

Aug 9th, 2015
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  1. on script load:
  2. set {nagroda::1} to 30 sand
  3. set {nagroda::2} to 1 diamond block
  4. set {nagroda::3} to 3 diamond
  5. set {nagroda::4} to 2 pig spawn egg
  6. set {nagroda::5} to 3 emerald
  7. set {nagroda::6} to 1 emerald block
  8. set {nagroda::7} to 64 cobblestone
  10. set {block::1} to sponge
  12. on break of cobblestone:
  13. if player's gamemode is survival:
  14. chance of 3%:
  15. give sponge named "&6&lLucky Block" to player
  16. on place of sponge:
  17. if name of player's tool is "&6&lLucky Block":
  18. set {_b} to random integer from 1 to size of {block::*}
  19. wait 1 tick
  20. set event-block to {block::%{_b}%}
  21. set {block.%location of event-block%} to true
  22. stop
  23. on break:
  24. if {block.%location of event-block%} is true:
  25. if player's gamemode is survival:
  26. clear {block.%location of event-block%}
  27. set {_n} to random integer from -1 to size of {nagroda::*}
  28. cancel event
  29. set event-block to air
  30. if {_n} is -1:
  31. send "&7Uwazaj, szkielety."
  32. spawn 5 wither skeleton
  33. stop
  34. if {_n} is 0:
  35. send "&6Puff"
  36. create a fake explosion at player
  37. stop
  38. give {nagroda::%{_n}%} to player
  39. send "&7Dostales: &6%{nagroda::%{_n}%}%"
  40. stop
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