
Rebels in Equestria 3 - Redux

May 31st, 2012
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  1. Rebels in Equestria 3 - REDUX
  3. > You felt the shock wave from the explosion.
  4. > The sheer force from the blast felt like it was shattering every bone in your body.
  5. > You witnessed the fiery explosion claim the lives of others just as it began to claim yours.
  7. > For just a split second you felt it all.
  8. > The sorrow and joy.
  9. > The regrets.
  10. > And above all, the pain.
  12. > Both physically and mentally, you suffered.
  13. > A pain so unbearable, it made you yearn for death.
  15. > It was just a split second before your inevitable death.
  16. > An event that at this point, seemed farther away than your childhood.
  18. > You felt regret for your actions.
  19. > Remorse for your decisions
  20. > And sorrow for your loved ones.
  22. > For your journey ends here.
  23. > You become nothing more than a casualty.
  24. > An insignificant loss.
  25. > A statistic.
  27. > Despite your best efforts, you couldn't hide your true emotions.
  28. > You've served your time in hell.
  29. > And this was your ticket out.
  31. > The blast takes it's toll and extinguishes your life.
  32. > You were free.
  33. > Finally.
  35. > But what of the others?
  36. > What of the hundreds of people who were stuck in this hell ridden place that they once knew as their home?
  37. > Regret fills your very soul.
  38. > You get this unshakeable feeling that you've abandoned them.
  39. > Could you have done more?
  40. > Could there have been another way?
  41. >Maybe.
  42. > But you'll never know for sure.
  44. > At this point, you're nothing more than a lost soul wandering in limbo.
  45. > What else is there for you?
  47. > Religion never was a factor in your decisions.
  48. > But is there really a god?
  49. > Does he truly reside in heaven, judging your every action?
  51. > What did he think of you?
  52. > Will he grace your noble efforts?
  53. > Will you live out the rest of your time in paradise?
  55. > Or will he deem you unfit for such privileges.
  56. > Doomed to spend the rest of eternity burning in the fires of hell.
  57. > There's enough blood on your hands for it to very be so.
  59. > It's surreal.
  60. > To wander in limbo is the only equivalent of having all your senses striped from you
  61. > You're left with nothing but your very soul as you wander the impenetrable darkness.
  63. > This is what death must be like.
  64. > Truly it is an unreal state.
  65. > You wander limbo without any senses to guide you.
  67. > Death; it's a strange place.
  68. > A place where you don't exist.
  69. > Yet a place where you can truly find yourself.
  70. > Left with nothing but your thoughts and your very soul.
  71. > [spoiler] It's maddening. [/spoiler]
  73. > As you wander in the infinite abyss that is limbo, you recollect on yourself.
  74. > Carefully analyzing and questioning every decision you've ever made.
  76. > Over the course of the war, you've committed horrible atrocities.
  77. > Acts of inhumanity fueled by hate and vengeance
  78. > You've done things you'd never imagine yourself doing to another living being.
  80. > Eleven months.
  81. > Eleven months is all it took for your life to end.
  83. > In that short amount of time, you've seen enough death and suffering to last you a lifetime, and then some.
  84. > Some of it was of your own hand.
  85. > But all that bloodshed.
  87. > Did it really accomplish anything?
  88. > Was fighting really the best option?
  90. > Could you have done anything else?
  91. > You weren't a member of the military, nor a simple civilian.
  92. > No. You were part of something different.
  93. > Something bigger than yourself.
  94. > An underground resistance. A rebellion. A rag tag group of freedom fighters.
  95. > With your fellow country men you “fought” day in and day out for the name of freedom.
  96. > With nothing but the pathetic hope that your life would one day return to how it once was.
  97. > Praying for a swift end to the war that has claimed so much.
  98. > Praying for the day that your children may once again live life without the fear of oppression.
  99. > You fought each night in hopes that you could witness a new day.
  100. > A new beginning.
  101. > You chased a dream that you knew you would never come true.
  102. > You even payed the ultimate sacrifice in the name of that day.
  103. > A day you wouldn't live to see.
  106. > No..
  107. > It's not fair!
  108. > Why'd those Stovie bastards have to show up!
  109. > Those fuckers!
  110. > They stole everything from you!
  112. > They destroyed your home!
  113. > They stole your friends and killed your family!
  114. > They even cost you your very life!
  116. > This isn't what you wanted from life.
  117. > It's not what you can accomplish.
  118. > It's just not fair..
  120. > You didn't want to have to join a resistance!
  122. > You didn't want to a war!
  123. > This isn't it!
  124. > This wasn't how it was supposed to be!
  126. > You have nothing.
  127. > Nothing to look forward to.
  128. > Nothing to go back to.
  130. > There is no hope back there.
  131. > No.
  132. > Not on Emmeria.
  133. > Not on that dammned place.
  135. > This isn't what you want.
  136. > You don't want to go back.
  137. > You don't want to start over!
  138. “I just want... another chance.”
  141. > Slowly but surely you feel your pulse start back up.
  142. > It's slow and labored rhythm is absolutely captivating.
  143. > Your heart jump starts itself back up, and with it, a new beginning.
  145. > One by one, your senses return to you.
  147. > Birds.
  148. > You can hear the songs of birds all aorund you.
  149. > The sounds rushing water fills your ears.
  150. > There must be a stream nearby!
  152. > Light then floods your eyes.
  153. > Blinding white light clouds your vision.
  154. > With time, your eyes adjust to the light.
  155. > Color fills your vision once more.
  156. > Bright blue skies and beautiful white clouds are in sight.
  158. > A cool breeze brushes against your skin.
  159. > It's a refreshing sensation that sends a shiver down your spine and leaves your hairs on end.
  160. > You can feel the soft grass underneath you.
  161. > The long blades of grass itch against your neck.
  163. > With the slight breeze, it carries the scent of a cool autumn day.
  164. > Fallen leaves gust around and hit against you.
  166. > You lie on the ground motionless as you take in this scene.
  167. > Focusing your newly regained senses as much as you can.
  168. > Listening for even the smallest indicator...
  171. > You wait..
  172. > And listen.
  174. > But..
  176. > Nothing.
  177. > No gunshots.
  178. > No explosions.
  179. > No screaming.
  180. > But most importantly, [spoiler] no war. [/spoiler]
  182. > Is this heaven?
  184. > You sit yourself up and check the area.
  186. > You've awoken smack dab in the middle of a forest clearing.
  187. > A cool breeze sways the tall greeze with grace.
  188. > The forest is bright with golden leaves.
  189. > Autumn is in full swing here.
  191. > You scan yourself for any wounds or other ailments.
  192. > But amazingly you can't find anything.
  193. > The wound on your leg, along with the rest of your body are completely healed.
  194. > Deep scars are still left as a testament.
  196. > Almost by second nature you scan your surroundings once more.
  197. > Checking along the treetops and bush lines.
  198. > But there's no sign of anyone else here.
  199. > With that small sense of security, you relax your guard.
  201. > A slight glimmer nearby catches your eye.
  202. > It's shine is hidden within the dancing blades of grass.
  203. > It captivates you and draws your attention.
  204. > Pushing yourself off the ground, you make your way towards it.
  206. > You try to make your way to the light, but find it difficult to move about.
  207. > Every muscle in your body ache's in pain.
  208. > All your senses feel like they've been over loaded.
  209. > One of your legs cramp up, and you fall face first onto the ground.
  210. “F-Fuuuuck!”
  211. > Your voice is sore and dry.
  212. > It's coarse sounds carry echo throughout the forest.
  214. > You cough up a mix of phlegm and blood.
  215. > The vocal chords in your throat feel like their on fire!
  216. > Any attempts to speak only lead to a slight wheeze.
  217. > You've thrown out your voice.
  219. > Despite all of this, you push onwards, your curiosity getting the best of you.
  220. > You do your best to crawl towards your destination, ignoring the aches as best as you can.
  222. > Clearing the tall grass out of the way you find the source of the shine.
  223. > It was the polished finish of your revolver that caught the bright sun.
  225. > It, along with the rest of your gear, was neatly layed out in front of you.
  227. > Right now isn't the best time to question this.
  228. > Without further hesitation you delve into your equipment.
  230. > There are several bags and satchels strewn about.
  231. > Digging inside you find all of your old weapons and munitions.
  232. > All of them fully loaded and ready to go.
  233. > Within the other satchels, you produce various explosives and other tools.
  234. > You don as much gear as you can, tossing the rest into a rucksack.
  235. > You equip the automatic rifle and sling the other over your back.
  237. > By now, your cramps have subsided.
  238. > You take in your surroundings one last time.
  239. > Desperately trying to piece together today's events so far.
  240. > …
  241. > Where are you?
  242. > Are you dead?
  243. > How did you get here?
  244. > What of the others?
  246. > You pull your radio from it's holster and flick it on to one of the emergency channels.
  247. > You hold it close to your ears, expecting to hear the voices of your comrades.
  248. > …
  249. > But you're met with nothing but silence.
  251. “Hello?!” you shout. Your voice cracking at it's peak.
  252. > …
  253. “Wolverine Squadron!”
  254. > …
  255. “Wolverine Squadron!? Respond! Please respond!”
  256. > …
  258. > Your anxiety grows.
  259. > Flipping through the other channels yields similar results.
  260. > Nothing but silence.
  261. > Tch.
  262. > It must be the reception.
  264. > A radio signal can only travel so far.
  265. > And the interference from this dense forest makes it near impossible for it to travel farther than a few hundred yards.
  267. > Maybe you're not alone here.
  268. > You probably just need a better reception.
  269. > A high vantage point to broadcast from.
  271. > You scan the horizon.
  272. > Tch.
  273. > While the treeline may be beautiful, it's nuisance at this point.
  274. > The only land mark you can make out is the silhouette of a small maintain.
  276. > It doesn't seem too far off into the horizon.
  277. > Probably a couple miles or so.
  279. > You juggle your options in your mind and recap the situation in your mind.
  281. > Despite having died in a terrible “accident”, you've awoken up to see a new day.
  282. > You're surrounded by what seems like miles of forest in every direction.
  283. > You don't know who or what is out there.
  284. > You'd like to sit it out and wait for help.
  285. > But it's still unclear whether you're alone here or not.
  286. > To wait here would be foolish.
  287. > It seems the only course of action is to press onwards.
  289. > Before you set out, you take a moment to adjust your equipment.
  290. > You had been dressed for nocturnal urban environments.
  291. > While they were effective on the streets of Tarvo City, your dark gray outfit offered little use in the autumn woods.
  293. > You find your way to a nearby brook.
  294. > The cool water feels invigorating.
  295. > You grab some mud that was collecting at the bottom of the waterbed, smearing it across your skin and clothing.
  296. > The thick mud leaves your clothes a dirty brown, giving some extra against the trees.
  298. > With your weapons and gear in tow, you finally set out.
  299. > You use the brook as your guide, following it upstream towards the mountain.
  301. > With every step, you can hear leaves crunch underneath the soles of your boots.
  302. > The forest is thick with various flora and fauna.
  303. > As you travel, you can point out several small critters and birds.
  304. > All of them scurry away at the sight of you.
  306. “Heh.” something you've become all to familiar with.
  308. > Months of living with the resistance has changed you.
  309. > The constant work and movement has kept you in top physical form.
  310. > You cut through the dense forest with speed and grace.
  312. > The constant blur of golden leaves becomes monotonous.
  313. > Your mind begins to wander as you travel.
  315. > What really happened?
  316. > Why are you alive right now?
  317. > Is this the after life?
  318. > Could this really be heaven?
  319. > Or is this just some cruel joke played by a mischievous god?
  320. > Where is everyone else?
  321. > Have they arrived in this remote land as well?
  322. > Is it possible that they've already regrouped?
  323. > Tch.
  324. > Knowing those guys, they've probably already started another war here.
  326. > All of which ultimately reminds you...
  327. > How are things going back in Emmeria?
  328. > Was the operation successful?
  329. > Where the Estovakians finally driven out of your home?
  330. > Has peace finally graced your home?
  331. > You hope for nothing but a complete victory.
  333. > Continuing forward, you maintain a cool and collective attitude.
  334. > Doing your best to cast aside any notions of doubt or anxiety.
  336. > As you travel farther upstream, the bush thickens, hindering your progress.
  337. > The thick tree canopy barely allows any sunlight to pierce the forest floor.
  338. > The setting sun only makes matters even worse.
  340. > Any sane person would call it quits at this point.
  341. > But you've been through worse.
  342. > Instead, you take a moment to rest.
  344. > A large rock plastered on the stream's bank catches your attention.
  345. > You take a seat and relax for just a moment.
  346. > Cupping your hands you take a drink from the stream.
  347. > The water tastes pure and refreshes your very soul.
  348. > This water is a godsend compared to the filtered sewer water you had to live with.
  350. > You let out a hearty laugh.
  351. > Never once did you imagine yourself having to rely on the sewers for shelter and substance.
  353. > As the sun is begins to set; light becomes scarce.
  354. > The night's first stars begin to peek through the twilight sky.
  356. > You activate the flashlight on your rifle's end.
  357. > It's bright light is nearly blinding in the darkness.
  358. > But you're not satisfied with just a simple flashlight.
  360. > Digging through your bag you produce a small glow stick.
  361. > You snap it and shake it vigorously.
  362. > It's green chemical glow fascinates you even as an adult.
  363. > You tie one around around your neck and keep digging through your bag.
  365. > At the very bottom of your bag, you find a small chocolate bar.
  366. > You smirk in delight.
  367. > You've been saving this for a rainy day, but what better time than now?
  369. > The chocolate is absolutely delicious, and you savor every bite as if it were your last.
  370. > Because in all reality, this silence is nerve racking.
  371. > You've grown accustomed to the constant hardships of a war ridden nation.
  372. > Day in and day out, you grew accustomed to the constant beat of gunfire.
  374. > Much to your dismay, this silence is broken.
  375. > Of in the distance, you hear leaves rustling in the bush.
  377. > Without an ounce of hesitation you ready your rifle.
  378. > You aim your rifle towards the tree line.
  380. “Don't try anything! I'm armed! Come out! Nice and slow!” you shout
  382. > But despite your warnings, the sounds move.
  383. > You can hear twigs snapping and tree's being displaced as it circles around you.
  385. “Don't fucking test me! I'll blow your fucking head off! I mean it!”
  387. > You follow the sounds with your rifle.
  388. > They circle around you once more before stopping at the bush nearest to you.
  389. > The bright flashlight does little to penetrate the thick tree line.
  390. > But within the impenetrable darkness the flashlight catches the reflection of a pair of eyes.
  392. “Y-You motherfucker! Get out here!”
  394. > It's then when you hear a low growl.
  395. > It's an eerie sound that sends chills down your spine.
  396. > You recognize it as non other than a lion's growl.
  397. > The rifle's light dances as you struggle to keep the weapon steady.
  399. > Your mind races with questions.
  400. > But before you have a chance to lull them over, the beast comes into view.
  401. > It slowly steps out of the tree line and into your sights.
  403. “W-What the f-fuck...” you mutter.
  405. > You gaze onto the beast that stands before you.
  406. > What seems like a horrible cross over between a lion and several other creatures.
  407. > Dumbstruck, you stand motionless before what stands before you.
  408. > He raises his scorpion tail up high/
  409. > The thick stench of it's poison fills the air.
  410. > It slowly steps forward, bearing it's fangs.
  412. “No...No...No!...No! No! No!” you yell.
  413. > Your disbelief transforms into anger.
  415. > That...that thing!
  416. > It's not real!
  417. > It can't be!
  418. > No!
  419. > It's fucking impossible!
  420. > It's just a bunch of shit!
  422. > It steps forward once more and lets forth a proud roar.
  423. > A cry that is absolutely deafening, and could be heard for miles.
  424. > But you've had enough of this bullshit.
  426. > You release the safety and pull the trigger.
  430. > Heavy chugging of your rifle is almost as loud as the bastards roar.
  431. > You disregard any previous notions of proper marksmanship and spray bullets in that general direction.
  432. > With a steady grip you manage the rifle's recoil as best as you can.
  433. > Poor bastard never knew what hit him.
  435. > CLICK.
  437. > The rifle snaps back as you empty the magazine.
  438. > Before you, the beast lies slumped over the ground.
  439. > His body is covered in wounds as he slumps in a pool of his own blood.
  440. > The scorpion tail still twitches with life.
  441. > You take one last look at the beast before you snap with anger.
  443. “No!” you shout in disbelief
  444. > Your voice thick and commanding.
  445. > You stumble over to the beast, kicking it as hard as you can.
  446. “You! You motherfucker! No! No!”
  447. > With your side arm you end his suffering.
  448. > You kick the lifeless corpse.
  449. > This beast.
  450. > This thing.
  451. > It's a very damnation of god's natural laws.
  453. > What worries you is the fact that you've awoken in a land that harbor's such a beast.
  454. > This must be the land of the damned.
  455. > The place of reckoning.
  457. > A land where the very laws set forth by nature no longer apply.
  458. > A place where logic doesn't exist.
  459. > A land inhabited by mythical beings all ready to kill.
  460. > Worst of all, you have no idea what lurks beyond the next corner.
  461. > Other than a few arms here and there, you have little to defend yourself against the unknown.
  463. > Your ear catches a low hissing sound.
  464. > Almost as if something was wheezing and having trouble breathing.
  465. > The sound, just barely in ear shot, is coming from the far corner of the clearing.
  467. > Without hesitation, you reload your weapon and fire into the direction of the sounds.
  468. > Picking up your things as quickly as you can, you sprint back up the stream.
  470. > With your adrenaline pumping, you pick up the pace and truck through the forest.
  471. > Occasionally you turn around just to check if anything was following you.
  472. > And at any hunch of another presence, you fire you fire your rifle into the darkness, hoping to kill whatever lies in wait.
  474. > You arrive at the foot of the mountain.
  475. > With all your gear in tow, the ascent becomes difficult, but is feasible none the less.
  476. > The air becomes cold, and winds start to howl.
  477. > Luckily, your side of the mountain is a smooth ascent.
  478. > No jagged cliffs here.
  480. > Your exposed skin starts to burn with each passing moment.
  481. > So much so that your lose feeling in your hands.
  482. > But you continue on so, finally reaching the summit.
  484. > You turn around, rifle in hand, to ensure you hadn't been followed.
  485. > Frantically, you aim your rifle back and forth.
  488. > But much to your relief, you're alone.
  490. > You glance around at the summit.
  491. > A small natural springs pumps outs a steady stream of water.
  492. > Several small tree and bushes gather about the source.
  494. > The view up here is amazing.
  495. > And you take a moment to take it all in.
  496. > The surrounding forest stretches for miles in every direction.
  497. > And just before the horizon, you can make out the forest's edge.
  498. > Giving way to rolling country sides.
  500. > The land here is raw and untamed.
  501. > You are as far from home as you could ever be.
  503. > You find the highest point on the summit and take a seat on the rocky ground.
  504. > You produce your radio.
  506. “Wolverine Squadron!”
  507. > …
  508. > ...
  509. > ...
  510. “Wolverine Squadron! Respond!”
  511. > …
  512. > …
  513. > …
  514. “Respond! Please respond!”
  515. > …
  516. > …
  517. > …
  518. “Wolverine Squadron?! Phoenix Squadron?! Anyone! Respond! Please respond!”
  519. > …
  521. > You try. And try. And try.
  522. > But each call for help only brings about nothing but silence.
  523. > Tears well up in your eyes as you bury your head in your hands.
  524. > Ultimately falling into hysterics.
  526. > The radio didn't work.
  527. > Your only idea was a failure.
  528. > You're stuck here.
  529. > Alone.
  532. > You lull it all over in your mind.
  533. > You've been through hell and back.
  534. > Awoke in a god forsaken forest with little to no supplies.
  535. > And no one at your side.
  536. > …
  537. > But that doesn't mean it has to end here.
  539. > There has to be a reason you're here.
  540. > Right?
  542. > You've broken the very laws of the natural order.
  543. > You shouldn't be alive right now.
  544. > It's strange.
  545. > You're stuck in a place where you non-existent entity.
  547. > Your mind struggles to maintain itself.
  548. > Constantly replaying the last moments on the bridge to itself.
  549. > The moment you detonated the bombs.
  550. > The instant you ceased to exist.
  551. > The moment you killed yourself.
  552. > And the moment you killed everyone else?
  554. > Why aren't they here?
  555. > Why aren't they here with you?
  556. > Are you truly alone right now?
  557. > Is all this even real?
  559. > This mountain.
  560. > This forest.
  561. > You.
  562. > Everyone and everything here.
  563. > Is it all real?
  564. > Or is it all just a hallucination?
  565. > Maybe this is all a dream.
  566. > Maybe this is just hell.
  568. > Yeah.
  569. > That's gotta be it.
  570. > There's no point.
  572. > You produce your pistol.
  573. > And you feel it's hefty weight.
  574. > It's polished finish shines in the moonlight.
  575. > It feels as real, just as everything else does.
  577. > You put the pistol to your head.
  578. > The metal barrel prodding against your temple.
  579. > Tears flowing from your eyes.
  580. > Your breathing becomes labored.
  581. > You grit your teeth.
  583. [spoiler] You can't do it. [/spoiler]
  585. > Your hands tremble.
  586. > You feel light headed as you fall to your knees.
  587. > Nausea overcomes you and you vomit all over the ground.
  589. Have you lost your mind?
  591. [spoiler] No. [/spoiler]
  593. [spoiler] Not yet. [/spoiler]
  595. > It may or not be real, but whatever this is...
  596. > But this is it.
  597. > It's what you've wanted.
  598. > Your second chance.
  600. > You pick yourself up from the puddle of bile.
  602. > The cold night air pecking at your face.
  604. > You gather firewood.
  605. > And with what little you could find, you made a small fire.
  606. > It barely provides any warmth.
  607. > But it's enough.
  608. > If just to keep you company.
  610. > You dig trough your bag once more.
  611. > Getting a good feeling for your inventory of items.
  613. > During the war, you kept a large backpack with you at all times.
  614. > You never slept in the same place twice, so it was best to keep everything with you at all times.
  615. > Among your war supplies, you kept some of your closest momentos.
  616. > Things like photos, books and journals.
  618. > As you dig deeper and deeper, you produce an old gameboy in your hands.
  619. > You let out a soft chuckle.
  620. > The old gray and green device is absolutely dwarfed by your clammy grip.
  621. > You find your copy of Tetris, and boot it up.
  622. > And much to your surprise, the familiar “NINTENDO” logo still appears on screen.
  624. > The 8-bit music starts playing once more.
  625. > You tear up.
  626. > It's nostalgic.
  627. > And reminiscent almost like meeting an old friend.
  629. > Using the moon and firelight, you burn through the game once more.
  630. > Piling brinks with ease.
  632. > During the war, there was little time for comfort.
  633. > But this was one of the few escapes from reality.
  634. > A glimpse of your childhood before you.
  635. > To reject your own world, and delve into another.
  636. > It was beautiful.
  638. > You enjoy your time with the game.
  639. > Cherishing each moment spent.
  641. > …
  643. > As the night drags out you gather as much as much firewood availble at the clearing.
  644. > It's small golden flames danced with the howling winds.
  645. > But the small branches and twigs could only last for so long.
  646. > Your turned off your game when your fire went out.
  647. > Leaving you only with the black night.
  649. > You gaze up into it.
  650. > The stars are beautiful.
  651. > And the moon looks especially marvelous this night.
  654. > Leo.
  655. > You were born under the zodiac Leo.
  656. > You scour the skies for the constellation.
  657. > …
  658. > But you can't find it.
  659. > You can't find anything for that matter.
  660. > No Big Dipper
  661. > No North Star.
  662. > Nothing.
  664. > You produce a pack of cigarettes and your Zippo lighter.
  665. > You light the cigarette.
  666. > Savoring it's smooth flavor.
  667. “Tch. It's been too long.”
  669. > No later than you finish your cigarette, you hear a motion in the darkness.
  670. > The low hissing noise is back.
  671. > It sounds like it's coming from all directions.
  673. > Without so much as a second thought you pull up your rifle and begin firing.
  675. > This time, you fire in small controlled bursts.
  676. > You flick the flashlight on and aim down the sights, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever is out there.
  677. > Quickly jolting your rifle back and forth with each sound.
  679. > But they're fast.
  680. > And whatever is out there escapes your light.
  682. > It's unsettling.
  683. > You empty the magazine and load a new one.
  685. > You can hear it's movements.
  686. > Whatever is is hiding behind the shadows is not alone.
  687. > There's probably two or three circling about.
  688. > And they seem to be getting closer.
  690. > You run through your second magazine in a matter of seconds.
  692. > This time, you dig through your bag, hoping to find more ammo.
  693. > But instead, you find something else.
  695. > A flare gun.
  697. > Yes!
  698. > Perfect!
  700. > You ready the gun and aim for the sky.
  701. > Shutting your eyes tight as you fire it into the sky.
  702. > It takes a moment for the white phosphorus to kick in, but when it does, it provides a small amount of light.
  704. > Enough so for you to be able to see around you.
  705. > There, you can see silhouettes in the distance.
  706. > You pull up your rifle and take aim.
  707. > This time spraying at the target.
  710. > CLICK!
  712. > You reload your weapon once more and continue firing.
  715. > Beyond the gunfire, you hear a howling scream.
  716. > And the silhouette falls to the ground.
  717. > It yells out in pain.
  718. > Screeching in a loud coarse voice.
  719. > The other silhouettes call out from the darkness in response.
  721. > You pull your gun up to the others and fire.
  722. > RATATATATA!
  723. > CLICK!
  724. > You listen out for any signs of hitting your mark.
  725. > But you get nothing.
  727. > The flare finally extinguishes itself in air.
  728. > You sling your rifle and pull out the flare gun once more.
  729. > You can hear the others strafe you and move towards the downed target.
  730. > All of them screeching at the top of their lungs.
  731. > It's a horrible sound that is sure to stay with you.
  733. > You start running towards them.
  734. > Moving toward the downed target, you reload the flare gun.
  736. > But you're not fast enough.
  737. > It takes a few precious seconds to re-fire the gun.
  738. > And even longer for the flare to ignite within the night sky.
  740. > And when it does, you arrive at where the target fell.
  741. > All that remains is a dark pool of blood.
  742. > You can see the tracks left by the beings as they dragged their comrade away.
  744. > You aim the rifle down the mountain.
  745. > Just barely, you can spot the beings crawling down the forest at break neck speeds.
  746. > Their wounded comrade in tow.
  748. > Fuck.
  749. > They got away.
  751. > You contemplate running after them.
  752. > But you note their tracks lead back down the mountain and into the forest.
  753. > To venture in there would surely be suicide.
  754. > An option you're not willing to take.
  756. > Your white flare burns overhead for a few more moments.
  757. > It slowly parachutes down the mountain side before burning out.
  758. > Scanning the hilltops you aim for movement.
  759. > But you come up with nothing.
  761. > Content, you turn around and start to head back towards your camp site.
  763. > Those things.
  764. > They were terrifying.
  765. > And the way they called out to each other.
  766. > It was wild.
  767. > Primitive.
  768. > Feral.
  770. > You begin to analyze their pattern of attack.
  771. > Checking the various footprints in the ground.
  773. > When suddenly, you see it.
  774. > You see a bright purple light glowing within the forest.
  775. “What the fuck?” you mutter.
  776. > The purple light begins to glow brighter and brighter.
  778. > When suddenly a small purple light shoots up from the thick tree line.
  779. > It shoots up into the night sky and floats back down.
  780. > It slowly extinguishes itself before another is shot up into the night sky again.
  782. > Its...
  783. > It's a flare!
  785. > You react quickly and fire another white flare into the sky.
  786. > This time, angling it towards the source of the purple flare.
  788. > Your flare lights up the night sky.
  789. > And another purple one is fired up in response.
  791. > It's someone.
  792. > Someone has found you.
  793. > It's a search party!
  794. > Probably your squad!
  795. > They must have gotten your SOS calls.
  796. > Finally, you're going to be out of this hellish nightmare.
  798. > Without so much as a second thought, you
  800. > You gather your things and makes your way towards the flares.
  801. > The thought of finding your old comrades brings tears to your eyes.
  802. > What you wouldn't give to hear the coarse voices of your comrades.
  803. > Maybe if you're lucky, they'll have some cigars at the ready.
  805. > Slowly, but surely, you descent down the mountain, firing a steady stream of flares.
  807. > With your rifle at hand, you trek into the forest once more.
  809. > In the distance you spot a faint purple light.
  810. > You turn your flashlight to strobe and trek towards the light.
  812. “Hey! Hey! Over here!” you shout.
  814. > You inch your way towards the search party.
  815. > In the distance, you hear some voices.
  816. > It's a welcome contrast to the gargled growls you've heard all day.
  818. “Yo! Mac! Team! Over here! I'm over here!” pressing through the bush you make your way towards the others.
  820. > Finally, the you come face to face with the search party.
  822. “W-What...” you mutter.
  824. > Before you stands six small horses.
  825. > They're about the height of your waist.
  826. > Each one of them has an oddly colored coat.
  828. “No...No...No...”
  830. > The small horses, ponies, just stare at you.
  831. > They're unlike anything you've ever seen before.
  832. > Their manes look like they've been styled.
  833. > They carry saddle bags.
  834. > And they've also got small markings along their hind flanks.
  836. > One of the first things you notice is the fact that they're all wearing some form of jewelry.
  837. > Each one of them is a golden necklace with a jewel encrusted in the center.
  839. > All of them, with the exception of a purple pony, who dons a tiara on it's head.
  840. > Upon further inspection, you realize the purple and white ponies have horns upon their heads.
  841. > The yellow and cyan ponies are also sporting a pair of wings.
  842. > Unicorns and pegasi.
  844. “W-w-what the fuck.”
  846. > You pull up your rifle.
  847. > All of you remain in a stand still.
  849. > Somehow, you can see it in their eyes as well.
  850. > You can see the same emotions in their eyes.
  851. > Disbelief, doubt, curiosity, and above all: Fear.
  853. > You lock in eye contact with the purple pony for what seems like an eternity.
  854. > It's studying you.
  855. > You can feel it's eyes prod all over you.
  856. > It's maddening.
  858. > The purple pony takes a step towards you.
  859. > You take a step back
  860. “Woah woah woah!” you shout.
  861. > It takes maintains eye contact, and gives you a deadpan stare.
  862. > It takes another step forward before speaking in a foreign language.
  864. >...
  865. > Wait...
  866. > Did it just talk?
  867. > Did that fucking horse just talk?
  869. > You stagger back as it moves closer.
  870. > It carries a soft female voice.
  872. “Heyheyhey! Stay back! Stay back!” you shout.
  873. > You're not taking any chance with these things.
  874. > But it doesn't let up.
  875. > Instead, it begins to trot forward.
  877. “No! No! Get away! Get the fuck away!!”
  878. > The purple pony turns to speak with the rest of them.
  879. > They all nod before turning to you.
  881. > In the corner of your eye, you watch as the orange pony pulls out a rope from it's saddle bag.
  883. > The purple one starts to yell something out.
  884. > Suddenly, the purple one's horn begins to glow a bright purple.
  885. > The same color as the flares.
  886. > The rope is enveloped in a bright aura as it is levitated into the air.
  888. “W-What the fuck...No. No! No!”
  889. > You pull your rifle up and fire a barrage of rounds into the sky.
  890. > They all flinch.
  891. > The aura diminishes.
  893. > You start to step back.
  894. > Not turning your back on them.
  896. > The purple one quickly regains it's composure.
  897. > Quickly it starts it's horn once more. This time, it pulls out a book from her saddlebag and levitates it in front of her.
  898. > She begins to step forward.
  899. > Her horn starts to glow a bright purple.
  900. > The two pegasi start to take flight.
  901. > They all start to circle you.
  903. > No.
  904. > You've been fed up with the bullshit.
  906. > You pull your rifle up and sprint towards the purple pony.
  907. > Using your bayonet as a spear, you ram towards her, with nothing less than the full intention of killing her.
  909. > CLANK!
  911. “W-What?!” you shout
  912. > Your bayonet collides with a wall made of purple aura.
  913. > The purple pony has a purple force field around you.
  914. > The sheer force of the impact makes you stagger back for a few moments.
  916. > But you're quick.
  917. > You pull the rifle up to your sights and let loose.
  918. > Spraying a flurry of bullets at the purple horse.
  920. > That force field she deflects your bullets.
  921. > You watch in horror as they ricochet of her sheild and into the forest nearby.
  922. > The other ponies flinch as the bullets ricochet near them.
  924. > Just then, the orange pony grabs the rope.
  925. > She starts forms it into a lasso and throws it towards you.
  926. > You try shift your aim towards her.
  927. > But it's too late.
  928. > The rope ties around your the barrel of your weapon.
  930. > You fire it off again, but it's no use.
  931. > She yanks the damned thing right out of your hands.
  932. > Fuck!
  934. > They start to circle you.
  935. > You sprint towards the orange horse and tackle her to the ground.
  936. > The both of you hit the ground with a loud THUD.
  938. > The orange horse tries to punch and kick you.
  939. > But it's no use.
  940. > You easily over power her.
  941. > After a bit of struggling, you position yourself on top of the orange horse.
  942. > You pull your arm back to land a punch
  943. > But it's on use.
  944. > In those crucial moments, the cyan pony takes flight.
  945. > She picks up speed and dives right into you.
  947. > The wind is knocked out of you as she makes contact.
  948. > She knocks you to the ground before regaining her stance.
  949. > You can see a coy smirk on her face and she returns to land.
  951. > The ponies all begin talking amongst themselves.
  952. > If you had to guess, they were probably coordinating their attacks.
  954. > The assault rifle is only a few feet away from you.
  955. > This is your chance.
  956. > You make a dive for it.
  957. > But at the last moment, it is enveloped in a blue aura as it's dragged just out of your reach.
  958. > The rifle is carried back to the white pony, the source of the blue aura.
  960. > You regain your composure.
  961. > You are completely surrounded by all of them.
  962. > You've reached a stand off.
  963. > The purple one starts to shout at you.
  964. > Probably telling you off.
  966. > You reach for your pistol.
  967. > The orange pony throws her lasso towards you, and grabs you by the hand.
  968. > The white one uses her horn and grabs your other hand.
  969. > They pull in opposite directions, leaving you completely defenseless.
  971. “No! Y-You fuckers! W-Who the fuck do you think you are Let me go!”
  973. > You thrash about.
  974. > As they near you, you flail your legs.
  975. > You kick up dirt.
  977. “I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you! Let me go! Leave me alone! I didn't do shit!”
  979. > You stared at them all.
  980. > The looks of fear still lingered in their eyes, just as they did in yours.
  982. > The purple one smirks as she circles around you.
  983. > She speaks to her friends before turning to you.
  985. “Y-You! Assholes! Let me go! Please! Let me go!”
  986. > But they ignore your cries.
  988. > Instead, they begin to go through your belongings
  989. > They ravage through your bag.
  990. > Pulling out your precious mementos.
  992. “H-Hey! Leave that shit alone! You hear me!? Drop it! Drop it! Now!”
  994. > Finally, the purple pony turns her attention to you.
  995. > She speaks to you in a soft tone.
  996. > She pulls your rifle up to your face, waving it about.
  997. > She continues to speak to you. Her tone of voice carries confusion.
  999. > Her horn starts to glow a deep purple.
  1000. “P-Please! Let me go! I-I don't wanna go! Not like this! No!”
  1001. > You watch as the purple pony shoots a bolt of aura at you.
  1003. > As it engulfs you, you begin to lose strength.
  1004. > As if the very life is being sucked out of your body.
  1006. > Soon enough you start to lose your vision and hearing.
  1007. > The ponies' voices start to get muffled out.
  1008. > And soon, everything turns to black as they fade out.
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