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Aug 18th, 2022
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  1. [18.08.2022 20:31:26] A/)-SV-Starstream: What the hell is that Chrysanthemum doing now.
  2. [18.08.2022 20:31:34] Hammer: I ain't joining the Navy, that's for sure.
  3. [18.08.2022 20:31:42] Mind.Predator: ::Identifying a Golden Chrysanthemum within the system::
  4. [18.08.2022 20:31:43] Hammer: Not for lack of trying either.
  5. [18.08.2022 20:31:51] A/)-Lazurith: That'd be like setting up for mental and financial suicide.
  6. [18.08.2022 20:31:51] Hammer: I clocked the Kusarians.
  7. [18.08.2022 20:31:56] Rules Tip: A single player running two or more instances of Freelancer for trading or mining purposes is against server rules and is regarded as cheating.
  8. [18.08.2022 20:31:58] Hammer: They are cashing in on the rolled steel.
  9. [18.08.2022 20:32:08] A/)-SV-Starstream: Got visual on it.
  10. [18.08.2022 20:32:11] A/)-SV-Starstream: Slightly up.
  11. [18.08.2022 20:32:16] A/)-SV-Starstream: Going to check her out.
  12. [18.08.2022 20:32:21] A/)-SV-Starstream: Whatcha running for?
  13. [18.08.2022 20:32:44] Mind.Predator: ::Chrysanthemum vessel spotted. Unit inquires to its presence::
  14. [18.08.2022 20:32:56] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: Hmm...
  15. [18.08.2022 20:32:57] Hammer: Eyes on the Lazurith.
  16. [18.08.2022 20:33:04] A/)-SV-Starstream: We're off lane, checking this out.
  17. [18.08.2022 20:33:11] Hammer: Roger, careful though.
  18. [18.08.2022 20:33:20] Hammer: GC are a...volatile bunch
  19. [18.08.2022 20:33:23] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: And what would you want with me?
  20. [18.08.2022 20:33:25] A/)-SV-Starstream: So are these gasses.
  21. [18.08.2022 20:33:25] A/)-Lazurith: I will return shortly. Not like they need my help with Mind over here.
  22. [18.08.2022 20:33:31] A/)-SV-Starstream: Yeah.
  23. [18.08.2022 20:33:38] A/)-SV-Starstream: I'm being nosy.
  24. [18.08.2022 20:33:49] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: Most people are
  25. [18.08.2022 20:33:56] A/)-SV-Starstream: Yeah, and I'm nosier.
  26. [18.08.2022 20:34:06] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: In any case I have little that could interest you
  27. [18.08.2022 20:34:07] Hammer: Clear all the way to Manchester.
  28. [18.08.2022 20:34:11] A/)-SV-Starstream: Probably.
  29. [18.08.2022 20:34:17] A/)-Lazurith: Then why didn't you just stop to tell us?
  30. [18.08.2022 20:34:24] A/)-SV-Starstream: Because they're making a run for Kusari.
  31. [18.08.2022 20:34:30] A/)-SV-Starstream: No time to.
  32. [18.08.2022 20:34:30] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: Couldve asked earlier
  33. [18.08.2022 20:34:34] A/)-Lazurith: But we just did.
  34. [18.08.2022 20:34:35] Hammer: Hmm. Almost too clear. I expect an ambush.
  35. [18.08.2022 20:34:42] A/)-SV-Starstream: No need to stop.
  36. [18.08.2022 20:34:46] A/)-SV-Starstream: I'm not adamant on blowing you up.
  37. [18.08.2022 20:34:59] A/)-Lazurith: Arright, let's see here.
  38. [18.08.2022 20:35:01] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: I am not adamant of being blown up
  39. [18.08.2022 20:35:01] A/)-SV-Starstream: Lots of people running Cobalt, hm?
  40. [18.08.2022 20:35:09] Mind.Predator: ::Target is carrying Cobalt. Unit inquires to its purpose::
  41. [18.08.2022 20:35:25] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: Maybe, I havent bothered inspecting other people's cargo
  42. [18.08.2022 20:35:35] A/)-SV-Starstream: Surprised the Gaian didn't get you.
  43. [18.08.2022 20:35:39] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well... At least the first time I saw you.
  44. [18.08.2022 20:35:56] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: So Gaians are interested in this?
  45. [18.08.2022 20:36:08] A/)-SV-Starstream: Seems like it. Or at least "taxing" off of it.
  46. [18.08.2022 20:36:16] A/)-SV-Starstream: Mollys are especially annoyed with it, since BMM and all.
  47. [18.08.2022 20:36:44] A/)-SV-Starstream: Oh, right, if you manage to make a run and I'm not there to snap a picture, able to send the timestamped
  48. [18.08.2022 20:36:45] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: Well this stuff is heading to other locations
  49. [18.08.2022 20:36:47] A/)-SV-Starstream: cargo over the comms?
  50. [18.08.2022 20:36:52] A/)-SV-Starstream: To Chrysanthemums?
  51. [18.08.2022 20:37:06] Hammer: Absolutely, full manifests will be provided.
  52. [18.08.2022 20:37:11] A/)-SV-Starstream: Thanks.
  53. [18.08.2022 20:37:12] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: We have no use for this. We will just sell it to third parties
  54. [18.08.2022 20:37:13] Hammer: It is in my interest, after all.
  55. [18.08.2022 20:37:26] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: Interested?
  56. [18.08.2022 20:37:29] A/)-SV-Starstream: Sort of.
  57. [18.08.2022 20:37:41] Mind.Predator: ::Unit inquires. The Cobalt may have some useful purpose::
  58. [18.08.2022 20:37:49] A/)-Lazurith: As it so happens we are just a few units short.
  59. [18.08.2022 20:37:53] A/)-SV-Starstream: Though doubt you'd do business with us, considering - you know... Outcasts.
  60. [18.08.2022 20:38:08] A/)-SV-Starstream: // 3645
  61. [18.08.2022 20:38:15] Death: RH-Rivares suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  62. [18.08.2022 20:38:28] GC-Fuyuzora: Maybe not
  63. [18.08.2022 20:38:29] A/)-SV-Starstream: // meaning if he delivers, 4,025 is left
  64. [18.08.2022 20:38:41] A/)-SV-Starstream: Maybe not.
  65. [18.08.2022 20:38:46] A/)-SV-Starstream: But you're doing this for money, right?
  66. [18.08.2022 20:38:51] A/)-Lazurith: He's clean.
  67. [18.08.2022 20:38:59] A/)-SV-Starstream: Copy.
  68. [18.08.2022 20:39:00] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: Obviously
  69. [18.08.2022 20:39:08] A/)-SV-Starstream: Meaning, doesn't matter where you take it, eh?
  70. [18.08.2022 20:39:11] A/)-SV-Starstream: Off the books.
  71. [18.08.2022 20:39:28] A/)-SV-Starstream: How about you take it to Freeport 14 in Inverness, and we'll pay you er... 10,000 a unit for it?
  72. [18.08.2022 20:39:45] A/)-SV-Starstream: That adds up to roughly 36 million.
  73. [18.08.2022 20:39:45] Hammer: // I'll haul a full 4810, you can pay me for just what you need, np.
  74. [18.08.2022 20:39:58] A/)-Lazurith: Sounds pretty reasonable. I'm sure your third party was willing to pay less anyways.
  75. [18.08.2022 20:39:59] A/)-SV-Starstream: // its alright i should have enough just barely
  76. [18.08.2022 20:40:08] /time
  77. [18.08.2022 20:40:08] 2022-08-18 20:40:09 SMT
  78. [18.08.2022 20:40:16] Mind.Predator: ::That is a deal. More profitable than you can ever wish of::
  79. [18.08.2022 20:40:18] A/)-Lazurith: Besides, you said yourself you have no concrete use for it.
  80. [18.08.2022 20:40:22] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: While that does sound tempting, I wouldnt discredit the GC with our allies
  81. [18.08.2022 20:40:29] A/)-SV-Starstream: No one will know.
  82. [18.08.2022 20:40:32] A/)-SV-Starstream: Off the books.
  83. [18.08.2022 20:40:40] A/)-SV-Starstream: For all you know, it's sold to the "Zoners"
  84. [18.08.2022 20:40:48] A/)-Lazurith: We're all getting what we want.
  85. [18.08.2022 20:41:06] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: You underestimate the nosyness of people like you said earlier
  86. [18.08.2022 20:41:22] A/)-SV-Starstream: Oh, well, they won't know anything unless someone tells.
  87. [18.08.2022 20:41:39] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: I would have to decline
  88. [18.08.2022 20:41:42] A/)-SV-Starstream: All you're doing is delivering to a dock port. An independent business man that's interested.
  89. [18.08.2022 20:41:50] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well, your loss.
  90. [18.08.2022 20:42:17] Mind.Predator: ::Considering it's purely Zoner business, you had said earlier about money::
  91. [18.08.2022 20:42:23] A/)-Lazurith: Literally. You're passing up on thousands of credits PER UNIT for no reason.
  92. [18.08.2022 20:42:35] Death: GC-Serizawa.Aina was put out of action by [SMR]Fr.Rosen (Gun).
  93. [18.08.2022 20:42:41] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well, being afraid of being in trouble is reasonable. But, such a minor risk.
  94. [18.08.2022 20:42:43] Mind.Predator: ::And now you have come to choose a less profitable option that one worth taking::
  95. [18.08.2022 20:42:51] A/)-SV-Starstream: They'll have to prove it. No way that they can. It's a Freeport.
  96. [18.08.2022 20:43:01] A/)-SV-Starstream: Freeports aren't governed by "House Law" or anything.
  97. [18.08.2022 20:43:02] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: I am not a risk taker, no
  98. [18.08.2022 20:43:05] Death: [SMR]Fr.Rosen suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
  99. [18.08.2022 20:43:07] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well - you're here.
  100. [18.08.2022 20:43:10] A/)-SV-Starstream: That's a massive risk as is.
  101. [18.08.2022 20:43:18] A/)-SV-Starstream: The Corsairs are so nearby! Gaians hate the Outcasts too!
  102. [18.08.2022 20:43:33] A/)-SV-Starstream: Not to mention the Royalists and the Mollys.
  103. [18.08.2022 20:43:39] A/)-SV-Starstream: Huuge risk, so far from home...
  104. [18.08.2022 20:43:42] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: That is why this ship is properly equiped
  105. [18.08.2022 20:43:47] A/)-SV-Starstream: No doubt backup is far away.
  106. [18.08.2022 20:43:51] Hammer: ETA to New London is two minutes.
  107. [18.08.2022 20:43:52] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well, at best, you'll only delay them.
  108. [18.08.2022 20:43:58] A/)-SV-Starstream: Understood.
  109. [18.08.2022 20:44:06] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: Time is all I would need
  110. [18.08.2022 20:44:08] A/)-SV-Starstream: See, if we were nasty, we could shred your ship apart.
  111. [18.08.2022 20:44:14] A/)-SV-Starstream: Which is a risk too.
  112. [18.08.2022 20:44:23] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: But you are not
  113. [18.08.2022 20:44:29] A/)-SV-Starstream: No, but we could, if we wanted to.
  114. [18.08.2022 20:44:37] A/)-SV-Starstream: Since you admitted you had no interest.
  115. [18.08.2022 20:44:50] A/)-Lazurith: If a small party such as ours could turn you into floating rocks and debris, imagine what a single bomber could do.
  116. [18.08.2022 20:44:53] A/)-SV-Starstream: ...And your people have shot us before, which already puts you on the negative list.
  117. [18.08.2022 20:45:10] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: That has been mutual
  118. [18.08.2022 20:45:22] A/)-SV-Starstream: But, although I'm not of the Military Arm, I'm sure we can do respectable amounts of damage.
  119. [18.08.2022 20:45:36] A/)-SV-Starstream: Either way, you risked yourself coming out here, what's a little more risk for extra profit for your move?
  120. [18.08.2022 20:45:37] Mind.Predator: ::Assessing target. It has declined our deal, purely because of the Outcasts::
  121. [18.08.2022 20:45:46] Hammer: Right, going past Kensington as we speak.
  122. [18.08.2022 20:45:50] A/)-SV-Starstream: There's no Outcasts in Inverness anyway.
  123. [18.08.2022 20:45:56] A/)-SV-Starstream: They're too busy caring about Coronado.
  124. [18.08.2022 20:46:03] Mind.Predator: ::Despite the fact that the profit is more than the target could imagine::
  125. [18.08.2022 20:46:49] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: Well... I guess I work in mysterious ways
  126. [18.08.2022 20:47:02] A/)-SV-Starstream: Oh, this is golden... You think we're going to kidnap you or something?
  127. [18.08.2022 20:47:09] A/)-Lazurith: So mysterious, in fact, that no one will ever look down on your transaction.
  128. [18.08.2022 20:47:13] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: It is not like I am a corporate goon
  129. [18.08.2022 20:47:23] A/)-SV-Starstream: Not sure what Corporates have to do with this.
  130. [18.08.2022 20:47:40] GC-Fuyuzora: Rin: Well they think in credits alone
  131. [18.08.2022 20:47:59] Mind.Predator: ::And how much would you care to a Zoner, the Unit inquires::
  132. [18.08.2022 20:48:00] A/)-SV-Starstream: You deliver to the Freeport, we give you a shadowed wiring of 36,460,000 from said anonymous dealer.
  133. [18.08.2022 20:48:07] A/)-Lazurith: Didn't you wake up today for the same thing, though? It's not like you're going home without a full wallet anyhow.
  134. [18.08.2022 20:48:08] A/)-SV-Starstream: You walk away, easy deal.
  135. [18.08.2022 20:48:16] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well, you said so yourself, you have no use for the cargo.
  136. [18.08.2022 20:48:25] A/)-SV-Starstream: You're selling it to third parties for cash.
  137. [18.08.2022 20:48:34] A/)-SV-Starstream: We're just offering an option to earn more said cash.
  138. [18.08.2022 20:48:44] A/)-Lazurith: At a lowered risk, too.
  139. [18.08.2022 20:48:51] GC-Fuyuzora: Indeed, you are. Yet I have to decline
  140. [18.08.2022 20:48:54] A/)-SV-Starstream: We'll be scouting ahead to ensure the path is clear.
  141. [18.08.2022 20:49:23] A/)-Lazurith: Still declining over something you literally do not need.
  142. [18.08.2022 20:49:23] Mind.Predator: ::The path you choose towards Leeds is riddled with many risks. We offer you a safe way::
  143. [18.08.2022 20:49:43] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well, their loss.
  144. [18.08.2022 20:49:46] A/)-SV-Starstream: MP Unit, Laz, let's leave.
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