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Apr 21st, 2018
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  1. Christiaan Huygens- 400
  2. The man who came to design the first precision clocks, setting the stage for all time telling of the modern day. Huygens is able to create timepieces and other forms of clocks in his hand and then control the time of anything that these clocks are stuck to. Things can have their time stopped, rendering them unchangeable and immutable, or have it sped up till they wither to dust in seconds or slown down till every second feels like it lasts weeks for the affected person. These time effects can be remotely controlled once the clocks are attached but the clocks can be removed, so careful placement and quick use is important. Not to mention good timing. A secondary ability of this Ancestor grants the user a perfect sense of time.
  4. Henry J Oppenheimer-800
  5. Head of the Manhattan Project, the science that would lead to the creation of the A Bomb. His terrible creation’s existence and the destruction it wrought turned Oppenheimer into a true Destroyer. Oppenheimer is able to create disasters of almost any kind in a huge range around himself, from those of a natural bent to those of artificial make. Hurricanes, earthquakes and tidal waves can all be summoned with just a few seconds of concentration and with a few minutes, even nuclear explosions of the level used at Hiroshima or vast clouds of acidic or poisonous smoke can be summoned into being.
  7. Alexander Graham Bell- 200
  8. Creator of the intial telephones and man who brought long distance, instant connection to people for the first time. Bell is able to simulate his great achievement via telepathy, instantly communicating with anyone whose name and face he knows across the planet. He is even able to set up networks between people he knows so that they can communicate with each other, so long as he is focusing at least partly on maintaining this network connection. It is possible to unbalance people by simply screaming loud noises into their minds as well, scrambling their concentration.
  10. Napoleon Bonaparte- 400
  11. One of the greatest military leaders in the world and critical to the French Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte was famed for his used of artillery, so much so that it has come with him across time and space to manifest as his power. Napoleon is able to summon any piece of artillery that has been used in an army he has led or that exists in the modern day behind him in the air, able to aim and fire these pieces of artillery with nothing but mental commands. They do not need ammunition but must take the normal amount of time to reload before they can be refired, though with the thousands upon thousands of cannons that lie ready for use, this should not be an issue.
  13. The Brothers Grimm- 400
  14. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm gathered and popularised a vast array of folklore in their lifetimes, bringing stories to the entire world that otherwise may have been left to lie forgotten in the cultural past. Their cultural achievements now manifest into reality, as the Grimms are able to summon into being the characters and monsters that exist within the stories they created. Any of the creatures or people within the stories published by the Grimm Brothers, the original brutal sorts or the more sanitised later versions, may be brought into being and commanded.
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