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Jun 23rd, 2012
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  5. Literature and Linguistics
  7. A Way with Words I and II - Michael Drout
  8. A Way With Words III
  9. American Writers in Paris in the 1920s
  10. Art of Reading
  11. Bard of the Middle Ages - The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
  12. Children's Literature
  13. Classical Mythology - The Greeks
  14. Classical Mythology - The Romans
  15. Communication Matters I
  16. Communication Matters II
  17. Dante and His Divine Comedy
  18. Detective Fiction - From Victorian Sleuths to the Present
  19. Eternal Chalice - The Grail in Literature and Legend
  20. From Here to Infinity An Exploration of Science Fiction Literature
  21. Giants of French Literature - Balzac, Flaubert, Proust, and Camus
  22. Giants of Irish Literature - Wilde, Yeats, Joyce, and Beckett
  23. Giants of Russian Literature
  24. Greek Drama - Tragedy and Comedy
  25. History of the English Language
  26. Life And Times Of Mark Twain
  27. Masterpieces of Medieval Literature
  28. Monsters, Gods and Heroes
  29. Rings, Swords, and Monsters - Exploring Fantasy Literature
  30. Shakespeare - The Seven Major Trajedies
  31. Shakespeare -Ten Great Comedies
  32. Stranger than Fiction - The Art of Literary Journalism
  33. The Literature of C. S. Lewis
  34. Walt Whitman and the Birth of Modern American Poetry
  35. World of George Orwell
  38. Philosophy, Political Thought and Intellectual History
  40. American Legal Experience
  41. Discovering the Philosopher in You
  42. Ethics - A History of Moral Thought - Peter Kreeft
  43. Feminism and the Future of Woman
  44. Fundamental Cases
  45. Ideas that Shaped Mankind
  46. Philosophy and the Law - How Judges Reason
  47. Philosophy Of Mind
  48. Philosophy Of Thomas Aquinas - Dr. Peter Kreeft
  49. Plato and Aristotle - The Genesis of Western Thought
  50. Political Theory - The Classical Texts
  51. Rules of the Game
  52. The Law of the Land - Kermit L. Hall
  53. Visions of Utopia - Philosophy and the Perfect Society
  56. Religion and Religious History
  58. Faith and Reason - The Philosophy of Religion
  59. From Jesus to Christianity - A History of the Early Church
  60. God Wills It - Understanding the Crusades - Thomas F. Madden
  61. Heaven or Heresy - A History of the Inquisition - Thomas Madden
  62. Religion Myth And Magic - The Anthropology Of Religion
  63. Religions of the East, Paths To Enlightenment
  64. The Bible as the Root of Western Literature
  65. The Quest - The Historians’ Search for Jesus and Muhammad
  66. Upon This Rock - A History of the Papacy from Peter to John II
  69. Science, Mathematics and the History of Science
  71. Astronomy - Earth, Sky and Planets
  72. Astronomy - Stars, Galaxies and the Universe
  73. Basics of Genetics
  74. Building Blocks of Human Life
  75. Crime Scene Investigation I
  76. Crime Scene Investigation II
  77. Darwin, Darwinism, and the Modern World
  78. Elemental Matters
  79. Evolutionary Biology 1
  80. Evolutionary Psychology I
  81. Evolutionary Psychology II
  82. Human Anatomy
  83. Understanding Nanotechnology
  84. Unseen Diversity - The World of Bacteria
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