
Prince Punished by Anon (Anon/Blueblood)

Feb 19th, 2014
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  1. Prince Punished by Anon
  3. ---
  5. >Royal Torturer. That's hardly a fair title considering all you do in your position is paddle pony behinds, with the rare horsewhipping for the most extreme cases. Though it does sound more intimidating than "Royal Pony Spanker."
  6. >How the fuck did you end up with this job anyway? Your first day was so long ago that you honestly can't even remember.
  7. >Most of your victims are members of the Royal Guard. Their idea of military discipline was nothing to scoff at. What would seem to be trivial infractions to most are met with "administrative punishment" as they liked to refer to it. Some of them even made a game of it - trying to see who was the studliest of stallions by getting into trouble on purpose to see who could take the most licks without making a sound. Military guys. Guess it's the same macho bullshit no matter what world you're from. It's become something of a point of personal pride that you've broken almost every single one of them at some point. You're not even particularly hated by any of them, they know you're just doing your job.
  8. >Today's been slow. You sit at your desk, rocking back in your chair with your feet up and polishing your paddle as you whistle bits and pieces of some old tune that creeps into the back of your mind from time to time in an effort to drive it out.
  9. >The door to your office opens, a familiar silhouette cast on the wall as in steps a powerful white unicorn with multitoned blue mane in full armor, an impressive sight even if you still stood heads above him. You snap to your feet and salute.
  11. >"Shut up, Anon" Shining Armor says, rolling his eyes at you as you snicker. His horn glows, retrieving a notebook from a protected compartment at his side and unceremoniously flopping it down on the desk in front of you.
  12. >"Today's administrative punishment roster," he says as he waits for you to inspect it.
  13. "Well, let's see what we got here..." you say as you pick up the notepad and read down the list. "Insubordination, insubordination, insubordination... unauthorized mess hall access... insubordination, insubordination..." you look up. "That's a lot of insubordination. These new guys really that ballsy or are you just having that time of the month hmm?"
  14. >"You'd know what that's like, wouldn't you Anon? Shall we commiserate?"
  15. >You shake your head with a slight laugh as you turn your attention back to the list. Your expression goes serious when you see the last name on the list.
  16. "You're shitting me, Shiny..."
  17. You give a whistle, a short simple rise and fall in pitch to illustrate your surprise as you flip the page and read the litany of charges.
  18. "Damn Shiny... sorry about your men..."
  19. >"Yeah well that royal pain in the plot is gonna be even MORE sorry. If protocol allowed it I'd be skinning him myself." Shining Armor turns to leave the room, his tone is a bit heavier as he steps out. "Don't go easy on him, Anon."
  20. You nod as the door closes. You shake your head, hanging your paddle back up and taking the whip down from its place on the wall. You reach into a drawer of your desk for a small container of neatsfoot oil, dabbing some onto a cloth and working it into the leather thong of the whip, going back to whistling your song as you work.
  21. >You stand on a specially constructed stage – built just for this event - in the courtyard of Canterlot Castle. The princesses are present, and a large assembled audience of Royal Guard ponies. Your whip hangs limply at your side, the soft, pliable leather almost shines having been freshly oiled for the occassion. Front and center there is a set of stocks at a 90 degree angle to the audience. A few feet away from that, a podium with a military seal on the front of it.
  22. >Shining Armor steps up to the podium, the murmurs from the crowd fall silent for a moment, only to start up with twice the intensity, accompanied by interspersed gasps as a blond-maned, blue-eyed snow-white unicorn stallion is led out onto the stage in chains. His eyes are puffy and he's trembling in fear. You catch yourself beginning to feel somewhat sympathetic for him until you remember what he's charged with.
  23. >Shining Armor begins to address the crowd in an official tone he reserves for announcing the punishment of one of his soldiers, though it has an edge of anger in it you're not accustom to, but is understandable. He reads from a scroll as the unicorn is shackled into the stocks.
  24. >”Prince Blueblood. Under authorization of her Highnesses, Princess Celstia and Princess Luna, you have been tried and convicted by special tribunal of the following charges. Negligence resulting in the death of two officers of the Royal Equestrian Guard. Failure to comply with an ongoing investigation. Tampering with evidence. Providing a false statement to a member of the Royal Equestrian Guard. Conduct unbecoming a member of Canterlot royalty. It is the judgment of the tribunal that you be sentenced to 99 lashes, to be executed this day before these witnesses.”
  25. >He's already crying and quietly begging the guards to let him go, his trembling has intensified. Shining Armor nods to you and you step forward, taking the scroll from him.
  26. “Let it be known that I, Anonymous, Royal Torturer, have read and hereby confirm the order for administrative punishment, bearing the seal and signature of Princess Celestia and that of the Captain of the Royal Guard. Ninety-nine lashes with a leather horsewhip to the buttocks, to be carried out immediately.”
  27. >You hand the scroll back to Shining Armor and assume a position behind the restrained prince. He looks pleadingly at Celestia.
  28. >”Aunt Celestiaaaaaa pleee-he-he-he-heeeease” he sobs. Celestia merely looks at the ground and turns her head away, closing her eyes.
  29. >You unfurl your whip and give it a good snap in the air. The sound causes the stallion to urinate, a puddle forming beneath him that begins to run off the stage. His trembling has turned into violent quaking.
  30. >”PLEEEEASE!”
  31. >”PLEEEEASE!”
  32. >”PLEEEEASE!”
  34. >The desperate wailing makes it sound like he's already in excruciating pain having not yet even taken a single lash. He's trying to run but only managing to slightly splinter the wooden stage beneath him with his hind hoofs. His tail has been wrapped and tied in place so he can't use it to protect his backside.
  35. >You swing the whip around your head once to allow it to pick up speed, putting all your strength into it the next time it comes back around and snaps deafeningly on the unicorn's ass. He flinches and immediately gasps, losing his breath. You see Celestia and Luna wince out of the corner of your eye. Before Blueblood has a chance to make a sound you swing the whip twice more, delivering two more lashes before he finally lets out a surprised scream.
  36. >Three good sized welts have alread arisen on his buttocks, the first of which threatens to start bleeding at any moment. As per Shining Armor's request, you aren't holding anything back. This is gonna leave scars.
  38. >”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Blueblood screams out breathily, his voice trembling with pain and fear. A few of the guards in the front row are smiling, no doubt highly amused that someone so high-and-mighty is being subjected to the punishment of a common pony.
  39. >The fourth and fifth lashes cause the stallion to pee a bit more. He tries bargaining with you.
  40. >”PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE...” he pants, “I'll give you anything you want... money... power... mares... just make it stoooop!”
  41. >You hesitate for a few moments. His crying and sobbing die down a bit as his entire body writhes in pain. You make your way over to an equipment bag you've brought with you, and begin searching through it.
  42. “Gotta be in here somewhere...”
  43. >A few of the onlookers crane their necks trying to get a better look at what you're digging for.
  44. “AHA!” You proclaim, having found it. “Haven't had to use this thing for a while...”
  45. >You walk back over to the restrained prince from behind. He can't see what you have, perhaps thinking you're about to release him.
  46. >“OH thank you THANK you I couldn't take much more of thMMPHH!!!!”
  47. >His words are abruptly interrupted as you stuff a gag into his mouth and tie it behind his head.
  48. >“Now where was I? Ah yes, five I believe,” you say as you idly dangle the whip in front of him before returning to your position behind him. His eyes go wide and he desperately tries to scream out in protest, but it's muffled. The sound of the whip sailing through the air makes contact with his ears.
  49. >“MMMMMMMM!!!!”
  50. CRACK!!
  52. >His hind legs collapse beneath him. You signal a guard, who brings over a small table, lifting the prince up and positions it under his abdomen, holding his plot level so you can continue.
  53. >Lash number ten makes contact a bit lower than you intended and partially strikes his testicles, making every guard in the first few rows wince , and causing a shift in his screaming to a low, guttoral, almost primal moan as his body convulses as if in an epileptic fit. You apologize, not having intended for that to happen, and allow him a few moments to recover.
  54. >With lash number fifteen, the prince defecates all over himself and the stage, causing you to grimace in disgust. Sure it hurts like a bitch but come on, seriously? He'll have no dignity left at all by the time this is over. You sigh and take a seat next to the princesses.
  55. “I can't continue until someone gets him cleaned up,” you say in annoyance.
  56. >A pair of unicorn mares walks onto the stage with a bucket of water and some clean towels, complying with your request, the prince sighing with a bit of relief for this brief respite. Celestia seems troubled so you try to make small talk.
  57. “Can't be easy watching this, your highness... sorry you have to see this...” you offer.
  58. >”No... Blueblood has had this coming for a long time. His actions have had the most dire of repercussions and it's time he learned that just because he's royalty, that doesn't mean he's exempt from the consequences of his actions,” Celestia replies with a sigh, avoiding eye contact with you. “My only hope is that he learns from his mistakes and matures a bit as a result of this.”
  59. >Oh, he's not gonna forget this any time soon. You're gonna make sure of that.
  60. “Thanks, ladies” you say with a smile and a nod to the two mares as they make their way off the stage, both looking more than a little disgusted.
  61. >As you approach the prince to continue, he seems to get a grin on his face. His horn glows with magic, breaking the lock on the stocks, and he makes a break for it after giving you a good kick to knock you out of the way, taking everyone by surprise.
  62. “oh NO you don't” you mutter as you take a running dive off the stage, all in one motion landing on his back, grabbing his horn with one hand and neck in the other and twisting them toward the ground, causing him to immediately faceplant with a loud “OOMF!”
  63. >You sit there on him, holding him down, still forcing his face into the dirt as he whimpers and cries. Two guards start your way to restrain him but you shake your head at them.
  64. “He's MINE,” you pant.
  65. >You shift around and raise a fist in the air.
  66. “That was VERY”
  67. >You punch him in the gut as hard as you can.
  68. “RUDE.”
  69. >Another punch. He coughs and shakes.
  70. “NOW, are we going to have to have this little chat again?” You ask, twisting his neck a bit more.
  71. “MM MM, MM MM” he whimpers.
  72. >He's not the first that's tried to get away from you, and probably won't be the last. You let the guards handle it the first couple times it happened; but when it became too frequent of an occurance – and almost seeming like a personal challenge to your authority - you got so pissed you started to handle stragglers yourself. You've gotten quite good at it, too.
  73. >None of them had ever kicked you before though. That was a big fucking mistake. You literally drag him by his tail back onto the stage and lock him back into the stocks yourself.
  74. “NOW, since you made me LOSE COUNT, I'm just going to have to START OVER.”
  75. >You get no protest from anyone there.
  76. >Except from Blueblood.
  78. >Having eliminated any doubt in Blueblood's mind just who's in charge here, you return to your work. A very large bruise has come up on your thigh where the bastard kicked you, and it still hurts like hell. Any chance he might have had at sympathy or mercy from you has completely evaporated.
  79. >You make an extra effort from that point forward to put every ounce of strength in your body behind every lash. The first immediately brings blood, which spatters on your face. By the time you reach fifteen again, you've nearly worn yourself out, panting and sweating heavily.
  80. >Blueblood's pristine white coat is now matted with blood from his rump all the way down the back of his hind legs where some blood has started to puddle on the floor. There is also a fine mist of blood on your face and chest. The stallion is in so much pain he can hardly make a sound anymore.
  81. “Can I get some water, please?” you ask to one of the mares from before, who gladly brings out a glass of ice-cold water a minute later.
  82. >You pull up a chair and sit in front of Blueblood, taking a sip of the water as he looks at you pleadingly, barely able to breathe through the snot running from his nose, his eyes puffy and swollen from the copious tears that have been flooding from them.
  83. “Your highness,” you say mockingly, “you know, I'm really not such a bad guy.”
  84. >You remove the gag, causing him to immediately inhale deeply and rapidly as he tries to catch his breath, his body trembling as he tries to recover. You offer him a drink from your glass, and he drinks greedily from it.
  85. >”Thank...” gasp “you...” he barely mutters.
  86. “Sir,” you say sternly.
  87. >His eyes go wide and he furrows his eyebrows at you.
  88. >”Ex-cuse me?” he asks in indignation.
  89. >You place the tip of the whip handle over his mouth.
  90. “Shh shh shh.”
  91. >You stare directly into his eyes, putting on the best psychotic face you can as you whisper.
  92. “You. Will refer to me. As 'sir,” you state simply.
  93. >”I will do no such thi-” he's stopped by a hard slap across the face. You scream as loud as you can, placing your forehead almost directly against his.
  95. >You spit in his face.
  96. >Shining Armor tries to intervene.
  97. >”Anon, I think you're being a little-”
  98. “PST!” you raise a finger at Shining Armor and tilt your head toward him giving him a wide-eyed stare, slowly placing the finger over your lips to signal him to not say anything else. This is your job, not his. You have full discretion in these matters and he knows it.
  99. >You turn back to Blueblood and smile, patting him on the cheek gently with a slight chuckle. Without saying anything else, you walk around to his side, swing a leg over his back and sit on him forcefully, causing him to grunt as he struggles to hold you up. You lean forward over the top of the stocks, feeling his hind legs tremble under your weight as you whisper into his ear.
  100. “You know what your kind are back where I'm from?”
  101. >”N...No...”
  102. “What was that?”
  103. >” sir...”
  104. “Good boy,” you say, teasingly patting him on top of the head. “Back where I'm from? Ponies and horses are slaves. You are beasts of burden. You do our heavy lifting and pulling, and carry us on your backs any time we please, just” you bounce on him with each word, feeling his spine bend underneath you, causing him to groan in pain
  105. “like”
  106. *bounce*
  107. “this.”
  108. *bounce*
  109. >You laugh maniacally. Shining Armor's jaw is agape, he's never seen you this way before in all your years of service.
  110. “We don't even really need them any more. You know why we do it?” you ask, scratching behind his ear as you lean in to whisper even more softly into it.
  111. “Because. It's. Fun. That's right! You're our slaves simply for recreation. HAH! And you know what's funny? They, lowly beasts of burden, get more respect and kindness from their masters than you'll *EVER* get from me.”
  112. >You hop off of his back and walk back around in front of him, laughing uncontrollably as you sit back in the chair and place a hand under his chin, forcing him to look you in the eyes.
  113. “Does that make you angry, 'your highness?' Does that... HURT your feelings? That right now you're being treated worse than a slave?”
  114. >He simply whimpers in response.
  115. >You smile, patting him on the head with another laugh. How's THAT for a lesson in humility, Celestia?
  116. >When you glance over at the princess, she has a hoof over her mouth and is blushing fiercely, her wings slightly unfurled.
  117. >You give a weak sigh.
  118. “As much as I'm enjoying our little chat, I'm afraid there's more work to be done.”
  119. >You pick the gag back up. Blueblood groans and whines.
  120. “Pleeee....MMPH”
  121. >No cigar.
  122. >You pick your whip up and give it a few casual strokes through the air.
  123. “Tsk tsk tsk. Would you look at that,” you say, shaking your head and inspecting it, “you've gotten blood all over my favorite tool. You know how long it takes to clean things like this? No, you probably don't, and you probably don't care either, do you? How very, very inconsiderate of you to make me have to whip you so hard.”
  124. >There's an adjustment lever on the stocks to raise and lower them, kind of like a car jack. You start to crank it up and down, until the stocks reach their maximum height, causing Blueblood to stand on the tip of his hooves in an almost completely vertical position.
  125. “There we go!” you chirp happily as the lever gives its last click. “Since your rump is all bloody, and I don't want to have more cleaning to do than I have to, it looks like I'll just have to focus on the cleaner parts of your body, like your back!”
  126. >Blueblood squirms and cries as you step back and take aim. You crack the whip toward him a few times before actually making him contact, so that he never knows when he's going to take his next lash.
  127. Whoosh
  128. whoosh
  129. whoosh
  130. woosh-CRACK!
  131. >”MMMMMMM!!!!”
  132. “You know, it's really too bad your punishment isn't a bit more severe. I have a wonderful idea.”
  133. whoosh
  134. “I'd like to show you what it's like to live as an earth-horse for a month or two.”
  135. whoosh
  136. “I'd find you a nice saddle and bridle.”
  137. whoosh
  138. “Ride you around Canterlot for the whole town to see.”
  139. CRACK!
  140. You leave another fresh red stripe oozing blood on his back.
  141. >”MMMMHMHMM!!!”
  142. “And of course I'd have to find a nice riding crop for when you misbehaved!”
  143. whoosh
  144. “Not that you'd misbehave after this, right?”
  145. whoosh
  146. “You'd be an obedient little pony for me, wouldn't you?”
  147. whoosh
  148. whoosh-CRACK!
  149. “I SAID, WOULDN'T YOU?”
  151. “Of course you would. After all, I'd hate to have to hurt you.”
  152. whoosh
  153. “Humans are supposed to take good care of their ponies, after all.”
  154. whoosh
  155. “Feed them and brush them after a nice long, sweaty ride.”
  156. whoosh
  157. “Bathe them when they're dirty.”
  158. whoosh
  159. “Would you like that, little pony?”
  160. whoosh
  161. “Would you like having me as your master?”
  164. CRACK! CRACK!
  165. “THAT'S A BAD PONY!”
  166. CRACK!
  167. “VERY BAD!”
  169. >”MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
  170. “Now I'll ask you one more time. Would you like having me as your master?”
  171. >”MM! MM-HMM! MM-HMM! MM-HMM!”
  172. “Thaaat's a good boy.”
  173. whoosh
  174. whoosh
  175. whoosh
  176. CRACK! CRACK!
  177. Whoosh
  178. CRACK!
  179. >You sigh.
  180. “Now, that's been thirty lashes. Your punishment is almost a third of the way over! Aren't you just so happy about that?”
  181. whoosh
  182. “I said, aren't you ha-”
  183. >”MMMM-HMMM!!! MM-HMM!!!”
  184. >You smile.
  185. “You're a fast learner, your highness!”
  186. whoosh
  187. >”Hmmmmmm.....” he groans.
  188. >You approach him and gently stroke his lower back where he's been whipped, causing him to flinch slightly. There's so much heat coming off his body that the sweat pouring from him is turning to steam in the cool evening air. His heavy, labored breathing as his body shakes from the chill and pain is reminiscent of a creature that's ready to give it all up and die. You stand in silent contemplation for a few moments.
  189. “I'll tell you what, prince.”
  190. >His ears perk up.
  191. ”You have 69 more lashes to go before your sentence is complete.”
  192. >He shuts his eyes tight, groaning in misery at those words.
  193. “But, I have a proposition for you. You can accept your final 69 lashes, OR”
  194. >”hmm?hmm? Hmmhmhmm?”
  195. “Or, you can do just as I was just saying. Become my slave for three months. If, and only if, that is an acceptable alternative to Princess Celestia and Shining Armor. For that three months, you will do exactly as I say unquestioningly. I will ride you through town with a saddle and bridle very often for others to see, just as I said. Maybe even some longer rides to neighboring towns. You will not be permitted to speak at all. But you will be treated well other than that. I know how degrading that would be for you, but I think you could handle it slightly better than physical torment. That's the only reason I offer it as an alternative. What do you say?”
  196. >You remove the gag from his mouth, he gasps and pants trying to catch his breath again.
  197. “Limited time offer your highness, better choose quickly!”
  198. >He groans and fidgets nervously.
  199. Sigh... “have it your way, sixty nine more lashes it is!”
  200. whoosh
  201. >”WAIT!”
  202. “Hmmm? Oh, I'm sorry, did you wish to speak? Now now now, what do we say?”
  203. >”Please... wait... sir... I... I accept your offer... sir...” he mumbles.
  204. “I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear that. Louder, so they can ALL hear you.”
  205. >”Yes sir... I said... I'll do it sir... I'll be your slave sir. Please sir... I just can't take any more of this... the pain is too much to bear...”
  206. “Hmmmm” you say, holding the handle of the whip under your chin as you cross your arms. “I dunnooooo. You've been pret-ty disrespectful to me here today. But maybe I'll think about it if you ask nicely enough!”
  207. >Another groan.
  208. “Well, when you put it that way...”
  209. CRACK!
  211. “Okay what?”
  212. >”P...please sir... oh please... let me be your slave sir...”
  213. “I'm not convinced.”
  214. CRACK!
  216. You smile and laugh.
  217. “What if I've changed my mind? Hmm? What if I don't want to let you be my slave anymore?”
  218. CRACK!
  219. >”AAAAHH!!! PLEEEEASE SIR!!! I'LL BE YOUR SLAVE FOR *FOUR* MONTHS!!! ANYTHING!! PLEASE JUST STOP SIRRRRR!!!” he cries out desperately. Several of the guard stallions are openly laughing now at his humiliation.
  220. >You turn to Celestia and Shining Armor.
  221. “Your highness? Shining Armor? Is this an acceptable punishment to you?”
  222. >They both hesitate for several moments before eventually nodding.
  223. “Excellent!”
  224. >You approach the prince and unlock the stocks. He falls to the floor and covers his eyes in shame with his front hooves. You unwrap his tail and then turn to the crowd.
  225. “Are you all satisfied that justice has been served?”
  226. >You are met with cheering and laughter. Blueblood continues to tremble and cry, his face bright red.
  227. “COME pony,” you command as you approach the edge of the stage.
  228. >He hesitantly gets up and wobbles toward you, his head hung low in humiliation, any will to resist or fight you gone along with his strength.
  229. >It's always been a point of personal pride that you've been able to break every single one.
  230. >But you're not satisfied with just breaking this one.
  232. >Oh no.
  235. >His punishment has only begun.
  237. fin
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