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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use feature qw(say);
- use List::AllUtils qw(sum indexes);
- use Math::Vector::Real;
- my ($y,$x) = Math::Vector::Real->canonical_base(2);
- my @Dirs = ($y, $x, -$y, -$x);
- # Read in grid, adding sentinel 99s to right and bottom
- my @Grid = map { chomp; [map {int} split(//), 99] } <>;
- push( @Grid, [(99) x $Grid[0]->@*] );
- sub grid_at ($) { my $p = shift; return ($Grid[$p->[0]][$p->[1]]) }
- # Get trailheads
- my @trailheads;
- foreach my $y (0 .. @Grid - 2) {
- push( @trailheads, map {V($y,$_)} indexes {$_ == 0} $Grid[$y]->@* );
- }
- # Recurse on pos, return is hash of trail ends => number of routes
- sub recurse {
- my ($pos) = @_;
- my $next = grid_at($pos) + 1;
- return ($pos => 1) if ($next == 10); # found 1 route to pos
- my %ret;
- foreach my $dir (@Dirs) {
- my $npos = $pos + $dir;
- if (grid_at($npos) == $next) {
- my %routes = &recurse( $npos );
- $ret{$_} += $routes{$_} foreach (keys %routes); # accumulate routes
- }
- }
- return (%ret);
- }
- my $part1 = 0;
- my $part2 = 0;
- foreach my $head (@trailheads) {
- my %res = &recurse( $head );
- $part1 += scalar keys %res;
- $part2 += sum values %res;
- }
- say "Part 1: $part1";
- say "Part 2: $part2";
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