

Jan 21st, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 "Rpgs usually have happy endings right? As long as the story doesn't continue afterwards. I want a happy ending. Then I want to keep anybody from making a sequel. That's the problem. Nobody ever knows when to stop."(<strong>The Nihilist</strong>): (Mr. Birdbird)
  2. [X] 1 <span class="bbc_color" style="color: pink;">The Playboy</span>. Your rich family background had allowed you to have the best tuition possible, both for your physical workouts and academic qualities. However, you preferred to hold lavish parties in your mostly empty mansion, your parents too busy with work. Due to that, you knew more things about the anatomies of both genders that those your age shouldn't have known...yet.: (Krein)
  3. [X] 1 <span class="bbc_color" style="color: yellow;">The Winner</span>. You are, naturally, a winner in life, and this reflects on the ability you gained. Your armament is comprised of those weapons designed to provide a quick and efficient victory - high-end ranged guns (anti-material rifles and HE cannons) for distant attacks, and twin, high frequency short swords for close ranged assaults. Your spells are the ones interpreted by the Incubators to allow victory - luck and entropic in primacy, they shift the tides of fate and causality to your whim, bypassing physical contests.: (Krein)
  4. [X] 1 Brawler: (Guile)
  5. [X] 1 Delinquent: (Guile)
  6. [X] 1 Dexterity - 5: (kinglugia)
  7. [X] 1 Gamer's Body (Mastered) - Allows the gamer to live as though his body was that of a game character's.: (kinglugia)
  8. [X] 1 Gamer's Mind (Mastered) - Allows the gamer to maintain a calm and analytical mindset no matter what, as though he was participating in a game.: (kinglugia)
  9. [X] 1 Ganma Kozuki: (Larekko12)
  10. [X] 1 Genma Tasome: (Guile)
  11. [X] 1 Hiroushi Gensoku: (LightMage)
  12. [X] 1 Intelligence - 5: (kinglugia)
  13. [X] 1 Kris Findlay: (TheOtherSandman)
  14. [X] 2 Light Yagami: (MrGazzer, Dark Lord Bob)
  15. [X] 1 Luck - 5: (kinglugia)
  16. [X] 1 Magical Knight (Mastered) - Always leaves the gamer with 1HP unless Soul Gem is shattered or completely turns black.: (kinglugia)
  17. [X] 1 Magical Knight - Adds 10 levels to your base level, as well as granting the perk <Magical Knight>. Cannot be removed.: (kinglugia)
  18. [X] 1 Magical Knight : Transform [Active] - You transform into your Magical Knight outfit, increasing your stats based on your chosen template. Does not cost Corruption nor drains MP.: (kinglugia)
  19. [X] 2 Nobunaga Shio: (Heaven Canceler, Silversun17)
  20. [X] 1 Ramza Beoulve: (mc2rpg)
  21. [X] 2 Ren Koizumi: (Dimensionist, Krein)
  22. [X] 1 Riccardo Battaglia: (Malcolmo)
  23. [X] 3 Sato Hiroshi: (Wing101, Marthis, Selias)
  24. [X] 1 Strength - 5: (kinglugia)
  25. [X] 1 The <span class="bbc_color" style="color: pink;"><strong>Playboy</strong></span>. Your rich family background had allowed you to have the best tuition possible, both for your physical workouts and academic qualities. However, you preferred to hold lavish parties in your mostly empty mansion, your parents too busy with work. Due to that, you knew more things about the anatomies of both genders that those your age shouldn't have known...yet.: (Dimensionist)
  26. [X] 1 The <span class="bbc_color" style="color: purple;"><strong>Loser</strong></span>. You spent almost all of your time playing video games, reading manga, and watching anime, and when you had the chance to wish for anything in the world, you wished you could be an RPG character. You have a few friends, but they're all huge nerds, as well.: (Selias)
  27. [X] 1 The <span class="bbc_color" style="color: yellow;"><strong>Winner</strong></span>. You are, naturally, a winner in life, and this reflects on the ability you gained. Your armament is comprised of those weapons designed to provide a quick and efficient victory - high-end ranged guns (anti-material rifles and HE cannons) for distant attacks, and twin, high frequency short swords for close ranged assaults. Your spells are the ones interpreted by the Incubators to allow victory - luck and entropic in primacy, they shift the tides of fate and causality to your whim, bypassing physical contests.: (Dimensionist)
  28. [X] 1 The <strong>Model Student</strong>. You were the best in academics and sports team, winning many trophies and medals for the school. However, you were quite lonely on the inside, as your friends were only interestty and good looks, for your fan clubs.: (Dark Lord Bob)
  29. [X] 2 The Delinquent. You weren't exactly what others would call a role model, when you were the kind of person who picked fights with others if they ever looked at you funny. Still, you kept the neighborhood clean from the more unsavory elements...: (GLH, TheOtherSandman)
  30. [X] 1 The Genius, a highly talented individual, one who has hardly ever needed to strive to achieve his goals. Bored with your near effortless successes, you've been looking for something more. You made your wish to become an RPG character in the hopes of finding something that can really challenge you: (Marthis)
  31. [X] 1 The Loser. You spent almost all of your time playing video games, reading manga, and watching anime, and when you had the chance to wish for anything in the world, you wished you could be an RPG character. You have a few friends, but they're all huge nerds, as well.: (Wing101)
  32. [X] 6 The Model Student. You were the best in academics and sports team, winning many trophies and medals for the school. However, you were quite lonely on the inside, as your friends were only interestty and good looks, for your fan clubs.: (Larekko12, Robotninja, MrGazzer, Malcolmo, RLDX, mc2rpg)
  33. [X] 3 The Playboy. Your rich family background had allowed you to have the best tuition possible, both for your physical workouts and academic qualities. However, you preferred to hold lavish parties in your mostly empty mansion, your parents too busy with work. Due to that, you knew more things about the anatomies of both genders that those your age shouldn't have known...yet.: (Bloodshifter, Heaven Canceler, Silversun17)
  34. [X] 1 The<strong> Genius</strong>, a highly talented individual, one who has hardly ever needed to strive to achieve his goals. Bored with your near effortless successes, you've been looking for something more. You made your wish to become an RPG character in the hopes of finding something that can really challenge you.: (LightMage)
  35. [X] 1 Tina Standford: (GLH)
  36. [X] 1 Vitality - 5: (kinglugia)
  37. [X] 1 Wisdom - 5: (kinglugia)
  38. [X] 2 You are <span class="bbc_color" style="color: navy;"><strong>The Sorcerer</strong></span>, with all that comes with it. Wielding the formidable powers of White, Black, Blue and other forms of magicks with your weapon, you can unleash mighty devastation upon your foes. You are no slouch in close combat, either, as your channeling medium is an enchanted rapier, its glyphs allowing you to fight far better than a stereotypical magician could do.: (Selias, Dark Lord Bob)
  39. [X] 1 You are <strong>The Summoner</strong>, with your talent and strong mind you can summon creatures and beings to assist you or to complete a task for you. Depending on the mind and power of the summon you may need to make deals or befriend them to call upon them to assist you. You are not defenseless without a summon, as you carry a short sword in one hand, and have a ritual knife in a sheath.: (LightMage)
  40. [X] 1 You are The Assassin, with the typical clothing suitable for stealth, both for hiding in plain sight and infiltration. You found out that you could summon various types of weapons suitable for multi-ranged combat, infiltration and escape purposes, as well as invisibility.: (Malcolmo)
  41. [X] 1 You are The Brawler, equipped with nothing but your gauntlets and minimal clothing. Among the four classes, you are the swiftest and the deadliest, your gauntlets raining destruction upon your foes, either with blows that can shatter a bus with ease or blasts of Chi that disintegrate speeding cars.: (GLH)
  42. [X] 1 You are The Knight, even if you don't look like the stereotypical bulky plate armor wearing person riding on a horse. Though, the part where you have a sword and shield held true. When testing your armament, you found out that your shield can fold into a scabbard, while your sword can unfold into a chain whip. There may be other forms to try out, if what Kyubey said was correct.: (mc2rpg)
  43. [X] 8 You are The Sorcerer, with all that comes with it. Wielding the formidable powers of White, Black, Blue and other forms of magicks with your weapon, you can unleash mighty devastation upon your foes. You are no slouch in close combat, either, as your channeling medium is an enchanted rapier, its glyphs allowing you to fight far better than a stereotypical magician could do.: (Wing101, TheOtherSandman, Larekko12, Robotninja, ShadowAngelBeta, Marthis, MrGazzer, RLDX)
  44. [X] 2 You are the <a class="bbc_link" href="" target="_blank">Gunner</a>. You weld your gun to scythe through your foes with envious ease. (damn it, that damn school uniform got stuck as your outfit because of traumatic memories from your cousin who is OBSESSED with forcing you to cross dress.): (Heaven Canceler, Silversun17)
  45. [X] 1 You the <strong>The Gearhead</strong>, goggles and all. You see how the gears fit together, and with your knack for using tools in improbable ways, you can disrupt systems however you please. (Favored Weapon: Wrenches and Screwdrivers, among other things, or a clockwork repeating crossbow if we're restricted to one weapon type): (Mr. Birdbird)
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