

Mar 23rd, 2024
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  1. Here is the list of topics covered in Course 3:
  3. 1. Basics
  4. 2. API Design
  5. 3. Messaging and Event Handling
  6. 4. Consistency vs. Availability
  7. 5. NoSQL databases
  8. 6. Location Based Databases
  9. 7. Monoliths to Microservices Migration
  10. 8. Containers
  11. 9. WhatsApp System Design
  12. 10. Tinder System Design
  13. 11. Anomaly Detection
  14. 12. Instagram Design
  15. 13. Netflix Movie Onboarding
  16. 14. Interview Tips
  17. 15. Fundamentals
  18.     - Databases Deep Dive
  19.     - Consistency in Distributed Systems
  20.     - Caches Deep Dive
  21.     - Networks Deep Dive
  22.     - Database Replication
  23.     - Database Migrations
  24.     - Distributed Rate Limiting
  25.     - Security in distributed systems
  26.     - Design an Audio Search Engine like Shazam
  27.     - System Design Tradeoffs
  28.     - Distributed Consensus with Paxos
  29.     - Observability in Distributed Systems
  30.     - InterviewReady Fundamentals Test
  31. 16. Low Level Design
  32.     - Building a game engine
  33.     - Single Responsibility Principle
  34.     - Exploring Moves for the AI
  35.     - Don't Repeat Yourself
  36.    - Open-Closed Principle
  37.    - Liskov Substitution Principle
  38.    - Interface Segregation and Dependency Inversion
  39.    - Memory and Code Optimizations
  40.    - Test Driven Changes
  41.    - The Strategy Design Pattern
  42.    - Command and Strategy Patterns
  43.    - High Level Design
  44.    - Design an Emailing service like Gmail
  45.    - Chess Design: Building a highly scalable turn-based gaming website
  46.    - Hotstar: Live Video Streaming Design
  47.    - Google Docs: Collaborative editor design
  48.    - Design a Cab Aggregator App like Uber
  49.    - Design a Location Based Service like Google Maps
  50.    - WhatsApp Calling App
  51.    - Map Reduce and Stream Processing
  52.    - High Level Design Exam
  53. 17. Machine Coding
  54.    - Low Level Design: Payment Tracking App like Splitwise
  55.    - Machine Coding a Cache
  56.    - Machine Coding an Event Bus
  57.    - Machine Coding a Rate Limiter
  58.    - InterviewReady LLD Test
  60. This covers all the topics mentioned in Course 3 without missing any. Let me know if you need further details on any specific topic!
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