
The Ultimate Flame

Dec 11th, 2011
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  1. You are a disgusting, bilious, horrific, slimy, repugnant, nasty little pile of diarrhea that possesses such inconsequentially limited, completely infinitesimal intellectual capabilities that you make the profoundly retarded seem like MENSA material. You cannot remotely possibly be saved from a grisly, lonely, mentally devastating life as a curmudgeonly, old, retarded little eunuch with absolutely nothing holding you together but a multitude of housecats that are the only thing keeping your accursed, completely failed, empty little life from shattering into a trillion pieces.
  3. You're a poisonous, malodorous, bloated, hideous, flatulent, bizarre, horrific, deformed mutant. You're a biohazard that brings death, disease and destruction to everything you touch. Anybody that comes within 500 feet of your disgusting, lurid, ugly, hideous, puke-complected, repugnant, malignant, horribly odorous body is in danger of terrorizing their senses to the point of blindness, deafness, erectile dysfunction, jaundice, depression, anxiety, mental retardation, extreme nausea, various forms of cancer, and even death. Personally, I would never want to be within a mile of you, as I might catch rabies immediately and die a horrible, suffering, screaming, agonizing death.
  6. You are a pathetically ignorant, weak-minded, intellectually ill-equipped, pile of disgusting, leech-infested, diarrhea-smelling, puke-complected, grandfather-feltching, smegma-licking snot yogurt who more than likely got violently sodomized by your uncle every single fucking weekday of your childhood, and then passed over to your cousin during the weekends, where he forced his dick into your mouth every Saturday and Sunday. Now, normally, I, and many others would feel sorry for the trauma you've experienced as a child, but you're a special exception for the following reason... The unimaginable trauma from this experience led you to become extremely mentally unstable, hateful, pathetic, and stupid... Well, even more so than you already were, anyway, and you spend every waking moment of your existence bringing shame, misery and despair to everybody that you come across. Nearly everybody that reads your stupid, mindless, inflammatory posts on the Internet immediately bashes their head against their computer monitor repeatedly because of anger and disbelief at just how fucking incredibly pathetic and dumb and ignorant you are. Anybody that has the misfortune of gazing upon your monstrous, disgusting, hideous, abominable, inconceivable, horrifyingly deformed visage wants to tear their eyeballs out in unimaginable horror and disgust. Anybody that hears your extremely annoying, whiny, nasally, disgusting, ear-shredding, discordant voice wants to cut their ears off so as never to hear it again. The entire world hates your guts, and as such, you should contemplate loading a Glock .45, putting it to your head, and painting the wall pinkish red with your cerebellum.
  9. The moment you were born, your most unfortunate parents immediately took one look at the prematurely failed attempt at a miserable human existence that was in the form of the horribly deformed, monstrous, repugnant, mucus-sweating, piss-complected, fecal matter-smelling slug of moldy, rotten, diseased, ringworm-laden diarrhea that they would call their son, and, in a moment of abject terror, despair and disgust at the abomination to society that they created, they jumped out of the emergency room window on the top floor of the hospital, breaking almost every bone in their body, but ultimately surviving. They have utterly despised you ever since for bringing them such mental and physical suffering, and they consigned you to your traumatic childhood of being raped by your uncle and your cousin for 17 years. The instant you turned 18, your uncle and cousin, pedophile scum that they are, decided you were too old to bring them pleasure anymore, and thus, they decided to beat you within an inch of your life, and then they drove you to the nearest cliff, and tossed you off of it. In a most unfortunate turn of events, you somehow managed to survive the beatdown and the subsequent fall with only minor cuts, scrapes and bruises, effectively disproving the existence of a benevolent god that genuinely cares about the welfare of his creations. Being that your entire family has disowned you, and everybody you've ever come in contact with utterly despises you and everything you know and love, you spend your days wandering through the streets looking for sympathy and adoration that will never come. You are a disgusting piece of insignificant, cowardly, worthless garbage who has nothing to gain from attempting to live a decent life, because anything you've attained within your entire existence was acquired solely from stealing it from everyone else, and bringing as many people down with you as possible just to build your pathetic, meaningless, putrid little self up. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, you will be looked upon the same way in death as you were in life... An insignificant, laughable, revolting, disgusting, vomit-inducing, horrific accident that takes on the appearance of a voluminous gurgling slug of inhuman diarrhea.
  11. I don't even know why you, a bilious, disgusting, parasitic, horrific, barbaric, troglodytic, misanthropic, lethally malodorous, rotten, belligerent, racist, bigoted, sexist, heartless, brainless piece of shit such as yourself would even attempt to exist in this society, or any kind of society befitting to humans. The closest thing you can do to even remotely attempt to cover up your complete failure of "human existence" is realize that you're meant to taste the pain of the throes of rejection for all of your pathetic, miserable, wretched, failed, heinous, invariably abysmal life. You're human garbage-- nothing more than a punching bag to beat up on for those of us who belong in this world for a worthy reason other than being rejected, beaten, and neglected for all of eternity. Even those who feel suicidally depressed and hopeless and unwanted can take one look at you, and immediately come upon the ever-inspirational epiphany that no matter how bad their life gets, they can find solace, purpose and hope in the fact that they will NEVER be as pathetic or worthless or insignificant or hated as you. Your sole purpose is to be ridiculed, scorned, spat upon, beaten, mocked, laughed at, and ultimately, mentally, emotionally, and physically abused for the rest of your miserable, pathetic, meaningless, inconsequential, worthless, unaccomplished, most unfortunate existence.
  13. You truly think you're capable of formulating a coherent thought that isn't just regurgitated from whatever demonic entities from Hell you worship, but I have heard it all before, and I can certainly guarantee you've heard everything I've told you so far about your insignificant, thoughtless, unbelievably worthless existence THOUSANDS of times. Excuse me while I cry my eyes out laughing as you so desperately attempt to think of a little petty childish insult to try to counteract everything I have said to you, you sad, pathetic, racist, sexist, bigoted, intolerant, malignant, malodorous, revolting, slimy, insignificant little piece of malodorous, vomit-inducing pile of sludge who can do absolutely NOTHING but talk shit over the Internet. Your attempts to personally insult me or anybody else or sully the good names of others are horribly futile at best, and could be easily retorted successfully by a mentally-retarded four-year-old with Down Syndrome. I'm pretty sure that by now, even a completely brain-dead lost cause such as yourself would feel the searing sting of your folly in attempting your little comedically meaningless attempt at disrespecting a master of emotional and mental dissection such as myself. I shouldn't be full of myself, though... In acting completely conceited, I would be disrespecting all the little preschoolers and the mentally disabled people who could have effortlessly dissected your pathetically flawed, pitiful, sorrow-inducing existence intellectually with absolutely no inconvenience in the slightest.
  15. Don't you realize by now that everybody hates your guts and thinks of you as a contemptible, pathetic, ridiculous, worthless, insignificant little cockroach that needs to be stomped for the betterment of humanity? Haven't I managed to get it through that pathetic little thing you call a brain that nobody will EVER like you because of how fucking stupid and ignorant and disrespectful you are? Of course you don't... you're completely fucking mentally defective. Your self-esteem and your intelligence are so ridiculously low, so nonexistent, that you probably think I'm complimenting you, when in all actuality, I'm spelling out the truth about how pathetic, worthless, dumb, infantile, immature, smelly, hateful, bigoted, racist, insolent, arrogant, asinine, paranoid, heartless, sociopathic, and lifeless you are.
  17. You're such a fucking arrogant, disrespectful, brainless, sociopathic, lifeless, sexist, bigoted, racist little eunuch piece of garbage that it's fucking amazing. How can you possibly continue to show your face on the Internet when every last thing you say or do on here is rife with ignorance, stupidity, vulgarity, disrespect, incompetence and e-thuggery? Don't you realize that every time you open your mouth or post something online, you piss off even more people and make them lose all faith in humanity? I'd suggest that you take a swan dive off of the summit of Mt. Everest and paint the stalagmites on the ground below with your offal, cerebrum and blood, but then I realize that those stalagmites didn't do anything to deserve to be contaminated with the putrid froth of your ignoble, virulent, disgraceful blood. Oh well, you can always just simply load that Glock .45 and just put one through your brain and get it over with... Trust me when I tell you that the entire world would rejoice if you did.
  19. Provided that you actually take my advice and just shoot yourself right now, and put yourself out of everyone's misery, I just thought you should like to know what the future beholds for you. You'll be remembered solely for being an incomprehensibly retarded, unbelievably disgraceful, contemptible, intolerable, insufferable, racist, bigoted, sexist, insignificant, pathetic, worthless, cruel, cold-hearted, sociopathic, hateful, beady-eyed, cowardly little pile of wretched slimy bubbling filth. You may not even get a funeral at all, as nobody ever cared shit about you, not even your own crippled parents that attempted suicide upon gazing at your hideous face in the emergency room, not even the rapists you call your uncle and your cousin, not even your grandparents, who utterly despise you for what you did to their wonderful children by being born, and keep you around only to verbally and physically abuse you every day and night for it, and not even your own nieces and nephews, who have been awaiting your inevitable demise for an incredibly long time now, but at least you'll be remembered.
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