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May 20th, 2018
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  1. I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.
  3. A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.
  5. If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.
  7. I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.
  9. =========================
  11. You have a purple crystal playstyle?
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  15. I'd like raiding a lot more if I didn't have to put up with raiders...
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  19. By that, do you mean people who can do math and have realistic goals?
  21. god I hate those people too.
  23. =========================
  25. Nah, most people can do math. Only raiders and accountants obsess over a 1% increase though.
  27. Oh, and if you schedule times to play a game, you're more OCD than I'm comfortable with and we won't get along.
  29. =========================
  31. Schedule times to play games, like, around my real life? I plan on playing when I get home from work, but only after I've helped the boy with any homework, made dinner, served diner, cleaned up dinner, socialized with the spouse. Also this weekend I've got a Dentist appointment for above mentioned boy, and possibly a New Years Eve party.
  33. I expect I'll be able to play between 3 and 4 hours tonight, not at all tomorrow and between noon and 4pm on Saturday. So, we can do the raid on Saturday as long as you don't mind me cutting out early if it goes long.
  35. That kind of scheduling? Because if that kind of scheduling makes you uncomfortable, you should move out of your mother's house and get a job and possibly a spouse. join the rest of the world. As Jon Stewart said, "We have shit to do."
  37. =========================
  39. How is scheduling a time to log on with your friends and melt some faces any different from meeting them at a movie or concert? Or maybe you think that group activities should only start once you decide to show up, in which case you are more self-centered and ignorant than I am comfortable with and we won't get along.
  41. =========================
  43. oh man someone better call da amber lamps cause we've got a crystal emergency on our hands here!
  45. You're stuck with *gasp* a DIFFERENT colored saber?!
  47. *darth vader NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*
  49. There is no reason to be stuck on aesthetics so much so early in the game. Come back in a year and complain about not having the right colored crystal. I find it both hilarious and ridiculous that you see this as an issue.
  51. =========================
  53. How can you refuse to participate in raiding or any such group content and believe you should have access to everything in the game??? That really does not make sense, you don't seem to have a good understanding of the way games like this work. Certain activities have rewards. If you don't craft, you will miss some stuff. Don't PVP, you will miss some stuff. Don't raid, you will miss some stuff. Don't quest, you will miss some stuff... etc...
  55. =========================
  57. Because people think 15 bucks = entitled to everything, when really, they are just hamsters spinning the wheel so real players can get mats and free HK's from them.
  59. 2ndly, its not cool if its given to everyone, specialness makes things cool, stop ruining that crybabies.
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