

Jul 7th, 2011
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  1. AirSupport()
  2. {
  3. self endon("death");
  4. self endon("rawr");
  5. self thread ButtonMonitoring();
  6. self Kill_Menu();
  7. if( self.score >= 1 )
  8. {
  9. self.mortar=1;
  10. self.zombie_cost = 1;
  11. self.score -= 1;
  12. self mortartext("^6Awaiting Confirmation...","^6Awaiting Confirmation...","^6Awaiting Confirmation...");
  13. self iPrintlnBold("Press [{+usereload}] to Call in Air Support At Crosshair");
  14. wait 1;
  15. self thread mortar1();
  16. self waittill("done_1");
  17. wait 1;
  18. self thread mortar2();
  19. self waittill("done_2");
  20. wait 1;
  21. self thread mortar3();
  22. self waittill("done_3");
  23. wait 1;
  24. self notify("start");
  25. self.mortar=0;
  27. } else {
  28. self iPrintlnBold("^1Not Enough Points!");
  29. wait 1;
  30. }
  31. }
  32. _fx(f,x)
  33. {
  34. playfx(level._effect[f], x );
  35. wait .2;
  36. playfx(level._effect[f], x );
  37. wait .2;
  38. playfx(level._effect[f], x );
  39. wait .2;
  40. playfx(level._effect[f], x );
  41. }
  42. mortartext(one,two,three)
  43. {
  44. self iPrintln("Mortar 1:"+one);
  45. self iPrintln("Mortar 2:"+two);
  46. self iPrintln("Mortar 3:"+three);
  47. self iPrintln(" ");
  48. self iPrintln(" ");
  49. self iPrintln(" ");
  50. self iPrintln(" ");
  51. self iPrintln(" ");
  52. self iPrintln(" ");
  53. }
  54. mortar1()
  55. {
  56. self endon("death");
  57. self waittill("use");
  58. forward = self getTagOrigin("j_head");
  59. end = self thread vector_scal(anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()),1000000);
  60. Location = BulletTrace( forward, end, 0, self )[ "position" ];
  61. self mortartext("^2Confirmed","^6Awaiting Confirmation...","^6Awaiting Confirmation...");
  62. self notify("done_1");
  63. self _fx("powerup_grabbed",Location);
  64. wait 1;
  65. self thread loc1(Location);
  66. }
  67. mortar2()
  68. {
  69. self endon("death");
  70. self waittill("use");
  71. forward = self getTagOrigin("j_head");
  72. end = self thread vector_scal(anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()),1000000);
  73. Location2 = BulletTrace( forward, end, 0, self )[ "position" ];
  74. self _fx("powerup_grabbed",Location2);
  75. self mortartext("^2Confirmed","^2Confirmed","^6Awaiting Confirmation...");
  76. self notify("done_2");
  77. self thread loc2(Location2);
  78. }
  79. mortar3()
  80. {
  81. self endon("death");
  82. self waittill("use");
  83. forward = self getTagOrigin("j_head");
  84. end = self thread vector_scal(anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()),1000000);
  85. Location3 = BulletTrace( forward, end, 0, self )[ "position" ];
  86. self _fx("powerup_grabbed",Location3);
  87. self mortartext("^2Confirmed","^2Confirmed","^2Confirmed");
  88. self notify("done_3");
  89. self thread loc3(Location3);
  90. }
  91. loc1(HavyArtillery)
  92. {
  93. self endon("end");
  94. self waittill("start");
  96. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtillery+(0, 0, 8000);
  97. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  98. wait .1;
  99. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtillery+(30, 30, 8000);
  100. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  101. wait .1;
  102. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtillery+(30, -30, 8000);
  103. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  104. wait .1;
  105. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtillery+(-30, 30, 8000);
  106. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  107. wait .1;
  108. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtillery+(-30, -30, 8000);
  109. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  110. wait .1;
  111. }
  112. loc2(HavyArtill)
  113. {
  114. self waittill("start");
  115. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtill+(0, 0, 8000);
  116. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  117. wait .1;
  118. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtill+(30, 30, 8000);
  119. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  120. wait .1;
  121. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtill+(30, -30, 8000);
  122. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  123. wait .1;
  124. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtill+(30, 30, 8000);
  125. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  126. wait .1;
  127. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtill+(-30, -30, 8000);
  128. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  129. wait .1;
  130. }
  131. loc3(HavyArtilll)
  132. {
  133. self waittill("start");
  134. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtilll+(0, 0, 8000);
  135. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  136. wait .1;
  137. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtilll+(30, 30, 8000);
  138. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  139. wait .1;
  140. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtilll+(30, -30, 8000);
  141. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  142. wait .1;
  143. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtilll+(-30, 30, 8000);
  144. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  145. wait .1;
  146. HavyArtillery2 = HavyArtilll+(-30, -30, 8000);
  147. MagicBullet( "colt_dirty_harry", HavyArtillery2, HavyArtillery2-(0, 0, 8000), self );
  148. wait .1;
  149. }
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