

May 2nd, 2020
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  2. Jun Wum­ing Jun Xilei mas­ter and dis­ci­ple, also has not cho­sen to see off and wit­ness the per­son who Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror leaves the world.
  3. They saw Luo Chang­sheng and Huo Poyun, na­ture Yun Che that saw in the Huo Poyun hand the stu­por...... as well as that even if in stu­por, hate in­tent and dark devil qi that filled as be­fore.
  4. Huo Poyun stopped fi­nally, first has Sword Monarch mas­ter and dis­ci­ple, lat­ter has Luo Chang­sheng, his tooth closes tightly, but the whole body only has the deep pow­er­less feel­ing.
  5. Luo Chang­sheng catches up quickly, his train­ing makes him not have to con­trol Huo Poyun in ad­vance or has seized Yun Che, but ap­proaches Jun Wum­ing to be re­spect­ful but rit­ual: „ju­nior Luo Chang­sheng, has seen Se­nior Sword Monarch.”
  6. Jun Wum­ing nod­ded the head slightly, looked at body side Jun Xilei, the sen­sa­tion the chaotic tur­bu­lence of her aura and soul.
  7. „Lei'er,” Jun Wum­ing makes noise lightly, said: „Eter­nal Sky 3,000 years, your Pro­found Dao cul­ti­va­tion base makes for the mas­ter grat­i­fied, but ‚Sword Heart’ ac­tu­ally can­not take shape truly, be­cause of your Sword Heart, through­out ex­hausted in shack­les that the com­mon cus­tom gives ‚’, can­not break the cangue to live.”
  8. Jun Xilei: „......”
  9. „Obeys the con­science, then obeys Sword Heart.” Jun Wum­ing lightly said.
  10. The hand of Jun Xilei lifted slowly, grasps on be­hind lost/car­ry­ing Name­less Sword.
  11. Clang!
  12. Name­less Sword leaves, in­stantly sword might is fill­ing the heav­ens, the sur­round­ings space in­nu­mer­able me­te­orites were twisted to ex­tin­guish fine pow­der by in­vis­i­ble sword qi in­stan­ta­neously.
  13. In the past in Di­vine Be­stow­ment Bat­tle, Jun Xilei was strong Name­less Sword, two swords caused heavy losses to Yun Che, the third sword was Yun Che blocks, can­not wield, ac­tu­ally caused se­ri­ous re­sults that ha­rassed her 3,000 years...... Yun Che's form, carved into „Sword Heart”.
  14. Pre­sent Jun Xilei, has been pos­si­ble to con­trol Name­less Sword com­pletely, in God Realm, al­ready for her with „small Sword Monarch” name.
  15. Has not sent a lan­guage, Name­less Sword leaves, Sword Do­main flick­ers, myr­iad swords near spa­tial...... is ac­tu­ally straight thrust Luo Chang­sheng.
  16. Mean­while, the wave strokes Huo Poyun all at once again, pushes ruth­lessly far him.
  17. Huo Poyun gawked flick­ered, body pro­found en­ergy erupted, such as flick­ered the pass­ing me­teor to go far away.
  18. In Luo Chang­sheng heart one star­tled, just about to over­takes, then has fallen into Jun Xilei Sword Do­main.
  19. By his cul­ti­va­tion base, must de­feat Jun Xilei is not dif­fi­cult, but Sword Monarch in side, how dare he hits back, he is re­duc­ing and solv­ing Jun Xilei sword might fast, anx­iously said: „Se­nior Sword Monarch, your Fairy, you to the pri­mor­dial chaos bor­der, have not pos­si­bly known, Yun Che ac­tu­ally Devil! Now var­i­ous Di­vine Em­per­ors, in­clud­ing Dragon Sov­er­eign, has or­dered to put to death Yun Che, oth­er­wise fu­ture trou­ble end­less.”
  20. Jun Xilei's sword qi berserk, Jun Wum­ing is also no re­sponded that —— is only if views care­fully with rapt at­ten­tion, will then dis­cover that in his old pupil ap­peared three to wipe such as sword light of nee­dle slightly.
  21. The Luo Chang­sheng vi­sion changes, to at this mo­ment, which his was not clear, Sword Monarch mas­ter and dis­ci­ple ab­solutely not does not know, but is...... is clearly shield­ing is Devil Yun Che.
  22. His voice/sound sinks, does not have again to re­spect­ful of elder: „Se­nior Sword Monarch, you may the knowl­edge shield Devil, is what grave of­fense!”
  23. „He is Devil,” Sword Monarch voice/sound car­ries sword might to flut­ter lightly: „Also is a bene­fac­tor, is the per­son of sal­va­tion. He to the world ‚wicked’, Bjugn, under dust par­ti­cle just like vast sun.”
  24. „To kill his, is not rep­ri­mands to tir­ing of demon with the so-called pro­tect­ing world, but is the en­vi­ous ha­tred, as well as does not want by the ugly heart of dom­i­na­tion.”
  25. Chi!
  26. In the fear­ful punc­ture sound, Luo Chang­sheng was put on jia by sword light to­gether, body in­stan­ta­neously the blood­stains of dozens deep se­vere ob­vi­ous bones.
  27. He by Huo Poyun by ex­tremely a short dis­tance palm bang body, wound quite heavy, later has not man­aged the in­jury, pur­sues full power, now he faces in­ces­santly is Jun Xilei, ex­tremely heavy heavy pres­sure of also from Sword Monarch, against does not only cap­ture, has been sur­rounded by per­ils.
  28. Luo Chang­sheng eye of re­veal evil spirit, but near his ear, the word of Sword Monarch con­tin­ues loud: „Your some saves world 50,000 years, is through a lot, be­stows favor in­nu­mer­ably, is con­sid­ered as high­est virtue tall Wangzhong. The life­time one per­son alone, ac­tu­ally re­sults in the world char­ac­ter to be sym­met­ric con­sist mainly of ‚Monarch’.”
  29. „How­ever you, are well-known you and Yun Che have re­sent­ful, Flame God Huo Poyun and Yun Che for the best friend. If you ac­cuse Monarch some with the crime of Huo Poyun, but Monarch some de­nied it, and was Huo Poyun is the card. You guess, the world is the meet­ing be­lieves you, is vul­gar you?”
  30. Luo Chang­sheng pre­sented split sec­ond eye socket com­pletely to crack.
  31. When he is young is Young Mas­ter Chang­sheng that shakes East Ter­ri­tory, after Eter­nal Sky 3,000 years, Di­vine Lord Realm Sev­enth Level cul­ti­va­tion base is hon­ored as the mir­a­cle, the shock var­i­ous Gods ter­ri­tory.
  32. But if con­cerns the pres­tige, he com­pared with it Sword Monarch bad 108,000 far more than.
  33. If he an­nounced that Sword Monarch mas­ter and dis­ci­ple shields Devil Yun Che, only if there is an enough cer­tifi­cate, oth­er­wise Sword Monarch only need say de­nied, these will strike back on his own face.
  34. In heart one hor­i­zon­tal, the Luo Chang­sheng body thun­der erupts, dur­ing space tear­ing, com­pels by far Jun Xilei.
  35. His big mouth respite, said solemnly: „Good, I ac­knowl­edge that the pun­ish­ment is de­served today, this re­treats, will not di­vulge half char­ac­ter to see the mat­ter of se­nior...... that side Huo Poyun, is so.”
  36. But, the side­wise com­pres­sion has not van­ished in his body sword might, Name­less Sword in Jun Xilei hand aims at his chest as be­fore.
  37. „Hon­ored Mas­ter, I do not be­lieve him.” Jun Xilei coldly said.
  38. „Does not be­lieve”, is only the pre­tence under pre­text. With the Sword Monarch Jun Wum­ing pres­tige, rad­i­cally fear­less Luo Chang­sheng „false charge”.
  39. But, if puts Luo Chang­sheng to leave now, he may fol­low the trace very much, found Huo Poyun and Yun Che.
  40. In the Luo Chang­sheng heart is ir­ri­ta­ble, but the com­plex­ion is tran­quil, he just about to exits guar­an­teed again, sud­denly com­plex­ion big change.
  41. Be­cause of his sur­round­ings, pre­sented three small sword light.
  42. These three sword light col­or­less in­vis­i­ble, even does not have aura, the heart­strings that but, Luo Chang­sheng trem­bles told him, their clear ex­is­tences, more­over each, as if ar­rived di­rectly above his life­line.
  43. „Imag­i­nary...... heart...... sword.” Luo Chang­sheng read lowly makes noise, was only his voice/sound in ob­vi­ous trem­bling.
  44. But the Jun Xilei move­ment has also stag­nated, dull looks at the front.
  45. „You know this sword un­ex­pect­edly.” Jun Wum­ing makes noise in­dif­fer­ently: „It seems like, your Hon­ored Mas­ter in­deed con­ceals to you rare.”
  46. Under East­ern God Ter­ri­tory King Realm, Guxie first, Sword Monarch sec­ond.
  47. The world have never seen Jun Wum­ing and Luo Guxie fights.
  48. Sword Monarch is under King Realm the first per­son, was lat­ter dis­placed by Luo Guxie , be­cause after she re­turns Sa­cred Uni­verse Realm, Pro­found Dao aura ob­vi­ously sur­passed the Jun Wum­ing front­line.
  49. But, Luo Chang­sheng once lis­tened to Luo Guxie to say clearly, she be­fore re­turn­ing to Sa­cred Uni­verse Realm, once had chal­lenged Sword Monarch......
  50. Ac­tu­ally nearly dies in his „imag­i­nary heart sword” under.
  51. Later, Luo Guxie is hon­ored as under King Realm the first per­son, Sword Monarch never two words, be­cause to life essence him com­pletely, the so-called rep­u­ta­tion mist, the life end the biggest hope, will find enough out­stand­ing suc­ces­sor.
  52. But Jun Xilei, then as­cends the sky to his gra­cious gift.
  53. This is Luo Chang­sheng is al­ways very also re­spect­ful in front of Sword Monarch, as well as var­i­ous King Realm ob­vi­ously are heavy the Luo Guxie rea­son to Sword Monarch.
  54. Rank? Joke! The strength, is de­cided how oth­ers see your most im­por­tant el­e­ment.
  55. A Sword Monarch lin­eage/vein strength, but never pure weighs by Pro­found Dao cul­ti­va­tion base. Be­cause com­pares in Pro­found Dao, Sword Monarch lin­eage/vein are most fear­ful, is Sword Path.
  56. „Is Se­nior Sword Monarch...... wants to kill ju­nior to elim­i­nate a po­ten­tial in­for­mant?” Luo Chang­sheng asked in a low voice, the whole body moved does not dare to move.
  57. Be­fore Sword Monarch, had not acted, Luo Chang­sheng does not find it strange. As Sword Monarch, how to act to the ju­nior per­son­ally.
  58. Ac­tu­ally has a dream does not think, he has been con­geal­ing un­ex­pect­edly Hon­ored Mas­ter talks about each time will re­veal the scared look „imag­i­nary heart sword”.
  59. Too ab­surd...... he even had a lit­tle to feel own have what skills and abil­i­ties?
  60. „Hehe,” Jun Wum­ing smiles lightly: „Your some made the mas­ters have the friend­ship with your fa­ther thinly, did not have the in­jus­tice not to have the en­mity with you, not rea­son killed you. Ex­acts you to as­sign/life, will only bring the end­less dis­as­ter for my mas­ter and dis­ci­ple.”
  61. The Sword Monarch form in a flash, ar­rives at the side of Luo Chang­sheng, has as­sumed being dried up con­di­tion the ex­pert stretches out: „Ac­com­mo­dates Old Man, can­cels your half dou­ble-hour the mem­ory.”
  62. „......” Luo Chang­sheng clenches teeth stub­bornly, com­plex­ion flood white.
  63. If tol­er­ant of oth­ers to in­vade the soul, so long as the op­po­site party has evil in­tent slightly, then may eas­ily de­stroy to ex­tin­guish his soul sea.
  64. Sword Monarch in­deed does not have rea­son to do that. For the Jun Xilei fu­ture, will not dare to do that...... but, if com­plies, pre­sents the ini­tia­tive in oth­ers hand com­pletely.
  65. If not com­ply...... to lock his life­line, was nearly seized the life his Hon­ored Mas­ter Luo Guxie in the past the imag­i­nary heart sword!
  66. „Good......” under imag­i­nary heart sword might, the Luo Chang­sheng short bal­ance, is the cut­ting tooth makes noise fi­nally: „ju­nior...... com­plies with the mean­ing of Se­nior Sword Monarch.”
  67. Sword Monarch nods, al­ways refers, wisp of Soul change into sword, en­ters the Luo Chang­sheng soul sea.
  68. After a lit­tle while, the Luo Chang­sheng whole body trem­bles, faints.
  69. The imag­i­nary heart sword also dis­si­pates, is only, the Jun Wum­ing com­plex­ion ob­vi­ously were many not a nor­mal pale­ness.
  70. „Walks.”
  71. Jun Wum­ing turns around , with the di­rec­tion that Huo Poyun con­tra­dicts.
  72. Jun Xilei along in be­hind, fi­nally, she lifts the pupil to ask: „Hon­ored Mas­ter, why you...... why must use the imag­i­nary heart sword, why......”
  73. „Why” two char­ac­ters fall, in her pupil is the teardrops lets fall.
  74. Con­cen­trates the imag­i­nary heart sword, will dam­age life essence again.
  75. Jun Wum­ing's life essence was not much left......
  76. Jun Wum­ing ac­tu­ally smiles lightly, said: „He after all is Luo Chang­sheng, if not imag­i­nary heart sword, his im­pos­si­ble such quick obey­ing. But the time is slightly long, is easy to have the ac­ci­dent.”
  77. Jun Wum­ing lifts the hand, meets the tear stains that in the Jun Xilei pupil lets fall in the palm. body, is the life essence near de­ple­tion feel­ing, but his be­tween lips happy ex­pres­sion ac­tu­ally grat­i­fied tem­per­ate: „If not the gra­cious­ness of Yun Che past years, your ap­ti­tude has dam­aged again no longer.”
  78. „You for mas­ter ex­ten­sion of Sword Heart and life, to your gra­cious­ness, are to are the gra­cious­ness of mas­ter. Can be­fore turn­ing over to the dust also his benev­o­lence, con­soles for the mas­ter re­main­ing years of life greatly, you are sad, counter- should for mas­ter re­joice be.”
  79. „...... Is, Hon­ored Mas­ter.” Jun Xilei low­ers the head ac­cord­ingly, ac­tu­ally to fall the star tears again.
  80. When young will­ful, her re­gret how......, but, the des­tiny most bru­tal place, how then lamented that again is also un­able to re­call.
  81. „You can un­yield­ingly in the com­mon cus­tom, but along in the con­science, con­soles for the mas­ter heart in greatly. it's just...” Jun Wum­ing looks at the dis­tant place, in the dim pupil is 50,000 years of vast vi­cis­si­tudes, a long sigh: „If this life does not ac­com­mo­date him. He how, no one may lean in the fu­ture. Yeah......”
  82. ————
  83. Be­fore Glazed Light Realm, the Huo Poyun fig­ure stops, be­fore his body, fi­nally pre­sented that him by com­pletely the power Fo­cused Pro­found Sound Trans­mis­sion per­son.
  84. Shui Yingyue.
  85. Come Shui Yingyue was away from very then the sen­sa­tion to dark aura, when she close , the vi­sion only stayed split sec­ond in Huo Poyun body, then stared in stu­por Yun Che body stub­bornly.
  86. The Huo Poyun palm pushes, pushed to Shui Yingyue Yun Che, he is breath­ing heav­ily, some­what loses the strength the say/way: „You will give shel­ter his, right?”
  87. Shui Yingyue lifts the hand rapidly, heavy/thick water cur­tain for­ma­tion blocks in which Yun Che's form and aura firmly, her sink­ing sound asked: „Has the per­son to trace you?”
  88. „I do not know.” Huo Poyun said.
  89. „...... Had the work.” Shui Yingyue throws down three char­ac­ters, then wants anx­ious belt/bring Yun Che to leave.
  90. „Wait.” Huo Poyun stops by call­ing her, said in a low voice: „Do not tell him is I de­liv­ers him to come this...... other, ex­hausted after he wakes up, help­ing me in­form his a few words.”
  91. „Es­capes. Es­capes goes to North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, never come back again!”
  92. „Good.”
  93. Only com­plied with a char­ac­ter, Shui Yingyue then brings hid­den to leave in the Yun Che ex­treme ve­loc­ity of water cur­tain. Be­cause each stay flick­ers, will be then many one point of dan­ger.
  94. Huo Poyun turns around, both hands tighten, he looks at the vast starry sky, mut­tered whis­pers: „Yun Che, you, me...... have not been owing you!”
  95. ————
  96. „Right, I...... have not owed you!”
  97. Is fac­ing ice that carves the name of full Yun Che, Huo Poyun is out of sorts to read, his palm un­con­scious out­stretch, grasp­ing ob­vi­ously is gor­geously pure to that ac­tu­ally es­pe­cially daz­zling ice snow leaf.
  98. Why?
  99. He has be­come Devil ob­vi­ously......
  100. Why!!!
  101. „Flame God Realm King?”
  102. The palm will soon touch ice in­stantly, be­hind the side re­sounded chilly pure-heart the sound of women's sud­denly.
  103. The Huo Poyun fin­ger stag­nates, is only fin­ger­tip flame aura some over­flows of out-of-con­trol, pre­sent ice will melt in­stan­ta­neously most prob­a­bly.
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