
So I wrote this. It's okay. It got the point across.

Sep 26th, 2016
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  1. Hampshire
  3. Out of a million faces,
  4. So few may outshine you.
  5. I boast that I am hard to get;
  6. You seem to cut right through.
  7. The time we spent together,
  8. I fell so hard for you,
  9. But now these feelings are at risk,
  10. I can't be there for you.
  11. You say you might be leaving soon,
  12. Although you wish to stay.
  13. The voices all are pleading you,
  14. I don't know what to say.
  15. Be one more voice to distance you,
  16. To send you off in tears?
  17. And wonder if my single voice
  18. Will haunt me all my years?
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