

Feb 18th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. All the pits are pretty far away (unless you lose gate A mannhattan). Like :) said you won't get that chance with a decent team and if you're on a decent team you're just making it harder for everyone else using knockback mechanics. Not to mention the fact both of those knockbacks are minimal on giants and is very unlikely you are going to cause a game saving pit against one, if a small bot has it there's a good chance it's surrounded by other small bots if it has made it that far so your chance of getting close enough to the bomb bot is slim. The ONE time your situation comes up that it would be helpful is if a lone small bot got by and you are able to intercept it before it gets too far away from the pit (because if it goes to far you will spend too much time trying to pit and thus burn money). Ignoring knockback for a moment, shortstop is hella expensive and only out dps's the other two with like $4000+ (and firing speed bug on the other 2 brings them pretty close together). Soda popper is marginally better than FaN (talking like <10 dps) but you're trading the probable annoying knockback for an amazing mobility ability, 100% worth it. My final note before I /rant is that this info is applying to a *decently good team* that isn't failing left and right because that's the only teams I play with, there may be some merit using it in *bad* teams but my guess is it's doing more harm than good.
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