had the best ideas
  56. >Pinkamena had tried several times to get her to come to your home without any luck; claiming she was way too busy with farm work
  57. >after several hours of contemplation, she'd come up with the solution
  58. >you caught AJ one day while she was in town getting supplies
  59. >you made small talk with her, but you knew she didn't really care for you that much. You were just that weird thing that Pinkie had been hanging out with.
  60. >suddenly Pinkamena came rushing to the two of you
  61. >"Nonny! AJ! Come quick! Little Apple Bloom has hurt her leg pretty bad!"
  62. >you see the concern and fear grip AJ
  63. >"Oh no! Ah told that silly lil filly not to be doin' anything dangerous with ponies goin' missin' lately! Where's she at Pinkie!?"
  64. >"She's at my house! Come on, come on!"
  65. "i'll go let the rest of AJ's folks know what me going on!" you add dutifully
  66. >AJ nods, the two of them hurrying off as you smile to yourself
  67. >all according to keikakku
  68. >you snuck back towards the house Pinkamena and you shared
  69. >Pinkamena stood over Applejack's unconscious form as you let yourself in
  70. >you noticed Pinkamena had a few bruises, and the table had been completely overturned
  71. >apparently subduing the farm pony hadn't went as smoothly as the rest of the plan
  72. >a flare of anger surged through you, but you quickly quelled it
  73. >there would be plenty of time to punish AJ for daring to strike at Pinkamena later
  74. >"Oh Nonny! You're here!" Pinkamena grinned, putting her forelegs underneath AJ
  75. >"Help me get her harnessed up will you? I can't wait to get started having FUN with her..."
  76. >the edge in her voice lets you know she wouldn't be forgetting those bruises any time soon either
  77. >you nod happily, taking your share of the burden of AJ's limp body
  78. >Oh yes, this was going to be quite fun indeed
  79. >the two of you wait by the bedside for your acquisition to awaken
  80. >AJ sees you first as she groggily takes in her new surroundings
  81. >"You!" she snaps harshly. "Ah dunno whatchu've been doing to mah friend Pinkie Pie, but when Ah get outta here I'm gonna buck the teeth outta the back of yer head! Ya hear me?!"
  82. >Pinkamena shakes her head disapprovingly
  83. >"Silly little think Nonny made me do this? You poor little filly."
  84. >she drags her hoof along AJ's thigh, which causes a look of disgust to worm onto AJ's face
  85. >"Nonono...I know exactly what I'm doing..." she leaned down close to AJ's face. "And we're gonna have all sorts of fun together. Just you wait."
  86. >AJ returns her gaze defiantly, and fires a load of saliva directly into Pinkamena's face
  87. >rage swelled inside you, but Pinkamena stopped your movements with an outstretched hoof
  88. "It's okay Nonny..." she said cooly. "She's just a little confused is all. That's okay."
  89. >Pinkamena slowly brandishes her trusty knife
  90. >AJ's eyes go wide with fear, her defiance quickly fading
  91. >"She just needs to learn how things are here..."
  92. >Pinkamena cut the ties that usually held AJ's mane and tail bound together, the hair falling free
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