
Chris dies. Everyones mad, Bro.

Feb 5th, 2014
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  1. Brylie: (backed*
  2. Musik: -Dean turned around to keep skating forward as he danced a bit, continuing to sing, ignoring what wes had said- ""I met a girl down at the disco. She said hey, hey, hey yea let's go. I could be your baby, you can be my honey Let's spend time not money. I mix your milk wit my cocoa puff, Milky, milky cocoa, Mix your milk with my cocoa puff, milky, milky riiiiiiight."
  3. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh, shaking her head and covering her ears. "This is the worst case of the pot calling the kettle black, I swear. If you guys are having a contest of who can suck more, no ones winning."-
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Justin returned with a tray of french fries and sodas, setting it down on the table as he looked at Brylie. "What in the world are they doing and how do we make it stop?"-
  5. HoodedVigilante: -Chris speeds back to the skating rink, he gets out of his jeep and quickly walks inside the rink, coming to an instant stop, he looked around for steph, he walks to the edge of the rink clenching his fist, he had a bit of red in his eye as he called out- Steph, i need to talk to you
  6. Brylie: -Brylie closed her eyes, shaking her head. "I have no idea, but I feel a headache coming on." She made her way off the floor, to the table Justin was sitting at. She sat down, looking at Chris as he walked towards Steph.-
  7. Musik: -Dean laughed and turned around, his face went straight as he saw Chris walking over to Steph- " not going to end well..." -He skidded to a stop-
  8. Brylie: -Wes looked at the guy calling to Steph before looking at Dean. "Who is he?"
  9. Alexithymiaa: -She heard the familiar voice, spinning around as she looked directly at Chris, holding up a hand. "No. I'm pretty sure when I punched you and told you not to talk to me, that meant I didn't want to talk to you."-
  10. HoodedVigilante: You got the whole story wrong...please...just give me a minuite...-he put a hand over his ribs where cadence had hit whenever they fought, he lowerd himself hiding the pain- stop being like this
  11. Musik: -Dean cleared his throat before looking to Wes,- "Uh.." -He looked back to Brylie and Justin, then back to Wes.- "Ch..Chris.."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Justin looked up from the fries to where Brylie was looking, spotting Chris talking to Steph. He dropped the handful of fries back down into the basket, sliding out of his chair and quickly skating over to where Dean and Wes stood, skidding to a stop and hooking his thumbs in his front pockets.-
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, turning away from him. "You don't deserve a minute of my time. You can't not ruin ONE night? I can't have one night? I'll be however the fuck I wanna be."-
  14. HoodedVigilante: Sorry i cock blocked you? you let some whore tell her friends a lie and you listened to it....i wouldnt do that to you and deep down you know it, you know it steph, i dont wanna embarrass you or my self...but if thats what it takes..
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She spun around quickly, her arms shooting out across the wall as she pushed at his chest, her legs struggling to keep herself from rolling backwards. "Go fuck yourself, Chris. I'm not doing shit wrong here so stop making it seem like your illicit activities are my fucking problem anymore. Go screw someone else."-
  16. Alexithymiaa: (This is making me dizzy.)
  17. HoodedVigilante: I dont wanna screw anyone steph...i didnt screw anybody. you fucking know it. please....just hear me out..
  18. Brylie: -Brylie made her way over to the rest of the group, hearing what Chris was saying, she laughed, shaking her head.-
  19. Alexithymiaa: (Ahhh. Dot hopped.)
  20. HoodedVigilante: -he heard brylie laugh andhe snapped a look at her- you need to chill, cause i have text messages from you from a while back.
  21. Musik: -Dean slid his hands into his pockets, pressing his lips together, he had a bad feeling about where this whole thing was going-
  22. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, raising her voice. "Don't you think if I knew it I wouldn't want nothing to do with you? Why can't you just leave me alone?" She reached forward, shoving him back again.-
  23. HoodedVigilante: -he backed up a little bit- because i want you steph. i told you i loved you..please
  24. Alexithymiaa: -Justin slid in front of Brylie, rolling over to Chris with his arms set across his chest. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk to Brylie like that. She asked you to leave, so leave."-
  25. HoodedVigilante: Dude...mind your business, im not here to fight so dont go near me...please. dont act all tough guy
  26. Brylie: -Wes took a deep breath, clinching his jaw as he walked towards Chris. "You're Chris? Yes?" He nodded his head once, not thinking twice before his fist met Chris' jaw.-
  27. HoodedVigilante: -chris took the hit and fell on the ground, he looked up at him and whipped his face, slowly getting back up. looking at wes- i just said i wont fight, dont hit me again.
  28. HoodedVigilante: Is this what you want steph? people to beat on me?- he looked past the two looking at steph
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Justin cracked a smile, watching Chris go down hard, not flinching.-
  30. Musik: -Dean watched as Wes walked over there,- "FUCKKK." -He threw the skates off, pulling Brylie and Steph back so they wouldn't get hit int he cross fires, if there were any-
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's eyes flashed as Wes punched Chris, pursing her lips and watching, feeling herself being pulled backward as she tried to wave Dean off. "Stop stop. I'm fine." She looked back over at Chris, rolling her eyes. "I don't need people to beat on you. I can do it just fine myself."-
  32. Brylie: -Brylie frowned as Dean pulled her back, looking at Chris. "Someone should beat you like you did Cadence."
  33. HoodedVigilante: -he nodded- then do it. im right here. none of you where there, you dont know what happened. -he held his arms out- Im right the hell here
  34. Musik: -Dean shook his head putting his hands over his face, rubbing his face- "he's just setting Wesley up for this." -He muttered moving his hands-
  35. Covet has joined the chat
  36. Alexithymiaa: -She took a deep breath, kneeling down to unlace her skates as she pulled her feet out of them, walking across the carpet in her socks steadily toward Chris. She stopped abrupting, pivoting her hips hard as her right leg came up, extending it forward as her foot aimed for his left side towards his ribs, her hands balled into fists and tucked in front of her chest.-
  37. HoodedVigilante: -he let the hit naill him in his ribs as he grunted as he fell down to his knees holding them, he was coughing a bit, but still found some strength to stand up- steph....why..?
  38. Alexithymiaa: -She lowered her foot to the ground, staring down at him as her brow twitched. "Because you clearly don't listen. I don't want to talk to you. I want you to leave me alone."-
  39. HoodedVigilante: Not until you give me a chance....-he stood up straight holding his ribs
  40. Brylie: -Brylie made her way over to Justin, leaning against him. // Wes stood to the side, his hands clenched in a fist.
  41. Covet: [WTF IS UP WITH MY IMVU.....Seriously one c++ error and this whole thing is fuctarded]
  42. Alexithymiaa: -She took a deep breath, her chest heaving as she scowled. "Well you're not getting a chance." She hopped on one foot, switching quickly as her left foot shot up underneath his chin.-
  43. Alexithymiaa: -Justin slid his arm in front of Brylie, rolling her backwards.-
  44. HoodedVigilante: -he looked her in her eyes seing the kick coming, he closed his eyes and took a hit to the chin and fell back on his back, his chin woulda deff been broken from the pressure, he laid on the ground dazed and nearly knocked out, blood was spitting out of his mouth all around his mouth, he laid there arms spread out trying to move, but just couldnt
  45. Brylie: -She leaned herself forward, allowing the breaks on her skates to stop her. "Babe. It's okay." She looked up at him.-
  46. Covet: -Cadence came out of the bathroom from taking the drugs she was prescribed and looked around. She saw that Chris was tehre and just watched as She went to Kick Chris in the face She winced as it connected and it hit her- FUCK FUCK FUCK STEPH....What are you doing....STOP...GUYS SERIOUSLY! -Running over to them she looked at Chris bleeding- got your hit in...can we fucking stop now... -she looked at Steph and the others that were around-
  47. Alexithymiaa: -She dropped her foot to the ground, her fists still balled beneath her chin as she stared down at Chris' bloody mouth. Her eyes shifted to Cadence as she lowered her hands, spinning on the ball of her foot and stalking away towards the arcade.-
  48. Musik: "I was gonna stop her if he woulda be killed..But Cadence he deserved allllll of that." -He said moving his hand around in a circle-
  49. Brylie: Wes' jaw was still locked as he looked at Cadence. "I'm not even sorry I hit him. I'd do it again too."
  50. Covet: -She growled- NO HE FUCKING DOESN'T! He's got anger issues...and hitting him and knocking him out isn't gonna help him with those....WHICH IS WHY I TOLD YOU GUYS THAT I DIDN'T WANT SHIT TO GO DOWN THIS WAY......-she was freaking out and yelling at them. Concerned for Chris, Concerned for them, for herself.- This isn't fixing it....This isn't
  51. HoodedVigilante: -he slowly raised his head up spitting out blood, he rolled over on his stomache and pushed him self up- All you heartless people, dont know what happened, you werent there, you assume- his speech was slurred from his jaw
  52. Brylie: -Brylie looked down at Chris. "Nothing will ever explain why a man hit on a woman. Nothing."
  53. Alexithymiaa: -Justin slid his feet back and forth over the carpet, the wheels rolling as he moved to Cadence, laying his hand on her shoulder. "He'll be fine. What were we supposed to do? Stop her? It's none of our damn business."-
  54. HoodedVigilante: If its none of your business then why did you all get into it- he spit out a pool of blood by their feet
  55. Musik: "You're just lucky she got you..and not Wesley." -He laughed and slid his skates back on- "then..he'd really be out. "-He skated back off onto the rink-
  56. Musik: (you'd* not he'd. -.-)
  57. Alexithymiaa: -He laughed, holding up a hand. "Hey, I'm not the one that hit you. As much as you deserve it."-
  58. Brylie: Wes snarled. "He deserves a hell of a lot more than that."
  59. HoodedVigilante: Then give me what i deserve, cause she hit alot harder then you did- he looked at wes
  60. Alexithymiaa: (Score. -fist pumps- )
  61. Musik: "Oh sweet jesus." -He skated fast back over to where they were- "I really don't think youwanna egg him on chris."
  62. Covet: -she shrugged Justin off her shoulder- Don't touch me....just Don't....-she looked at them all- But it happened to me...and I forgave him...because it was my fault....Why can't you people just fucking accept that. I'm the one who shoved him into MY coffee table, who punched him in the ribs, who cut his face, He was trying to get me to Stop....He tried holding me down...he tried to do it with as little violence as possible...but when I get going....when I get going...There is little that will stop me. Nobody is hitting anyone anymore. -she looked at Chris and the rest of them-
  63. HoodedVigilante: And i saw hers coming, yours was a cheap shot, those are suposed to be harder
  64. Alexithymiaa: (For the record, everyone should try the moon bounce. It's hilarious.)
  66. Covet: [This is not how normal people move.....]
  67. Alexithymiaa: (Yeahhhhhhhhh I dont know. This is why it's hilarious.)
  68. Brylie: -Wes slammed his hand down onto the table, looking at Cadence. "That does not give any man the right to hit you or any other woman for that matter." He took a deep breath before stepping up to Chris, getting in his face. "Does it make you feel like a big tough man when you hit a girl? Does it?" // Brylie shook her head, grabbing Wes' arm. "He's not worth it Wesley. He's really not." // Wes didn't take his gaze off of Chris. "Get your hands off of me Brylie and back up." // Brylie sighed, dropping her hand.-
  69. HoodedVigilante: Damn...listen to the way you talked to her...i look at you and se another me, with a little bit of control. think before you act. do something. do it.
  70. Musik: "Wesley!" -He shouted to him- "Brylie's right. The fucker got what he deserved, come on."
  71. Covet: -Cadence shoved Wes away from Chris- I don't give a fuck what you doesn't matter what YOU think....It happened to me...AND I'M FUCKING OVER IT SO KNOCK IT OFF! -she jumped up and down screaming at them-
  72. Alexithymiaa: -Justin pushed his hand into Wes' chest, shaking his head. "Dude just quit it. It's not worth it. He got what he needed. Just chill."-
  73. HoodedVigilante: Do i need to remind you when you pushed steph justin? remember that?
  74. Alexithymiaa: -He laughed, looking back at Chris. "Yeah? I was pushing her off me. Not exactly me beating on her so save your breath in trying to make me look like a hypocrite. Just get lost."-
  75. Covet: CHRIS seriously....Paths....paths....this isn't the right one. -she looked at him and at them. Trying to figure out how to salvage it all.-
  76. Brylie: -Wes threw up his hands, back off. "Fine." He stepped back a couple more steps before walking off, trying to calm himself down. // Brylie frowned hearing what Chris said, looking at Justin with a kind of 'what' face-
  77. Musik: -Dean stood there, looking back and forth between Wes, Justin and Chris.-
  78. ZoeyAnnMathews has joined the chat
  79. HoodedVigilante: Doesnt matter, i did the same thing but you dont know how cadence is, it was all accident, i was drunk, if you were drunk you woulda hit her, you pushed her across the gym floor. -he shook his head- same- he turned his head torward cadence- il leave, you and your friends enjoy your nght- he slowly started torward thedooor, holding his jaw spitting out anouther pool of blood
  80. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled his eyes. "I don't know how Cadence is? I've known her a hell of a lot longer than you have. That doesn't mean anything." He shook his head as he watched Chris walk away, looking back over at Brylie, studying her face. "What?"-
  81. Musik has left the chat
  82. Brylie: -She shook her head, looking away from him. She sat down on the floor, pulling her skates off, looking over at Steph. "Can you take me to Dean and Wes' please?" She pushed herself up from the floor, sliding her feet into her flats.-
  83. HoodedVigilante: -he waved his hand off at justin- yea. i bet you do- he came to a stop holding his jaw and his rubs
  84. Covet: -Cadence sighed and sat down at the table and pulled her hair with her hands, hearing Justin- OH FUCK OFF YOU SAUCY TWAT! You don't know how I am...not when I'm pissed hitting you in the face when YOU fucked shit up with Steph....was the tip of the iceberg-
  85. HoodedVigilante: -he looked over at them- i hate to ask...can comeone take me to the hospital...
  86. HoodedVigilante: i mean i understand you all hate me...but...i feel like im gonna die..i lost alot of dizzy
  87. Alexithymiaa: -He sighed, looking down at Brylie, sliding over to her. "Bry come on..." Cadence's words stung his ears as he kept his eyes locked on Brylie.-
  88. Covet: -She looked at Chris and nodded- I've been there all day, couldn't hurt anymore...and I don't hate you...I'm just irritated with everyone... -she grabbed her phone and dialed the number for a cab, since Adi had dropped her and Steph off.- I'll let Adi know where I will be and he can come get me later...Can't be harmed at the hospital....TOOO much fucking surveilance there. -she threw her hands up in a mock fashion-
  89. HoodedVigilante: i have my truck if you wanna drive....
  90. Brylie: -Brylie shook her head. "I'm calling a cab and I'm going home." After finally finding the number, she dialed it in, pressing the phone to her ear-
  91. Covet: I've got vicodin and muscle relaxers in me...I'm not even gonna try to drive your truck ...-she looked at him-
  92. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled closer to her, sliding his hand over hers and gently lowering the phone from her ear. "Babe stop. I'll take you home if that's where you want to go."-
  93. HoodedVigilante has left the chat
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