
Hour 23

Feb 24th, 2017
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  1. Weaponized autist checking back in with gatherings on hour #23.
  2. I listened to 004T from -3:52 to -2:52
  3. (Found nothing to get exited about)
  4. -3:52 to -3:17: Lots of noise, hisses and ticks. Office sounds, phones ringing, mostly inaudible chatter. I could only make out single words or part of a sentence here and there: a conversation about how something drifted? Or how fast? Electoral process was mentioned around --3:45-ish, but impossible for me to hear what the context was.
  5. Around -3:21 things get a little louder, but just as hard to understand.
  6. A guy with a Brittish accent, some women. Some short conversations, but again, I really can't make any sense of it.
  7. -3:17, It sounds like a conversation between two women (or one woman on the phone?), which I couldn't understand, but maybe someone else can.
  8. -3:15 Young sounding woman goes to the library for a tour and discusses it with the Brit before leaving. (Later revealed they're talking about the video-library of CNN, not a public library)
  9. The recording device is on the young woman, we follow her to the library.
  10. -3:10: She arrives at the library. Introduces herself as Sophie. She gets asked some questions I couldn't understand.
  11. -3:06 to -2:57: She receives instructions from a woman on how to use the library services. The instructor sounds pretty incompetent.
  12. Opening times mentioned. They have 4 libraries with their own strengths and collections: New York, DC and LA and Atlanta. There's also a storage facility in Stone mountain.
  13. They are converting all the tapes to digital format.
  14. Video material from newscasts and shows get archived, but not all of it. There are 6 or 7 librarians who spend their days digging through the material that gets send in, deciding what gets archived to the database and what not. 1 or 2 people present in the library to provide assistance: Jim and Tom. The instructor is called Liza (? not sure)
  15. They talk about how to find tapes by using their numbers and that there are different formats.
  16. -2:57-ish to -2:50: sound gets worse again. Couldn't make out anything interesting anymore.
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