

Jan 24th, 2017
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!--
  3. For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit
  5. -->
  6. <configuration>
  7. <configSections>
  8. <section name="entityFramework" type="System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFrameworkSection, EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />
  9. <!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit -->
  10. </configSections>
  11. <connectionStrings>
  12. <!--
  14. <add name="VETtrakDatabase" providerName="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" connectionString="Database=E:\VETtrak\Data\VETtrak.gdb;DataSource=;User=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey;Port=3050;" />
  15. -->
  16. <!--
  18. <add name="VETtrakDatabase" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=DB;Integrated Security=true;" />
  19. -->
  20. <add name="VETtrakDatabase" providerName="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" connectionString="Database=E:\VETtrak\Data\VETtrak.gdb;DataSource=;User=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey;Port=3050;" />
  21. </connectionStrings>
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  23. <!--
  24. CompanyName
  25. Shown at the top of each page. Used only for display purposes.
  26. -->
  27. <add key="CompanyName" value="VETtrak Pty Ltd" />
  28. <!--
  29. CompanyPhone
  30. Shown on the login page for users to call if they forget their password.
  31. -->
  32. <add key="CompanyPhone" value="1800 VETTRAK" />
  33. <!--
  34. EnableGoogleMaps
  35. Enables or disables the display of embedded Google Maps.
  36. -->
  37. <add key="EnableGoogleMaps" value="false" />
  38. <!--
  39. NumberOfDashboardClasses
  40. The Trainer Portal dashboard allows trainers to see a list of their upcoming
  41. classes. This setting will configure how many classes the user will be able to
  42. see in the dashboard.
  44. Default: 5
  45. -->
  46. <add key="NumberOfDashboardClasses" value="5" />
  47. <!--
  48. NumberOfDashboardEvents
  49. The Trainer Portal dashboard allows trainers to see a list of their upcoming
  50. events. This setting will configure how many events the user will be able to
  51. see in the dashboard.
  53. Default: 5
  54. -->
  55. <add key="NumberOfDashboardEvents" value="5" />
  56. <!--
  57. NumberOfDashboardMessages
  58. The Student Portal dashboard allows students to see a list of the messages
  59. they have been sent. This setting will configure how many messages the user
  60. will be able to see in the dashboard.
  62. Default: 5
  63. -->
  64. <!--
  65. Session time out value in minutes for an active VETtrak Session
  66. -->
  67. <add key="SessionTimeout" value="30" />
  68. <!--
  69. GoogleMapsApiKey
  70. The API key to be used when displaying embedded Google Maps. Ignored if `EnableGoogleMaps` is false.
  71. -->
  72. <add key="GoogleMapsApiKey" value="" />
  73. <!--
  74. EnableDatabaseEndpoint
  75. Enables or disables the `~/json/about/database` endpoint, which can be useful for troubleshooting.
  76. -->
  77. <add key="EnableDatabaseEndpoint" value="false" />
  78. <!--
  79. PermissionCacheTtl
  80. Permissions are cached in memory, this controls how long they are cached for (in minutes).
  81. -->
  82. <add key="PermissionCacheTtl" value="5" />
  83. <!--
  84. CacheTtl
  85. Various other items are cached in memory, this controls how long they are cached for (in minutes).
  86. -->
  87. <add key="CacheTtl" value="5" />
  88. <!--
  89. SecurityItemsCacheTtl
  90. The items viewable by a particular user are cached in memory, this controls how long they are cached for (in minutes).
  91. -->
  92. <add key="SecurityItemsCacheTtl" value="5" />
  93. <!--
  94. SmsTopUpUrl
  95. The URL to send users to for SMS top-ups.
  96. -->
  97. <add key="SmsTopUpUrl" value="" />
  98. <!--
  99. ExternalLinkUrl
  100. The URL for the `external link` menu item.
  101. -->
  102. <add key="ExternalLinkUrl" value="" />
  103. <!--
  104. ExternalLinkName
  105. The name for the `external link` menu item.
  106. -->
  107. <add key="ExternalLinkName" value="" />
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  202. </assemblyBinding>
  203. </runtime>
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  208. </basicHttpBinding>
  209. </bindings>
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  234. <entityFramework>
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  240. </entityFramework>
  241. <>
  242. <DbProviderFactories>
  243. <remove invariant="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" />
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  245. </DbProviderFactories>
  246. </>
  247. </configuration>
  248. <!--ProjectGuid: 5C3AE4C8-8381-4A55-816A-1F5F2E101770-->
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