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Jul 27th, 2017
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  2. [11:02 PM] Maq: this would have been a pretty big fish
  3. [11:02 PM] Vincent B.: damn right
  4. [11:03 PM] Vincent B.: its a tempting fish
  5. [11:03 PM] Rob: what id like to hear is your ideal situations bobby
  6. [11:03 PM] Rob: what would make you happy is what im wondering
  7. [11:03 PM] Rob: winning obviously but
  8. [11:03 PM] Rob: stomping d2?
  9. [11:03 PM] Rob: trying hard to win in d1?
  10. [11:03 PM] Rob: different people?
  11. [11:03 PM] Rob: what is it exactly
  12. [11:03 PM] ez SaiX: Bobby doesn't like a challenge
  13. [11:03 PM] Allen: im not trying to go back to d2
  14. [11:03 PM] Maq: shut up
  15. [11:03 PM] Maq: let him answer
  16. [11:03 PM] ez SaiX: He just wants easy wins
  17. [11:03 PM] Vincent B.: saix pls
  18. [11:03 PM] Allen: look we're all trying our best
  19. [11:04 PM] Rob: ye i want a srs answer here
  20. [11:04 PM] Allen: and i get that
  21. [11:04 PM] Allen: it isnt like im not giving it my all every match
  22. [11:04 PM] Allen: thats why i complain so much after its cause i care about it
  23. [11:04 PM] Rob: right
  24. [11:04 PM] Allen: its the decisions we make
  25. [11:04 PM] Allen: but look
  26. [11:04 PM] ez SaiX: That still doesn't justify bitching
  27. [11:04 PM] Allen: we were 1-3 going into this week, still in possible contention for a playoff spot
  28. [11:04 PM] ez SaiX: And doubting your team
  29. [11:05 PM] ez SaiX: Every match
  30. [11:05 PM] Allen: the logical thing is just take the freewin, but i understand why vincent wanted to play the match
  31. [11:05 PM] Allen: saix im not gonna do this shit
  32. [11:05 PM] Rob: so your complaint is just 'take the free win' p much then?
  33. [11:05 PM] Allen: no thats not it
  34. [11:06 PM] ez SaiX: You don't have to
  35. [11:06 PM] Allen: i would have liked to take the free win, because im gonna be honest
  36. [11:06 PM] Allen: saix is right
  37. [11:06 PM] Allen: i do doubt the team at times
  38. [11:06 PM] Allen: then we come close and i get excited
  39. [11:06 PM] ez SaiX: All the time
  40. [11:06 PM] Allen: then we lose
  41. [11:06 PM] Allen: and its unfortunate to me
  42. [11:06 PM] ez SaiX: Maybe not vs ba
  43. [11:06 PM] ez SaiX: But every other war
  44. [11:06 PM] Allen: because knowing the situation we could have been in
  45. [11:06 PM] ez SaiX: You doubted us
  46. [11:06 PM] Allen: we could have been 2-3
  47. [11:07 PM] Allen: saix cut the shit
  48. [11:07 PM] Allen: like im serious rn
  49. [11:07 PM] Allen: i dont give a fuck if you wanna shit talk me
  50. [11:07 PM] Allen: like dude couldnt care less
  51. [11:07 PM] Allen: but cut it in front of me
  52. [11:07 PM] ez SaiX: And what
  53. [11:07 PM] Allen: im not starting shit with you right now when you're babbling pointless drama
  54. [11:07 PM] Allen: what do you want?
  55. [11:07 PM] Allen: me gone?
  56. [11:07 PM] Allen: ill go
  57. [11:07 PM] Allen: gladly
  58. [11:07 PM] ez SaiX: You think im not?
  59. [11:07 PM] Allen: like ill leave if you really want me gone
  60. [11:08 PM] Allen: if thats your whole point here
  61. [11:08 PM] Vincent B.: we can kick each others asses all we want, i just want all of us to learn something from this and grow as a team, not tear each other apart
  62. [11:08 PM] ez SaiX: I really could care less what you do honestly
  63. [11:08 PM] Allen: then why do you care so much
  64. [11:08 PM] ez SaiX: Stay leave whatever
  65. [11:08 PM] Allen: why the fuck do you care what i wanted to do
  66. [11:08 PM] ez SaiX: Thats on you
  67. [11:08 PM] Allen: why do you care what i have to say
  68. [11:08 PM] Allen: why do you care?
  69. [11:08 PM] Allen: like seriously
  70. [11:08 PM] Allen: im so interested
  71. [11:08 PM] ez SaiX: Reread
  72. [11:08 PM] Allen: ive never been more invested into something youve had to say
  73. [11:08 PM] ez SaiX: Thank
  74. [11:09 PM] Vincent B.: rob post ur esssay already
  75. [11:09 PM] Rob: hi
  76. [11:09 PM] Vincent B.: fucker
  77. [11:09 PM] Rob: lol
  78. [11:09 PM] Vincent B.: youve been typing for like 3 minutes
  79. [11:09 PM] Allen: reread what
  80. [11:09 PM] Allen: what am i supposed to reread
  81. [11:09 PM] Vincent B.: man i so wanna spam quotes right now
  82. [11:10 PM] Allen: how much of a "bitch" i am?
  83. [11:10 PM] Allen: i understand that you think that of me
  84. [11:10 PM] Allen: you know what i think
  85. [11:10 PM] Allen: ive doubted this team yes
  86. [11:10 PM] Allen: i said we werent gonna do good yes
  87. [11:10 PM] Rob: idk im just wondering like what this fighting is about
  88. [11:10 PM] Allen: like everything you've said is correct
  89. [11:10 PM] Rob: you've guys already won d2 so its like
  90. [11:10 PM] Rob: could stomp that again or try and win in d1
  91. [11:10 PM] Rob: free win isnt really a win, doesnt mean our team is better
  92. [11:11 PM] Rob: just like cheating the rules to get into playoffs doesnt make sense to me
  93. [11:12 PM] Rob: all these wars have been p close besides that m/s one so idk
  94. [11:12 PM] Rob: can only try our hardest !
  95. [11:12 PM] Rob: if thats not good enough then w/e at least we tried
  96. [11:12 PM] ez SaiX: Thats basically my entire point
  97. [11:12 PM] ez SaiX: Yes we are losing
  98. [11:12 PM] Vincent B.: with a little hostility
  99. [11:13 PM] ez SaiX: But its not bad in the slightest
  100. [11:13 PM] Rob: i wouldnt have more fun stomping in d2
  101. [11:13 PM] ez SaiX: We aren't outmatched
  102. [11:13 PM] ez SaiX: Reread from beginning vince
  103. [11:13 PM] Rob: i have fun in these matches because these are others d1 teams trying their hardest as well
  104. [11:13 PM] Vincent B.: i saw it all
  105. [11:13 PM] ez SaiX: I wasn't hostile when i was telling bobby this earlier
  106. [11:14 PM] Vincent B.: i see where youre coming from, i dont like it either
  107. [11:14 PM] ez SaiX: I really just dislike that emo attitude. If anything take it to pm with someone
  108. [11:14 PM] Vincent B.: but i dont wanna become that person, telling them to leave and dont come back
  109. [11:15 PM] Vincent B.: i wanna tell them to shut the fuck up, change their attitude, and join our winning squad
  110. [11:15 PM] ez SaiX: You're right there
  111. [11:15 PM] Vincent B.: i really wanna win d1
  112. [11:15 PM] Vincent B.: like i need to win d1 before i quit this game
  113. [11:16 PM] Vincent B.: id love nothing more than to do it with debilitate
  114. [11:16 PM] Vincent B.: zt was a pick up team
  115. [11:16 PM] Vincent B.: this is my home team
  116. [11:16 PM] Vincent B.: i didnt expect to win d1 our first season... i thought we had a chance, but surely not 10-0 chimney sweep
  117. [11:17 PM] Vincent B.: i do the best i can every match so i can learn and adapt to the (slightly cancerous) D1 style
  118. [11:18 PM] Vincent B.: im willing to get my ass kicked this season if it means we can turn it around and do some serious ass kicking next season
  119. [11:18 PM] Vincent B.: ive wanted to post this quote all night
  120. [11:18 PM] Vincent B.: "But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!”
  121. [11:19 PM] Vincent B.: as long as we keep moving forward as a team
  122. [11:19 PM] Vincent B.: no matter how hard we get our ass kicked
  123. [11:19 PM] Vincent B.: we will win
  124. [11:19 PM] Allen: do i need to get the rest of that quote
  125. [11:19 PM] Vincent B.: sure
  126. [11:19 PM] Vincent B.: "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows.
  127. [11:19 PM] Vincent B.: and neither is d1
  128. [11:19 PM] Vincent B.: "It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it."
  129. [11:19 PM] Vincent B.: i aint gonna let it
  130. [11:20 PM] Vincent B.: i wanna build myself, and everyone around me to as tall as they can stand
  131. [11:20 PM] Vincent B.: so i can win
  132. [11:20 PM] Vincent B.: i just wanna win
  133. [11:20 PM] Allen:
  134. YouTube
  135. Zylerr Prod.
  136. Russell Westbrook Mix - "Look At Me" (Emotional)
  139. [11:20 PM] Vincent B.: dont forget to visit your mother
  140. [11:20 PM] Vincent B.: i need to sleep
  141. [11:20 PM] Vincent B.: gym in the monring
  142. [11:22 PM] Allen: alright then
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