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Nov 22nd, 2019
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  1. command /boss [<text>] [<text>]:
  2. description: spawns bosses!
  3. permission: lb.spawn
  4. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command!
  5. trigger:
  6. if arg 1 is not set:
  7. send "&8&l<&6Legendary &cBosses&8&l> &cYou need to specify a boss to spawn!"
  8. if arg 1 is set:
  9. if arg 2 is not set:
  10. if arg 1 is "start":
  11. spawn a Ravager at player's location
  12. send "&8&l<&6Legendary &cBosses&8&l> &aYou have spawned a &5&lRavager &e&lKing"
  13. set name of the last spawned Ravager to "&5&lRavager &e&lKing"
  14. apply health boost 25 to the last spawned Ravager for 9999 minutes
  15. heal the Ravager
  16. apply regeneration 1000 to the last spawned ravager for 5 seconds
  17. apply speed 3 to the last spawned Ravager for 9999 minutes
  18. apply strength 5 to the last spawned Ravager for 9999 minutes
  19. set the helmet of the last spawned Ravager to diamond helmet of protection 2 and unbreaking 15
  20. set the chestplate of the last spawned Ravager to diamond chestplate of protection 2 and unbreaking 15
  21. set the leggings of the last spawned Ravager to diamond leggings of protection 2 and unbreaking 15
  22. set the boots of the last spawned Ravager to diamond boots of protection 2 and unbreaking 15
  23. set the weapon of the last spawned Ravager to diamond sword of sharpness 25 and unbreaking 30
  25. on right click with ravager spawn egg:
  26. spawn a Ravager at player's location
  27. send "&8&l<&6Legendary &cBosses&8&l> &aYou have spawned a &5&lRavager &e&lKing"
  28. set name of the last spawned Ravager to "&5&lRavager &e&lKing"
  29. apply health boost 25 to the last spawned Ravager for 9999 minutes
  30. heal the Ravager
  31. apply regeneration 1000 to the last spawned ravager for 5 seconds
  32. apply speed 3 to the last spawned Ravager for 9999 minutes
  33. apply strength 5 to the last spawned Ravager for 9999 minutes
  34. set the helmet of the last spawned Ravager to diamond helmet of protection 2 and unbreaking 15
  35. set the chestplate of the last spawned Ravager to diamond chestplate of protection 2 and unbreaking 15
  36. set the leggings of the last spawned Ravager to diamond leggings of protection 2 and unbreaking 15
  37. set the boots of the last spawned Ravager to diamond boots of protection 2 and unbreaking 15
  38. set the weapon of the last spawned Ravager to diamond sword of sharpness 25 and unbreaking 30
  40. on death of ravager:
  41. if name of ravager is "&5&lRavager &e&lKing":
  42. broadcast "&5&lRavager &e&lKing! &ehas been slaint!"
  43. clear drops
  44. give attacker 1 end portal frames named "&e&lUltimate Drop Package &7(Right Click)" with lore "&7A cache of equipment packaged by Console" and "&7Earned by killing a &bBoss"
  46. on place of end portal frame:
  47. If player's tool is 1 end portal frame with lore "&7A cache of equipment packaged by Console" and "&7Earned by killing a &bBoss" named "&e&lUltimate Drop Package &7(Right Click)":
  48. cancel event
  49. remove 1 end portal frame from the player
  50. add 1000000 to player's balance
  51. message "&7&m-------------------------------------------" to player
  52. message "&e&l[&c&l!&e&l] &eYou claimed your reward!" to player
  53. message "&e&l[&c&l!&e&l] &a1.000.000&e Has been added to your account" to player
  54. message "&e&l[&c&l!&e&l] &eYou gained 3 &cExtreme&e keys" to player
  55. message "&e&l[&c&l!&e&l] &c&lBOSS&e Tag unlocked" to player
  56. message "&7&m-------------------------------------------" to player
  57. make console execute command "crate give p extreme 3 %player%"
  58. make console execute command "zperm player %player% set tagBOSS.use"
  59. else:
  60. cancel event
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