Guest User

NCP Config Version 1

a guest
Jun 1st, 2021
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  1. # This Custom NCP config was created by Xinepeng
  2. # Config Version 1.0 , created since 6/1/2021 to help patch some of NCP's flaws
  3. # Make sure you are using ProtocolLib and ConditionalCommands
  4. #
  5. #
  6. # This is the version of NCP I'm currently using, If you are using a version like 1.8 I recommend AntiHaxerman instead.
  7. #
  8. # Based off of CaptainObvious0's config anyone is free to contribute to these values.
  9. #
  10. # I was pretty bored when I made this lol but thanks for using my config <3 means a lot to me.
  12. savebackconfig: true
  13. logging:
  14. active: true
  15. maxqueuesize: 5000
  16. extended:
  17. status: false
  18. commands:
  19. actions: false
  20. allviolations:
  21. debug: true
  22. debugonly: false
  23. backend:
  24. trace: false
  25. notify: false
  26. backend:
  27. console:
  28. active: true
  29. asynchronous: true
  30. file:
  31. active: false
  32. prefix: ''
  33. filename: nocheatplus.log
  34. ingamechat:
  35. active: true
  36. prefix: '&7&l[&cNC+&7&l]&7 '
  37. data:
  38. expiration:
  39. active: false
  40. duration: 60
  41. history: false
  42. consistencychecks:
  43. active: true
  44. interval: 10
  45. maxtime: 2
  46. suppresswarnings: false
  47. permissions:
  48. policy:
  49. default: ALWAYS
  50. rules:
  51. - 'nocheatplus.notify :: INTERVAL:60, -world, -offline'
  52. - 'nocheatplus.admin.debug :: INTERVAL:10'
  53. - 'nocheatplus.admin* :: ALWAYS'
  54. - 'nocheatplus.command* :: ALWAYS'
  55. - 'nocheatplus.bypass* :: ALWAYS'
  56. - 'regex:^nocheatplus\.checks\..*\.silent$ :: FALSE'
  57. - 'nocheatplus.checks* :: INTERVAL:6'
  58. protection:
  59. plugins:
  60. hide:
  61. active: true
  62. nopermission:
  63. message: '&cDid you really think you had permission to run this command? Ask the server Admin if you want to run this command, he is probably going to say no though.'
  64. commands:
  65. - '?'
  66. - plugins
  67. - version
  68. - icanhasbukkit
  69. - bukkit:help
  70. - bukkit:?
  71. - about
  72. unknowncommand:
  73. message: &c&lNCP &7» &rThe server currently runs a custom &cNoCheatPlus Config &rVersion 1.0 &cReport any false postives to the server admin'
  74. commands:
  75. - ncp
  76. commands:
  77. consoleonly:
  78. active: false
  79. message: '&cThis command will cause errors if ran by players, instead go to the server console and run the command there instead'
  80. commands:
  81. - op
  82. - deop
  83. checks:
  84. active: true
  85. lag: true
  86. debug: false
  87. blockbreak:
  88. active: true
  89. direction:
  90. active: true
  91. actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:8:i cancel
  92. fastbreak:
  93. active: true
  94. strict: true
  95. delay: 95
  96. intervalsurvival: 100
  97. grace: 2000
  98. actions: cancel vl>2 log:fastbreak:1:10:i cancel vl>110 cmd:cheatwarn:0:15 log:fastbreak:1:7:i cancel vl>95 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>110 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>125 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>1000 cancel log:highvlerror:0:5:i
  99. frequency:
  100. active: true
  101. intervalcreative: 95
  102. intervalsurvival: 49
  103. shortterm:
  104. ticks: 5
  105. limit: 6
  106. actions: cancel vl>12 log:bbfrequency:2:7:i cancel vl>25 cmd:cccheatkick:0:2 cancel vl>35 cancel cmd:kickfrequency:0:2 vl>50 cmd:ccheatkick:0:2 cancel
  107. noswing:
  108. active: default
  109. actions: vl>20 log:noswing:0:12:i
  110. reach:
  111. active: true
  112. actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:10:i cancel
  113. wrongblock:
  114. active: default
  115. level: 10
  116. improbable:
  117. feedonly: false
  118. weight: 0.6
  119. actions: cancel vl>15 log:instantbow:2:6:i cancel
  120. blockinteract:
  121. active: true
  122. direction:
  123. active: true
  124. actions: vl>5 cancel vl>24 log:bdirection:0:7:i cancel
  125. reach:
  126. active: true
  127. actions: vl>5 cancel vl>24 log:bdirection:0:7:i cancel
  128. speed:
  129. active: true
  130. interval: 2000
  131. limit: 50
  132. actions: cancel vl>200 log:bspeed:0:8:i cancel vl>3000 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>4250 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>5000 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  133. visible:
  134. active: true
  135. actions: vl>4 cancel vl>50 log:bvisible:0:10:i cancel
  136. blockplace:
  137. active: true
  138. against:
  139. active: default
  140. actions: cancel
  141. autosign:
  142. active: true
  143. skipempty: false
  144. actions: cancel vl>5 log:bautosign:0:6:i cancel vl>12 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>15 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>20 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  145. direction:
  146. active: default
  147. actions: cancel vl>10 log:bdirection:0:8:i cancel
  148. fastplace:
  149. active: default
  150. limit: 16
  151. shortterm:
  152. ticks: 12
  153. limit: 5
  154. improbable:
  155. feedonly: false
  156. weight: 0.5
  157. actions: cancel vl>5 cancel log:fastplace:8:3:i vl>20 cancel log:fastplace:2:4:i vl>80 cancel log:fastplace:0:10:if cmdc:kickfastplace:1:10
  158. reach:
  159. active: true
  160. actions: cancel vl>5 log:breach:0:8:i cancel
  161. noswing:
  162. active: true
  163. exceptions:
  164. - LILY_PAD
  166. actions: vl>20 log:noswing:0:12:i
  167. scaffold:
  168. active: true
  169. angle: true
  170. sprint: true
  171. time:
  172. active: true
  173. average: 2
  174. rotate:
  175. active: true
  176. difference: 90
  177. toolswitch: true
  178. actions: vl>1 cancel vl>15 cancel log:scaffold:3:7:if vl>70 cancel log:scaffold:0:5:if cmd:clearscaffold:0:1 cmdc:kickscaffold:0:1
  179. speed:
  180. active: true
  181. interval: 70
  182. improbable:
  183. feedonly: true
  184. weight: 0.3
  185. actions: cancel vl>150 log:bpspeed:3:5:i cancel vl>400 cmd:cccheatkick:0:2 cancel vl>500 cmd:cheatkick:0:2 cancel vl>600 cmd:ccheatkick:0:2 cancel
  186. preventmisc:
  187. boatsanywhere: true
  188. chat:
  189. active: default
  190. captcha:
  191. active: 'false'
  192. skip:
  193. commands: false
  194. characters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890!?><
  195. length: 6
  196. question: '&c&l(!)&7 Please type ''&6[captcha]&7'' to continue using chat.'
  197. success: '&c&l(!)&7 Antispam check passed.'
  198. tries: 3
  199. actions: cancel cmdc:kickcaptcha vl>4 log:captcha:2:5:cf cancel cmdc:kickcaptcha
  200. color:
  201. active: false
  202. actions: cancel
  203. commands:
  204. active: default
  205. exclusions:
  206. - undo
  207. - redo
  208. handleaschat:
  209. - me
  210. - msg
  211. - emsg
  212. - essentials:msg
  213. - tell
  214. - etell
  215. - essentials:tell
  216. - say
  217. - esay
  218. - essentials:say
  219. - whisper
  220. - ewhisper
  221. - essentials:whisper
  222. - w
  223. - essentials:w
  224. - ew
  225. - r
  226. - er
  227. - essentials:r
  228. - reply
  229. - essentials:reply
  230. - ereply
  231. level: 10
  232. shortterm:
  233. ticks: 18
  234. level: 3
  235. actions: log:commands:0:5:cf cancel cmdc:kickcommands vl>20 log:commands:0:5:cf cancel cmdc:tempkick1
  236. text:
  237. active: default
  238. allowvlreset: true
  239. frequency:
  240. normal:
  241. minimum: 0.0
  242. factor: 0.9
  243. weight: 6
  244. level: 160
  245. actions: cancel cmdc:tellchatnormal vl>7 log:chatnormal:0:5:cif cancel cmdc:tellchatnormal vl>20 log:chatnormal:0:5:cif cancel cmdc:kickchatnormal vl>40 log:chatnormal:0:5:cif cancel cmdc:kickchat5
  246. shortterm:
  247. minimum: 2.0
  248. factor: 0.7
  249. weight: 3.0
  250. level: 20.0
  251. actions: log:chatfast:2:3:icf cancel cmdc:kickchatfast:0:5 vl>20 cancel log:chatfast:0:5:cif cmdc:kickchatfast vl>40 cancel log:chatfast:0:5:cif cmdc:kickchat1
  252. message:
  253. lettercount: 1.0
  254. partition: 1.0
  255. uppercase: 1.2
  256. afterjoin: 1.5
  257. nomoving: 1.1
  258. repeatviolation: 2.0
  259. repeatglobal: 1.0
  260. repeatself: 1.5
  261. words:
  262. lengthav: 1.0
  263. lengthmsg: 1.0
  264. noletter: 0.2
  265. global:
  266. active: true
  267. weight: 1.0
  268. words:
  269. active: true
  270. prefixes:
  271. active: false
  272. similarity:
  273. active: true
  274. player:
  275. active: true
  276. words:
  277. active: true
  278. prefixes:
  279. active: true
  280. similarity:
  281. active: true
  282. warning:
  283. active: true
  284. level: 67
  285. message: "\n &c&l(!)&7 Please slow down chat, you might get kicked by the antispam.\n \n"
  286. timeout: 10
  287. relog:
  288. active: default
  289. timeout: 5000
  290. warning:
  291. message: '&c&l(!)&7 You relogged really fast! If you keep doing that, you''re going to be banned.'
  292. number: 1
  293. timeout: 60000
  294. kickmessage: Too fast re-login, try with a little delay.
  295. actions: log:relog:0:10:cf cancel vl>20 log:relog:0:10:cf cancel cmdc:tempkick5
  296. logins:
  297. active: default
  298. startupdelay: 600
  299. perworldcount: false
  300. seconds: 10
  301. limit: 10
  302. kickmessage: Too many players are logging in at the same time, please try again later.
  303. combined:
  304. active: default
  305. bedleave:
  306. active: true
  307. actions: cancel log:bedleave:0:7:i cmd:kickbedleave:0:2
  308. enderpearl:
  309. active: true
  310. preventclickblock: true
  311. improbable:
  312. active: true
  313. level: 198
  314. actions: cancel vl>4 log:improbable:0:6:i cancel vl>520 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>600 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>720 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>12000 cancel log:highvlerror:0:5:i
  315. invulnerable:
  316. active: true
  317. triggers:
  318. always: false
  319. falldistance: true
  320. initialticks:
  321. join: -1
  322. ignore:
  323. - FALL
  324. modifiers:
  325. all: 0
  326. munchhausen:
  327. active: true
  328. actions: cancel vl>100 cancel log:munchhausen:0:60:i
  329. yawrate:
  330. rate: 105
  331. penalty:
  332. factor: 1.0
  333. minimum: 250
  334. maximum: 2000
  335. improbable:
  336. feedonly: false
  337. weight: 90.0
  338. fight:
  339. active: true
  340. canceldead: true
  341. maxloopletencyticks: 8
  342. toolchangepenalty: 150
  343. pvp:
  344. knockbackvelocity: true
  345. yawrate:
  346. active: true
  347. angle:
  348. active: true
  349. threshold:
  350. average_move: 100
  351. average_time: 150
  352. average_yaw: 60
  353. average_switch: 50
  354. actions: cancel vl>100 log:angle:6:5:i cancel vl>800 log:angle:0:20:if cancel
  355. critical:
  356. active: true
  357. falldistance: 0.075
  358. falldistleniency: 9.0E-4
  359. actions: vl>2 cancel vl>17 log:critical:0:6:i cancel vl>28 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>35 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>45 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  360. direction:
  361. active: true
  362. strict: true
  363. failall: true
  364. penalty: 160
  365. actions: vl>1 cancel vl>6 log:fdirection:0:6:i cancel vl>30 cmd:cheatwarn:0:15 log:fdirection:0:5:i cancel vl>38 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>60 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>50 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  366. fastheal:
  367. active: true
  368. interval: 4000
  369. buffer: 1000
  370. actions: cancel vl>10 cancel log:fastheal:0:10:i
  371. godmode:
  372. active: true
  373. minage: 1100
  374. maxage: 5000
  375. actions: log:godmode:1:8:i cancel
  376. noswing:
  377. active: true
  378. actions: vl>1 cancel vl>7 log:noswing:0:8:i cancel
  379. reach:
  380. active: true
  381. survivaldistance: 3.7
  382. penalty: 250
  383. reduce: true
  384. precision: true
  385. reducedistance: 0.6
  386. reducestep: 0.15
  387. improbable:
  388. feedonly: false
  389. weight: 2.0
  390. actions:vl>1 cancel vl>4 log:freach:0:5:i cancel vl>22 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>28 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>34 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  391. selfhit:
  392. active: true
  393. excludeprojectile: false
  394. warn_player: true
  395. actions:log:fselfhit:1:8:i cancel vl>10 cancel cmd:kickselfhit:0:2 vl>15 cmd:ccheatkick:0:2 cancel
  396. speed:
  397. active: default
  398. limit: 16
  399. actions: cancel vl>8 log:fspeed:0:6:i cancel vl>25 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>32 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>40 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  400. shortterm:
  401. ticks: 8
  402. limit: 6
  403. improbable:
  404. feedonly: false
  405. weight: 2.0
  406. inventory:
  407. active: true
  408. drop:
  409. active: true
  410. limit: 4
  411. timeframe: 15
  412. actions: log:drop:0:6:i cancel vl>6 cancel cmd:cheatkick:0:2
  413. fastclick:
  414. active: true
  415. exclude:
  416. - Inventory Name Here
  417. sparecreative: true
  418. tweaks1_5: true
  419. limit:
  420. shortterm: 3
  421. normal: 10
  422. chest: 155
  423. improbable:
  424. weight: 0.7
  425. actions: vl>3 cancel vl>80 log:fastclick:1:8:i cancel
  426. instantbow:
  427. active: true
  428. strict: true
  429. delay: 125
  430. improbable:
  431. feedonly: false
  432. weight: 0.6
  433. actions: cancel vl>15 log:instantbow:2:6:i cancel
  434. instanteat:
  435. active: true
  436. actions: log:instanteat:2:5:i cancel
  437. fastconsume:
  438. active: true
  439. duration: 1.2
  440. whitelist: false
  441. items:
  442. - DRIED_KELP
  443. actions: log:fastconsume:2:8:i cancel
  444. inventorymove:
  445. active: true
  446. disable_creative: true
  447. hdist_leniency: 0.04
  448. hdist_min: 0.12
  449. actions: cancel vl> 5 log:inventorymove:4:5:i cancel
  450. gutenberg:
  451. active: true
  452. pagelimit: 50
  453. actions: cancel log:gutenberg:0:10:i cmd:kickinvaliddata:0:2
  454. items:
  455. active: default
  456. open:
  457. active: true
  458. close: true
  459. cancelother: true
  460. hotfix:
  461. duplication:
  462. fallingblockendportal: true
  463. moving:
  464. active: true
  465. creativefly:
  466. active: default
  467. ignoreallowflight: true
  468. ignorecreative: true
  469. model:
  470. creative:
  471. horizontal:
  472. speed: 114
  473. vertical:
  474. ascend:
  475. speed: 100
  476. maxheight: 128
  477. spectator:
  478. horizontal:
  479. speed: 450
  480. vertical:
  481. ascend:
  482. speed: 170
  483. maxheight: 128
  484. ground: false
  485. levitation:
  486. horizontal:
  487. speed: 50
  488. vertical:
  489. ascend:
  490. speed: 10
  491. maxheight: 128
  492. gravity: false
  493. modifiers: false
  494. ground: true
  495. slowfalling:
  496. horizontal:
  497. speed: 65
  498. vertical:
  499. ascend:
  500. speed: 0
  501. maxheight: 128
  502. gravity: false
  503. modifiers: true
  504. ground: true
  505. elytra:
  506. horizontal:
  507. speed: 506
  508. modsprint: 1.0
  509. vertical:
  510. ascend:
  511. speed: 0
  512. maxheight: 128
  513. modifiers: false
  514. resetFwOnground: false
  515. strict: true
  516. actions: vl>6 cancel vl>180 cmdc:flyshort:0:6 cancel vl>1750 log:flylong:0:4:i cancel vl>6000 cmd:cheatwarn:0:15 log:flylong:0:4:i cancel vl>7000 cmd:cheatban:0:5 cancel vl>8000 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel
  517. morepackets:
  518. active: true
  519. seconds: 6
  520. epsideal: 20
  521. epsmax: 22
  522. burst:
  523. packets: 25
  524. directviolation: 30
  525. epmviolation: 60
  526. setbackage: 45
  527. actions: cancel vl>25 log:morepackets:2:7:i cancel vl>90 cmd:cccheatkick:0:3 cancel vl>100 cmd:kickpackets:0:3 cancel vl>180 cmd:ccheatkick:0:3 cancel
  528. nofall:
  529. active: true
  530. dealdamage: true
  531. skipallowflight: true
  532. resetonviolation: false
  533. resetonteleport: false
  534. resetonvehicle: true
  535. anticriticals: true
  536. actions: log:nofall:0:7:i cancel vl>4 cancel cmd:cccheatkick:0:12 vl>8 cmd:cheatban:0:2 cancel vl>12 cmd:ccheatban:0:2:ci cancel
  537. passable:
  538. active: true
  539. actions: vl>2 cancel vl>24 log:passable:1:5:i cancel vl>170 cmd:cccheatkick:0:2 cancel vl>200 cancel cmd:cheatkick:0:2 vl>220 cmd:ccheatkick:0:2 cancel
  540. untracked:
  541. teleport:
  542. active: true
  543. command:
  544. active: true
  545. tryteleport: true
  546. prefixes:
  547. - sethome
  548. - home set
  549. - setwarp
  550. - warp set
  551. - setback
  552. - set back
  553. - back set
  554. - spawn
  555. - hub
  556. - hub
  557. - tpaccept
  558. - tpahere
  559. - wild
  560. - randomtp
  561. - wildtp
  562. - warp
  563. - home
  564. - tp
  565. - tpa
  566. - tpask
  567. survivalfly:
  568. active: true
  569. stepheight: default
  570. extended:
  571. vertical-accounting: true
  572. horizontal-accounting: true
  573. reset-activeitem: true
  574. leniency:
  575. hbufmax: 1.0
  576. violationfrequency:
  577. active: true
  578. debug: false
  579. maxleniencyvl: 30
  580. mintoadd: 5
  581. morevls: 5
  582. movecount: 8
  583. freezecount: 40
  584. freezeinair: true
  585. setbackpolicy:
  586. falldamage: true
  587. voidtovoid: true
  588. actions: vl>45 cancel vl>175 cmdc:flyshort:1:7 cancel vl>1800 log:flylong:0:6:i cancel vl>6800 cancel cmd:cheatwarn:0:15 log:flylong:0:5:i vl>9000 cmd:cccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>1000 cmd:cheatban:0:5 cancel vl>12000 cmd:ccheatban:0:2 cancel vl>25000 cancel log:highvlerror:0:5:i
  589. hover:
  590. active: true
  591. step: 5
  592. ticks: 85
  593. loginticks: 100
  594. falldamage: true
  595. sfviolation: 550
  596. velocity:
  597. activationcounter: 80
  598. activationticks: 140
  599. strictinvalidation: true
  600. splitmoves: default
  601. ignorestance: default
  602. tempkickillegal: true
  603. loadchunks:
  604. join: true
  605. move: true
  606. teleport: true
  607. worldchange: true
  608. sprintinggrace: 2.0
  609. assumesprint: true
  610. speedgrace: 4.0
  611. enforcelocation: default
  612. setback:
  613. method: default
  614. vehicle:
  615. preventdestroyown: true
  616. enforcelocation: default
  617. schedulesetbacks: default
  618. schedulesetpassenger: default
  619. morepackets:
  620. active: true
  621. actions: cancel vl>12 log:morepackets:0:8:i cancel
  622. envelope:
  623. active: true
  624. hdistcap:
  625. default: 0.9
  626. pig: 0.3
  627. actions: cancel vl>100 cancel log:vehicleenvelope:0:15:i
  628. message:
  629. illegalplayermove: Illegal move.
  630. illegalvehiclemove: Illegal vehicle move.
  631. net:
  632. active: true
  633. attackfrequency:
  634. active: true
  635. limitforseconds:
  636. half: 9
  637. one: 14
  638. two: 39
  639. four: 55
  640. eight: 100
  641. improbable:
  642. weight: 3.0
  643. actions: cancel vl>10 cancel log:attackfrequency:4:5:i vl>200 cancel log:attackfrequency:0:4:if cmdc:kickattackfrequency
  644. flyingfrequency:
  645. active: true
  646. seconds: 5
  647. packetspersecond: 60
  648. actions: cancel vl>2500 cmd:kickinvaliddata:0:2 cancel
  649. reduceredundant:
  650. active: true
  651. seconds: 3
  652. actions: cancel
  653. keepalivefrequency:
  654. active: true
  655. seconds: 20
  656. actions: cancel vl>10 cancel log:keepalive:0:10:i vl>100 cancel cmd:kickalive:0:2
  657. packetfrequency:
  658. active: true
  659. limitpersecond: 300
  660. seconds: 4
  661. actions: cancel cmd:kickpacketfrequency:0:4 vl>4 cmd:ccheatkick:0:5 cancel
  662. sounddistance:
  663. active: true
  664. maxdistance: 240
  665. superseded:
  666. flying:
  667. cancelwaiting: true
  668. wrongturn:
  669. active: true
  670. actions: cancel log:wrongturn:0:15:icf cmdc:kickillegalrotations:0:10
  671. strings:
  672. strings:
  673. against: '&c[player]&7 could be using &6HandNoClip &7VL &c[violations] &7(Exploit Hacks)'
  674. angle: ''&c[player] &7could be using &6KillAura &7VL &c[violations] &7(Combat Hacks)'
  675. attackfrequency: ''&c[player] &7could be using &6MultiAura &7VL &c[violations] &7(Combat Hacks)'
  676. ban: ban [player]
  677. ban-ip: ban-ip [ip]
  678. bautosign:'&c[player] &7could be using &6Auto Sign &7VL &c[violations]'
  679. bbfrequency: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Nuker &7VL &c[violations]'
  680. bdirection:'&c[player] &7failed &6Impossible Interact &7VL &c[violations]'
  681. bedleave: '&c[player] &7failed &6Bed Leave &7VL &c[violations]'
  682. bpspeed: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Fast Throw &7VL &c[violations]'
  683. breach:'&c[player] &7could be using &6Block Reach &7VL &c[violations]'
  684. bspeed: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Fast Interact &7VL &c[violations]'
  685. bvisible: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Block Cheats &7VL &c[violations] &7(Block was not in sight)'
  686. bwrong: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Fast Interact &7VL &c[violations] &7(Broke a different block than clicked)'
  687. captcha: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Spam Bots &7VL &c[violations]'
  688. chatfast: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: acted like spamming (message deleted) (IP: &6[ip]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  689. chatnormal: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Spam Bots &7VL &c[violations]'
  690. commands: '&c[player] &7could be &6Spamming &7VL &c[violations]'
  691. creativefly: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: performed a move that deviates from the model (Model: &6[model]&7, Tags: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  692. critical: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Criticals &7VL &c[violations] &7(Combat Hacks)'
  693. drop: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Fast Drop &7VL &c[violations]'
  694. dropkick: cc [player] unless -time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &cYou dropped too many items!
  695. fastbreak: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Fast Break &7VL &c[violations]'
  696. fastclick: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Fast Click &7VL &c[violations]'
  697. fastconsume: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Fast Eat &7VL &c[violations]'
  698. fastheal: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Regen &7VL &c[violations]'
  699. fastplace: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Fast Place &7VL &c[violations]'
  700. fdirection: '&c[player] &7could be using &6AimBot &7VL &c[violations] &7(Combat Hacks)'
  701. fdirectionlowvl: '&c[player]&7 could be using &6Aimbot (hit not canceled) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  702. flyfile: '[player] failed [check]: tried to move: [locationfrom] -> [locationto], d=[distance] ([tags]). &7VL [violations].'
  703. flyingfrequency: '&c[player]&7could be using &6BadPackets &7VL &c[violations]'
  704. freach: freach: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Reach &7VL &c[violations]&7 (Combat Hacks)'
  705. fselfhit: fselfhit: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Self Hit &7VL &c[violations]&7 (Combat Hacks)'
  706. fspeed: fspeed: '&c[player] &7could be using an &6Autoclicker &7VL &c[violations]&7 (16+ CPS)'
  707. godmode: '&c[player] &7could be using &6God Mode &7VL &c[violations]'
  708. gutenberg: '&c[player] &7could be using &6BookBot &7VL &c[violations]
  709. improbable: '&c[player] &7could be using &6KillAura &7VL &c[violations] &7(Suspicious Activity)'
  710. instantbow: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Fast Bow &7VL &c[violations]'
  711. instanteat: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Fast Eat &7VL &c[violations]'
  712. inventorymove: '&c[player]&7could be using &6Inventory Move
  713. keepalive: '&c[player]&7could be using &6KeepAlive &7VL &c[violations]'
  714. kickagainst: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Invalid block placements.
  715. kickalive: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<40 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &cAbnormal Packets! /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  716. kickattackfrequency:cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  717. kickbedleave: cc [player] unless -time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &cAbnormal Packets! /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  718. kickbow: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Shooting arrows too quickly.
  719. kickbspeed: ccmd [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  720. kickcaptcha: kick [player] &cNCP &7» &cPlease enter the captcha
  721. kick: kick [player]
  722. kickchat1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 &cNCP &7» You're not allowed to spam!
  723. kickchat5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 &cNCP &7» You're not allowed to spam!
  724. kickchatfast: kick [player] &cNCP &7» &cYou're not allowed to spam!
  725. kickchatnormal: kick [player] &cNCP &7» &cYou sent too many messages!
  726. kickcommands: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  727. kickcritical: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Incorrect movements (Critical cheats?)
  728. kickfastbreak: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Breaking blocks too fast.
  729. kickfastclick: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Unlikely inventory interactions.
  730. kickfastconsume: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Using items too quickly.
  731. kickfastheal: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too fast health regeneration.
  732. kickfastplace: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Placing blocks too quickly.
  733. kickfly: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  734. kickflyingfrequency: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  735. kickfrequency: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  736. kickgod: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  737. kickillegalblockinteract: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &cAbnormal Packets! /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  738. kickillegalrotations: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &cAbnormal Packets! /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  739. kickimprobable: ccmd [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  740. kickinvaliddata: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Invalid book data.
  741. kickpacketfrequency: ccmd [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  742. kickpackets: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &cAbnormal Packets! /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  743. kickscaffold: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  744. kickselfhit: ccmd [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  745. kicksuspiciouscombat: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Illegal combat modifications.
  746. kickvehiclefly: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Unexpected vehicle movement.
  747. kickwb: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  748. knockback: '&c[player] &7could be using &6[check] &7VL &c[violations]&7'
  749. freachhighvl: ''&c[player] &7could be using &6KillAura (Reach: &6[reachdistance]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  750. morepackets: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Timer &7VL &c[violations]&7 (Too many packets)'
  751. msgtempdenylogin: You are temporarily denied to join this server.
  752. munchhausen: ''&c[player] &7could be using &6[check] &7VL &c[violations]&7'
  753. nofall:'&c[player] &7could be using &6[check] &7VL &c[violations]'
  754. noswing: '&c[player]&7 could be using NoSwing &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  755. passable: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Phase &7VL &c[violations]'
  756. pitchpattern: '&c[player]&7is sending Suspicious Pitch patterns &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  757. relog: '&c[player] &7relogged too fast &7VL &c[violations]&7.'
  758. scaffold: '&c[player] &7could be using &6Scaffold &7VL &c[violations]'
  759. survivalfly: '&c[player] &7could be using Speed/Flight &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  760. survivalflyhighvl: '&c[player] &7 failed &c[check]&7: tried to perform an illegal move (Subchecks: &6[tags]&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  761. tellchatnormal: ncp tell [player] &c&l(!)&7 Too many messages, slow down...
  762. tempkick1: ncp tempkick [player] 1 &c&l(!)&7 You have to wait 1 minute before joining this server again.
  763. tempkick5: ncp tempkick [player] 5 &c&l(!)&7 You have to wait 5 minutes before joining this server again.
  764. vehicleenvelope: '&c[player]&7could be using Boat/Entity Flight &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  765. wrongturn: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: sent an impossible pitch rotation (&6>90 &7or&6 <-90&7) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  766. clearimprobable: ncp removeplayer [player] COMBINED_IMPROBABLE
  767. clearcritical: ncp removeplayer [player] FIGHT_CRITICAL
  768. clearsf: ncp removeplayer [player] MOVING_SURVIVALFLY
  769. clearcf: ncp removeplayer [player] MOVING_CREATIVEFLY
  770. clearpassable: ncp removeplayer [player] MOVING_PASSABLE
  771. clearvehicle: ncp removeplayer [player] MOVING_VEHICLE_ENVELOPE
  772. clearscaffold: ncp removeplayer [player] BLOCKPLACE_SCAFFOLD
  773. cheatwarn: tellraw [player] ["",{"text":"\n§2████████\n§2█§8██§2██§8██§2█\n§2█§8██§2██§8██§2█\n§2███§8██§2███ §fCheating has been detected. Please disable\n§2██§8████§2██ §fand continue to play. If you continue, you\n§2██§8████§2██ §fwill be punished.\n§2██§8█§2██§8█§2██\n§2████████\n","color":"gray","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"If you are not hacking, you will not be punished.","color":"red"}]}}}]
  774. cccheatkick: cc [player] unless -ping->90|-tps-<19.5|-time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 90 - TPS > 19.5)
  775. ccheatkick: cc [player] unless -time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2)
  776. cheatkick: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ kick [player] &cNCP &7» &rSuspicious Server Activity /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOKICK:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been kicked due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - High VL, TPS & Ping not checked)
  777. cccheatban: cc [player] unless -ping->90|-tps-<19.5|-time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ ban [player] &cNCP &7» &rUnfair Advantages /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOBAN:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been banned due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 90 - TPS > 19.5) /40/ tellraw @a ["",{"text":"§8(§cWarning§8) §rA player has been removed from the server for cheating or abuse. Players caught cheating or abusing will be banned. Never turn your back."}]
  778. ccheatban: cc [player] unless -time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ ban [player] &cNCP &7» &rUnfair Advantages /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOBAN:&r &7The player &c[player] &7may have been banned due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - High VL, TPS & Ping not checked) /40/ tellraw @a ["",{"text":"§8(§cWarning§8) §rA player has been removed from the server for cheating or abuse. Players caught cheating or abusing will be banned. Never turn your back."}]
  779. cheatban: cc [player] unless -ping->151|-tps-<19.2|-time_online-<30|-uptime-<80 do /0/ ban [player] &cNCP &7» &rUnfair Advantages /5/ ncp log stream notify?c+console?nc &c&lAUTOBAN:&r &7The player &c[player] &7has been banned due to &6[check] &7(&7VL &c[violations]&7 - Ping < 151 - TPS > 19.2) /40/ tellraw @a ["",{"text":"§8(§cWarning§8) §rA player has been removed from the server for cheating or abuse. Players caught cheating or abusing will be banned. Never turn your back."}]
  780. highvlerror: '&7The player &c[player] &7caused the check &6[check] &7to go up very high to &c[violations]&7. Please investigate this issue.'
  781. compatibility:
  782. exemptions:
  783. wildcard:
  784. default:
  785. metadata:
  786. active: true
  787. keys:
  788. - nocheat.exempt
  789. npc:
  790. active: true
  791. bukkitnpc: true
  792. metadata:
  793. active: true
  794. keys:
  795. - NPC
  796. remove:
  797. join: true
  798. leave: true
  799. server:
  800. cbdedicated:
  801. enable: true
  802. cbreflect:
  803. enable: true
  804. blocks:
  805. breakingtime:
  807. allowinstantbreak:
  808. - LONG_GRASS
  810. overrideflags:
  811. snow: default
  812. moving_piston: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  813. WATER_LILY: default+ign_passable+ground_height+height8_1
  814. DEAD_TUBE_CORAL: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  815. DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  816. DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  817. DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_WALL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  818. DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  819. DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  820. DEAD_FIRE_CORAL: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  821. DEAD_FIRE_CORAL_WALL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  822. DEAD_HORN_CORAL: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  823. DEAD_HORN_CORAL_WALL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  824. DEAD_TUBE_CORAL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  825. DEAD_BRAIN_CORAL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  826. DEAD_BUBBLE_CORAL_FAN: default+ign_passable+ground_height
  827. changetracker:
  828. active: true
  829. pistons: true
  830. maxageticks: 80
  831. perworld:
  832. maxentries: 1000
  833. configversion:
  834. notify: false
  835. notifymaxpaths: 5
  836. created: 1154
  837. saved: 1154
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