
Who ya' Gonna Call? Part 5: Welcoming Party of Horror!

Nov 11th, 2012
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  1. >That bath was exactly what you needed. The soothing water washed away all the dried on salt water, and jumpsuit funk that seemed coat your entire body. And the soap that these p0nies used was absolutely amazing. Old Spice couldn't hold a candle to this stuff. What was it called anyway?
  2. >'Celestia's Private Reserve'
  3. >Memo to self: as soon as you get some money, buy a bottle of the stuff.
  4. >Speaking of money.. It appears your probably going to be in P0nyville for a while, so your going to need to get a job. After you figured out how to turn gems into ghost-containers you could go back to busting ghost, but you don't know anything about the local currency or what would be a fair price, or if you should charge for it at all.
  5. >Even back at home you always felt weird about giving people a bill for making their houses ghost-free zones.
  6. >Not to mention, it didn't appear to be a major problem here. Florida was a goddamn hotbed of weird shit, any weird news blog could tell you that; so you guys were always running around investigating something.
  7. >Well, you had some skill at working on electronics with a natural knack for engineering... But these p0nies didn't even have phones! And if they did have some form of technology, you'd probably have to spend a long time figuring out how it worked, and how 'magic' seemed to fit into the equation.
  8. >If else failed, you could do customer service or a heavy lifting. Not high paying gigs, but certainly better than being a mooch.
  9. >And then there were living arrangements. Not that living with Twilight would be a terrible thing, the old rule was 'fish and guest stink in three days', and you didn't want to wear out your welcome.
  10. >Well, lets figure out a job before worrying about a place to live. Maybe Rarity knows some people who're hiring? Or Twilight? Or maybe Fluttershy needs some help taking care of all those animals?
  11. >Your thinking way to much about this right now. Just let it all go and enjoy the bath. You can stress and fret afterward.
  12. >Your relaxation is cut short by a tapping at the bathroom door.
  13. >”Hello, Anonymous. Your clothes are ready!” It was Rarity. From your short time talking, you could tell she was a very nice person.. p0ny.. Whatever.
  14. >And it wasn't that fake 'I'm only being nice so you owe me a favor later' kind of nice. Though, to be honest, most of the p0nies you've met so far have been pretty damn spiffy. Except for that Pinkie Pie one. You didn't know what to make of her yet. She probably wasn't dangerous.. Probably.
  15. “Thank you very much, Miss Rarity. I'll be out in a second!”
  16. >You hastily step out of the tub, and quickly dry yourself off with a couple of towels. Your hair was still damp, but it'll air dry.
  17. >”Oh, take your time Anonymous. But do you mind if I speak with you through the door?”
  18. “Oh, sure. Ask away, my brain is yours to pick.”
  19. >”Well, I while I was washing your clothes, I noticed your suit is made of a material I've never encountered before! I simply must know what is it.”
  20. >You laugh gently, wrapping the towel around your waist and heading over to the mirror to style your wet hair just a little. Hey, you spent the majority of your life covered in spirit goo, you deserved to be a little vain every once and a while.
  21. “Well, its a khaki flight suit that's been given a special anti-ectoplasm treatment. It makes it near impossible to rip, and helps protect against any slimming and ghostly assault. Thats the base model though, you should see some of the crazy stuff that they've come up with.”
  22. >”Oh my! Could you describe them for me? I'm always looking for more inspiration for my designs..”
  23. >Your lips curl into a grin. You could do one better than describing. You glanced over at your smart phone, which was currently perched on the sink.
  24. “How about I show you a few pictures?”
  25. >”What?! You have pictures?! That would be fabulous!” She says from behind the door, and you swear you can hear her dancing.
  26. >You chuckled to yourself at the mental image. You open up the door, and sure enough Rarity seems to be doing some type of excited jig, your freshly washed and dried jumpsuit and underwear floating besides her head.
  27. “Heh, cute dance.”
  28. >She jumps slightly, and spins around, “Eep! Don't sneak up on a lady like that, Anonymous.” She says, trying to cover her embarrassment with a small laugh.
  29. “Sorry. But it was such a cute dance.”
  30. >Suddenly, you have a face full of clothes.
  31. >”Well, why don't you get dressed so you can show me those pictures?” You can feel the grin on her face.
  32. >In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best of ideas to tease a p0ny who can levitate objects. Lesson learned!
  33. >Still worth it though.
  34. “Heh, fair enough.”
  35. >Nothing feels quite as good as freshly cleaned underwear. Just enjoy it for a moment, Anon.
  36. >Alright, now for the rest of the outfit. You walk out, where Rarity was patiently waiting for you outside of the room, “Oh my. You look so much better now, Anonymous! Dare I even say, handsome.”
  37. >You laugh a little, covering your face with your hand.
  38. “Now your just being too nice, Miss Rarity. So, ready for some pictures?”
  39. >”Come, we'll go to my studio. I need to be close to my tools if inspiration strikes me!”
  40. “Lead the way.”
  41. >Soon, your sitting in a slightly chaotic (but not too chaotic) room, with various scissors, fabrics, and gem stones thrown about. After explaining what your phone does, you open up some of the pictures you've taken. Oddly enough, she seems more interested in the people in them than the outfits.
  42. “And this picture was at Ghost-Con 2010. Those guys belong to Ghostbuster's Japan precinct, and they always have the weirdest looking, but most advanced stuff. See all the glowing stuff? Thats actually specially grown mood-slime!”
  43. >”Oh my, those outfits are so... Tacky, but fabulous. Its like they're walking contradictions.”
  44. “I know, right!”
  45. >That Ghost-Con was one of your favorites. You and Jethro got drunk with the guys from St. Petersburg and ended up chasing three full body class fours through the Sedgewick hotel while screaming 'Ghostbuster's gonna fuck you up!' in Russian. Good times, good times.
  46. >Your finger glides across the screen, and... Its your older sister in her wedding dress. You smiled as you experienced a mini-flashback. You almost cried when she exchanged vows. That was a long time ago. Last time you talked, she was pregnant. You were going to be an uncle! You almost forgot about that. How long ago was that? A couple months?
  47. >”Who is that? She looks positively stunning.”
  48. “Thats my older sister. I took it on her wedding day. She does look awesome doesn't she?”
  49. >”That is a wedding dress? Oh my, it makes her look positively radiant.”
  50. >.. Goddamn it, you can feel the tears in the corner of your eyes. Next picture! Oh, its the one where you got Lisa to take a picture of you while you were wearing the tux. You were doing the Captain Morgan pose and grinning like a mad man.
  51. >You turn to face Rarity, who is just staring at the picture with an almost vacant expression. Her mouth hanging slightly ajar.
  52. “...Rarity? You okay? Hello?”
  53. >She suddenly sits up, and her horn ignites suddenly as fabric, scissors, and tools begin to fly around the room, “I've been inspired! Excuse me, I must strike while the iron is hot, so to speak.”
  54. “Um. Okay, I guess I'll just get out of your way then. Thanks again for washing my clothes.”
  55. >She gave you a nod, while levitating a roll of light brown and black fabric over your head, “Think nothing of it, dahling! As soon as I'm finished, I'll be sure to show you the results. I'm sure you'll love it.”
  56. >The lady really gets into her work. You walk out of the carousel shaped shop, adjusting your jump-suit. Well, back to the library for another round of twenty questions with Twilight Sparkle...
  57. >You smirk to yourself. You wonder if she'll still be blushing.
  58. >Most of the p0nies around town are still giving you a fairly wide berth, but a few are openly waving at you.
  59. >You make sure to wave to everyone who waved to you, and give them a friendly smile.
  60. >Before long, your standing out in front of the library... but something is off.
  61. >The curtains are closed, and it looks like someone turned out the lights.
  62. >... Uh oh. Your 'Shit is going down' alarm is blaring in your mind.
  63. >You gently place your ear against the front door. Complete silence. Suddenly your second guessing your decision to leave your gear inside the confines of the seemingly innocent library.
  64. >Could the ghost you kept in the trap have gotten out? Not likely; the town isn't in a state of chaos and upheaval. Class fives aren't known for their subtly, after all.
  65. >Suddenly, you heard something. A whisper from coming inside. It wasn't coming from inside of your head, so it wasn't black slime.
  66. >Well, you could spend all day outside of the door trying to figure out whats wrong, or you could go inside and see.
  67. >Whats it gonna be, Anon?
  68. >You cautiously reach for the handle, testing the temperature with your fingers. Felt normal, too.
  69. >Alright, in we go.
  70. >The door swings open easy enough, as you take a few cautious steps inside.
  71. “Twilight? Spike? Hello?”
  72. >You say in a hushed tone while, letting the daylight illuminate the main room. Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind you.
  73. >Shit.. SHIT SHIT! Why didn't you prop it open with a rock!?
  74. >”SURPRISE!”
  75. >The lights suddenly turn on, as your greeted with a couple dozen p0nies jumping out from behind furniture and bookshelves. And there is Pinkie Pie. With a cannon. Pointing at you. And it had a lit fuse.
  76. “...Huh.”
  77. >This isn't the first time you've opened up a door only to come face to face with a cannon.
  78. >You take the few milliseconds before the canon goes off to reflect on just how utterly weird your life can be.
  79. >BOOM!
  80. >Your body braces for the worse, only to be hit with a cloud of confetti.
  81. >” Welcome to your 'Welcome to P0nyville' party, Anonymous!” The bouncy pink blur of sugar-charged energy said, appearing next to you.. And suddenly you start hearing music come out of nowhere.
  82. >...Why does it sound like the instrumentals to Yakko's World?
  83. >”Welcome to P0nyville, my name is Pinkie Pie!
  84. >”It can be hard to make new friends, and why don't we give it a trrryy!
  85. >She inhales deeply, her body puffing up like a balloon.
  86. “Theres... Cloud Chaser, Flitter, and Time Turner too, he really likes his clock.”
  87. >”Its true!”
  88. >”And then theres Daisy, Lily, and Roseluck. They grow flowers a lot!”
  89. >”Of course theres Lotus Blossom and Aloe, they run the local spa”
  90. >”I'm sure if you ask nicely, they'll give you a massaaaage!”
  91. >”And lets not forget Snowflake, he's a big ole' muscle p0ny!”
  92. >”YEAH!”
  93. >”Theres Bon-Bon and Lyra, Derpy too, they're such fun p0nies!”
  94. >You can't help but start to clap in tune with the music and Pinkie continues on. This mare's enthusiasm is infectious.
  95. >”next to last Minutte, Allie Way, and Berry Punch.”
  96. >”She likes to get tipsy sometimes, and party abunch.”
  97. >”And lets not forget, two of my bestest friends,
  98. >”they'll round out this group of p0nies quite nicely”
  99. >”Their Applejack and Rainbow Daaaasssshiiiieeeee!”
  100. >And then the music stops.. And there is another explosion of confetti as the library is almost instantly decorated. Food, a punch bowl, and even a cake! There is even a little figurine of you standing on top of it wrangling that ghost from last night... Its naked, but hey, its still pretty cool.
  101. >She's got be some type of class seven trickster... But she's a nice one, not like Loki. Loki is a prick.
  102. >All of the p0nies look at you. All smiling expectantly. Time to turn on the Anonymous charm.
  103. “Hello everybody. I'm Anonymous... Whose ready to party?!”
  104. >All of the p0nies cheered loudly, expect for the muscle bound Snowflake who just shouted, ”YEAH!”
  106. =======
  108. >After some dancing, eating a slice of cake (which was pretty kicking) and munching on some snacks, you found yourself sitting on a couch, with Applejack, Rainbow Dash (Not Dashie, she was insistent about that.), and Pinkie Pie hovering around you (bouncing in Pinkie Pie's case).
  109. “I have to be honest, I wasn't sure about all this.. But I'll be damned if this isn't the most fun I've had in a long time.”
  110. >”Of course silly, parties are always fun! Too bad Twilight didn't want to come.”
  111. “Oh yeah. Where is she anyway?”
  112. >”Down in her laboratory with Spike. We were helping Pinkie Pie setup, but before we could ask her, she ran down there and dragged Spike with her.” Rainbow Dash shrugged.
  113. >”Yeah! Not ta' mention her face was redder than an apple at harvest time. Ah tried ta' ask her about it, but she just said it wasn't nothin'. Didn't believe her fer a second though.” Added the orange maned Applejack.
  114. >Maybe she took that joke more seriously than you intended.
  115. “Really? Did she say anything else?”
  116. >Rainbow Dash shook her head, “Not really. Just she had to do lots of work, blah blah blah, research. Typical Twilight 'I'm too smart to party' stuff.”
  117. “Well thats a damn shame. And, Anonymous, will not stand for it! I shall retrieve Twilight from the confines of her basement, and she will partake in this most excellent of parties!”
  118. >You stand up, doing a dramatic pose. The three ponies giggle... Now, which door leads to the-
  119. >Suddenly, the door on the far right of the room is flung open, Twilight standing in the door way, wide eyed and hyperventilating.
  120. >”Princess.. Tomorrow... Problem...” was all she could squeak.
  121. “.. Wow, I'm better than I thought.”
  122. >Rainbow Dash looks over at you, and smacks your side with a hoof. You just give her a grin, and a sly wink.
  123. “Don't hate.”
  124. >She rolled her eyes, and gave you a smirk before walking over to visibly shaken Twilight, ”Hey Twilight, why are you looking like you've seen a ghost?”
  125. >Twilight gives Rainbow a deadpan glare, “Ha ha, very funny Dash, but this is serious! I just got a message from Princess Celestia, and she wants to meet Anonymous... Tomorrow!”
  126. >Suddenly, the entire room went dead silent.
  127. >”Oooh, I've got another party plan for tomorrow. Yay!” Pinkie cheered, breaking the silence. Then all hell broke loose.
  128. >Aloe and Lotus Blossom were running about, trying to figure out if Celestia would stop by their spa and how to massage an alicorn.
  129. >Why does “alicorn” sound familiar?
  130. >Snowflake was shouting “OH NO! OH NO!” over and over again, then saying he wasn't buff enough yet.
  131. > Daisy and Lily were fanning an unconscious Roseluck.
  132. >...Where the hell were Timetuner, Flitter, and Cloud Chaser? And what was that weird wibbly wobbly timey whimmy noise you kept hearing?
  133. >And why was Derpy's head suddenly in a giant muffin?! Where did that even come from? Dramatic convenience land?
  134. >And Rainbow Dash was flying around shouting about working on her routine so she could get into something called the 'Wonderbolts'.
  135. >It appeared the only p0ny who wasn't collectively losing their shit was Applejack, you look over at her.
  136. “..I'm guessing this is a big deal?”
  137. >She just nods her head, “Its a mighty big deal, sugar-cube.”
  138. “Dare I ask why..?”
  139. >Applejack looks at you, and sighs, “Ya' have no idea who Princess Celestia is, do ya'?”
  140. “I know she has a brand of soap, and she's Twilight's pen-pal.”
  141. >”She's also Twilight's teacher! And the ruler of all Equestria.”
  142. >You stand there in silence, that small nugget of information slowing sinking into your brain, where it was processed and filed away. You then look over the chaotic crowd for a moment. If she inspired this much panic in her constituents by simply arriving in town...
  143. >Your can feel your eyes get wide.
  144. “Well, that answers the burning question if I'll be wearing underwear tomorrow.”
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