
The Villain

Jan 18th, 2020
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  265. <div id="Layout" oncontextmenu="return false;">
  267. <div class="credit" title="Profile by RageQxeen">♛</div>
  269. <div id="container">
  271. <div id="nav">
  272. <a href="#one">Main</a>
  273. <a href="#two">Seco</a>
  274. <a href="#three">Thir</a>
  275. <a href="#four">Four</a>
  276. </div>
  278. <div id="nameunder">Tomura Shigaraki</div><div id="name">Tomura Shigaraki</div>
  280. <div id="image"></div>
  282. <div id="content">
  283. <div style="width: 360px; height: 170px; overflow-y: hidden;">
  285. <a name="one"></a>
  286. <div style="width: 360px; height: 170px; overflow: auto;" align="center">
  287. <span style="float:left;"><b>Name</b></span><span style="float:right;">Shimura Tenko</span><br>
  288. <span style="float:left;"><b>Alias(es)</b></span><span style="float:right;">Tomura Shigaraki</span><br>
  289. <span style="float:left;"><b>Gender</b></span><span style="float:right;">Male</span><br>
  290. <span style="float:left;"><b>Age</b></span><span style="float:right;">20's</span><br><br>
  291. <span style="float:left;"><b>Height</b></span><span style="float:right;">6'</span><br>
  292. <span style="float:left;"><b>Weight</b></span><span style="float:right;">190 lbs</span><br>
  293. <span style="float:left;"><b>Orientation</b></span><span style="float:right;">Hetero</span><br>
  294. <span style="float:left;"><b>Relationship</b></span><span style="float:right;">Single</span><br>
  295. <span style="float:left;"><b>Race</b></span><span style="float:right;">Human</span><br>
  296. <span style="float:left;"><b>Mentality</b></span><span style="float:right;">Unstable</span><br><br>
  297. <span style="float:left;"><b>Eyes</b></span><span style="float:right;">Gunmetal</span><br>
  298. <span style="float:left;"><b>Hair</b></span><span style="float:right;">Silver</span><br>
  299. <span style="float:left;"><b>Quirk</b></span><span style="float:right;">Decay</span><br>
  300. <span style="float:left;"><b>Affiliation</b></span><span style="float:right;"><a href="" target="_blank">All For One</a></span><br>
  301. </div>
  303. <a name="two"></a>
  304. <div style="width: 360px; height: 170px; overflow: auto;" align="center">
  305. <b><center><big>Decay</b></center></big><br>
  306. Tomura's Quirk allows him to disintegrate whatever he touches with his hands. Whether the target is organic or not, it will work without fail. The disintegration will spread through their whole body if a victim doesn't amputate the decaying body part, as shown with Chisaki's arm. Tomura's control over his Quirk has improved over time, as its speed has become noticeably faster in subsequent usages.
  307. <br><br>
  308. However, Decay will only work when all five of his fingers touch the target, indicating that the activation of the Quirk isn't voluntary. As such, Tomura is often careful with his hands when touching objects he doesn't want to destroy. Because the Quirk has to touch a solid object in order to be activated, it is possible to counter it through manipulation of fluids or particles, such as Snatch's sand body.
  309. </div>
  310. </div>
  311. </div>
  314. <div id="content2">
  315. <div style="width: 360px; height: 170px; overflow-y: hidden;">
  317. <a name="three"></a>
  318. <div style="width: 360px; height: 170px; overflow: auto;" align="center">
  320. </div>
  324. <a name="four"></a>
  325. <div style="width: 360px; height: 170px; overflow: auto;" align="center">
  326. <b>00</b>. Code made by RageQxeen, do not steal; codes found <a href="/profile.php?user=RageQxeen" target="_blank">here</a>!<br><br>
  327. <b>01</b>.
  328. </div>
  329. </div>
  330. </div>
  332. <div id="friendlist">
  333. <div style="width: 150px; height: 400px; overflow: auto;" align="center">
  335. <a target="_blank" href="PROFILE LINK HERE"><img src="IMAGE LINK HERE" height="75" width="75" align="left" border="3"></a>
  336. <center><b>- Name -</b><br> <i>foe/friend/neutral</i></center> small note.<br><br><br><br>
  337. <a target="_blank" href="PROFILE LINK HERE"><img src="IMAGE LINK HERE" height="75" width="75" align="left" border="3"></a>
  338. <center><b>- Name -</b><br> <i>foe/friend/neutral</i></center> small note.<br><br><br><br>
  339. <a target="_blank" href="PROFILE LINK HERE"><img src="IMAGE LINK HERE" height="75" width="75" align="left" border="3"></a>
  340. <center><b>- Name -</b><br> <i>foe/friend/neutral</i></center> small note.<br><br><br><br>
  341. <a target="_blank" href="PROFILE LINK HERE"><img src="IMAGE LINK HERE" height="75" width="75" align="left" border="3"></a>
  342. <center><b>- Name -</b><br> <i>foe/friend/neutral</i></center> small note.<br><br><br><br>
  343. <a target="_blank" href="PROFILE LINK HERE"><img src="IMAGE LINK HERE" height="75" width="75" align="left" border="3"></a>
  344. <center><b>- Name -</b><br> <i>foe/friend/neutral</i></center> small note.
  345. </div>
  346. </div>
  347. </div>
  349. <div id="editthis"><div id="music1"><div id="music2">
  350. <img src="" style="opacity: 0.8;"></div>
  351. <div id="music3"><Div style="margin-top:4px;">
  352. <audio controls style="opacity: 0;"><source src=""></audio>
  353. </div></div></div></div>
  354. </div>
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