
Do not pass go, do not collect $200

Jan 10th, 2018
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  1. Tsaaq: Hayley was beside Adam with her legs crossed. “Here goes nothing.” She whispered as she took hold of his hand. She rose from her spot on the bench once Judge Frederick was in the courtroom, just as everyone else did. // Judge Frederick came into the courtroom and sat down. “Thank you all. You may be seated. Prosecution which stage of the trial are we now?” He asked. Pushing his glasses up his nose. // “Prosecution calls the defendant: Thaddeus Blaise Wright to the stand your honor.” Anderson announced. // Remy and his parents all sat in the same row today to properly support. He knew to shut his mouth if he knew what was good for him. // Bliss took in a deep breath and went to hold her grandmother’s hand and Eli’s. // Thaddeus looked up and slowly made his way to the stand in chains before taking a seat. “Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god?” The bailiff asked. “I do.” Thaddeus answered.”
  2. Covet: Cadence sat with Remy and his family, holding onto his hand tightly. She looked mostly relaxed, given the activity she and Steph had done just hours before, but she was anxious about tonight's proceedings Her eyes watched Thad as he got up and was sworn in. // Eli looked over at Bliss and gave her hand a squeeze watching as Thad made his way up to the stand. // Felix was sitting next to Steph behind where Remy and his fameily was. He had an arm around her and was keeping an eye for how she was doing. They'd all been talked to by Sedrick and told to keep their shit together and he wasn't going to get involved tonight.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sat with her red eyes beside Felix, her hands folded neatly in her lap as she watched Thaddeus get up to take the stand. She chewed on her lower lip, finding her eyes beginning to wander around the audience of the court room. // Adam sat beside Hayley, his fingers laced together with hers. "I guess this will be interesting." He spoke in a whisper back to her as Thad took the stand, settling into silence with the rest of the court.-
  4. Covet: *family.
  5. Covet: [how the fuck did I mess that up so bad]
  6. Tsaaq: “Hello Mr. Wright.” Anderson had greeted. “First and foremost: Do you deny any of the testimonies that have transpired in this courtroom thus far?” He asked. // Thaddeus shrugged his shoulders. “Of course not. It was all true.” He replied. // “When you first planned the assault of Ms. Berkoff, was it your intention to do her harm?” Anderson inquired. // Thad nodded his head. “Yeah, I was angry because she didn’t want to go on a date with me.” Thaddeus said. // Hayley, Bliss and Remy were quiet bro.
  7. Covet: Cadence also watched intently at Thad on the stand, she swallowed hard and pulled her sweater around herself // Eli was doing the listening thing// Felix was rubbing Steph's arm as he listened as well.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Steph reached for Felix's hand so she could fidget and toy with his fingers because keeping herself distracted seemed to be the key. She was doing her best to filter what she heard from Thaddeus. // Adam shook his head as he listened to Thad, leaning down to whisper to Hayley. "There's no way Thaddeus' lawyer can come back from his own words."-
  9. Tsaaq: He nodded his head. “So, you invited Devin Vogel to join in on the horror acts as well?” Anderson tilted his head. // “Well I had a whole plan. Devin was there so I could blame it on him in the event that we were caught. I had a few back up scapegoats too. Desdemona and Harper were also involved for that reason.” He explained. // Anderson rose his eyebrow, glancing at an angry Morty in the background. “Tell me about how the breaking and entering came to fruition?” // Thaddeus sputtered his lips. “Devin was pissed off at Tony and everybody. I don’t know. We weren’t really friends. We ate McDonalds sometimes. I only really contacted him when we were gang raping Hayley. After that it was kind of out of nowhere but I wasn’t going to complain. He was kind of stupid. I think he knew he needed me to plan things. And I hated Ashlynn. And I hated Steph because she was always at OCH… Which looking back was a dumb reason to kill their cat.” Thaddeus spoke softly, his eyes widening a bit. // Hayley looked over to Adam. “I’ll explain why that’s good later.” She murmured. // Remy put his arm around Cadence. “Suck it Marty.”
  11. Covet: Cadence just stared in awe as Thad stated everything so casually, speaking clearly and so honestly. Like he'd already been asigned his permanent prison cell. She also noticed how Marty was fuming. Even if they didn't have their information in regards to Wyatt, it'd be hard for the jury to rule in their favor. // Eli was impressed as Thad continued to testify, each question coinciding with what the girls had said. // Felix played with Steph's fingers as well, because he was also a fidgety person. He signed different letters to tell her sweet things, while he half paid attention to Thad's testimony.
  12. Alexithymiaa: -A small smile slid across her face as she watched his hand signing, her eyes lifting up to his face before catching Thad's words. She turned her attention back to him, just kind of staring because fuck you. // "I think it's pretty obvious why it's good." He said with a faint laugh, giving her hand a squeeze before listening to Thaddeus again. He sort of just stared. Everyone is overall like what the fuck.-
  13. Tsaaq: Anderson paced around Thad’s seat in the stand. “My understanding is that the plan had gone awry? Is that correct?” // Thaddeus sat up and glanced at the jury. “Yeah. Devin didn’t know how to shoot his gun and said my name, so I said his name back. I think the end game was to scare them? I didn’t really plan on killing either of them… Devin was a horrible partner. Before we left I shot him. I think that was when I knew I’d have to kill him eventually which at the time I didn’t feel bad about. I just wanted it to go off without a hitch…” // “And after that? Tell me about the intricacies of the kidnapping?” Anderson asked. // “Devin was bad at planning. All of his ideas were stupid like, just shooting people and shit-“ Thaddeus paused and put his hand over his mouth. “I mean and ‘stuff’.” He corrected, knowing he should curse on the stand. “So one day I just suggested taking a few girls, drugging them and that was it.” He said. “He basically picked who and where. I didn’t really care much. We kept them there for days after we gathered all five. I always used a condom. Devin? Not as smart. I didn’t bother to correct him cause I was going to blame him anyways.” Thaddeus shrugged. “We kept getting mcdoubles afterwards and I think my cholesterol went up? Cause I was feeling sick.” He rambled. // Hayley scoffed, trying not to laugh cause this bastard is really talking about his unhealthy eating fucked him up while they were literally dying in a warehouse. She shook her head. “Really?” She whispered. // He nodded unknowingly. It made sense that dumbass Devin would pick a seedy place he’d used before.
  14. Covet: Cadence just closed her eyes and swallowed hard, thinking about it much more sick it made her that he was worried about that, over their wellbeing. She felt her eyes starting to water, and blinked them back // Eli couldn't believe what he was hearing, especially because it went against every bit of Marty's defense. // Felix continued to sign to her, but now the words were along the same line of Steph's thoughts. 'fuck this guy.'
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She dropped her eyes back down to look at Felix's hands, furrowing her brows because the ASL she learned was in school and they don't teach the word fuck. She tried to think of her vocabulary until she realized the signs were for 'fk', piecing it together with context now and signing back, but she took a while to get to point B. 'Did you think it was going to be anything else?' // Adam nodded his head and patted Hayley's hand as he continued to listen to Thad, taking a deep breath because was this guy really on about McDonald's right now.-
  16. Tsaaq: Frederick cleared his throat. “Please do answer with relevant information.” He said. // Anderson rose his eyebrows. “So you did unlawfully penetrate, sodomize and rape your classmates?” // “Sorry your honor.” Thaddeus said sheepishly. “Yes I did sir.” // “When did you find out they were gone? What led up to that?” He continued to probe. Anderson loving just all the truth telling. // Thaddeus scratched behind his head. “Well at first I was actually trying to maintain the girls but… I guess it was a counterproductive strategy. I’d abuse them then I’d ask if they wanted water, or nourishment. Naturally they’d say no. They were terrified. So defeated and a little embarrassed, I stopped trying to care for them. I would, however, check in on them.” He nodded his head slowly and scratched the stubble on his chin. “Devin never did it. If he did come back to the warehouse it was for more sexual shenanigans. On… January…” Thad paused while thinking. “January fourteenth was when I tried to check and saw the place was a crime scene. I was kind of relieved… Devin was mad. It was like… Have you ever had a tamagotchi Mr. Anderson? It was like having five tamagotchis that I had no idea how to take care of.” // Anderson’s eyebrows raised. “Let the record show that a tamagotchi is a children’s handheld toy that requires care for the game to proceed.” Anderson said to the court stenographer. “And then… You killed Devin?” He turned back to Thad. // Hayley was on the edge of her seat while listening to Thad. Her breathing becoming shallow. // “Hey it’s okay.” Remy whispered to Cadence as he rubbed her back again.
  17. Covet: She looked at Remy and quickly wiped her eyes and nodded her head, unsure how to feel considering that he was showing at least the slightest aknowledgement of remorse, other than it didn't settle her all that much. // Felix watched Steph until she finally got what he was saying, then shook his head, signing back, 'He's putting the nails in his own casket.'
  18. Alexithymiaa: 'I know.' She signed back, her head shooting up when Thad compared them to Tamagotchis. "Tamagotchis?" She asked angrily through her teeth, sitting up straighter as she set her jaw. // Adam's eyes just went wide as he listened more and more, in complete disbelief that he so openly admitted everything and was clearly not trying to make himself sound mentally unstable.-
  19. Tsaaq: Anderson furrowed his brow when Thaddeus became less talkative. “Mr. Wright, you killed Devin Vogel? How did it happen?” // He released a heavy sigh. “He was… He wanted to keep kidnapping girls and that seemed stupid. But I told him sure so he’d think I was on board.” Thaddeus started to explain. “He wanted Caroline Sanchez, another girl I had an infatuation for. I made it clear that it was unacceptable to try and kidnap her…” He cleared his throat. “I guess I knew he would try anyways. There’s no honor among thieves. So I pulled up to the dance studio to look like a hero and I killed him.” He said solemnly. // “Just like how you killed Desdemona, and how you got Ivy in prison!” Anderson asked loudly, storming over to Thad’s seat on the stand. // He shook his head quickly. “I didn’t kill Desdemona she blew her brains out I have the blood stained shirt to prove it! Honest!” Thad said, looking a little beat down. // “Then why did you scapegoat Ivy when you two were subpoenaed for the sexual assault of Jamie Saunders!?” Anderson asked. // Thad jumped, trying to slide back in his seat. He went quiet and shook his head. “There’s no honor among thieves.” He shrugged before lowering his head. // Hayley looked to Adam again. “This is good right?” She asked him. “He’s basically admitting everything.” // He looked Cadence over. “Just chill. Look at how pissed off Marty is if it makes you feel better?”
  20. Covet: Cadence watched as Anderson got straight up savage with Thad, who was now getting emotional on the stand. Marty didn't even try to save Thad's ass with any objections. "Are we sure he's still alive and hasn't gone into cardiac arrest?" // Felix gave Steph a squeeze around the shoulders feeling her sit up and tense up. He rubbed her hand with his thumb while Anderson started flaying Thad.
  21. Alexithymiaa: -Steph took a deep steadying breath, glancing down at her hands as she signed to Felix again. 'I hate him.' // "This is definitely good. I don't even know what Marty will be able to do with this." Adam said in a whisper to Hayley, watching Anderson go hard at Thad for the fucking win.-
  22. Tsaaq: Anderson sighed. “Thaddeus, do you think you need rehabilitation?” He asked firmly. // Thaddeus began to shake his head. “I don’t care where I go. As long as you don’t plan on letting me out or letting me be around people? That’s the way to go.” He replied. // “Your attorney says you’re so young and fragile. That you’d be wasting your life.” Anderson interjected. // “I’ve already wasted my life.” Thaddeus said softly. “Asylum, prison? As long as I’m left there. I think the world would be better off.” // Anderson nodded his head with understanding. He glanced at the jury. “The prosecution rests.” He said calmly as he returned to his seat. // Hayley turned to Adam then looked at the back of Marty’s head. “Well… He’s gonna have to pull something out of his ass. If he wants Wyatt to pay him.” // “Nah, he’s alive. It’s his turn to bullshit the next few questions then give up.” Remy said.
  23. Covet: Cadence nodded her head, wondering how Marty was going to try to recover any of this. // Felix nodded and signed, "me too."
  24. Alexithymiaa: -She felt her yawn coming on and lifted her hand to cover her mouth, slouching over and tipping her head to rest on Felix's shoulder, desperately fighting off the exhaustion. // "Wait, what?" Adam asked a bit confused, his gaze dropping down to look at Hayley.-
  25. Tsaaq: Marty walked up to the stand and looked Thad dead in the eye, very cross with him. “Thaddeus. Tell me about May fifth, twenty fifteen?” He asked. // “That was the day those guys shot up the school and killed a bunch of people. They cornered a bunch of us in the library. They shot me in my right hand.” Thad answered. // “How did it feel to leave once the police arrived and see that nobody was there to make sure you were alright?” He continued to interrogate. Willing to berate his own client to get a suitable rise out of him. // He shrugged and set his jaw. “I don’t know. It sucked.” He answered curtly, trying not to get emotional. // “And you’ve had a physical relationship with Hayley before?” Marty spoke quickly. // “Yeah. After the kidnapping.” Thaddeus replied. // “How would you rate the intercourse in question?” Marty asked. // Anderson shot up. “Your honor are you really going to let him ask such an inappropriate question?” He shouted. // “She didn’t like it.” Thaddeus said. The courtroom falling silent. “I can tell… I remember the day in March when she said she wanted to. I asked her ‘If you want me to then why are you trembling?’ and then we started and she seemed uncomfortable and scared but forcing herself through it. I could tell that was the closest I’d ever get to actually being with her. I held on so hard.” Thaddeus clenched his fist. “The guy she’s with now. The kid who like objected but he was in the audience? She wanted to be with him. I could tell. Even with every guy she dated and each messy break up? With me getting shut down immediately? I knew. I knew it. And I hated him. And I hated her. When we started sleeping together I tried to relish in that as much as I could because I knew I was borrowed time. It was only a matter of time that they’d find each other. Everything I did was to stall. But I couldn’t fight gravity. And I hated it.” Thaddeus sighed. “So saying we did it is a lame way to say that me trying to throw hurdles in her way. “ He looked Marty in the eye. // “I told you, I’d explain it later!” Hayley said quietly before Marty brought up the unpleasantness. She frowned while listening to Thad, lowering her head. // Remy began to roll his eyes. “Really, the shooting again?” He asked before his eyes widened while Thad spoke.
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  28. Covet: Cadence sighed, giving a soft sniffle as Marty tried to crack Thad back in line, but was failing miserably. All she could do stare at the two of them up there. // Felix looked over at her and signed, 'Tired? Hopefully not much longer.'
  29. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded her head against his shoulder, struggling to keep her eyes open before letting them fall closed. // Adam gently slipped his arm around Hayley's shoulders as he listened to Thad's statements, fighting off the urge to open his mouth because this entire trial just made him very frustrated.-
  30. Tsaaq: Marty inhaled deeply with his eyes wide with fury. “Thaddeus… Are you lonely?” // Thad stared blankly at Marty. “Do I have to answer that?” // Thad’s mother started to sob loudly in the audience. Wyatt attempted to console her. // “If somebody did the things you did to your sisters, wouldn’t you be upset?” Marty inquired. // Thaddeus leaned forward into the mic. “I don’t really like my sisters anyway.” He answered. // “Do you think you’re sick? Do you feel abnormal? Can look at your mother and say you don’t really like her either?” Marty continued to bombard him with questions. // “Yes. Yes.” Thaddeus paused and looked over to his crying mom. “I mean… She’s never really done anything wrong. It’s not her fault I’m evil.” He said in a small voice. Thad resisting the urge to look emotional. // “You’ve been acting out your entire life so someone would validate you. You look for love everywhere and you don’t receive it! So you do things to bring everyone down because you’re sad. And you’re telling me that it’s the fault of your mother? Shouldn’t she have nurtured you? What about your father?” Marty yelled. // Thaddeus’ dad sighed and finally got up, making everyone in the court room look at him as he made his way to the exit with a cold expression. // Thaddeus watched as his dad left the court room, not answering Marty as he shivered. // “Your honor! He’s distressing his own client.” Anderson protested. // Hayley put her free hand on her chest and furrowed her eyebrows. “This is awful.” She whispered. // Remy slowly shook his head. “Throwing this kid under the bus. Everybody gets emotional about their dads. Why would he even ask-“ He muttered, watching Mr. Wright leave.
  31. Covet: Cadence shook her head, incredulously at Marty berating Thad harder than Anderson had. "What the hell is this guy's problem?" She whispered. // Felix rubbed Steph's shoulder and felt her weight press against him more as she closed her eyes. He was honestly amazed she could fall asleep right now with all of this.
  32. Alexithymiaa: (High af, bro.)
  33. Alexithymiaa: -She pried her eyes open when she heard the sounds of their voices getting louder, entirely detached from what they were actually discussing, gently closing her eyes again. // Adam looked back and forth between Thad and Marty in shock about how this was unfolding. "Even Thaddeus doesn't deserve his lawyer to do this to him... He admitted to his crimes and was honest. He clearly does not care. Is Mr. Goldsmith that concerned about having the win on his record?"-
  34. Tsaaq: “Thaddeus. I need you to answer the question!” Marty said firmly. “Or answer whether or not you’ve ever felt loved by anyone. And then I won’t ask anything more.” He mimed zipping his lips. // Thaddeus began to pant angrily, staring at the floor of the stand cubicle thing. “No.” He answered through his teeth quietly. // “Louder so the jury can hear you.” Marty mocked him. // “I said: No.” He repeated before lowering his head once more. Saddened by his dad just leaving and Marty playing on shit he said he was sensitive about from the start. He looked up when Adam spoke and inhaled and exhaled deeply cause he didn’t want to shed man tears, nooo. // Marty looked out to the audience and the jury. “Aggressiveness, risk taking behaviors, hostility and general discontent.” He announced. “A mother’s tears not enough to prove to my client that he’s clearly has a skewed perception.” He waved his hand at Thaddeus mother. “Cynical, arrogant, abusive relationships. If you googled ASD a picture of Thaddeus would come up and he at the very least, deserves to be treated.” He shrugged. “The defense rests.” // She bit the inside of her cheek as her leg vibrated. “It’s cause Wyatt doesn’t want to pay our civil settlement.” // “Mr. Wright you may resume you place beside your attorney.” Judge Frederick nodded. “Closing statements from both sides please.” // Remy went to shake his head again. He looked at the jury. “They look happy.” He said sarcastically
  35. Covet: Cadence bit the inside of her cheek, unsure if Marty's tactic was actually going to work. She honestly prayed someone met the guy out back and just Matt Murdocked his ass. Regardless if it did or not. She glanced at the Jury then squeezed Remy's hand, hoping the closing statements gave a more clear view of what was going to happen. // Felix shook his head, just taking in the trial as Marty tore apart his own client, with even less remorse than what Thad had, for his own actions.
  36. Alexithymiaa: -Steph's head started to slide off Felix's shoulder as she nodded off, quickly catching herself in a very familiar head bob like when you hope the teacher doesnt notice your sleepy ass dozing off in class. She lifted her hand to rub her fingers beneath her glasses, yawning again. // "Well he's not going to have much of a choice." He whispered back to her, his eyes shifting to Anderson.-
  37. Tsaaq: Anderson got up from his place. “Ladies and gentlemen when you decide the fate of this young man remember that he volunteers being locked away and acknowledges his sins. And that’s all that we needed. The answer is simple.” He said firmly. “Thank you and god bless.” // Marty immediately stood. “Just because my client volunteers incarceration doesn’t mean he deserves it. Because of his illness he would rather cope with his own mind but in prison his disorder will only worsen.” He waved his hand at Thaddeus. “Does he deserve to suffer in the gray clouds that is his mind or does he deserve a ray of sunshine at the very least. Take a look at his family. Take note of Devin’s involvement in most of his actions. And then you’ll understand.” Marty nodded. “Thank you ladies and gentlemen. And I hope you all think carefully on your decisions.” // “Exactly.” Hayley said as she went to look at Wyatt. He must’ve felt her stare because while he acted like he was comforting his mother he shot another glare back at him. // “This isn’t like a test right. If his closing statement is short it doesn’t mean he failed right?” He asked Cadence. // Judge Frederick banged his gavel. “The jury will leave now and start their deliberation tomorrow morning. They also will remain sequestered until they all have come up with a mutual decision on where Mr. Wright will go, how long, and whether or no he will be obligated to reward the victims their money in the counter civil suit.” He announced. He banged his gavel once more. “Court is dismissed once more. Thaddeus Wright will return to Oregon Maximum Security prison until the verdict. Good night everyone.” His voice boomed. He rose from his seat and began to exit the courtroom.
  38. Covet: Cadence felt uneasy with how short and sweet Anderson's closing arguement was. She looked back at Remy and didn't feel nearly as confident as she had last night when she and Hayley had put their theory together. "Did they not use that information intentionally because it wasn't part of the case?" // Felix heard them then gave Steph a nudge, "Hey sleepy head. We're being kicked out, no vagabonds sleeping in the court house."
  39. Alexithymiaa: -Lifting her head, she blinked a few times, glancing around them at all the people beginning to get up before pushing up to her feet herself, turning to face him. "I think it's probably for the best that I wasnt paying attention much. I just want to get into bed..." // Adam climbed to his feet, turning to offer Hayley his hand to help her up too. "Everything is up to the jury now. We just need to let them do their jobs."-
  40. Tsaaq: "Well he can't just outrightly say 'Hey your brother just doesn't want to pay monies.' When they're supposed to be talking about Thad but Anderson implied it?" He said with a shrug. // Hayley nodded her head. "Hopefully it won't take them very long." She sighed with a frown. "They'll make the right decision." // "Alright everyone, it's go time. There's no way people could see past Marty's dickishness. Don't talk to the press and if you do want to you have to contact me first." Sedrick told the group.
  41. Covet: "Yeah I guess so." Cadence said with a frown, not looking forward to anticipating the wait time. She heard Sedrick and pursed her lips, intending to be completely silent on her way out. // Felix started out with Steph keeping her close as they walked out into the barage of reporters wanting to hear something, anything...but they got NOTHING.
  42. Alexithymiaa: -Steph walked out with Felix, keeping her head low and not addressing any of them because go away. // Adam nodded to Sedrick before slipping his arm around Hayley's waist. "Okay. Let's get you home." He spoke gently, beginning to lead her out of the courtroom into the craziness, shielding as best he could to get to his truck.-
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