

Oct 3rd, 2018
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  1. In com.kzing.kzing.kzing:2.1.03:1.
  2. * com.kzing.ui.TransferRecordListActivity has leaked:
  3. * thread Timer$TimerImpl.<Java Local> (named 'Timer-1')
  4. * ↳ CustomViewPagerLoopAdapter$1.this$0 (anonymous subclass of java.util.TimerTask)
  5. * ↳ CustomViewPagerLoopAdapter.customInfinViewPager
  6. * ↳ CustomInfinViewPager.mContext
  7. * ↳ MainActivity.gameFragment
  8. * ↳ GameFragment.!(disposableManager)!
  9. * ↳ DisposableManager.!(instance)!
  10. * ↳ CompositeDisposable.!(resources)!
  11. * ↳ OpenHashSet.!(keys)!
  12. * ↳ array Object[].!([23])!
  13. * ↳ LambdaObserver.!(onNext)!
  14. * ↳ GameFragment$$Lambda$3.!(arg$2)! (anonymous implementation of io.reactivex.functions.Consumer)
  15. * ↳ TabLayout$Tab.!(mParent)!
  16. * ↳ TabLayout.mContext
  17. * ↳ TransferRecordListActivity
  19. * Reference Key: 7c4c6f7f-1e4e-459e-9572-c47053703eef
  20. * Device: samsung samsung SM-G610F on7xeltedd
  21. * Android Version: 6.0.1 API: 23 LeakCanary: 1.6.1 26145bf
  22. * Durations: watch=5019ms, gc=234ms, heap dump=9941ms, analysis=253839ms
  24. * Details:
  25. * Instance of java.util.Timer$TimerImpl
  26. | cancelled = false
  27. | finished = false
  28. | tasks = java.util.Timer$TimerImpl$TimerHeap@322572544 (0x133a1100)
  29. | contextClassLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@314584672 (0x12c02e60)
  30. | daemon = false
  31. | group = java.lang.ThreadGroup@1874357424 (0x6fb86cb0)
  32. | hasBeenStarted = true
  33. | id = 5556
  34. | inheritableValues = null
  35. | interruptActions = java.util.ArrayList@322572480 (0x133a10c0)
  36. | localValues = null
  37. | lock = java.lang.Object@322569408 (0x133a04c0)
  38. | name = "Timer-1"
  39. | nativePeer = -607779072
  40. | parkBlocker = null
  41. | parkState = 1
  42. | priority = 5
  43. | stackSize = 0
  44. | target = null
  45. | uncaughtHandler = null
  46. | shadow$_klass_ = java.util.Timer$TimerImpl
  47. | shadow$_monitor_ = 1324336317
  48. * Instance of com.kzing.ui.custom.CustomViewPagerLoopAdapter$1
  49. | static $staticOverhead = byte[16]@316876481 (0x12e326c1)
  50. | static serialVersionUID = 5663420353534912289
  51. | static $change = null
  52. | this$0 = com.kzing.ui.custom.CustomViewPagerLoopAdapter@320192320 (0x1315bf40)
  53. | cancelled = false
  54. | fixedRate = true
  55. | lock = java.lang.Object@322569392 (0x133a04b0)
  56. | period = 5000
  57. | scheduledTime = 1538624426955
  58. | when = 1538624431955
  59. | shadow$_klass_ = com.kzing.ui.custom.CustomViewPagerLoopAdapter$1
  60. | shadow$_monitor_ = 0
  61. * Instance of com.kzing.ui.custom.CustomViewPagerLoopAdapter
  62. | static $staticOverhead = byte[16]@314775553 (0x12c31801)
  63. | static serialVersionUID = 4623682320020040274
  64. | static $change = null
  65. | customInfinViewPager = com.kzing.ui.custom.CustomInfinViewPager@320179200 (0x13158c00)
  66. | pagingStop = false
  67. | pagingTimer = java.util.Timer@320231680 (0x13165900)
  68. | viewList = java.util.ArrayList@320268672 (0x1316e980)
  69. | viewList = null
  70. | mObservable = android.database.DataSetObservable@320231664 (0x131658f0)
  71. | mViewPagerObserver =$PagerObserver@320231392 (0x131657e0)
  72. | shadow$_klass_ = com.kzing.ui.custom.CustomViewPagerLoopAdapter
  73. | shadow$_monitor_ = 0
  74. * Instance of com.kzing.ui.custom.CustomInfinViewPager
  75. | static $staticOverhead = byte[16]@318144513 (0x12f68001)
  76. | static serialVersionUID = 2548558159735909636
  77. | static $change = null
  78. | isPagingEnabled = true
  79. | pageCount = 4
  80. | mActivePointerId = -1
  81. | mAdapter = com.kzing.ui.custom.CustomViewPagerLoopAdapter@320192320 (0x1315bf40)
  82. | mAdapterChangeListeners = null
  83. | mBottomPageBounds = 309
  84. | mCalledSuper = true
  85. | mChildHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742133
  86. | mChildWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904
  87. | mCloseEnough = 6
  88. | mCurItem = 2
  89. | mDecorChildCount = 0
  90. | mDefaultGutterSize = 48
  91. | mDrawingOrder = 0
  92. | mDrawingOrderedChildren = null
  93. | mEndScrollRunnable =$3@320231376 (0x131657d0)
  94. | mExpectedAdapterCount = 6
  95. | mFakeDragBeginTime = 0
  96. | mFakeDragging = false
  97. | mFirstLayout = false
  98. | mFirstOffset = -3.4028235E38
  99. | mFlingDistance = 75
  100. | mGutterSize = 48
  101. | mInLayout = false
  102. | mInitialMotionX = 0.0
  103. | mInitialMotionY = 0.0
  104. | mInternalPageChangeListener = null
  105. | mIsBeingDragged = false
  106. | mIsScrollStarted = true
  107. | mIsUnableToDrag = false
  108. | mItems = java.util.ArrayList@320266656 (0x1316e1a0)
  109. | mLastMotionX = 0.0
  110. | mLastMotionY = 0.0
  111. | mLastOffset = 3.4028235E38
  112. | mLeftEdge = android.widget.EdgeEffect@320259456 (0x1316c580)
  113. | mMarginDrawable = null
  114. | mMaximumVelocity = 24000
  115. | mMinimumVelocity = 1200
  116. | mNeedCalculatePageOffsets = false
  117. | mObserver =$PagerObserver@320231392 (0x131657e0)
  118. | mOffscreenPageLimit = 1
  119. | mOnPageChangeListener = null
  120. | mOnPageChangeListeners = java.util.ArrayList@320266688 (0x1316e1c0)
  121. | mPageMargin = 0
  122. | mPageTransformer = null
  123. | mPageTransformerLayerType = 0
  124. | mPopulatePending = false
  125. | mRestoredAdapterState = null
  126. | mRestoredClassLoader = null
  127. | mRestoredCurItem = -1
  128. | mRightEdge = android.widget.EdgeEffect@320259552 (0x1316c5e0)
  129. | mScrollState = 0
  130. | mScroller = android.widget.Scroller@320064768 (0x1313cd00)
  131. | mScrollingCacheEnabled = false
  132. | mTempItem =$ItemInfo@320266720 (0x1316e1e0)
  133. | mTempRect = (0x1316e200)
  134. | mTopPageBounds = 0
  135. | mTouchSlop = 42
  136. | mVelocityTracker = null
  137. | IS_ELASTIC_ENABLED = false
  139. | mAnimationListener = null
  140. | mCachePaint = null
  141. | mChildAcceptsDrag = false
  142. | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
  143. | mChildTransformation = null
  144. | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@320262464 (0x1316d140)
  145. | mChildrenCount = 3
  146. | mCurrentDrag = null
  147. | mCurrentDragView = null
  148. | mDisappearingChildren = null
  149. | mDragNotifiedChildren = null
  150. | mFirstHoverTarget = null
  151. | mFirstTouchTarget = null
  152. | mFocused = null
  153. | mGroupFlags = 2375763
  154. | mHoveredSelf = false
  155. | mInvalidateRegion = null
  156. | mInvalidationTransformation = null
  157. | mLastTouchDownIndex = -1
  158. | mLastTouchDownTime = 0
  159. | mLastTouchDownX = 0.0
  160. | mLastTouchDownY = 0.0
  161. | mLayoutAnimationController = null
  162. | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
  163. | mLayoutMode = -1
  164. | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$4@320231408 (0x131657f0)
  165. | mLocalPoint = null
  166. | mNestedScrollAxes = 0
  167. | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
  168. | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
  169. | mPreSortedChildren = null
  170. | mSuppressLayout = false
  171. | mTempPoint = null
  172. | mTransientIndices = null
  173. | mTransientViews = null
  174. | mTransition = null
  175. | mTransitioningViews = null
  176. | mTwHorizontalScrollbarRectRelativePosX = 0
  177. | mTwVerticalScrollbarRectRelativePosY = 0
  178. | mTwX = 0.0
  179. | mTwY = 0.0
  180. | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
  181. | isPenSideButton = false
  182. | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
  183. | mAccessibilityDelegate =$AccessibilityDelegateApi16Impl$1@320231424 (0x13165800)
  184. | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
  185. | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
  186. | mAccessibilityViewId = -1
  187. | mAirButtonImpl = null
  188. | mAnimator = null
  189. | mAttachInfo = android.view.View$AttachInfo@317575712 (0x12edd220)
  190. | mAttributes = null
  191. | mBackground = null
  192. | mBackgroundPath = null
  193. | mBackgroundRenderNode = null
  194. | mBackgroundResource = 0
  195. | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true
  196. | mBackgroundTint = null
  197. | mBottom = 309
  198. | mCachingFailed = false
  199. | mClipBounds = null
  200. | mContentDescription = null
  201. | mContext = com.kzing.ui.MainActivity@315278480 (0x12cac490)
  202. | mCurrentAnimation = null
  203. | mDisablePenGestureforfactorytest = true
  204. | mDrawableState = int[2]@1874635680 (0x6fbcaba0)
  205. | mDrawingCache = null
  206. | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
  207. | mEnablePenGesture = false
  208. | mFloatingTreeObserver = null
  209. | mForegroundInfo = null
  210. | mGhostView = null
  211. | mHasPerformedLongPress = false
  212. | mHoverPopup = null
  213. | mHoverPopupToolTypeByApp = 0
  214. | mHoverPopupType = 0
  215. | mID = 2131689811
  216. | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
  217. | mInContextButtonPress = false
  218. | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
  219. | mIsDetachedFromWindow = false
  220. | mIsInDialog = false
  221. | mIsSetContextMenuZOrderToTop = false
  222. | mIsSetFingerHovedInAppWidget = true
  223. | mIsWritingBuddyEnabled = false
  224. | mKeyedTags = null
  225. | mLabelForId = -1
  226. | mLastIsOpaque = false
  227. | mLayerPaint = null
  228. | mLayerType = 0
  229. | mLayoutInsets = null
  230. | mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams@320262528 (0x1316d180)
  231. | mLeft = 0
  232. | mLeftPaddingDefined = false
  233. | mListenerInfo = android.view.View$ListenerInfo@320236848 (0x13166d30)
  234. | mMatchIdPredicate = null
  235. | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
  236. | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@320266784 (0x1316e220)
  237. | mMeasuredHeight = 309
  238. | mMeasuredWidth = 1080
  239. | mMinHeight = 0
  240. | mMinWidth = 0
  241. | mNeededToChangedScrollBarPosition = false
  242. | mNestedScrollingParent = null
  243. | mNextFocusDownId = -1
  244. | mNextFocusForwardId = -1
  245. | mNextFocusLeftId = -1
  246. | mNextFocusRightId = -1
  247. | mNextFocusUpId = -1
  248. | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742133
  249. | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904
  250. | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1874630408 (0x6fbc9708)
  251. | mOverScrollMode = 1
  252. | mOverlay = null
  253. | mPaddingBottom = 0
  254. | mPaddingLeft = 0
  255. | mPaddingRight = 0
  256. | mPaddingTop = 0
  257. | mParent = android.widget.FrameLayout@320148480 (0x13151400)
  258. | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
  259. | mPendingCheckForTap = null
  260. | mPerformClick = null
  261. | mPrivateFlags = -2124277744
  262. | mPrivateFlags2 = 1611867688
  263. | mPrivateFlags3 = 20
  264. | mRecreateDisplayList = false
  265. | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@320266816 (0x1316e240)
  266. | mRenderNodeImageFilter = null
  267. | mRenderNodeImageFilterClipRects = java.util.ArrayList@320266848 (0x1316e260)
  268. | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@318129616 (0x12f645d0)
  269. | mRight = 1080
  270. | mRightPaddingDefined = false
  271. | mRootViewCheckForDialog = null
  272. | mScrollBarPositionPadding = 0
  273. | mScrollCache = null
  274. | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
  275. | mScrollX = 2160
  276. | mScrollY = 0
  277. | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
  278. | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null
  279. | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
  280. | mSkipRtlCheck = false
  281. | mSmartClipDataExtractionListener = null
  282. | mSmartClipDataTag = null
  283. | mStartActivityRequestWho = null
  284. | mStateListAnimator = null
  285. | mSystemUiVisibility = 0
  286. | mTag = null
  287. | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
  288. | mTop = 0
  289. | mTouchDelegate = null
  290. | mTouchSlop = 21
  291. | mTouchwizFlags = 0
  292. | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@320266880 (0x1316e280)
  293. | mTransientStateCount = 0
  294. | mTransitionName = null
  295. | mTwExtraPaddingBottomForPreference = 0
  296. | mTwHorizontalScrollbarPosition = 0
  297. | mTwHorizontalScrollbarRect = (0x1316e2a0)
  298. | mTwScrollingByScrollbar = false
  299. | mTwScrollingVertical = true
  300. | mTwVerticalScrollbarRect = (0x1316e2c0)
  301. | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
  302. | mUnsetPressedState = null
  303. | mUserPaddingBottom = 0
  304. | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
  305. | mUserPaddingLeft = 0
  306. | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
  307. | mUserPaddingRight = 0
  308. | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
  309. | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
  310. | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
  311. | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
  312. | mViewFlags = 402653185
  313. | mWindowAttachCount = 1
  314. | mWritingBuddy = null
  315. | mXmlFilePath = null
  316. | shadow$_klass_ = com.kzing.ui.custom.CustomInfinViewPager
  317. | shadow$_monitor_ = 0
  318. * Instance of com.kzing.ui.MainActivity
  319. | static $staticOverhead = byte[16]@317898753 (0x12f2c001)
  320. | static serialVersionUID = 4614030681434382006
  321. | static $change = null
  322. | DRAWER_GRAVITY = 5
  323. | accountFragment = com.kzing.ui.fragment.AccountFragment@314675200 (0x12c19000)
  324. | backPressTimer = 0
  325. | binding = com.kzing.ui.MainActivity$ViewBindings@320336512 (0x1317f280)
  326. | fragmentList = java.util.ArrayList@320347456 (0x13181d40)
  327. | gameFragment = com.kzing.ui.fragment.GameFragment@314894320 (0x12c4e7f0)
  328. | lastTabPosition = 0
  329. | mainFragment = com.kzing.ui.fragment.MainFragment@314674624 (0x12c18dc0)
  330. | walletFragment = com.kzing.ui.fragment.WalletFragment@314675392 (0x12c190c0)
  331. | alertDialog = null
  332. | bundle = android.os.Bundle@320347488 (0x13181d60)
  333. | disposableManager = com.kzing.util.DisposableManager@320232336 (0x13165b90)
  334. | intent = android.content.Intent@320261472 (0x1316cd60)
  335. | keyboardShowing = false
  336. | progressBar = null
  337. | swipeRefreshLayout = null
  338. | mDelegate = (0x12f65f20)
  339. | mResources = null
  340. | mThemeId = 2131493020
  341. | mCreated = true
  342. | mFragments = (0x13165ba0)
  343. | mHandler =$1@318581632 (0x12fd2b80)
  344. | mLoaderManager = null
  345. | mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0
  346. | mPendingFragmentActivityResults = (0x13181d80)
  347. | mReallyStopped = true
  348. | mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false
  349. | mResumed = false
  350. | mRetaining = false
  351. | mStopped = true
  352. | mViewModelStore = null
  353. | mStartedActivityFromFragment = false
  354. | mStartedIntentSenderFromFragment = false
  355. | mExtraDataMap = (0x13181da0)
  356. | mLifecycleRegistry = android.arch.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@320347584 (0x13181dc0)
  357. | DEBUG_ELASTIC = false
  358. | IS_ELASTIC_ENABLED = false
  359. | mActionBar = null
  360. | mActionModeTypeStarting = 0
  361. | mActivityInfo = (0x1313cf00)
  362. | mActivityTransitionState = (0x1316da40)
  363. | mApplication = com.kzing.KZApplication@318485120 (0x12fbb280)
  364. | mCalled = true
  365. | mChangeCanvasToTranslucent = false
  366. | mChangingConfigurations = false
  367. | mComponent = android.content.ComponentName@320232368 (0x13165bb0)
  368. | mConfigChangeFlags = 0
  369. | mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration@320065408 (0x1313cf80)
  370. | mDecor =$DecorView@318386176 (0x12fa3000)
  371. | mDefaultKeyMode = 0
  372. | mDefaultKeySsb = null
  373. | mDefinedOrientation = -2
  374. | mDestroyed = false
  375. | mDoReportFullyDrawn = false
  376. | mEmbeddedID = null
  377. | mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false
  378. | mEnterTransitionListener =$1@1874602416 (0x6fbc29b0)
  379. | mExitTransitionListener =$1@1874602416 (0x6fbc29b0)
  380. | mExpandRequestListener = null
  381. | mFeatureContextMenuListener =$FeatureContextMenuListener@320232384 (0x13165bc0)
  382. | mFinished = false
  383. | mFlipfont = 0
  384. | mFragments = (0x13165bd0)
  385. | mHandler = android.os.Handler@320347616 (0x13181de0)
  386. | mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = false
  387. | mIdent = 75957611
  388. | mInjectionManager = null
  389. | mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker@320232416 (0x13165be0)
  390. | mInstrumentation = (0x13180330)
  391. | mIntent = android.content.Intent@320261568 (0x1316cdc0)
  392. | mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null
  393. | mLauncherBooster = null
  394. | mMainThread = (0x12c03100)
  395. | mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList@320347648 (0x13181e00)
  396. | mManagedDialogs = null
  397. | mMenuInflater = null
  398. | mMultiWindowStyle = (0x1317f2b0)
  399. | mParent = null
  400. | mPolicyManager = null
  401. | mPreferredOrientation = -2
  402. | mPreventEmbeddedTabs = false
  403. | mReferrer = "com.kzing.kzing.kzing"
  404. | mResultCode = 0
  405. | mResultData = null
  406. | mResumed = false
  407. | mScreenChangeListener = null
  408. | mSearchEvent = null
  409. | mSearchManager = null
  410. | mShrinkRequestListener = null
  411. | mStackedHeight = -1
  412. | mStartedActivity = false
  413. | mStopped = true
  414. | mSubDecor = null
  415. | mSubWindow = null
  416. | mSubWindowAdded = false
  417. | mSubWindowDummpy = null
  418. | mTemporaryPause = false
  419. | mTitle = " Lokwen A1A1"
  420. | mTitleColor = 0
  421. | mTitleReady = true
  422. | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@318442848 (0x12fb0d60)
  423. | mTranslucentCallback = null
  424. | mUiThread = java.lang.Thread@1967396248 (0x75441598)
  425. | mVisibleBehind = false
  426. | mVisibleFromClient = true
  427. | mVisibleFromServer = false
  428. | mVoiceInteractor = null
  429. | mWindow = (0x12fb2180)
  430. | mWindowAdded = true
  431. | mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@318518560 (0x12fc3520)
  432. | myName = "com.kzing.ui.MainActivity"
  433. | mInflater = (0x12fbe730)
  434. | mOverrideConfiguration = null
  435. | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@318129616 (0x12f645d0)
  436. | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@318518592 (0x12fc3540)
  437. | mThemeResource = 2131493020
  438. | mBase = (0x12f64f60)
  439. | shadow$_klass_ = com.kzing.ui.MainActivity
  440. | shadow$_monitor_ = -1994187415
  441. * Instance of com.kzing.ui.fragment.GameFragment
  442. | static $staticOverhead = byte[16]@317929473 (0x12f33801)
  443. | static serialVersionUID = -5082091390233952513
  444. | static $change = null
  445. | binding = com.kzing.ui.fragment.GameFragment$ViewBindings@319607440 (0x130cd290)
  446. | displayedPlayable = java.util.HashMap@319646400 (0x130d6ac0)
  447. | gameFragmentGridViewAdapter = com.kzing.ui.fragment.GameFragment$GamePlatformGridAdapter@319600448 (0x130cb740)
  448. | gamePlatformCategoryAdapter = com.kzing.ui.fragment.GameFragment$GamePlatformCategoryAdapter@327294496 (0x13821e20)
  449. | gamePlatformSearchAdapter = com.kzing.ui.fragment.GameFragment$GamePlatformSearchAdapter@337848208 (0x14232790)
  450. | isExpanded = false
  451. | lastMainTabPosition = 11
  452. | mappingGPAtTabs = android.util.SparseArray@319652832 (0x130d83e0)
  453. | oldWidth = 0
  454. | alertDialog = null
  455. | bundle = android.os.Bundle@319652864 (0x130d8400)
  456. | disposableManager = com.kzing.util.DisposableManager@319633552 (0x130d3890)
  457. | intent = android.content.Intent@318573536 (0x12fd0be0)
  458. | progressBar = android.widget.ProgressBar@318414848 (0x12faa000)
  459. | swipeRefreshLayout = null
  460. | title = ""
  461. | mAdded = true
  462. | mAnimationInfo = null
  463. | mArguments = null
  464. | mBackStackNesting = 0
  465. | mCalled = true
  466. | mChildFragmentManager = (0x130d9120)
  467. | mChildNonConfig = null
  468. | mContainer = com.kzing.ui.custom.CustomViewPager@318375936 (0x12fa0800)
  469. | mContainerId = 2131689685
  470. | mDeferStart = false
  471. | mDetached = false
  472. | mFragmentId = 2131689685
  473. | mFragmentManager = (0x12fc2cf0)
  474. | mFromLayout = false
  475. | mHasMenu = false
  476. | mHidden = false
  477. | mHiddenChanged = false
  478. | mHost =$HostCallbacks@318581312 (0x12fd2a40)
  479. | mInLayout = false
  480. | mIndex = 3
  481. | mInnerView = android.widget.RelativeLayout@318415872 (0x12faa400)
  482. | mIsCreated = true
  483. | mIsNewlyAdded = false
  484. | mLayoutInflater = (0x130d6af0)
  485. | mLifecycleRegistry = android.arch.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@319652896 (0x130d8420)
  486. | mLoaderManager = null
  487. | mMenuVisible = false
  488. | mParentFragment = null
  489. | mPerformedCreateView = true
  490. | mPostponedAlpha = 0.0
  491. | mRemoving = false
  492. | mRestored = false
  493. | mRetainInstance = false
  494. | mRetaining = false
  495. | mSavedFragmentState = null
  496. | mSavedUserVisibleHint = null
  497. | mSavedViewState = android.util.SparseArray@327995264 (0x138ccf80)
  498. | mState = 2
  499. | mTag = "android:switcher:2131689685:2"
  500. | mTarget = null
  501. | mTargetIndex = -1
  502. | mTargetRequestCode = 0
  503. | mUserVisibleHint = false
  504. | mView = android.widget.RelativeLayout@318415872 (0x12faa400)
  505. | mViewModelStore = null
  506. | mWho = "android:fragment:3"
  507. | shadow$_klass_ = com.kzing.ui.fragment.GameFragment
  508. | shadow$_monitor_ = 0
  509. * Instance of com.kzing.util.DisposableManager
  510. | static $staticOverhead = byte[16]@316885601 (0x12e34a61)
  511. | static serialVersionUID = 4250376195532712596
  512. | static $change = null
  513. | completables = java.util.HashMap@325541312 (0x13675dc0)
  514. | instance = io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable@319963632 (0x131241f0)
  515. | shadow$_klass_ = com.kzing.util.DisposableManager
  516. | shadow$_monitor_ = 0
  517. * Instance of io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable
  518. | disposed = false
  519. | resources = io.reactivex.internal.util.OpenHashSet@319971488 (0x131260a0)
  520. | shadow$_klass_ = io.reactivex.disposables.CompositeDisposable
  521. | shadow$_monitor_ = 0
  522. * Instance of io.reactivex.internal.util.OpenHashSet
  523. | static INT_PHI = -1640531527
  524. | static $staticOverhead = byte[8]@315535169 (0x12ceaf41)
  525. | keys = java.lang.Object[64]@328221856 (0x139044a0)
  526. | loadFactor = 0.75
  527. | mask = 63
  528. | maxSize = 48
  529. | size = 26
  530. | shadow$_klass_ = io.reactivex.internal.util.OpenHashSet
  531. | shadow$_monitor_ = 0
  532. * Array of java.lang.Object[]
  533. | [0] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971520 (0x131260c0)
  534. | [1] = null
  535. | [2] = null
  536. | [3] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971616 (0x13126120)
  537. | [4] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971648 (0x13126140)
  538. | [5] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971584 (0x13126100)
  539. | [6] = null
  540. | [7] = null
  541. | [8] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971712 (0x13126180)
  542. | [9] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971744 (0x131261a0)
  543. | [10] = null
  544. | [11] = null
  545. | [12] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.EmptyCompletableObserver@323282704 (0x1344e710)
  546. | [13] = null
  547. | [14] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971776 (0x131261c0)
  548. | [15] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971808 (0x131261e0)
  549. | [16] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.EmptyCompletableObserver@322799920 (0x133d8930)
  550. | [17] = null
  551. | [18] = null
  552. | [19] = null
  553. | [20] = null
  554. | [21] = null
  555. | [22] = null
  556. | [23] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@324273248 (0x13540460)
  557. | [24] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971904 (0x13126240)
  558. | [25] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971872 (0x13126220)
  559. | [26] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971936 (0x13126260)
  560. | [27] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@324243904 (0x135391c0)
  561. | [28] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.EmptyCompletableObserver@323874736 (0x134defb0)
  562. | [29] = null
  563. | [30] = null
  564. | [31] = null
  565. | [32] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971552 (0x131260e0)
  566. | [33] = null
  567. | [34] = null
  568. | [35] = null
  569. | [36] = null
  570. | [37] = null
  571. | [38] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971680 (0x13126160)
  572. | [39] = null
  573. | [40] = null
  574. | [41] = null
  575. | [42] = null
  576. | [43] = null
  577. | [44] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@324143392 (0x13520920)
  578. | [45] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@324334912 (0x1354f540)
  579. | [46] = null
  580. | [47] = null
  581. | [48] = null
  582. | [49] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971840 (0x13126200)
  583. | [50] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@324366240 (0x13556fa0)
  584. | [51] = null
  585. | [52] = null
  586. | [53] = null
  587. | [54] = null
  588. | [55] = null
  589. | [56] = null
  590. | [57] = null
  591. | [58] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@324352544 (0x13553a20)
  592. | [59] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@319971968 (0x13126280)
  593. | [60] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@324422144 (0x13564a00)
  594. | [61] = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver@324168128 (0x135269c0)
  595. | [62] = null
  596. | [63] = null
  597. * Instance of io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver
  598. | static $staticOverhead = byte[8]@315571201 (0x12cf3c01)
  599. | static serialVersionUID = -7251123623727029452
  600. | onComplete = io.reactivex.internal.functions.Functions$EmptyAction@319963664 (0x13124210)
  601. | onError = io.reactivex.internal.functions.Functions$OnErrorMissingConsumer@319963680 (0x13124220)
  602. | onNext = com.kzing.ui.fragment.GameFragment$$Lambda$3@322999104 (0x13409340)
  603. | onSubscribe = io.reactivex.internal.functions.Functions$EmptyConsumer@319963712 (0x13124240)
  604. | value = io.reactivex.internal.disposables.DisposableHelper@319963648 (0x13124200)
  605. | shadow$_klass_ = io.reactivex.internal.observers.LambdaObserver
  606. | shadow$_monitor_ = -1970849305
  607. * Instance of com.kzing.ui.fragment.GameFragment$$Lambda$3
  608. | static $staticOverhead = byte[16]@318228193 (0x12f7c6e1)
  609. | static serialVersionUID = -2804080718906592652
  610. | static $change = null
  611. | arg$1 = android.widget.LinearLayout@324043776 (0x13508400)
  612. | arg$2 =$Tab@325335504 (0x136439d0)
  613. | shadow$_klass_ = com.kzing.ui.fragment.GameFragment$$Lambda$3
  614. | shadow$_monitor_ = 0
  615. * Instance of$Tab
  616. | static $staticOverhead = byte[8]@316973057 (0x12e4a001)
  617. | static INVALID_POSITION = -1
  618. | mContentDesc = null
  619. | mCustomView = null
  620. | mIcon = null
  621. | mParent = (0x13807800)
  622. | mPosition = 0
  623. | mTag = null
  624. | mText = "存款"
  625. | mView =$TabView@327451648 (0x13848400)
  626. | shadow$_klass_ =$Tab
  627. | shadow$_monitor_ = 0
  628. * Instance of
  629. | static DEFAULT_HEIGHT_WITH_TEXT_ICON = 72
  630. | static MODE_SCROLLABLE = 0
  631. | static MODE_FIXED = 1
  632. | static FIXED_WRAP_GUTTER_MIN = 16
  633. | static $staticOverhead = byte[104]@317759489 (0x12f0a001)
  634. | static sTabPool =$SynchronizedPool@321985120 (0x13311a60)
  635. | static DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 48
  636. | static ANIMATION_DURATION = 300
  637. | static GRAVITY_FILL = 0
  638. | static TAB_MIN_WIDTH_MARGIN = 56
  639. | static MOTION_NON_ADJACENT_OFFSET = 24
  640. | static DEFAULT_GAP_TEXT_ICON = 8
  641. | static GRAVITY_CENTER = 1
  642. | static INVALID_WIDTH = -1
  643. | mAdapterChangeListener = null
  644. | mContentInsetStart = 0
  645. | mCurrentVpSelectedListener = null
  646. | mMode = 1
  647. | mPageChangeListener = null
  648. | mPagerAdapter = null
  649. | mPagerAdapterObserver = null
  650. | mRequestedTabMaxWidth = 0
  651. | mRequestedTabMinWidth = -1
  652. | mScrollAnimator = null
  653. | mScrollableTabMinWidth = 216
  654. | mSelectedListener = null
  655. | mSelectedListeners = java.util.ArrayList@327005856 (0x137db6a0)
  656. | mSelectedTab =$Tab@325258352 (0x13630c70)
  657. | mSetupViewPagerImplicitly = false
  658. | mTabBackgroundResId = 2130837613
  659. | mTabGravity = 0
  660. | mTabMaxWidth = 912
  661. | mTabPaddingBottom = 0
  662. | mTabPaddingEnd = 36
  663. | mTabPaddingStart = 36
  664. | mTabPaddingTop = 0
  665. | mTabStrip =$SlidingTabStrip@327187456 (0x13807c00)
  666. | mTabTextAppearance = 2131493142
  667. | mTabTextColors = android.content.res.ColorStateList@326714992 (0x13794670)
  668. | mTabTextMultiLineSize = 36.0
  669. | mTabTextSize = 42.0
  670. | mTabViewPool =$SimplePool@325830432 (0x136bc720)
  671. | mTabs = java.util.ArrayList@327005824 (0x137db680)
  672. | mViewPager = null
  676. | mActivePointerId = -1
  677. | mBackgroundResourceId = 0
  678. | mChangedTheme = false
  679. | mChildToScrollTo = null
  680. | mEdgeGlowLeft = android.widget.EdgeEffect@325617792 (0x13688880)
  681. | mEdgeGlowRight = android.widget.EdgeEffect@325617984 (0x13688940)
  682. | mFillViewport = false
  683. | mHapticPreDrawListener = null
  684. | mHoverAreaEnter = false
  685. | mHoverAreaWidth = 0
  686. | mHoverHandler = null
  687. | mHoverRecognitionCurrentTime = 0
  688. | mHoverRecognitionDurationTime = 0
  689. | mHoverRecognitionStartTime = 0
  690. | mHoverScrollDirection = -1
  691. | mHoverScrollEnable = true
  692. | mHoverScrollSpeed = 0
  693. | mHoverScrollStartTime = 0
  694. | mHoverScrollTimeInterval = 300
  695. | mIsBeingDragged = false
  696. | mIsHoverOverscrolled = false
  697. | mIsLayoutDirty = false
  698. | mIsQCShown = false
  699. | mIsSetOpenTheme = false
  700. | mIsThemeDeviceDefaultFamily = false
  701. | mLastHapticScrollX = 0
  702. | mLastMotionX = 904
  703. | mLastScroll = 0
  704. | mLastScrollX = 0
  705. | mMaximumVelocity = 24000
  706. | mMinimumVelocity = 150
  707. | mNeedsHoverScroll = false
  708. | mOverflingDistance = 18
  709. | mOverscrollDistance = 0
  710. | mPixelThresholdX = 0
  711. | mQCBtnDrawable = null
  712. | mQCBtnPressedDrawable = null
  713. | mQCLocation = -1
  714. | mQCRect = null
  715. | mQCstate = 0
  716. | mSavedState = null
  717. | mScroller = android.widget.OverScroller@327005792 (0x137db660)
  718. | mSmoothScrollingEnabled = true
  719. | mTempRect = (0x137db640)
  720. | mTouchSlop = 21
  721. | mUseRatioMaintainedImage = false
  722. | mVelocityTracker = android.view.VelocityTracker@327426336 (0x13842120)
  723. | mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0
  724. | mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0
  725. | mForegroundPaddingRight = 0
  726. | mForegroundPaddingTop = 0
  727. | mMatchParentChildren = java.util.ArrayList@327005728 (0x137db620)
  728. | mMeasureAllChildren = false
  729. | mOverlayBounds = (0x137db600)
  730. | mSelfBounds = (0x137db5e0)
  731. | IS_ELASTIC_ENABLED = false
  733. | mAnimationListener = null
  734. | mCachePaint = null
  735. | mChildAcceptsDrag = false
  736. | mChildCountWithTransientState = 0
  737. | mChildTransformation = null
  738. | mChildren = android.view.View[12]@327300672 (0x13823640)
  739. | mChildrenCount = 1
  740. | mCurrentDrag = null
  741. | mCurrentDragView = null
  742. | mDisappearingChildren = null
  743. | mDragNotifiedChildren = null
  744. | mFirstHoverTarget = null
  745. | mFirstTouchTarget = null
  746. | mFocused = null
  747. | mGroupFlags = 2375763
  748. | mHoveredSelf = false
  749. | mInvalidateRegion = null
  750. | mInvalidationTransformation = null
  751. | mLastTouchDownIndex = 0
  752. | mLastTouchDownTime = 14917932
  753. | mLastTouchDownX = 904.0
  754. | mLastTouchDownY = 60.0
  755. | mLayoutAnimationController = null
  756. | mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false
  757. | mLayoutMode = -1
  758. | mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$4@325830304 (0x136bc6a0)
  759. | mLocalPoint = null
  760. | mNestedScrollAxes = 0
  761. | mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null
  762. | mPersistentDrawingCache = 2
  763. | mPreSortedChildren = null
  764. | mSuppressLayout = false
  765. | mTempPoint = float[2]@320680096 (0x131d30a0)
  766. | mTransientIndices = null
  767. | mTransientViews = null
  768. | mTransition = null
  769. | mTransitioningViews = null
  770. | mTwHorizontalScrollbarRectRelativePosX = 0
  771. | mTwVerticalScrollbarRectRelativePosY = 0
  772. | mTwX = 904.0
  773. | mTwY = 60.0
  774. | mVisibilityChangingChildren = null
  775. | isPenSideButton = false
  776. | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1
  777. | mAccessibilityDelegate = null
  778. | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1
  779. | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1
  780. | mAccessibilityViewId = -1
  781. | mAirButtonImpl = null
  782. | mAnimator = null
  783. | mAttachInfo = null
  784. | mAttributes = null
  785. | mBackground = (0x136aa740)
  786. | mBackgroundPath = null
  787. | mBackgroundRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@324249920 (0x1353a940)
  788. | mBackgroundResource = 0
  789. | mBackgroundSizeChanged = false
  790. | mBackgroundTint = null
  791. | mBottom = 325
  792. | mCachingFailed = false
  793. | mClipBounds = null
  794. | mContentDescription = null
  795. | mContext = com.kzing.ui.TransferRecordListActivity@329084416 (0x139d6e00)
  796. | mCurrentAnimation = null
  797. | mDisablePenGestureforfactorytest = true
  798. | mDrawableState = int[2]@1874635680 (0x6fbcaba0)
  799. | mDrawingCache = null
  800. | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0
  801. | mEnablePenGesture = false
  802. | mFloatingTreeObserver = null
  803. | mForegroundInfo = null
  804. | mGhostView = null
  805. | mHasPerformedLongPress = false
  806. | mHoverPopup = null
  807. | mHoverPopupToolTypeByApp = 0
  808. | mHoverPopupType = 0
  809. | mID = 2131689729
  810. | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false
  811. | mInContextButtonPress = false
  812. | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null
  813. | mIsDetachedFromWindow = true
  814. | mIsInDialog = false
  815. | mIsSetContextMenuZOrderToTop = false
  816. | mIsSetFingerHovedInAppWidget = true
  817. | mIsWritingBuddyEnabled = false
  818. | mKeyedTags = null
  819. | mLabelForId = -1
  820. | mLastIsOpaque = true
  821. | mLayerPaint = null
  822. | mLayerType = 0
  823. | mLayoutInsets = null
  824. | mLayoutParams = android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams@327300928 (0x13823740)
  825. | mLeft = 0
  826. | mLeftPaddingDefined = false
  827. | mListenerInfo = null
  828. | mMatchIdPredicate = null
  829. | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null
  830. | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@318585824 (0x12fd3be0)
  831. | mMeasuredHeight = 144
  832. | mMeasuredWidth = 1080
  833. | mMinHeight = 0
  834. | mMinWidth = 0
  835. | mNeededToChangedScrollBarPosition = false
  836. | mNestedScrollingParent = null
  837. | mNextFocusDownId = -1
  838. | mNextFocusForwardId = -1
  839. | mNextFocusLeftId = -1
  840. | mNextFocusRightId = -1
  841. | mNextFocusUpId = -1
  842. | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 0
  843. | mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904
  844. | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1874630408 (0x6fbc9708)
  845. | mOverScrollMode = 1
  846. | mOverlay = null
  847. | mPaddingBottom = 0
  848. | mPaddingLeft = 0
  849. | mPaddingRight = 0
  850. | mPaddingTop = 0
  851. | mParent = android.widget.LinearLayout@327178240 (0x13805800)
  852. | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null
  853. | mPendingCheckForTap = null
  854. | mPerformClick = null
  855. | mPrivateFlags = 25200688
  856. | mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112
  857. | mPrivateFlags3 = 0
  858. | mRecreateDisplayList = false
  859. | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@327005536 (0x137db560)
  860. | mRenderNodeImageFilter = null
  861. | mRenderNodeImageFilterClipRects = java.util.ArrayList@327005568 (0x137db580)
  862. | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@318129616 (0x12f645d0)
  863. | mRight = 1080
  864. | mRightPaddingDefined = false
  865. | mRootViewCheckForDialog = null
  866. | mScrollBarPositionPadding = 0
  867. | mScrollCache = null
  868. | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null
  869. | mScrollX = 0
  870. | mScrollY = 0
  871. | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null
  872. | mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null
  873. | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false
  874. | mSkipRtlCheck = false
  875. | mSmartClipDataExtractionListener = null
  876. | mSmartClipDataTag = null
  877. | mStartActivityRequestWho = null
  878. | mStateListAnimator = null
  879. | mSystemUiVisibility = 0
  880. | mTag = null
  881. | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null
  882. | mTop = 181
  883. | mTouchDelegate = null
  884. | mTouchSlop = 21
  885. | mTouchwizFlags = 0
  886. | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@323253888 (0x13447680)
  887. | mTransientStateCount = 0
  888. | mTransitionName = null
  889. | mTwExtraPaddingBottomForPreference = 0
  890. | mTwHorizontalScrollbarPosition = 0
  891. | mTwHorizontalScrollbarRect = (0x137db480)
  892. | mTwScrollingByScrollbar = false
  893. | mTwScrollingVertical = true
  894. | mTwVerticalScrollbarRect = (0x137db460)
  895. | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null
  896. | mUnsetPressedState = null
  897. | mUserPaddingBottom = 0
  898. | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648
  899. | mUserPaddingLeft = 0
  900. | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0
  901. | mUserPaddingRight = 0
  902. | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0
  903. | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648
  904. | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0
  905. | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0
  906. | mViewFlags = 402653185
  907. | mWindowAttachCount = 1
  908. | mWritingBuddy = null
  909. | mXmlFilePath = null
  910. | shadow$_klass_ =
  911. | shadow$_monitor_ = 0
  912. * Instance of com.kzing.ui.TransferRecordListActivity
  913. | static $staticOverhead = byte[16]@317612033 (0x12ee6001)
  914. | static serialVersionUID = -1736641770795830570
  915. | static $change = null
  916. | binding = com.kzing.ui.TransferRecordListActivity$ViewBindings@326729104 (0x13797d90)
  917. | depositList = java.util.ArrayList@326853600 (0x137b63e0)
  918. | pagingCount = 0
  919. | recordType = com.kzing.ui.TransferRecordListActivity$RecordType@322638032 (0x133b10d0)
  920. | transferList = java.util.ArrayList@324486848 (0x135746c0)
  921. | transferRecordAdapter = com.kzing.ui.TransferRecordListActivity$TransferRecordAdapter@325837856 (0x136be420)
  922. | withdrawList = java.util.ArrayList@326853664 (0x137b6420)
  923. | alertDialog = null
  924. | bundle = null
  925. | disposableManager = null
  926. | intent = null
  927. | keyboardShowing = false
  928. | progressBar = android.widget.ProgressBar@327450624 (0x13848000)
  929. | swipeRefreshLayout = null
  930. | mDelegate = (0x1378e460)
  931. | mResources = null
  932. | mThemeId = 2131493020
  933. | mCreated = true
  934. | mFragments = (0x13697560)
  935. | mHandler =$1@326853376 (0x137b6300)
  936. | mLoaderManager = null
  937. | mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0
  938. | mPendingFragmentActivityResults = (0x1380d320)
  939. | mReallyStopped = true
  940. | mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false
  941. | mResumed = false
  942. | mRetaining = false
  943. | mStopped = true
  944. | mViewModelStore = null
  945. | mStartedActivityFromFragment = false
  946. | mStartedIntentSenderFromFragment = false
  947. | mExtraDataMap = (0x137b6220)
  948. | mLifecycleRegistry = android.arch.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@326853184 (0x137b6240)
  949. | DEBUG_ELASTIC = false
  950. | IS_ELASTIC_ENABLED = false
  951. | mActionBar = null
  952. | mActionModeTypeStarting = 0
  953. | mActivityInfo = (0x140b5080)
  954. | mActivityTransitionState = (0x1379cb80)
  955. | mApplication = com.kzing.KZApplication@318485120 (0x12fbb280)
  956. | mCalled = true
  957. | mChangeCanvasToTranslucent = false
  958. | mChangingConfigurations = false
  959. | mComponent = android.content.ComponentName@322605200 (0x133a9090)
  960. | mConfigChangeFlags = 0
  961. | mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration@335289856 (0x13fc1e00)
  962. | mDecor = null
  963. | mDefaultKeyMode = 0
  964. | mDefaultKeySsb = null
  965. | mDefinedOrientation = -2
  966. | mDestroyed = true
  967. | mDoReportFullyDrawn = false
  968. | mEmbeddedID = null
  969. | mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false
  970. | mEnterTransitionListener =$1@1874602416 (0x6fbc29b0)
  971. | mExitTransitionListener =$1@1874602416 (0x6fbc29b0)
  972. | mExpandRequestListener = null
  973. | mFeatureContextMenuListener =$FeatureContextMenuListener@325678272 (0x136974c0)
  974. | mFinished = true
  975. | mFlipfont = 0
  976. | mFragments = (0x13697510)
  977. | mHandler = android.os.Handler@326853024 (0x137b61a0)
  978. | mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = false
  979. | mIdent = 96798474
  980. | mInjectionManager = null
  981. | mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker@325678368 (0x13697520)
  982. | mInstrumentation = (0x13180330)
  983. | mIntent = android.content.Intent@325542240 (0x13676160)
  984. | mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null
  985. | mLauncherBooster = null
  986. | mMainThread = (0x12c03100)
  987. | mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList@326853056 (0x137b61c0)
  988. | mManagedDialogs = null
  989. | mMenuInflater = null
  990. | mMultiWindowStyle = (0x1377af10)
  991. | mParent = null
  992. | mPolicyManager = null
  993. | mPreferredOrientation = -2
  994. | mPreventEmbeddedTabs = false
  995. | mReferrer = "com.kzing.kzing.kzing"
  996. | mResultCode = 0
  997. | mResultData = null
  998. | mResumed = false
  999. | mScreenChangeListener = null
  1000. | mSearchEvent = null
  1001. | mSearchManager = null
  1002. | mShrinkRequestListener = null
  1003. | mStackedHeight = -1
  1004. | mStartedActivity = false
  1005. | mStopped = true
  1006. | mSubDecor = null
  1007. | mSubWindow = null
  1008. | mSubWindowAdded = false
  1009. | mSubWindowDummpy = null
  1010. | mTemporaryPause = false
  1011. | mTitle = "交易记录"
  1012. | mTitleColor = 0
  1013. | mTitleReady = true
  1014. | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@322971072 (0x134025c0)
  1015. | mTranslucentCallback = null
  1016. | mUiThread = java.lang.Thread@1967396248 (0x75441598)
  1017. | mVisibleBehind = false
  1018. | mVisibleFromClient = true
  1019. | mVisibleFromServer = true
  1020. | mVoiceInteractor = null
  1021. | mWindow = (0x12fb32c0)
  1022. | mWindowAdded = true
  1023. | mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@326874112 (0x137bb400)
  1024. | myName = "com.kzing.ui.TransferRecordListActivity"
  1025. | mInflater = (0x13787100)
  1026. | mOverrideConfiguration = null
  1027. | mResources = android.content.res.Resources@318129616 (0x12f645d0)
  1028. | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@326875040 (0x137bb7a0)
  1029. | mThemeResource = 2131493020
  1030. | mBase = (0x1378bee0)
  1031. | shadow$_klass_ = com.kzing.ui.TransferRecordListActivity
  1032. | shadow$_monitor_ = 1301224664
  1033. * Excluded Refs:
  1034. | Field: android.os.Message.obj
  1035. | Field:
  1036. | Field:
  1037. | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mNextServedView
  1038. | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedView
  1039. | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mServedInputConnection
  1040. | Field: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.mCurRootView
  1041. | Field: android.view.textservice.SpellCheckerSession$1.this$0
  1042. | Field: android.accounts.AccountManager$AmsTask$Response.this$1
  1043. | Field: android.os.UserManager.mContext
  1044. | Field:
  1045. | Field:
  1046. | Field:
  1047. | Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always)
  1048. | Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always)
  1049. | Thread:main (always)
  1050. | Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always)
  1051. | Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always)
  1052. | Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always)
  1053. | Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always)
  1054. | Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always)
  1055. | Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always)
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