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Dec 14th, 2018
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  1. # A
  3. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  4. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  5. | A With Acute, Latin Capital Letter | Á | Á |
  6. | A With Acute, Latin Small Letter | á | á |
  7. | A With Breve, Latin Small Letter | ă | ă |
  8. | A With Caron, Latin Small Letter | ǎ | ǎ |
  9. | A With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter | Â | Â |
  10. | A With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | â | â |
  11. | A With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter | Ä | Ä |
  12. | A With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter | ä | ä |
  13. | A With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | ȧ | ȧ |
  14. | A With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | ạ | ạ |
  15. | A With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter | ȁ | ȁ |
  16. | A With Grave, Latin Capital Letter | À | À |
  17. | A With Grave, Latin Small Letter | à | à |
  18. | A With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter | ả | ả |
  19. | A With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter | ȃ | ȃ |
  20. | A With Macron, Latin Small Letter | ā | ā |
  21. | A With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter | ą | ą |
  22. | A With Right Half Ring, Latin Small Letter | ẚ | ẚ |
  23. | A With Ring Above, Latin Capital Letter | Å | Å |
  24. | A With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter | å | å |
  25. | A With Ring Below, Latin Small Letter | ḁ | ḁ |
  26. | A With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter | Ⱥ | Ⱥ |
  27. | A With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter | Ã | Ã |
  28. | A With Tilde, Latin Small Letter | ã | ã |
  29. | A, Combining Latin Small Letter | ͣ | ͣ |
  30. | A, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴀ | ᴀ |
  31. | A, Latin Small Letter Script | ɑ | ɑ |
  32. | A, Latin Small Letter Turned | ɐ | ɐ |
  33. | Abbreviation Mark, Armenian | ՟ | ՟ |
  34. | Abbreviation Mark, Syriac | ܏ | ܏ |
  35. | Abbreviation Sign, Devanagari | ॰ | ॰ |
  36. | Abbreviations, Squared Latin | ㍱ | ㍱ |
  37. | Aboriginal Syllabics, Unified Canadian | ᐀ | ᐀ |
  38. | Above Right, Combining Comma | ̕ | ̕ |
  39. | Above Right, Combining Dot | ͘ | ͘ |
  40. | Above, Cedilla | ̒ | ̒ |
  41. | Above, Combining Almost Equal To | ͌ | ͌ |
  42. | Above, Combining Anticlockwise Arrow | ⃔ | ⃔ |
  43. | Above, Combining Asterisk | ⃰ | ⃰ |
  44. | Above, Combining Bridge | ͆ | ͆ |
  45. | Above, Combining Clockwise Arrow | ⃕ | ⃕ |
  46. | Above, Combining Comma | ̓ | ̓ |
  47. | Above, Combining Counterclockwise Arrow | ⃔ | ⃔ |
  48. | Above, Combining Dot | ̇ | ̇ |
  49. | Above, Combining Double Vertical Line | ̎ | ̎ |
  50. | Above, Combining Four Dots | ⃜ | ⃜ |
  51. | Above, Combining Homothetic | ͋ | ͋ |
  52. | Above, Combining Hook | ̉ | ̉ |
  53. | Above, Combining Left Angle | ̚ | ̚ |
  54. | Above, Combining Left Arrow | ⃖ | ⃖ |
  55. | Above, Combining Left Half Ring | ͑ | ͑ |
  56. | Above, Combining Left Harpoon | ⃐ | ⃐ |
  57. | Above, Combining Left Right Arrow | ⃡ | ⃡ |
  58. | Above, Combining Not Tilde | ͊ | ͊ |
  59. | Above, Combining Reversed Comma | ̔ | ̔ |
  60. | Above, Combining Right Arrow | ⃗ | ⃗ |
  61. | Above, Combining Right Arrowhead | ͐ | ͐ |
  62. | Above, Combining Right Half Ring | ͗ | ͗ |
  63. | Above, Combining Right Harpoon | ⃑ | ⃑ |
  64. | Above, Combining Ring | ̊ | ̊ |
  65. | Above, Combining Three Dots | ⃛ | ⃛ |
  66. | Above, Combining Turned Comma | ̒ | ̒ |
  67. | Above, Combining Vertical Line | ̍ | ̍ |
  68. | Above, Combining Wide Bridge | ⃩ | ⃩ |
  69. | Above, Combining X | ̽ | ̽ |
  70. | Above, Combining Zigzag | ͛ | ͛ |
  71. | Above, Dot | ˙ | ˙ |
  72. | Above, Double Dot | ̈ | ̈ |
  73. | Above, Ring | ˚ | ˚ |
  74. | Above, V | ̌ | ̌ |
  75. | Absolute Continuity | ⪡ | ⪡ |
  76. | Absolute Value | | | | |
  77. | Abstract Syntax Bracket, Left | 〚 | 〚 |
  78. | Abstract Syntax Bracket, Right | 〛 | 〛 |
  79. | AC Current | ⏦ | ⏦ |
  80. | Accent Below, Combining Acute | ̗ | ̗ |
  81. | Accent Below, Combining Circumflex | ̭ | ̭ |
  82. | Accent Below, Combining Grave | ̖ | ̖ |
  83. | Accent, Acute | ´ | ´ |
  84. | Accent, Circumflex | ^ | ^ |
  85. | Accent, Combining Acute | ́ | ́ |
  86. | Accent, Combining Circumflex | ̂ | ̂ |
  87. | Accent, Combining Double Acute | ̋ | ̋ |
  88. | Accent, Combining Double Grave | ̏ | ̏ |
  89. | Accent, Combining Grave | ̀ | ̀ |
  90. | Accent, Double Acute | ˝ | ˝ |
  91. | Accent, Grave | ` | ` |
  92. | Accent, Modifier Letter Acute | ˊ | ˊ |
  93. | Accent, Modifier Letter Circumflex | ˆ | ˆ |
  94. | Accent, Modifier Letter Cross | ˟ | ˟ |
  95. | Accent, Modifier Letter Grave | ˋ | ˋ |
  96. | Accent, Modifier Letter Low Acute | ˏ | ˏ |
  97. | Accent, Modifier Letter Low Grave | ˎ | ˎ |
  98. | Accent, Spacing Acute | ´ | ´ |
  99. | Accent, Spacing Circumflex | ^ | ^ |
  100. | Accent, Spacing Grave | ` | ` |
  101. | Accent, Swedish Grave | ˟ | ˟ |
  102. | Account Of | ℀ | ℀ |
  103. | Acknowledge |  |  |
  104. | Acknowledge, Negative |  |  |
  105. | Acknowledge, Symbol For | ␆ | ␆ |
  106. | Acknowledge, Symbol For Negative | ␕ | ␕ |
  107. | Acrophonic Symbol Three, Epidaurean | ⁝ | ⁝ |
  108. | Actuarial Bend | ⃧ | ⃧ |
  109. | Acute Accent | ´ | ´ |
  110. | Acute Accent Below, Combining | ̗ | ̗ |
  111. | Acute Accent, Combining | ́ | ́ |
  112. | Acute Accent, Combining Double | ̋ | ̋ |
  113. | Acute Accent, Double | ˝ | ˝ |
  114. | Acute Accent, Modifier Letter | ˊ | ˊ |
  115. | Acute Accent, Modifier Letter Low | ˏ | ˏ |
  116. | Acute Accent, Spacing | ´ | ´ |
  117. | Acute Tone Mark, Combining | ́ | ́ |
  118. | Addak, Gurmukhi | ੱ | ੱ |
  119. | Addressed To The Subject | ℁ | ℁ |
  120. | Adi Shakti | ☬ | ☬ |
  121. | Ae, Latin Capital Letter | Æ | Æ |
  122. | Ae, Latin Capital Ligature | Æ | Æ |
  123. | Ae, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴁ | ᴁ |
  124. | Ae, Latin Small Letter | æ | æ |
  125. | Ae, Latin Small Letter Turned | ᴂ | ᴂ |
  126. | Ae, Latin Small Ligature | æ | æ |
  127. | Aegean Word Separator Dot | 𐄁 | 𐄁 |
  128. | Aegean Word Separator Line | 𐄀 | 𐄀 |
  129. | Aesculapius, Staff Of | ⚕ | ⚕ |
  130. | Afghani Sign | ؋ | ؋ |
  131. | African Letters For Clicks | ǀ | ǀ |
  132. | Ain, Latin Letter | ᴥ | ᴥ |
  133. | Ainu, Katakana Extensions For | ㇰ | ㇰ |
  134. | Airplane | ✈ | ✈ |
  135. | Aktieselskab | ⅍ | ⅍ |
  136. | Al-Lakuna, Sinhala Sign | ් | ් |
  137. | Aldus Leaf | ❦ | ❦ |
  138. | Alef Symbol | ℵ | ℵ |
  139. | Alembic | ⚗ | ⚗ |
  140. | All Around-Profile | ⌮ | ⌮ |
  141. | All Equal To | ≌ | ≌ |
  142. | All, For | ∀ | ∀ |
  143. | Almost Equal To | ≈ | ≈ |
  144. | Almost Equal To Above, Combining | ͌ | ͌ |
  145. | Almost Equal To, Not | ≉ | ≉ |
  146. | Alpha, Latin Small Letter | ɑ | ɑ |
  147. | Alpha, Latin Small Letter Turned | ɒ | ɒ |
  148. | Alphabetic Presentation Forms | ff | ff |
  149. | Alphanumeric Symbols, Mathematical | 𝐀 | 𝐀 |
  150. | Alphanumerics, Enclosed | ① | ① |
  151. | Alternating Current | ∿ | ∿ |
  152. | Alternative Key Symbol | ⎇ | ⎇ |
  153. | Alveolar Click, Latin Letter | ǂ | ǂ |
  154. | Always | ◻ | ◻ |
  155. | Ampersand | & | & |
  156. | Ampersand, Turned | ⅋ | ⅋ |
  157. | Anchor | ⚓ | ⚓ |
  158. | Anchor, Interlinear Annotation |  |  |
  159. | And, Curly Logical | ⋏ | ⋏ |
  160. | And, Logical | ∧ | ∧ |
  161. | And, N-Ary Logical | ⋀ | ⋀ |
  162. | Ands And Ors, Logical | ⩑ | ⩑ |
  163. | Angkhankhu, Thai Character | ๚ | ๚ |
  164. | Angle | ∠ | ∠ |
  165. | Angle Above, Combining Left | ̚ | ̚ |
  166. | Angle Arc | ∢ | ∢ |
  167. | Angle Below, Combining Left | ͉ | ͉ |
  168. | Angle Bracket, Left | 〈 | 〈 |
  169. | Angle Bracket, Left Double | 《 | 《 |
  170. | Angle Bracket, Left-Pointing | 〈 | 〈 |
  171. | Angle Bracket, Mathematical Left | ⟨ | ⟨ |
  172. | Angle Bracket, Mathematical Left Double | ⟪ | ⟪ |
  173. | Angle Bracket, Mathematical Right | ⟩ | ⟩ |
  174. | Angle Bracket, Mathematical Right Double | ⟫ | ⟫ |
  175. | Angle Bracket, Right | 〉 | 〉 |
  176. | Angle Bracket, Right Double | 》 | 》 |
  177. | Angle Bracket, Right-Pointing | 〉 | 〉 |
  178. | Angle Brackets, Cjk | 〈 | 〈 |
  179. | Angle Quotation Mark, Left-Pointing Double | « | « |
  180. | Angle Quotation Mark, Right-Pointing Double | » | » |
  181. | Angle Quotation Mark, Single Left-Pointing | ‹ | ‹ |
  182. | Angle Quotation Mark, Single Right-Pointing | › | › |
  183. | Angle Quotation Marks, Ornamental | ❮ | ❮ |
  184. | Angle With Arc, Right | ⊾ | ⊾ |
  185. | Angle, Measured | ∡ | ∡ |
  186. | Angle, Right | ∟ | ∟ |
  187. | Angle, Spherical | ∢ | ∢ |
  188. | Angled Dash | ¬ | ¬ |
  189. | Angles | ∟ | ∟ |
  190. | Angles And Measured Angles | ⦛ | ⦛ |
  191. | Angstrom Sign | Å | Å |
  192. | Ankh | ☥ | ☥ |
  193. | Annotation Anchor, Interlinear |  |  |
  194. | Annotation Separator, Interlinear |  |  |
  195. | Annotation Signs, Arabic Koranic | ۖ | ۖ |
  196. | Annotation Signs, Arabic Qur'anic | ۖ | ۖ |
  197. | Annotation Terminator, Interlinear |  |  |
  198. | Annotation, Interlinear |  |  |
  199. | Annotation, Japanese Kanbun Ideographic | ㆐ | ㆐ |
  200. | Annuity Symbol, Combining | ⃧ | ⃧ |
  201. | Ano Teleia, Greek | · | · |
  202. | Anticlockwise Arrow Above, Combining | ⃔ | ⃔ |
  203. | Anticlockwise Contour Integral | ∳ | ∳ |
  204. | Anticlockwise Integration | ⨑ | ⨑ |
  205. | Anticlockwise Ring Overlay, Combining | ⃚ | ⃚ |
  206. | Antisigma, Claudian | Ↄ | Ↄ |
  207. | Anunasika, Devanagari | ँ | ँ |
  208. | Anusvara, Devanagari Sign | ं | ं |
  209. | Anusvara, Khmer | ំ | ំ |
  210. | Anusvara, Tibetan | ཾ | ཾ |
  211. | Apl Downstile | ⌊ | ⌊ |
  212. | Apl Functional Symbols | ⌶ | ⌶ |
  213. | Apl Jot | ∘ | ∘ |
  214. | Apl Overbar | ¯ | ¯ |
  215. | Apl Quote | ' | ' |
  216. | Apl Stile | ∣ | ∣ |
  217. | Apl Tilde | ∼ | ∼ |
  218. | Apl Upstile | ⌈ | ⌈ |
  219. | Apostrophe | ' | ' |
  220. | Apostrophe | ’ | ’ |
  221. | Apostrophe, Armenian | ՚ | ՚ |
  222. | Apostrophe, Modifier Letter | ʼ | ʼ |
  223. | Apostrophe, Modifier Letter Double | ˮ | ˮ |
  224. | Apostrophe, Neutral | ʼ | ʼ |
  225. | Apostrophe-Quote | ' | ' |
  226. | Apostrophic C | Ↄ | Ↄ |
  227. | Application Program Command | Ÿ | Ÿ |
  228. | Application, Function | ⁡ | ⁡ |
  229. | Approaches The Limit | ≐ | ≐ |
  230. | Approximately Equal To | ≅ | ≅ |
  231. | Approximately Equal To | ≗ | ≗ |
  232. | Aquarius | ♒ | ♒ |
  233. | Arabic | ؀ | ؀ |
  234. | Arabic Alphabet | ء | ء |
  235. | Arabic Combining Marks | ٓ | ٓ |
  236. | Arabic Comma | ، | ، |
  237. | Arabic Contextual Form Glyphs | ﭐ | ﭐ |
  238. | Arabic Contextual Form Glyphs | ﺀ | ﺀ |
  239. | Arabic Date Separator | ؍ | ؍ |
  240. | Arabic Decimal Separator | ٫ | ٫ |
  241. | Arabic Extensions | ٱ | ٱ |
  242. | Arabic Full Stop | ۔ | ۔ |
  243. | Arabic Harakat | ً | ً |
  244. | Arabic Honorifics | ؐ | ؐ |
  245. | Arabic Kashida | ـ | ـ |
  246. | Arabic Koranic Annotation Signs | ۖ | ۖ |
  247. | Arabic Letter Hamzah On Ha | ۀ | ۀ |
  248. | Arabic Letter Heh With Yeh Above | ۀ | ۀ |
  249. | Arabic Letters, Extended | ٱ | ٱ |
  250. | Arabic Letters, Extended | ݐ | ݐ |
  251. | Arabic Ligature Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem | ﷽ | ﷽ |
  252. | Arabic Ligatures | ﯪ | ﯪ |
  253. | Arabic Phrase Separator | ٬ | ٬ |
  254. | Arabic Points, Glyphs For Spacing Forms Of | ﹰ | ﹰ |
  255. | Arabic Presentation Forms-A | ﭐ | ﭐ |
  256. | Arabic Presentation Forms-B | ﹰ | ﹰ |
  257. | Arabic Punctuation | ، | ، |
  258. | Arabic Question Mark | ؟ | ؟ |
  259. | Arabic Qur'anic Annotation Signs | ۖ | ۖ |
  260. | Arabic Semicolon | ؛ | ؛ |
  261. | Arabic Subtending Marks | ؀ | ؀ |
  262. | Arabic Supplement | ݐ | ݐ |
  263. | Arabic Tatweel | ـ | ـ |
  264. | Arabic Thousands Separator | ٬ | ٬ |
  265. | Arabic-Indic Digits | ٠ | ٠ |
  266. | Arabic-Indic Digits, Eastern | ۰ | ۰ |
  267. | Arc | ⌒ | ⌒ |
  268. | Arc, Angle | ∢ | ∢ |
  269. | Arc, Right Angle With | ⊾ | ⊾ |
  270. | Arch Below, Combining Inverted Double | ̫ | ̫ |
  271. | Arcs | ◜ | ◜ |
  272. | Area, Asian Scripts | 가 | 가 |
  273. | Area, Cjk Ideographs | 㐀 | 㐀 |
  274. | Area, Cjk Phonetics And Symbols | ⺀ | ⺀ |
  275. | Area, Compatibility And Specials | 豈 | 豈 |
  276. | Area, General Scripts | � | � |
  277. | Area, Korean Hangul Syllables | 가 | 가 |
  278. | Area, Private Use |  |  |
  279. | Area, Supplementary Cjk Ideographs | 𠀀 | 𠀀 |
  280. | Area, Supplementary General Scripts | 𐀀 | 𐀀 |
  281. | Area, Surrogates | � | � |
  282. | Area, Symbols |   |   |
  283. | Argentinian Former Currency | ₳ | ₳ |
  284. | Aries | ♈ | ♈ |
  285. | Armenian Abbreviation Mark | ՟ | ՟ |
  286. | Armenian Alphabet | ԰ | ԰ |
  287. | Armenian Apostrophe | ՚ | ՚ |
  288. | Armenian Batsaganchakan Nshan | ՜ | ՜ |
  289. | Armenian Bowt | ՝ | ՝ |
  290. | Armenian Capital Letters | Ա | Ա |
  291. | Armenian Comma | ՝ | ՝ |
  292. | Armenian Emphasis Mark | ՛ | ՛ |
  293. | Armenian Exclamation Mark | ՜ | ՜ |
  294. | Armenian Full Stop | ։ | ։ |
  295. | Armenian Hartsakan Nshan | ՞ | ՞ |
  296. | Armenian Hyphen | ֊ | ֊ |
  297. | Armenian Ligatures | ﬓ | ﬓ |
  298. | Armenian Patiw | ՟ | ՟ |
  299. | Armenian Question Mark | ՞ | ՞ |
  300. | Armenian Shesht | ՛ | ՛ |
  301. | Armenian Small Letters | ա | ա |
  302. | Armenian Vertsaket | ։ | ։ |
  303. | Armenian Yentamna | ֊ | ֊ |
  304. | Arrow Above, Combining Anticlockwise | ⃔ | ⃔ |
  305. | Arrow Above, Combining Clockwise | ⃕ | ⃕ |
  306. | Arrow Above, Combining Counterclockwise | ⃔ | ⃔ |
  307. | Arrow Above, Combining Left | ⃖ | ⃖ |
  308. | Arrow Above, Combining Left Right | ⃡ | ⃡ |
  309. | Arrow Above, Combining Right | ⃗ | ⃗ |
  310. | Arrow Below, Combining Double Rightwards | ͢ | ͢ |
  311. | Arrow Below, Combining Left | ⃮ | ⃮ |
  312. | Arrow Below, Combining Left Right | ͍ | ͍ |
  313. | Arrow Below, Combining Right | ⃯ | ⃯ |
  314. | Arrow Below, Combining Upwards | ͎ | ͎ |
  315. | Arrow Dingbats | ➔ | ➔ |
  316. | Arrow Indicator, Backward | ◅ | ◅ |
  317. | Arrow Indicator, Forward | ▻ | ▻ |
  318. | Arrow Overlay, Combining Leftwards | ⃪ | ⃪ |
  319. | Arrow, Downwards | ↓ | ↓ |
  320. | Arrow, Electric | ⌁ | ⌁ |
  321. | Arrow, Leftwards | ← | ← |
  322. | Arrow, Rightwards | → | → |
  323. | Arrow, Upwards | ↑ | ↑ |
  324. | Arrowhead Above, Combining Right | ͐ | ͐ |
  325. | Arrowhead Below, Combining Left | ͔ | ͔ |
  326. | Arrowhead Below, Combining Right | ͕ | ͕ |
  327. | Arrowhead, Down | ⌄ | ⌄ |
  328. | Arrowhead, Up | ⌃ | ⌃ |
  329. | Arrowheads, Modifier Letter | ˂ | ˂ |
  330. | Arrows | ← | ← |
  331. | Arrows, Dingbat | ➔ | ➔ |
  332. | Arrows, Double | ⇍ | ⇍ |
  333. | Arrows, Long | ⟵ | ⟵ |
  334. | Arrows, Mathematical | ⬰ | ⬰ |
  335. | Arrows, Miscellaneous | ⬀ | ⬀ |
  336. | Arrows-A Supplement | ⟰ | ⟰ |
  337. | Arrows-B, Supplemental | ⤀ | ⤀ |
  338. | Ascending Node | ☊ | ☊ |
  339. | Ascii C0 Control Codes | � | � |
  340. | Ascii Digits | 0 | 0 |
  341. | Ascii Punctuation And Symbols |   |   |
  342. | Ascii Variants, Fullwidth | ! | ! |
  343. | Ash | æ | æ |
  344. | Asian Scripts Area | 가 | 가 |
  345. | Assertion | ⊦ | ⊦ |
  346. | Asterisk | * | * |
  347. | Asterisk Above, Combining | ⃰ | ⃰ |
  348. | Asterisk Below, Combining | ͙ | ͙ |
  349. | Asterisk Dingbats | ✢ | ✢ |
  350. | Asterisk Operator | ∗ | ∗ |
  351. | Asterisk Operator, Circled | ⊛ | ⊛ |
  352. | Asterisk, Low | ⁎ | ⁎ |
  353. | Asterisks | ✢ | ✢ |
  354. | Asterisks Aligned Vertically, Two | ⁑ | ⁑ |
  355. | Asterism | ⁂ | ⁂ |
  356. | Astrological Signs | ⚳ | ⚳ |
  357. | Astrological Signs, Tibetan | ༕ | ༕ |
  358. | Astrological Symbols | ☽ | ☽ |
  359. | Astrological Symbols, Weather And | ☀ | ☀ |
  360. | Asymptotic To | ≈ | ≈ |
  361. | Asymptotically Equal To | ≃ | ≃ |
  362. | Asymptotically Equal To, Not | ≄ | ≄ |
  363. | At Sign | @ | @ |
  364. | At, Commercial | @ | @ |
  365. | Atom Symbol | ⚛ | ⚛ |
  366. | Austral Sign | ₳ | ₳ |
  367. | Avagraha, Devanagari Sign | ऽ | ऽ |
  368. | Aytham, Tamil | ஃ | ஃ |
  370. # B
  372. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  373. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  374. | B With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | ḃ | ḃ |
  375. | B With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | ḅ | ḅ |
  376. | B With Hook, Latin Capital Letter | Ɓ | Ɓ |
  377. | B With Hook, Latin Small Letter | ɓ | ɓ |
  378. | B With Line Below, Latin Small Letter | ḇ | ḇ |
  379. | B With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter | Ƀ | Ƀ |
  380. | B With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | ƀ | ƀ |
  381. | B With Topbar, Latin Small Letter | ƃ | ƃ |
  382. | B, Latin Letter Small Capital | ʙ | ʙ |
  383. | B, Latin Letter Small Capital Barred | ᴃ | ᴃ |
  384. | B, Script Capital | ℬ | ℬ |
  385. | Baby Gamma, Latin Small Letter | ɤ | ɤ |
  386. | Backslash | \ | \ |
  387. | Backslash, Combining Enclosing Circle | ⃠ | ⃠ |
  388. | Backspace |  |  |
  389. | Backspace, Symbol For | ␈ | ␈ |
  390. | Backward Arrow Indicator | ◅ | ◅ |
  391. | Backward Difference | ∇ | ∇ |
  392. | Backward, Partial Line | Π| Π|
  393. | Bag Addition | ⊎ | ⊎ |
  394. | Bag Bracket, Left | ⟦ | ⟦ |
  395. | Bag Bracket, Right | ⟧ | ⟧ |
  396. | Bag Count, Infix | ♯ | ♯ |
  397. | Bag Membership, Z Notation | ⋿ | ⋿ |
  398. | Bag Subtraction | ⩁ | ⩁ |
  399. | Baht, Thai Currency Symbol | ฿ | ฿ |
  400. | Balinese | ᬀ | ᬀ |
  401. | Balinese Digits | ᭐ | ᭐ |
  402. | Balinese Musical Symbols | ᭡ | ᭡ |
  403. | Ballot Box | ☐ | ☐ |
  404. | Ballot Box With Check | ☑ | ☑ |
  405. | Ballot Box With X | ☒ | ☒ |
  406. | Ballot X | ✗ | ✗ |
  407. | Ballot X, Heavy | ✘ | ✘ |
  408. | Bang | ! | ! |
  409. | Bar Dingbats, Vertical | ❘ | ❘ |
  410. | Bar Symbols, Error | ⧮ | ⧮ |
  411. | Bar, Broken | ¦ | ¦ |
  412. | Bar, Horizontal | ― | ― |
  413. | Bar, Vertical | | | | |
  414. | Bar, White Vertical | ⫾ | ⫾ |
  415. | Barred B, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴃ | ᴃ |
  416. | Barred O, Latin Capital Letter | Ɵ | Ɵ |
  417. | Barred O, Latin Small Letter | ɵ | ɵ |
  418. | Base | ⊥ | ⊥ |
  419. | Batsaganchakan Nshan, Armenian | ՜ | ՜ |
  420. | Battleground Symbol | ⚔ | ⚔ |
  421. | Beamed Eighth Notes | ♫ | ♫ |
  422. | Beamed Sixteenth Notes | ♬ | ♬ |
  423. | Because | ∵ | ∵ |
  424. | Bell |  |  |
  425. | Bell Symbol | ⍾ | ⍾ |
  426. | Bell, Symbol For | ␇ | ␇ |
  427. | Below, Combining Acute Accent | ̗ | ̗ |
  428. | Below, Combining Asterisk | ͙ | ͙ |
  429. | Below, Combining Breve | ̮ | ̮ |
  430. | Below, Combining Bridge | ̪ | ̪ |
  431. | Below, Combining Caron | ̬ | ̬ |
  432. | Below, Combining Circumflex Accent | ̭ | ̭ |
  433. | Below, Combining Comma | ̦ | ̦ |
  434. | Below, Combining Diaeresis | ̤ | ̤ |
  435. | Below, Combining Dot | ̣ | ̣ |
  436. | Below, Combining Double Breve | ͜ | ͜ |
  437. | Below, Combining Double Macron | ͟ | ͟ |
  438. | Below, Combining Double Rightwards Arrow | ͢ | ͢ |
  439. | Below, Combining Double Ring | ͚ | ͚ |
  440. | Below, Combining Double Vertical Line | ͈ | ͈ |
  441. | Below, Combining Down Tack | ̞ | ̞ |
  442. | Below, Combining Equals Sign | ͇ | ͇ |
  443. | Below, Combining Grave Accent | ̖ | ̖ |
  444. | Below, Combining Inverted Breve | ̯ | ̯ |
  445. | Below, Combining Inverted Bridge | ̺ | ̺ |
  446. | Below, Combining Inverted Double Arch | ̫ | ̫ |
  447. | Below, Combining Left Angle | ͉ | ͉ |
  448. | Below, Combining Left Arrow | ⃮ | ⃮ |
  449. | Below, Combining Left Arrowhead | ͔ | ͔ |
  450. | Below, Combining Left Half Ring | ̜ | ̜ |
  451. | Below, Combining Left Right Arrow | ͍ | ͍ |
  452. | Below, Combining Left Tack | ̘ | ̘ |
  453. | Below, Combining Macron | ̱ | ̱ |
  454. | Below, Combining Minus Sign | ̠ | ̠ |
  455. | Below, Combining Palatalized Hook | ̡ | ̡ |
  456. | Below, Combining Plus Sign | ̟ | ̟ |
  457. | Below, Combining Retroflex Hook | ̢ | ̢ |
  458. | Below, Combining Right Arrow | ⃯ | ⃯ |
  459. | Below, Combining Right Arrowhead | ͕ | ͕ |
  460. | Below, Combining Right Half Ring | ̹ | ̹ |
  461. | Below, Combining Right Tack | ̙ | ̙ |
  462. | Below, Combining Ring | ̥ | ̥ |
  463. | Below, Combining Seagull | ̼ | ̼ |
  464. | Below, Combining Square | ̻ | ̻ |
  465. | Below, Combining Tilde | ̰ | ̰ |
  466. | Below, Combining Up Tack | ̝ | ̝ |
  467. | Below, Combining Upwards Arrow | ͎ | ͎ |
  468. | Below, Combining Vertical Line | ̩ | ̩ |
  469. | Below, Combining X | ͓ | ͓ |
  470. | Belt, Latin Small Letter L With | ɬ | ɬ |
  471. | Bend, Actuarial | ⃧ | ⃧ |
  472. | Bengali | ঀ | ঀ |
  473. | Bengali Consonants | ক | ক |
  474. | Bengali Currency Signs | ৲ | ৲ |
  475. | Bengali Dependent Vowel Signs | া | া |
  476. | Bengali Digits | ০ | ০ |
  477. | Bengali Hasant | ্ | ্ |
  478. | Bengali Independent Vowels | অ | অ |
  479. | Bengali Isshar | ৺ | ৺ |
  480. | Bengali Rupee Mark | ৲ | ৲ |
  481. | Bengali Rupee Sign | ৳ | ৳ |
  482. | Benzene Ring | ⌬ | ⌬ |
  483. | Bernoulli Function | ℬ | ℬ |
  484. | Bet Symbol | ℶ | ℶ |
  485. | Beta Symbol, Greek | ϐ | ϐ |
  486. | Beta, Curled | ϐ | ϐ |
  487. | Between | ≬ | ≬ |
  488. | Beverage, Hot | ☕ | ☕ |
  489. | Bidirectional Format Characters | ‪ | ‪ |
  490. | Big 5, Duplicate Characters From | 兀 | 兀 |
  491. | Big Reverse Solidus | ⧹ | ⧹ |
  492. | Big Solidus | ⧸ | ⧸ |
  493. | Bijection | ⤖ | ⤖ |
  494. | Bilabial Click, Latin Letter | ʘ | ʘ |
  495. | Bilabial Percussive, Latin Letter | ʬ | ʬ |
  496. | Bindu, Devanagari | ं | ं |
  497. | Biohazard Sign | ☣ | ☣ |
  498. | Birga, Mongolian | ᠀ | ᠀ |
  499. | Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, Arabic Ligature | ﷽ | ﷽ |
  500. | Black Circle | ● | ● |
  501. | Black Circle, Medium | ⚫ | ⚫ |
  502. | Black Flag | ⚑ | ⚑ |
  503. | Black Hourglass | ⧗ | ⧗ |
  504. | Black Left Pointing Index | ☚ | ☚ |
  505. | Black Leftwards Bullet | ⁌ | ⁌ |
  506. | Black Lenticular Bracket, Left | 【 | 【 |
  507. | Black Lenticular Bracket, Right | 】 | 】 |
  508. | Black Lozenge | ⧫ | ⧫ |
  509. | Black Medium Small Square | ◾ | ◾ |
  510. | Black Medium Square | ◼ | ◼ |
  511. | Black Nib | ✒ | ✒ |
  512. | Black Parallelogram | ▰ | ▰ |
  513. | Black Right Pointing Index | ☛ | ☛ |
  514. | Black Rightwards Bullet | ⁍ | ⁍ |
  515. | Black Scissors | ✂ | ✂ |
  516. | Black Shogi Piece | ☗ | ☗ |
  517. | Black Small Circle | • | • |
  518. | Black Smiling Face | ☻ | ☻ |
  519. | Black Star | ★ | ★ |
  520. | Black Sun With Rays | ☀ | ☀ |
  521. | Black Telephone | ☎ | ☎ |
  522. | Black-Letter Capital C | ℭ | ℭ |
  523. | Black-Letter Capital H | ℌ | ℌ |
  524. | Black-Letter Capital I | ℑ | ℑ |
  525. | Black-Letter Capital R | ℜ | ℜ |
  526. | Black-Letter Capital Z | ℨ | ℨ |
  527. | Black-Letter Mathematical Symbols | 𝔄 | 𝔄 |
  528. | Blank Symbol | ␢ | ␢ |
  529. | Block Elements | ▀ | ▀ |
  530. | Block, End Of Transmission |  |  |
  531. | Block, Full | █ | █ |
  532. | Block, Symbol For End Of Transmission | ␗ | ␗ |
  533. | Bohairic Coptic | Ⲁ | Ⲁ |
  534. | Bold Digits | 𝟎 | 𝟎 |
  535. | Bold Digits, Sans-Serif | 𝟬 | 𝟬 |
  536. | Bold Fraktur Mathematical Symbols | 𝕬 | 𝕬 |
  537. | Bold Greek Mathematical Symbols | 𝚨 | 𝚨 |
  538. | Bold Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif | 𝝖 | 𝝖 |
  539. | Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols | 𝜜 | 𝜜 |
  540. | Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif | 𝞐 | 𝞐 |
  541. | Bold Italic Mathematical Symbols | 𝑨 | 𝑨 |
  542. | Bold Italic Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif | 𝘼 | 𝘼 |
  543. | Bold Mathematical Symbols | 𝐀 | 𝐀 |
  544. | Bold Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif | 𝗔 | 𝗔 |
  545. | Bold Script Mathematical Symbols | 𝓐 | 𝓐 |
  546. | Bom |  |  |
  547. | Bopomofo Extensions, Chinese | ㆠ | ㆠ |
  548. | Bopomofo, Chinese | ㄀ | ㄀ |
  549. | Bottom | ⊥ | ⊥ |
  550. | Bowt, Armenian | ՝ | ՝ |
  551. | Bowtie | ⋈ | ⋈ |
  552. | Bowtie Symbols | ⧑ | ⧑ |
  553. | Bowtie, Large | ⨝ | ⨝ |
  554. | Bowtie, Vertical | ⧖ | ⧖ |
  555. | Box Drawing | ─ | ─ |
  556. | Box With Check, Ballot | ☑ | ☑ |
  557. | Box With X, Ballot | ☒ | ☒ |
  558. | Box, Ballot | ☐ | ☐ |
  559. | Box, Open | ␣ | ␣ |
  560. | Box, Shouldered Open | ⍽ | ⍽ |
  561. | Box, X In A Rectangle | ⌧ | ⌧ |
  562. | Brace, Closing | } | } |
  563. | Brace, Opening | { | { |
  564. | Bracket Pieces | ⎛ | ⎛ |
  565. | Bracket Pieces | ⎰ | ⎰ |
  566. | Bracket Variants For Vertical Text | ⏜ | ⏜ |
  567. | Bracket With Quill, Left Square | ⁅ | ⁅ |
  568. | Bracket With Quill, Right Square | ⁆ | ⁆ |
  569. | Bracket, Closing Curly | } | } |
  570. | Bracket, Closing Square | ] | ] |
  571. | Bracket, Left Abstract Syntax | 〚 | 〚 |
  572. | Bracket, Left Angle | 〈 | 〈 |
  573. | Bracket, Left Bag | ⟦ | ⟦ |
  574. | Bracket, Left Black Lenticular | 【 | 【 |
  575. | Bracket, Left Chevron | ⟪ | ⟪ |
  576. | Bracket, Left Corner | 「 | 「 |
  577. | Bracket, Left Curly | { | { |
  578. | Bracket, Left Double Angle | 《 | 《 |
  579. | Bracket, Left Sequence | ⟨ | ⟨ |
  580. | Bracket, Left Square | [ | [ |
  581. | Bracket, Left Tortoise Shell | 〔 | 〔 |
  582. | Bracket, Left White Corner | 『 | 『 |
  583. | Bracket, Left White Curly | ⦃ | ⦃ |
  584. | Bracket, Left White Lenticular | 〖 | 〖 |
  585. | Bracket, Left White Square | 〚 | 〚 |
  586. | Bracket, Left White Tortoise Shell | 〘 | 〘 |
  587. | Bracket, Left-Pointing Angle | 〈 | 〈 |
  588. | Bracket, Mathematical Left Angle | ⟨ | ⟨ |
  589. | Bracket, Mathematical Left Double Angle | ⟪ | ⟪ |
  590. | Bracket, Mathematical Right Angle | ⟩ | ⟩ |
  591. | Bracket, Mathematical Right Double Angle | ⟫ | ⟫ |
  592. | Bracket, Opening Curly | { | { |
  593. | Bracket, Opening Square | [ | [ |
  594. | Bracket, Right Abstract Syntax | 〛 | 〛 |
  595. | Bracket, Right Angle | 〉 | 〉 |
  596. | Bracket, Right Bag | ⟧ | ⟧ |
  597. | Bracket, Right Black Lenticular | 】 | 】 |
  598. | Bracket, Right Chevron | ⟫ | ⟫ |
  599. | Bracket, Right Corner | 」 | 」 |
  600. | Bracket, Right Curly | } | } |
  601. | Bracket, Right Double Angle | 》 | 》 |
  602. | Bracket, Right Sequence | ⟩ | ⟩ |
  603. | Bracket, Right Square | ] | ] |
  604. | Bracket, Right Tortoise Shell | 〕 | 〕 |
  605. | Bracket, Right White Corner | 』 | 』 |
  606. | Bracket, Right White Curly | ⦄ | ⦄ |
  607. | Bracket, Right White Lenticular | 〗 | 〗 |
  608. | Bracket, Right White Square | 〛 | 〛 |
  609. | Bracket, Right White Tortoise Shell | 〙 | 〙 |
  610. | Bracket, Right-Pointing Angle | 〉 | 〉 |
  611. | Brackets | ⦃ | ⦃ |
  612. | Brackets, Cjk Angle | 〈 | 〈 |
  613. | Brackets, Cjk Corner | 「 | 「 |
  614. | Brackets, Corner | ⌈ | ⌈ |
  615. | Brackets, Mathematical | ⟦ | ⟦ |
  616. | Brackets, Ornamental | ❨ | ❨ |
  617. | Brackets, Vertical | ⎴ | ⎴ |
  618. | Braille Patterns | ⠀ | ⠀ |
  619. | Brazilian Currency | ₢ | ₢ |
  620. | Break Here, No | ƒ | ƒ |
  621. | Break Permitted Here | ‚ | ‚ |
  622. | Breathing Mark, Greek Rough | ̔ | ̔ |
  623. | Breathing Mark, Greek Smooth | ̓ | ̓ |
  624. | Breve | ˘ | ˘ |
  625. | Breve Below, Combining | ̮ | ̮ |
  626. | Breve Below, Combining Double | ͜ | ͜ |
  627. | Breve Below, Combining Inverted | ̯ | ̯ |
  628. | Breve, Combining | ̆ | ̆ |
  629. | Breve, Combining Double | ͝ | ͝ |
  630. | Breve, Combining Double Inverted | ͡ | ͡ |
  631. | Breve, Combining Inverted | ̑ | ̑ |
  632. | Bridge Above, Combining | ͆ | ͆ |
  633. | Bridge Above, Combining Wide | ⃩ | ⃩ |
  634. | Bridge Below, Combining | ̪ | ̪ |
  635. | Bridge Below, Combining Inverted | ̺ | ̺ |
  636. | Broken Bar | ¦ | ¦ |
  637. | Broken Vertical Bar | ¦ | ¦ |
  638. | Buginese | ᨀ | ᨀ |
  639. | Buhid | ᝀ | ᝀ |
  640. | Bullet | • | • |
  641. | Bullet Operator | ∙ | ∙ |
  642. | Bullet, Black Leftwards | ⁌ | ⁌ |
  643. | Bullet, Black Rightwards | ⁍ | ⁍ |
  644. | Bullet, Hyphen | ⁃ | ⁃ |
  645. | Bullet, Reversed Rotated Floral Heart | ☙ | ☙ |
  646. | Bullet, Tainome Japanese | ◉ | ◉ |
  647. | Bullet, Triangular | ‣ | ‣ |
  648. | Bullet, White | ◦ | ◦ |
  649. | Bullseye | ◎ | ◎ |
  650. | Bullseye, Latin Letter | ʘ | ʘ |
  651. | Buried Symbol | ⚰ | ⚰ |
  652. | Burmese | က | က |
  653. | By Definition, Equal To | ≜ | ≜ |
  654. | By Definition, Equal To | ≝ | ≝ |
  655. | By, Measured | ≞ | ≞ |
  656. | Byte Order Mark |  |  |
  657. | Byzantine Musical Symbols | 𝀀 | 𝀀 |
  659. # C
  661. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  662. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  663. | C With Acute, Latin Small Letter | ć | ć |
  664. | C With Caron, Latin Small Letter | č | č |
  665. | C With Cedilla, Latin Capital Letter | Ç | Ç |
  666. | C With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | ç | ç |
  667. | C With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | ĉ | ĉ |
  668. | C With Curl, Latin Small Letter | ɕ | ɕ |
  669. | C With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | ċ | ċ |
  670. | C With Hook, Latin Small Letter | ƈ | ƈ |
  671. | C With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter | Ȼ | Ȼ |
  672. | C With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | ȼ | ȼ |
  673. | C, Apostrophic | Ↄ | Ↄ |
  674. | C, Black-Letter Capital | ℭ | ℭ |
  675. | C, Combining Latin Small Letter | ͨ | ͨ |
  676. | C, Double-Struck Capital | ℂ | ℂ |
  677. | C, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴄ | ᴄ |
  678. | C, Latin Letter Stretched | ʗ | ʗ |
  679. | C, Latin Small Letter Reversed | ↄ | ↄ |
  680. | Cada Una | ℆ | ℆ |
  681. | Caduceus | ☤ | ☤ |
  682. | Cambodian | ក | ក |
  683. | Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics, Unified | ᐀ | ᐀ |
  684. | Canadian Syllabics Full Stop | ᙮ | ᙮ |
  685. | Canadian Syllabics Punctuation | ᙭ | ᙭ |
  686. | Cancel |  |  |
  687. | Cancel Character | ” | ” |
  688. | Cancel Tag | 󠁿 | 󠁿 |
  689. | Cancel, Symbol For | ␘ | ␘ |
  690. | Cancellation Mark, Lao | ໌ | ໌ |
  691. | Cancer | ♋ | ♋ |
  692. | Candrabindu, Combining | ̐ | ̐ |
  693. | Candrabindu, Devanagari Sign | ँ | ँ |
  694. | Cantillation Marks, Hebrew | ֑ | ֑ |
  695. | Cantillation Signs, Tibetan | ࿀ | ࿀ |
  696. | Cap | ∩ | ∩ |
  697. | Cap, Square | ⊓ | ⊓ |
  698. | Capital Letters, Armenian | Ա | Ա |
  699. | Capital Letters, Cyrillic | Ѐ | Ѐ |
  700. | Capital Letters, Georgian | Ⴀ | Ⴀ |
  701. | Capital Letters, Greek | Α | Α |
  702. | Capital Letters, Latin | A | A |
  703. | Capricorn | ♑ | ♑ |
  704. | Caps Lock | ⇪ | ⇪ |
  705. | Caps Lock | ⇬ | ⇬ |
  706. | Card Suits, Playing | ♠ | ♠ |
  707. | Cardinal, First Transfinite | ℵ | ℵ |
  708. | Cardinal, Fourth Transfinite | ℸ | ℸ |
  709. | Cardinal, Second Transfinite | ℶ | ℶ |
  710. | Cardinal, Third Transfinite | ℷ | ℷ |
  711. | Care Of | ℅ | ℅ |
  712. | Caret | ʌ | ʌ |
  713. | Caret | ‸ | ‸ |
  714. | Caret Insertion Point | ⁁ | ⁁ |
  715. | Carian | 𐊠 | 𐊠 |
  716. | Caron | ˇ | ˇ |
  717. | Caron Below, Combining | ̬ | ̬ |
  718. | Caron, Combining | ̌ | ̌ |
  719. | Carriage Return | 
  720. | Carriage Return, Symbol For | ␍ | ␍ |
  721. | Cartesian Product | × | × |
  722. | Caution Sign | ☡ | ☡ |
  723. | Cedi Sign | ₵ | ₵ |
  724. | Cedilla | ¸ | ¸ |
  725. | Cedilla Above | ̒ | ̒ |
  726. | Cedilla, Combining | ̧ | ̧ |
  727. | Cedilla, Latin Capital Letter C With | Ç | Ç |
  728. | Cedilla, Latin Small Letter C With | ç | ç |
  729. | Cedilla, Spacing | ¸ | ¸ |
  730. | Ceiling, Left | ⌈ | ⌈ |
  731. | Ceiling, Right | ⌉ | ⌉ |
  732. | Celsius, Degree | ℃ | ℃ |
  733. | Cent Sign | ¢ | ¢ |
  734. | Center | ⎅ | ⎅ |
  735. | Centigrade, Degrees | ℃ | ℃ |
  736. | Centre Line Symbol | ℄ | ℄ |
  737. | Centreline Low Line | ﹎ | ﹎ |
  738. | Centreline Overline | ﹊ | ﹊ |
  739. | Cham | ꨀ | ꨀ |
  740. | Chandrakkala, Malayalam | ് | ് |
  741. | Character Introducer, Single | š | š |
  742. | Character Tabulation | 	 | 	 |
  743. | Character Tabulation Set | ˆ | ˆ |
  744. | Character Tabulation With Justification | ‰ | ‰ |
  745. | Character Tie | ⁀ | ⁀ |
  746. | Chart Components, Form And | ─ | ─ |
  747. | Check Mark | ✓ | ✓ |
  748. | Check Mark, Heavy | ✔ | ✔ |
  749. | Check Mark, Not | ⍻ | ⍻ |
  750. | Check, Ballot Box With | ☑ | ☑ |
  751. | Checkers, Symbols For Draughts And | ⛀ | ⛀ |
  752. | Cherokee | Ꭰ | Ꭰ |
  753. | Chess Symbols | ♔ | ♔ |
  754. | Chess Symbols, Japanese | ☖ | ☖ |
  755. | Chevron Bracket, Left | ⟪ | ⟪ |
  756. | Chevron Bracket, Right | ⟫ | ⟫ |
  757. | Chevrons | « | « |
  758. | Chi Rho | ☧ | ☧ |
  759. | Chillu Letters, Malayalam | ൺ | ൺ |
  760. | Chinese Bopomofo | ㄀ | ㄀ |
  761. | Chinese Bopomofo Extensions | ㆠ | ㆠ |
  762. | Chinese Fifth Or Neutral Tone, Mandarin | ˙ | ˙ |
  763. | Chinese First Tone, Mandarin | ˉ | ˉ |
  764. | Chinese Fourth Tone, Mandarin | ˋ | ˋ |
  765. | Chinese Second Tone, Mandarin | ˊ | ˊ |
  766. | Chinese Third Tone, Mandarin | ˇ | ˇ |
  767. | Chinese, Corner Tone Marks For | ꜀ | ꜀ |
  768. | Choice, Dijkstra | ⫾ | ⫾ |
  769. | Choice, N-Ary Dijkstra | ⫿ | ⫿ |
  770. | Christogram | ☧ | ☧ |
  771. | Circle Backslash, Combining Enclosing | ⃠ | ⃠ |
  772. | Circle Symbols | ⦵ | ⦵ |
  773. | Circle, Black | ● | ● |
  774. | Circle, Black Small | • | • |
  775. | Circle, Combining Enclosing | ⃝ | ⃝ |
  776. | Circle, Dotted | ◌ | ◌ |
  777. | Circle, Jis Composition | ⃝ | ⃝ |
  778. | Circle, Large | ◯ | ◯ |
  779. | Circle, Medium Black | ⚫ | ⚫ |
  780. | Circle, Medium Small White | ⚬ | ⚬ |
  781. | Circle, Medium White | ⚪ | ⚪ |
  782. | Circle, Shadowed White | ❍ | ❍ |
  783. | Circle, White | ○ | ○ |
  784. | Circled Asterisk Operator | ⊛ | ⊛ |
  785. | Circled Dash | ⊝ | ⊝ |
  786. | Circled Digit Zero | ⓪ | ⓪ |
  787. | Circled Digits, Dingbat | ❶ | ❶ |
  788. | Circled Division Sign | ⨸ | ⨸ |
  789. | Circled Division Slash | ⊘ | ⊘ |
  790. | Circled Dot Operator | ⊙ | ⊙ |
  791. | Circled Dot Operator, N-Ary | ⨀ | ⨀ |
  792. | Circled Equals | ⊜ | ⊜ |
  793. | Circled Ideographs | ㊀ | ㊀ |
  794. | Circled Inverse Numbers | ❶ | ❶ |
  795. | Circled Katakana | ㋐ | ㋐ |
  796. | Circled Korean Hangul Elements | ㉠ | ㉠ |
  797. | Circled Korean Hangul Syllables | ㉮ | ㉮ |
  798. | Circled Latin Letters | Ⓐ | Ⓐ |
  799. | Circled Minus | ⊖ | ⊖ |
  800. | Circled Numbers | ① | ① |
  801. | Circled Numbers | ㉑ | ㉑ |
  802. | Circled Numbers | ㊱ | ㊱ |
  803. | Circled Numbers, Double | ⓵ | ⓵ |
  804. | Circled Numbers, White On Black | ⓫ | ⓫ |
  805. | Circled Plus | ⊕ | ⊕ |
  806. | Circled Plus Operator, N-Ary | ⨁ | ⨁ |
  807. | Circled Postal Mark | 〶 | 〶 |
  808. | Circled Ring Operator | ⊚ | ⊚ |
  809. | Circled Times | ⊗ | ⊗ |
  810. | Circled Times Operator, N-Ary | ⨂ | ⨂ |
  811. | Circles | ○ | ○ |
  812. | Circumflex Accent | ^ | ^ |
  813. | Circumflex Accent Below, Combining | ̭ | ̭ |
  814. | Circumflex Accent, Combining | ̂ | ̂ |
  815. | Circumflex Accent, Modifier Letter | ˆ | ˆ |
  816. | Circumflex Accent, Spacing | ^ | ^ |
  817. | Cjk Angle Brackets | 〈 | 〈 |
  818. | Cjk Compatibility | ㌀ | ㌀ |
  819. | Cjk Compatibility Forms | ︰ | ︰ |
  820. | Cjk Compatibility Ideographs | 豈 | 豈 |
  821. | Cjk Compatibility Ideographs Supplement | 丽 | 丽 |
  822. | Cjk Corner Brackets | 「 | 「 |
  823. | Cjk Diacritics | 〪 | 〪 |
  824. | Cjk Ideographic Description Characters | ⿰ | ⿰ |
  825. | Cjk Ideographs Area | 㐀 | 㐀 |
  826. | Cjk Ideographs Area, Supplementary | 𠀀 | 𠀀 |
  827. | Cjk Ideographs, Parenthesized | ㈠ | ㈠ |
  828. | Cjk Kangxi Radicals | ⼀ | ⼀ |
  829. | Cjk Letters And Months, Enclosed | ㈀ | ㈀ |
  830. | Cjk Phonetics And Symbols Area | ⺀ | ⺀ |
  831. | Cjk Punctuation, Halfwidth | 。 | 。 |
  832. | Cjk Quotation Marks | 「 | 「 |
  833. | Cjk Radicals Supplement | ⺀ | ⺀ |
  834. | Cjk Strokes | ㇀ | ㇀ |
  835. | Cjk Symbols And Punctuation |   |   |
  836. | Cjk Unified Ideographs | 一 | 一 |
  837. | Cjk Unified Ideographs Extension A | 㐀 | 㐀 |
  838. | Cjk Unified Ideographs Extension B | 𠀀 | 𠀀 |
  839. | Claudian Antisigma | Ↄ | Ↄ |
  840. | Claudian Digamma Inversum | Ⅎ | Ⅎ |
  841. | Clear Key | ⌧ | ⌧ |
  842. | Clear Screen Symbol | ⎚ | ⎚ |
  843. | Clear Weather | ☀ | ☀ |
  844. | Click, Latin Letter Alveolar | ǂ | ǂ |
  845. | Click, Latin Letter Bilabial | ʘ | ʘ |
  846. | Click, Latin Letter Dental | ǀ | ǀ |
  847. | Click, Latin Letter Lateral | ǁ | ǁ |
  848. | Click, Latin Letter Retroflex | ǃ | ǃ |
  849. | Clicks, African Letters For | ǀ | ǀ |
  850. | Clockwise Arrow Above, Combining | ⃕ | ⃕ |
  851. | Clockwise Contour Integral | ∲ | ∲ |
  852. | Clockwise Integral | ∱ | ∱ |
  853. | Clockwise Ring Overlay, Combining | ⃙ | ⃙ |
  854. | Clone | ℄ | ℄ |
  855. | Clones Of Diacritics, Spacing | ˘ | ˘ |
  856. | Close Up | ⁐ | ⁐ |
  857. | Closed Epsilon, Latin Small Letter | ʚ | ʚ |
  858. | Closed Omega, Latin Small Letter | ɷ | ɷ |
  859. | Closed Open E, Latin Small Letter | ʚ | ʚ |
  860. | Closed Reversed Epsilon, Latin Small Letter | ɞ | ɞ |
  861. | Closed Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter | ɞ | ɞ |
  862. | Closing Brace | } | } |
  863. | Closing Curly Bracket | } | } |
  864. | Closing Mark, Ideographic | 〆 | 〆 |
  865. | Closing Parenthesis | ) | ) |
  866. | Closing Square Bracket | ] | ] |
  867. | Cloud | ☁ | ☁ |
  868. | Cloudy Weather | ☁ | ☁ |
  869. | Coffee, Cup Of | ☕ | ☕ |
  870. | Coffin | ⚰ | ⚰ |
  871. | Colon | : | : |
  872. | Colon Equals | ≔ | ≔ |
  873. | Colon Right Arrow | ⧴ | ⧴ |
  874. | Colon Sign | ₡ | ₡ |
  875. | Colon, Equals | ≕ | ≕ |
  876. | Colon, Ethiopic | ፥ | ፥ |
  877. | Colon, Ethiopic Preface | ፦ | ፦ |
  878. | Colon, Modifier Letter Half Triangular | ˑ | ˑ |
  879. | Colon, Modifier Letter Triangular | ː | ː |
  880. | Colon, Mongolian | ᠄ | ᠄ |
  881. | Colon, Z Notation Type | ⦂ | ⦂ |
  882. | Combining Acute Accent | ́ | ́ |
  883. | Combining Acute Accent Below | ̗ | ̗ |
  884. | Combining Acute Tone Mark | ́ | ́ |
  885. | Combining Almost Equal To Above | ͌ | ͌ |
  886. | Combining Alphabet, Korean Hangul Jamo | ᄀ | ᄀ |
  887. | Combining Annuity Symbol | ⃧ | ⃧ |
  888. | Combining Anticlockwise Arrow Above | ⃔ | ⃔ |
  889. | Combining Anticlockwise Ring Overlay | ⃚ | ⃚ |
  890. | Combining Asterisk Above | ⃰ | ⃰ |
  891. | Combining Asterisk Below | ͙ | ͙ |
  892. | Combining Breve | ̆ | ̆ |
  893. | Combining Breve Below | ̮ | ̮ |
  894. | Combining Bridge Above | ͆ | ͆ |
  895. | Combining Bridge Below | ̪ | ̪ |
  896. | Combining Candrabindu | ̐ | ̐ |
  897. | Combining Caron | ̌ | ̌ |
  898. | Combining Caron Below | ̬ | ̬ |
  899. | Combining Cedilla | ̧ | ̧ |
  900. | Combining Characters, Cyrillic | ҃ | ҃ |
  901. | Combining Circumflex Accent | ̂ | ̂ |
  902. | Combining Circumflex Accent Below | ̭ | ̭ |
  903. | Combining Clockwise Arrow Above | ⃕ | ⃕ |
  904. | Combining Clockwise Ring Overlay | ⃙ | ⃙ |
  905. | Combining Comma Above | ̓ | ̓ |
  906. | Combining Comma Above Right | ̕ | ̕ |
  907. | Combining Comma Below | ̦ | ̦ |
  908. | Combining Conjoining Macron | ︦ | ︦ |
  909. | Combining Counterclockwise Arrow Above | ⃔ | ⃔ |
  910. | Combining Counterclockwise Ring Overlay | ⃚ | ⃚ |
  911. | Combining Diacritical Marks | ̀ | ̀ |
  912. | Combining Diacritical Marks For Symbols | ⃐ | ⃐ |
  913. | Combining Diaeresis | ̈ | ̈ |
  914. | Combining Diaeresis Below | ̤ | ̤ |
  915. | Combining Dot Above | ̇ | ̇ |
  916. | Combining Dot Above Right | ͘ | ͘ |
  917. | Combining Dot Below | ̣ | ̣ |
  918. | Combining Double Acute Accent | ̋ | ̋ |
  919. | Combining Double Breve | ͝ | ͝ |
  920. | Combining Double Breve Below | ͜ | ͜ |
  921. | Combining Double Grave Accent | ̏ | ̏ |
  922. | Combining Double Inverted Breve | ͡ | ͡ |
  923. | Combining Double Low Line | ̳ | ̳ |
  924. | Combining Double Macron | ͞ | ͞ |
  925. | Combining Double Macron Below | ͟ | ͟ |
  926. | Combining Double Overline | ̿ | ̿ |
  927. | Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below | ͢ | ͢ |
  928. | Combining Double Ring Below | ͚ | ͚ |
  929. | Combining Double Tilde | ͠ | ͠ |
  930. | Combining Double Vertical Line Above | ̎ | ̎ |
  931. | Combining Double Vertical Line Below | ͈ | ͈ |
  932. | Combining Double Vertical Stroke Overlay | ⃦ | ⃦ |
  933. | Combining Down Tack Below | ̞ | ̞ |
  934. | Combining Enclosing Circle | ⃝ | ⃝ |
  935. | Combining Enclosing Circle Backslash | ⃠ | ⃠ |
  936. | Combining Enclosing Diamond | ⃟ | ⃟ |
  937. | Combining Enclosing Keycap | ⃣ | ⃣ |
  938. | Combining Enclosing Screen | ⃢ | ⃢ |
  939. | Combining Enclosing Square | ⃞ | ⃞ |
  940. | Combining Enclosing Upward Pointing Triangle | ⃤ | ⃤ |
  941. | Combining Equals Sign Below | ͇ | ͇ |
  942. | Combining Fermata | ͒ | ͒ |
  943. | Combining Four Dots Above | ⃜ | ⃜ |
  944. | Combining Grapheme Joiner | ͏ | ͏ |
  945. | Combining Grave Accent | ̀ | ̀ |
  946. | Combining Grave Accent Below | ̖ | ̖ |
  947. | Combining Grave Tone Mark | ̀ | ̀ |
  948. | Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos | ̈́ | ̈́ |
  949. | Combining Greek Koronis | ̓ | ̓ |
  950. | Combining Greek Perispomeni | ͂ | ͂ |
  951. | Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni | ͅ | ͅ |
  952. | Combining Hacek | ̌ | ̌ |
  953. | Combining Half Marks | ︠ | ︠ |
  954. | Combining Homothetic Above | ͋ | ͋ |
  955. | Combining Hook Above | ̉ | ̉ |
  956. | Combining Horn | ̛ | ̛ |
  957. | Combining Inverted Breve | ̑ | ̑ |
  958. | Combining Inverted Breve Below | ̯ | ̯ |
  959. | Combining Inverted Bridge Below | ̺ | ̺ |
  960. | Combining Inverted Double Arch Below | ̫ | ̫ |
  961. | Combining Japanese Daku-On | ゙ | ゙ |
  962. | Combining Japanese Han-Daku-On | ゚ | ゚ |
  963. | Combining Latin Small Letters | ͣ | ͣ |
  964. | Combining Left Angle Above | ̚ | ̚ |
  965. | Combining Left Angle Below | ͉ | ͉ |
  966. | Combining Left Arrow Above | ⃖ | ⃖ |
  967. | Combining Left Arrow Below | ⃮ | ⃮ |
  968. | Combining Left Arrowhead Below | ͔ | ͔ |
  969. | Combining Left Half Ring Above | ͑ | ͑ |
  970. | Combining Left Half Ring Below | ̜ | ̜ |
  971. | Combining Left Harpoon Above | ⃐ | ⃐ |
  972. | Combining Left Right Arrow Above | ⃡ | ⃡ |
  973. | Combining Left Right Arrow Below | ͍ | ͍ |
  974. | Combining Left Tack Below | ̘ | ̘ |
  975. | Combining Leftwards Arrow Overlay | ⃪ | ⃪ |
  976. | Combining Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards | ⃭ | ⃭ |
  977. | Combining Long Double Solidus Overlay | ⃫ | ⃫ |
  978. | Combining Long Solidus Overlay | ̸ | ̸ |
  979. | Combining Long Stroke Overlay | ̶ | ̶ |
  980. | Combining Long Vertical Line Overlay | ⃒ | ⃒ |
  981. | Combining Low Line | ̲ | ̲ |
  982. | Combining Macron | ̄ | ̄ |
  983. | Combining Macron Below | ̱ | ̱ |
  984. | Combining Macron Left Half | ︤ | ︤ |
  985. | Combining Macron Right Half | ︥ | ︥ |
  986. | Combining Marks, Arabic | ٓ | ٓ |
  987. | Combining Minus Sign Below | ̠ | ̠ |
  988. | Combining Not Tilde Above | ͊ | ͊ |
  989. | Combining Ogonek | ̨ | ̨ |
  990. | Combining Overline | ̅ | ̅ |
  991. | Combining Palatalized Hook Below | ̡ | ̡ |
  992. | Combining Plus Sign Below | ̟ | ̟ |
  993. | Combining Retroflex Hook Below | ̢ | ̢ |
  994. | Combining Reverse Solidus Overlay | ⃥ | ⃥ |
  995. | Combining Reversed Comma Above | ̔ | ̔ |
  996. | Combining Right Arrow Above | ⃗ | ⃗ |
  997. | Combining Right Arrow Below | ⃯ | ⃯ |
  998. | Combining Right Arrowhead Above | ͐ | ͐ |
  999. | Combining Right Arrowhead Below | ͕ | ͕ |
  1000. | Combining Right Half Ring Above | ͗ | ͗ |
  1001. | Combining Right Half Ring Below | ̹ | ̹ |
  1002. | Combining Right Harpoon Above | ⃑ | ⃑ |
  1003. | Combining Right Tack Below | ̙ | ̙ |
  1004. | Combining Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards | ⃬ | ⃬ |
  1005. | Combining Ring Above | ̊ | ̊ |
  1006. | Combining Ring Below | ̥ | ̥ |
  1007. | Combining Ring Overlay | ⃘ | ⃘ |
  1008. | Combining Seagull Below | ̼ | ̼ |
  1009. | Combining Short Solidus Overlay | ̷ | ̷ |
  1010. | Combining Short Stroke Overlay | ̵ | ̵ |
  1011. | Combining Short Vertical Line Overlay | ⃓ | ⃓ |
  1012. | Combining Square Below | ̻ | ̻ |
  1013. | Combining Three Dots Above | ⃛ | ⃛ |
  1014. | Combining Tilde | ̃ | ̃ |
  1015. | Combining Tilde Below | ̰ | ̰ |
  1016. | Combining Tilde Overlay | ̴ | ̴ |
  1017. | Combining Triple Underdot | ⃨ | ⃨ |
  1018. | Combining Turned Comma Above | ̒ | ̒ |
  1019. | Combining Up Tack Below | ̝ | ̝ |
  1020. | Combining Upwards Arrow Below | ͎ | ͎ |
  1021. | Combining Vertical Line Above | ̍ | ̍ |
  1022. | Combining Vertical Line Below | ̩ | ̩ |
  1023. | Combining Vertical Tilde | ̾ | ̾ |
  1024. | Combining Wide Bridge Above | ⃩ | ⃩ |
  1025. | Combining X Above | ̽ | ̽ |
  1026. | Combining X Below | ͓ | ͓ |
  1027. | Combining Zigzag Above | ͛ | ͛ |
  1028. | Comet | ☄ | ☄ |
  1029. | Comma | , | , |
  1030. | Comma Above Right, Combining | ̕ | ̕ |
  1031. | Comma Above, Combining | ̓ | ̓ |
  1032. | Comma Above, Combining Reversed | ̔ | ̔ |
  1033. | Comma Above, Combining Turned | ̒ | ̒ |
  1034. | Comma Below, Combining | ̦ | ̦ |
  1035. | Comma Quotation Mark, Double | ” | ” |
  1036. | Comma Quotation Mark, Double Reversed | ‟ | ‟ |
  1037. | Comma Quotation Mark, Double Turned | “ | “ |
  1038. | Comma Quotation Mark, Low Double | „ | „ |
  1039. | Comma Quotation Mark, Low Single | ‚ | ‚ |
  1040. | Comma Quotation Mark, Single | ’ | ’ |
  1041. | Comma Quotation Mark, Single Reversed | ‛ | ‛ |
  1042. | Comma Quotation Mark, Single Turned | ‘ | ‘ |
  1043. | Comma, Arabic | ، | ، |
  1044. | Comma, Armenian | ՝ | ՝ |
  1045. | Comma, Ethiopic | ፣ | ፣ |
  1046. | Comma, Georgian | · | · |
  1047. | Comma, Ideographic | 、 | 、 |
  1048. | Comma, Invisible | ⁣ | ⁣ |
  1049. | Comma, Modifier Letter Reversed | ʽ | ʽ |
  1050. | Comma, Modifier Letter Turned | ʻ | ʻ |
  1051. | Comma, Mongolian | ᠂ | ᠂ |
  1052. | Comma, Mongolian Manchu | ᠈ | ᠈ |
  1053. | Command Key | ⌘ | ⌘ |
  1054. | Command, Application Program | Ÿ | Ÿ |
  1055. | Command, Operating System |  |  |
  1056. | Commercial At | @ | @ |
  1057. | Commercial Minus Sign | ⁒ | ⁒ |
  1058. | Compass | ☼ | ☼ |
  1059. | Compatibility And Specials Area | 豈 | 豈 |
  1060. | Compatibility Forms, Cjk | ︰ | ︰ |
  1061. | Compatibility Ideographs Supplement, Cjk | 丽 | 丽 |
  1062. | Compatibility Ideographs, Cjk | 豈 | 豈 |
  1063. | Compatibility Ideographs, Dprk | 並 | 並 |
  1064. | Compatibility Ideographs, Jis X 0213 | 侮 | 侮 |
  1065. | Compatibility Jamo, Korean Hangul | ㄰ | ㄰ |
  1066. | Compatibility, Cjk | ㌀ | ㌀ |
  1067. | Complement | ∁ | ∁ |
  1068. | Complex Numbers | ℂ | ℂ |
  1069. | Component, Radial | ⟟ | ⟟ |
  1070. | Components, Form And Chart | ─ | ─ |
  1071. | Composite Function | ∘ | ∘ |
  1072. | Composition Circle, Jis | ⃝ | ⃝ |
  1073. | Composition Symbol | ⎄ | ⎄ |
  1074. | Concatenation, Sequence | ⁀ | ⁀ |
  1075. | Conical Taper | ⌲ | ⌲ |
  1076. | Conjoining Macron, Combining | ︦ | ︦ |
  1077. | Conjugate Matrix, Hermitian | ⊹ | ⊹ |
  1078. | Conjunction | ∧ | ∧ |
  1079. | Conjunction | ☌ | ☌ |
  1080. | Constant Pi, Mathematical | π | π |
  1081. | Constant, Euler | ℇ | ℇ |
  1082. | Constant, Planck | ℎ | ℎ |
  1083. | Constantine's Cross | ☧ | ☧ |
  1084. | Contains As Member | ∋ | ∋ |
  1085. | Contains As Member, Small | ∍ | ∍ |
  1086. | Contains As Normal Subgroup | ⊳ | ⊳ |
  1087. | Contextual Form Glyphs, Arabic | ﭐ | ﭐ |
  1088. | Contextual Form Glyphs, Arabic | ﺀ | ﺀ |
  1089. | Continuity, Absolute | ⪡ | ⪡ |
  1090. | Continuous Underline Symbol | ⎁ | ⎁ |
  1091. | Continuum, Second Transfinite Cardinal | ℶ | ℶ |
  1092. | Contour Integral | ∮ | ∮ |
  1093. | Contour Integral, Anticlockwise | ∳ | ∳ |
  1094. | Contour Integral, Clockwise | ∲ | ∲ |
  1095. | Contour Integral, Counterclockwise | ∳ | ∳ |
  1096. | Contraction Operator | ⃩ | ⃩ |
  1097. | Control | ⎈ | ⎈ |
  1098. | Control Code Graphics, Quadrant | ◰ | ◰ |
  1099. | Control Codes, Graphic Pictures For | ␀ | ␀ |
  1100. | Control Codes, Graphics For | ⍽ | ⍽ |
  1101. | Control Sequence Introducer | › | › |
  1102. | Controls, Bidirectional Format | ‪ | ‪ |
  1103. | Controls, Mongolian Format | ᠋ | ᠋ |
  1104. | Coproduct Sign | ∐ | ∐ |
  1105. | Coproduct, N-Ary | ∐ | ∐ |
  1106. | Coptic Letters Derived From Demotic | Ϣ | Ϣ |
  1107. | Coptic, Bohairic | Ⲁ | Ⲁ |
  1108. | Coptic, Continuous Macrons For | ︤ | ︤ |
  1109. | Coptic, Extended | Ⲳ | Ⲳ |
  1110. | Copyright Sign | © | © |
  1111. | Copyright, Sound Recording | ℗ | ℗ |
  1112. | Corner Brackets | ⌈ | ⌈ |
  1113. | Corner Brackets, Cjk | 「 | 「 |
  1114. | Corner Tone Marks For Chinese | ꜀ | ꜀ |
  1115. | Corners, Quine | ⌜ | ⌜ |
  1116. | Corresponds To | ≘ | ≘ |
  1117. | Corresponds To | ≙ | ≙ |
  1118. | Costa Rican Currency | ₡ | ₡ |
  1119. | Countable, First Transfinite Cardinal | ℵ | ℵ |
  1120. | Counterbore | ⌴ | ⌴ |
  1121. | Counterclockwise Arrow Above, Combining | ⃔ | ⃔ |
  1122. | Counterclockwise Contour Integral | ∳ | ∳ |
  1123. | Counterclockwise Integration | ⨑ | ⨑ |
  1124. | Counterclockwise Ring Overlay, Combining | ⃚ | ⃚ |
  1125. | Countersink | ⌵ | ⌵ |
  1126. | Credit Sign, Tamil | ௷ | ௷ |
  1127. | Cremated Symbol | ⚱ | ⚱ |
  1128. | Crescent, Star And | ☪ | ☪ |
  1129. | Croatian Digraphs Matching Serbian Cyrillic Letters | DŽ | DŽ |
  1130. | Crops | ⌌ | ⌌ |
  1131. | Cross Accent, Modifier Letter | ˟ | ˟ |
  1132. | Cross Dingbats | ✙ | ✙ |
  1133. | Cross Of Jerusalem | ☩ | ☩ |
  1134. | Cross Of Lorraine | ☨ | ☨ |
  1135. | Cross Ratio | ℞ | ℞ |
  1136. | Cross, Constantine's | ☧ | ☧ |
  1137. | Cross, Dotted | ⁜ | ⁜ |
  1138. | Cross, East Syriac | ♱ | ♱ |
  1139. | Cross, Latin | ✝ | ✝ |
  1140. | Cross, Long | † | † |
  1141. | Cross, Maltese | ✠ | ✠ |
  1142. | Cross, Orthodox | ☦ | ☦ |
  1143. | Cross, St. Andrew's | ☓ | ☓ |
  1144. | Cross, West Syriac | ♰ | ♰ |
  1145. | Crossed Swords | ⚔ | ⚔ |
  1146. | Crosses | ✙ | ✙ |
  1147. | Crosshatch | # | # |
  1148. | Cruzeiro Sign | ₢ | ₢ |
  1149. | Cube Root | ∛ | ∛ |
  1150. | Cubed | ³ | ³ |
  1151. | Cuneiform | 𒀀 | 𒀀 |
  1152. | Cuneiform Numbers And Punctuation | 𒐀 | 𒐀 |
  1153. | Cup | ∪ | ∪ |
  1154. | Cup Of Coffee | ☕ | ☕ |
  1155. | Cup Of Tea | ☕ | ☕ |
  1156. | Cup, Square | ⊔ | ⊔ |
  1157. | Curled Beta | ϐ | ϐ |
  1158. | Curly Bracket, Closing | } | } |
  1159. | Curly Bracket, Left | { | { |
  1160. | Curly Bracket, Left White | ⦃ | ⦃ |
  1161. | Curly Bracket, Opening | { | { |
  1162. | Curly Bracket, Right | } | } |
  1163. | Curly Bracket, Right White | ⦄ | ⦄ |
  1164. | Curly Logical And | ⋏ | ⋏ |
  1165. | Curly Logical Or | ⋎ | ⋎ |
  1166. | Currency Sign | ¤ | ¤ |
  1167. | Currency Signs, Bengali | ৲ | ৲ |
  1168. | Currency Symbol Baht, Thai | ฿ | ฿ |
  1169. | Currency Symbol Riel, Khmer | ៛ | ៛ |
  1170. | Currency Symbol, Florin | ƒ | ƒ |
  1171. | Currency Symbols | ₠ | ₠ |
  1172. | Currency, Argentinian Former | ₳ | ₳ |
  1173. | Currency, Brazilian | ₢ | ₢ |
  1174. | Currency, Costa Rican | ₡ | ₡ |
  1175. | Currency, El Salvadorian | ₡ | ₡ |
  1176. | Currency, Euro European | € | € |
  1177. | Currency, French | ₣ | ₣ |
  1178. | Currency, Ghana | ₵ | ₵ |
  1179. | Currency, Greek | ₯ | ₯ |
  1180. | Currency, Indian | ₨ | ₨ |
  1181. | Currency, Iranian | ﷼ | ﷼ |
  1182. | Currency, Israeli | ₪ | ₪ |
  1183. | Currency, Italian | ₤ | ₤ |
  1184. | Currency, Korean | ₩ | ₩ |
  1185. | Currency, Laotian | ₭ | ₭ |
  1186. | Currency, Mongolian | ₮ | ₮ |
  1187. | Currency, Nigerian | ₦ | ₦ |
  1188. | Currency, Paraguayan | ₲ | ₲ |
  1189. | Currency, Phillipine | ₱ | ₱ |
  1190. | Currency, Spanish | ₧ | ₧ |
  1191. | Currency, Turkish | ₤ | ₤ |
  1192. | Currency, Ukrainian | ₴ | ₴ |
  1193. | Currency, Vietnamese | ₫ | ₫ |
  1194. | Current Symbol Form Two, Direct | ⎓ | ⎓ |
  1195. | Current, AC | ⏦ | ⏦ |
  1196. | Current, Alternating | ∿ | ∿ |
  1197. | Current, Direct, Symbol Form Two | ⎓ | ⎓ |
  1198. | Cursor Down, Fast | ↡ | ↡ |
  1199. | Cursor Left, Fast | ↞ | ↞ |
  1200. | Cursor Right, Fast | ↠ | ↠ |
  1201. | Cursor Up, Fast | ↟ | ↟ |
  1202. | Cycle | ∼ | ∼ |
  1203. | Cylindricity | ⌭ | ⌭ |
  1204. | Cypriot Syllabary | 𐠀 | 𐠀 |
  1205. | Cyrillic | Ѐ | Ѐ |
  1206. | Cyrillic Capital Letters | Ѐ | Ѐ |
  1207. | Cyrillic Combining Characters | ҃ | ҃ |
  1208. | Cyrillic Extended-A | ⷠ | ⷠ |
  1209. | Cyrillic Extended-B | Ꙁ | Ꙁ |
  1210. | Cyrillic Extensions | ѐ | ѐ |
  1211. | Cyrillic Extensions | Ҋ | Ҋ |
  1212. | Cyrillic Historic Letters | Ѡ | Ѡ |
  1213. | Cyrillic Small Letters | а | а |
  1214. | Cyrillic Supplement | Ԁ | Ԁ |
  1216. # D
  1218. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  1219. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  1220. | D Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter | ɖ | ɖ |
  1221. | D With Caron, Latin Small Letter | ď | ď |
  1222. | D With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | ḑ | ḑ |
  1223. | D With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter | ḓ | ḓ |
  1224. | D With Curl, Latin Small Letter | ȡ | ȡ |
  1225. | D With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | ḋ | ḋ |
  1226. | D With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | ḍ | ḍ |
  1227. | D With Hook, Latin Capital Letter | Ɗ | Ɗ |
  1228. | D With Hook, Latin Small Letter | ɗ | ɗ |
  1229. | D With Line Below, Latin Small Letter | ḏ | ḏ |
  1230. | D With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | đ | đ |
  1231. | D With Tail, Latin Small Letter | ɖ | ɖ |
  1232. | D With Topbar, Latin Small Letter | ƌ | ƌ |
  1233. | D'alembertian | ⧠ | ⧠ |
  1234. | D, Combining Latin Small Letter | ͩ | ͩ |
  1235. | D, Double-Struck Italic Capital | ⅅ | ⅅ |
  1236. | D, Double-Struck Italic Small | ⅆ | ⅆ |
  1237. | D, Latin Capital Letter African | Ɖ | Ɖ |
  1238. | D, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴅ | ᴅ |
  1239. | Dagger | † | † |
  1240. | Dagger, Double | ‡ | ‡ |
  1241. | Daku-On, Combining Japanese | ゙ | ゙ |
  1242. | Daku-On, Japanese | ゛ | ゛ |
  1243. | Dalet Symbol | ℸ | ℸ |
  1244. | Danda, Devanagari | । | । |
  1245. | Danda, Devanagari Double | ॥ | ॥ |
  1246. | Dash, Angled | ¬ | ¬ |
  1247. | Dash, Circled | ⊝ | ⊝ |
  1248. | Dash, Em | — | — |
  1249. | Dash, En | – | – |
  1250. | Dash, Figure | ‒ | ‒ |
  1251. | Dash, Quotation | ― | ― |
  1252. | Dash, Swung | ⁓ | ⁓ |
  1253. | Dash, Wave | 〜 | 〜 |
  1254. | Dash, Wavy | 〰 | 〰 |
  1255. | Dashed Low Line | ﹍ | ﹍ |
  1256. | Dashed Overline | ﹉ | ﹉ |
  1257. | Dashes | ‐ | ‐ |
  1258. | Dasia, Greek | ̔ | ̔ |
  1259. | Data Link Escape |  |  |
  1260. | Data Link Escape, Symbol For | ␐ | ␐ |
  1261. | Database Theory Operators | ⟕ | ⟕ |
  1262. | David, Star Of | ✡ | ✡ |
  1263. | Day Sign, Tamil | ௳ | ௳ |
  1264. | Days, Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For | ㏠ | ㏠ |
  1265. | Db Digraph, Latin Small Letter | ȸ | ȸ |
  1266. | Debit Sign, Tamil | ௶ | ௶ |
  1267. | Decimal Point | . | . |
  1268. | Decimal Separator | , | , |
  1269. | Decimal Separator Key Symbol | ⎖ | ⎖ |
  1270. | Decimal Separator, Arabic | ٫ | ٫ |
  1271. | Deergh Viram, Devanagari | ॥ | ॥ |
  1272. | Degree Celsius | ℃ | ℃ |
  1273. | Degree Fahrenheit | ℉ | ℉ |
  1274. | Degree Sign | ° | ° |
  1275. | Degrees Centigrade | ℃ | ℃ |
  1276. | Del | ∇ | ∇ |
  1277. | Delete |  |  |
  1278. | Delete Form Two, Symbol For | ␥ | ␥ |
  1279. | Delete To The Left Key | ⌫ | ⌫ |
  1280. | Delete To The Right Key | ⌦ | ⌦ |
  1281. | Delete, Symbol For | ␡ | ␡ |
  1282. | Delta Equal To | ≜ | ≜ |
  1283. | Delta, Latin Small Letter Turned | ƍ | ƍ |
  1284. | Demotic, Coptic Letters Derived From | Ϣ | Ϣ |
  1285. | Dental Click, Latin Letter | ǀ | ǀ |
  1286. | Dentistry Notation Symbols | ⎾ | ⎾ |
  1287. | Depth Symbol | ↧ | ↧ |
  1288. | Derivative | ̇ | ̇ |
  1289. | Derivative, Double | ̈ | ̈ |
  1290. | Derivative, Fourth | ⃜ | ⃜ |
  1291. | Derivative, Third | ⃛ | ⃛ |
  1292. | Descending Node | ☋ | ☋ |
  1293. | Deseret | 𐐀 | 𐐀 |
  1294. | Devanagari | ऀ | ऀ |
  1295. | Devanagari Bindu | ं | ं |
  1296. | Devanagari Consonants | क | क |
  1297. | Devanagari Danda | । | । |
  1298. | Devanagari Deergh Viram | ॥ | ॥ |
  1299. | Devanagari Dependent Vowel Signs | ा | ा |
  1300. | Devanagari Digits | ० | ० |
  1301. | Devanagari Double Danda | ॥ | ॥ |
  1302. | Devanagari Extensions | ॑ | ॑ |
  1303. | Devanagari Independent Vowels | ऄ | ऄ |
  1304. | Devanagari Om | ॐ | ॐ |
  1305. | Devanagari Purna Viram | । | । |
  1306. | Devanagari Sign Anusvara | ं | ं |
  1307. | Devanagari Sign Avagraha | ऽ | ऽ |
  1308. | Devanagari Sign Candrabindu | ँ | ँ |
  1309. | Devanagari Sign Nukta | ़ | ़ |
  1310. | Devanagari Sign Virama | ् | ् |
  1311. | Devanagari Sign Visarga | ः | ः |
  1312. | Device Controls |  |  |
  1313. | Device Controls, Symbols For | ␑ | ␑ |
  1314. | Dharma, Wheel Of | ☸ | ☸ |
  1315. | Diacritic, Finite Function | ⃦ | ⃦ |
  1316. | Diacritical Marks For Symbols, Combining | ⃐ | ⃐ |
  1317. | Diacritical Marks, Combining | ̀ | ̀ |
  1318. | Diacritics For Greek | ͂ | ͂ |
  1319. | Diacritics For Ipa | ͆ | ͆ |
  1320. | Diacritics For Uralic Phonetic Alphabet | ͐ | ͐ |
  1321. | Diacritics, Cjk | 〪 | 〪 |
  1322. | Diacritics, Double | ͜ | ͜ |
  1323. | Diacritics, Enclosing | ⃝ | ⃝ |
  1324. | Diacritics, Medieval Superscript Letter | ͣ | ͣ |
  1325. | Diacritics, Ordinary | ̀ | ̀ |
  1326. | Diacritics, Overstruck | ̴ | ̴ |
  1327. | Diacritics, Spacing Clones Of | ˘ | ˘ |
  1328. | Diaeresis | ¨ | ¨ |
  1329. | Diaeresis Below, Combining | ̤ | ̤ |
  1330. | Diaeresis, Combining | ̈ | ̈ |
  1331. | Diaeresis, Spacing | ¨ | ¨ |
  1332. | Diagonal Ellipsis, Down Right | ⋱ | ⋱ |
  1333. | Diagonal Ellipsis, Up Right | ⋰ | ⋰ |
  1334. | Dialytika Tonos, Combining Greek | ̈́ | ̈́ |
  1335. | Dialytika, Greek | ̈ | ̈ |
  1336. | Diameter Sign | ⌀ | ⌀ |
  1337. | Diamond Operator | ⋄ | ⋄ |
  1338. | Diamond, Combining Enclosing | ⃟ | ⃟ |
  1339. | Diamonds | ◆ | ◆ |
  1340. | Diamonds And Lozenges | ⬥ | ⬥ |
  1341. | Dice | ⚀ | ⚀ |
  1342. | Dictionary And Map Symbols | ⚐ | ⚐ |
  1343. | Dictionary Punctuation | ⸚ | ⸚ |
  1344. | Diesis | ‡ | ‡ |
  1345. | Difference Between | ∼ | ∼ |
  1346. | Difference Between | ≏ | ≏ |
  1347. | Difference Or Sum, Positive | ⨤ | ⨤ |
  1348. | Difference, Backward | ∇ | ∇ |
  1349. | Difference, Forward | ∆ | ∆ |
  1350. | Difference, Sum Or Positive | ⨦ | ⨦ |
  1351. | Difference, Symmetric | ∆ | ∆ |
  1352. | Difference, Symmetric | ∸ | ∸ |
  1353. | Difference, Symmetric | ⊖ | ⊖ |
  1354. | Differential, Partial | ∂ | ∂ |
  1355. | Digamma Inversum, Claudian | Ⅎ | Ⅎ |
  1356. | Digit Zero, Circled | ⓪ | ⓪ |
  1357. | Digits Minus Half, Tibetan | ༪ | ༪ |
  1358. | Digits Symbols, Mathematical | 𝟎 | 𝟎 |
  1359. | Digits, Arabic-Indic | ٠ | ٠ |
  1360. | Digits, Ascii | 0 | 0 |
  1361. | Digits, Balinese | ᭐ | ᭐ |
  1362. | Digits, Bengali | ০ | ০ |
  1363. | Digits, Bold | 𝟎 | 𝟎 |
  1364. | Digits, Devanagari | ० | ० |
  1365. | Digits, Dingbat Circled | ❶ | ❶ |
  1366. | Digits, Double-Struck | 𝟘 | 𝟘 |
  1367. | Digits, Eastern Arabic-Indic | ۰ | ۰ |
  1368. | Digits, Ethiopic | ፩ | ፩ |
  1369. | Digits, Gujarati | ૦ | ૦ |
  1370. | Digits, Gurmukhi | ੦ | ੦ |
  1371. | Digits, Kannada | ೦ | ೦ |
  1372. | Digits, Kharoshthi | 𐩀 | 𐩀 |
  1373. | Digits, Khmer | ០ | ០ |
  1374. | Digits, Lao | ໐ | ໐ |
  1375. | Digits, Limbu | ᥆ | ᥆ |
  1376. | Digits, Malayalam | ൦ | ൦ |
  1377. | Digits, Mongolian | ᠐ | ᠐ |
  1378. | Digits, Monospace | 𝟶 | 𝟶 |
  1379. | Digits, Myanmar | ၀ | ၀ |
  1380. | Digits, New Tai Lue | ᧐ | ᧐ |
  1381. | Digits, Oriya | ୦ | ୦ |
  1382. | Digits, Osmanya | 𐒠 | 𐒠 |
  1383. | Digits, Sans-Serif | 𝟢 | 𝟢 |
  1384. | Digits, Sans-Serif Bold | 𝟬 | 𝟬 |
  1385. | Digits, Subscript | ₀ | ₀ |
  1386. | Digits, Superscript | ⁰ | ⁰ |
  1387. | Digits, Tamil | ௧ | ௧ |
  1388. | Digits, Telugu | ౦ | ౦ |
  1389. | Digits, Thai | ๐ | ๐ |
  1390. | Digits, Tibetan | ༠ | ༠ |
  1391. | Digram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Monogram And | ⚊ | ⚊ |
  1392. | Digraphs Matching Serbian Cyrillic Letters, Croatian | DŽ | DŽ |
  1393. | Digraphs, Phonetic | ʣ | ʣ |
  1394. | Digraphs, Yiddish | װ | װ |
  1395. | Dijkstra Choice | ⫾ | ⫾ |
  1396. | Dijkstra Choice, N-Ary | ⫿ | ⫿ |
  1397. | Dimension Origin | ⌱ | ⌱ |
  1398. | Dingbat Arrows | ➔ | ➔ |
  1399. | Dingbat Circled Digits | ❶ | ❶ |
  1400. | Dingbats | ✀ | ✀ |
  1401. | Dingbats Series 100, Itc Zapf | ✀ | ✀ |
  1402. | Dingbats, Arrow | ➔ | ➔ |
  1403. | Dingbats, Asterisk | ✢ | ✢ |
  1404. | Dingbats, Cross | ✙ | ✙ |
  1405. | Dingbats, Drop-Shadowed | ❍ | ❍ |
  1406. | Dingbats, Hazard | ☠ | ☠ |
  1407. | Dingbats, Heart | ❣ | ❣ |
  1408. | Dingbats, Miscellaneous | ☀ | ☀ |
  1409. | Dingbats, Music | ♩ | ♩ |
  1410. | Dingbats, Pencil | ✎ | ✎ |
  1411. | Dingbats, Pointing Index Finger | ☚ | ☚ |
  1412. | Dingbats, Quotation Mark | ❛ | ❛ |
  1413. | Dingbats, Scissors | ✁ | ✁ |
  1414. | Dingbats, Snowflake | ❄ | ❄ |
  1415. | Dingbats, Star | ✦ | ✦ |
  1416. | Dingbats, Vertical Bar | ❘ | ❘ |
  1417. | Dingbats, Warning | ☠ | ☠ |
  1418. | Dingbats, Weather | ☀ | ☀ |
  1419. | Dingbats, Zapf | ✀ | ✀ |
  1420. | Direct Current Symbol Form Two | ⎓ | ⎓ |
  1421. | Direct Product | ⊙ | ⊙ |
  1422. | Direct Sum | ⊕ | ⊕ |
  1423. | Directional Format Characters | ‪ | ‪ |
  1424. | Directional Formatting, Pop | ‬ | ‬ |
  1425. | Discontinuous Underline Symbol | ⎂ | ⎂ |
  1426. | Discretionary Hyphen | ­ | ­ |
  1427. | Disjunction | ∨ | ∨ |
  1428. | Ditto Mark | 〃 | 〃 |
  1429. | Divides | ∣ | ∣ |
  1430. | Divination, Khmer Numeric Symbols For | ៰ | ៰ |
  1431. | Division Sign | ÷ | ÷ |
  1432. | Division Sign Operators, Multiplication And | ⨯ | ⨯ |
  1433. | Division Sign, Circled | ⨸ | ⨸ |
  1434. | Division Slash | ∕ | ∕ |
  1435. | Division Slash, Circled | ⊘ | ⊘ |
  1436. | Division Times | ⋇ | ⋇ |
  1437. | Division, Long | ⟌ | ⟌ |
  1438. | Divorce Symbol | ⚮ | ⚮ |
  1439. | Does Not Contain As Member | ∌ | ∌ |
  1440. | Does Not Divide | ∤ | ∤ |
  1441. | Does Not Exist, There | ∄ | ∄ |
  1442. | Does Not Yield | ⊣ | ⊣ |
  1443. | Dollar Sign | $ | $ |
  1444. | Domain Restriction | ◁ | ◁ |
  1445. | Domino Tiles | 🀰 | 🀰 |
  1446. | Dong Sign | ₫ | ₫ |
  1447. | Dot | . | . |
  1448. | Dot Above | ˙ | ˙ |
  1449. | Dot Above Right, Combining | ͘ | ͘ |
  1450. | Dot Above, Combining | ̇ | ̇ |
  1451. | Dot Above, Double | ̈ | ̈ |
  1452. | Dot Below, Combining | ̣ | ̣ |
  1453. | Dot Below, Myanmar Sign | ့ | ့ |
  1454. | Dot Leader, One | ․ | ․ |
  1455. | Dot Leader, Three | … | … |
  1456. | Dot Leader, Two | ‥ | ‥ |
  1457. | Dot Minus | ∸ | ∸ |
  1458. | Dot Operator | ⋅ | ⋅ |
  1459. | Dot Operator, Circled | ⊙ | ⊙ |
  1460. | Dot Operator, Squared | ⊡ | ⊡ |
  1461. | Dot Plus | ∔ | ∔ |
  1462. | Dot Punctuation, Five | ⁙ | ⁙ |
  1463. | Dot Punctuation, Four | ⁘ | ⁘ |
  1464. | Dot Punctuation, Three | ⁖ | ⁖ |
  1465. | Dot Punctuation, Two | ⁚ | ⁚ |
  1466. | Dot, Greek Middle | · | · |
  1467. | Dot, Katakana Middle | ・ | ・ |
  1468. | Dot, Latin Capital Letter I | İ | İ |
  1469. | Dot, Middle | · | · |
  1470. | Dot, Sesame | ﹅ | ﹅ |
  1471. | Dot, Vertical Line With Middle | ⍿ | ⍿ |
  1472. | Dot, White Sesame | ﹆ | ﹆ |
  1473. | Dotless I, Latin Small Letter | ı | ı |
  1474. | Dotless J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | ɟ | ɟ |
  1475. | Dotless J, Latin Small Letter | ȷ | ȷ |
  1476. | Dotless Mathematical Symbols | 𝚤 | 𝚤 |
  1477. | Dots Above, Combining Four | ⃜ | ⃜ |
  1478. | Dots Above, Combining Three | ⃛ | ⃛ |
  1479. | Dots, Mongolian Four | ᠅ | ᠅ |
  1480. | Dots, Vertical Four | ⁞ | ⁞ |
  1481. | Dotted Circle | ◌ | ◌ |
  1482. | Dotted Cross | ⁜ | ⁜ |
  1483. | Dotted Fence | ⦙ | ⦙ |
  1484. | Dotted Mathematical Operators | ∴ | ∴ |
  1485. | Double Acute Accent | ˝ | ˝ |
  1486. | Double Acute Accent, Combining | ̋ | ̋ |
  1487. | Double Angle Bracket, Left | 《 | 《 |
  1488. | Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical Left | ⟪ | ⟪ |
  1489. | Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical Right | ⟫ | ⟫ |
  1490. | Double Angle Bracket, Right | 》 | 》 |
  1491. | Double Angle Quotation Mark, Left-Pointing | « | « |
  1492. | Double Angle Quotation Mark, Right-Pointing | » | » |
  1493. | Double Apostrophe, Modifier Letter | ˮ | ˮ |
  1494. | Double Arch Below, Combining Inverted | ̫ | ̫ |
  1495. | Double Arrows | ⇍ | ⇍ |
  1496. | Double Breve Below, Combining | ͜ | ͜ |
  1497. | Double Breve, Combining | ͝ | ͝ |
  1498. | Double Circled Numbers | ⓵ | ⓵ |
  1499. | Double Comma Quotation Mark | ” | ” |
  1500. | Double Comma Quotation Mark, Low | „ | „ |
  1501. | Double Dagger | ‡ | ‡ |
  1502. | Double Danda, Devanagari | ॥ | ॥ |
  1503. | Double Derivative | ̈ | ̈ |
  1504. | Double Diacritics | ͜ | ͜ |
  1505. | Double Dot Above | ̈ | ̈ |
  1506. | Double Exclamation Mark | ‼ | ‼ |
  1507. | Double Grave Accent, Combining | ̏ | ̏ |
  1508. | Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark | ‟ | ‟ |
  1509. | Double Hyphen, Katakana-Hiragana | ゠ | ゠ |
  1510. | Double Integral | ∬ | ∬ |
  1511. | Double Intersection | ⋒ | ⋒ |
  1512. | Double Inverted Breve, Combining | ͡ | ͡ |
  1513. | Double Logical And | ⩓ | ⩓ |
  1514. | Double Logical Or | ⩔ | ⩔ |
  1515. | Double Low Line | ‗ | ‗ |
  1516. | Double Low Line, Combining | ̳ | ̳ |
  1517. | Double Low-9 Quotation Mark | „ | „ |
  1518. | Double Macron Below, Combining | ͟ | ͟ |
  1519. | Double Macron, Combining | ͞ | ͞ |
  1520. | Double Operators | ⋐ | ⋐ |
  1521. | Double Overline, Combining | ̿ | ̿ |
  1522. | Double Pipe | ǁ | ǁ |
  1523. | Double Plus | ⧺ | ⧺ |
  1524. | Double Precedes | ⪻ | ⪻ |
  1525. | Double Prime | ″ | ″ |
  1526. | Double Prime Quotation Mark | 〞 | 〞 |
  1527. | Double Prime Quotation Mark, Low | 〟 | 〟 |
  1528. | Double Prime Quotation Mark, Reversed | 〝 | 〝 |
  1529. | Double Prime, Modifier Letter | ʺ | ʺ |
  1530. | Double Prime, Reversed | ‶ | ‶ |
  1531. | Double Punctuation For Vertical Text | ⁇ | ⁇ |
  1532. | Double Punctuation, Philippine | ᜶ | ᜶ |
  1533. | Double Question Mark | ⁇ | ⁇ |
  1534. | Double Quotation Mark, Left | “ | “ |
  1535. | Double Quotation Mark, Right | ” | ” |
  1536. | Double Reversed Comma Quotation Mark | ‟ | ‟ |
  1537. | Double Rightwards Arrow Below, Combining | ͢ | ͢ |
  1538. | Double Ring Below, Combining | ͚ | ͚ |
  1539. | Double Slash Overlay, Long | ⃫ | ⃫ |
  1540. | Double Solidus Operator | ⫽ | ⫽ |
  1541. | Double Solidus Overlay, Combining Long | ⃫ | ⃫ |
  1542. | Double Subset | ⋐ | ⋐ |
  1543. | Double Succeeds | ⪼ | ⪼ |
  1544. | Double Superset | ⋑ | ⋑ |
  1545. | Double Tilde, Combining | ͠ | ͠ |
  1546. | Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark | “ | “ |
  1547. | Double Underline | ̳ | ̳ |
  1548. | Double Underscore | ̳ | ̳ |
  1549. | Double Underscore, Spacing | ‗ | ‗ |
  1550. | Double Union | ⋓ | ⋓ |
  1551. | Double Vertical Line | ‖ | ‖ |
  1552. | Double Vertical Line Above, Combining | ̎ | ̎ |
  1553. | Double Vertical Line Below, Combining | ͈ | ͈ |
  1554. | Double Vertical Stroke Overlay, Combining | ⃦ | ⃦ |
  1555. | Double Wavy Overline | ﹌ | ﹌ |
  1556. | Double-Barred Pipe | ǂ | ǂ |
  1557. | Double-Struck Digits | 𝟘 | 𝟘 |
  1558. | Double-Struck Greek Letters | ℼ | ℼ |
  1559. | Double-Struck Greek Letters | ℽ | ℽ |
  1560. | Double-Struck Italic Mathematical Symbols | ⅅ | ⅅ |
  1561. | Double-Struck Mathematical Symbols | 𝔸 | 𝔸 |
  1562. | Down Arrowhead | ⌄ | ⌄ |
  1563. | Down Pointing Index, White | ☟ | ☟ |
  1564. | Down Right Diagonal Ellipsis | ⋱ | ⋱ |
  1565. | Down Tack | ⊤ | ⊤ |
  1566. | Down Tack Below, Combining | ̞ | ̞ |
  1567. | Down, Page | ⇟ | ⇟ |
  1568. | Downstile, Apl | ⌊ | ⌊ |
  1569. | Downwards Arrow | ↓ | ↓ |
  1570. | Dprk Compatibility Ideographs | 並 | 並 |
  1571. | Drachma Sign | ₯ | ₯ |
  1572. | Drafting Symbols | ⌭ | ⌭ |
  1573. | Dram | ʒ | ʒ |
  1574. | Draughts And Checkers, Symbols For | ⛀ | ⛀ |
  1575. | Drop | ♏ | ♏ |
  1576. | Drop-Shadowed Dingbats | ❍ | ❍ |
  1578. # E
  1580. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  1581. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  1582. | E With Acute, Latin Capital Letter | É | É |
  1583. | E With Acute, Latin Small Letter | é | é |
  1584. | E With Breve, Latin Small Letter | ĕ | ĕ |
  1585. | E With Caron, Latin Small Letter | ě | ě |
  1586. | E With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | ȩ | ȩ |
  1587. | E With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter | ḙ | ḙ |
  1588. | E With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter | Ê | Ê |
  1589. | E With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | ê | ê |
  1590. | E With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter | Ë | Ë |
  1591. | E With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter | ë | ë |
  1592. | E With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | ė | ė |
  1593. | E With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | ẹ | ẹ |
  1594. | E With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter | ȅ | ȅ |
  1595. | E With Grave, Latin Capital Letter | È | È |
  1596. | E With Grave, Latin Small Letter | è | è |
  1597. | E With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter | ẻ | ẻ |
  1598. | E With Hook, Latin Small Letter Reversed Open | ɝ | ɝ |
  1599. | E With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter | ȇ | ȇ |
  1600. | E With Macron, Latin Small Letter | ē | ē |
  1601. | E With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter | ę | ę |
  1602. | E With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter | Ɇ | Ɇ |
  1603. | E With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | ɇ | ɇ |
  1604. | E With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter | ḛ | ḛ |
  1605. | E With Tilde, Latin Small Letter | ẽ | ẽ |
  1606. | E, Combining Latin Small Letter | ͤ | ͤ |
  1607. | E, Double-Struck Italic Small | ⅇ | ⅇ |
  1608. | E, Latin Capital Letter Open | Ɛ | Ɛ |
  1609. | E, Latin Capital Letter Reversed | Ǝ | Ǝ |
  1610. | E, Latin Capital Letter Turned | Ǝ | Ǝ |
  1611. | E, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴇ | ᴇ |
  1612. | E, Latin Small Letter Closed Open | ʚ | ʚ |
  1613. | E, Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed Open | ɞ | ɞ |
  1614. | E, Latin Small Letter O | œ | œ |
  1615. | E, Latin Small Letter Open | ɛ | ɛ |
  1616. | E, Latin Small Letter Reversed | ɘ | ɘ |
  1617. | E, Latin Small Letter Reversed Open | ɜ | ɜ |
  1618. | E, Latin Small Letter Turned | ǝ | ǝ |
  1619. | E, Latin Small Letter Turned Open | ᴈ | ᴈ |
  1620. | E, Script Capital | ℰ | ℰ |
  1621. | E, Script Small | ℯ | ℯ |
  1622. | Earth | ♁ | ♁ |
  1623. | Earth Ground | ⏚ | ⏚ |
  1624. | East Syriac Cross | ♱ | ♱ |
  1625. | Eastern Arabic-Indic Digits | ۰ | ۰ |
  1626. | Editorial Symbols, New Testament | ⸀ | ⸀ |
  1627. | Egressive Airflow | ↑ | ↑ |
  1628. | Eighth Note | ♪ | ♪ |
  1629. | Eighth Notes, Beamed | ♫ | ♫ |
  1630. | Eighths, Fractions | ⅛ | ⅛ |
  1631. | Eject Media | ⏏ | ⏏ |
  1632. | Ek Onkar, Gurmukhi | ੴ | ੴ |
  1633. | El Salvadorian Currency | ₡ | ₡ |
  1634. | Electric Arrow | ⌁ | ⌁ |
  1635. | Electrical Intersection | ⏧ | ⏧ |
  1636. | Electrolysis | ↯ | ↯ |
  1637. | Electromotive Force | ℰ | ℰ |
  1638. | Electrotechnical Symbols | ⎍ | ⎍ |
  1639. | Element Of | ∈ | ∈ |
  1640. | Element Of, Not An | ∉ | ∉ |
  1641. | Element Of, Small | ∊ | ∊ |
  1642. | Element, Unique | ℩ | ℩ |
  1643. | Ellipses | ⬬ | ⬬ |
  1644. | Ellipsis, Down Right Diagonal | ⋱ | ⋱ |
  1645. | Ellipsis, Horizontal | … | … |
  1646. | Ellipsis, Lao | ຯ | ຯ |
  1647. | Ellipsis, Midline Horizontal | ⋯ | ⋯ |
  1648. | Ellipsis, Mongolian | ᠁ | ᠁ |
  1649. | Ellipsis, Up Right Diagonal | ⋰ | ⋰ |
  1650. | Ellipsis, Vertical | ⋮ | ⋮ |
  1651. | Elliptic Function, Weierstrass | ℘ | ℘ |
  1652. | Em Dash | — | — |
  1653. | Em Quad |   |   |
  1654. | Em Space |   |   |
  1655. | Embedding, Left-To-Right | ‪ | ‪ |
  1656. | Embedding, Right-To-Left | ‫ | ‫ |
  1657. | Emf | ℰ | ℰ |
  1658. | Emphasis Mark, Armenian | ՛ | ՛ |
  1659. | Emphasis Marks, Sidelining | ﹅ | ﹅ |
  1660. | Emphasis Symbol | ⎃ | ⎃ |
  1661. | Empty Set | ∅ | ∅ |
  1662. | Empty Sets | ⦰ | ⦰ |
  1663. | En Dash | – | – |
  1664. | En Quad |   |   |
  1665. | En Space |   |   |
  1666. | Enclosed Alphanumerics | ① | ① |
  1667. | Enclosed Cjk Letters And Months | ㈀ | ㈀ |
  1668. | Enclosed Mathematical Operators | ⊕ | ⊕ |
  1669. | Enclosing Circle Backslash, Combining | ⃠ | ⃠ |
  1670. | Enclosing Circle, Combining | ⃝ | ⃝ |
  1671. | Enclosing Diacritics | ⃝ | ⃝ |
  1672. | Enclosing Diamond, Combining | ⃟ | ⃟ |
  1673. | Enclosing Keycap, Combining | ⃣ | ⃣ |
  1674. | Enclosing Screen, Combining | ⃢ | ⃢ |
  1675. | Enclosing Square, Combining | ⃞ | ⃞ |
  1676. | Enclosing Upward Pointing Triangle, Combining | ⃤ | ⃤ |
  1677. | End | ⇲ | ⇲ |
  1678. | End Of Guarded Area | — | — |
  1679. | End Of Line | 
  1680. | End Of Medium |  |  |
  1681. | End Of Medium, Symbol For | ⍿ | ⍿ |
  1682. | End Of Medium, Symbol For | ␙ | ␙ |
  1683. | End Of Proof | ∎ | ∎ |
  1684. | End Of Selected Area | ‡ | ‡ |
  1685. | End Of Text |  |  |
  1686. | End Of Text, Symbol For | ␃ | ␃ |
  1687. | End Of Transmission |  |  |
  1688. | End Of Transmission Block |  |  |
  1689. | End Of Transmission Block, Symbol For | ␗ | ␗ |
  1690. | End Of Transmission Symbol | ⌁ | ⌁ |
  1691. | End Of Transmission, Symbol For | ␄ | ␄ |
  1692. | Eng, Latin Small Letter | ŋ | ŋ |
  1693. | Enn, Tamil | ௺ | ௺ |
  1694. | Enotikon, Greek | ‿ | ‿ |
  1695. | Enquiry |  |  |
  1696. | Enquiry, Symbol For | ␅ | ␅ |
  1697. | Enter Key | ⌤ | ⌤ |
  1698. | Enter Symbol | ⎆ | ⎆ |
  1699. | Entity &Amp;Iinfin;, Isotech | ⧜ | ⧜ |
  1700. | Envelope | ✉ | ✉ |
  1701. | Eol | 
  1702. | Epidaurean Acrophonic Symbol Three | ⁝ | ⁝ |
  1703. | Epsilon Symbol, Greek Lunate | ϵ | ϵ |
  1704. | Epsilon Symbol, Greek Reversed Lunate | ϶ | ϶ |
  1705. | Epsilon, Latin Capital Letter | Ɛ | Ɛ |
  1706. | Epsilon, Latin Small Letter | ɛ | ɛ |
  1707. | Epsilon, Latin Small Letter Closed | ʚ | ʚ |
  1708. | Epsilon, Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed | ɞ | ɞ |
  1709. | Epsilon, Reversed Straight | ϶ | ϶ |
  1710. | Epsilon, Reversed Straight | ∍ | ∍ |
  1711. | Epsilon, Straight | ϵ | ϵ |
  1712. | Equal To Above, Combining Almost | ͌ | ͌ |
  1713. | Equal To By Definition | ≜ | ≜ |
  1714. | Equal To By Definition | ≝ | ≝ |
  1715. | Equal To, All | ≌ | ≌ |
  1716. | Equal To, Almost | ≈ | ≈ |
  1717. | Equal To, Approximately | ≅ | ≅ |
  1718. | Equal To, Approximately | ≗ | ≗ |
  1719. | Equal To, Asymptotically | ≃ | ≃ |
  1720. | Equal To, Delta | ≜ | ≜ |
  1721. | Equal To, Geometrically | ≑ | ≑ |
  1722. | Equal To, Greater-Than Or | ≥ | ≥ |
  1723. | Equal To, Less-Than Or | ≤ | ≤ |
  1724. | Equal To, Not | ≠ | ≠ |
  1725. | Equal To, Questioned | ≟ | ≟ |
  1726. | Equal To, Ring | ≗ | ≗ |
  1727. | Equal To, Ring In | ≖ | ≖ |
  1728. | Equality And Inequality Signs | ≃ | ≃ |
  1729. | Equality And Inequality Signs | ⋕ | ⋕ |
  1730. | Equals Colon | ≕ | ≕ |
  1731. | Equals Sign | = | = |
  1732. | Equals Sign Below, Combining | ͇ | ͇ |
  1733. | Equals, Circled | ⊜ | ⊜ |
  1734. | Equals, Colon | ≔ | ≔ |
  1735. | Equals, Nearly | ≒ | ≒ |
  1736. | Equals, Reversed Tilde | ⋍ | ⋍ |
  1737. | Equals, Star | ≛ | ≛ |
  1738. | Equiangular | ≜ | ≜ |
  1739. | Equiangular To | ≚ | ≚ |
  1740. | Equivalent To | ≍ | ≍ |
  1741. | Equivalent To, Geometrically | ≎ | ≎ |
  1742. | Equivalent To, Strictly | ≣ | ≣ |
  1743. | Equivalent, Tautological | ⧦ | ⧦ |
  1744. | Era Names, Japanese | ㍻ | ㍻ |
  1745. | Erase To The Left | ⌫ | ⌫ |
  1746. | Erase To The Right | ⌦ | ⌦ |
  1747. | Error | ℯ | ℯ |
  1748. | Error Bar Symbols | ⧮ | ⧮ |
  1749. | Escape |  |  |
  1750. | Escape | ⎋ | ⎋ |
  1751. | Escape, Data Link |  |  |
  1752. | Escape, Symbol For | ␛ | ␛ |
  1753. | Escape, Symbol For Data Link | ␐ | ␐ |
  1754. | Escudo | $ | $ |
  1755. | Esh Loop, Latin Letter Reversed | ƪ | ƪ |
  1756. | Esh, Latin Capital Letter | Ʃ | Ʃ |
  1757. | Esh, Latin Small Letter | ʃ | ʃ |
  1758. | Esh, Latin Small Letter Squat Reversed | ʅ | ʅ |
  1759. | Estimated Symbol | ℮ | ℮ |
  1760. | Estimates | ≙ | ≙ |
  1761. | Eszett | ß | ß |
  1762. | Et, Tironian Sign | ⁊ | ⁊ |
  1763. | Eth, Latin Capital Letter | Ð | Ð |
  1764. | Eth, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴆ | ᴆ |
  1765. | Eth, Latin Small Letter | ð | ð |
  1766. | Ethel | œ | œ |
  1767. | Ethiopic Colon | ፥ | ፥ |
  1768. | Ethiopic Comma | ፣ | ፣ |
  1769. | Ethiopic Digits | ፩ | ፩ |
  1770. | Ethiopic Extended | ⶀ | ⶀ |
  1771. | Ethiopic Full Stop | ። | ። |
  1772. | Ethiopic Numbers | ፩ | ፩ |
  1773. | Ethiopic Paragraph Separator | ፨ | ፨ |
  1774. | Ethiopic Preface Colon | ፦ | ፦ |
  1775. | Ethiopic Punctuation | ፡ | ፡ |
  1776. | Ethiopic Question Mark | ፧ | ፧ |
  1777. | Ethiopic Semicolon | ፤ | ፤ |
  1778. | Ethiopic Supplement | ᎀ | ᎀ |
  1779. | Ethiopic Syllables | ሀ | ሀ |
  1780. | Ethiopic Wordspace | ፡ | ፡ |
  1781. | Euler Constant | ℇ | ℇ |
  1782. | Euro European Currency | € | € |
  1783. | Euro Sign | € | € |
  1784. | European Latin | Ā | Ā |
  1785. | European Paragraph Sign | § | § |
  1786. | European Section Sign | ¶ | ¶ |
  1787. | Excess | ∹ | ∹ |
  1788. | Exclamation Mark | ! | ! |
  1789. | Exclamation Mark Ornament, Heavy | ❢ | ❢ |
  1790. | Exclamation Mark, Armenian | ՜ | ՜ |
  1791. | Exclamation Mark, Double | ‼ | ‼ |
  1792. | Exclamation Mark, Inverted | ¡ | ¡ |
  1793. | Exclamation Mark, Latin Letter | ǃ | ǃ |
  1794. | Exclamation Mark, Limbu | ᥄ | ᥄ |
  1795. | Exclamation Mark, Question | ⁈ | ⁈ |
  1796. | Exclamation Question Mark | ⁉ | ⁉ |
  1797. | Exist, There Does Not | ∄ | ∄ |
  1798. | Existential Quantifier | ∃ | ∃ |
  1799. | Exists, There | ∃ | ∃ |
  1800. | Exponent, Natural | ℯ | ℯ |
  1801. | Extensions For Ainu, Katakana | ㇰ | ㇰ |
  1802. | Ezh Reversed, Latin Small Letter | ƹ | ƹ |
  1803. | Ezh With Caron, Latin Small Letter | ǯ | ǯ |
  1804. | Ezh, Latin Capital Letter | Ʒ | Ʒ |
  1805. | Ezh, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴣ | ᴣ |
  1806. | Ezh, Latin Small Letter | ʒ | ʒ |
  1808. # F
  1810. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  1811. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  1812. | F With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | ḟ | ḟ |
  1813. | F With Hook, Latin Small Letter | ƒ | ƒ |
  1814. | F, Latin Small Letter Script | ƒ | ƒ |
  1815. | F, Script Capital | ℱ | ℱ |
  1816. | F, Turned Capital | Ⅎ | Ⅎ |
  1817. | F, Turned Small | ⅎ | ⅎ |
  1818. | Face, Black Smiling | ☻ | ☻ |
  1819. | Face, Postal Mark | 〠 | 〠 |
  1820. | Face, White Frowning | ☹ | ☹ |
  1821. | Face, White Smiling | ☺ | ☺ |
  1822. | Facsimile Sign | ℻ | ℻ |
  1823. | Factorial | ! | ! |
  1824. | Fahrenheit, Degree | ℉ | ℉ |
  1825. | Fast Cursor Down | ↡ | ↡ |
  1826. | Fast Cursor Left | ↞ | ↞ |
  1827. | Fast Cursor Right | ↠ | ↠ |
  1828. | Fast Cursor Up | ↟ | ↟ |
  1829. | Feet | ′ | ′ |
  1830. | Female Sign | ♀ | ♀ |
  1831. | Feminine Ordinal Indicator | ª | ª |
  1832. | Fence, Dotted | ⦙ | ⦙ |
  1833. | Fences | ⦙ | ⦙ |
  1834. | Fences, Wiggly | ⧘ | ⧘ |
  1835. | Fermata, Combining | ͒ | ͒ |
  1836. | Fifths, Fractions | ⅕ | ⅕ |
  1837. | Figure Dash | ‒ | ‒ |
  1838. | Figure Space |   |   |
  1839. | File Separator |  |  |
  1840. | File Separator, Symbol For | ␜ | ␜ |
  1841. | Fill Space, Ideographic Half | 〿 | 〿 |
  1842. | Filler, Hangul | ㅤ | ㅤ |
  1843. | Finger Dingbats, Pointing Index | ☚ | ☚ |
  1844. | Finite Function | ⇻ | ⇻ |
  1845. | Finite Function Diacritic | ⃦ | ⃦ |
  1846. | Finite Injection | ⤕ | ⤕ |
  1847. | Finite Relation | ⇼ | ⇼ |
  1848. | Finite Surjection | ⤁ | ⤁ |
  1849. | Finite Surjective Injection | ⤘ | ⤘ |
  1850. | First Quarter Moon | ☽ | ☽ |
  1851. | Fish Tails | ⥼ | ⥼ |
  1852. | Fisheye | ◉ | ◉ |
  1853. | Fist | ☞ | ☞ |
  1854. | Five Dot Punctuation | ⁙ | ⁙ |
  1855. | Flag, Black | ⚑ | ⚑ |
  1856. | Flag, White | ⚐ | ⚐ |
  1857. | Flat Sign, Music | ♭ | ♭ |
  1858. | Flatness | ⏥ | ⏥ |
  1859. | Fleur-De-Lis | ⚜ | ⚜ |
  1860. | Floor, Left | ⌊ | ⌊ |
  1861. | Floor, Right | ⌋ | ⌋ |
  1862. | Floral Heart Bullet, Reversed Rotated | ☙ | ☙ |
  1863. | Florin Currency Symbol | ƒ | ƒ |
  1864. | Folder | ƒ | ƒ |
  1865. | Fongman, Thai Character | ๏ | ๏ |
  1866. | For All | ∀ | ∀ |
  1867. | Forces | ⊩ | ⊩ |
  1868. | Forfeda Supplement, Ogham | ᚕ | ᚕ |
  1869. | Forks | ⫙ | ⫙ |
  1870. | Form And Chart Components | ─ | ─ |
  1871. | Form Feed |  |  |
  1872. | Form Feed | ↡ | ↡ |
  1873. | Form Feed, Symbol For | ␌ | ␌ |
  1874. | Format Characters | ‌ | ‌ |
  1875. | Format Characters, Directional | ‪ | ‪ |
  1876. | Format Controls, Mongolian | ᠋ | ᠋ |
  1877. | Formatting, Pop Directional | ‬ | ‬ |
  1878. | Forward Arrow Indicator | ▻ | ▻ |
  1879. | Forward Difference | ∆ | ∆ |
  1880. | Four Dot Mark | ⁛ | ⁛ |
  1881. | Four Dot Punctuation | ⁘ | ⁘ |
  1882. | Four Dots Above, Combining | ⃜ | ⃜ |
  1883. | Four Dots, Mongolian | ᠅ | ᠅ |
  1884. | Four Dots, Vertical | ⁞ | ⁞ |
  1885. | Four-Per-Em Space |   |   |
  1886. | Fourier Transform | ℱ | ℱ |
  1887. | Fourth Derivative | ⃜ | ⃜ |
  1888. | Fourth Root | ∜ | ∜ |
  1889. | Fourth Tone, Mandarin Chinese | ˋ | ˋ |
  1890. | Fourths, Fractions | ¼ | ¼ |
  1891. | Fraction Numerator One | ⅟ | ⅟ |
  1892. | Fraction One Half, Vulgar | ½ | ½ |
  1893. | Fraction One Quarter, Vulgar | ¼ | ¼ |
  1894. | Fraction Slash | ⁄ | ⁄ |
  1895. | Fraction Three Quarters, Vulgar | ¾ | ¾ |
  1896. | Fractions Eighths | ⅛ | ⅛ |
  1897. | Fractions Fifths | ⅕ | ⅕ |
  1898. | Fractions Fourths | ¼ | ¼ |
  1899. | Fractions Quarters | ¼ | ¼ |
  1900. | Fractions Sixths | ⅙ | ⅙ |
  1901. | Fractions Thirds | ⅓ | ⅓ |
  1902. | Fractions, Vulgar | ⅓ | ⅓ |
  1903. | Fraktur Mathematical Symbols | 𝔄 | 𝔄 |
  1904. | Fraktur Mathematical Symbols, Bold | 𝕬 | 𝕬 |
  1905. | Framus, White | ⧖ | ⧖ |
  1906. | Franc Sign, French | ₣ | ₣ |
  1907. | Fricative, Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced | ʕ | ʕ |
  1908. | Frown | ⌢ | ⌢ |
  1909. | Frowning Face, White | ☹ | ☹ |
  1910. | Full Block | █ | █ |
  1911. | Full Stop | . | . |
  1912. | Full Stop, Arabic | ۔ | ۔ |
  1913. | Full Stop, Armenian | ։ | ։ |
  1914. | Full Stop, Canadian Syllabics | ᙮ | ᙮ |
  1915. | Full Stop, Ethiopic | ። | ። |
  1916. | Full Stop, Georgian | ։ | ։ |
  1917. | Full Stop, Ideographic | 。 | 。 |
  1918. | Full Stop, Mongolian | ᠃ | ᠃ |
  1919. | Full Stop, Mongolian Manchu | ᠉ | ᠉ |
  1920. | Fullwidth Ascii Variants | ! | ! |
  1921. | Fullwidth Forms, Halfwidth And | ＀ | ＀ |
  1922. | Fullwidth Symbol Variants | ¢ | ¢ |
  1923. | Function Application | ⁡ | ⁡ |
  1924. | Function Symbol | ƒ | ƒ |
  1925. | Function, Bernoulli | ℬ | ℬ |
  1926. | Function, Composite | ∘ | ∘ |
  1927. | Function, Finite | ⇻ | ⇻ |
  1928. | Function, Gamma | Γ | Γ |
  1929. | Function, Partial | ⇸ | ⇸ |
  1930. | Function, Total | → | → |
  1931. | Function, Weierstrass Elliptic | ℘ | ℘ |
  1932. | Functional Symbols, Apl | ⌶ | ⌶ |
  1933. | Funeral Urn | ⚱ | ⚱ |
  1934. | Fuse | ⏛ | ⏛ |
  1936. # G
  1938. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  1939. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  1940. | G With Acute, Latin Small Letter | ǵ | ǵ |
  1941. | G With Breve, Latin Small Letter | ğ | ğ |
  1942. | G With Caron, Latin Small Letter | ǧ | ǧ |
  1943. | G With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | ģ | ģ |
  1944. | G With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | ĝ | ĝ |
  1945. | G With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | ġ | ġ |
  1946. | G With Hook, Latin Capital Letter | Ɠ | Ɠ |
  1947. | G With Hook, Latin Letter Small Capital | ʛ | ʛ |
  1948. | G With Hook, Latin Small Letter | ɠ | ɠ |
  1949. | G With Macron, Latin Small Letter | ḡ | ḡ |
  1950. | G With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | ǥ | ǥ |
  1951. | G, Latin Letter Small Capital | ɢ | ɢ |
  1952. | G, Latin Small Letter Script | ɡ | ɡ |
  1953. | G, Script Small | ℊ | ℊ |
  1954. | G, Turned Sans-Serif Capital | ⅁ | ⅁ |
  1955. | Game | ⅁ | ⅁ |
  1956. | Gamma Function | Γ | Γ |
  1957. | Gamma, Double-Struck Capital | ℾ | ℾ |
  1958. | Gamma, Double-Struck Small | ℽ | ℽ |
  1959. | Gamma, Latin Capital Letter | Ɣ | Ɣ |
  1960. | Gamma, Latin Small Letter | ɣ | ɣ |
  1961. | Gamma, Latin Small Letter Baby | ɤ | ɤ |
  1962. | Gamma, Modifier Letter Small | ˠ | ˠ |
  1963. | Gear | ⚙ | ⚙ |
  1964. | Gemini | ♊ | ♊ |
  1965. | Gender Symbols | ⚢ | ⚢ |
  1966. | Genealogical Symbols | ⚭ | ⚭ |
  1967. | General Punctuation |   |   |
  1968. | General Scripts Area | � | � |
  1969. | General Scripts Area, Supplementary | 𐀀 | 𐀀 |
  1970. | Generalized Intersection | ⋂ | ⋂ |
  1971. | Generalized Union | ⋃ | ⋃ |
  1972. | Geometric Proportion | ∺ | ∺ |
  1973. | Geometric Shapes | ■ | ■ |
  1974. | Geometrically Equal To | ≑ | ≑ |
  1975. | Geometrically Equivalent To | ≎ | ≎ |
  1976. | Georgian | Ⴀ | Ⴀ |
  1977. | Georgian Alphabet | ა | ა |
  1978. | Georgian Capital Letters | Ⴀ | Ⴀ |
  1979. | Georgian Comma | · | · |
  1980. | Georgian Extensions | ჱ | ჱ |
  1981. | Georgian Full Stop | ։ | ։ |
  1982. | Georgian Khutsuri | Ⴀ | Ⴀ |
  1983. | Georgian Mkhedruli | ა | ა |
  1984. | Georgian Paragraph Separator | ჻ | ჻ |
  1985. | Georgian Small Letters | ა | ა |
  1986. | Georgian Supplement | ⴀ | ⴀ |
  1987. | German Mark Pre-Wwii | ℳ | ℳ |
  1988. | German Penny Sign | ₰ | ₰ |
  1989. | Geta Mark | 〓 | 〓 |
  1990. | Ghana Currency | ₵ | ₵ |
  1991. | Gimel Symbol | ℷ | ℷ |
  1992. | Glagolitic | Ⰰ | Ⰰ |
  1993. | Gleich Stark | ⧦ | ⧦ |
  1994. | Glottal Stop | ʼ | ʼ |
  1995. | Glottal Stop, Latin Capital Letter | Ɂ | Ɂ |
  1996. | Glottal Stop, Latin Letter | ʔ | ʔ |
  1997. | Glottal Stop, Latin Letter Inverted | ʖ | ʖ |
  1998. | Glottal Stop, Latin Letter Reversed | ʕ | ʕ |
  1999. | Glottal Stop, Latin Small Letter | ɂ | ɂ |
  2000. | Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter | ˀ | ˀ |
  2001. | Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Reversed | ˁ | ˁ |
  2002. | Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Small Reversed | ˤ | ˤ |
  2003. | Gnaborretni | ⸘ | ⸘ |
  2004. | Go Markers | ⚆ | ⚆ |
  2005. | Golden Numbers, Runic | ᛮ | ᛮ |
  2006. | Gothic | 𐌰 | 𐌰 |
  2007. | Grapheme Joiner, Combining | ͏ | ͏ |
  2008. | Graphic Characters, Terminal | ⎷ | ⎷ |
  2009. | Graphic Characters, Terminal | ▖ | ▖ |
  2010. | Graphic Pictures For Control Codes | ␀ | ␀ |
  2011. | Graphics For Control Codes | ⍽ | ⍽ |
  2012. | Graphics, Quadrant Control Code | ◰ | ◰ |
  2013. | Grave Accent | ` | ` |
  2014. | Grave Accent Below, Combining | ̖ | ̖ |
  2015. | Grave Accent, Combining | ̀ | ̀ |
  2016. | Grave Accent, Combining Double | ̏ | ̏ |
  2017. | Grave Accent, Modifier Letter | ˋ | ˋ |
  2018. | Grave Accent, Modifier Letter Low | ˎ | ˎ |
  2019. | Grave Accent, Spacing | ` | ` |
  2020. | Grave Accent, Swedish | ˟ | ˟ |
  2021. | Grave Tone Mark, Combining | ̀ | ̀ |
  2022. | Greater-Than Or Equal To | ≥ | ≥ |
  2023. | Greater-Than Sign | > | > |
  2024. | Greater-Than, Much | ≫ | ≫ |
  2025. | Greater-Than, Very Much | ⋙ | ⋙ |
  2026. | Greek | Ͱ | Ͱ |
  2027. | Greek Alphabet | Α | Α |
  2028. | Greek Ano Teleia | · | · |
  2029. | Greek Archaic Letters | Ϙ | Ϙ |
  2030. | Greek Beta Symbol | ϐ | ϐ |
  2031. | Greek Capital Letters | Α | Α |
  2032. | Greek Currency | ₯ | ₯ |
  2033. | Greek Dasia | ̔ | ̔ |
  2034. | Greek Dialytika | ̈ | ̈ |
  2035. | Greek Dialytika Tonos, Combining | ̈́ | ̈́ |
  2036. | Greek Enotikon | ‿ | ‿ |
  2037. | Greek Extended | ἀ | ἀ |
  2038. | Greek Iota Subscript | ͅ | ͅ |
  2039. | Greek Koronis, Combining | ̓ | ̓ |
  2040. | Greek Letters, Double-Struck | ℼ | ℼ |
  2041. | Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol | ϵ | ϵ |
  2042. | Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol | ϲ | ϲ |
  2043. | Greek Mathematical Symbols | 𝚨 | 𝚨 |
  2044. | Greek Mathematical Symbols, Bold | 𝚨 | 𝚨 |
  2045. | Greek Mathematical Symbols, Bold Italic | 𝜜 | 𝜜 |
  2046. | Greek Mathematical Symbols, Italic | 𝛢 | 𝛢 |
  2047. | Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold | 𝝖 | 𝝖 |
  2048. | Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Italic | 𝞐 | 𝞐 |
  2049. | Greek Middle Dot | · | · |
  2050. | Greek Musical Notation, Ancient | 𝈀 | 𝈀 |
  2051. | Greek Non-Spacing Iota Below | ͅ | ͅ |
  2052. | Greek Numbers, Ancient | 𐅀 | 𐅀 |
  2053. | Greek Old Testament | 𝔖 | 𝔖 |
  2054. | Greek Oxia | ́ | ́ |
  2055. | Greek Pentonkion | ⁙ | ⁙ |
  2056. | Greek Perispomeni, Combining | ͂ | ͂ |
  2057. | Greek Phi Symbol | ϕ | ϕ |
  2058. | Greek Pi Symbol | ϖ | ϖ |
  2059. | Greek Psili | ̓ | ̓ |
  2060. | Greek Punctuation And Signs | ʹ | ʹ |
  2061. | Greek Question Mark | &#x003B; | &#x003B; |
  2062. | Greek Question Mark | ; | ; |
  2063. | Greek Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol | ϶ | ϶ |
  2064. | Greek Rough Breathing Mark | ̔ | ̔ |
  2065. | Greek Small Letter Iota, Turned | ℩ | ℩ |
  2066. | Greek Small Letter Lunate Sigma | ϲ | ϲ |
  2067. | Greek Small Letter Pi | π | π |
  2068. | Greek Small Letters | α | α |
  2069. | Greek Smooth Breathing Mark | ̓ | ̓ |
  2070. | Greek Textual Symbols, Ancient | ⸎ | ⸎ |
  2071. | Greek Theta Symbol | ϑ | ϑ |
  2072. | Greek Tonos | ́ | ́ |
  2073. | Greek Varia | ̀ | ̀ |
  2074. | Greek Variant Letterforms | ϐ | ϐ |
  2075. | Greek Vrachy | ̆ | ̆ |
  2076. | Greek Ypogegrammeni, Combining | ͅ | ͅ |
  2077. | Greek, Diacritics For | ͂ | ͂ |
  2078. | Greek, Precomposed Polytonic | ἀ | ἀ |
  2079. | Ground, Earth | ⏚ | ⏚ |
  2080. | Group Lock | ⇰ | ⇰ |
  2081. | Group Separator |  |  |
  2082. | Group Separator, Symbol For | ␝ | ␝ |
  2083. | Guarani Sign | ₲ | ₲ |
  2084. | Guarded Area, End Of | — | — |
  2085. | Guarded Area, Start Of | – | – |
  2086. | Guillemet, Left Pointing | « | « |
  2087. | Guillemet, Left Pointing Single | ‹ | ‹ |
  2088. | Guillemet, Right Pointing | » | » |
  2089. | Guillemet, Right Pointing Single | › | › |
  2090. | Gujarati | ઀ | ઀ |
  2091. | Gujarati Consonants | ક | ક |
  2092. | Gujarati Dependent Vowel Signs | ા | ા |
  2093. | Gujarati Digits | ૦ | ૦ |
  2094. | Gujarati Independent Vowels | અ | અ |
  2095. | Gujarati Rupee Sign | ૱ | ૱ |
  2096. | Gurmukhi | ਀ | ਀ |
  2097. | Gurmukhi Addak | ੱ | ੱ |
  2098. | Gurmukhi Consonants | ਕ | ਕ |
  2099. | Gurmukhi Dependent Vowel Signs | ਾ | ਾ |
  2100. | Gurmukhi Digits | ੦ | ੦ |
  2101. | Gurmukhi Ek Onkar | ੴ | ੴ |
  2102. | Gurmukhi Independent Vowels | ਅ | ਅ |
  2103. | Gurmukhi Khanda | ☬ | ☬ |
  2104. | Gurmukhi Tippi | ੰ | ੰ |
  2106. # H
  2108. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  2109. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  2110. | H With Breve Below, Latin Small Letter | ḫ | ḫ |
  2111. | H With Caron, Latin Small Letter | ȟ | ȟ |
  2112. | H With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | ḩ | ḩ |
  2113. | H With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | ĥ | ĥ |
  2114. | H With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter | ḧ | ḧ |
  2115. | H With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | ḣ | ḣ |
  2116. | H With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | ḥ | ḥ |
  2117. | H With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter Turned | ʮ | ʮ |
  2118. | H With Hook, Latin Small Letter | ɦ | ɦ |
  2119. | H With Line Below, Latin Small Letter | ẖ | ẖ |
  2120. | H With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | ħ | ħ |
  2121. | H, Black-Letter Capital | ℌ | ℌ |
  2122. | H, Combining Latin Small Letter | ͪ | ͪ |
  2123. | H, Double-Struck Capital | ℍ | ℍ |
  2124. | H, Latin Letter Small Capital | ʜ | ʜ |
  2125. | H, Latin Small Letter Turned | ɥ | ɥ |
  2126. | H, Modifier Letter Small | ʰ | ʰ |
  2127. | H, Script Capital | ℋ | ℋ |
  2128. | Hacek, Combining | ̌ | ̌ |
  2129. | Hacek, Modifier Letter | ˇ | ˇ |
  2130. | Hair Space |   |   |
  2131. | Halant | ् | ् |
  2132. | Halanta, Tibetan Mark | ྄ | ྄ |
  2133. | Half Fill Space, Ideographic | 〿 | 〿 |
  2134. | Half Integral, Bottom | ⌡ | ⌡ |
  2135. | Half Integral, Top | ⌠ | ⌠ |
  2136. | Half Marks, Combining | ︠ | ︠ |
  2137. | Half Ring Above, Combining Left | ͑ | ͑ |
  2138. | Half Ring Above, Combining Right | ͗ | ͗ |
  2139. | Half Ring Below, Combining Left | ̜ | ̜ |
  2140. | Half Ring Below, Combining Right | ̹ | ̹ |
  2141. | Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Left | ՙ | ՙ |
  2142. | Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Right | ՚ | ՚ |
  2143. | Half Ring, Modifier Letter Centred Left | ˓ | ˓ |
  2144. | Half Ring, Modifier Letter Left | ʿ | ʿ |
  2145. | Half Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter | ˑ | ˑ |
  2146. | Half, Vulgar Fraction One | ½ | ½ |
  2147. | Halfwidth And Fullwidth Forms | ＀ | ＀ |
  2148. | Halfwidth Cjk Punctuation | 。 | 。 |
  2149. | Halfwidth Japanese Katakana Variants | 。 | 。 |
  2150. | Halfwidth Korean Hangul Variants | ᅠ | ᅠ |
  2151. | Halfwidth Symbol Variants | │ | │ |
  2152. | Hamilton Operator | ▽ | ▽ |
  2153. | Hammer And Pick | ⚒ | ⚒ |
  2154. | Hammer And Sickle | ☭ | ☭ |
  2155. | Hamzah On Ha, Arabic Letter | ۀ | ۀ |
  2156. | Han Ideographs | 一 | 一 |
  2157. | Han-Daku-On, Combining Japanese | ゚ | ゚ |
  2158. | Han-Daku-On, Japanese | ゜ | ゜ |
  2159. | Hand Symbols, Pointing | ☚ | ☚ |
  2160. | Hand, Victory | ✌ | ✌ |
  2161. | Hand, Writing | ✍ | ✍ |
  2162. | Hangul Archaic Letters, Korean | ㅥ | ㅥ |
  2163. | Hangul Choseong Filler | ᅟ | ᅟ |
  2164. | Hangul Compatibility Jamo, Korean | ㄰ | ㄰ |
  2165. | Hangul Elements, Circled Korean | ㉠ | ㉠ |
  2166. | Hangul Elements, Parenthesized Korean | ㈀ | ㈀ |
  2167. | Hangul Filler | ㅤ | ㅤ |
  2168. | Hangul Jamo Combining Alphabet, Korean | ᄀ | ᄀ |
  2169. | Hangul Jungseong Filler | ᅠ | ᅠ |
  2170. | Hangul Syllables Area, Korean | 가 | 가 |
  2171. | Hangul Syllables, Circled Korean | ㉮ | ㉮ |
  2172. | Hangul Syllables, Parenthesized Korean | ㈎ | ㈎ |
  2173. | Hangul Variants, Halfwidth Korean | ᅠ | ᅠ |
  2174. | Hangzhou Numerals | 〡 | 〡 |
  2175. | Hanunoo | ᜠ | ᜠ |
  2176. | Harakat, Arabic | ً | ً |
  2177. | Harbor Symbol | ⚓ | ⚓ |
  2178. | Harpoon Above, Combining Left | ⃐ | ⃐ |
  2179. | Harpoon Above, Combining Right | ⃑ | ⃑ |
  2180. | Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining Leftwards | ⃭ | ⃭ |
  2181. | Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining Rightwards | ⃬ | ⃬ |
  2182. | Harpoons | ↼ | ↼ |
  2183. | Harpoons, Miscellaneous | ⥊ | ⥊ |
  2184. | Hartsakan Nshan, Armenian | ՞ | ՞ |
  2185. | Hasant, Bengali | ্ | ্ |
  2186. | Hasanta, Syloti Nagri Sign | ꠆ | ꠆ |
  2187. | Hash | # | # |
  2188. | Hat | ̂ | ̂ |
  2189. | Hat | ∩ | ∩ |
  2190. | Have A Nice Day! | ☺ | ☺ |
  2191. | Hazard Dingbats | ☠ | ☠ |
  2192. | Head Marks, Tibetan | ༁ | ༁ |
  2193. | Heading, Start Of |  |  |
  2194. | Heading, Symbol For Start Of | ␁ | ␁ |
  2195. | Heart Bullet, Reversed Rotated Floral | ☙ | ☙ |
  2196. | Heart Dingbats | ❣ | ❣ |
  2197. | Heart Ornaments | ❣ | ❣ |
  2198. | Heavy Ballot X | ✘ | ✘ |
  2199. | Heavy Check Mark | ✔ | ✔ |
  2200. | Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament | ❢ | ❢ |
  2201. | Heavy Multiplication X | ✖ | ✖ |
  2202. | Heavy Sparkle | ❈ | ❈ |
  2203. | Hebrew | ֐ | ֐ |
  2204. | Hebrew Alphabet | א | א |
  2205. | Hebrew Cantillation Marks | ֑ | ֑ |
  2206. | Hebrew Letterlike Mathematical Symbols | ℵ | ℵ |
  2207. | Hebrew Points And Punctuation | ְ | ְ |
  2208. | Hebrew Presentation Forms | יִ | יִ |
  2209. | Hedera | ❧ | ❧ |
  2210. | Heh With Yeh Above, Arabic Letter | ۀ | ۀ |
  2211. | Helm Symbol | ⎈ | ⎈ |
  2212. | Hermes, Staff Of | ⚚ | ⚚ |
  2213. | Hermitian Conjugate Matrix | ⊹ | ⊹ |
  2214. | Hexagram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching | ䷀ | ䷀ |
  2215. | High Surrogates | � | � |
  2216. | High Voltage Sign | ⚡ | ⚡ |
  2217. | High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark, Double | ‟ | ‟ |
  2218. | High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark, Single | ‛ | ‛ |
  2219. | Higher Rank Than | ≻ | ≻ |
  2220. | Hilbert Space | ℌ | ℌ |
  2221. | Hiragana | ぀ | ぀ |
  2222. | Hiragana Iteration Mark | ゝ | ゝ |
  2223. | Hiragana Letter Small Ka | ゕ | ゕ |
  2224. | Hiragana Letter Small Ke | ゖ | ゖ |
  2225. | Hiragana Supplement | ゕ | ゕ |
  2226. | Hiragana Voiced Iteration Mark | ゞ | ゞ |
  2227. | Histogram Marker | ▮ | ▮ |
  2228. | Holler | ⍥ | ⍥ |
  2229. | Home | ↸ | ↸ |
  2230. | Home | ⇱ | ⇱ |
  2231. | Homothetic | ∻ | ∻ |
  2232. | Homothetic Above, Combining | ͋ | ͋ |
  2233. | Honorifics, Arabic | ؐ | ؐ |
  2234. | Hook Above, Combining | ̉ | ̉ |
  2235. | Hook Below, Combining Palatalized | ̡ | ̡ |
  2236. | Hook Below, Combining Retroflex | ̢ | ̢ |
  2237. | Hook, Modifier Letter Rhotic | ˞ | ˞ |
  2238. | Hook, Nasal | ̨ | ̨ |
  2239. | Hoot | ⍤ | ⍤ |
  2240. | Horizontal Bar | ― | ― |
  2241. | Horizontal Ellipsis | … | … |
  2242. | Horizontal Ellipsis, Midline | ⋯ | ⋯ |
  2243. | Horizontal Scan Lines | ⎺ | ⎺ |
  2244. | Horizontal Tabulation | 	 | 	 |
  2245. | Horizontal Tabulation, Symbol For | ␉ | ␉ |
  2246. | Horn, Combining | ̛ | ̛ |
  2247. | Hot Beverage | ☕ | ☕ |
  2248. | Hot Springs | ♨ | ♨ |
  2249. | Hourglass | ⌛ | ⌛ |
  2250. | Hourglass, Black | ⧗ | ⧗ |
  2251. | Hours, Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For | ㍘ | ㍘ |
  2252. | House | ⌂ | ⌂ |
  2253. | Hryvnia Sign | ₴ | ₴ |
  2254. | Ht | 	 | 	 |
  2255. | Hv, Latin Small Letter | ƕ | ƕ |
  2256. | Hwair, Latin Capital Letter | Ƕ | Ƕ |
  2257. | Hyphen | ‐ | ‐ |
  2258. | Hyphen Bullet | ⁃ | ⁃ |
  2259. | Hyphen Or Minus Sign | - | - |
  2260. | Hyphen, Armenian | ֊ | ֊ |
  2261. | Hyphen, Discretionary | ­ | ­ |
  2262. | Hyphen, Katakana-Hiragana Double | ゠ | ゠ |
  2263. | Hyphen, Mongolian Todo Soft | ᠆ | ᠆ |
  2264. | Hyphen, Non-Breaking | ‑ | ‑ |
  2265. | Hyphen, Papyrological | ͜ | ͜ |
  2266. | Hyphen, Soft | ­ | ­ |
  2267. | Hyphen-Minus | - | - |
  2268. | Hyphenation Point | ‧ | ‧ |
  2269. | Hyphus | - | - |
  2270. | Hysteresis Symbol | ⎎ | ⎎ |
  2272. # I
  2274. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  2275. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  2276. | I Bar, Latin Capital Letter | Ɨ | Ɨ |
  2277. | I Ching / Yijing Hexagram Symbols | ䷀ | ䷀ |
  2278. | I Ching / Yijing Monogram And Digram Symbols | ⚊ | ⚊ |
  2279. | I Ching / Yijing Trigram Symbols | ☰ | ☰ |
  2280. | I Dot, Latin Capital Letter | İ | İ |
  2281. | I With Acute, Latin Capital Letter | Í | Í |
  2282. | I With Acute, Latin Small Letter | í | í |
  2283. | I With Breve, Latin Small Letter | ĭ | ĭ |
  2284. | I With Caron, Latin Small Letter | ǐ | ǐ |
  2285. | I With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter | Î | Î |
  2286. | I With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | î | î |
  2287. | I With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter | Ï | Ï |
  2288. | I With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter | ï | ï |
  2289. | I With Dot Above, Latin Capital Letter | İ | İ |
  2290. | I With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | ị | ị |
  2291. | I With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter | ȉ | ȉ |
  2292. | I With Grave, Latin Capital Letter | Ì | Ì |
  2293. | I With Grave, Latin Small Letter | ì | ì |
  2294. | I With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter | ỉ | ỉ |
  2295. | I With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter | ȋ | ȋ |
  2296. | I With Macron, Latin Small Letter | ī | ī |
  2297. | I With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter | į | į |
  2298. | I With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter | Ɨ | Ɨ |
  2299. | I With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | ɨ | ɨ |
  2300. | I With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter | ḭ | ḭ |
  2301. | I With Tilde, Latin Small Letter | ĩ | ĩ |
  2302. | I, Black-Letter Capital | ℑ | ℑ |
  2303. | I, Combining Latin Small Letter | ͥ | ͥ |
  2304. | I, Double-Struck Italic Small | ⅈ | ⅈ |
  2305. | I, Latin Letter Small Capital | ɪ | ɪ |
  2306. | I, Latin Small Letter Dotless | ı | ı |
  2307. | I, Latin Small Letter Turned | ᴉ | ᴉ |
  2308. | I, Latin Subscript Small Letter | ᵢ | ᵢ |
  2309. | I, Script Capital | ℐ | ℐ |
  2310. | I, Superscript Latin Small Letter | ⁱ | ⁱ |
  2311. | Identical To | ≡ | ≡ |
  2312. | Identical To, Not | ≢ | ≢ |
  2313. | Ideograms, Linear B | 𐂀 | 𐂀 |
  2314. | Ideographic Annotation, Japanese Kanbun | ㆐ | ㆐ |
  2315. | Ideographic Closing Mark | 〆 | 〆 |
  2316. | Ideographic Comma | 、 | 、 |
  2317. | Ideographic Description Characters, Cjk | ⿰ | ⿰ |
  2318. | Ideographic Full Stop | 。 | 。 |
  2319. | Ideographic Half Fill Space | 〿 | 〿 |
  2320. | Ideographic Iteration Mark | 々 | 々 |
  2321. | Ideographic Iteration Mark, Vertical | 〻 | 〻 |
  2322. | Ideographic Number Zero | 〇 | 〇 |
  2323. | Ideographic Space |   |   |
  2324. | Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For Days | ㏠ | ㏠ |
  2325. | Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For Hours | ㍘ | ㍘ |
  2326. | Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For Months | ㋀ | ㋀ |
  2327. | Ideographic Tone Marks | 〪 | 〪 |
  2328. | Ideographic Variation Indicator | 〾 | 〾 |
  2329. | Ideographs Area, Cjk | 㐀 | 㐀 |
  2330. | Ideographs Area, Supplementary Cjk | 𠀀 | 𠀀 |
  2331. | Ideographs Extension A, Cjk Unified | 㐀 | 㐀 |
  2332. | Ideographs Extension B, Cjk Unified | 𠀀 | 𠀀 |
  2333. | Ideographs Supplement, Cjk Compatibility | 丽 | 丽 |
  2334. | Ideographs, Circled | ㊀ | ㊀ |
  2335. | Ideographs, Cjk Compatibility | 豈 | 豈 |
  2336. | Ideographs, Cjk Unified | 一 | 一 |
  2337. | Ideographs, Dprk Compatibility | 並 | 並 |
  2338. | Ideographs, Han | 一 | 一 |
  2339. | Ideographs, Jis X 0213 Compatibility | 侮 | 侮 |
  2340. | Ideographs, Parenthesized Cjk | ㈠ | ㈠ |
  2341. | Idle, Symbol For Synchronous | ␖ | ␖ |
  2342. | Idle, Synchronous |  |  |
  2343. | Ij, Latin Small Ligature | ij | ij |
  2344. | Image Of | ⊷ | ⊷ |
  2345. | Image Of, Square | ⊏ | ⊏ |
  2346. | Imaginary Part | ℑ | ℑ |
  2347. | Implies | ⊢ | ⊢ |
  2348. | Inches | ″ | ″ |
  2349. | Included In Set | ⊂ | ⊂ |
  2350. | Includes In Set | ⊃ | ⊃ |
  2351. | Incorporated, Japanese | ㍿ | ㍿ |
  2352. | Increment | ∆ | ∆ |
  2353. | Independence | ⫫ | ⫫ |
  2354. | Independent | ⫝ | ⫝ |
  2355. | Independent, Not | ⫝̸ | ⫝̸ |
  2356. | Index Finger Dingbats, Pointing | ☚ | ☚ |
  2357. | Index, Black Left Pointing | ☚ | ☚ |
  2358. | Index, Black Right Pointing | ☛ | ☛ |
  2359. | Index, White Down Pointing | ☟ | ☟ |
  2360. | Index, White Left Pointing | ☜ | ☜ |
  2361. | Index, White Right Pointing | ☞ | ☞ |
  2362. | Index, White Up Pointing | ☝ | ☝ |
  2363. | Indian Currency | ₨ | ₨ |
  2364. | Indicator, Backward Arrow | ◅ | ◅ |
  2365. | Indicator, Forward Arrow | ▻ | ▻ |
  2366. | Inequality Signs, Equality And | ≃ | ≃ |
  2367. | Inequality Signs, Equality And | ⋕ | ⋕ |
  2368. | Infinity | ∞ | ∞ |
  2369. | Infix Bag Count | ♯ | ♯ |
  2370. | Information Separator Four |  |  |
  2371. | Information Separator One |  |  |
  2372. | Information Separator Three |  |  |
  2373. | Information Separator Two |  |  |
  2374. | Information Source | ℹ | ℹ |
  2375. | Ingressive Airflow | ↓ | ↓ |
  2376. | Injection, Finite | ⤕ | ⤕ |
  2377. | Injection, Finite Surjective | ⤘ | ⤘ |
  2378. | Injection, Partial | ⤔ | ⤔ |
  2379. | Injection, Surjective | ⤗ | ⤗ |
  2380. | Injection, Total | ↣ | ↣ |
  2381. | Insertion Point, Caret | ⁁ | ⁁ |
  2382. | Insertion Symbol | ⎀ | ⎀ |
  2383. | Integers | ℤ | ℤ |
  2384. | Integral | ∫ | ∫ |
  2385. | Integral Operator, Quaternion | ⨖ | ⨖ |
  2386. | Integral Signs | ∫ | ∫ |
  2387. | Integral, Anticlockwise Contour | ∳ | ∳ |
  2388. | Integral, Bottom Half | ⌡ | ⌡ |
  2389. | Integral, Clockwise | ∱ | ∱ |
  2390. | Integral, Clockwise Contour | ∲ | ∲ |
  2391. | Integral, Contour | ∮ | ∮ |
  2392. | Integral, Counterclockwise Contour | ∳ | ∳ |
  2393. | Integral, Double | ∬ | ∬ |
  2394. | Integral, Lower | ⨜ | ⨜ |
  2395. | Integral, Riemann | ℛ | ℛ |
  2396. | Integral, Surface | ∯ | ∯ |
  2397. | Integral, Top Half | ⌠ | ⌠ |
  2398. | Integral, Triple | ∭ | ∭ |
  2399. | Integral, Upper | ⨛ | ⨛ |
  2400. | Integral, Volume | ∰ | ∰ |
  2401. | Integrals, Summations And | ⨊ | ⨊ |
  2402. | Integration, Anticlockwise | ⨑ | ⨑ |
  2403. | Integration, Counterclockwise | ⨑ | ⨑ |
  2404. | Intercalate | ⊺ | ⊺ |
  2405. | Interest Sign, Place Of | ⌘ | ⌘ |
  2406. | Interior Product | ⨼ | ⨼ |
  2407. | Interior Product, Righthand | ⨽ | ⨽ |
  2408. | Interleave | ⫴ | ⫴ |
  2409. | Interlinear Annotation |  |  |
  2410. | Interlinear Annotation Anchor |  |  |
  2411. | Interlinear Annotation Separator |  |  |
  2412. | Interlinear Annotation Terminator |  |  |
  2413. | Interrobang | ‽ | ‽ |
  2414. | Interrobang, Inverted | ⸘ | ⸘ |
  2415. | Interrupt | ⎊ | ⎊ |
  2416. | Intersection | ∩ | ∩ |
  2417. | Intersection, Double | ⋒ | ⋒ |
  2418. | Intersection, Electrical | ⏧ | ⏧ |
  2419. | Intersection, Generalized | ⋂ | ⋂ |
  2420. | Intersection, N-Ary | ⋂ | ⋂ |
  2421. | Intersection, Proper | ⋔ | ⋔ |
  2422. | Intersections And Unions | ⩀ | ⩀ |
  2423. | Intersyllabic Tsheg, Tibetan Mark | ་ | ་ |
  2424. | Introducer, Control Sequence | › | › |
  2425. | Introducer, Single Character | š | š |
  2426. | Inverse Numbers, Circled | ❶ | ❶ |
  2427. | Inverted Breve Below, Combining | ̯ | ̯ |
  2428. | Inverted Breve, Combining | ̑ | ̑ |
  2429. | Inverted Breve, Combining Double | ͡ | ͡ |
  2430. | Inverted Bridge Below, Combining | ̺ | ̺ |
  2431. | Inverted Double Arch Below, Combining | ̫ | ̫ |
  2432. | Inverted Exclamation Mark | ¡ | ¡ |
  2433. | Inverted Glottal Stop, Latin Letter | ʖ | ʖ |
  2434. | Inverted Interrobang | ⸘ | ⸘ |
  2435. | Inverted Lazy S | ∾ | ∾ |
  2436. | Inverted Ohm Sign | ℧ | ℧ |
  2437. | Inverted Question Mark | ¿ | ¿ |
  2438. | Inverted R, Latin Letter Small Capital | ʁ | ʁ |
  2439. | Inverted R, Modifier Letter Small Capital | ʶ | ʶ |
  2440. | Inverted Undertie | ⁔ | ⁔ |
  2441. | Invisible Comma | ⁣ | ⁣ |
  2442. | Invisible Plus | ⁤ | ⁤ |
  2443. | Invisible Separator | ⁣ | ⁣ |
  2444. | Invisible Times | ⁢ | ⁢ |
  2445. | Iota Below, Greek Non-Spacing | ͅ | ͅ |
  2446. | Iota Subscript, Greek | ͅ | ͅ |
  2447. | Iota, Latin Capital Letter | Ɩ | Ɩ |
  2448. | Iota, Latin Small Letter | ɩ | ɩ |
  2449. | Iota, Turned Greek Small Letter | ℩ | ℩ |
  2450. | Ipa Extensions | ɐ | ɐ |
  2451. | Ipa, Diacritics For | ͆ | ͆ |
  2452. | Iranian Currency | ﷼ | ﷼ |
  2453. | Irish Punt | £ | £ |
  2454. | Isotech Entity &Amp;Iinfin; | ⧜ | ⧜ |
  2455. | Israeli Currency | ₪ | ₪ |
  2456. | Isshar, Bengali | ৺ | ৺ |
  2457. | Isshar, Oriya | ୰ | ୰ |
  2458. | Italian Currency | ₤ | ₤ |
  2459. | Italian Lira | £ | £ |
  2460. | Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols | 𝛢 | 𝛢 |
  2461. | Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols, Bold | 𝜜 | 𝜜 |
  2462. | Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold | 𝞐 | 𝞐 |
  2463. | Italic Mathematical Symbols | 𝐴 | 𝐴 |
  2464. | Italic Mathematical Symbols, Bold | 𝑨 | 𝑨 |
  2465. | Italic Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif | 𝘈 | 𝘈 |
  2466. | Italic Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold | 𝘼 | 𝘼 |
  2467. | Italic, Old | 𐌀 | 𐌀 |
  2468. | Itc Zapf Dingbats Series 100 | ✀ | ✀ |
  2469. | Iteration Mark, Hiragana | ゝ | ゝ |
  2470. | Iteration Mark, Hiragana Voiced | ゞ | ゞ |
  2471. | Iteration Mark, Ideographic | 々 | 々 |
  2472. | Iteration Mark, Katakana | ヽ | ヽ |
  2473. | Iteration Mark, Katakana Voiced | ヾ | ヾ |
  2474. | Iteration Mark, Vertical Ideographic | 〻 | 〻 |
  2475. | Ivy Leaf | ❧ | ❧ |
  2476. | Izafet | ۀ | ۀ |
  2478. # J
  2480. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  2481. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  2482. | J With Caron, Latin Small Letter | ǰ | ǰ |
  2483. | J With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | ĵ | ĵ |
  2484. | J With Crossed-Tail, Latin Small Letter | ʝ | ʝ |
  2485. | J With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter | Ɉ | Ɉ |
  2486. | J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | ɉ | ɉ |
  2487. | J With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Dotless | ɟ | ɟ |
  2488. | J, Double-Struck Italic Small | ⅉ | ⅉ |
  2489. | J, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴊ | ᴊ |
  2490. | J, Latin Small Letter Dotless | ȷ | ȷ |
  2491. | J, Modifier Letter Small | ʲ | ʲ |
  2492. | Jack | ❉ | ❉ |
  2493. | Jamo Combining Alphabet, Korean Hangul | ᄀ | ᄀ |
  2494. | Jamo, Korean Hangul Compatibility | ㄰ | ㄰ |
  2495. | Japanese Bullet, Tainome | ◉ | ◉ |
  2496. | Japanese Chess Symbols | ☖ | ☖ |
  2497. | Japanese Era Names | ㍻ | ㍻ |
  2498. | Japanese Hiragana | ぀ | ぀ |
  2499. | Japanese Incorporated | ㍿ | ㍿ |
  2500. | Japanese Industrial Standard Symbol | 〄 | 〄 |
  2501. | Japanese Kanbun Ideographic Annotation | ㆐ | ㆐ |
  2502. | Japanese Katakana | ゠ | ゠ |
  2503. | Japanese Katakana Variants, Halfwidth | 。 | 。 |
  2504. | Japanese Katakana Words, Squared | ㌀ | ㌀ |
  2505. | Japanese Katakana, Circled | ㋐ | ㋐ |
  2506. | Japanese Kome | ※ | ※ |
  2507. | Jerusalem, Cross Of | ☩ | ☩ |
  2508. | Jis Composition Circle | ⃝ | ⃝ |
  2509. | Jis X 0213 Compatibility Ideographs | 侮 | 侮 |
  2510. | Join | ⨝ | ⨝ |
  2511. | Joiner, Combining Grapheme | ͏ | ͏ |
  2512. | Joiner, Word | ⁠ | ⁠ |
  2513. | Joiner, Zero Width | ‍ | ‍ |
  2514. | Jolly Roger | ☠ | ☠ |
  2515. | Jot, Apl | ∘ | ∘ |
  2516. | Jupiter | ♃ | ♃ |
  2517. | Jurisprudence Symbol | ⚖ | ⚖ |
  2519. # K
  2521. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  2522. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  2523. | K With Acute, Latin Small Letter | ḱ | ḱ |
  2524. | K With Caron, Latin Small Letter | ǩ | ǩ |
  2525. | K With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | ķ | ķ |
  2526. | K With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | ḳ | ḳ |
  2527. | K With Hook, Latin Small Letter | ƙ | ƙ |
  2528. | K With Line Below, Latin Small Letter | ḵ | ḵ |
  2529. | K, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴋ | ᴋ |
  2530. | K, Latin Small Letter Turned | ʞ | ʞ |
  2531. | Ka, Hiragana Letter Small | ゕ | ゕ |
  2532. | Kabusiki-Gaisya | ㍿ | ㍿ |
  2533. | Kana Repeat Marks | 〱 | 〱 |
  2534. | Kanbun Ideographic Annotation, Japanese | ㆐ | ㆐ |
  2535. | Kangxi Radicals, Cjk | ⼀ | ⼀ |
  2536. | Kannada | ಀ | ಀ |
  2537. | Kannada Consonants | ಕ | ಕ |
  2538. | Kannada Dependent Vowel Signs | ಾ | ಾ |
  2539. | Kannada Digits | ೦ | ೦ |
  2540. | Kannada Independent Vowels | ಅ | ಅ |
  2541. | Kashida, Arabic | ـ | ـ |
  2542. | Katakana | ゠ | ゠ |
  2543. | Katakana Digraph Koto | ヿ | ヿ |
  2544. | Katakana Extensions For Ainu | ㇰ | ㇰ |
  2545. | Katakana Iteration Mark | ヽ | ヽ |
  2546. | Katakana Middle Dot | ・ | ・ |
  2547. | Katakana Phonetic Extensions | ㇰ | ㇰ |
  2548. | Katakana Variants, Halfwidth Japanese | 。 | 。 |
  2549. | Katakana Voiced Iteration Mark | ヾ | ヾ |
  2550. | Katakana Words, Squared | ㌀ | ㌀ |
  2551. | Katakana, Circled | ㋐ | ㋐ |
  2552. | Katakana-Hiragana Double Hyphen | ゠ | ゠ |
  2553. | Katakana-Hiragana Prolonged Sound Mark | ー | ー |
  2554. | Kayah Li | ꤀ | ꤀ |
  2555. | Kelvin Sign | K | K |
  2556. | Ket | ⟩ | ⟩ |
  2557. | Key, Clear | ⌧ | ⌧ |
  2558. | Key, Command | ⌘ | ⌘ |
  2559. | Key, Delete To The Left | ⌫ | ⌫ |
  2560. | Key, Delete To The Right | ⌦ | ⌦ |
  2561. | Key, Enter | ⌤ | ⌤ |
  2562. | Key, Option | ⌥ | ⌥ |
  2563. | Keyboard | ⌨ | ⌨ |
  2564. | Keyboard Symbol For No Break Space | ⍽ | ⍽ |
  2565. | Keyboard Symbols | ⇦ | ⇦ |
  2566. | Keyboard Symbols | ⌤ | ⌤ |
  2567. | Keyboard Symbols | ⎀ | ⎀ |
  2568. | Keyboard Symbols | ⎖ | ⎖ |
  2569. | Keycap, Combining Enclosing | ⃣ | ⃣ |
  2570. | Khanda, Gurmukhi | ☬ | ☬ |
  2571. | Kharoshthi | 𐨀 | 𐨀 |
  2572. | Kharoshthi Digits | 𐩀 | 𐩀 |
  2573. | Khmer | ក | ក |
  2574. | Khmer Anusvara | ំ | ំ |
  2575. | Khmer Consonants | ក | ក |
  2576. | Khmer Currency Symbol Riel | ៛ | ៛ |
  2577. | Khmer Dependent Vowel Signs | ា | ា |
  2578. | Khmer Digits | ០ | ០ |
  2579. | Khmer Independent Vowels | ឥ | ឥ |
  2580. | Khmer Numeric Symbols For Divination | ៰ | ៰ |
  2581. | Khmer Sign Nikahit | ំ | ំ |
  2582. | Khmer Sign Reahmuk | ះ | ះ |
  2583. | Khmer Signs | ំ | ំ |
  2584. | Khmer Srak Ah | ះ | ះ |
  2585. | Khmer Srak Am | ំ | ំ |
  2586. | Khmer Symbols | ᧠ | ᧠ |
  2587. | Khmer Visarga | ះ | ះ |
  2588. | Khomut, Thai Character | ๛ | ๛ |
  2589. | Khutsuri, Georgian | Ⴀ | Ⴀ |
  2590. | Killer, Myanmar | ္ | ္ |
  2591. | Kip Sign | ₭ | ₭ |
  2592. | Kissen | ⌑ | ⌑ |
  2593. | Kome, Japanese | ※ | ※ |
  2594. | Komi Letters | Ԁ | Ԁ |
  2595. | Koranic Annotation Signs, Arabic | ۖ | ۖ |
  2596. | Korean Combining Alphabet | ᄀ | ᄀ |
  2597. | Korean Currency | ₩ | ₩ |
  2598. | Korean Hangul Archaic Letters | ㅥ | ㅥ |
  2599. | Korean Hangul Compatibility Jamo | ㄰ | ㄰ |
  2600. | Korean Hangul Elements, Circled | ㉠ | ㉠ |
  2601. | Korean Hangul Elements, Parenthesized | ㈀ | ㈀ |
  2602. | Korean Hangul Jamo Combining Alphabet | ᄀ | ᄀ |
  2603. | Korean Hangul Syllables | 가 | 가 |
  2604. | Korean Hangul Syllables, Circled | ㉮ | ㉮ |
  2605. | Korean Hangul Syllables, Parenthesized | ㈎ | ㈎ |
  2606. | Korean Hangul Variants, Halfwidth | ᅠ | ᅠ |
  2607. | Korean Standard Symbol | ㉿ | ㉿ |
  2608. | Koronis, Combining Greek | ̓ | ̓ |
  2609. | Koto, Katakana Digraph | ヿ | ヿ |
  2610. | Kra, Latin Small Letter | ĸ | ĸ |
  2612. # L
  2614. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  2615. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  2616. | L B Bar Symbol | ℔ | ℔ |
  2617. | L With Acute, Latin Small Letter | ĺ | ĺ |
  2618. | L With Bar, Latin Capital Letter | Ƚ | Ƚ |
  2619. | L With Bar, Latin Small Letter | ƚ | ƚ |
  2620. | L With Belt, Latin Small Letter | ɬ | ɬ |
  2621. | L With Caron, Latin Small Letter | ľ | ľ |
  2622. | L With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | ļ | ļ |
  2623. | L With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter | ḽ | ḽ |
  2624. | L With Curl, Latin Small Letter | ȴ | ȴ |
  2625. | L With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | ḷ | ḷ |
  2626. | L With Line Below, Latin Small Letter | ḻ | ḻ |
  2627. | L With Middle Dot, Latin Small Letter | ŀ | ŀ |
  2628. | L With Middle Tilde, Latin Small Letter | ɫ | ɫ |
  2629. | L With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter | ɭ | ɭ |
  2630. | L With Stroke, Latin Letter Small Capital | ᴌ | ᴌ |
  2631. | L With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | ł | ł |
  2632. | L, Latin Letter Small Capital | ʟ | ʟ |
  2633. | L, Modifier Letter Small | ˡ | ˡ |
  2634. | L, Reversed Sans-Serif Capital | ⅃ | ⅃ |
  2635. | L, Script Capital | ℒ | ℒ |
  2636. | L, Script Small | ℓ | ℓ |
  2637. | L, Turned Sans-Serif Capital | ⅂ | ⅂ |
  2638. | Lambda Bar, Latin Letter | ƛ | ƛ |
  2639. | Language Tag | 󠀁 | 󠀁 |
  2640. | Lao | ຀ | ຀ |
  2641. | Lao Cancellation Mark | ໌ | ໌ |
  2642. | Lao Consonants | ກ | ກ |
  2643. | Lao Digits | ໐ | ໐ |
  2644. | Lao Ellipsis | ຯ | ຯ |
  2645. | Lao Marks And Signs | ່ | ່ |
  2646. | Lao Niggahita | ໍ | ໍ |
  2647. | Lao Vowels | ະ | ະ |
  2648. | Laotian Currency | ₭ | ₭ |
  2649. | Laplace Operator | ∆ | ∆ |
  2650. | Laplace Transform | ℒ | ℒ |
  2651. | Large Bowtie | ⨝ | ⨝ |
  2652. | Large Circle | ◯ | ◯ |
  2653. | Large Operators | ⧸ | ⧸ |
  2654. | Last Quarter Moon | ☾ | ☾ |
  2655. | Lateral Click, Latin Letter | ǁ | ǁ |
  2656. | Latin Abbreviations, Squared | ㍱ | ㍱ |
  2657. | Latin Abbreviations, Squared | ㎀ | ㎀ |
  2658. | Latin Cross | ✝ | ✝ |
  2659. | Latin Extended Additional | Ḁ | Ḁ |
  2660. | Latin Extended-A | Ā | Ā |
  2661. | Latin Extended-B | ƀ | ƀ |
  2662. | Latin Extended-C | Ⱡ | Ⱡ |
  2663. | Latin Extended-D | ꜠ | ꜠ |
  2664. | Latin Extensions | ᴀ | ᴀ |
  2665. | Latin Letter Ain | ᴥ | ᴥ |
  2666. | Latin Letter Alveolar Click | ǂ | ǂ |
  2667. | Latin Letter Bidental Percussive | ʭ | ʭ |
  2668. | Latin Letter Bilabial Click | ʘ | ʘ |
  2669. | Latin Letter Bilabial Percussive | ʬ | ʬ |
  2670. | Latin Letter Bullseye | ʘ | ʘ |
  2671. | Latin Letter Dental Click | ǀ | ǀ |
  2672. | Latin Letter Exclamation Mark | ǃ | ǃ |
  2673. | Latin Letter Glottal Stop | ʔ | ʔ |
  2674. | Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop | ʖ | ʖ |
  2675. | Latin Letter Lambda Bar | ƛ | ƛ |
  2676. | Latin Letter Lateral Click | ǁ | ǁ |
  2677. | Latin Letter Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative | ʕ | ʕ |
  2678. | Latin Letter Retroflex Click | ǃ | ǃ |
  2679. | Latin Letter Reversed Esh Loop | ƪ | ƪ |
  2680. | Latin Letter Reversed Glottal Stop | ʕ | ʕ |
  2681. | Latin Letter Stretched C | ʗ | ʗ |
  2682. | Latin Letter Voiced Laryngeal Spirant | ᴤ | ᴤ |
  2683. | Latin Letter Wynn | ƿ | ƿ |
  2684. | Latin Letter Yr | Ʀ | Ʀ |
  2685. | Latin Letters, Circled | Ⓐ | Ⓐ |
  2686. | Latin Letters, Parenthesized | ⒜ | ⒜ |
  2687. | Latin Letters, Phonetic Modifiers Derived From | ʰ | ʰ |
  2688. | Latin Ligatures | ff | ff |
  2689. | Latin Lowercase Alphabet | a | a |
  2690. | Latin Small Letter Ae | æ | æ |
  2691. | Latin Small Letter Alpha | ɑ | ɑ |
  2692. | Latin Small Letter Baby Gamma | ɤ | ɤ |
  2693. | Latin Small Letter Closed Epsilon | ʚ | ʚ |
  2694. | Latin Small Letter Closed Omega | ɷ | ɷ |
  2695. | Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed Epsilon | ɞ | ɞ |
  2696. | Latin Small Letter Db Digraph | ȸ | ȸ |
  2697. | Latin Small Letter Eng | ŋ | ŋ |
  2698. | Latin Small Letter Epsilon | ɛ | ɛ |
  2699. | Latin Small Letter Esh | ʃ | ʃ |
  2700. | Latin Small Letter Eth | ð | ð |
  2701. | Latin Small Letter Ezh | ʒ | ʒ |
  2702. | Latin Small Letter Ezh Reversed | ƹ | ƹ |
  2703. | Latin Small Letter Ezh With Caron | ǯ | ǯ |
  2704. | Latin Small Letter Gamma | ɣ | ɣ |
  2705. | Latin Small Letter Glottal Stop | ɂ | ɂ |
  2706. | Latin Small Letter Hv | ƕ | ƕ |
  2707. | Latin Small Letter Iota | ɩ | ɩ |
  2708. | Latin Small Letter Kra | ĸ | ĸ |
  2709. | Latin Small Letter Lezh | ɮ | ɮ |
  2710. | Latin Small Letter Oi | ƣ | ƣ |
  2711. | Latin Small Letter Ou | ȣ | ȣ |
  2712. | Latin Small Letter Phi | ɸ | ɸ |
  2713. | Latin Small Letter Qp Digraph | ȹ | ȹ |
  2714. | Latin Small Letter Rams Horn | ɤ | ɤ |
  2715. | Latin Small Letter Schwa | ə | ə |
  2716. | Latin Small Letter Squat Reversed Esh | ʅ | ʅ |
  2717. | Latin Small Letter Thorn | þ | þ |
  2718. | Latin Small Letter Tone Six | ƅ | ƅ |
  2719. | Latin Small Letter Turned Ae | ᴂ | ᴂ |
  2720. | Latin Small Letter Turned Alpha | ɒ | ɒ |
  2721. | Latin Small Letter Turned Delta | ƍ | ƍ |
  2722. | Latin Small Letter Turned Oe | ᴔ | ᴔ |
  2723. | Latin Small Letter Upsilon | ʊ | ʊ |
  2724. | Latin Small Letter Yogh | ȝ | ȝ |
  2725. | Latin Small Letters | a | a |
  2726. | Latin Small Letters, Combining | ͣ | ͣ |
  2727. | Latin Small Ligature Ae | æ | æ |
  2728. | Latin Small Ligature Ij | ij | ij |
  2729. | Latin Small Ligature Oe | œ | œ |
  2730. | Latin Superscript Modifier Letters | ʰ | ʰ |
  2731. | Latin Uppercase Alphabet | A | A |
  2732. | Latin, Basic | � | � |
  2733. | Latin, European | Ā | Ā |
  2734. | Latin-1 Punctuation And Symbols |   |   |
  2735. | Latin-1 Supplement |   |   |
  2736. | Lazy S | ∽ | ∽ |
  2737. | Lazy S, Inverted | ∾ | ∾ |
  2738. | Leader, One Dot | ․ | ․ |
  2739. | Leader, Three Dot | … | … |
  2740. | Leader, Two Dot | ‥ | ‥ |
  2741. | Leaf, Aldus | ❦ | ❦ |
  2742. | Leaf, Ivy | ❧ | ❧ |
  2743. | Left Abstract Syntax Bracket | 〚 | 〚 |
  2744. | Left Angle Above, Combining | ̚ | ̚ |
  2745. | Left Angle Below, Combining | ͉ | ͉ |
  2746. | Left Angle Bracket | 〈 | 〈 |
  2747. | Left Angle Bracket, Mathematical | ⟨ | ⟨ |
  2748. | Left Arrow Above, Combining | ⃖ | ⃖ |
  2749. | Left Arrow Below, Combining | ⃮ | ⃮ |
  2750. | Left Arrowhead Below, Combining | ͔ | ͔ |
  2751. | Left Bag Bracket | ⟦ | ⟦ |
  2752. | Left Black Lenticular Bracket | 【 | 【 |
  2753. | Left Ceiling | ⌈ | ⌈ |
  2754. | Left Chevron Bracket | ⟪ | ⟪ |
  2755. | Left Corner Bracket | 「 | 「 |
  2756. | Left Curly Bracket | { | { |
  2757. | Left Double Angle Bracket | 《 | 《 |
  2758. | Left Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical | ⟪ | ⟪ |
  2759. | Left Double Quotation Mark | “ | “ |
  2760. | Left Floor | ⌊ | ⌊ |
  2761. | Left Half Ring Above, Combining | ͑ | ͑ |
  2762. | Left Half Ring Below, Combining | ̜ | ̜ |
  2763. | Left Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter | ՙ | ՙ |
  2764. | Left Half Ring, Modifier Letter | ʿ | ʿ |
  2765. | Left Half Ring, Modifier Letter Centred | ˓ | ˓ |
  2766. | Left Harpoon Above, Combining | ⃐ | ⃐ |
  2767. | Left Hook, Latin Capital Letter N With | Ɲ | Ɲ |
  2768. | Left Hook, Latin Small Letter N With | ɲ | ɲ |
  2769. | Left Key, Delete To The | ⌫ | ⌫ |
  2770. | Left Moustache | ⎰ | ⎰ |
  2771. | Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product | ⋉ | ⋉ |
  2772. | Left Parenthesis | ( | ( |
  2773. | Left Parenthesis, Ornate | ﴾ | ﴾ |
  2774. | Left Pointing Guillemet | « | « |
  2775. | Left Pointing Index, Black | ☚ | ☚ |
  2776. | Left Pointing Index, White | ☜ | ☜ |
  2777. | Left Pointing Single Guillemet | ‹ | ‹ |
  2778. | Left Right Arrow Above, Combining | ⃡ | ⃡ |
  2779. | Left Right Arrow Below, Combining | ͍ | ͍ |
  2780. | Left Semidirect Product | ⋋ | ⋋ |
  2781. | Left Sequence Bracket | ⟨ | ⟨ |
  2782. | Left Single Quotation Mark | ‘ | ‘ |
  2783. | Left Square Bracket | [ | [ |
  2784. | Left Square Bracket With Quill | ⁅ | ⁅ |
  2785. | Left Tack | ⊣ | ⊣ |
  2786. | Left Tack Below, Combining | ̘ | ̘ |
  2787. | Left Tortoise Shell Bracket | 〔 | 〔 |
  2788. | Left White Corner Bracket | 『 | 『 |
  2789. | Left White Curly Bracket | ⦃ | ⦃ |
  2790. | Left White Lenticular Bracket | 〖 | 〖 |
  2791. | Left White Parenthesis | ⦅ | ⦅ |
  2792. | Left White Square Bracket | 〚 | 〚 |
  2793. | Left White Tortoise Shell Bracket | 〘 | 〘 |
  2794. | Left, Erase To The | ⌫ | ⌫ |
  2795. | Left, Fast Cursor | ↞ | ↞ |
  2796. | Left-Pointing Angle Bracket | 〈 | 〈 |
  2797. | Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Single | ‹ | ‹ |
  2798. | Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark | « | « |
  2799. | Left-To-Right Embedding | ‪ | ‪ |
  2800. | Left-To-Right Mark | ‎ | ‎ |
  2801. | Left-To-Right Override | ‭ | ‭ |
  2802. | Leftward Tab | ⇤ | ⇤ |
  2803. | Leftwards Arrow | ← | ← |
  2804. | Leftwards Arrow Overlay, Combining | ⃪ | ⃪ |
  2805. | Leftwards Bullet, Black | ⁌ | ⁌ |
  2806. | Leftwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining | ⃭ | ⃭ |
  2807. | Lenticular Bracket, Left Black | 【 | 【 |
  2808. | Lenticular Bracket, Left White | 〖 | 〖 |
  2809. | Lenticular Bracket, Right Black | 】 | 】 |
  2810. | Lenticular Bracket, Right White | 〗 | 〗 |
  2811. | Leo | ♌ | ♌ |
  2812. | Lepcha | ᰀ | ᰀ |
  2813. | Less-Than Or Equal To | ≤ | ≤ |
  2814. | Less-Than Sign | &#x003C; | < |
  2815. | Less-Than, Much | &#x226A; | &#x226A; |
  2816. | Less-Than, Very Much | &#x22D8; | &#x22D8; |
  2817. | Letterlike Mathematical Symbols, Hebrew | &#x2135; | &#x2135; |
  2818. | Letterlike Symbols | &#x2100; | &#x2100; |
  2819. | Level 2 Lock | &#x21EB; | &#x21EB; |
  2820. | Level 3 Lock | &#x21EF; | &#x21EF; |
  2821. | Level 3 Select | &#x21EE; | &#x21EE; |
  2822. | Lezh, Latin Small Letter | &#x026E; | &#x026E; |
  2823. | Lgroup | &#x27EE; | &#x27EE; |
  2824. | Libra | &#x264E; | &#x264E; |
  2825. | Ligature Ae, Latin Capital | &#x00C6; | &#x00C6; |
  2826. | Ligature Ae, Latin Small | &#x00E6; | &#x00E6; |
  2827. | Ligature Ij, Latin Small | &#x0133; | &#x0133; |
  2828. | Ligature Oe, Latin Small | &#x0153; | &#x0153; |
  2829. | Ligature Tie | &#x0361; | &#x0361; |
  2830. | Ligature Tie Below | &#x035C; | &#x035C; |
  2831. | Ligatures, Arabic | &#xFBEA; | &#xFBEA; |
  2832. | Ligatures, Armenian | &#xFB13; | &#xFB13; |
  2833. | Ligatures, Latin | &#xFB00; | &#xFB00; |
  2834. | Lightning | &#x2607; | &#x2607; |
  2835. | Limbu | &#x1900; | &#x1900; |
  2836. | Limbu Digits | &#x1946; | &#x1946; |
  2837. | Limbu Exclamation Mark | &#x1944; | &#x1944; |
  2838. | Limbu Question Mark | &#x1945; | &#x1945; |
  2839. | Limbu Signs | &#x1939; | &#x1939; |
  2840. | Limit, Approaches The | &#x2250; | &#x2250; |
  2841. | Line Above, Combining Double Vertical | &#x030E; | &#x030E; |
  2842. | Line Above, Combining Vertical | &#x030D; | &#x030D; |
  2843. | Line Backward, Partial | &#x008C; | &#x008C; |
  2844. | Line Below, Combining Double Vertical | &#x0348; | &#x0348; |
  2845. | Line Below, Combining Vertical | &#x0329; | &#x0329; |
  2846. | Line Feed | &#x000A; | &#x000A; |
  2847. | Line Feed | &#x21B4; | &#x21B4; |
  2848. | Line Feed, Reverse | &#x008D; | &#x008D; |
  2849. | Line Feed, Symbol For | &#x240A; | &#x240A; |
  2850. | Line Forward, Partial | &#x008B; | &#x008B; |
  2851. | Line Marker | &#x2319; | &#x2319; |
  2852. | Line Operators, Vertical | &#x2AEE; | &#x2AEE; |
  2853. | Line Overlay, Combining Long Vertical | &#x20D2; | &#x20D2; |
  2854. | Line Overlay, Combining Short Vertical | &#x20D3; | &#x20D3; |
  2855. | Line Separator | &#x2028; | &#x2028; |
  2856. | Line Symbol, Centre | &#x2104; | &#x2104; |
  2857. | Line Tabulation | &#x000B; | &#x000B; |
  2858. | Line Tabulation Set | &#x008A; | &#x008A; |
  2859. | Line With Middle Dot, Vertical | &#x237F; | &#x237F; |
  2860. | Line, Beginning Of | &#x2310; | &#x2310; |
  2861. | Line, Centreline Low | &#xFE4E; | &#xFE4E; |
  2862. | Line, Combining Double Low | &#x0333; | &#x0333; |
  2863. | Line, Combining Low | &#x0332; | &#x0332; |
  2864. | Line, Dashed Low | &#xFE4D; | &#xFE4D; |
  2865. | Line, Double Low | &#x2017; | &#x2017; |
  2866. | Line, Double Vertical | &#x2016; | &#x2016; |
  2867. | Line, End Of | &#x000A; | &#x000A; |
  2868. | Line, Low | &#x005F; | &#x005F; |
  2869. | Line, Modifier Letter Low Vertical | &#x02CC; | &#x02CC; |
  2870. | Line, Modifier Letter Vertical | &#x02C8; | &#x02C8; |
  2871. | Line, New | &#x000A; | &#x000A; |
  2872. | Line, Next | &#x0085; | &#x0085; |
  2873. | Line, Property | &#x214A; | &#x214A; |
  2874. | Line, Vertical | &#x007C; | &#x007C; |
  2875. | Line, Wavy | &#x2307; | &#x2307; |
  2876. | Line, Wavy Low | &#xFE4F; | &#xFE4F; |
  2877. | Linear B Ideograms | &#x10080; | &#x10080; |
  2878. | Linear B Syllabary | &#x10000; | &#x10000; |
  2879. | Lines, Horizontal Scan | &#x23BA; | &#x23BA; |
  2880. | Lines, Vertical | &#x2223; | &#x2223; |
  2881. | Lira Sign | &#x20A4; | &#x20A4; |
  2882. | Lira, Italian | &#x00A3; | &#x00A3; |
  2883. | Lira, Turkish | &#x00A3; | &#x00A3; |
  2884. | Liter | &#x2113; | &#x2113; |
  2885. | Lock, Caps | &#x21EA; | &#x21EA; |
  2886. | Lock, Caps | &#x21EC; | &#x21EC; |
  2887. | Lock, Numerics | &#x21ED; | &#x21ED; |
  2888. | Logic Operators, Modal | &#x27D8; | &#x27D8; |
  2889. | Logic Operators, Modal | &#x27E0; | &#x27E0; |
  2890. | Logical And | &#x2227; | &#x2227; |
  2891. | Logical And, Curly | &#x22CF; | &#x22CF; |
  2892. | Logical And, N-Ary | &#x22C0; | &#x22C0; |
  2893. | Logical Ands And Ors | &#x2A51; | &#x2A51; |
  2894. | Logical Or | &#x2228; | &#x2228; |
  2895. | Logical Or, Curly | &#x22CE; | &#x22CE; |
  2896. | Logical Or, N-Ary | &#x22C1; | &#x22C1; |
  2897. | Long | &#x0304; | &#x0304; |
  2898. | Long Arrows | &#x27F5; | &#x27F5; |
  2899. | Long Division | &#x27CC; | &#x27CC; |
  2900. | Long Double Slash Overlay | &#x20EB; | &#x20EB; |
  2901. | Long S, Latin Small Letter | &#x017F; | &#x017F; |
  2902. | Long Slash Overlay | &#x0338; | &#x0338; |
  2903. | Long Solidus Overlay, Combining | &#x0338; | &#x0338; |
  2904. | Long Stroke Overlay, Combining | &#x0336; | &#x0336; |
  2905. | Long Vertical Line Overlay, Combining | &#x20D2; | &#x20D2; |
  2906. | Lorraine, Cross Of | &#x2628; | &#x2628; |
  2907. | Low Acute Accent, Modifier Letter | &#x02CF; | &#x02CF; |
  2908. | Low Asterisk | &#x204E; | &#x204E; |
  2909. | Low Double Comma Quotation Mark | &#x201E; | &#x201E; |
  2910. | Low Double Prime Quotation Mark | &#x301F; | &#x301F; |
  2911. | Low Grave Accent, Modifier Letter | &#x02CE; | &#x02CE; |
  2912. | Low Line | &#x005F; | &#x005F; |
  2913. | Low Line, Centreline | &#xFE4E; | &#xFE4E; |
  2914. | Low Line, Combining | &#x0332; | &#x0332; |
  2915. | Low Line, Combining Double | &#x0333; | &#x0333; |
  2916. | Low Line, Dashed | &#xFE4D; | &#xFE4D; |
  2917. | Low Line, Double | &#x2017; | &#x2017; |
  2918. | Low Line, Wavy | &#xFE4F; | &#xFE4F; |
  2919. | Low Macron, Modifier Letter | &#x02CD; | &#x02CD; |
  2920. | Low Single Comma Quotation Mark | &#x201A; | &#x201A; |
  2921. | Low Surrogates | &#xDC00; | &#xDC00; |
  2922. | Low Vertical Line, Modifier Letter | &#x02CC; | &#x02CC; |
  2923. | Low-9 Quotation Mark, Double | &#x201E; | &#x201E; |
  2924. | Low-9 Quotation Mark, Single | &#x201A; | &#x201A; |
  2925. | Lower Integral | &#x2A1C; | &#x2A1C; |
  2926. | Lower Rank Than | &#x227A; | &#x227A; |
  2927. | Lowercase Alphabet, Latin | &#x0061; | &#x0061; |
  2928. | Lozenge | &#x25CA; | &#x25CA; |
  2929. | Lozenge, Black | &#x29EB; | &#x29EB; |
  2930. | Lozenge, Square | &#x2311; | &#x2311; |
  2931. | Lunate Epsilon Symbol, Greek | &#x03F5; | &#x03F5; |
  2932. | Lunate Epsilon Symbol, Greek Reversed | &#x03F6; | &#x03F6; |
  2933. | Lunate Sigma Symbol, Greek | &#x03F2; | &#x03F2; |
  2934. | Lycian | &#x10280; | &#x10280; |
  2935. | Lydian | &#x10920; | &#x10920; |
  2937. # M
  2939. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  2940. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  2941. | M With Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E3F; | &#x1E3F; |
  2942. | M With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E41; | &#x1E41; |
  2943. | M With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E43; | &#x1E43; |
  2944. | M With Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x0271; | &#x0271; |
  2945. | M With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x0270; | &#x0270; |
  2946. | M, Combining Latin Small Letter | &#x036B; | &#x036B; |
  2947. | M, Latin Capital Letter Turned | &#x019C; | &#x019C; |
  2948. | M, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D0D; | &#x1D0D; |
  2949. | M, Latin Small Letter Sideways Turned | &#x1D1F; | &#x1D1F; |
  2950. | M, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x026F; | &#x026F; |
  2951. | M, Script Capital | &#x2133; | &#x2133; |
  2952. | M-Matrix | &#x2133; | &#x2133; |
  2953. | Maatham, Tamil | &#x0BF4; | &#x0BF4; |
  2954. | Macron | &#x00AF; | &#x00AF; |
  2955. | Macron Below, Combining | &#x0331; | &#x0331; |
  2956. | Macron Below, Combining Double | &#x035F; | &#x035F; |
  2957. | Macron Left Half, Combining | &#xFE24; | &#xFE24; |
  2958. | Macron Right Half, Combining | &#xFE25; | &#xFE25; |
  2959. | Macron, Combining | &#x0304; | &#x0304; |
  2960. | Macron, Combining Double | &#x035E; | &#x035E; |
  2961. | Macron, Modifier Letter | &#x02C9; | &#x02C9; |
  2962. | Macron, Modifier Letter Low | &#x02CD; | &#x02CD; |
  2963. | Macron, Spacing | &#x00AF; | &#x00AF; |
  2964. | Mahjong Tiles | &#x1F000; | &#x1F000; |
  2965. | Malayalam | &#x0D00; | &#x0D00; |
  2966. | Malayalam Chandrakkala | &#x0D4D; | &#x0D4D; |
  2967. | Malayalam Chillu Letters | &#x0D7A; | &#x0D7A; |
  2968. | Malayalam Consonants | &#x0D15; | &#x0D15; |
  2969. | Malayalam Dependent Vowel Signs | &#x0D3E; | &#x0D3E; |
  2970. | Malayalam Digits | &#x0D66; | &#x0D66; |
  2971. | Malayalam Independent Vowels | &#x0D05; | &#x0D05; |
  2972. | Malayalam Sign Virama | &#x0D4D; | &#x0D4D; |
  2973. | Malayalam Vowel Half-U | &#x0D4D; | &#x0D4D; |
  2974. | Male Sign | &#x2642; | &#x2642; |
  2975. | Maltese Cross | &#x2720; | &#x2720; |
  2976. | Manchu Comma, Mongolian | &#x1808; | &#x1808; |
  2977. | Manchu Full Stop, Mongolian | &#x1809; | &#x1809; |
  2978. | Mandarin Chinese Fifth Or Neutral Tone | &#x02D9; | &#x02D9; |
  2979. | Mandarin Chinese First Tone | &#x02C9; | &#x02C9; |
  2980. | Mandarin Chinese Fourth Tone | &#x02CB; | &#x02CB; |
  2981. | Mandarin Chinese Second Tone | &#x02CA; | &#x02CA; |
  2982. | Mandarin Chinese Third Tone | &#x02C7; | &#x02C7; |
  2983. | Map Symbols, Dictionary And | &#x2690; | &#x2690; |
  2984. | Maplet | &#x21A6; | &#x21A6; |
  2985. | Maps From | &#x27FB; | &#x27FB; |
  2986. | Maps From | &#x2906; | &#x2906; |
  2987. | Maps To | &#x27FC; | &#x27FC; |
  2988. | Maps To | &#x2905; | &#x2905; |
  2989. | Maps To | &#x2907; | &#x2907; |
  2990. | Mark Pre-Wwii, German | &#x2133; | &#x2133; |
  2991. | Marker, Histogram | &#x25AE; | &#x25AE; |
  2992. | Marker, Line | &#x2319; | &#x2319; |
  2993. | Markers, Go | &#x2686; | &#x2686; |
  2994. | Marks, Combining Diacritical | &#x0300; | &#x0300; |
  2995. | Marks, Combining Half | &#xFE20; | &#xFE20; |
  2996. | Marriage Symbol | &#x26AD; | &#x26AD; |
  2997. | Mars | &#x2642; | &#x2642; |
  2998. | Masculine Ordinal Indicator | &#x00BA; | &#x00BA; |
  2999. | Masu Mark | &#x303C; | &#x303C; |
  3000. | Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols | &#x1D400; | &#x1D400; |
  3001. | Mathematical Brackets | &#x27E6; | &#x27E6; |
  3002. | Mathematical Constant 3.141592... Pi | &#x03C0; | &#x03C0; |
  3003. | Mathematical Digits Symbols | &#x1D7CE; | &#x1D7CE; |
  3004. | Mathematical Operators | &#x2200; | &#x2200; |
  3005. | Mathematical Operators, Dotted | &#x2234; | &#x2234; |
  3006. | Mathematical Operators, Enclosed | &#x2295; | &#x2295; |
  3007. | Mathematical Operators, Supplemental | &#x2A00; | &#x2A00; |
  3008. | Mathematical Operators, Tilde | &#x223B; | &#x223B; |
  3009. | Mathematical Space, Medium | &#x205F; | &#x205F; |
  3010. | Mathematical Symbols | &#x27C0; | &#x27C0; |
  3011. | Mathematical Symbols | &#x2980; | &#x2980; |
  3012. | Mathematical Symbols, Black-Letter | &#x1D504; | &#x1D504; |
  3013. | Mathematical Symbols, Bold Fraktur | &#x1D56C; | &#x1D56C; |
  3014. | Mathematical Symbols, Bold Greek | &#x1D6A8; | &#x1D6A8; |
  3015. | Mathematical Symbols, Bold Italic | &#x1D468; | &#x1D468; |
  3016. | Mathematical Symbols, Bold Italic Greek | &#x1D71C; | &#x1D71C; |
  3017. | Mathematical Symbols, Bold Script | &#x1D4D0; | &#x1D4D0; |
  3018. | Mathematical Symbols, Dotless | &#x1D6A4; | &#x1D6A4; |
  3019. | Mathematical Symbols, Double-Struck | &#x1D538; | &#x1D538; |
  3020. | Mathematical Symbols, Fraktur | &#x1D504; | &#x1D504; |
  3021. | Mathematical Symbols, Greek | &#x1D6A8; | &#x1D6A8; |
  3022. | Mathematical Symbols, Hebrew Letterlike | &#x2135; | &#x2135; |
  3023. | Mathematical Symbols, Italic | &#x1D434; | &#x1D434; |
  3024. | Mathematical Symbols, Italic Greek | &#x1D6E2; | &#x1D6E2; |
  3025. | Mathematical Symbols, Monospace | &#x1D670; | &#x1D670; |
  3026. | Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif | &#x1D5A0; | &#x1D5A0; |
  3027. | Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold | &#x1D5D4; | &#x1D5D4; |
  3028. | Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Greek | &#x1D756; | &#x1D756; |
  3029. | Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Italic | &#x1D63C; | &#x1D63C; |
  3030. | Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Bold Italic Greek | &#x1D790; | &#x1D790; |
  3031. | Mathematical Symbols, Sans-Serif Italic | &#x1D608; | &#x1D608; |
  3032. | Mathematical Symbols, Script | &#x1D49C; | &#x1D49C; |
  3033. | Mathematical Symbols-A, Miscellaneous | &#x27C0; | &#x27C0; |
  3034. | Mathematical Symbols-B, Miscellaneous | &#x2980; | &#x2980; |
  3035. | Matrix, Hermitian Conjugate | &#x22B9; | &#x22B9; |
  3036. | Measured Angle | &#x2221; | &#x2221; |
  3037. | Measured Angles, Angles And | &#x299B; | &#x299B; |
  3038. | Measured By | &#x225E; | &#x225E; |
  3039. | Med Avdrag Av | &#x2052; | &#x2052; |
  3040. | Medieval Superscript Letter Diacritics | &#x0363; | &#x0363; |
  3041. | Medieval Superscript Letter Diacritics, Latin | &#x1DD3; | &#x1DD3; |
  3042. | Medievalist Punctuation | &#x2E2A; | &#x2E2A; |
  3043. | Medium Black Circle | &#x26AB; | &#x26AB; |
  3044. | Medium Mathematical Space | &#x205F; | &#x205F; |
  3045. | Medium Small Square, Black | &#x25FE; | &#x25FE; |
  3046. | Medium Small White Circle | &#x26AC; | &#x26AC; |
  3047. | Medium Square, Black | &#x25FC; | &#x25FC; |
  3048. | Medium White Circle | &#x26AA; | &#x26AA; |
  3049. | Medium, End Of | &#x0019; | &#x0019; |
  3050. | Medium, Symbol For End Of | &#x2419; | &#x2419; |
  3051. | Member, Contains As | &#x220B; | &#x220B; |
  3052. | Member, Does Not Contain As | &#x220C; | &#x220C; |
  3053. | Member, Small Contains As | &#x220D; | &#x220D; |
  3054. | Membership Signs, Set | &#x2208; | &#x2208; |
  3055. | Membership, Z Notation Bag | &#x22FF; | &#x22FF; |
  3056. | Mercury | &#x263F; | &#x263F; |
  3057. | Merge | &#x2A07; | &#x2A07; |
  3058. | Merpadi, Tamil | &#x0BF8; | &#x0BF8; |
  3059. | Message Waiting | &#x0095; | &#x0095; |
  3060. | Message, Privacy | &#x009E; | &#x009E; |
  3061. | Metrical Symbols | &#x23D1; | &#x23D1; |
  3062. | Mho | &#x2127; | &#x2127; |
  3063. | Micro Sign | &#x00B5; | &#x00B5; |
  3064. | Mid Space | &#x2005; | &#x2005; |
  3065. | Middle Dot | &#x00B7; | &#x00B7; |
  3066. | Middle Dot, Greek | &#x00B7; | &#x00B7; |
  3067. | Middle Dot, Katakana | &#x30FB; | &#x30FB; |
  3068. | Middle Dot, Latin Small Letter L With | &#x0140; | &#x0140; |
  3069. | Middle Dot, Vertical Line With | &#x237F; | &#x237F; |
  3070. | Middle Tilde, Latin Capital Letter O With | &#x019F; | &#x019F; |
  3071. | Middle Tilde, Latin Small Letter L With | &#x026B; | &#x026B; |
  3072. | Midline Horizontal Ellipsis | &#x22EF; | &#x22EF; |
  3073. | Midpoint | &#x00B7; | &#x00B7; |
  3074. | Mill Sign | &#x20A5; | &#x20A5; |
  3075. | Mille Sign, Per | &#x2030; | &#x2030; |
  3076. | Milreis | &#x0024; | &#x0024; |
  3077. | Minim | &#x264F; | &#x264F; |
  3078. | Minim Alternate Glyph | &#x264D; | &#x264D; |
  3079. | Mining Symbol | &#x2692; | &#x2692; |
  3080. | Minus Sign | &#x2212; | &#x2212; |
  3081. | Minus Sign Below, Combining | &#x0320; | &#x0320; |
  3082. | Minus Sign Operators, Plus And | &#x2A22; | &#x2A22; |
  3083. | Minus Sign, Commercial | &#x2052; | &#x2052; |
  3084. | Minus Sign, Hyphen Or | &#x002D; | &#x002D; |
  3085. | Minus Sign, Modifier Letter | &#x02D7; | &#x02D7; |
  3086. | Minus Tilde | &#x2242; | &#x2242; |
  3087. | Minus, Circled | &#x2296; | &#x2296; |
  3088. | Minus, Dot | &#x2238; | &#x2238; |
  3089. | Minus, Set | &#x2216; | &#x2216; |
  3090. | Minus, Squared | &#x229F; | &#x229F; |
  3091. | Minus-Or-Plus Sign | &#x2213; | &#x2213; |
  3092. | Minutes | &#x2032; | &#x2032; |
  3093. | Miny | &#x29FF; | &#x29FF; |
  3094. | Mkhedruli, Georgian | &#x10D0; | &#x10D0; |
  3095. | Modal Logic Operators | &#x27E0; | &#x27E0; |
  3096. | Models | &#x22A7; | &#x22A7; |
  3097. | Modifier Letter Extensions | &#x1D2C; | &#x1D2C; |
  3098. | Modifier Letters, Latin Superscript | &#x02B0; | &#x02B0; |
  3099. | Modifier Letters, Spacing | &#x02B0; | &#x02B0; |
  3100. | Modifier Tone Letters | &#xA700; | &#xA700; |
  3101. | Modifiers Derived From Latin Letters, Phonetic | &#x02B0; | &#x02B0; |
  3102. | Modifiers, Phonetic | &#x02B9; | &#x02B9; |
  3103. | Modifiers, Upa | &#x02EF; | &#x02EF; |
  3104. | Mongolian | &#x1800; | &#x1800; |
  3105. | Mongolian Basic Letters | &#x1820; | &#x1820; |
  3106. | Mongolian Birga | &#x1800; | &#x1800; |
  3107. | Mongolian Colon | &#x1804; | &#x1804; |
  3108. | Mongolian Comma | &#x1802; | &#x1802; |
  3109. | Mongolian Currency | &#x20AE; | &#x20AE; |
  3110. | Mongolian Digits | &#x1810; | &#x1810; |
  3111. | Mongolian Ellipsis | &#x1801; | &#x1801; |
  3112. | Mongolian Extensions | &#x1843; | &#x1843; |
  3113. | Mongolian Format Controls | &#x180B; | &#x180B; |
  3114. | Mongolian Four Dots | &#x1805; | &#x1805; |
  3115. | Mongolian Free Variation Selector One | &#x180B; | &#x180B; |
  3116. | Mongolian Free Variation Selector Three | &#x180D; | &#x180D; |
  3117. | Mongolian Free Variation Selector Two | &#x180C; | &#x180C; |
  3118. | Mongolian Full Stop | &#x1803; | &#x1803; |
  3119. | Mongolian Manchu Comma | &#x1808; | &#x1808; |
  3120. | Mongolian Manchu Full Stop | &#x1809; | &#x1809; |
  3121. | Mongolian Nirugu | &#x180A; | &#x180A; |
  3122. | Mongolian Punctuation | &#x1800; | &#x1800; |
  3123. | Mongolian Sibe Syllable Boundary Marker | &#x1807; | &#x1807; |
  3124. | Mongolian Todo Soft Hyphen | &#x1806; | &#x1806; |
  3125. | Mongolian Vowel Separator | &#x180E; | &#x180E; |
  3126. | Monogram And Digram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching | &#x268A; | &#x268A; |
  3127. | Monospace Digits | &#x1D7F6; | &#x1D7F6; |
  3128. | Monospace Mathematical Symbols | &#x1D670; | &#x1D670; |
  3129. | Monostable Symbol | &#x238D; | &#x238D; |
  3130. | Month Sign, Tamil | &#x0BF4; | &#x0BF4; |
  3131. | Months, Enclosed Cjk Letters And | &#x3200; | &#x3200; |
  3132. | Months, Ideographic Telegraph Symbols For | &#x32C0; | &#x32C0; |
  3133. | Moon, First Quarter | &#x263D; | &#x263D; |
  3134. | Moon, Last Quarter | &#x263E; | &#x263E; |
  3135. | Most Positive | &#x223E; | &#x223E; |
  3136. | Moustache, Left | &#x23B0; | &#x23B0; |
  3137. | Moustache, Right | &#x23B1; | &#x23B1; |
  3138. | Much Greater-Than | &#x226B; | &#x226B; |
  3139. | Much Greater-Than, Very | &#x22D9; | &#x22D9; |
  3140. | Much Less-Than | &#x226A; | &#x226A; |
  3141. | Much Less-Than, Very | &#x22D8; | &#x22D8; |
  3142. | Multimap | &#x22B8; | &#x22B8; |
  3143. | Multiplication And Division Sign Operators | &#x2A2F; | &#x2A2F; |
  3144. | Multiplication Sign | &#x00D7; | &#x00D7; |
  3145. | Multiplication X | &#x2715; | &#x2715; |
  3146. | Multiplication X, Heavy | &#x2716; | &#x2716; |
  3147. | Multiplication, Multiset | &#x228D; | &#x228D; |
  3148. | Multiset | &#x228C; | &#x228C; |
  3149. | Multiset Multiplication | &#x228D; | &#x228D; |
  3150. | Multiset Union | &#x228E; | &#x228E; |
  3151. | Music Dingbats | &#x2669; | &#x2669; |
  3152. | Music Flat Sign | &#x266D; | &#x266D; |
  3153. | Music Natural Sign | &#x266E; | &#x266E; |
  3154. | Music Sharp Sign | &#x266F; | &#x266F; |
  3155. | Musical Notation, Ancient Greek | &#x1D200; | &#x1D200; |
  3156. | Musical Symbols | &#x1D100; | &#x1D100; |
  3157. | Musical Symbols, Balinese | &#x1B61; | &#x1B61; |
  3158. | Musical Symbols, Basic | &#x2669; | &#x2669; |
  3159. | Musical Symbols, Byzantine | &#x1D000; | &#x1D000; |
  3160. | Mutton | &#x2003; | &#x2003; |
  3161. | Mutton Quad | &#x2001; | &#x2001; |
  3162. | Myanmar | &#x1000; | &#x1000; |
  3163. | Myanmar Consonants | &#x1000; | &#x1000; |
  3164. | Myanmar Dependent Vowel Signs | &#x102C; | &#x102C; |
  3165. | Myanmar Digits | &#x1040; | &#x1040; |
  3166. | Myanmar Independent Vowels | &#x1021; | &#x1021; |
  3167. | Myanmar Killer | &#x1039; | &#x1039; |
  3168. | Myanmar Sign Virama | &#x1039; | &#x1039; |
  3169. | Myanmar Signs | &#x1036; | &#x1036; |
  3171. # N
  3173. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  3174. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  3175. | N With Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x0144; | &#x0144; |
  3176. | N With Caron, Latin Small Letter | &#x0148; | &#x0148; |
  3177. | N With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | &#x0146; | &#x0146; |
  3178. | N With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E4B; | &#x1E4B; |
  3179. | N With Curl, Latin Small Letter | &#x0235; | &#x0235; |
  3180. | N With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E45; | &#x1E45; |
  3181. | N With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E47; | &#x1E47; |
  3182. | N With Grave, Latin Small Letter | &#x01F9; | &#x01F9; |
  3183. | N With Left Hook, Latin Capital Letter | &#x019D; | &#x019D; |
  3184. | N With Left Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x0272; | &#x0272; |
  3185. | N With Line Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E49; | &#x1E49; |
  3186. | N With Long Right Leg, Latin Capital Letter | &#x0220; | &#x0220; |
  3187. | N With Long Right Leg, Latin Small Letter | &#x019E; | &#x019E; |
  3188. | N With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x0273; | &#x0273; |
  3189. | N With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00D1; | &#x00D1; |
  3190. | N With Tilde, Latin Small Letter | &#x00F1; | &#x00F1; |
  3191. | N, Double-Struck Capital | &#x2115; | &#x2115; |
  3192. | N, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x0274; | &#x0274; |
  3193. | N, Latin Letter Small Capital Reversed | &#x1D0E; | &#x1D0E; |
  3194. | N-Ary Coproduct | &#x2210; | &#x2210; |
  3195. | N-Ary Dijkstra Choice | &#x2AFF; | &#x2AFF; |
  3196. | N-Ary Intersection | &#x22C2; | &#x22C2; |
  3197. | N-Ary Logical And | &#x22C0; | &#x22C0; |
  3198. | N-Ary Logical Or | &#x22C1; | &#x22C1; |
  3199. | N-Ary Operators | &#x22C0; | &#x22C0; |
  3200. | N-Ary Operators | &#x2A00; | &#x2A00; |
  3201. | N-Ary Product | &#x220F; | &#x220F; |
  3202. | N-Ary Summation | &#x2211; | &#x2211; |
  3203. | N-Ary Summation, Double-Struck | &#x2140; | &#x2140; |
  3204. | N-Ary Times Operator | &#x2A09; | &#x2A09; |
  3205. | N-Ary Union | &#x22C3; | &#x22C3; |
  3206. | N-Ary White Vertical Bar | &#x2AFF; | &#x2AFF; |
  3207. | Naal, Tamil | &#x0BF3; | &#x0BF3; |
  3208. | Nabla | &#x2207; | &#x2207; |
  3209. | Naira Sign | &#x20A6; | &#x20A6; |
  3210. | Nand | &#x22BC; | &#x22BC; |
  3211. | Narrow No-Break Space | &#x202F; | &#x202F; |
  3212. | Nasal Hook | &#x0328; | &#x0328; |
  3213. | Natural Exponent | &#x212F; | &#x212F; |
  3214. | Natural Number | &#x2115; | &#x2115; |
  3215. | Natural Sign, Music | &#x266E; | &#x266E; |
  3216. | Nbsp | &#x00A0; | &#x00A0; |
  3217. | Nearly Equals | &#x2252; | &#x2252; |
  3218. | Necessarily Satisfies | &#x2AF1; | &#x2AF1; |
  3219. | Negative Acknowledge | &#x0015; | &#x0015; |
  3220. | Negative Acknowledge, Symbol For | &#x2415; | &#x2415; |
  3221. | Nel | &#x0085; | &#x0085; |
  3222. | Neptune | &#x2646; | &#x2646; |
  3223. | Neuter | &#x26B2; | &#x26B2; |
  3224. | Neutral Quotation Mark | &#x0022; | " |
  3225. | Neutral Single Quotation Mark | &#x0027; | &#x0027; |
  3226. | Neutral Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fifth Or | &#x02D9; | &#x02D9; |
  3227. | New Line | &#x000A; | &#x000A; |
  3228. | New Sheqel Sign | &#x20AA; | &#x20AA; |
  3229. | New Tai Lue | &#x1980; | &#x1980; |
  3230. | New Tai Lue Digits | &#x19D0; | &#x19D0; |
  3231. | New Testament Editorial Symbols | &#x2E00; | &#x2E00; |
  3232. | New Testament Majority Text | &#x1D510; | &#x1D510; |
  3233. | Newline, Symbol For | &#x2424; | &#x2424; |
  3234. | Next Line | &#x0085; | &#x0085; |
  3235. | Next Page | &#x2398; | &#x2398; |
  3236. | Nib, Black | &#x2712; | &#x2712; |
  3237. | Nib, White | &#x2711; | &#x2711; |
  3238. | Nigerian Currency | &#x20A6; | &#x20A6; |
  3239. | Niggahita, Lao | &#x0ECD; | &#x0ECD; |
  3240. | Nikahit, Khmer Sign | &#x17C6; | &#x17C6; |
  3241. | Nikhahit, Thai Character | &#x0E4D; | &#x0E4D; |
  3242. | Nim-Addition | &#x2A27; | &#x2A27; |
  3243. | Nirugu, Mongolian | &#x180A; | &#x180A; |
  3244. | Nko | &#x07C0; | &#x07C0; |
  3245. | Nl | &#x000A; | &#x000A; |
  3246. | No | &#x20E0; | &#x20E0; |
  3247. | No Break Here | &#x0083; | &#x0083; |
  3248. | No Break Space, Keyboard Symbol For | &#x237D; | &#x237D; |
  3249. | No-Break Space | &#x00A0; | &#x00A0; |
  3250. | No-Break Space, Narrow | &#x202F; | &#x202F; |
  3251. | No-Break Space, Zero Width | &#xFEFF; | &#xFEFF; |
  3252. | Node, Ascending | &#x260A; | &#x260A; |
  3253. | Node, Descending | &#x260B; | &#x260B; |
  3254. | Non-Breaking Hyphen | &#x2011; | &#x2011; |
  3255. | Non-Breaking Space | &#x00A0; | &#x00A0; |
  3256. | Non-Joiner, Zero Width | &#x200C; | &#x200C; |
  3257. | Non-Spacing Iota Below, Greek | &#x0345; | &#x0345; |
  3258. | Non-Theorem | &#x22A3; | &#x22A3; |
  3259. | Nor | &#x22BD; | &#x22BD; |
  3260. | Normal Factor Semidirect Product, Left | &#x22C9; | &#x22C9; |
  3261. | Normal Factor Semidirect Product, Right | &#x22CA; | &#x22CA; |
  3262. | Normal Subgroup Of | &#x22B2; | &#x22B2; |
  3263. | Normal Subgroup Signs | &#x22EA; | &#x22EA; |
  3264. | Normal Subgroup, Contains As | &#x22B3; | &#x22B3; |
  3265. | Not | &#x223C; | &#x223C; |
  3266. | Not A Subset Of | &#x2284; | &#x2284; |
  3267. | Not A Superset Of | &#x2285; | &#x2285; |
  3268. | Not Almost Equal To | &#x2249; | &#x2249; |
  3269. | Not An Element Of | &#x2209; | &#x2209; |
  3270. | Not Asymptotically Equal To | &#x2244; | &#x2244; |
  3271. | Not Check Mark | &#x237B; | &#x237B; |
  3272. | Not Equal To | &#x2260; | &#x2260; |
  3273. | Not Identical To | &#x2262; | &#x2262; |
  3274. | Not Independent | &#x2ADC; | &#x2ADC; |
  3275. | Not Parallel To | &#x2226; | &#x2226; |
  3276. | Not Sign | &#x00AC; | &#x00AC; |
  3277. | Not Sign, Reversed | &#x2310; | &#x2310; |
  3278. | Not Sign, Turned | &#x2319; | &#x2319; |
  3279. | Not Tilde | &#x2241; | &#x2241; |
  3280. | Not Tilde Above, Combining | &#x034A; | &#x034A; |
  3281. | Not Yield, Does | &#x22A3; | &#x22A3; |
  3282. | Note, Eighth | &#x266A; | &#x266A; |
  3283. | Note, Quarter | &#x2669; | &#x2669; |
  3284. | Notes, Beamed Eighth | &#x266B; | &#x266B; |
  3285. | Notes, Beamed Sixteenth | &#x266C; | &#x266C; |
  3286. | Nukta, Devanagari Sign | &#x093C; | &#x093C; |
  3287. | Null | &#x0000; | &#x0000; |
  3288. | Null Set | &#x2205; | &#x2205; |
  3289. | Null, Symbol For | &#x2400; | &#x2400; |
  3290. | Number Forms | &#x2150; | &#x2150; |
  3291. | Number Sign | &#x0023; | &#x0023; |
  3292. | Number Sign, Tamil | &#x0BFA; | &#x0BFA; |
  3293. | Number Symbol, Real | &#x210A; | &#x210A; |
  3294. | Number Zero, Ideographic | &#x3007; | &#x3007; |
  3295. | Number, Natural | &#x2115; | &#x2115; |
  3296. | Numbers And Punctuation, Cuneiform | &#x12400; | &#x12400; |
  3297. | Numbers Followed By Period | &#x2488; | &#x2488; |
  3298. | Numbers, Ancient Greek | &#x10140; | &#x10140; |
  3299. | Numbers, Circled | &#x2460; | &#x2460; |
  3300. | Numbers, Circled | &#x3251; | &#x3251; |
  3301. | Numbers, Circled | &#x32B1; | &#x32B1; |
  3302. | Numbers, Circled Inverse | &#x2776; | &#x2776; |
  3303. | Numbers, Complex | &#x2102; | &#x2102; |
  3304. | Numbers, Double Circled | &#x24F5; | &#x24F5; |
  3305. | Numbers, Ethiopic | &#x1369; | &#x1369; |
  3306. | Numbers, Parenthesized | &#x2474; | &#x2474; |
  3307. | Numbers, Rational | &#x211A; | &#x211A; |
  3308. | Numbers, Real | &#x211D; | &#x211D; |
  3309. | Numbers, Runic Golden | &#x16EE; | &#x16EE; |
  3310. | Numbers, Tamil | &#x0BE7; | &#x0BE7; |
  3311. | Numbers, White On Black Circled | &#x24EB; | &#x24EB; |
  3312. | Numerals, Hangzhou | &#x3021; | &#x3021; |
  3313. | Numerals, Old Italic | &#x10320; | &#x10320; |
  3314. | Numerals, Roman | &#x2160; | &#x2160; |
  3315. | Numerals, Suzhou | &#x3021; | &#x3021; |
  3316. | Numerator One, Fraction | &#x215F; | &#x215F; |
  3317. | Numeric Symbols For Divination, Khmer | &#x17F0; | &#x17F0; |
  3318. | Numerics Lock | &#x21ED; | &#x21ED; |
  3319. | Numero Sign | &#x2116; | &#x2116; |
  3321. # O
  3323. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  3324. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  3325. | O Bar, Latin Capital Letter | &#x019F; | &#x019F; |
  3326. | O Bar, Latin Small Letter | &#x0275; | &#x0275; |
  3327. | O E, Latin Small Letter | &#x0153; | &#x0153; |
  3328. | O Slash, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00D8; | &#x00D8; |
  3329. | O Slash, Latin Small Letter | &#x00F8; | &#x00F8; |
  3330. | O With Acute, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00D3; | &#x00D3; |
  3331. | O With Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x00F3; | &#x00F3; |
  3332. | O With Breve, Latin Small Letter | &#x014F; | &#x014F; |
  3333. | O With Caron, Latin Small Letter | &#x01D2; | &#x01D2; |
  3334. | O With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00D4; | &#x00D4; |
  3335. | O With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | &#x00F4; | &#x00F4; |
  3336. | O With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00D6; | &#x00D6; |
  3337. | O With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter | &#x00F6; | &#x00F6; |
  3338. | O With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x022F; | &#x022F; |
  3339. | O With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1ECD; | &#x1ECD; |
  3340. | O With Double Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x0151; | &#x0151; |
  3341. | O With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter | &#x020D; | &#x020D; |
  3342. | O With Grave, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00D2; | &#x00D2; |
  3343. | O With Grave, Latin Small Letter | &#x00F2; | &#x00F2; |
  3344. | O With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1ECF; | &#x1ECF; |
  3345. | O With Horn, Latin Small Letter | &#x01A1; | &#x01A1; |
  3346. | O With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter | &#x020F; | &#x020F; |
  3347. | O With Macron, Latin Small Letter | &#x014D; | &#x014D; |
  3348. | O With Middle Tilde, Latin Capital Letter | &#x019F; | &#x019F; |
  3349. | O With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter | &#x01EB; | &#x01EB; |
  3350. | O With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00D8; | &#x00D8; |
  3351. | O With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | &#x00F8; | &#x00F8; |
  3352. | O With Stroke, Latin Small Letter Sideways | &#x1D13; | &#x1D13; |
  3353. | O With Tilde, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00D5; | &#x00D5; |
  3354. | O With Tilde, Latin Small Letter | &#x00F5; | &#x00F5; |
  3355. | O, Combining Latin Small Letter | &#x0366; | &#x0366; |
  3356. | O, Latin Capital Letter Barred | &#x019F; | &#x019F; |
  3357. | O, Latin Capital Letter Open | &#x0186; | &#x0186; |
  3358. | O, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D0F; | &#x1D0F; |
  3359. | O, Latin Letter Small Capital Open | &#x1D10; | &#x1D10; |
  3360. | O, Latin Small Letter Barred | &#x0275; | &#x0275; |
  3361. | O, Latin Small Letter Bottom Half | &#x1D17; | &#x1D17; |
  3362. | O, Latin Small Letter Open | &#x0254; | &#x0254; |
  3363. | O, Latin Small Letter Sideways | &#x1D11; | &#x1D11; |
  3364. | O, Latin Small Letter Sideways Open | &#x1D12; | &#x1D12; |
  3365. | O, Latin Small Letter Top Half | &#x1D16; | &#x1D16; |
  3366. | O, Script Small | &#x2134; | &#x2134; |
  3367. | Object Replacement Character | &#xFFFC; | &#xFFFC; |
  3368. | Octothorpe | &#x0023; | &#x0023; |
  3369. | Oe, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x0276; | &#x0276; |
  3370. | Oe, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x1D14; | &#x1D14; |
  3371. | Oe, Latin Small Ligature | &#x0153; | &#x0153; |
  3372. | Ogham | &#x1680; | &#x1680; |
  3373. | Ogham Forfeda Supplement | &#x1695; | &#x1695; |
  3374. | Ogham Punctuation | &#x169B; | &#x169B; |
  3375. | Ogham Space Mark | &#x1680; | &#x1680; |
  3376. | Ogham Traditional Letters | &#x1681; | &#x1681; |
  3377. | Ogonek | &#x02DB; | &#x02DB; |
  3378. | Ogonek, Combining | &#x0328; | &#x0328; |
  3379. | Ohm Sign | &#x2126; | &#x2126; |
  3380. | Ohm Sign, Inverted | &#x2127; | &#x2127; |
  3381. | Oi, Latin Small Letter | &#x01A3; | &#x01A3; |
  3382. | Ol Chiki | &#x1C50; | &#x1C50; |
  3383. | Old Italic | &#x10300; | &#x10300; |
  3384. | Old Persian | &#x103A0; | &#x103A0; |
  3385. | Old Testament, Greek | &#x1D516; | &#x1D516; |
  3386. | Om, Devanagari | &#x0950; | &#x0950; |
  3387. | Om, Tibetan Syllable | &#x0F00; | &#x0F00; |
  3388. | Omega Pi | &#x03D6; | &#x03D6; |
  3389. | Omega, Latin Small Letter Closed | &#x0277; | &#x0277; |
  3390. | One Dot Leader | &#x2024; | &#x2024; |
  3391. | One Half, Vulgar Fraction | &#x00BD; | &#x00BD; |
  3392. | One Quarter, Vulgar Fraction | &#x00BC; | &#x00BC; |
  3393. | One, Fraction Numerator | &#x215F; | &#x215F; |
  3394. | One, Superscript | &#x00B9; | &#x00B9; |
  3395. | Open Box | &#x2423; | &#x2423; |
  3396. | Open Box, Shouldered | &#x237D; | &#x237D; |
  3397. | Open E With Hook, Latin Small Letter Reversed | &#x025D; | &#x025D; |
  3398. | Open E, Latin Capital Letter | &#x0190; | &#x0190; |
  3399. | Open E, Latin Small Letter | &#x025B; | &#x025B; |
  3400. | Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed | &#x029A; | &#x029A; |
  3401. | Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed Reversed | &#x025E; | &#x025E; |
  3402. | Open E, Latin Small Letter Reversed | &#x025C; | &#x025C; |
  3403. | Open E, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x1D08; | &#x1D08; |
  3404. | Open O, Latin Capital Letter | &#x0186; | &#x0186; |
  3405. | Open O, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D10; | &#x1D10; |
  3406. | Open O, Latin Small Letter | &#x0254; | &#x0254; |
  3407. | Open O, Latin Small Letter Sideways | &#x1D12; | &#x1D12; |
  3408. | Opening Brace | &#x007B; | &#x007B; |
  3409. | Opening Curly Bracket | &#x007B; | &#x007B; |
  3410. | Opening Parenthesis | &#x0028; | &#x0028; |
  3411. | Opening Square Bracket | &#x005B; | &#x005B; |
  3412. | Operating System Command | &#x009D; | &#x009D; |
  3413. | Operators Supplement, Mathematical | &#x2A00; | &#x2A00; |
  3414. | Operators, Database Theory | &#x27D5; | &#x27D5; |
  3415. | Operators, Dotted Mathematical | &#x2234; | &#x2234; |
  3416. | Operators, Double | &#x22D0; | &#x22D0; |
  3417. | Operators, Enclosed Mathematical | &#x2295; | &#x2295; |
  3418. | Operators, Invisible | &#x2061; | &#x2061; |
  3419. | Operators, Large | &#x29F8; | &#x29F8; |
  3420. | Operators, Mathematical | &#x2200; | &#x2200; |
  3421. | Operators, Modal Logic | &#x27E0; | &#x27E0; |
  3422. | Operators, Multiplication And Division Sign | &#x2A2F; | &#x2A2F; |
  3423. | Operators, N-Ary | &#x22C0; | &#x22C0; |
  3424. | Operators, N-Ary | &#x2A00; | &#x2A00; |
  3425. | Operators, Plus And Minus Sign | &#x2A22; | &#x2A22; |
  3426. | Operators, Relational | &#x29E3; | &#x29E3; |
  3427. | Operators, Specialized Plus Sign | &#x29FA; | &#x29FA; |
  3428. | Operators, Supplemental Mathematical | &#x2A00; | &#x2A00; |
  3429. | Operators, Tilde Mathematical | &#x223B; | &#x223B; |
  3430. | Operators, Vertical Line | &#x2AEE; | &#x2AEE; |
  3431. | Opposition | &#x260D; | &#x260D; |
  3432. | Optical Character Recognition, Ocr | &#x2440; | &#x2440; |
  3433. | Option Key | &#x2325; | &#x2325; |
  3434. | Or, Curly Logical | &#x22CE; | &#x22CE; |
  3435. | Or, Double Logical | &#x2A54; | &#x2A54; |
  3436. | Or, Logical | &#x2228; | &#x2228; |
  3437. | Or, N-Ary Logical | &#x22C1; | &#x22C1; |
  3438. | Order | &#x2134; | &#x2134; |
  3439. | Order Relation Precedence Signs | &#x227A; | &#x227A; |
  3440. | Order Relation Precedence Signs | &#x22DE; | &#x22DE; |
  3441. | Ordinal Indicator, Feminine | &#x00AA; | &#x00AA; |
  3442. | Ordinal Indicator, Masculine | &#x00BA; | &#x00BA; |
  3443. | Ordinarily Satisfies | &#x2AE2; | &#x2AE2; |
  3444. | Ordinary Diacritics | &#x0300; | &#x0300; |
  3445. | Origin, Dimension | &#x2331; | &#x2331; |
  3446. | Original Of | &#x22B6; | &#x22B6; |
  3447. | Original Of, Square | &#x2290; | &#x2290; |
  3448. | Oriya | &#x0B00; | &#x0B00; |
  3449. | Oriya Consonants | &#x0B15; | &#x0B15; |
  3450. | Oriya Dependent Vowel Signs | &#x0B3E; | &#x0B3E; |
  3451. | Oriya Digits | &#x0B66; | &#x0B66; |
  3452. | Oriya Independent Vowels | &#x0B05; | &#x0B05; |
  3453. | Oriya Isshar | &#x0B70; | &#x0B70; |
  3454. | Ornamental Angle Quotation Marks | &#x276E; | &#x276E; |
  3455. | Ornamental Brackets | &#x2768; | &#x2768; |
  3456. | Ornaments, Heart | &#x2763; | &#x2763; |
  3457. | Ornaments, Punctuation | &#x275B; | &#x275B; |
  3458. | Ornaments, Quotation Mark | &#x275B; | &#x275B; |
  3459. | Ornate Left Parenthesis | &#xFD3E; | &#xFD3E; |
  3460. | Ornate Right Parenthesis | &#xFD3F; | &#xFD3F; |
  3461. | Ors, Logical Ands And | &#x2A51; | &#x2A51; |
  3462. | Orthodox Cross | &#x2626; | &#x2626; |
  3463. | Orthogonal To | &#x22A5; | &#x22A5; |
  3464. | Osmanya | &#x10480; | &#x10480; |
  3465. | Osmanya Digits | &#x104A0; | &#x104A0; |
  3466. | Ou, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D15; | &#x1D15; |
  3467. | Ou, Latin Small Letter | &#x0223; | &#x0223; |
  3468. | Ounce Sign | &#x2125; | &#x2125; |
  3469. | Overbar, Apl | &#x00AF; | &#x00AF; |
  3470. | Overlay, Combining Anticlockwise Ring | &#x20DA; | &#x20DA; |
  3471. | Overlay, Combining Clockwise Ring | &#x20D9; | &#x20D9; |
  3472. | Overlay, Combining Counterclockwise Ring | &#x20DA; | &#x20DA; |
  3473. | Overlay, Combining Double Vertical Stroke | &#x20E6; | &#x20E6; |
  3474. | Overlay, Combining Leftwards Arrow | &#x20EA; | &#x20EA; |
  3475. | Overlay, Combining Long Double Solidus | &#x20EB; | &#x20EB; |
  3476. | Overlay, Combining Long Solidus | &#x0338; | &#x0338; |
  3477. | Overlay, Combining Long Stroke | &#x0336; | &#x0336; |
  3478. | Overlay, Combining Long Vertical Line | &#x20D2; | &#x20D2; |
  3479. | Overlay, Combining Reverse Solidus | &#x20E5; | &#x20E5; |
  3480. | Overlay, Combining Ring | &#x20D8; | &#x20D8; |
  3481. | Overlay, Combining Short Solidus | &#x0337; | &#x0337; |
  3482. | Overlay, Combining Short Stroke | &#x0335; | &#x0335; |
  3483. | Overlay, Combining Short Vertical Line | &#x20D3; | &#x20D3; |
  3484. | Overlay, Combining Tilde | &#x0334; | &#x0334; |
  3485. | Overlay, Long Double Slash | &#x20EB; | &#x20EB; |
  3486. | Overlay, Long Slash | &#x0338; | &#x0338; |
  3487. | Overlay, Short Slash | &#x0337; | &#x0337; |
  3488. | Overline | &#x00AF; | &#x00AF; |
  3489. | Overline | &#x203E; | &#x203E; |
  3490. | Overline, Centreline | &#xFE4A; | &#xFE4A; |
  3491. | Overline, Combining | &#x0305; | &#x0305; |
  3492. | Overline, Combining Double | &#x033F; | &#x033F; |
  3493. | Overline, Dashed | &#xFE49; | &#xFE49; |
  3494. | Overline, Double Wavy | &#xFE4C; | &#xFE4C; |
  3495. | Overline, Wavy | &#xFE4B; | &#xFE4B; |
  3496. | Override, Left-To-Right | &#x202D; | &#x202D; |
  3497. | Override, Right-To-Left | &#x202E; | &#x202E; |
  3498. | Overscore | &#x0305; | &#x0305; |
  3499. | Overscore, Spacing | &#x203E; | &#x203E; |
  3500. | Overscores And Underscores | &#xFE49; | &#xFE49; |
  3501. | Overstruck Diacritics | &#x0334; | &#x0334; |
  3502. | Oxia, Greek | &#x0301; | &#x0301; |
  3504. # P
  3506. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  3507. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  3508. | P With Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E55; | &#x1E55; |
  3509. | P With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E57; | &#x1E57; |
  3510. | P With Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x01A5; | &#x01A5; |
  3511. | P, Double-Struck Capital | &#x2119; | &#x2119; |
  3512. | P, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D18; | &#x1D18; |
  3513. | P, Script Capital | &#x2118; | &#x2118; |
  3514. | Page Down | &#x21DF; | &#x21DF; |
  3515. | Page Up | &#x21DE; | &#x21DE; |
  3516. | Page, Next | &#x2398; | &#x2398; |
  3517. | Page, Previous | &#x2397; | &#x2397; |
  3518. | Palatal Hook, Latin Small Letter T With | &#x01AB; | &#x01AB; |
  3519. | Palatalized Hook Below, Combining | &#x0321; | &#x0321; |
  3520. | Palm Branch | &#x2E19; | &#x2E19; |
  3521. | Paluta, Tibetan Mark | &#x0F85; | &#x0F85; |
  3522. | Pamudpod, Hanunoo Sign | &#x1734; | &#x1734; |
  3523. | Paper Sign, Permanent | &#x267E; | &#x267E; |
  3524. | Paper Symbol, Partially-Recycled | &#x267D; | &#x267D; |
  3525. | Paper Symbol, Recycled | &#x267C; | &#x267C; |
  3526. | Papyrological Hyphen | &#x035C; | &#x035C; |
  3527. | Paragraph Separator | &#x2029; | &#x2029; |
  3528. | Paragraph Separator, Ethiopic | &#x1368; | &#x1368; |
  3529. | Paragraph Separator, Georgian | &#x10FB; | &#x10FB; |
  3530. | Paragraph Separator, Urdu | &#x203B; | &#x203B; |
  3531. | Paragraph Sign | &#x00B6; | &#x00B6; |
  3532. | Paragraph Sign Ornament, Curved Stem | &#x2761; | &#x2761; |
  3533. | Paragraph Sign, European | &#x00A7; | &#x00A7; |
  3534. | Paraguayan Currency | &#x20B2; | &#x20B2; |
  3535. | Parallel To | &#x2225; | &#x2225; |
  3536. | Parallel To, Not | &#x2226; | &#x2226; |
  3537. | Parallelogram, Black | &#x25B0; | &#x25B0; |
  3538. | Parenthesis, Closing | &#x0029; | &#x0029; |
  3539. | Parenthesis, Left | &#x0028; | &#x0028; |
  3540. | Parenthesis, Left White | &#x2985; | &#x2985; |
  3541. | Parenthesis, Opening | &#x0028; | &#x0028; |
  3542. | Parenthesis, Ornate Left | &#xFD3E; | &#xFD3E; |
  3543. | Parenthesis, Ornate Right | &#xFD3F; | &#xFD3F; |
  3544. | Parenthesis, Right | &#x0029; | &#x0029; |
  3545. | Parenthesis, Right White | &#x2986; | &#x2986; |
  3546. | Parenthesized Cjk Ideographs | &#x3220; | &#x3220; |
  3547. | Parenthesized Korean Hangul Elements | &#x3200; | &#x3200; |
  3548. | Parenthesized Korean Hangul Syllables | &#x320E; | &#x320E; |
  3549. | Parenthesized Latin Letters | &#x249C; | &#x249C; |
  3550. | Parenthesized Numbers | &#x2474; | &#x2474; |
  3551. | Parted Rule | &#x00A6; | &#x00A6; |
  3552. | Partial Differential | &#x2202; | &#x2202; |
  3553. | Partial Function | &#x21F8; | &#x21F8; |
  3554. | Partial Injection | &#x2914; | &#x2914; |
  3555. | Partial Line Backward | &#x008C; | &#x008C; |
  3556. | Partial Line Forward | &#x008B; | &#x008B; |
  3557. | Partial Relation | &#x21F9; | &#x21F9; |
  3558. | Partial Surjection | &#x2900; | &#x2900; |
  3559. | Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol | &#x267D; | &#x267D; |
  3560. | Partnership Symbol, Unmarried | &#x26AF; | &#x26AF; |
  3561. | Patiw, Armenian | &#x055F; | &#x055F; |
  3562. | Patru, Tamil | &#x0BF6; | &#x0BF6; |
  3563. | Pause | &#x2389; | &#x2389; |
  3564. | Pdf | &#x202C; | &#x202C; |
  3565. | Peace Symbol | &#x262E; | &#x262E; |
  3566. | Pencil | &#x270F; | &#x270F; |
  3567. | Pencil Dingbats | &#x270E; | &#x270E; |
  3568. | Pencil, Lower Right | &#x270E; | &#x270E; |
  3569. | Pencil, Upper Right | &#x2710; | &#x2710; |
  3570. | Penny Sign, German | &#x20B0; | &#x20B0; |
  3571. | Pentonkion, Greek | &#x2059; | &#x2059; |
  3572. | Per Mille Sign | &#x2030; | &#x2030; |
  3573. | Per Sign | &#x214C; | &#x214C; |
  3574. | Per Ten Thousand Sign | &#x2031; | &#x2031; |
  3575. | Per Thousand | &#x2030; | &#x2030; |
  3576. | Percent Sign | &#x0025; | &#x0025; |
  3577. | Percussive, Latin Letter Bidental | &#x02AD; | &#x02AD; |
  3578. | Percussive, Latin Letter Bilabial | &#x02AC; | &#x02AC; |
  3579. | Period | &#x002E; | &#x002E; |
  3580. | Period, Numbers Followed By | &#x2488; | &#x2488; |
  3581. | Perispomeni, Combining Greek | &#x0342; | &#x0342; |
  3582. | Permanent Paper Sign | &#x267E; | &#x267E; |
  3583. | Perpendicular | &#x22A5; | &#x22A5; |
  3584. | Persian, Old | &#x103A0; | &#x103A0; |
  3585. | Perspective | &#x2306; | &#x2306; |
  3586. | Peseta Sign | &#x20A7; | &#x20A7; |
  3587. | Peso Sign | &#x20B1; | &#x20B1; |
  3588. | Phags-Pa | &#xA840; | &#xA840; |
  3589. | Phaistos Disc | &#x101D0; | &#x101D0; |
  3590. | Pharyngeal Voiced Fricative, Latin Letter | &#x0295; | &#x0295; |
  3591. | Phi Symbol, Greek | &#x03D5; | &#x03D5; |
  3592. | Phi, Latin Small Letter | &#x0278; | &#x0278; |
  3593. | Philippine Double Punctuation | &#x1736; | &#x1736; |
  3594. | Philippine Single Punctuation | &#x1735; | &#x1735; |
  3595. | Phillipine Currency | &#x20B1; | &#x20B1; |
  3596. | Phoenician | &#x10900; | &#x10900; |
  3597. | Phonetic Digraphs | &#x02A3; | &#x02A3; |
  3598. | Phonetic Extensions | &#x1D00; | &#x1D00; |
  3599. | Phonetic Extensions, Katakana | &#x31F0; | &#x31F0; |
  3600. | Phonetic Modifiers | &#x02B9; | &#x02B9; |
  3601. | Phonetic Modifiers Derived From Latin Letters | &#x02B0; | &#x02B0; |
  3602. | Phonetics And Symbols Area, Cjk | &#x2E80; | &#x2E80; |
  3603. | Phonorecord Sign | &#x2117; | &#x2117; |
  3604. | Phul | &#x2055; | &#x2055; |
  3605. | Pi Symbol, Greek | &#x03D6; | &#x03D6; |
  3606. | Pi, Double-Struck Capital | &#x213F; | &#x213F; |
  3607. | Pi, Double-Struck Small | &#x213C; | &#x213C; |
  3608. | Pi, Greek Small Letter | &#x03C0; | &#x03C0; |
  3609. | Pi, Mathematical Constant 3.141592... | &#x03C0; | &#x03C0; |
  3610. | Pictures For Control Codes, Graphic | &#x2400; | &#x2400; |
  3611. | Pilcrow Sign | &#x00B6; | &#x00B6; |
  3612. | Pilcrow Sign, Reversed | &#x204B; | &#x204B; |
  3613. | Pillow | &#x2311; | &#x2311; |
  3614. | Pipe | &#x01C0; | &#x01C0; |
  3615. | Pipe, Double | &#x01C1; | &#x01C1; |
  3616. | Pipe, Double-Barred | &#x01C2; | &#x01C2; |
  3617. | Pisces | &#x2653; | &#x2653; |
  3618. | Piska | &#x2052; | &#x2052; |
  3619. | Pitchfork | &#x22D4; | &#x22D4; |
  3620. | Place Of Interest Sign | &#x2318; | &#x2318; |
  3621. | Plaintiff | &#x226C; | &#x226C; |
  3622. | Planck Constant | &#x210E; | &#x210E; |
  3623. | Planck Constant Over Two Pi | &#x210F; | &#x210F; |
  3624. | Planet Symbols | &#x263F; | &#x263F; |
  3625. | Plastics Recycling Symbols | &#x2673; | &#x2673; |
  3626. | Playing Card Suits | &#x2660; | &#x2660; |
  3627. | Plus And Minus Sign Operators | &#x2A22; | &#x2A22; |
  3628. | Plus Sign | &#x002B; | &#x002B; |
  3629. | Plus Sign Below, Combining | &#x031F; | &#x031F; |
  3630. | Plus Sign Operators, Specialized | &#x29FA; | &#x29FA; |
  3631. | Plus Sign, Modifier Letter | &#x02D6; | &#x02D6; |
  3632. | Plus, Circled | &#x2295; | &#x2295; |
  3633. | Plus, Dot | &#x2214; | &#x2214; |
  3634. | Plus, Double | &#x29FA; | &#x29FA; |
  3635. | Plus, Invisible | &#x2064; | &#x2064; |
  3636. | Plus, Squared | &#x229E; | &#x229E; |
  3637. | Plus, Triple | &#x29FB; | &#x29FB; |
  3638. | Plus-Minus Sign | &#x00B1; | &#x00B1; |
  3639. | Pluto | &#x2647; | &#x2647; |
  3640. | Point, Decimal | &#x002E; | &#x002E; |
  3641. | Point, Hyphenation | &#x2027; | &#x2027; |
  3642. | Pointers | &#x25BA; | &#x25BA; |
  3643. | Pointing Hand Symbols | &#x261A; | &#x261A; |
  3644. | Pointing Index Finger Dingbats | &#x261A; | &#x261A; |
  3645. | Pointing Index, Black Left | &#x261A; | &#x261A; |
  3646. | Pointing Index, Black Right | &#x261B; | &#x261B; |
  3647. | Pointing Index, White Down | &#x261F; | &#x261F; |
  3648. | Pointing Index, White Left | &#x261C; | &#x261C; |
  3649. | Pointing Index, White Right | &#x261E; | &#x261E; |
  3650. | Pointing Index, White Up | &#x261D; | &#x261D; |
  3651. | Points And Punctuation, Hebrew | &#x05B0; | &#x05B0; |
  3652. | Points, Hebrew | &#x05B0; | &#x05B0; |
  3653. | Points, Syriac | &#x0730; | &#x0730; |
  3654. | Poison | &#x2620; | &#x2620; |
  3655. | Political Symbols, Religious And | &#x2625; | &#x2625; |
  3656. | Polygonal Symbols | &#x2B12; | &#x2B12; |
  3657. | Polytonic Greek, Precomposed | &#x1F00; | &#x1F00; |
  3658. | Pop Directional Formatting | &#x202C; | &#x202C; |
  3659. | Position Indicator | &#x2316; | &#x2316; |
  3660. | Positive Difference Or Sum | &#x2A24; | &#x2A24; |
  3661. | Positive Difference, Sum Or | &#x2A26; | &#x2A26; |
  3662. | Positive, Most | &#x223E; | &#x223E; |
  3663. | Postal Mark | &#x3012; | &#x3012; |
  3664. | Postal Mark Face | &#x3020; | &#x3020; |
  3665. | Postal Mark, Circled | &#x3036; | &#x3036; |
  3666. | Pound Sign | &#x0023; | &#x0023; |
  3667. | Pound Sign | &#x00A3; | &#x00A3; |
  3668. | Pound Sterling | &#x00A3; | &#x00A3; |
  3669. | Pounds | &#x2114; | &#x2114; |
  3670. | Power Set | &#x1D4AB; | &#x1D4AB; |
  3671. | Precedence Signs, Order Relation | &#x227A; | &#x227A; |
  3672. | Precedence Signs, Order Relation | &#x22DE; | &#x22DE; |
  3673. | Precedes | &#x227A; | &#x227A; |
  3674. | Precedes Under Relation | &#x22B0; | &#x22B0; |
  3675. | Precedes, Double | &#x2ABB; | &#x2ABB; |
  3676. | Precomposed Polytonic Greek | &#x1F00; | &#x1F00; |
  3677. | Prescription Take | &#x211E; | &#x211E; |
  3678. | Presentation Forms, Alphabetic | &#xFB00; | &#xFB00; |
  3679. | Presentation Forms, Hebrew | &#xFB1D; | &#xFB1D; |
  3680. | Presentation Forms-A, Arabic | &#xFB50; | &#xFB50; |
  3681. | Presentation Forms-B, Arabic | &#xFE70; | &#xFE70; |
  3682. | Previous Page | &#x2397; | &#x2397; |
  3683. | Prime | &#x2032; | &#x2032; |
  3684. | Prime Quotation Mark, Double | &#x301E; | &#x301E; |
  3685. | Prime Quotation Mark, Low Double | &#x301F; | &#x301F; |
  3686. | Prime Quotation Mark, Reversed Double | &#x301D; | &#x301D; |
  3687. | Prime, Double | &#x2033; | &#x2033; |
  3688. | Prime, Modifier Letter | &#x02B9; | &#x02B9; |
  3689. | Prime, Modifier Letter Double | &#x02BA; | &#x02BA; |
  3690. | Prime, Quadruple | &#x2057; | &#x2057; |
  3691. | Prime, Reversed | &#x2035; | &#x2035; |
  3692. | Prime, Reversed Double | &#x2036; | &#x2036; |
  3693. | Prime, Reversed Triple | &#x2037; | &#x2037; |
  3694. | Prime, Triple | &#x2034; | &#x2034; |
  3695. | Print Screen Symbol | &#x2399; | &#x2399; |
  3696. | Privacy Message | &#x009E; | &#x009E; |
  3697. | Private Use Area | &#xE000; | &#xE000; |
  3698. | Private Use Area-A, Supplementary | &#xF0000; | &#xF0000; |
  3699. | Private Use Area-B, Supplementary | &#x100000; | &#x100000; |
  3700. | Private Use One | &#x0091; | &#x0091; |
  3701. | Private Use Two | &#x0092; | &#x0092; |
  3702. | Product Sign | &#x220F; | &#x220F; |
  3703. | Product, Cartesian | &#x00D7; | &#x00D7; |
  3704. | Product, Direct | &#x2299; | &#x2299; |
  3705. | Product, Interior | &#x2A3C; | &#x2A3C; |
  3706. | Product, Left Normal Factor Semidirect | &#x22C9; | &#x22C9; |
  3707. | Product, Left Semidirect | &#x22CB; | &#x22CB; |
  3708. | Product, N-Ary | &#x220F; | &#x220F; |
  3709. | Product, Right Normal Factor Semidirect | &#x22CA; | &#x22CA; |
  3710. | Product, Right Semidirect | &#x22CC; | &#x22CC; |
  3711. | Product, Righthand Interior | &#x2A3D; | &#x2A3D; |
  3712. | Product, Shuffle | &#x29E2; | &#x29E2; |
  3713. | Product, Smash | &#x2A33; | &#x2A33; |
  3714. | Product, Tensor | &#x2297; | &#x2297; |
  3715. | Product, Vector Or Cross | &#x2A2F; | &#x2A2F; |
  3716. | Product, Wreath | &#x2240; | &#x2240; |
  3717. | Program Command, Application | &#x009F; | &#x009F; |
  3718. | Prohibition | &#x20E0; | &#x20E0; |
  3719. | Projective | &#x2305; | &#x2305; |
  3720. | Proof, End Of | &#x220E; | &#x220E; |
  3721. | Proper Intersection | &#x22D4; | &#x22D4; |
  3722. | Property Line | &#x214A; | &#x214A; |
  3723. | Proportion | &#x2237; | &#x2237; |
  3724. | Proportion, Geometric | &#x223A; | &#x223A; |
  3725. | Proportional To | &#x221D; | &#x221D; |
  3726. | Proportional To | &#x223C; | &#x223C; |
  3727. | Proves | &#x22A2; | &#x22A2; |
  3728. | Psili, Greek | &#x0313; | &#x0313; |
  3729. | Published | &#x2117; | &#x2117; |
  3730. | Pullback | &#x27D3; | &#x27D3; |
  3731. | Punctuation And Signs, Greek | &#x0374; | &#x0374; |
  3732. | Punctuation And Signs, Myanmar | &#x104A; | &#x104A; |
  3733. | Punctuation And Signs, Syriac | &#x0700; | &#x0700; |
  3734. | Punctuation And Symbols, Ascii | &#x0020; | &#x0020; |
  3735. | Punctuation And Symbols, Latin-1 | &#x00A0; | &#x00A0; |
  3736. | Punctuation For Vertical Text, Double | &#x2047; | &#x2047; |
  3737. | Punctuation Ornaments | &#x275B; | &#x275B; |
  3738. | Punctuation Space | &#x2008; | &#x2008; |
  3739. | Punctuation, Arabic | &#x060C; | &#x060C; |
  3740. | Punctuation, Canadian Syllabics | &#x166D; | &#x166D; |
  3741. | Punctuation, Cjk Symbols And | &#x3000; | &#x3000; |
  3742. | Punctuation, Cuneiform Numbers And | &#x12400; | &#x12400; |
  3743. | Punctuation, Ethiopic | &#x1361; | &#x1361; |
  3744. | Punctuation, General | &#x2000; | &#x2000; |
  3745. | Punctuation, Halfwidth Cjk | &#xFF61; | &#xFF61; |
  3746. | Punctuation, Hebrew Points And | &#x05B0; | &#x05B0; |
  3747. | Punctuation, Mongolian | &#x1800; | &#x1800; |
  3748. | Punctuation, Ogham | &#x169B; | &#x169B; |
  3749. | Punctuation, Philippine Double | &#x1736; | &#x1736; |
  3750. | Punctuation, Philippine Single | &#x1735; | &#x1735; |
  3751. | Punctuation, Runic | &#x16EB; | &#x16EB; |
  3752. | Punctuation, Supplemental | &#x2E00; | &#x2E00; |
  3753. | Punt, Irish | &#x00A3; | &#x00A3; |
  3754. | Purna Viram, Devanagari | &#x0964; | &#x0964; |
  3755. | Pushout | &#x27D4; | &#x27D4; |
  3756. | Puspika | &#x2055; | &#x2055; |
  3758. # Q
  3760. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  3761. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  3762. | Q With Hook Tail, Latin Capital Letter Small | &#x024A; | &#x024A; |
  3763. | Q With Hook Tail, Latin Small Letter | &#x024B; | &#x024B; |
  3764. | Q With Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x02A0; | &#x02A0; |
  3765. | Q, Double-Struck Capital | &#x211A; | &#x211A; |
  3766. | Q, Rotated Capital | &#x213A; | &#x213A; |
  3767. | Q.E.D. | &#x220E; | &#x220E; |
  3768. | Qp Digraph, Latin Small Letter | &#x0239; | &#x0239; |
  3769. | Quad, Em | &#x2001; | &#x2001; |
  3770. | Quad, En | &#x2000; | &#x2000; |
  3771. | Quad, Mutton | &#x2001; | &#x2001; |
  3772. | Quadrant Control Code Graphics | &#x25F0; | &#x25F0; |
  3773. | Quadrature | &#x25A1; | &#x25A1; |
  3774. | Quadruple Prime | &#x2057; | &#x2057; |
  3775. | Quantic | &#x226C; | &#x226C; |
  3776. | Quantifier, Existential | &#x2203; | &#x2203; |
  3777. | Quantifier, Universal | &#x2200; | &#x2200; |
  3778. | Quarter Moon, First | &#x263D; | &#x263D; |
  3779. | Quarter Moon, Last | &#x263E; | &#x263E; |
  3780. | Quarter Note | &#x2669; | &#x2669; |
  3781. | Quarter, Vulgar Fraction One | &#x00BC; | &#x00BC; |
  3782. | Quarters, Fractions | &#x00BC; | &#x00BC; |
  3783. | Quarters, Vulgar Fraction Three | &#x00BE; | &#x00BE; |
  3784. | Quaternion Integral Operator | &#x2A16; | &#x2A16; |
  3785. | Question Exclamation Mark | &#x2048; | &#x2048; |
  3786. | Question Mark | &#x003F; | &#x003F; |
  3787. | Question Mark, Arabic | &#x061F; | &#x061F; |
  3788. | Question Mark, Armenian | &#x055E; | &#x055E; |
  3789. | Question Mark, Double | &#x2047; | &#x2047; |
  3790. | Question Mark, Ethiopic | &#x1367; | &#x1367; |
  3791. | Question Mark, Exclamation | &#x2049; | &#x2049; |
  3792. | Question Mark, Greek | &#x003B; | &#x003B; |
  3793. | Question Mark, Greek | &#x037E; | &#x037E; |
  3794. | Question Mark, Inverted | &#x00BF; | &#x00BF; |
  3795. | Question Mark, Limbu | &#x1945; | &#x1945; |
  3796. | Question Mark, Turned | &#x00BF; | &#x00BF; |
  3797. | Questioned Equal To | &#x225F; | &#x225F; |
  3798. | Quill, Left Square Bracket With | &#x2045; | &#x2045; |
  3799. | Quill, Right Square Bracket With | &#x2046; | &#x2046; |
  3800. | Quine Corners | &#x231C; | &#x231C; |
  3801. | Quotation Dash | &#x2015; | &#x2015; |
  3802. | Quotation Mark | &#x0022; | " |
  3803. | Quotation Mark Dingbats | &#x275B; | &#x275B; |
  3804. | Quotation Mark Ornaments | &#x275B; | &#x275B; |
  3805. | Quotation Mark, Double Comma | &#x201D; | &#x201D; |
  3806. | Quotation Mark, Double High-Reversed-9 | &#x201F; | &#x201F; |
  3807. | Quotation Mark, Double Low-9 | &#x201E; | &#x201E; |
  3808. | Quotation Mark, Double Prime | &#x301E; | &#x301E; |
  3809. | Quotation Mark, Double Reversed Comma | &#x201F; | &#x201F; |
  3810. | Quotation Mark, Double Turned Comma | &#x201C; | &#x201C; |
  3811. | Quotation Mark, Left Double | &#x201C; | &#x201C; |
  3812. | Quotation Mark, Left Single | &#x2018; | &#x2018; |
  3813. | Quotation Mark, Left-Pointing Double Angle | &#x00AB; | &#x00AB; |
  3814. | Quotation Mark, Low Double Comma | &#x201E; | &#x201E; |
  3815. | Quotation Mark, Low Double Prime | &#x301F; | &#x301F; |
  3816. | Quotation Mark, Low Single Comma | &#x201A; | &#x201A; |
  3817. | Quotation Mark, Neutral | &#x0022; | " |
  3818. | Quotation Mark, Neutral Single | &#x0027; | &#x0027; |
  3819. | Quotation Mark, Reversed Double Prime | &#x301D; | &#x301D; |
  3820. | Quotation Mark, Right Double | &#x201D; | &#x201D; |
  3821. | Quotation Mark, Right Single | &#x2019; | &#x2019; |
  3822. | Quotation Mark, Right-Pointing Double Angle | &#x00BB; | &#x00BB; |
  3823. | Quotation Mark, Single Comma | &#x2019; | &#x2019; |
  3824. | Quotation Mark, Single High-Reversed-9 | &#x201B; | &#x201B; |
  3825. | Quotation Mark, Single Left-Pointing Angle | &#x2039; | &#x2039; |
  3826. | Quotation Mark, Single Low-9 | &#x201A; | &#x201A; |
  3827. | Quotation Mark, Single Reversed Comma | &#x201B; | &#x201B; |
  3828. | Quotation Mark, Single Right-Pointing Angle | &#x203A; | &#x203A; |
  3829. | Quotation Mark, Single Turned Comma | &#x2018; | &#x2018; |
  3830. | Quotation Marks | &#x2018; | &#x2018; |
  3831. | Quotation Marks, Cjk | &#x300C; | &#x300C; |
  3832. | Quotation Marks, Ornamental Angle | &#x276E; | &#x276E; |
  3833. | Quote, Apl | &#x0027; | &#x0027; |
  3834. | Qur'anic Annotation Signs, Arabic | &#x06D6; | &#x06D6; |
  3836. # R
  3838. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  3839. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  3840. | R With Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x0155; | &#x0155; |
  3841. | R With Caron, Latin Small Letter | &#x0159; | &#x0159; |
  3842. | R With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | &#x0157; | &#x0157; |
  3843. | R With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E59; | &#x1E59; |
  3844. | R With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E5B; | &#x1E5B; |
  3845. | R With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter | &#x0211; | &#x0211; |
  3846. | R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter | &#x027E; | &#x027E; |
  3847. | R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter Reversed | &#x027F; | &#x027F; |
  3848. | R With Hook, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x027B; | &#x027B; |
  3849. | R With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter | &#x0213; | &#x0213; |
  3850. | R With Line Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E5F; | &#x1E5F; |
  3851. | R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter | &#x027C; | &#x027C; |
  3852. | R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x027A; | &#x027A; |
  3853. | R With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter | &#x024C; | &#x024C; |
  3854. | R With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | &#x024D; | &#x024D; |
  3855. | R With Tail, Latin Small Letter | &#x027D; | &#x027D; |
  3856. | R, Black-Letter Capital | &#x211C; | &#x211C; |
  3857. | R, Combining Latin Small Letter | &#x036C; | &#x036C; |
  3858. | R, Double-Struck Capital | &#x211D; | &#x211D; |
  3859. | R, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x0280; | &#x0280; |
  3860. | R, Latin Letter Small Capital Inverted | &#x0281; | &#x0281; |
  3861. | R, Latin Letter Small Capital Reversed | &#x1D19; | &#x1D19; |
  3862. | R, Latin Letter Small Capital Turned | &#x1D1A; | &#x1D1A; |
  3863. | R, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x0279; | &#x0279; |
  3864. | R, Latin Subscript Small Letter | &#x1D63; | &#x1D63; |
  3865. | R, Modifier Letter Small | &#x02B3; | &#x02B3; |
  3866. | R, Modifier Letter Small Capital Inverted | &#x02B6; | &#x02B6; |
  3867. | R, Modifier Letter Small Turned | &#x02B4; | &#x02B4; |
  3868. | R, Script Capital | &#x211B; | &#x211B; |
  3869. | Radial Component | &#x27DF; | &#x27DF; |
  3870. | Radical Sign | &#x221A; | &#x221A; |
  3871. | Radicals Supplement, Cjk | &#x2E80; | &#x2E80; |
  3872. | Radicals, Cjk Kangxi | &#x2F00; | &#x2F00; |
  3873. | Radicals, Yi | &#xA490; | &#xA490; |
  3874. | Radioactive Sign | &#x2622; | &#x2622; |
  3875. | Rain Drops, Umbrella With | &#x2614; | &#x2614; |
  3876. | Rainy Weather | &#x2602; | &#x2602; |
  3877. | Rams Horn, Latin Small Letter | &#x0264; | &#x0264; |
  3878. | Range Restriction | &#x25B7; | &#x25B7; |
  3879. | Ratio | &#x2236; | &#x2236; |
  3880. | Ratio, Cross | &#x211E; | &#x211E; |
  3881. | Rational Numbers | &#x211A; | &#x211A; |
  3882. | Reahmuk, Khmer Sign | &#x17C7; | &#x17C7; |
  3883. | Real Number Symbol | &#x210A; | &#x210A; |
  3884. | Real Numbers | &#x211D; | &#x211D; |
  3885. | Real Part | &#x211C; | &#x211C; |
  3886. | Recipe | &#x211E; | &#x211E; |
  3887. | Record Separator | &#x001E; | &#x001E; |
  3888. | Record Separator, Symbol For | &#x241E; | &#x241E; |
  3889. | Recorder, Telephone | &#x2315; | &#x2315; |
  3890. | Recording Copyright, Sound | &#x2117; | &#x2117; |
  3891. | Rectangle Box, X In A | &#x2327; | &#x2327; |
  3892. | Rectangles | &#x25AC; | &#x25AC; |
  3893. | Recycled Paper Symbol | &#x267C; | &#x267C; |
  3894. | Recycled Paper Symbol, Partially- | &#x267D; | &#x267D; |
  3895. | Recycling Symbol, Universal | &#x2672; | &#x2672; |
  3896. | Recycling Symbols | &#x2672; | &#x2672; |
  3897. | Recycling Symbols, Plastics | &#x2673; | &#x2673; |
  3898. | Reduces To | &#x22A6; | &#x22A6; |
  3899. | Reducible | &#x22A2; | &#x22A2; |
  3900. | Reference Mark | &#x203B; | &#x203B; |
  3901. | Registered Sign | &#x00AE; | &#x00AE; |
  3902. | Registered Trade Mark Sign | &#x00AE; | &#x00AE; |
  3903. | Rejang | &#xA930; | &#xA930; |
  3904. | Relation | &#x2194; | &#x2194; |
  3905. | Relation, Finite | &#x21FC; | &#x21FC; |
  3906. | Relation, Partial | &#x21F9; | &#x21F9; |
  3907. | Relational Operators | &#x29E3; | &#x29E3; |
  3908. | Relations, Subset And Superset | &#x2ABD; | &#x2ABD; |
  3909. | Religious And Political Symbols | &#x2626; | &#x2626; |
  3910. | Repeat Marks, Kana | &#x3031; | &#x3031; |
  3911. | Replacement Character | &#xFFFD; | &#xFFFD; |
  3912. | Replacement Character, Object | &#xFFFC; | &#xFFFC; |
  3913. | Response | &#x211F; | &#x211F; |
  3914. | Restriction, Domain | &#x25C1; | &#x25C1; |
  3915. | Restriction, Range | &#x25B7; | &#x25B7; |
  3916. | Results In | &#x22A8; | &#x22A8; |
  3917. | Retroflex Click, Latin Letter | &#x01C3; | &#x01C3; |
  3918. | Retroflex Hook Below, Combining | &#x0322; | &#x0322; |
  3919. | Retroflex Hook, Latin Capital Letter T With | &#x01AE; | &#x01AE; |
  3920. | Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter D | &#x0256; | &#x0256; |
  3921. | Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter L With | &#x026D; | &#x026D; |
  3922. | Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter N With | &#x0273; | &#x0273; |
  3923. | Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter T With | &#x0288; | &#x0288; |
  3924. | Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter Z With | &#x0290; | &#x0290; |
  3925. | Return Symbol | &#x23CE; | &#x23CE; |
  3926. | Return, Carriage | &#x000D; | &#x000D; |
  3927. | Return, Symbol For Carriage | &#x240D; | &#x240D; |
  3928. | Reverse Line Feed | &#x008D; | &#x008D; |
  3929. | Reverse Solidus | &#x005C; | &#x005C; |
  3930. | Reverse Solidus Operator | &#x29F5; | &#x29F5; |
  3931. | Reverse Solidus Overlay, Combining | &#x20E5; | &#x20E5; |
  3932. | Reverse Solidus, Big | &#x29F9; | &#x29F9; |
  3933. | Reverse Turnstile | &#x22A3; | &#x22A3; |
  3934. | Reversed C, Latin Small Letter | &#x2184; | &#x2184; |
  3935. | Reversed Comma Above, Combining | &#x0314; | &#x0314; |
  3936. | Reversed Comma Quotation Mark, Double | &#x201F; | &#x201F; |
  3937. | Reversed Comma Quotation Mark, Single | &#x201B; | &#x201B; |
  3938. | Reversed Comma, Modifier Letter | &#x02BD; | &#x02BD; |
  3939. | Reversed Double Prime | &#x2036; | &#x2036; |
  3940. | Reversed Double Prime Quotation Mark | &#x301D; | &#x301D; |
  3941. | Reversed E, Latin Capital Letter | &#x018E; | &#x018E; |
  3942. | Reversed E, Latin Small Letter | &#x0258; | &#x0258; |
  3943. | Reversed Epsilon, Latin Small Letter Closed | &#x025E; | &#x025E; |
  3944. | Reversed Esh Loop, Latin Letter | &#x01AA; | &#x01AA; |
  3945. | Reversed Esh, Latin Small Letter Squat | &#x0285; | &#x0285; |
  3946. | Reversed Glottal Stop, Latin Letter | &#x0295; | &#x0295; |
  3947. | Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter | &#x02C1; | &#x02C1; |
  3948. | Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter Small | &#x02E4; | &#x02E4; |
  3949. | Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol, Greek | &#x03F6; | &#x03F6; |
  3950. | Reversed N, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D0E; | &#x1D0E; |
  3951. | Reversed Not Sign | &#x2310; | &#x2310; |
  3952. | Reversed Open E With Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x025D; | &#x025D; |
  3953. | Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter | &#x025C; | &#x025C; |
  3954. | Reversed Open E, Latin Small Letter Closed | &#x025E; | &#x025E; |
  3955. | Reversed Pilcrow Sign | &#x204B; | &#x204B; |
  3956. | Reversed Prime | &#x2035; | &#x2035; |
  3957. | Reversed R With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter | &#x027F; | &#x027F; |
  3958. | Reversed R, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D19; | &#x1D19; |
  3959. | Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet | &#x2619; | &#x2619; |
  3960. | Reversed Sans-Serif Capital L | &#x2143; | &#x2143; |
  3961. | Reversed Semicolon | &#x204F; | &#x204F; |
  3962. | Reversed Straight Epsilon | &#x03F6; | &#x03F6; |
  3963. | Reversed Tilde | &#x223D; | &#x223D; |
  3964. | Reversed Tilde Equals | &#x22CD; | &#x22CD; |
  3965. | Reversed Triple Prime | &#x2037; | &#x2037; |
  3966. | Reversed, Latin Small Letter Ezh | &#x01B9; | &#x01B9; |
  3967. | Rgroup | &#x27EF; | &#x27EF; |
  3968. | Rhotic Hook, Modifier Letter | &#x02DE; | &#x02DE; |
  3969. | Rial Sign | &#xFDFC; | &#xFDFC; |
  3970. | Riel, Khmer Currency Symbol | &#x17DB; | &#x17DB; |
  3971. | Riemann Integral | &#x211B; | &#x211B; |
  3972. | Right Abstract Syntax Bracket | &#x301B; | &#x301B; |
  3973. | Right Angle | &#x221F; | &#x221F; |
  3974. | Right Angle Bracket | &#x3009; | &#x3009; |
  3975. | Right Angle Bracket, Mathematical | &#x27E9; | &#x27E9; |
  3976. | Right Angle With Arc | &#x22BE; | &#x22BE; |
  3977. | Right Arrow Above, Combining | &#x20D7; | &#x20D7; |
  3978. | Right Arrow Above, Combining Left | &#x20E1; | &#x20E1; |
  3979. | Right Arrow Below, Combining | &#x20EF; | &#x20EF; |
  3980. | Right Arrow Below, Combining Left | &#x034D; | &#x034D; |
  3981. | Right Arrow, Colon | &#x29F4; | &#x29F4; |
  3982. | Right Arrowhead Above, Combining | &#x0350; | &#x0350; |
  3983. | Right Arrowhead Below, Combining | &#x0355; | &#x0355; |
  3984. | Right Bag Bracket | &#x27E7; | &#x27E7; |
  3985. | Right Black Lenticular Bracket | &#x3011; | &#x3011; |
  3986. | Right Ceiling | &#x2309; | &#x2309; |
  3987. | Right Chevron Bracket | &#x27EB; | &#x27EB; |
  3988. | Right Corner Bracket | &#x300D; | &#x300D; |
  3989. | Right Curly Bracket | &#x007D; | &#x007D; |
  3990. | Right Diagonal Ellipsis, Down | &#x22F1; | &#x22F1; |
  3991. | Right Diagonal Ellipsis, Up | &#x22F0; | &#x22F0; |
  3992. | Right Double Angle Bracket | &#x300B; | &#x300B; |
  3993. | Right Double Angle Bracket, Mathematical | &#x27EB; | &#x27EB; |
  3994. | Right Double Quotation Mark | &#x201D; | &#x201D; |
  3995. | Right Floor | &#x230B; | &#x230B; |
  3996. | Right Half Ring Above, Combining | &#x0357; | &#x0357; |
  3997. | Right Half Ring Below, Combining | &#x0339; | &#x0339; |
  3998. | Right Half Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter | &#x055A; | &#x055A; |
  3999. | Right Harpoon Above, Combining | &#x20D1; | &#x20D1; |
  4000. | Right Key, Delete To The | &#x2326; | &#x2326; |
  4001. | Right Moustache | &#x23B1; | &#x23B1; |
  4002. | Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product | &#x22CA; | &#x22CA; |
  4003. | Right Parenthesis | &#x0029; | &#x0029; |
  4004. | Right Parenthesis, Ornate | &#xFD3F; | &#xFD3F; |
  4005. | Right Pencil, Lower | &#x270E; | &#x270E; |
  4006. | Right Pencil, Upper | &#x2710; | &#x2710; |
  4007. | Right Pointing Guillemet | &#x00BB; | &#x00BB; |
  4008. | Right Pointing Index, Black | &#x261B; | &#x261B; |
  4009. | Right Pointing Index, White | &#x261E; | &#x261E; |
  4010. | Right Pointing Single Guillemet | &#x203A; | &#x203A; |
  4011. | Right Semidirect Product | &#x22CC; | &#x22CC; |
  4012. | Right Sequence Bracket | &#x27E9; | &#x27E9; |
  4013. | Right Single Quotation Mark | &#x2019; | &#x2019; |
  4014. | Right Square Bracket | &#x005D; | &#x005D; |
  4015. | Right Square Bracket With Quill | &#x2046; | &#x2046; |
  4016. | Right Tack | &#x22A2; | &#x22A2; |
  4017. | Right Tack Below, Combining | &#x0319; | &#x0319; |
  4018. | Right Tortoise Shell Bracket | &#x3015; | &#x3015; |
  4019. | Right Triangle | &#x22BF; | &#x22BF; |
  4020. | Right White Corner Bracket | &#x300F; | &#x300F; |
  4021. | Right White Curly Bracket | &#x2984; | &#x2984; |
  4022. | Right White Lenticular Bracket | &#x3017; | &#x3017; |
  4023. | Right White Parenthesis | &#x2986; | &#x2986; |
  4024. | Right White Square Bracket | &#x301B; | &#x301B; |
  4025. | Right White Tortoise Shell Bracket | &#x3019; | &#x3019; |
  4026. | Right, Combining Comma Above | &#x0315; | &#x0315; |
  4027. | Right, Combining Dot Above | &#x0358; | &#x0358; |
  4028. | Right, Erase To The | &#x2326; | &#x2326; |
  4029. | Right, Fast Cursor | &#x21A0; | &#x21A0; |
  4030. | Right-Pointing Angle Bracket | &#x232A; | &#x232A; |
  4031. | Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark, Single | &#x203A; | &#x203A; |
  4032. | Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark | &#x00BB; | &#x00BB; |
  4033. | Right-To-Left Embedding | &#x202B; | &#x202B; |
  4034. | Right-To-Left Mark | &#x200F; | &#x200F; |
  4035. | Right-To-Left Override | &#x202E; | &#x202E; |
  4036. | Righthand Interior Product | &#x2A3D; | &#x2A3D; |
  4037. | Rightward Tab | &#x21E5; | &#x21E5; |
  4038. | Rightwards Arrow | &#x2192; | &#x2192; |
  4039. | Rightwards Arrow Below, Combining Double | &#x0362; | &#x0362; |
  4040. | Rightwards Bullet, Black | &#x204D; | &#x204D; |
  4041. | Rightwards Harpoon With Barb Downwards, Combining | &#x20EC; | &#x20EC; |
  4042. | Ring Above | &#x02DA; | &#x02DA; |
  4043. | Ring Above, Combining | &#x030A; | &#x030A; |
  4044. | Ring Above, Combining Left Half | &#x0351; | &#x0351; |
  4045. | Ring Above, Combining Right Half | &#x0357; | &#x0357; |
  4046. | Ring Above, Latin Capital Letter A With | &#x00C5; | &#x00C5; |
  4047. | Ring Above, Latin Small Letter A With | &#x00E5; | &#x00E5; |
  4048. | Ring Below, Combining | &#x0325; | &#x0325; |
  4049. | Ring Below, Combining Double | &#x035A; | &#x035A; |
  4050. | Ring Below, Combining Left Half | &#x031C; | &#x031C; |
  4051. | Ring Below, Combining Right Half | &#x0339; | &#x0339; |
  4052. | Ring Below, Latin Small Letter A With | &#x1E01; | &#x1E01; |
  4053. | Ring Equal To | &#x2257; | &#x2257; |
  4054. | Ring In Equal To | &#x2256; | &#x2256; |
  4055. | Ring Operator | &#x2218; | &#x2218; |
  4056. | Ring Operator, Circled | &#x229A; | &#x229A; |
  4057. | Ring Overlay, Combining | &#x20D8; | &#x20D8; |
  4058. | Ring Overlay, Combining Anticlockwise | &#x20DA; | &#x20DA; |
  4059. | Ring Overlay, Combining Clockwise | &#x20D9; | &#x20D9; |
  4060. | Ring Overlay, Combining Counterclockwise | &#x20DA; | &#x20DA; |
  4061. | Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Left Half | &#x0559; | &#x0559; |
  4062. | Ring, Armenian Modifier Letter Right Half | &#x055A; | &#x055A; |
  4063. | Ring, Benzene | &#x232C; | &#x232C; |
  4064. | Ring, Modifier Letter Centred Left Half | &#x02D3; | &#x02D3; |
  4065. | Ring, Modifier Letter Left Half | &#x02BF; | &#x02BF; |
  4066. | Rjes Su Nga Ro, Tibetan Sign | &#x0F7E; | &#x0F7E; |
  4067. | Rnam Bcad, Tibetan Sign | &#x0F7F; | &#x0F7F; |
  4068. | Roman Numerals | &#x2160; | &#x2160; |
  4069. | Roman Numerals, Archaic | &#x2185; | &#x2185; |
  4070. | Roman Symbols | &#x10190; | &#x10190; |
  4071. | Root, Cube | &#x221B; | &#x221B; |
  4072. | Root, Fourth | &#x221C; | &#x221C; |
  4073. | Root, Square | &#x221A; | &#x221A; |
  4074. | Rotated Capital Q | &#x213A; | &#x213A; |
  4075. | Rough Breathing Mark, Greek | &#x0314; | &#x0314; |
  4076. | Rule, Parted | &#x00A6; | &#x00A6; |
  4077. | Rule-Delayed | &#x29F4; | &#x29F4; |
  4078. | Runic | &#x16A0; | &#x16A0; |
  4079. | Runic Golden Numbers | &#x16EE; | &#x16EE; |
  4080. | Runic Punctuation | &#x16EB; | &#x16EB; |
  4081. | Runout, Total | &#x2330; | &#x2330; |
  4082. | Rupai, Tamil | &#x0BF9; | &#x0BF9; |
  4083. | Rupee Mark, Bengali | &#x09F2; | &#x09F2; |
  4084. | Rupee Sign | &#x20A8; | &#x20A8; |
  4085. | Rupee Sign, Bengali | &#x09F3; | &#x09F3; |
  4086. | Rupee Sign, Gujarati | &#x0AF1; | &#x0AF1; |
  4087. | Rupee Sign, Tamil | &#x0BF9; | &#x0BF9; |
  4088. | Russian Alphabet | &#x0410; | &#x0410; |
  4090. # S
  4092. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  4093. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  4094. | S With Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x015B; | &#x015B; |
  4095. | S With Caron, Latin Small Letter | &#x0161; | &#x0161; |
  4096. | S With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | &#x015F; | &#x015F; |
  4097. | S With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | &#x015D; | &#x015D; |
  4098. | S With Comma Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x0219; | &#x0219; |
  4099. | S With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E61; | &#x1E61; |
  4100. | S With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter Long | &#x1E9B; | &#x1E9B; |
  4101. | S With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E63; | &#x1E63; |
  4102. | S With Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x0282; | &#x0282; |
  4103. | S With Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter | &#x023F; | &#x023F; |
  4104. | S, Inverted Lazy | &#x223E; | &#x223E; |
  4105. | S, Latin Small Letter Long | &#x017F; | &#x017F; |
  4106. | S, Latin Small Letter Sharp | &#x00DF; | &#x00DF; |
  4107. | S, Lazy | &#x223D; | &#x223D; |
  4108. | S, Modifier Letter Small | &#x02E2; | &#x02E2; |
  4109. | Sagittarius | &#x2650; | &#x2650; |
  4110. | Saltire | &#x2613; | &#x2613; |
  4111. | Sam, Syriac | &#x070F; | &#x070F; |
  4112. | Samaritan Source, Symbol For | &#x214F; | &#x214F; |
  4113. | Sans-Serif Bold Digits | &#x1D7EC; | &#x1D7EC; |
  4114. | Sans-Serif Bold Greek Mathematical Symbols | &#x1D756; | &#x1D756; |
  4115. | Sans-Serif Bold Italic Greek Mathematical Symbols | &#x1D790; | &#x1D790; |
  4116. | Sans-Serif Bold Italic Mathematical Symbols | &#x1D63C; | &#x1D63C; |
  4117. | Sans-Serif Bold Mathematical Symbols | &#x1D5D4; | &#x1D5D4; |
  4118. | Sans-Serif Capital G, Turned | &#x2141; | &#x2141; |
  4119. | Sans-Serif Capital L, Reversed | &#x2143; | &#x2143; |
  4120. | Sans-Serif Capital L, Turned | &#x2142; | &#x2142; |
  4121. | Sans-Serif Capital Y, Turned | &#x2144; | &#x2144; |
  4122. | Sans-Serif Digits | &#x1D7E2; | &#x1D7E2; |
  4123. | Sans-Serif Italic Mathematical Symbols | &#x1D608; | &#x1D608; |
  4124. | Sans-Serif Mathematical Symbols | &#x1D5A0; | &#x1D5A0; |
  4125. | Satisfies | &#x22A8; | &#x22A8; |
  4126. | Satisfies, Necessarily | &#x2AF1; | &#x2AF1; |
  4127. | Satisfies, Ordinarily | &#x2AE2; | &#x2AE2; |
  4128. | Saturating Subtraction | &#x2238; | &#x2238; |
  4129. | Saturn | &#x2644; | &#x2644; |
  4130. | Saurashtra | &#xA880; | &#xA880; |
  4131. | Scales | &#x2696; | &#x2696; |
  4132. | Scan Lines, Horizontal | &#x23BA; | &#x23BA; |
  4133. | Schema Hiding | &#x29F9; | &#x29F9; |
  4134. | Schwa, Latin Capital Letter | &#x018F; | &#x018F; |
  4135. | Schwa, Latin Small Letter | &#x0259; | &#x0259; |
  4136. | Scissors, Black | &#x2702; | &#x2702; |
  4137. | Scissors, Upper Blade | &#x2701; | &#x2701; |
  4138. | Scissors, White | &#x2704; | &#x2704; |
  4139. | Scorpius | &#x264F; | &#x264F; |
  4140. | Screen Symbol, Clear | &#x239A; | &#x239A; |
  4141. | Screen Symbol, Print | &#x2399; | &#x2399; |
  4142. | Screen, Combining Enclosing | &#x20E2; | &#x20E2; |
  4143. | Script A, Latin Small Letter | &#x0251; | &#x0251; |
  4144. | Script Capital B | &#x212C; | &#x212C; |
  4145. | Script Capital E | &#x2130; | &#x2130; |
  4146. | Script Capital F | &#x2131; | &#x2131; |
  4147. | Script Capital H | &#x210B; | &#x210B; |
  4148. | Script Capital I | &#x2110; | &#x2110; |
  4149. | Script Capital L | &#x2112; | &#x2112; |
  4150. | Script Capital M | &#x2133; | &#x2133; |
  4151. | Script Capital P | &#x2118; | &#x2118; |
  4152. | Script Capital R | &#x211B; | &#x211B; |
  4153. | Script F, Latin Small Letter | &#x0192; | &#x0192; |
  4154. | Script G, Latin Small Letter | &#x0261; | &#x0261; |
  4155. | Script Mathematical Symbols | &#x1D49C; | &#x1D49C; |
  4156. | Script Mathematical Symbols, Bold | &#x1D4D0; | &#x1D4D0; |
  4157. | Script Small E | &#x212F; | &#x212F; |
  4158. | Script Small G | &#x210A; | &#x210A; |
  4159. | Script Small L | &#x2113; | &#x2113; |
  4160. | Script Small O | &#x2134; | &#x2134; |
  4161. | Script Theta | &#x03D1; | &#x03D1; |
  4162. | Script V, Latin Capital Letter | &#x01B2; | &#x01B2; |
  4163. | Script V, Latin Small Letter | &#x028B; | &#x028B; |
  4164. | Scrolling | &#x21F3; | &#x21F3; |
  4165. | Scruple | &#x2108; | &#x2108; |
  4166. | Seagull Below, Combining | &#x033C; | &#x033C; |
  4167. | Second Tone, Mandarin Chinese | &#x02CA; | &#x02CA; |
  4168. | Seconds | &#x2033; | &#x2033; |
  4169. | Section Sign | &#x00A7; | &#x00A7; |
  4170. | Section Sign, European | &#x00B6; | &#x00B6; |
  4171. | Sector | &#x2314; | &#x2314; |
  4172. | Segment | &#x2313; | &#x2313; |
  4173. | Selected Area, End Of | &#x0087; | &#x0087; |
  4174. | Selected Area, Start Of | &#x0086; | &#x0086; |
  4175. | Selectors Supplement, Variation | &#xE0100; | &#xE0100; |
  4176. | Selectors, Variation | &#xFE00; | &#xFE00; |
  4177. | Semicolon | &#x003B; | &#x003B; |
  4178. | Semicolon, Arabic | &#x061B; | &#x061B; |
  4179. | Semicolon, Ethiopic | &#x1364; | &#x1364; |
  4180. | Semicolon, Reversed | &#x204F; | &#x204F; |
  4181. | Semidirect Product, Left | &#x22CB; | &#x22CB; |
  4182. | Semidirect Product, Left Normal Factor | &#x22C9; | &#x22C9; |
  4183. | Semidirect Product, Right | &#x22CC; | &#x22CC; |
  4184. | Semidirect Product, Right Normal Factor | &#x22CA; | &#x22CA; |
  4185. | Separator Dot, Aegean Word | &#x10101; | &#x10101; |
  4186. | Separator Key Symbol, Decimal | &#x2396; | &#x2396; |
  4187. | Separator Line, Aegean Word | &#x10100; | &#x10100; |
  4188. | Separator, Arabic Date | &#x060D; | &#x060D; |
  4189. | Separator, Arabic Decimal | &#x066B; | &#x066B; |
  4190. | Separator, Arabic Phrase | &#x066C; | &#x066C; |
  4191. | Separator, Arabic Thousands | &#x066C; | &#x066C; |
  4192. | Separator, Decimal | &#x002C; | &#x002C; |
  4193. | Separator, Devanagari Phrase | &#x0964; | &#x0964; |
  4194. | Separator, Ethiopic Paragraph | &#x1368; | &#x1368; |
  4195. | Separator, File | &#x001C; | &#x001C; |
  4196. | Separator, Georgian Paragraph | &#x10FB; | &#x10FB; |
  4197. | Separator, Group | &#x001D; | &#x001D; |
  4198. | Separator, Interlinear Annotation | &#xFFFA; | &#xFFFA; |
  4199. | Separator, Invisible | &#x2063; | &#x2063; |
  4200. | Separator, Line | &#x2028; | &#x2028; |
  4201. | Separator, Mongolian Vowel | &#x180E; | &#x180E; |
  4202. | Separator, Paragraph | &#x2029; | &#x2029; |
  4203. | Separator, Record | &#x001E; | &#x001E; |
  4204. | Separator, Unit | &#x001F; | &#x001F; |
  4205. | Separator, Urdu Paragraph | &#x203B; | &#x203B; |
  4206. | Septuagint | &#x1D516; | &#x1D516; |
  4207. | Sequence Bracket, Left | &#x27E8; | &#x27E8; |
  4208. | Sequence Bracket, Right | &#x27E9; | &#x27E9; |
  4209. | Sequence Concatenation | &#x2040; | &#x2040; |
  4210. | Sequence Introducer, Control | &#x009B; | &#x009B; |
  4211. | Service Mark | &#x2120; | &#x2120; |
  4212. | Sesame Dot | &#xFE45; | &#xFE45; |
  4213. | Sesame Dot, White | &#xFE46; | &#xFE46; |
  4214. | Set Membership Signs | &#x2208; | &#x2208; |
  4215. | Set Minus | &#x2216; | &#x2216; |
  4216. | Set Of Complex Numbers, The | &#x2102; | &#x2102; |
  4217. | Set Of Integers, The | &#x2124; | &#x2124; |
  4218. | Set Of Rational Numbers, The | &#x211A; | &#x211A; |
  4219. | Set Of Real Numbers, The | &#x211D; | &#x211D; |
  4220. | Set Transmit State | &#x0093; | &#x0093; |
  4221. | Set, Empty | &#x2205; | &#x2205; |
  4222. | Set, Included In | &#x2282; | &#x2282; |
  4223. | Set, Includes In | &#x2283; | &#x2283; |
  4224. | Set, Null | &#x2205; | &#x2205; |
  4225. | Set, Power | &#x1D4AB; | &#x1D4AB; |
  4226. | Sets, Empty | &#x29B0; | &#x29B0; |
  4227. | Sextile | &#x2736; | &#x2736; |
  4228. | Shade Characters | &#x2591; | &#x2591; |
  4229. | Shadowed White Circle | &#x274D; | &#x274D; |
  4230. | Shamrock | &#x2618; | &#x2618; |
  4231. | Shamrock | &#x2663; | &#x2663; |
  4232. | Shapes, Geometric | &#x25A0; | &#x25A0; |
  4233. | Sharp S, Latin Small Letter | &#x00DF; | &#x00DF; |
  4234. | Sharp Sign, Music | &#x266F; | &#x266F; |
  4235. | Shavian | &#x10450; | &#x10450; |
  4236. | Sheqel Sign, New | &#x20AA; | &#x20AA; |
  4237. | Shesht, Armenian | &#x055B; | &#x055B; |
  4238. | Shift | &#x21E7; | &#x21E7; |
  4239. | Shift In | &#x000F; | &#x000F; |
  4240. | Shift In, Symbol For | &#x240F; | &#x240F; |
  4241. | Shift Out | &#x000E; | &#x000E; |
  4242. | Shift Out, Symbol For | &#x240E; | &#x240E; |
  4243. | Shogi Piece, Black | &#x2617; | &#x2617; |
  4244. | Shogi Piece, White | &#x2616; | &#x2616; |
  4245. | Short | &#x0306; | &#x0306; |
  4246. | Short Slash Overlay | &#x0337; | &#x0337; |
  4247. | Short Solidus Overlay, Combining | &#x0337; | &#x0337; |
  4248. | Short Stroke Overlay, Combining | &#x0335; | &#x0335; |
  4249. | Short Vertical Line Overlay, Combining | &#x20D3; | &#x20D3; |
  4250. | Shouldered Open Box | &#x237D; | &#x237D; |
  4251. | Showery Weather | &#x2614; | &#x2614; |
  4252. | Shuffle Product | &#x29E2; | &#x29E2; |
  4253. | Sibe Syllable Boundary Marker, Mongolian | &#x1807; | &#x1807; |
  4254. | Sidelining Emphasis Marks | &#xFE45; | &#xFE45; |
  4255. | Sideways Diaeresized U, Latin Small Letter | &#x1D1E; | &#x1D1E; |
  4256. | Sideways O With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | &#x1D13; | &#x1D13; |
  4257. | Sideways O, Latin Small Letter | &#x1D11; | &#x1D11; |
  4258. | Sideways Open O, Latin Small Letter | &#x1D12; | &#x1D12; |
  4259. | Sideways Turned M, Latin Small Letter | &#x1D1F; | &#x1D1F; |
  4260. | Sideways U, Latin Small Letter | &#x1D1D; | &#x1D1D; |
  4261. | Sigma Symbol, Greek Lunate | &#x03F2; | &#x03F2; |
  4262. | Sigma, Greek Small Letter Lunate | &#x03F2; | &#x03F2; |
  4263. | Signs, Warning | &#x2620; | &#x2620; |
  4264. | Signs, Warning | &#x26A0; | &#x26A0; |
  4265. | Similar To | &#x223C; | &#x223C; |
  4266. | Sine Wave | &#x223F; | &#x223F; |
  4267. | Single Character Introducer | &#x009A; | &#x009A; |
  4268. | Single Comma Quotation Mark | &#x2019; | &#x2019; |
  4269. | Single Comma Quotation Mark, Low | &#x201A; | &#x201A; |
  4270. | Single Guillemet, Left Pointing | &#x2039; | &#x2039; |
  4271. | Single Guillemet, Right Pointing | &#x203A; | &#x203A; |
  4272. | Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark | &#x201B; | &#x201B; |
  4273. | Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark | &#x2039; | &#x2039; |
  4274. | Single Low-9 Quotation Mark | &#x201A; | &#x201A; |
  4275. | Single Punctuation, Philippine | &#x1735; | &#x1735; |
  4276. | Single Quotation Mark, Left | &#x2018; | &#x2018; |
  4277. | Single Quotation Mark, Neutral | &#x0027; | &#x0027; |
  4278. | Single Quotation Mark, Right | &#x2019; | &#x2019; |
  4279. | Single Reversed Comma Quotation Mark | &#x201B; | &#x201B; |
  4280. | Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark | &#x203A; | &#x203A; |
  4281. | Single Shift Three | &#x008F; | &#x008F; |
  4282. | Single Shift Two | &#x008E; | &#x008E; |
  4283. | Single Turned Comma Quotation Mark | &#x2018; | &#x2018; |
  4284. | Sinhala | &#x0D80; | &#x0D80; |
  4285. | Sinhala Consonants | &#x0D9A; | &#x0D9A; |
  4286. | Sinhala Dependent Vowel Signs | &#x0DCF; | &#x0DCF; |
  4287. | Sinhala Independent Vowels | &#x0D85; | &#x0D85; |
  4288. | Sinhala Sign Al-Lakuna | &#x0DCA; | &#x0DCA; |
  4289. | Sinhala Virama | &#x0DCA; | &#x0DCA; |
  4290. | Six-Per-Em Space | &#x2006; | &#x2006; |
  4291. | Sixteenth Notes, Beamed | &#x266C; | &#x266C; |
  4292. | Sixths, Fractions | &#x2159; | &#x2159; |
  4293. | Skull And Crossbones | &#x2620; | &#x2620; |
  4294. | Slash | &#x002F; | &#x002F; |
  4295. | Slash Overlay, Long | &#x0338; | &#x0338; |
  4296. | Slash Overlay, Long Double | &#x20EB; | &#x20EB; |
  4297. | Slash Overlay, Short | &#x0337; | &#x0337; |
  4298. | Slash, Circled Division | &#x2298; | &#x2298; |
  4299. | Slash, Division | &#x2215; | &#x2215; |
  4300. | Slash, Fraction | &#x2044; | &#x2044; |
  4301. | Slash, Latin Capital Letter O | &#x00D8; | &#x00D8; |
  4302. | Slash, Latin Small Letter O | &#x00F8; | &#x00F8; |
  4303. | Slope | &#x2333; | &#x2333; |
  4304. | Small Capital Ae, Latin Letter | &#x1D01; | &#x1D01; |
  4305. | Small Capital Eth, Latin Letter | &#x1D06; | &#x1D06; |
  4306. | Small Capital Ezh, Latin Letter | &#x1D23; | &#x1D23; |
  4307. | Small Capital Oe, Latin Letter | &#x0276; | &#x0276; |
  4308. | Small Capital Ou, Latin Letter | &#x1D15; | &#x1D15; |
  4309. | Small Circle, Black | &#x2022; | &#x2022; |
  4310. | Small Contains As Member | &#x220D; | &#x220D; |
  4311. | Small Element Of | &#x220A; | &#x220A; |
  4312. | Small Form Variants | &#xFE50; | &#xFE50; |
  4313. | Small Gamma, Double-Struck | &#x213D; | &#x213D; |
  4314. | Small Gamma, Modifier Letter | &#x02E0; | &#x02E0; |
  4315. | Small Ka, Hiragana Letter | &#x3095; | &#x3095; |
  4316. | Small Ke, Hiragana Letter | &#x3096; | &#x3096; |
  4317. | Small Letters, Armenian | &#x0561; | &#x0561; |
  4318. | Small Letters, Combining Latin | &#x0363; | &#x0363; |
  4319. | Small Letters, Cyrillic | &#x0430; | &#x0430; |
  4320. | Small Letters, Georgian | &#x10D0; | &#x10D0; |
  4321. | Small Letters, Greek | &#x03B1; | &#x03B1; |
  4322. | Small Letters, Latin | &#x0061; | &#x0061; |
  4323. | Small Ligature Ae, Latin | &#x00E6; | &#x00E6; |
  4324. | Small Ligature Ij, Latin | &#x0133; | &#x0133; |
  4325. | Small Ligature Oe, Latin | &#x0153; | &#x0153; |
  4326. | Small Pi, Double-Struck | &#x213C; | &#x213C; |
  4327. | Small Reversed Glottal Stop, Modifier Letter | &#x02E4; | &#x02E4; |
  4328. | Small Square, Black Medium | &#x25FE; | &#x25FE; |
  4329. | Small Tilde | &#x02DC; | &#x02DC; |
  4330. | Small White Circle, Medium | &#x26AC; | &#x26AC; |
  4331. | Smash Product | &#x2A33; | &#x2A33; |
  4332. | Smile | &#x2323; | &#x2323; |
  4333. | Smiling Face, Black | &#x263B; | &#x263B; |
  4334. | Smiling Face, White | &#x263A; | &#x263A; |
  4335. | Smirk | &#x2368; | &#x2368; |
  4336. | Smooth Breathing Mark, Greek | &#x0313; | &#x0313; |
  4337. | Snowflake Dingbats | &#x2744; | &#x2744; |
  4338. | Snowflakes | &#x2721; | &#x2721; |
  4339. | Snowman | &#x2603; | &#x2603; |
  4340. | Snowy Weather | &#x2603; | &#x2603; |
  4341. | Soft Hyphen | &#x00AD; | &#x00AD; |
  4342. | Soft Hyphen, Mongolian Todo | &#x1806; | &#x1806; |
  4343. | Software-Function Symbol | &#x2394; | &#x2394; |
  4344. | Solid | &#x2588; | &#x2588; |
  4345. | Solidus | &#x002F; | &#x002F; |
  4346. | Solidus | &#x2044; | &#x2044; |
  4347. | Solidus Operator, Double | &#x2AFD; | &#x2AFD; |
  4348. | Solidus Operator, Reverse | &#x29F5; | &#x29F5; |
  4349. | Solidus Overlay, Combining Long | &#x0338; | &#x0338; |
  4350. | Solidus Overlay, Combining Long Double | &#x20EB; | &#x20EB; |
  4351. | Solidus Overlay, Combining Reverse | &#x20E5; | &#x20E5; |
  4352. | Solidus Overlay, Combining Short | &#x0337; | &#x0337; |
  4353. | Solidus, Big | &#x29F8; | &#x29F8; |
  4354. | Solidus, Big Reverse | &#x29F9; | &#x29F9; |
  4355. | Solidus, Reverse | &#x005C; | &#x005C; |
  4356. | Sound Recording Copyright | &#x2117; | &#x2117; |
  4357. | Source, Information | &#x2139; | &#x2139; |
  4358. | Space | &#x0020; | &#x0020; |
  4359. | Space Mark, Ogham | &#x1680; | &#x1680; |
  4360. | Space, Em | &#x2003; | &#x2003; |
  4361. | Space, En | &#x2002; | &#x2002; |
  4362. | Space, Figure | &#x2007; | &#x2007; |
  4363. | Space, Four-Per-Em | &#x2005; | &#x2005; |
  4364. | Space, Graphic For | &#x2423; | &#x2423; |
  4365. | Space, Hair | &#x200A; | &#x200A; |
  4366. | Space, Hilbert | &#x210C; | &#x210C; |
  4367. | Space, Ideographic | &#x3000; | &#x3000; |
  4368. | Space, Ideographic Half Fill | &#x303F; | &#x303F; |
  4369. | Space, Keyboard Symbol For No Break | &#x237D; | &#x237D; |
  4370. | Space, Medium Mathematical | &#x205F; | &#x205F; |
  4371. | Space, Mid | &#x2005; | &#x2005; |
  4372. | Space, Narrow No-Break | &#x202F; | &#x202F; |
  4373. | Space, No-Break | &#x00A0; | &#x00A0; |
  4374. | Space, Non-Breaking | &#x00A0; | &#x00A0; |
  4375. | Space, Punctuation | &#x2008; | &#x2008; |
  4376. | Space, Six-Per-Em | &#x2006; | &#x2006; |
  4377. | Space, Symbol For | &#x2420; | &#x2420; |
  4378. | Space, Thick | &#x2004; | &#x2004; |
  4379. | Space, Thin | &#x2009; | &#x2009; |
  4380. | Space, Three-Per-Em | &#x2004; | &#x2004; |
  4381. | Space, Zero Width | &#x200B; | &#x200B; |
  4382. | Space, Zero Width No-Break | &#xFEFF; | &#xFEFF; |
  4383. | Spaces | &#x2000; | &#x2000; |
  4384. | Spacing Acute Accent | &#x00B4; | &#x00B4; |
  4385. | Spacing Cedilla | &#x00B8; | &#x00B8; |
  4386. | Spacing Circumflex Accent | &#x005E; | &#x005E; |
  4387. | Spacing Clones Of Diacritics | &#x02D8; | &#x02D8; |
  4388. | Spacing Diaeresis | &#x00A8; | &#x00A8; |
  4389. | Spacing Double Underscore | &#x2017; | &#x2017; |
  4390. | Spacing Grave Accent | &#x0060; | &#x0060; |
  4391. | Spacing Macron | &#x00AF; | &#x00AF; |
  4392. | Spacing Modifier Letters | &#x02B0; | &#x02B0; |
  4393. | Spacing Overscore | &#x203E; | &#x203E; |
  4394. | Spacing Tilde | &#x007E; | &#x007E; |
  4395. | Spacing Underscore | &#x005F; | &#x005F; |
  4396. | Spanish Currency | &#x20A7; | &#x20A7; |
  4397. | Sparkle | &#x2747; | &#x2747; |
  4398. | Sparkle, Heavy | &#x2748; | &#x2748; |
  4399. | Specials | &#xFFF0; | &#xFFF0; |
  4400. | Specials Area, Compatibility And | &#xF900; | &#xF900; |
  4401. | Spherical Angle | &#x2222; | &#x2222; |
  4402. | Square Below, Combining | &#x033B; | &#x033B; |
  4403. | Square Bracket With Quill, Left | &#x2045; | &#x2045; |
  4404. | Square Bracket With Quill, Right | &#x2046; | &#x2046; |
  4405. | Square Bracket, Closing | &#x005D; | &#x005D; |
  4406. | Square Bracket, Left | &#x005B; | &#x005B; |
  4407. | Square Bracket, Left White | &#x301A; | &#x301A; |
  4408. | Square Bracket, Opening | &#x005B; | &#x005B; |
  4409. | Square Bracket, Right | &#x005D; | &#x005D; |
  4410. | Square Bracket, Right White | &#x301B; | &#x301B; |
  4411. | Square Cap | &#x2293; | &#x2293; |
  4412. | Square Cup | &#x2294; | &#x2294; |
  4413. | Square Foot | &#x23CD; | &#x23CD; |
  4414. | Square Image Of | &#x228F; | &#x228F; |
  4415. | Square Lozenge | &#x2311; | &#x2311; |
  4416. | Square Original Of | &#x2290; | &#x2290; |
  4417. | Square Root | &#x221A; | &#x221A; |
  4418. | Square Symbols | &#x29C4; | &#x29C4; |
  4419. | Square, Black Medium | &#x25FC; | &#x25FC; |
  4420. | Square, Black Medium Small | &#x25FE; | &#x25FE; |
  4421. | Square, Combining Enclosing | &#x20DE; | &#x20DE; |
  4422. | Square, Viewdata | &#x2317; | &#x2317; |
  4423. | Squared | &#x00B2; | &#x00B2; |
  4424. | Squared Dot Operator | &#x22A1; | &#x22A1; |
  4425. | Squared Japanese Katakana Words | &#x3300; | &#x3300; |
  4426. | Squared Latin Abbreviations | &#x3371; | &#x3371; |
  4427. | Squared Minus | &#x229F; | &#x229F; |
  4428. | Squared Plus | &#x229E; | &#x229E; |
  4429. | Squared Times | &#x22A0; | &#x22A0; |
  4430. | Squares | &#x25A0; | &#x25A0; |
  4431. | Squares | &#x2B1A; | &#x2B1A; |
  4432. | Squat Reversed Esh, Latin Small Letter | &#x0285; | &#x0285; |
  4433. | Srak Ah, Khmer | &#x17C7; | &#x17C7; |
  4434. | Srak Am, Khmer | &#x17C6; | &#x17C6; |
  4435. | Srog Med, Tibetan | &#x0F84; | &#x0F84; |
  4436. | St. Andrew's Cross | &#x2613; | &#x2613; |
  4437. | Staff Of Aesculapius | &#x2695; | &#x2695; |
  4438. | Staff Of Hermes | &#x269A; | &#x269A; |
  4439. | Star | &#x002A; | &#x002A; |
  4440. | Star And Crescent | &#x262A; | &#x262A; |
  4441. | Star Dingbats | &#x2726; | &#x2726; |
  4442. | Star Equals | &#x225B; | &#x225B; |
  4443. | Star Of David | &#x2721; | &#x2721; |
  4444. | Star Operator | &#x22C6; | &#x22C6; |
  4445. | Star, Arabic Five Pointed | &#x066D; | &#x066D; |
  4446. | Star, Black | &#x2605; | &#x2605; |
  4447. | Star, White | &#x2606; | &#x2606; |
  4448. | Starburst | &#x273A; | &#x273A; |
  4449. | Stars | &#x2721; | &#x2721; |
  4450. | Start Of Guarded Area | &#x0096; | &#x0096; |
  4451. | Start Of Heading | &#x0001; | &#x0001; |
  4452. | Start Of Heading, Symbol For | &#x2401; | &#x2401; |
  4453. | Start Of Selected Area | &#x0086; | &#x0086; |
  4454. | Start Of String | &#x0098; | &#x0098; |
  4455. | Start Of Text | &#x0002; | &#x0002; |
  4456. | Start Of Text, Symbol For | &#x2402; | &#x2402; |
  4457. | Statement Is True | &#x22A8; | &#x22A8; |
  4458. | Sterling, Pound | &#x00A3; | &#x00A3; |
  4459. | Stile, Apl | &#x2223; | &#x2223; |
  4460. | Straight Epsilon | &#x03F5; | &#x03F5; |
  4461. | Straight Epsilon, Reversed | &#x03F6; | &#x03F6; |
  4462. | Straightness | &#x23E4; | &#x23E4; |
  4463. | Stress Mark | &#x0301; | &#x0301; |
  4464. | Stretched C, Latin Letter | &#x0297; | &#x0297; |
  4465. | Strictly Equivalent To | &#x2263; | &#x2263; |
  4466. | String Terminator | &#x009C; | &#x009C; |
  4467. | String, Device Control | &#x0090; | &#x0090; |
  4468. | String, Start Of | &#x0098; | &#x0098; |
  4469. | Stroke Overlay, Combining Double Vertical | &#x20E6; | &#x20E6; |
  4470. | Stroke Overlay, Combining Long | &#x0336; | &#x0336; |
  4471. | Stroke Overlay, Combining Short | &#x0335; | &#x0335; |
  4472. | Stroke, Latin Capital Letter O With | &#x00D8; | &#x00D8; |
  4473. | Stroke, Latin Small Letter O With | &#x00F8; | &#x00F8; |
  4474. | Strokes, Cjk | &#x31C0; | &#x31C0; |
  4475. | Subgroup Of, Normal | &#x22B2; | &#x22B2; |
  4476. | Subgroup Signs, Normal | &#x22EA; | &#x22EA; |
  4477. | Subgroup, Contains As Normal | &#x22B3; | &#x22B3; |
  4478. | Subjoined Consonants, Tibetan | &#x0F90; | &#x0F90; |
  4479. | Subscript Digits | &#x2080; | &#x2080; |
  4480. | Subscript, Greek Iota | &#x0345; | &#x0345; |
  4481. | Subscripts | &#x2080; | &#x2080; |
  4482. | Subset And Superset Relations | &#x2ABD; | &#x2ABD; |
  4483. | Subset Of | &#x2282; | &#x2282; |
  4484. | Subset Of, Not A | &#x2284; | &#x2284; |
  4485. | Subset Signs, Superset And | &#x2282; | &#x2282; |
  4486. | Subset, Double | &#x22D0; | &#x22D0; |
  4487. | Substitute | &#x001A; | &#x001A; |
  4488. | Substitute Form Two, Symbol For | &#x2426; | &#x2426; |
  4489. | Substitute, Symbol For | &#x241A; | &#x241A; |
  4490. | Subtending Marks, Arabic | &#x0600; | &#x0600; |
  4491. | Subtraction, Bag | &#x2A41; | &#x2A41; |
  4492. | Subtraction, Saturating | &#x2238; | &#x2238; |
  4493. | Succeeds | &#x227B; | &#x227B; |
  4494. | Succeeds Under Relation | &#x22B1; | &#x22B1; |
  4495. | Succeeds, Double | &#x2ABC; | &#x2ABC; |
  4496. | Such That | &#x220B; | &#x220B; |
  4497. | Such That | &#x2223; | &#x2223; |
  4498. | Suits, Playing Card | &#x2660; | &#x2660; |
  4499. | Sum Or Positive Difference | &#x2A26; | &#x2A26; |
  4500. | Sum, Direct | &#x2295; | &#x2295; |
  4501. | Sum, Positive Difference Or | &#x2A24; | &#x2A24; |
  4502. | Summation Sign | &#x2211; | &#x2211; |
  4503. | Summation Sign Parts | &#x23B2; | &#x23B2; |
  4504. | Summation, Double-Struck N-Ary | &#x2140; | &#x2140; |
  4505. | Summation, N-Ary | &#x2211; | &#x2211; |
  4506. | Summations And Integrals | &#x2A0A; | &#x2A0A; |
  4507. | Sun | &#x2609; | &#x2609; |
  4508. | Sun With Rays, Black | &#x2600; | &#x2600; |
  4509. | Sun With Rays, White | &#x263C; | &#x263C; |
  4510. | Sundanese | &#x1B80; | &#x1B80; |
  4511. | Sunna, Telugu | &#x0C02; | &#x0C02; |
  4512. | Superscript Digits | &#x2070; | &#x2070; |
  4513. | Superscript Letter Diacritics, Latin Medieval | &#x1DD3; | &#x1DD3; |
  4514. | Superscript Letter Diacritics, Medieval | &#x0363; | &#x0363; |
  4515. | Superscript Modifier Letters, Latin | &#x02B0; | &#x02B0; |
  4516. | Superscript One | &#x00B9; | &#x00B9; |
  4517. | Superscript Three | &#x00B3; | &#x00B3; |
  4518. | Superscript Two | &#x00B2; | &#x00B2; |
  4519. | Superscript Zero | &#x2070; | &#x2070; |
  4520. | Superscripts | &#x2070; | &#x2070; |
  4521. | Superset And Subset Signs | &#x2282; | &#x2282; |
  4522. | Superset Of | &#x2283; | &#x2283; |
  4523. | Superset Of, Not A | &#x2285; | &#x2285; |
  4524. | Superset Relations, Subset And | &#x2ABD; | &#x2ABD; |
  4525. | Superset, Double | &#x22D1; | &#x22D1; |
  4526. | Supplemental Arrows-B | &#x2900; | &#x2900; |
  4527. | Supplemental Mathematical Operators | &#x2A00; | &#x2A00; |
  4528. | Supplemental Punctuation | &#x2E00; | &#x2E00; |
  4529. | Supplementary Cjk Ideographs Area | &#x20000; | &#x20000; |
  4530. | Supplementary General Scripts Area | &#x10000; | &#x10000; |
  4531. | Supplementary Private Use Area-A | &#xF0000; | &#xF0000; |
  4532. | Supplementary Private Use Area-B | &#x100000; | &#x100000; |
  4533. | Surface Integral | &#x222F; | &#x222F; |
  4534. | Surjection, Finite | &#x2901; | &#x2901; |
  4535. | Surjection, Partial | &#x2900; | &#x2900; |
  4536. | Surjection, Total | &#x21A0; | &#x21A0; |
  4537. | Surjective Injection | &#x2917; | &#x2917; |
  4538. | Surjective Injection, Finite | &#x2918; | &#x2918; |
  4539. | Surrogates Area | &#xD800; | &#xD800; |
  4540. | Surrogates, High | &#xD800; | &#xD800; |
  4541. | Surrogates, Low | &#xDC00; | &#xDC00; |
  4542. | Suzhou Numerals | &#x3021; | &#x3021; |
  4543. | Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter S With | &#x023F; | &#x023F; |
  4544. | Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter Z With | &#x0240; | &#x0240; |
  4545. | Swedish Grave Accent | &#x02DF; | &#x02DF; |
  4546. | Swords, Crossed | &#x2694; | &#x2694; |
  4547. | Swung Dash | &#x2053; | &#x2053; |
  4548. | Syllabary, Cypriot | &#x10800; | &#x10800; |
  4549. | Syllabary, Linear B | &#x10000; | &#x10000; |
  4550. | Syllabics Full Stop, Canadian | &#x166E; | &#x166E; |
  4551. | Syllabics Punctuation, Canadian | &#x166D; | &#x166D; |
  4552. | Syllabics, Unified Canadian Aboriginal | &#x1400; | &#x1400; |
  4553. | Syllables, Cherokee | &#x13A0; | &#x13A0; |
  4554. | Syllables, Circled Korean Hangul | &#x326E; | &#x326E; |
  4555. | Syllables, Ethiopic | &#x1200; | &#x1200; |
  4556. | Syllables, Korean Hangul | &#xAC00; | &#xAC00; |
  4557. | Syllables, Parenthesized Korean Hangul | &#x320E; | &#x320E; |
  4558. | Syllables, Yi | &#xA000; | &#xA000; |
  4559. | Syloti Nagri | &#xA800; | &#xA800; |
  4560. | Symbol Variants, Fullwidth | &#xFFE0; | &#xFFE0; |
  4561. | Symbol Variants, Halfwidth | &#xFFE8; | &#xFFE8; |
  4562. | Symbols And Punctuation, Cjk | &#x3000; | &#x3000; |
  4563. | Symbols Area | &#x2000; | &#x2000; |
  4564. | Symbols Area, Cjk Phonetics And | &#x2E80; | &#x2E80; |
  4565. | Symbols For Days, Ideographic Telegraph | &#x33E0; | &#x33E0; |
  4566. | Symbols For Divination, Khmer Numeric | &#x17F0; | &#x17F0; |
  4567. | Symbols For Hours, Ideographic Telegraph | &#x3358; | &#x3358; |
  4568. | Symbols For Months, Ideographic Telegraph | &#x32C0; | &#x32C0; |
  4569. | Symbols, Ancient Greek Textual | &#x2E0E; | &#x2E0E; |
  4570. | Symbols, Apl Functional | &#x2336; | &#x2336; |
  4571. | Symbols, Ascii Punctuation And | &#x0020; | &#x0020; |
  4572. | Symbols, Astrological | &#x263D; | &#x263D; |
  4573. | Symbols, Balinese Musical | &#x1B61; | &#x1B61; |
  4574. | Symbols, Basic Musical | &#x2669; | &#x2669; |
  4575. | Symbols, Bowtie | &#x29D1; | &#x29D1; |
  4576. | Symbols, Byzantine Musical | &#x1D000; | &#x1D000; |
  4577. | Symbols, Chess | &#x2654; | &#x2654; |
  4578. | Symbols, Circle | &#x29B5; | &#x29B5; |
  4579. | Symbols, Combining Diacritical Marks For | &#x20D0; | &#x20D0; |
  4580. | Symbols, Currency | &#x20A0; | &#x20A0; |
  4581. | Symbols, Dentistry Notation | &#x23BE; | &#x23BE; |
  4582. | Symbols, Diacritical Marks For | &#x20D0; | &#x20D0; |
  4583. | Symbols, Dictionary And Map | &#x2690; | &#x2690; |
  4584. | Symbols, Drafting | &#x232D; | &#x232D; |
  4585. | Symbols, Electrotechnical | &#x238D; | &#x238D; |
  4586. | Symbols, Error Bar | &#x29EE; | &#x29EE; |
  4587. | Symbols, Gender | &#x26A2; | &#x26A2; |
  4588. | Symbols, Genealogical | &#x26AD; | &#x26AD; |
  4589. | Symbols, Greek Mathematical | &#x1D6A8; | &#x1D6A8; |
  4590. | Symbols, Hebrew Letterlike Mathematical | &#x2135; | &#x2135; |
  4591. | Symbols, I Ching / Yijing Hexagram | &#x4DC0; | &#x4DC0; |
  4592. | Symbols, I Ching / Yijing Monogram And Digram | &#x268A; | &#x268A; |
  4593. | Symbols, I Ching / Yijing Trigram | &#x2630; | &#x2630; |
  4594. | Symbols, Japanese Chess | &#x2616; | &#x2616; |
  4595. | Symbols, Keyboard | &#x21E6; | &#x21E6; |
  4596. | Symbols, Keyboard | &#x2324; | &#x2324; |
  4597. | Symbols, Keyboard | &#x2380; | &#x2380; |
  4598. | Symbols, Keyboard | &#x2396; | &#x2396; |
  4599. | Symbols, Khmer | &#x19E0; | &#x19E0; |
  4600. | Symbols, Latin-1 Punctuation And | &#x00A0; | &#x00A0; |
  4601. | Symbols, Letterlike | &#x2100; | &#x2100; |
  4602. | Symbols, Mathematical | &#x27C0; | &#x27C0; |
  4603. | Symbols, Mathematical | &#x2980; | &#x2980; |
  4604. | Symbols, Mathematical Alphanumeric | &#x1D400; | &#x1D400; |
  4605. | Symbols, Mathematical Digits | &#x1D7CE; | &#x1D7CE; |
  4606. | Symbols, Metrical | &#x23D1; | &#x23D1; |
  4607. | Symbols, Miscellaneous | &#x2600; | &#x2600; |
  4608. | Symbols, Musical | &#x1D100; | &#x1D100; |
  4609. | Symbols, New Testament Editorial | &#x2E00; | &#x2E00; |
  4610. | Symbols, Planet | &#x263F; | &#x263F; |
  4611. | Symbols, Plastics Recycling | &#x2673; | &#x2673; |
  4612. | Symbols, Playing Card | &#x2660; | &#x2660; |
  4613. | Symbols, Pointing Hand | &#x261A; | &#x261A; |
  4614. | Symbols, Polygonal | &#x2B12; | &#x2B12; |
  4615. | Symbols, Recycling | &#x2672; | &#x2672; |
  4616. | Symbols, Religious And Political | &#x2625; | &#x2625; |
  4617. | Symbols, Square | &#x29C4; | &#x29C4; |
  4618. | Symbols, Tai Xuan Jing | &#x1D300; | &#x1D300; |
  4619. | Symbols, Tamil | &#x0BF3; | &#x0BF3; |
  4620. | Symbols, Tibetan | &#x0FC4; | &#x0FC4; |
  4621. | Symbols, Triangle | &#x29CA; | &#x29CA; |
  4622. | Symbols, Weather And Astrological | &#x2600; | &#x2600; |
  4623. | Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Hexagram | &#x4DC0; | &#x4DC0; |
  4624. | Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Monogram And Digram | &#x268A; | &#x268A; |
  4625. | Symbols, Yijing / I Ching Trigram | &#x2630; | &#x2630; |
  4626. | Symbols, Zodiacal | &#x2648; | &#x2648; |
  4627. | Symbols-A, Miscellaneous Mathematical | &#x27C0; | &#x27C0; |
  4628. | Symbols-B, Miscellaneous Mathematical | &#x2980; | &#x2980; |
  4629. | Symmetric Difference | &#x2206; | &#x2206; |
  4630. | Symmetric Difference | &#x2238; | &#x2238; |
  4631. | Symmetric Difference | &#x2296; | &#x2296; |
  4632. | Symmetry | &#x232F; | &#x232F; |
  4633. | Synchronous Idle | &#x0016; | &#x0016; |
  4634. | Synchronous Idle, Symbol For | &#x2416; | &#x2416; |
  4635. | Syriac | &#x0700; | &#x0700; |
  4636. | Syriac Cross, East | &#x2671; | &#x2671; |
  4637. | Syriac Cross, West | &#x2670; | &#x2670; |
  4638. | Syriac Letters | &#x0710; | &#x0710; |
  4639. | Syriac Punctuation And Signs | &#x0700; | &#x0700; |
  4640. | Syriac Sam | &#x070F; | &#x070F; |
  4642. # T
  4644. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  4645. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  4646. | T With Caron, Latin Small Letter | &#x0165; | &#x0165; |
  4647. | T With Cedilla, Latin Small Letter | &#x0163; | &#x0163; |
  4648. | T With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E71; | &#x1E71; |
  4649. | T With Comma Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x021B; | &#x021B; |
  4650. | T With Curl, Latin Small Letter | &#x0236; | &#x0236; |
  4651. | T With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E97; | &#x1E97; |
  4652. | T With Diagonal Stroke, Latin Capital Letter | &#x023E; | &#x023E; |
  4653. | T With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E6B; | &#x1E6B; |
  4654. | T With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E6D; | &#x1E6D; |
  4655. | T With Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x01AD; | &#x01AD; |
  4656. | T With Line Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E6F; | &#x1E6F; |
  4657. | T With Palatal Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x01AB; | &#x01AB; |
  4658. | T With Retroflex Hook, Latin Capital Letter | &#x01AE; | &#x01AE; |
  4659. | T With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x0288; | &#x0288; |
  4660. | T With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | &#x0167; | &#x0167; |
  4661. | T, Combining Latin Small Letter | &#x036D; | &#x036D; |
  4662. | T, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D1B; | &#x1D1B; |
  4663. | T, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x0287; | &#x0287; |
  4664. | Tab | &#x0009; | &#x0009; |
  4665. | Tab With Shift Tab | &#x21B9; | &#x21B9; |
  4666. | Tab, Leftward | &#x21E4; | &#x21E4; |
  4667. | Tab, Rightward | &#x21E5; | &#x21E5; |
  4668. | Tabulation Set, Character | &#x0088; | &#x0088; |
  4669. | Tabulation Set, Line | &#x008A; | &#x008A; |
  4670. | Tabulation With Justification, Character | &#x0089; | &#x0089; |
  4671. | Tabulation, Character | &#x0009; | &#x0009; |
  4672. | Tabulation, Horizontal | &#x0009; | &#x0009; |
  4673. | Tabulation, Line | &#x000B; | &#x000B; |
  4674. | Tabulation, Symbol For Horizontal | &#x2409; | &#x2409; |
  4675. | Tabulation, Symbol For Vertical | &#x240B; | &#x240B; |
  4676. | Tabulation, Vertical | &#x000B; | &#x000B; |
  4677. | Tack Below, Combining Down | &#x031E; | &#x031E; |
  4678. | Tack Below, Combining Left | &#x0318; | &#x0318; |
  4679. | Tack Below, Combining Right | &#x0319; | &#x0319; |
  4680. | Tack Below, Combining Up | &#x031D; | &#x031D; |
  4681. | Tack, Down | &#x22A4; | &#x22A4; |
  4682. | Tack, Left | &#x22A3; | &#x22A3; |
  4683. | Tack, Modifier Letter Up | &#x02D4; | &#x02D4; |
  4684. | Tack, Right | &#x22A2; | &#x22A2; |
  4685. | Tack, Up | &#x22A5; | &#x22A5; |
  4686. | Tacks And Turnstiles | &#x22A2; | &#x22A2; |
  4687. | Tacks And Turnstiles | &#x27D8; | &#x27D8; |
  4688. | Tacks And Turnstiles | &#x2ADE; | &#x2ADE; |
  4689. | Tagalog | &#x1700; | &#x1700; |
  4690. | Tagalog Sign Virama | &#x1714; | &#x1714; |
  4691. | Tagbanwa | &#x1760; | &#x1760; |
  4692. | Tags | &#xE0000; | &#xE0000; |
  4693. | Tai Le | &#x1950; | &#x1950; |
  4694. | Tai Lue Digits, New | &#x19D0; | &#x19D0; |
  4695. | Tai Lue, New | &#x1980; | &#x1980; |
  4696. | Tai Xuan Jing Symbols | &#x1D300; | &#x1D300; |
  4697. | Tails, Fish | &#x297C; | &#x297C; |
  4698. | Tainome Japanese Bullet | &#x25C9; | &#x25C9; |
  4699. | Take, Prescription | &#x211E; | &#x211E; |
  4700. | Tamil | &#x0B80; | &#x0B80; |
  4701. | Tamil As Above Sign | &#x0BF8; | &#x0BF8; |
  4702. | Tamil Aytham | &#x0B83; | &#x0B83; |
  4703. | Tamil Consonants | &#x0B95; | &#x0B95; |
  4704. | Tamil Credit Sign | &#x0BF7; | &#x0BF7; |
  4705. | Tamil Day Sign | &#x0BF3; | &#x0BF3; |
  4706. | Tamil Debit Sign | &#x0BF6; | &#x0BF6; |
  4707. | Tamil Dependent Vowel Signs | &#x0BBE; | &#x0BBE; |
  4708. | Tamil Digits | &#x0BE7; | &#x0BE7; |
  4709. | Tamil Enn | &#x0BFA; | &#x0BFA; |
  4710. | Tamil Independent Vowels | &#x0B85; | &#x0B85; |
  4711. | Tamil Maatham | &#x0BF4; | &#x0BF4; |
  4712. | Tamil Merpadi | &#x0BF8; | &#x0BF8; |
  4713. | Tamil Month Sign | &#x0BF4; | &#x0BF4; |
  4714. | Tamil Naal | &#x0BF3; | &#x0BF3; |
  4715. | Tamil Number Sign | &#x0BFA; | &#x0BFA; |
  4716. | Tamil Numbers | &#x0BE7; | &#x0BE7; |
  4717. | Tamil Patru | &#x0BF6; | &#x0BF6; |
  4718. | Tamil Rupai | &#x0BF9; | &#x0BF9; |
  4719. | Tamil Rupee Sign | &#x0BF9; | &#x0BF9; |
  4720. | Tamil Sign Visarga | &#x0B83; | &#x0B83; |
  4721. | Tamil Symbols | &#x0BF3; | &#x0BF3; |
  4722. | Tamil Varavu | &#x0BF7; | &#x0BF7; |
  4723. | Tamil Varudam | &#x0BF5; | &#x0BF5; |
  4724. | Tamil Year Sign | &#x0BF5; | &#x0BF5; |
  4725. | Tape Drive | &#x2707; | &#x2707; |
  4726. | Taper, Conical | &#x2332; | &#x2332; |
  4727. | Tatweel, Arabic | &#x0640; | &#x0640; |
  4728. | Taurus | &#x2649; | &#x2649; |
  4729. | Tautological Equivalent | &#x29E6; | &#x29E6; |
  4730. | Tautology | &#x22A8; | &#x22A8; |
  4731. | Tea, Cup Of | &#x2615; | &#x2615; |
  4732. | Technical, Miscellaneous | &#x2300; | &#x2300; |
  4733. | Telegraph Symbols For Days, Ideographic | &#x33E0; | &#x33E0; |
  4734. | Telegraph Symbols For Hours, Ideographic | &#x3358; | &#x3358; |
  4735. | Telegraph Symbols For Months, Ideographic | &#x32C0; | &#x32C0; |
  4736. | Telephone Location Sign | &#x2706; | &#x2706; |
  4737. | Telephone Recorder | &#x2315; | &#x2315; |
  4738. | Telephone Sign | &#x2121; | &#x2121; |
  4739. | Telephone, Black | &#x260E; | &#x260E; |
  4740. | Telephone, White | &#x260F; | &#x260F; |
  4741. | Telugu | &#x0C00; | &#x0C00; |
  4742. | Telugu Consonants | &#x0C15; | &#x0C15; |
  4743. | Telugu Dependent Vowel Signs | &#x0C3E; | &#x0C3E; |
  4744. | Telugu Digits | &#x0C66; | &#x0C66; |
  4745. | Telugu Independent Vowels | &#x0C05; | &#x0C05; |
  4746. | Telugu Sign Anusvara | &#x0C02; | &#x0C02; |
  4747. | Telugu Sunna | &#x0C02; | &#x0C02; |
  4748. | Ten Thousand Sign, Per | &#x2031; | &#x2031; |
  4749. | Tensor Product | &#x2297; | &#x2297; |
  4750. | Terminal Graphic Characters | &#x23B7; | &#x23B7; |
  4751. | Terminal Graphic Characters | &#x2596; | &#x2596; |
  4752. | Terminator, Interlinear Annotation | &#xFFFB; | &#xFFFB; |
  4753. | Terminator, String | &#x009C; | &#x009C; |
  4754. | Text, End Of | &#x0003; | &#x0003; |
  4755. | Text, Start Of | &#x0002; | &#x0002; |
  4756. | Text, Symbol For End Of | &#x2403; | &#x2403; |
  4757. | Text, Symbol For Start Of | &#x2402; | &#x2402; |
  4758. | Thaana | &#x0780; | &#x0780; |
  4759. | Thai | &#x0E00; | &#x0E00; |
  4760. | Thai Character Angkhankhu | &#x0E5A; | &#x0E5A; |
  4761. | Thai Character Fongman | &#x0E4F; | &#x0E4F; |
  4762. | Thai Character Khomut | &#x0E5B; | &#x0E5B; |
  4763. | Thai Character Nikhahit | &#x0E4D; | &#x0E4D; |
  4764. | Thai Character Thanthakhat | &#x0E4C; | &#x0E4C; |
  4765. | Thai Character Yamakkan | &#x0E4E; | &#x0E4E; |
  4766. | Thai Consonants | &#x0E01; | &#x0E01; |
  4767. | Thai Currency Symbol Baht | &#x0E3F; | &#x0E3F; |
  4768. | Thai Digits | &#x0E50; | &#x0E50; |
  4769. | Thai Marks And Signs | &#x0E48; | &#x0E48; |
  4770. | Thai Vowels | &#x0E30; | &#x0E30; |
  4771. | Thanthakhat, Thai Character | &#x0E4C; | &#x0E4C; |
  4772. | There Does Not Exist | &#x2204; | &#x2204; |
  4773. | There Exists | &#x2203; | &#x2203; |
  4774. | Therefore | &#x2234; | &#x2234; |
  4775. | Thermodynamic | &#x29E7; | &#x29E7; |
  4776. | Theta Symbol, Greek | &#x03D1; | &#x03D1; |
  4777. | Theta, Script | &#x03D1; | &#x03D1; |
  4778. | Thick Space | &#x2004; | &#x2004; |
  4779. | Thin Space | &#x2009; | &#x2009; |
  4780. | Third Derivative | &#x20DB; | &#x20DB; |
  4781. | Third Tone, Mandarin Chinese | &#x02C7; | &#x02C7; |
  4782. | Thirds, Fractions | &#x2153; | &#x2153; |
  4783. | Thorn, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00DE; | &#x00DE; |
  4784. | Thorn, Latin Small Letter | &#x00FE; | &#x00FE; |
  4785. | Thousands Separator, Arabic | &#x066C; | &#x066C; |
  4786. | Three Dot Leader | &#x2026; | &#x2026; |
  4787. | Three Dot Punctuation | &#x2056; | &#x2056; |
  4788. | Three Dots Above, Combining | &#x20DB; | &#x20DB; |
  4789. | Three Quarters, Vulgar Fraction | &#x00BE; | &#x00BE; |
  4790. | Three, Superscript | &#x00B3; | &#x00B3; |
  4791. | Three-Per-Em Space | &#x2004; | &#x2004; |
  4792. | Thunderstorm | &#x2608; | &#x2608; |
  4793. | Tibetan | &#x0F00; | &#x0F00; |
  4794. | Tibetan Anusvara | &#x0F7E; | &#x0F7E; |
  4795. | Tibetan Astrological Signs | &#x0F15; | &#x0F15; |
  4796. | Tibetan Cantillation Signs | &#x0FC0; | &#x0FC0; |
  4797. | Tibetan Consonants | &#x0F40; | &#x0F40; |
  4798. | Tibetan Dependent Vowel Signs | &#x0F71; | &#x0F71; |
  4799. | Tibetan Digits | &#x0F20; | &#x0F20; |
  4800. | Tibetan Digits Minus Half | &#x0F2A; | &#x0F2A; |
  4801. | Tibetan Head Marks | &#x0F01; | &#x0F01; |
  4802. | Tibetan Ku Ru Kha | &#x0FBE; | &#x0FBE; |
  4803. | Tibetan Ku Ru Kha Bzhi Mig Can | &#x0FBF; | &#x0FBF; |
  4804. | Tibetan Mark Delimiter Tsheg Bstar | &#x0F0C; | &#x0F0C; |
  4805. | Tibetan Mark Halanta | &#x0F84; | &#x0F84; |
  4806. | Tibetan Mark Intersyllabic Tsheg | &#x0F0B; | &#x0F0B; |
  4807. | Tibetan Mark Paluta | &#x0F85; | &#x0F85; |
  4808. | Tibetan Marks And Signs | &#x0F08; | &#x0F08; |
  4809. | Tibetan Marks And Signs | &#x0F34; | &#x0F34; |
  4810. | Tibetan Marks And Signs | &#x0F82; | &#x0F82; |
  4811. | Tibetan Marks And Signs | &#x0FBE; | &#x0FBE; |
  4812. | Tibetan Sign Rjes Su Nga Ro | &#x0F7E; | &#x0F7E; |
  4813. | Tibetan Sign Rnam Bcad | &#x0F7F; | &#x0F7F; |
  4814. | Tibetan Srog Med | &#x0F84; | &#x0F84; |
  4815. | Tibetan Subjoined Consonants | &#x0F90; | &#x0F90; |
  4816. | Tibetan Syllable Om | &#x0F00; | &#x0F00; |
  4817. | Tibetan Symbols | &#x0FC4; | &#x0FC4; |
  4818. | Tibetan Visarga | &#x0F7F; | &#x0F7F; |
  4819. | Tibetan Vocalic Modification | &#x0F7E; | &#x0F7E; |
  4820. | Tie Below, Ligature | &#x035C; | &#x035C; |
  4821. | Tie, Character | &#x2040; | &#x2040; |
  4822. | Tie, Ligature | &#x0361; | &#x0361; |
  4823. | Tifinagh | &#x2D30; | &#x2D30; |
  4824. | Tilde | &#x007E; | &#x007E; |
  4825. | Tilde Above, Combining Not | &#x034A; | &#x034A; |
  4826. | Tilde Below, Combining | &#x0330; | &#x0330; |
  4827. | Tilde Equals, Reversed | &#x22CD; | &#x22CD; |
  4828. | Tilde Mathematical Operators | &#x223B; | &#x223B; |
  4829. | Tilde Operator | &#x223C; | &#x223C; |
  4830. | Tilde Overlay, Combining | &#x0334; | &#x0334; |
  4831. | Tilde, Apl | &#x223C; | &#x223C; |
  4832. | Tilde, Combining | &#x0303; | &#x0303; |
  4833. | Tilde, Combining Double | &#x0360; | &#x0360; |
  4834. | Tilde, Combining Vertical | &#x033E; | &#x033E; |
  4835. | Tilde, Minus | &#x2242; | &#x2242; |
  4836. | Tilde, Not | &#x2241; | &#x2241; |
  4837. | Tilde, Reversed | &#x223D; | &#x223D; |
  4838. | Tilde, Small | &#x02DC; | &#x02DC; |
  4839. | Tilde, Spacing | &#x007E; | &#x007E; |
  4840. | Tilde, Triple | &#x224B; | &#x224B; |
  4841. | Tiles, Domino | &#x1F030; | &#x1F030; |
  4842. | Tiles, Mahjong | &#x1F000; | &#x1F000; |
  4843. | Times Operator, N-Ary | &#x2A09; | &#x2A09; |
  4844. | Times, Circled | &#x2297; | &#x2297; |
  4845. | Times, Division | &#x22C7; | &#x22C7; |
  4846. | Times, Invisible | &#x2062; | &#x2062; |
  4847. | Times, Squared | &#x22A0; | &#x22A0; |
  4848. | Tiny | &#x29FE; | &#x29FE; |
  4849. | Tippi, Gurmukhi | &#x0A70; | &#x0A70; |
  4850. | Tironian Sign Et | &#x204A; | &#x204A; |
  4851. | Todo Soft Hyphen, Mongolian | &#x1806; | &#x1806; |
  4852. | Tone Letters | &#x02E5; | &#x02E5; |
  4853. | Tone Letters, Modifier | &#xA700; | &#xA700; |
  4854. | Tone Mark, Combining Acute | &#x0341; | &#x0341; |
  4855. | Tone Mark, Combining Grave | &#x0340; | &#x0340; |
  4856. | Tone Marks For Chinese, Corner | &#xA700; | &#xA700; |
  4857. | Tone Marks, Contour | &#x1DCB; | &#x1DCB; |
  4858. | Tone Marks, Ideographic | &#x302A; | &#x302A; |
  4859. | Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fifth Or Neutral | &#x02D9; | &#x02D9; |
  4860. | Tone, Mandarin Chinese First | &#x02C9; | &#x02C9; |
  4861. | Tone, Mandarin Chinese Fourth | &#x02CB; | &#x02CB; |
  4862. | Tone, Mandarin Chinese Second | &#x02CA; | &#x02CA; |
  4863. | Tone, Mandarin Chinese Third | &#x02C7; | &#x02C7; |
  4864. | Tonos, Combining Greek Dialytika | &#x0344; | &#x0344; |
  4865. | Tonos, Greek | &#x0301; | &#x0301; |
  4866. | Top | &#x22A4; | &#x22A4; |
  4867. | Top Half Integral | &#x2320; | &#x2320; |
  4868. | Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left | &#x3014; | &#x3014; |
  4869. | Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left White | &#x3018; | &#x3018; |
  4870. | Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right | &#x3015; | &#x3015; |
  4871. | Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right White | &#x3019; | &#x3019; |
  4872. | Total Function | &#x2192; | &#x2192; |
  4873. | Total Injection | &#x21A3; | &#x21A3; |
  4874. | Total Runout | &#x2330; | &#x2330; |
  4875. | Total Surjection | &#x21A0; | &#x21A0; |
  4876. | Trade Mark Sign | &#x2122; | &#x2122; |
  4877. | Trade Mark Sign, Registered | &#x00AE; | &#x00AE; |
  4878. | Transfinite Cardinal, First | &#x2135; | &#x2135; |
  4879. | Transfinite Cardinal, Fourth | &#x2138; | &#x2138; |
  4880. | Transfinite Cardinal, Second | &#x2136; | &#x2136; |
  4881. | Transfinite Cardinal, Third | &#x2137; | &#x2137; |
  4882. | Transform, Fourier | &#x2131; | &#x2131; |
  4883. | Transmission Block, End Of | &#x0017; | &#x0017; |
  4884. | Transmission Block, Symbol For End Of | &#x2417; | &#x2417; |
  4885. | Transmission Symbol, End Of | &#x2301; | &#x2301; |
  4886. | Transmission, End Of | &#x0004; | &#x0004; |
  4887. | Transmission, Symbol For End Of | &#x2404; | &#x2404; |
  4888. | Transmit State, Set | &#x0093; | &#x0093; |
  4889. | Trapezium, White | &#x23E2; | &#x23E2; |
  4890. | Triangle Symbols | &#x29CA; | &#x29CA; |
  4891. | Triangle, Combining Enclosing Upward Pointing | &#x20E4; | &#x20E4; |
  4892. | Triangle, Right | &#x22BF; | &#x22BF; |
  4893. | Triangles | &#x25B2; | &#x25B2; |
  4894. | Triangular Bullet | &#x2023; | &#x2023; |
  4895. | Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter | &#x02D0; | &#x02D0; |
  4896. | Triangular Colon, Modifier Letter Half | &#x02D1; | &#x02D1; |
  4897. | Tricolon | &#x205D; | &#x205D; |
  4898. | Trigram Symbols, Yijing / I Ching | &#x2630; | &#x2630; |
  4899. | Trine | &#x25B3; | &#x25B3; |
  4900. | Triple Integral | &#x222D; | &#x222D; |
  4901. | Triple Plus | &#x29FB; | &#x29FB; |
  4902. | Triple Prime | &#x2034; | &#x2034; |
  4903. | Triple Prime, Reversed | &#x2037; | &#x2037; |
  4904. | Triple Tilde | &#x224B; | &#x224B; |
  4905. | Triple Underdot, Combining | &#x20E8; | &#x20E8; |
  4906. | True | &#x22A8; | &#x22A8; |
  4907. | Tsheg Bstar, Tibetan Mark Delimiter | &#x0F0C; | &#x0F0C; |
  4908. | Tsheg, Tibetan Mark Intersyllabic | &#x0F0B; | &#x0F0B; |
  4909. | Tugrik Sign | &#x20AE; | &#x20AE; |
  4910. | Turbofan | &#x274B; | &#x274B; |
  4911. | Turkish Currency | &#x20A4; | &#x20A4; |
  4912. | Turkish Lira | &#x00A3; | &#x00A3; |
  4913. | Turned A, Latin Small Letter | &#x0250; | &#x0250; |
  4914. | Turned Ae, Latin Small Letter | &#x1D02; | &#x1D02; |
  4915. | Turned Alpha, Latin Small Letter | &#x0252; | &#x0252; |
  4916. | Turned Ampersand | &#x214B; | &#x214B; |
  4917. | Turned Capital F | &#x2132; | &#x2132; |
  4918. | Turned Comma Above, Combining | &#x0312; | &#x0312; |
  4919. | Turned Comma Quotation Mark, Double | &#x201C; | &#x201C; |
  4920. | Turned Comma Quotation Mark, Single | &#x2018; | &#x2018; |
  4921. | Turned Comma, Modifier Letter | &#x02BB; | &#x02BB; |
  4922. | Turned Delta, Latin Small Letter | &#x018D; | &#x018D; |
  4923. | Turned E, Latin Capital Letter | &#x018E; | &#x018E; |
  4924. | Turned E, Latin Small Letter | &#x01DD; | &#x01DD; |
  4925. | Turned Greek Small Letter Iota | &#x2129; | &#x2129; |
  4926. | Turned H With Fishhook, Latin Small Letter | &#x02AE; | &#x02AE; |
  4927. | Turned H, Latin Small Letter | &#x0265; | &#x0265; |
  4928. | Turned I, Latin Small Letter | &#x1D09; | &#x1D09; |
  4929. | Turned K, Latin Small Letter | &#x029E; | &#x029E; |
  4930. | Turned M With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter | &#x0270; | &#x0270; |
  4931. | Turned M, Latin Capital Letter | &#x019C; | &#x019C; |
  4932. | Turned M, Latin Small Letter | &#x026F; | &#x026F; |
  4933. | Turned M, Latin Small Letter Sideways | &#x1D1F; | &#x1D1F; |
  4934. | Turned Not Sign | &#x2319; | &#x2319; |
  4935. | Turned Oe, Latin Small Letter | &#x1D14; | &#x1D14; |
  4936. | Turned Open E, Latin Small Letter | &#x1D08; | &#x1D08; |
  4937. | Turned Question Mark | &#x00BF; | &#x00BF; |
  4938. | Turned R With Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x027B; | &#x027B; |
  4939. | Turned R With Long Leg, Latin Small Letter | &#x027A; | &#x027A; |
  4940. | Turned R, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D1A; | &#x1D1A; |
  4941. | Turned R, Latin Small Letter | &#x0279; | &#x0279; |
  4942. | Turned R, Modifier Letter Small | &#x02B4; | &#x02B4; |
  4943. | Turned Sans-Serif Capital G | &#x2141; | &#x2141; |
  4944. | Turned Sans-Serif Capital L | &#x2142; | &#x2142; |
  4945. | Turned Sans-Serif Capital Y | &#x2144; | &#x2144; |
  4946. | Turned Small F | &#x214E; | &#x214E; |
  4947. | Turned T, Latin Small Letter | &#x0287; | &#x0287; |
  4948. | Turned V, Latin Capital Letter | &#x0245; | &#x0245; |
  4949. | Turned V, Latin Small Letter | &#x028C; | &#x028C; |
  4950. | Turned W, Latin Small Letter | &#x028D; | &#x028D; |
  4951. | Turned Y, Latin Small Letter | &#x028E; | &#x028E; |
  4952. | Turnstile | &#x22A2; | &#x22A2; |
  4953. | Turnstile, Reverse | &#x22A3; | &#x22A3; |
  4954. | Turnstiles, Tacks And | &#x22A2; | &#x22A2; |
  4955. | Turnstiles, Tacks And | &#x27D8; | &#x27D8; |
  4956. | Turnstiles, Tacks And | &#x2ADE; | &#x2ADE; |
  4957. | Two Asterisks Aligned Vertically | &#x2051; | &#x2051; |
  4958. | Two Dot Leader | &#x2025; | &#x2025; |
  4959. | Two Dot Punctuation | &#x205A; | &#x205A; |
  4960. | Two, Superscript | &#x00B2; | &#x00B2; |
  4962. # U
  4964. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  4965. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  4966. | U Bar, Latin Capital Letter | &#x0244; | &#x0244; |
  4967. | U Bar, Latin Small Letter | &#x0289; | &#x0289; |
  4968. | U With Acute, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00DA; | &#x00DA; |
  4969. | U With Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x00FA; | &#x00FA; |
  4970. | U With Breve, Latin Small Letter | &#x016D; | &#x016D; |
  4971. | U With Caron, Latin Small Letter | &#x01D4; | &#x01D4; |
  4972. | U With Circumflex Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E77; | &#x1E77; |
  4973. | U With Circumflex, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00DB; | &#x00DB; |
  4974. | U With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | &#x00FB; | &#x00FB; |
  4975. | U With Diaeresis Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E73; | &#x1E73; |
  4976. | U With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00DC; | &#x00DC; |
  4977. | U With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter | &#x00FC; | &#x00FC; |
  4978. | U With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1EE5; | &#x1EE5; |
  4979. | U With Double Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x0171; | &#x0171; |
  4980. | U With Double Grave, Latin Small Letter | &#x0215; | &#x0215; |
  4981. | U With Grave, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00D9; | &#x00D9; |
  4982. | U With Grave, Latin Small Letter | &#x00F9; | &#x00F9; |
  4983. | U With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1EE7; | &#x1EE7; |
  4984. | U With Horn, Latin Small Letter | &#x01B0; | &#x01B0; |
  4985. | U With Inverted Breve, Latin Small Letter | &#x0217; | &#x0217; |
  4986. | U With Macron, Latin Small Letter | &#x016B; | &#x016B; |
  4987. | U With Ogonek, Latin Small Letter | &#x0173; | &#x0173; |
  4988. | U With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x016F; | &#x016F; |
  4989. | U With Tilde Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E75; | &#x1E75; |
  4990. | U With Tilde, Latin Small Letter | &#x0169; | &#x0169; |
  4991. | U, Combining Latin Small Letter | &#x0367; | &#x0367; |
  4992. | U, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D1C; | &#x1D1C; |
  4993. | U, Latin Small Letter Sideways | &#x1D1D; | &#x1D1D; |
  4994. | U, Latin Small Letter Sideways Diaeresized | &#x1D1E; | &#x1D1E; |
  4995. | U, Latin Subscript Small Letter | &#x1D64; | &#x1D64; |
  4996. | Ugaritic | &#x10380; | &#x10380; |
  4997. | Ukrainian Currency | &#x20B4; | &#x20B4; |
  4998. | Umbrella | &#x2602; | &#x2602; |
  4999. | Umbrella With Rain Drops | &#x2614; | &#x2614; |
  5000. | Umlaut | &#x0308; | &#x0308; |
  5001. | Unaspirated, Modifier Letter | &#x02ED; | &#x02ED; |
  5002. | Underdot, Combining Triple | &#x20E8; | &#x20E8; |
  5003. | Underline | &#x0332; | &#x0332; |
  5004. | Underline Symbol, Continuous | &#x2381; | &#x2381; |
  5005. | Underline Symbol, Discontinuous | &#x2382; | &#x2382; |
  5006. | Underline, Double | &#x0333; | &#x0333; |
  5007. | Underscore | &#x0332; | &#x0332; |
  5008. | Underscore, Double | &#x0333; | &#x0333; |
  5009. | Underscore, Spacing | &#x005F; | &#x005F; |
  5010. | Underscore, Spacing Double | &#x2017; | &#x2017; |
  5011. | Underscores, Overscores And | &#xFE49; | &#xFE49; |
  5012. | Undertie | &#x203F; | &#x203F; |
  5013. | Undertie, Inverted | &#x2054; | &#x2054; |
  5014. | Undo Symbol | &#x238C; | &#x238C; |
  5015. | Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics | &#x1400; | &#x1400; |
  5016. | Unified Ideographs Extension A, Cjk | &#x3400; | &#x3400; |
  5017. | Unified Ideographs Extension B, Cjk | &#x20000; | &#x20000; |
  5018. | Unified Ideographs, Cjk | &#x4E00; | &#x4E00; |
  5019. | Union | &#x222A; | &#x222A; |
  5020. | Union, Double | &#x22D3; | &#x22D3; |
  5021. | Union, Generalized | &#x22C3; | &#x22C3; |
  5022. | Union, Multiset | &#x228E; | &#x228E; |
  5023. | Union, N-Ary | &#x22C3; | &#x22C3; |
  5024. | Unions, Intersections And | &#x2A40; | &#x2A40; |
  5025. | Unique Element | &#x2129; | &#x2129; |
  5026. | Unit Separator | &#x001F; | &#x001F; |
  5027. | Unit Separator, Symbol For | &#x241F; | &#x241F; |
  5028. | Universal Quantifier | &#x2200; | &#x2200; |
  5029. | Universal Recycling Symbol | &#x2672; | &#x2672; |
  5030. | Unmarried Partnership Symbol | &#x26AF; | &#x26AF; |
  5031. | Up Arrowhead | &#x2303; | &#x2303; |
  5032. | Up Pointing Index, White | &#x261D; | &#x261D; |
  5033. | Up Right Diagonal Ellipsis | &#x22F0; | &#x22F0; |
  5034. | Up Tack | &#x22A5; | &#x22A5; |
  5035. | Up Tack Below, Combining | &#x031D; | &#x031D; |
  5036. | Up Tack, Modifier Letter | &#x02D4; | &#x02D4; |
  5037. | Up, Close | &#x2050; | &#x2050; |
  5038. | Up, Fast Cursor | &#x219F; | &#x219F; |
  5039. | Up, Page | &#x21DE; | &#x21DE; |
  5040. | Upa Modifiers | &#x02EF; | &#x02EF; |
  5041. | Upper Blade Scissors | &#x2701; | &#x2701; |
  5042. | Upper Integral | &#x2A1B; | &#x2A1B; |
  5043. | Upper Right Pencil | &#x2710; | &#x2710; |
  5044. | Uppercase Alphabet, Latin | &#x0041; | &#x0041; |
  5045. | Upsilon, Latin Capital Letter | &#x01B1; | &#x01B1; |
  5046. | Upsilon, Latin Small Letter | &#x028A; | &#x028A; |
  5047. | Upstile, Apl | &#x2308; | &#x2308; |
  5048. | Upward Pointing Triangle, Combining Enclosing | &#x20E4; | &#x20E4; |
  5049. | Upwards Arrow | &#x2191; | &#x2191; |
  5050. | Upwards Arrow Below, Combining | &#x034E; | &#x034E; |
  5051. | Uralic Phonetic Alphabet, Diacritics For | &#x0350; | &#x0350; |
  5052. | Uranus | &#x2645; | &#x2645; |
  5053. | Urdu Paragraph Separator | &#x203B; | &#x203B; |
  5054. | Urn, Funeral | &#x26B1; | &#x26B1; |
  5056. # V
  5058. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  5059. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  5060. | V Above | &#x030C; | &#x030C; |
  5061. | V With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E7F; | &#x1E7F; |
  5062. | V With Hook, Latin Capital Letter | &#x01B2; | &#x01B2; |
  5063. | V With Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x028B; | &#x028B; |
  5064. | V With Tilde, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E7D; | &#x1E7D; |
  5065. | V, Combining Latin Small Letter | &#x036E; | &#x036E; |
  5066. | V, Latin Capital Letter Script | &#x01B2; | &#x01B2; |
  5067. | V, Latin Capital Letter Turned | &#x0245; | &#x0245; |
  5068. | V, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D20; | &#x1D20; |
  5069. | V, Latin Small Letter Script | &#x028B; | &#x028B; |
  5070. | V, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x028C; | &#x028C; |
  5071. | V, Latin Subscript Small Letter | &#x1D65; | &#x1D65; |
  5072. | Vai | &#xA500; | &#xA500; |
  5073. | Valentine | &#x2665; | &#x2665; |
  5074. | Valid | &#x22A8; | &#x22A8; |
  5075. | Varavu, Tamil | &#x0BF7; | &#x0BF7; |
  5076. | Varia, Greek | &#x0300; | &#x0300; |
  5077. | Variation Indicator, Ideographic | &#x303E; | &#x303E; |
  5078. | Variation Selector One, Mongolian Free | &#x180B; | &#x180B; |
  5079. | Variation Selector Three, Mongolian Free | &#x180D; | &#x180D; |
  5080. | Variation Selector Two, Mongolian Free | &#x180C; | &#x180C; |
  5081. | Variation Selector-1 | &#xFE00; | &#xFE00; |
  5082. | Variation Selectors | &#xFE00; | &#xFE00; |
  5083. | Variation Selectors Supplement | &#xE0100; | &#xE0100; |
  5084. | Varies With | &#x223C; | &#x223C; |
  5085. | Varudam, Tamil | &#x0BF5; | &#x0BF5; |
  5086. | Vector | &#x20D1; | &#x20D1; |
  5087. | Vector | &#x20D7; | &#x20D7; |
  5088. | Vector Or Cross Product | &#x2A2F; | &#x2A2F; |
  5089. | Vector Pointing Into Page | &#x2295; | &#x2295; |
  5090. | Vector Pointing Into Page | &#x2297; | &#x2297; |
  5091. | Vector Pointing Out Of Page | &#x2299; | &#x2299; |
  5092. | Vee | &#x2228; | &#x2228; |
  5093. | Venus | &#x2640; | &#x2640; |
  5094. | Versicle | &#x2123; | &#x2123; |
  5095. | Vertical Bar | &#x007C; | &#x007C; |
  5096. | Vertical Bar Delimiter, Triple | &#x2980; | &#x2980; |
  5097. | Vertical Bar Dingbats | &#x2758; | &#x2758; |
  5098. | Vertical Bar, Broken | &#x00A6; | &#x00A6; |
  5099. | Vertical Bar, N-Ary White | &#x2AFF; | &#x2AFF; |
  5100. | Vertical Bar, White | &#x2AFE; | &#x2AFE; |
  5101. | Vertical Bowtie | &#x29D6; | &#x29D6; |
  5102. | Vertical Brackets | &#x23B4; | &#x23B4; |
  5103. | Vertical Ellipsis | &#x22EE; | &#x22EE; |
  5104. | Vertical Form Variants | &#xFE30; | &#xFE30; |
  5105. | Vertical Four Dots | &#x205E; | &#x205E; |
  5106. | Vertical Ideographic Iteration Mark | &#x303B; | &#x303B; |
  5107. | Vertical Line | &#x007C; | &#x007C; |
  5108. | Vertical Line Above, Combining | &#x030D; | &#x030D; |
  5109. | Vertical Line Above, Combining Double | &#x030E; | &#x030E; |
  5110. | Vertical Line Below, Combining | &#x0329; | &#x0329; |
  5111. | Vertical Line Below, Combining Double | &#x0348; | &#x0348; |
  5112. | Vertical Line Operators | &#x2AEE; | &#x2AEE; |
  5113. | Vertical Line Overlay, Combining Long | &#x20D2; | &#x20D2; |
  5114. | Vertical Line Overlay, Combining Short | &#x20D3; | &#x20D3; |
  5115. | Vertical Line With Middle Dot | &#x237F; | &#x237F; |
  5116. | Vertical Line, Double | &#x2016; | &#x2016; |
  5117. | Vertical Line, Modifier Letter | &#x02C8; | &#x02C8; |
  5118. | Vertical Line, Modifier Letter Low | &#x02CC; | &#x02CC; |
  5119. | Vertical Lines | &#x2223; | &#x2223; |
  5120. | Vertical Stroke Overlay, Combining Double | &#x20E6; | &#x20E6; |
  5121. | Vertical Tabulation | &#x000B; | &#x000B; |
  5122. | Vertical Tabulation, Symbol For | &#x240B; | &#x240B; |
  5123. | Vertical Text, Bracket Variants For | &#x23DC; | &#x23DC; |
  5124. | Vertical Text, Double Punctuation For | &#x2047; | &#x2047; |
  5125. | Vertical Tilde, Combining | &#x033E; | &#x033E; |
  5126. | Vertical Variants, Glyphs For | &#xFE10; | &#xFE10; |
  5127. | Vertical Variants, Glyphs For | &#xFE30; | &#xFE30; |
  5128. | Vertsaket, Armenian | &#x0589; | &#x0589; |
  5129. | Very Much Greater-Than | &#x22D9; | &#x22D9; |
  5130. | Very Much Less-Than | &#x22D8; | &#x22D8; |
  5131. | Victory Hand | &#x270C; | &#x270C; |
  5132. | Vietnamese Currency | &#x20AB; | &#x20AB; |
  5133. | Viewdata Square | &#x2317; | &#x2317; |
  5134. | Vinculum | &#x0305; | &#x0305; |
  5135. | Viram, Devanagari Deergh | &#x0965; | &#x0965; |
  5136. | Viram, Devanagari Purna | &#x0964; | &#x0964; |
  5137. | Virama, Devanagari Sign | &#x094D; | &#x094D; |
  5138. | Virama, Malayalam Sign | &#x0D4D; | &#x0D4D; |
  5139. | Virama, Myanmar Sign | &#x1039; | &#x1039; |
  5140. | Virama, Sinhala | &#x0DCA; | &#x0DCA; |
  5141. | Virama, Tagalog Sign | &#x1714; | &#x1714; |
  5142. | Virgo | &#x264D; | &#x264D; |
  5143. | Virgule | &#x002F; | &#x002F; |
  5144. | Visarga, Devanagari Sign | &#x0903; | &#x0903; |
  5145. | Visarga, Khmer | &#x17C7; | &#x17C7; |
  5146. | Visarga, Tamil Sign | &#x0B83; | &#x0B83; |
  5147. | Visarga, Tibetan | &#x0F7F; | &#x0F7F; |
  5148. | Voiced Fricative, Latin Letter Pharyngeal | &#x0295; | &#x0295; |
  5149. | Voiced Iteration Mark, Hiragana | &#x309E; | &#x309E; |
  5150. | Voiced Iteration Mark, Katakana | &#x30FE; | &#x30FE; |
  5151. | Voicing, Modifier Letter | &#x02EC; | &#x02EC; |
  5152. | Voltage Sign, High | &#x26A1; | &#x26A1; |
  5153. | Volume Integral | &#x2230; | &#x2230; |
  5154. | Vrachy, Greek | &#x0306; | &#x0306; |
  5155. | Vs1 | &#xFE00; | &#xFE00; |
  5156. | Vs17 | &#xE0100; | &#xE0100; |
  5157. | Vt | &#x000B; | &#x000B; |
  5158. | Vulgar Fraction One Half | &#x00BD; | &#x00BD; |
  5159. | Vulgar Fraction One Quarter | &#x00BC; | &#x00BC; |
  5160. | Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters | &#x00BE; | &#x00BE; |
  5161. | Vulgar Fractions | &#x2153; | &#x2153; |
  5163. # W
  5165. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  5166. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  5167. | W With Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E83; | &#x1E83; |
  5168. | W With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | &#x0175; | &#x0175; |
  5169. | W With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E85; | &#x1E85; |
  5170. | W With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E87; | &#x1E87; |
  5171. | W With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E89; | &#x1E89; |
  5172. | W With Grave, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E81; | &#x1E81; |
  5173. | W With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E98; | &#x1E98; |
  5174. | W, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D21; | &#x1D21; |
  5175. | W, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x028D; | &#x028D; |
  5176. | W, Modifier Letter Small | &#x02B7; | &#x02B7; |
  5177. | Waiting, Message | &#x0095; | &#x0095; |
  5178. | Warning Sign | &#x26A0; | &#x26A0; |
  5179. | Warning Signs | &#x2620; | &#x2620; |
  5180. | Watch | &#x231A; | &#x231A; |
  5181. | Wave Dash | &#x301C; | &#x301C; |
  5182. | Wave, Sine | &#x223F; | &#x223F; |
  5183. | Wavy Dash | &#x3030; | &#x3030; |
  5184. | Wavy Line | &#x2307; | &#x2307; |
  5185. | Wavy Low Line | &#xFE4F; | &#xFE4F; |
  5186. | Wavy Overline | &#xFE4B; | &#xFE4B; |
  5187. | Wavy Overline, Double | &#xFE4C; | &#xFE4C; |
  5188. | Weather And Astrological Symbols | &#x2600; | &#x2600; |
  5189. | Weather, Clear | &#x2600; | &#x2600; |
  5190. | Weather, Cloudy | &#x2601; | &#x2601; |
  5191. | Weather, Rainy | &#x2602; | &#x2602; |
  5192. | Weather, Showery | &#x2614; | &#x2614; |
  5193. | Weather, Snowy | &#x2603; | &#x2603; |
  5194. | Wedge | &#x028C; | &#x028C; |
  5195. | Wedge | &#x2227; | &#x2227; |
  5196. | Weierstrass Elliptic Function | &#x2118; | &#x2118; |
  5197. | West Syriac Cross | &#x2670; | &#x2670; |
  5198. | Wheel Of Dharma | &#x2638; | &#x2638; |
  5199. | Wheelchair Symbol | &#x267F; | &#x267F; |
  5200. | White Bullet | &#x25E6; | &#x25E6; |
  5201. | White Circle | &#x25CB; | &#x25CB; |
  5202. | White Circle, Medium | &#x26AA; | &#x26AA; |
  5203. | White Circle, Medium Small | &#x26AC; | &#x26AC; |
  5204. | White Circle, Shadowed | &#x274D; | &#x274D; |
  5205. | White Corner Bracket, Left | &#x300E; | &#x300E; |
  5206. | White Corner Bracket, Right | &#x300F; | &#x300F; |
  5207. | White Curly Bracket, Left | &#x2983; | &#x2983; |
  5208. | White Curly Bracket, Right | &#x2984; | &#x2984; |
  5209. | White Down Pointing Index | &#x261F; | &#x261F; |
  5210. | White Flag | &#x2690; | &#x2690; |
  5211. | White Framus | &#x29D6; | &#x29D6; |
  5212. | White Frowning Face | &#x2639; | &#x2639; |
  5213. | White Left Pointing Index | &#x261C; | &#x261C; |
  5214. | White Lenticular Bracket, Left | &#x3016; | &#x3016; |
  5215. | White Lenticular Bracket, Right | &#x3017; | &#x3017; |
  5216. | White Nib | &#x2711; | &#x2711; |
  5217. | White On Black Circled Numbers | &#x24EB; | &#x24EB; |
  5218. | White Parenthesis, Left | &#x2985; | &#x2985; |
  5219. | White Parenthesis, Right | &#x2986; | &#x2986; |
  5220. | White Right Pointing Index | &#x261E; | &#x261E; |
  5221. | White Scissors | &#x2704; | &#x2704; |
  5222. | White Sesame Dot | &#xFE46; | &#xFE46; |
  5223. | White Shogi Piece | &#x2616; | &#x2616; |
  5224. | White Smiling Face | &#x263A; | &#x263A; |
  5225. | White Square Bracket, Left | &#x301A; | &#x301A; |
  5226. | White Square Bracket, Right | &#x301B; | &#x301B; |
  5227. | White Star | &#x2606; | &#x2606; |
  5228. | White Sun With Rays | &#x263C; | &#x263C; |
  5229. | White Telephone | &#x260F; | &#x260F; |
  5230. | White Tortoise Shell Bracket, Left | &#x3018; | &#x3018; |
  5231. | White Tortoise Shell Bracket, Right | &#x3019; | &#x3019; |
  5232. | White Trapezium | &#x23E2; | &#x23E2; |
  5233. | White Up Pointing Index | &#x261D; | &#x261D; |
  5234. | White Vertical Bar | &#x2AFE; | &#x2AFE; |
  5235. | White Vertical Bar, N-Ary | &#x2AFF; | &#x2AFF; |
  5236. | Wide Bridge Above, Combining | &#x20E9; | &#x20E9; |
  5237. | Wiggly Fences | &#x29D8; | &#x29D8; |
  5238. | Wj | &#x2060; | &#x2060; |
  5239. | Won Sign | &#x20A9; | &#x20A9; |
  5240. | Word Joiner | &#x2060; | &#x2060; |
  5241. | Word Separators, Aegean | &#x10100; | &#x10100; |
  5242. | Words, Squared Katakana | &#x3300; | &#x3300; |
  5243. | Wordspace, Ethiopic | &#x1361; | &#x1361; |
  5244. | Working Day Symbol | &#x2692; | &#x2692; |
  5245. | Wreath Product | &#x2240; | &#x2240; |
  5246. | Writing Hand | &#x270D; | &#x270D; |
  5247. | Wynn, Latin Capital Letter | &#x01F7; | &#x01F7; |
  5248. | Wynn, Latin Letter | &#x01BF; | &#x01BF; |
  5250. # X
  5252. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  5253. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  5254. | X Above, Combining | &#x033D; | &#x033D; |
  5255. | X Below, Combining | &#x0353; | &#x0353; |
  5256. | X In A Rectangle Box | &#x2327; | &#x2327; |
  5257. | X With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E8D; | &#x1E8D; |
  5258. | X With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E8B; | &#x1E8B; |
  5259. | X, Ballot | &#x2717; | &#x2717; |
  5260. | X, Ballot Box With | &#x2612; | &#x2612; |
  5261. | X, Combining Latin Small Letter | &#x036F; | &#x036F; |
  5262. | X, Heavy Ballot | &#x2718; | &#x2718; |
  5263. | X, Heavy Multiplication | &#x2716; | &#x2716; |
  5264. | X, Modifier Letter Small | &#x02E3; | &#x02E3; |
  5265. | X, Multiplication | &#x2715; | &#x2715; |
  5266. | Xor | &#x22BB; | &#x22BB; |
  5268. # Y
  5270. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  5271. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  5272. | Y With Acute, Latin Capital Letter | &#x00DD; | &#x00DD; |
  5273. | Y With Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x00FD; | &#x00FD; |
  5274. | Y With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | &#x0177; | &#x0177; |
  5275. | Y With Diaeresis, Latin Capital Letter | &#x0178; | &#x0178; |
  5276. | Y With Diaeresis, Latin Small Letter | &#x00FF; | &#x00FF; |
  5277. | Y With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E8F; | &#x1E8F; |
  5278. | Y With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1EF5; | &#x1EF5; |
  5279. | Y With Grave, Latin Small Letter | &#x1EF3; | &#x1EF3; |
  5280. | Y With Hook Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1EF7; | &#x1EF7; |
  5281. | Y With Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x01B4; | &#x01B4; |
  5282. | Y With Macron, Latin Small Letter | &#x0233; | &#x0233; |
  5283. | Y With Ring Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E99; | &#x1E99; |
  5284. | Y With Stroke, Latin Capital Letter | &#x024E; | &#x024E; |
  5285. | Y With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | &#x024F; | &#x024F; |
  5286. | Y With Tilde, Latin Small Letter | &#x1EF9; | &#x1EF9; |
  5287. | Y, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x028F; | &#x028F; |
  5288. | Y, Latin Small Letter Turned | &#x028E; | &#x028E; |
  5289. | Y, Modifier Letter Small | &#x02B8; | &#x02B8; |
  5290. | Y, Turned Sans-Serif Capital | &#x2144; | &#x2144; |
  5291. | Yamakkan, Thai Character | &#x0E4E; | &#x0E4E; |
  5292. | Year Sign, Tamil | &#x0BF5; | &#x0BF5; |
  5293. | Yen Sign | &#x00A5; | &#x00A5; |
  5294. | Yentamna, Armenian | &#x058A; | &#x058A; |
  5295. | Yi Radicals | &#xA490; | &#xA490; |
  5296. | Yi Syllables | &#xA000; | &#xA000; |
  5297. | Yiddish Digraphs | &#x05F0; | &#x05F0; |
  5298. | Yield, Does Not | &#x22A3; | &#x22A3; |
  5299. | Yields | &#x22A2; | &#x22A2; |
  5300. | Yijing / I Ching Hexagram Symbols | &#x4DC0; | &#x4DC0; |
  5301. | Yijing / I Ching Monogram And Digram Symbols | &#x268A; | &#x268A; |
  5302. | Yijing / I Ching Trigram Symbols | &#x2630; | &#x2630; |
  5303. | Yin Yang | &#x262F; | &#x262F; |
  5304. | Yogh, Latin Small Letter | &#x021D; | &#x021D; |
  5305. | Ypogegrammeni, Combining Greek | &#x0345; | &#x0345; |
  5306. | Yr, Latin Letter | &#x01A6; | &#x01A6; |
  5307. | Yuan Sign | &#x00A5; | &#x00A5; |
  5309. # Z
  5311. | Description | Entity | Preview |
  5312. | ----------- | ------ | ------- |
  5313. | Z Bar, Latin Small Letter | &#x01B6; | &#x01B6; |
  5314. | Z Notation Bag Membership | &#x22FF; | &#x22FF; |
  5315. | Z Notation Spot | &#x2981; | &#x2981; |
  5316. | Z Notation Type Colon | &#x2982; | &#x2982; |
  5317. | Z With Acute, Latin Small Letter | &#x017A; | &#x017A; |
  5318. | Z With Caron, Latin Small Letter | &#x017E; | &#x017E; |
  5319. | Z With Circumflex, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E91; | &#x1E91; |
  5320. | Z With Curl, Latin Small Letter | &#x0291; | &#x0291; |
  5321. | Z With Dot Above, Latin Small Letter | &#x017C; | &#x017C; |
  5322. | Z With Dot Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E93; | &#x1E93; |
  5323. | Z With Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x0225; | &#x0225; |
  5324. | Z With Line Below, Latin Small Letter | &#x1E95; | &#x1E95; |
  5325. | Z With Retroflex Hook, Latin Small Letter | &#x0290; | &#x0290; |
  5326. | Z With Stroke, Latin Small Letter | &#x01B6; | &#x01B6; |
  5327. | Z With Swash Tail, Latin Small Letter | &#x0240; | &#x0240; |
  5328. | Z, Black-Letter Capital | &#x2128; | &#x2128; |
  5329. | Z, Double-Struck Capital | &#x2124; | &#x2124; |
  5330. | Z, Latin Letter Small Capital | &#x1D22; | &#x1D22; |
  5331. | Zapf Dingbats Series 100, Itc | &#x2700; | &#x2700; |
  5332. | Zero Width Joiner | &#x200D; | &#x200D; |
  5333. | Zero Width No-Break Space | &#xFEFF; | &#xFEFF; |
  5334. | Zero Width Non-Joiner | &#x200C; | &#x200C; |
  5335. | Zero Width Space | &#x200B; | &#x200B; |
  5336. | Zero, Circled Digit | &#x24EA; | &#x24EA; |
  5337. | Zero, Ideographic Number | &#x3007; | &#x3007; |
  5338. | Zero, Superscript | &#x2070; | &#x2070; |
  5339. | Zigzag Above, Combining | &#x035B; | &#x035B; |
  5340. | Zodiacal Symbols | &#x2648; | &#x2648; |
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