

May 16th, 2018
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  1. **Connor Davis slings his AN94
  2. Connor Davis says "Errr... You Vlad?"
  3. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Yep."
  4. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "How goes it, Connor?"
  5. Connor Davis says "Pretty good."
  6. Connor Davis says "Well, came to see what you specialsed in. Suits, or Weaponry?"
  7. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "I do everything, but mostly simple things."
  8. Connor Davis says "Fair enough. You capable of modifying my Eagle?"
  9. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Only basic stuff like giving it a different camo type."
  10. Connor Davis says "Shame. Needed some Psi protection and a repair."
  11. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Maybe one day when I don't have my shop open for exactly one day."
  12. Connor Davis says "You capable of slapping a silencer on this?"
  13. **Connor Davis gestures to the USP on his belt.
  14. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Definitely, it needs a threading though."
  15. Connor Davis says "Already the threaded barrel"
  16. **Connor Davis slowly takes it out, making obvious he's handing it over rather than being violent, and lays it on the desk.
  17. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Just gonna quickly imagine what to charge you for it."
  18. Connor Davis says "Fair enough, just remember I look expensive, but I'm skint beyond imagination."
  19. Connor Davis says "Bought if off of Marqas specifically with a threaded barrel before I found out the fucker was a bandit leader."
  20. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Ah!"
  21. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Well in that case."
  22. [PAC3] Transmitting outfit (12.08 KB)
  23. [PAC3] Your part my outfit has been applied.
  24. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Well, lucky day for you, 5000 for the suppressor."
  25. Connor Davis says "Shit man, is that because I help Duty from time to time, or is it serious that cheap?"
  26. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy collected the handgun off the table. "I don't really need any money, so I might as well do it for PR."
  27. Connor Davis says "You sure man? I do HAVE money, I don't expect free services man"
  28. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Don't worry, I am getting profit on top of base price, it's just not outrageous profit like Dio."
  29. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy withdrew the magazine out of the handgun and settled it on the table, locking the slide back afterwards.
  30. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "It's actually a good choice, USP-45. No need to fuck around with special ammo when you use a suppressor."
  31. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "I use 1911 for same purpose."
  32. Connor Davis says "Fair enough. Guess I owe you. When you decide you need bigger or better tools, gimme a call. We'll call it favor for favor."
  33. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy knelt down for a moment to rummage through the stack of boxes, soon returning with a suppressor packaged in plastic wrap, as well as a small box of caliber converters.
  34. Connor Davis says "Aye, Marqas tried to fob me off with a P220, saying it was cheaper and just as good. Knew there wasn't much difference, but it's so much more reliable as well as theres more in the chamber. By some at least."
  35. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "I'll keep that in mind, for sure."
  36. [LOOC] Connor Davis: You actually heard the USP being fired?
  37. [LOOC] Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy: not on server
  38. [LOOC] Connor Davis: Sounds like a fucking orgasm machine
  39. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "P220, USP, the difference is not that big."
  40. [LOOC] Connor Davis: Beautiful
  41. Connor Davis says "Na, but if I'm going to be out here in the zone, I plan on actually having every advantage I can get, no matter how minimal."
  42. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy unpacked the suppressor and fetched the .45 ACP-caliber converted out of the box. He quickly attached it to the can and secured it tightly before simply slotting the item onto USP's threaded barrel. Seems like it was a quick-detach model.
  43. [LOOC] Connor Davis: I'll fire the pistol OOC for you. It really sounds fucking nice.
  44. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Sometimes having more money is an advantage."
  45. Connor Davis says "Interesting. Guess if I need to go loud, it's just a twist off suppressor?"
  46. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy tugged on the suppressor one last time to make sure it fit well and then slid the handgun across to Connor.
  47. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Sure, although no reason to. .45 doesn't lose in power if fired with suppressor."
  48. **Connor Davis takes the handgun, admiring it, before trying and failing to put it into his holster
  49. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Don't forget to pay me."
  50. [LOOC] Connor Davis: What happened to "Don't need the money, so I'll do it for PR?" XD
  51. [LOOC] Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy: what I meant by that is that I wont overcharge your ass
  52. **Connor Davis rummages through his pockets, looking through several of them before finding the five thousand
  53. [LOOC] Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy: 5k or you're dead.
  54. **Connor Davis slides the rubles across the table
  55. [LOOC] Connor Davis: lol XD
  56. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy quickly scooped them up and hid them away on his person.
  57. You found RUB5000 Rubles.
  58. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Score."
  59. Connor Davis says "Aye, I'd say thats a good profit on you. You able to poke a hole in my holster please?"
  60. Connor Davis says "Gun doesn't fit anymore because the gun is obviously longer now."
  61. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy drew his blade. "As many as you want."
  62. **Connor Davis unclips his holster and puts it on the table.
  63. Connor Davis says "Well, I'd rather you do it than me. I'm more likely to cut myself."
  64. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy pulled the holster closer before he glanced up at Connor. "Should you even handle guns with such lack of dexterity?"
  65. **Connor Davis chuckles and says "Believe it or not, I'm a crack shot. I'm not very good with my hands though unless it's either a gun or I'm stitching someone up. Or skinning something."
  66. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy slid the knife into the fabric over the region where the suppressor would stick out and began to make an incision, opening it just wide enough to accept the added length of the suppressor.
  67. **Connor Davis gestures to his Mosin and says "Killed a Boar from the Watchtower couple nights back. Clean through the eye from near the Church.
  68. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "I thought it all increased your overall manual dexterity."
  69. [LOOC] Connor Davis: Rolled a 100 and a 98 XD
  70. Connor Davis says "Luck obviously played it's part, but it was a damn good shot either way I reckon."
  71. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy produced a sewing kit from and a bit of material from the nearby bag, sewing on a neat border around the opening to prevent it from sliding even more wider under stress. End result is obviously a home-made modification, but just as effective as factory-made produce.
  72. Connor Davis says "Cheers. Thats why I came to you. I'd have just poked a hole and then left it."
  73. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Yeah, can't really do that if you want to keep the holster working for a while."
  74. Connor Davis says "Well, good to know in future. Thanks."
  75. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "If you want, I can add a light or a laser dot for that USP, I think I have some HK-style adapters in here."
  76. Connor Davis says "Hmmm... Gonna pass on that. The USPs iron sights are probably the only iron sights in existance that don't make me vomit when using them. That, and my AN94."
  77. [LOOC] Connor Davis: Btw, still need the gun back XD
  78. [LOOC] Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy: thought I could get away
  79. Connor Davis says "Oh wait no actually, I forgot."
  80. **Connor Davis picks up the gun and turns away from Vlad and turns away, aiming down the sights before sighing and placing the gun back on the table, saying "Red dot as well please... Forgot, the suppressor is going to rise over the iron sights not, meaning I'll be firing blind without the sight."
  81. [LOOC] Connor Davis: Ignore the double turn away
  82. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Ah... Sure! Sure, anything for the customer."
  83. Connor Davis says "Cheers, sorry for the trouble."
  84. Connor Davis says "So how big a hole you shooting through my wallet for this sight?"
  85. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Do you want it to replace your sights or to be a separate mount?"
  86. Connor Davis says "As much as I like my USPs iron sights, their useless when I can't see over it. Replace em if you don't mind."
  87. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "It'll be 11,000 if it's mounted separate, and 7,500 if it's mounted instead of irons."
  88. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "In that case, sure, why not."
  89. Connor Davis says "Phew... Fucking hell that expensive for a gun I barely ever use. Still, every advantage I can get."
  90. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Mhmm, I agree."
  91. [LOOC] Connor Davis: Can't wait for this Fusion thing to go live
  92. **Connor Davis laughs heartily and says "You only agree for the profits!", smiling/
  93. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy pulled the handgun back and pressed onto the slide release button, detaching the slide itself from the rest of the handgun's assembly. "Plus experience."
  94. Connor Davis says "Eh, suppose that would help."
  95. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Sure would, USP is top tier shit, don't see a lot of it."
  96. Connor Davis says "Everyone thinks it's a good idea to rock around with a makerov. If you've been disarmed of your primary weapon, you want a damn fucking good secondary to save your ass after that."
  97. Connor Davis says "Makerov ain't got the stopping power for that."
  98. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy whipped out his multitool and twisted the slide in his hands, insides exposed. He quickly released the rear sight's holding mechanism and settled it aside, leaving it's slot open. "That's why I used to carry Desert Eagle."
  99. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "God I loved that gun, made me look like James Bond villain."
  100. Connor Davis says "What happened to it?"
  101. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy knelt down to his stash of goodies underneath again, searching for a package of minature dokter sight. "My privates were looking at me with jealousy, so I decided to downgrade."
  102. **Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy returned to his workplace and settled the pistol red dot package next to the gun, quickly ripping it open to withdraw the sight from within.
  103. **Connor Davis snickers and says "Yeah. I can see that happening."
  104. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "The benefit of loner life, you can actually have luxury without anyone being upset you're misusing team's funds."
  105. Connor Davis says "Well... I mean, we've still got our own shit. Like Bandits deciding your misusing your funds and allocating some of them for themselves."
  106. **It didn't take him long to attach the red dot in place of the USP's rear-iron, he secured it to the slide and slid it over the gun's barrel, locking it back in place.
  107. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Takes pill-size batteries, you'll have to zero it yourself."
  108. Connor Davis says "Alright then, I somehow doubt I'm engaging anything with this beyond twenty five meters, so I'll range it to that."
  109. **Connor Davis stares at it in confusion, trying to work out how to range it before saying "Errr... How?"
  110. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Just... place it between two rocks, aim it at something like 25 meters away."
  111. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Shoot the gun, make sure it doesnt move too much."
  112. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Then turn on the sight and use adjust buttons until the dot aligns with bullet hole."
  113. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Shoot a few more times to test."
  114. Connor Davis says "Alright, thanks. I'm british, so didn't really get much experience with guns before I moved out here. You learn fast out here though."
  115. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Yeah, I can give you the manual that came with the sight."
  116. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "I usually use it for campfire fuel though."
  117. **Connor Davis looks at the Red Dot, making a mental note to range it later and holsters it."
  118. Connor Davis says "Well, I'm sure I can work it out. Can't be too different from my sight on my Mosin, right?"
  119. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Uhh... it has actual buttons, not knobs."
  120. Connor Davis says "Ah... Well, more or less the same idea right?"
  121. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "I guess. Don't forget to pay me again."
  122. Connor Davis says "Press button, range up. Press other button, range down?"
  123. Connor Davis says "Oh yeah... Ha, I did actually kinda forget that."
  124. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Sure."
  125. **Connor Davis rummages through his pockets, and is clearly not organised with his rubles, taking several rubles from each pocket before directly handing the man 7500 rubles
  126. Connor Davis says "Here you go."
  127. You found RUB7500 Rubles.
  128. Lt. Vlad Vorshevskiy says "Thanks, drop by again."
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