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Oct 23rd, 2016
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text 39.15 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ; <COMPILER: v1.1.24.01>
  2. #NoEnv
  3. #SingleInstance Force
  4. #notrayicon
  5. winkill,Telerik Fiddler Web Debugger
  6. winkill,Telerik Fiddler Web Debugger
  7. winkill,Cheat
  8. winkill,Cheat
  9. winkill,Xis
  10. winkill,Xis
  11. winkill,Paros
  12. winkill,Paros
  13. winkill,Memory
  14. winkill,Memory
  15. winkill,Ollydbg
  16. winkill,ollydbg
  17. URLDownloadToFile,, C:\Program Files\a.jpg
  18. URLDownloadToFile,, C:\Program Files\b.jpg
  19. URLDownloadToFile,, C:\Program Files\hhp.bmp
  20. URLDownloadToFile,, C:\Program Files\hhp2.bmp
  21. URLDownloadToFile,, C:\Program Files\hhp3.bmp
  22. URLDownloadToFile,, C:\Program Files\hhp4.bmp
  23. URLDownloadToFile,, C:\Program Files\hhp5.bmp
  24. URLDownloadToFile,, C:\Program Files\ena.wav
  25. URLDownloadToFile,, C:\Program Files\ingame.wav
  26. URLDownloadToFile,, C:\Program Files\Start.wav
  27. Suspend, on
  28. Class CtlColors {
  29. Static Attached := {}
  30. Static HandledMessages := {Edit: 0, ListBox: 0, Static: 0}
  31. Static MessageHandler := "CtlColors_OnMessage"
  32. Static WM_CTLCOLOR := {Edit: 0x0133, ListBox: 0x134, Static: 0x0138}
  33. Static HTML := {AQUA: 0xFFFF00, BLACK: 0x000000, BLUE: 0xFF0000, FUCHSIA: 0xFF00FF, GRAY: 0x808080, GREEN: 0x008000
  34. , LIME: 0x00FF00, MAROON: 0x000080, NAVY: 0x800000, OLIVE: 0x008080, PURPLE: 0x800080, RED: 0x0000FF
  35. , SILVER: 0xC0C0C0, TEAL: 0x808000, WHITE: 0xFFFFFF, YELLOW: 0x00FFFF}
  36. Static SYSCOLORS := {Edit: "", ListBox: "", Static: ""}
  37. Static ErrorMsg := ""
  38. Static InitClass := CtlColors.ClassInit()
  39. __New() {
  40. If (This.InitClass == "!DONE!") {
  41. This["!Access_Denied!"] := True
  42. Return False
  43. __Delete() {
  44. If This["!Access_Denied!"]
  45. Return
  46. This.Free()
  47. ClassInit() {
  48. CtlColors := New CtlColors
  49. Return "!DONE!"
  50. CheckBkColor(ByRef BkColor, Class) {
  51. This.ErrorMsg := ""
  52. If (BkColor != "") && !This.HTML.HasKey(BkColor) && !RegExMatch(BkColor, "^[[:xdigit:]]{6}$") {
  53. This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid parameter BkColor: " . BkColor
  54. Return False
  55. BkColor := BkColor = "" ? This.SYSCOLORS[Class]
  56. : This.HTML.HasKey(BkColor) ? This.HTML[BkColor]
  57. : "0x" . SubStr(BkColor, 5, 2) . SubStr(BkColor, 3, 2) . SubStr(BkColor, 1, 2)
  58. Return True
  59. CheckTxColor(ByRef TxColor) {
  60. This.ErrorMsg := ""
  61. If (TxColor != "") && !This.HTML.HasKey(TxColor) && !RegExMatch(TxColor, "i)^[[:xdigit:]]{6}$") {
  62. This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid parameter TextColor: " . TxColor
  63. Return False
  64. TxColor := TxColor = "" ? ""
  65. : This.HTML.HasKey(TxColor) ? This.HTML[TxColor]
  66. : "0x" . SubStr(TxColor, 5, 2) . SubStr(TxColor, 3, 2) . SubStr(TxColor, 1, 2)
  67. Return True
  68. Attach(HWND, BkColor, TxColor := "") {
  69. Static ClassNames := {Button: "", ComboBox: "", Edit: "", ListBox: "", Static: ""}
  70. Static BS_CHECKBOX := 0x2, BS_RADIOBUTTON := 0x8
  71. Static ES_READONLY := 0x800
  72. Static COLOR_3DFACE := 15, COLOR_WINDOW := 5
  73. If (This.SYSCOLORS.Edit = "") {
  74. This.SYSCOLORS.Static := DllCall("User32.dll\GetSysColor", "Int", COLOR_3DFACE, "UInt")
  75. This.SYSCOLORS.Edit := DllCall("User32.dll\GetSysColor", "Int", COLOR_WINDOW, "UInt")
  76. This.SYSCOLORS.ListBox := This.SYSCOLORS.Edit
  77. This.ErrorMsg := ""
  78. If (BkColor = "") && (TxColor = "") {
  79. This.ErrorMsg := "Both parameters BkColor and TxColor are empty!"
  80. Return False
  81. If !(CtrlHwnd := HWND + 0) || !DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "UPtr", HWND, "UInt") {
  82. This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid parameter HWND: " . HWND
  83. Return False
  84. If This.Attached.HasKey(HWND) {
  85. This.ErrorMsg := "Control " . HWND . " is already registered!"
  86. Return False
  87. Hwnds := [CtrlHwnd]
  88. Classes := ""
  89. WinGetClass, CtrlClass, ahk_id %CtrlHwnd%
  90. This.ErrorMsg := "Unsupported control class: " . CtrlClass
  91. If !ClassNames.HasKey(CtrlClass)
  92. Return False
  93. ControlGet, CtrlStyle, Style, , , ahk_id %CtrlHwnd%
  94. If (CtrlClass = "Edit")
  95. Classes := ["Edit", "Static"]
  96. Else If (CtrlClass = "Button") {
  97. IF (CtrlStyle & BS_RADIOBUTTON) || (CtrlStyle & BS_CHECKBOX)
  98. Classes := ["Static"]
  99. Else
  100. Return False
  101. Else If (CtrlClass = "ComboBox") {
  102. VarSetCapacity(CBBI, 40 + (A_PtrSize * 3), 0)
  103. NumPut(40 + (A_PtrSize * 3), CBBI, 0, "UInt")
  104. DllCall("User32.dll\GetComboBoxInfo", "Ptr", CtrlHwnd, "Ptr", &CBBI)
  105. Hwnds.Insert(NumGet(CBBI, 40 + (A_PtrSize * 2, "UPtr")) + 0)
  106. Hwnds.Insert(Numget(CBBI, 40 + A_PtrSize, "UPtr") + 0)
  107. Classes := ["Edit", "Static", "ListBox"]
  108. If !IsObject(Classes)
  109. Classes := [CtrlClass]
  110. If !This.CheckBkColor(BkColor, Classes[1])
  111. Return False
  112. If !This.CheckTxColor(TxColor)
  113. Return False
  114. For I, V In Classes {
  115. If (This.HandledMessages[V] = 0)
  116. OnMessage(This.WM_CTLCOLOR[V], This.MessageHandler)
  117. This.HandledMessages[V] += 1
  118. Brush := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateSolidBrush", "UInt", BkColor, "UPtr")
  119. For I, V In Hwnds
  120. This.Attached[V] := {Brush: Brush, TxColor: TxColor, BkColor: BkColor, Classes: Classes, Hwnds: Hwnds}
  121. DllCall("User32.dll\InvalidateRect", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", 0, "Int", 1)
  122. This.ErrorMsg := ""
  123. Return True
  124. Change(HWND, BkColor, TxColor := "") {
  125. This.ErrorMsg := ""
  126. HWND += 0
  127. If !This.Attached.HasKey(HWND)
  128. Return This.Attach(HWND, BkColor, TxColor)
  129. CTL := This.Attached[HWND]
  130. If !This.CheckBkColor(BkColor, CTL.Classes[1])
  131. Return False
  132. If !This.CheckTxColor(TxColor)
  133. Return False
  134. If (BkColor <> CTL.BkColor) {
  135. If (CTL.Brush) {
  136. DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Prt", CTL.Brush)
  137. This.Attached[HWND].Brush := 0
  138. Brush := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateSolidBrush", "UInt", BkColor, "UPtr")
  139. This.Attached[HWND].Brush := Brush
  140. This.Attached[HWND].BkColor := BkColor
  141. This.Attached[HWND].TxColor := TxColor
  142. This.ErrorMsg := ""
  143. DllCall("User32.dll\InvalidateRect", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", 0, "Int", 1)
  144. Return True
  145. Detach(HWND) {
  146. This.ErrorMsg := ""
  147. HWND += 0
  148. If This.Attached.HasKey(HWND) {
  149. CTL := This.Attached[HWND].Clone()
  150. If (CTL.Brush)
  151. DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Prt", CTL.Brush)
  152. For I, V In CTL.Classes {
  153. If This.HandledMessages[V] > 0 {
  154. This.HandledMessages[V] -= 1
  155. If This.HandledMessages[V] = 0
  156. OnMessage(This.WM_CTLCOLOR[V], "")
  157. For I, V In CTL.Hwnds
  158. This.Attached.Remove(V, "")
  159. DllCall("User32.dll\InvalidateRect", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", 0, "Int", 1)
  160. CTL := ""
  161. Return True
  162. This.ErrorMsg := "Control " . HWND . " is not registered!"
  163. Return False
  164. Free() {
  165. For K, V In This.Attached
  166. DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Ptr", V.Brush)
  167. For K, V In This.HandledMessages
  168. If (V > 0) {
  169. OnMessage(This.WM_CTLCOLOR[K], "")
  170. This.HandledMessages[K] := 0
  171. This.Attached := {}
  172. Return True
  173. IsAttached(HWND) {
  174. Return This.Attached.HasKey(HWND)
  175. CtlColors_OnMessage(HDC, HWND) {
  176. Critical
  177. If CtlColors.IsAttached(HWND) {
  178. CTL := CtlColors.Attached[HWND]
  179. If (CTL.TxColor != "")
  180. DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetTextColor", "Ptr", HDC, "UInt", CTL.TxColor)
  181. DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetBkColor", "Ptr", HDC, "UInt", CTL.BkColor)
  182. Return CTL.Brush
  183. Class ImageButton {
  184. Static DefGuiColor := ""
  185. Static DefTxtColor := "Black"
  186. Static LastError := ""
  187. Static BitMaps := []
  188. Static GDIPDll := 0
  189. Static GDIPToken := 0
  190. Static MaxOptions := 8
  191. Static HTML := {BLACK: 0x000000, GRAY: 0x808080, SILVER: 0xC0C0C0, WHITE: 0xFFFFFF, MAROON: 0x800000
  192. , PURPLE: 0x800080, FUCHSIA: 0xFF00FF, RED: 0xFF0000, GREEN: 0x008000, OLIVE: 0x808000
  193. , YELLOW: 0xFFFF00, LIME: 0x00FF00, NAVY: 0x000080, TEAL: 0x008080, AQUA: 0x00FFFF, BLUE: 0x0000FF}
  194. Static ClassInit := ImageButton.InitClass()
  195. __New(P*) {
  196. Return False
  197. InitClass() {
  198. GuiColor := DllCall("User32.dll\GetSysColor", "Int", 15, "UInt")
  199. This.DefGuiColor := ((GuiColor >> 16) & 0xFF) | (GuiColor & 0x00FF00) | ((GuiColor & 0xFF) << 16)
  200. Return True
  201. GdiplusStartup() {
  202. This.GDIPDll := This.GDIPToken := 0
  203. If (This.GDIPDll := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\LoadLibrary", "Str", "Gdiplus.dll", "Ptr")) {
  204. VarSetCapacity(SI, 24, 0)
  205. Numput(1, SI, 0, "Int")
  206. If !DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdiplusStartup", "PtrP", GDIPToken, "Ptr", &SI, "Ptr", 0)
  207. This.GDIPToken := GDIPToken
  208. Else
  209. This.GdiplusShutdown()
  210. Return This.GDIPToken
  211. GdiplusShutdown() {
  212. If This.GDIPToken
  213. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdiplusShutdown", "Ptr", This.GDIPToken)
  214. If This.GDIPDll
  215. DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", This.GDIPDll)
  216. This.GDIPDll := This.GDIPToken := 0
  217. FreeBitmaps() {
  218. For I, HBITMAP In This.BitMaps
  219. DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Ptr", HBITMAP)
  220. This.BitMaps := []
  221. GetARGB(RGB) {
  222. ARGB := This.HTML.HasKey(RGB) ? This.HTML[RGB] : RGB
  223. Return (ARGB & 0xFF000000) = 0 ? 0xFF000000 | ARGB : ARGB
  224. PathAddRectangle(Path, X, Y, W, H) {
  225. Return DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipAddPathRectangle", "Ptr", Path, "Float", X, "Float", Y, "Float", W, "Float", H)
  226. PathAddRoundedRect(Path, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, R) {
  227. D := (R * 2), X2 -= D, Y2 -= D
  228. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipAddPathArc"
  229. , "Ptr", Path, "Float", X1, "Float", Y1, "Float", D, "Float", D, "Float", 180, "Float", 90)
  230. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipAddPathArc"
  231. , "Ptr", Path, "Float", X2, "Float", Y1, "Float", D, "Float", D, "Float", 270, "Float", 90)
  232. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipAddPathArc"
  233. , "Ptr", Path, "Float", X2, "Float", Y2, "Float", D, "Float", D, "Float", 0, "Float", 90)
  234. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipAddPathArc"
  235. , "Ptr", Path, "Float", X1, "Float", Y2, "Float", D, "Float", D, "Float", 90, "Float", 90)
  236. Return DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipClosePathFigure", "Ptr", Path)
  237. SetRect(ByRef Rect, X1, Y1, X2, Y2) {
  238. VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0)
  239. NumPut(X1, Rect, 0, "Int"), NumPut(Y1, Rect, 4, "Int")
  240. NumPut(X2, Rect, 8, "Int"), NumPut(Y2, Rect, 12, "Int")
  241. Return True
  242. SetRectF(ByRef Rect, X, Y, W, H) {
  243. VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16, 0)
  244. NumPut(X, Rect, 0, "Float"), NumPut(Y, Rect, 4, "Float")
  245. NumPut(W, Rect, 8, "Float"), NumPut(H, Rect, 12, "Float")
  246. Return True
  247. SetError(Msg) {
  248. This.FreeBitmaps()
  249. This.GdiplusShutdown()
  250. This.LastError := Msg
  251. Return False
  252. Create(HWND, Options*) {
  253. Static BCM_SETIMAGELIST := 0x1602
  254. , BS_CHECKBOX := 0x02, BS_RADIOBUTTON := 0x04, BS_GROUPBOX := 0x07, BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON := 0x09
  255. , BS_LEFT := 0x0100, BS_RIGHT := 0x0200, BS_CENTER := 0x0300, BS_TOP := 0x0400, BS_BOTTOM := 0x0800
  256. , BS_VCENTER := 0x0C00, BS_BITMAP := 0x0080
  258. , ILC_COLOR32 := 0x20
  259. , OBJ_BITMAP := 7
  261. , SA_LEFT := 0x00, SA_CENTER := 0x01, SA_RIGHT := 0x02
  262. , WM_GETFONT := 0x31
  263. This.LastError := ""
  264. If !DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "Ptr", HWND)
  265. Return This.SetError("Invalid parameter HWND!")
  266. If !(IsObject(Options)) || (Options.MinIndex() <> 1) || (Options.MaxIndex() > This.MaxOptions)
  267. Return This.SetError("Invalid parameter Options!")
  268. WinGetClass, BtnClass, ahk_id %HWND%
  269. ControlGet, BtnStyle, Style, , , ahk_id %HWND%
  270. If (BtnClass != "Button") || ((BtnStyle & 0xF ^ BS_GROUPBOX) = 0) || ((BtnStyle & RCBUTTONS) > 1)
  271. Return This.SetError("The control must be a pushbutton!")
  272. If !This.GdiplusStartup()
  273. Return This.SetError("GDIPlus could not be started!")
  274. GDIPFont := 0
  275. HFONT := DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", HWND, "UInt", WM_GETFONT, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
  276. DC := DllCall("User32.dll\GetDC", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr")
  277. DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SelectObject", "Ptr", DC, "Ptr", HFONT)
  278. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateFontFromDC", "Ptr", DC, "PtrP", PFONT)
  279. DllCall("User32.dll\ReleaseDC", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", DC)
  280. If !(PFONT)
  281. Return This.SetError("Couldn't get button's font!")
  282. VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
  283. If !DllCall("User32.dll\GetWindowRect", "Ptr", HWND, "Ptr", &RECT)
  284. Return This.SetError("Couldn't get button's rectangle!")
  285. BtnW := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int") - NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
  286. BtnH := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int") - NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
  287. ControlGetText, BtnCaption, , ahk_id %HWND%
  288. If (ErrorLevel)
  289. Return This.SetError("Couldn't get button's caption!")
  290. This.BitMaps := []
  291. For Index, Option In Options {
  292. If !IsObject(Option)
  293. Continue
  294. BkgColor1 := BkgColor2 := TxtColor := Mode := Rounded := GuiColor := Image := ""
  295. Loop, % This.MaxOptions {
  296. If (Option[A_Index] = "")
  297. Option[A_Index] := Options.1[A_Index]
  298. Mode := SubStr(Option.1, 1 ,1)
  299. If !InStr("0123456789", Mode)
  300. Return This.SetError("Invalid value for Mode in Options[" . Index . "]!")
  301. If (Mode = 0)
  302. && (FileExist(Option.2) || (DllCall("Gdi32.dll\GetObjectType", "Ptr", Option.2, "UInt") = OBJ_BITMAP))
  303. Image := Option.2
  304. Else {
  305. If !(Option.2 + 0) && !This.HTML.HasKey(Option.2)
  306. Return This.SetError("Invalid value for StartColor in Options[" . Index . "]!")
  307. BkgColor1 := This.GetARGB(Option.2)
  308. If (Option.3 = "")
  309. Option.3 := Option.2
  310. If !(Option.3 + 0) && !This.HTML.HasKey(Option.3)
  311. Return This.SetError("Invalid value for TargetColor in Options[" . Index . "]!")
  312. BkgColor2 := This.GetARGB(Option.3)
  313. If (Option.4 = "")
  314. Option.4 := This.DefTxtColor
  315. If !(Option.4 + 0) && !This.HTML.HasKey(Option.4)
  316. Return This.SetError("Invalid value for TxtColor in Options[" . Index . "]!")
  317. TxtColor := This.GetARGB(Option.4)
  318. Rounded := Option.5
  319. If (Rounded = "H")
  320. Rounded := BtnH * 0.5
  321. If (Rounded = "W")
  322. Rounded := BtnW * 0.5
  323. If !(Rounded + 0)
  324. Rounded := 0
  325. If (Option.6 = "")
  326. Option.6 := This.DefGuiColor
  327. If !(Option.6 + 0) && !This.HTML.HasKey(Option.6)
  328. Return This.SetError("Invalid value for GuiColor in Options[" . Index . "]!")
  329. GuiColor := This.GetARGB(Option.6)
  330. BorderColor := ""
  331. If (Option.7 <> "") {
  332. If !(Option.7 + 0) && !This.HTML.HasKey(Option.7)
  333. Return This.SetError("Invalid value for BorderColor in Options[" . Index . "]!")
  334. BorderColor := 0xFF000000 | This.GetARGB(Option.7)
  335. BorderWidth := Option.8 ? Option.8 : 1
  336. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0", "Int", BtnW, "Int", BtnH, "Int", 0
  337. , "UInt", 0x26200A, "Ptr", 0, "PtrP", PBITMAP)
  338. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipGetImageGraphicsContext", "Ptr", PBITMAP, "PtrP", PGRAPHICS)
  339. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetSmoothingMode", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "UInt", 4)
  340. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetInterpolationMode", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "Int", 7)
  341. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetCompositingQuality", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "UInt", 4)
  342. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetRenderingOrigin", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "Int", 0, "Int", 0)
  343. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetPixelOffsetMode", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "UInt", 4)
  344. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipGraphicsClear", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "UInt", GuiColor)
  345. If (Image = "") {
  346. PathX := PathY := 0, PathW := BtnW, PathH := BtnH
  347. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreatePath", "UInt", 0, "PtrP", PPATH)
  348. If (Rounded < 1)
  349. This.PathAddRectangle(PPATH, PathX, PathY, PathW, PathH)
  350. Else
  351. This.PathAddRoundedRect(PPATH, PathX, PathY, PathW, PathH, Rounded)
  352. If (BorderColor <> "") && (BorderWidth > 0) && (Mode <> 7) {
  353. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateSolidFill", "UInt", BorderColor, "PtrP", PBRUSH)
  354. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipFillPath", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "Ptr", PBRUSH, "Ptr", PPATH)
  355. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDeleteBrush", "Ptr", PBRUSH)
  356. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipResetPath", "Ptr", PPATH)
  357. PathX := PathY := BorderWidth, PathW -= BorderWidth, PathH -= BorderWidth, Rounded -= BorderWidth
  358. If (Rounded < 1)
  359. This.PathAddRectangle(PPATH, PathX, PathY, PathW - PathX, PathH - PathY)
  360. Else
  361. This.PathAddRoundedRect(PPATH, PathX, PathY, PathW, PathH, Rounded)
  362. BkgColor1 := 0xFF000000 | BkgColor1
  363. BkgColor2 := 0xFF000000 | BkgColor2
  364. PathW -= PathX
  365. PathH -= PathY
  366. If (Mode = 0) {
  367. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateSolidFill", "UInt", BkgColor1, "PtrP", PBRUSH)
  368. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipFillPath", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "Ptr", PBRUSH, "Ptr", PPATH)
  369. Else If (Mode = 1) || (Mode = 2) {
  370. This.SetRectF(RECTF, PathX, PathY, PathW, PathH)
  371. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect", "Ptr", &RECTF
  372. , "UInt", BkgColor1, "UInt", BkgColor2, "Int", Mode & 1, "Int", 3, "PtrP", PBRUSH)
  373. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetLineGammaCorrection", "Ptr", PBRUSH, "Int", 1)
  374. This.SetRect(COLORS, BkgColor1, BkgColor1, BkgColor2, BkgColor2)
  375. This.SetRectF(POSITIONS, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
  376. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetLinePresetBlend", "Ptr", PBRUSH
  377. , "Ptr", &COLORS, "Ptr", &POSITIONS, "Int", 4)
  378. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipFillPath", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "Ptr", PBRUSH, "Ptr", PPATH)
  379. Else If (Mode >= 3) && (Mode <= 6) {
  380. W := Mode = 6 ? PathW / 2 : PathW
  381. H := Mode = 5 ? PathH / 2 : PathH
  382. This.SetRectF(RECTF, PathX, PathY, W, H)
  383. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateLineBrushFromRect", "Ptr", &RECTF
  384. , "UInt", BkgColor1, "UInt", BkgColor2, "Int", Mode & 1, "Int", 3, "PtrP", PBRUSH)
  385. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetLineGammaCorrection", "Ptr", PBRUSH, "Int", 1)
  386. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipFillPath", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "Ptr", PBRUSH, "Ptr", PPATH)
  387. Else {
  388. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreatePathGradientFromPath", "Ptr", PPATH, "PtrP", PBRUSH)
  389. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetPathGradientGammaCorrection", "Ptr", PBRUSH, "UInt", 1)
  390. VarSetCapacity(ColorArray, 4, 0)
  391. NumPut(BkgColor1, ColorArray, 0, "UInt")
  392. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount", "Ptr", PBRUSH, "Ptr", &ColorArray
  393. , "IntP", 1)
  394. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetPathGradientCenterColor", "Ptr", PBRUSH, "UInt", BkgColor2)
  395. FS := (BtnH < BtnW ? BtnH : BtnW) / 3
  396. XScale := (BtnW - FS) / BtnW
  397. YScale := (BtnH - FS) / BtnH
  398. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetPathGradientFocusScales", "Ptr", PBRUSH, "Float", XScale, "Float", YScale)
  399. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipFillPath", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "Ptr", PBRUSH, "Ptr", PPATH)
  400. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDeleteBrush", "Ptr", PBRUSH)
  401. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDeletePath", "Ptr", PPATH)
  402. } Else {
  403. If (Image + 0)
  404. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "Ptr", Image, "Ptr", 0, "PtrP", PBM)
  405. Else
  406. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateBitmapFromFile", "WStr", Image, "PtrP", PBM)
  407. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDrawImageRectI", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "Ptr", PBM, "Int", 0, "Int", 0
  408. , "Int", BtnW, "Int", BtnH)
  409. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDisposeImage", "Ptr", PBM)
  410. If (BtnCaption <> "") {
  411. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic", "PtrP", HFORMAT)
  412. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateSolidFill", "UInt", TxtColor, "PtrP", PBRUSH)
  414. : (BtnStyle & BS_CENTER) = BS_RIGHT ? SA_RIGHT
  415. : (BtnStyle & BS_CENTER) = BS_Left ? SA_LEFT
  416. : SA_CENTER
  417. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetStringFormatAlign", "Ptr", HFORMAT, "Int", HALIGN)
  418. VALIGN := (BtnStyle & BS_VCENTER) = BS_TOP ? 0
  419. : (BtnStyle & BS_VCENTER) = BS_BOTTOM ? 2
  420. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetStringFormatLineAlign", "Ptr", HFORMAT, "Int", VALIGN)
  421. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipSetTextRenderingHint", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "Int", 0)
  422. VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
  423. NumPut(BtnW, RECT, 8, "Float")
  424. NumPut(BtnH, RECT, 12, "Float")
  425. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDrawString", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS, "WStr", BtnCaption, "Int", -1
  426. , "Ptr", PFONT, "Ptr", &RECT, "Ptr", HFORMAT, "Ptr", PBRUSH)
  427. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap", "Ptr", PBITMAP, "PtrP", HBITMAP, "UInt", 0X00FFFFFF)
  428. This.BitMaps[Index] := HBITMAP
  429. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDisposeImage", "Ptr", PBITMAP)
  430. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDeleteBrush", "Ptr", PBRUSH)
  431. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDeleteStringFormat", "Ptr", HFORMAT)
  432. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDeleteGraphics", "Ptr", PGRAPHICS)
  433. DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdipDeleteFont", "Ptr", PFONT)
  434. HIL := DllCall("Comctl32.dll\ImageList_Create"
  435. , "UInt", BtnW, "UInt", BtnH, "UInt", ILC_COLOR32, "Int", 6, "Int", 0, "Ptr")
  436. Loop, % (This.BitMaps.MaxIndex() > 1 ? 6 : 1) {
  437. HBITMAP := This.BitMaps.HasKey(A_Index) ? This.BitMaps[A_Index] : This.BitMaps.1
  438. DllCall("Comctl32.dll\ImageList_Add", "Ptr", HIL, "Ptr", HBITMAP, "Ptr", 0)
  439. VarSetCapacity(BIL, 20 + A_PtrSize, 0)
  440. NumPut(HIL, BIL, 0, "Ptr")
  441. Numput(BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_CENTER, BIL, A_PtrSize + 16, "UInt")
  442. ControlSetText, , , ahk_id %HWND%
  443. Control, Style, +%BS_BITMAP%, , ahk_id %HWND%
  444. SendMessage, %BCM_SETIMAGELIST%, 0, 0, , ahk_id %HWND%
  445. SendMessage, %BCM_SETIMAGELIST%, 0, % &BIL, , ahk_id %HWND%
  446. This.FreeBitmaps()
  447. This.GdiplusShutdown()
  448. Return True
  449. SetGuiColor(GuiColor) {
  450. If !(GuiColor + 0) && !This.HTML.HasKey(GuiColor)
  451. Return False
  452. This.DefGuiColor := (This.HTML.HasKey(GuiColor) ? This.HTML[GuiColor] : GuiColor) & 0xFFFFFF
  453. Return True
  454. SetTxtColor(TxtColor) {
  455. If !(TxtColor + 0) && !This.HTML.HasKey(TxtColor)
  456. Return False
  457. This.DefTxtColor := (This.HTML.HasKey(TxtColor) ? This.HTML[TxtColor] : TxtColor) & 0xFFFFFF
  458. Return True
  459. global rem := 0
  460. OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")
  461. Gui, -border
  462. Gui, Margin, 0, 0
  463. Gui, Color, FFFFFF
  464. Gui, Font, s18, Lucida Console Standard
  465. Gui, Add, Picture, xm+10 ym+15 w240 h50, C:\Program Files\b.jpg
  466. Gui, Font, s11
  467. Gui, Add, Text, xm y+10 w5 h50 0xE hwndhGradB1
  468. Gui, Add, Text, x+0 yp w250 h50 0xE hwndhGradG1
  469. Gui, Add, Edit, xm+20 yp+10 h25 w210 BackgroundTrans hWndEditUserName vEditU,
  470. EM_SetCueBanner(EditUsername, "Username")
  471. Gui, Add, Text, xm y+10 w5 h50 0xE hwndhGradB2
  472. Gui, Add, Text, x+0 yp w250 h50 0xE hwndhGradG2
  473. Gui, Add, Edit, xm+20 yp+10 h25 w210 0x20 BackgroundTrans hWndEditPassword vEditP,
  474. EM_SetCueBanner(EditPassword, "Password")
  475. Gui, Font, c777777
  476. Gui, Add, button, xm+18 yp+35 h25 hwndhBT1 gend, X
  477. CtlColors.Attach(Check1, (rem ? "BEEAFF" : "FFFFFF"), "777777")
  478. Opt1 := [0, 0x00ED0000, , 0x00FFFFFF, 0, , 0x00FF0000, 1]
  479. Opt2 := [0, 0x00ED0000, , 0x00FFFFFF, 0, , 0x00FF0000, 1]
  480. Opt3 := [0, 0x00ED0000, , 0x00FFFFFF, 0, , 0x00FF0000, 1]
  481. Opt4 := [0, 0x00FF0000, , 0x00DFDFDF, 0, , 0x00FF0000, 1]
  482. Opt5 := [0, 0x00FF0000, , 0x00FFFFFF, 0, , 0x00FF0000, 1]
  483. Opt6 := [0, 0x00FF0000, , 0x00FFFFFF, 0, , 0x00FF0000, 1]
  484. if !(ImageButton.Create(hBT1, Opt1, Opt2, Opt3, Opt4, Opt5, Opt6))
  485. MsgBox, 0, ImageButton Error btn1, % ImageButton.LastError
  486. Gui, Font, s13
  487. Gui, Add, Button, x+130 yp h25 hwndhBT1 glogin, Login
  488. Opt1 := [0, 0x0065CA60, , 0x00FFFFFF, 0, , 0x0047AA40, 1]
  489. Opt2 := [0, 0x0052c44d, , 0x00FFFFFF, 0, , 0x0047AA40, 1]
  490. Opt3 := [0, 0x0044b93e, , 0x00FFFFFF, 0, , 0x0047AA40, 1]
  491. Opt4 := [0, 0x80F0F0F0, , 0x00DFDFDF, 0, , 0x0047AA40, 1]
  492. Opt5 := [0, 0x0065CA60, , 0x00FFFFFF, 0, , 0x0047AA40, 1]
  493. Opt6 := [0, 0x0065CA60, , 0x00FFFFFF, 0, , 0x0047AA40, 1]
  494. if !(ImageButton.Create(hBT1, Opt1, Opt2, Opt3, Opt4, Opt5, Opt6))
  495. MsgBox, 0, ImageButton Error btn1, % ImageButton.LastError
  496. Gui, Font, cFFFFFF
  497. Gui, Add, Text, xm y+20 w1 h1
  498. Gui, Show, AutoSize, Login
  499. Gui, +LastFound
  500. WinSet, Redraw
  501. return
  502. Check:
  503. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  504. CtlColors.Change(Check1, (rem ? "BEEAFF" : "FFFFFF"), "777777")
  505. return
  506. end:
  507. exitapp
  508. #if WinActive("Login")
  509. ~Lbutton::
  510. ~Tab::
  511. ~+Tab::
  512. sleep 10
  513. GuiControlGet, GetFocus, Focus
  514. if (GetFocus = "Edit1")
  515. ApplyGradient(hGradB1, "3EC2FF", "3EC2FF")
  516. ApplyGradient(hGradG1, "F6F6F6", "F6F6F6")
  517. ApplyGradient(hGradB2, "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF")
  518. ApplyGradient(hGradG2, "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF")
  519. else if (GetFocus = "Edit2")
  520. ApplyGradient(hGradB1, "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF")
  521. ApplyGradient(hGradG1, "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF")
  522. ApplyGradient(hGradB2, "3EC2FF", "3EC2FF")
  523. ApplyGradient(hGradG2, "F6F6F6", "F6F6F6")
  524. else
  525. ApplyGradient(hGradB1, "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF")
  526. ApplyGradient(hGradG1, "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF")
  527. ApplyGradient(hGradB2, "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF")
  528. ApplyGradient(hGradG2, "FFFFFF", "FFFFFF")
  529. WinSet, Redraw
  530. return
  531. #IfWinActive
  532. WM_LBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam)
  533. PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, A
  534. return
  535. EM_SetCueBanner(hWnd, Cue)
  536. static EM_SETCUEBANNER := 0x1501
  537. return DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", EM_SETCUEBANNER, "Ptr", True, "WStr", Cue)
  538. ApplyGradient(Hwnd, RB := "101010", LT := "0000AA", Vertical := 1)
  539. ControlGetPos,,, W, H,, ahk_id %Hwnd%
  540. PixelData := Vertical ? LT "|" LT "|" RB "|" RB : RB "|" RB "|" LT "|" LT
  541. hBitmap := CreateDIB(PixelData, 2, 2, W, H, True)
  542. oBitmap := DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", Hwnd, "UInt", 0x172, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hBitmap)
  543. return hBitmap, DllCall("Gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", "Ptr", oBitmap)
  544. CreateDIB(PixelData, W, H, ResizeW := 0, ResizeH := 0, Gradient := 1)
  545. WB := Ceil((W * 3) / 2) * 2, VarSetCapacity(BMBITS, WB * H + 1, 0), P := &BMBITS
  546. loop, Parse, PixelData, |
  547. P := Numput("0x" A_LoopField, P + 0, 0, "UInt") - (W & 1 && Mod(A_Index * 3, W * 3) = 0 ? 0 : 1)
  548. hBM := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateBitmap", "Int", W, "Int", H, "UInt", 1, "UInt", 24, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
  549. hBM := DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr", hBM, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0x2008, "Ptr")
  550. DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetBitmapBits", "Ptr", hBM, "UInt", WB * H, "Ptr", &BMBITS)
  551. if !(Gradient + 0)
  552. hBM := DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr", hBM, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0x0008, "Ptr")
  553. return DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr", hBM, "Int", 0, "Int", ResizeW, "Int", ResizeH, "Int", 0x200C, "UPtr")
  554. login:
  555. Gui, Submit, NoHide
  556. AAA:= % EditU
  557. BBB:= % EditP
  558. winHttp := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
  559. WinHTTP.SetProxy(0)
  560. winhttp.Open("GET", "" AAA "&password=" BBB )
  561. winhttp.send()
  562. winhttp.WaitforResponse()
  563. Result1:=Winhttp.ResponseText
  564. if Result1 = succ
  565. Gui,1: Destroy
  566. goto, guif
  567. return
  568. if Result1 = Loginattemptfailed
  569. exitapp
  570. return
  571. GuiClose:
  572. exitapp
  573. return
  574. Box_Init(C="FF0000") {
  575. Gui, 96: -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20
  576. Gui, 96: Color, % C
  577. Gui, 97: -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20
  578. Gui, 97: Color, % C
  579. Gui, 98: -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20
  580. Gui, 98: Color, % C
  581. Gui, 99: -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20
  582. Gui, 99: Color, % C
  583. Box_Draw(X, Y, W, H, T="1", O="I") {
  584. If(W < 0)
  585. X += W, W *= -1
  586. If(H < 0)
  587. Y += H, H *= -1
  588. If(T >= 2)
  589. If(O == "O")
  590. X -= T, Y -= T, W += T, H += T
  591. If(O == "C")
  592. X -= T / 2, Y -= T / 2
  593. If(O == "I")
  594. W -= T, H -= T
  595. Gui, 96: Show, % "x" X " y" Y " w" W " h" T " NA", Horizontal 1
  596. Gui, 96:+AlwaysOnTop
  597. Gui, 98: Show, % "x" X " y" Y + H " w" W " h" T " NA", Horizontal 2
  598. Gui, 98:+AlwaysOnTop
  599. Gui, 97: Show, % "x" X " y" Y " w" T " h" H " NA", Vertical 1
  600. Gui, 97:+AlwaysOnTop
  601. Gui, 99: Show, % "x" X + W " y" Y " w" T " h" H " NA", Vertical 2
  602. Gui, 99:+AlwaysOnTop
  603. Box_Destroy() {
  604. Loop, 4
  605. Gui, % A_Index + 95 ": Destroy"
  606. Box_Hide() {
  607. Loop, 4
  608. Gui, % A_Index + 95 ": Hide"
  609. guif:
  610. CCC:= % EditU
  611. DDD:= % EditP
  612. winHttp := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
  613. winhttp.Open("GET", "" CCC "&password=" DDD )
  614. winhttp.send()
  615. winhttp.WaitforResponse()
  616. Result:=Winhttp.ResponseText
  617. winHttp := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
  618. WinHTTP.SetProxy(0)
  619. winhttp.Open("GET", "" CCC "&password=" DDD )
  620. winhttp.send()
  621. winhttp.WaitforResponse()
  622. Result2:=Winhttp.ResponseText
  623. #notrayicon
  624. winkill,Telerik Fiddler Web Debugger
  625. winkill,Cheat
  626. winkill,Xis
  627. winkill,Paros
  628. Suspend, off
  629. Firing := 0
  630. Gui, 2:Color, FFFFFF
  631. soundplay, C:\Program Files\Start.wav
  632. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x5 y5 w115 h35 vid, % CCC
  633. GuiControl,2:Disable,id
  634. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x130 y5 w110 h35 ghome, HOME
  635. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x250 y5 w115 h35 vdate, %Result%
  636. GuiControl,2:Disable,date
  637. Gui 2:Add, Picture, x5 y45 w360 h175, C:\Program Files\a.jpg
  638. Gui, 2:Font, Bold
  639. Gui 2:Add, GroupBox, x10 y220 w350 h35,
  640. Gui 2:Add, GroupBox, x10 y247 w350 h75,
  641. Gui 2:Add, GroupBox, x10 y313 w350 h70,
  642. Gui 2:Add, GroupBox, x10 y375 w350 h115,
  643. Gui, 2:Font, Normal
  644. Gui 2:Add, CheckBox, x20 y230 w120 h20 gaim1 vaimtype,
  645. Gui 2:Add, CheckBox, x150 y230 w120 h20 gaim2 vaimtype1,
  646. Gui 2:Add, CheckBox, x280 y230 w70 h20 gaim3 vaimtype2,
  647. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x20 y260 w20 h20 gspeed, ?
  648. Gui 2:Add, Text, x40 y265 w60 h15,
  649. Gui 2:Add, Edit, x90 y262 w50 h20 vrx, 5.0
  650. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x140 y263 w20 h20 g
  651. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x160 y263 w20 h20 g
  652. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x20 y290 w20 h20 ghigh, ?
  653. Gui 2:Add, Text, x40 y295 w60 h20,
  654. Gui 2:Add, Edit, x90 y292 w50 h20 vxy, 0
  655. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x140 y293 w20 h20 g
  656. Gui, 2:Add, Button, x160 y293 w20 h20 g
  657. Gui, 2:Add, Text, x40 y328 w50 h20,
  658. Gui, 2:Add, Slider,x90 y323 w265 h25 vxrange Invert Tickinterval1 range1-4, 4
  659. Gui, 2:Add, Text, x40 y355 w50 h19,
  660. Gui, 2:Add, Slider,x90 y350 w265 h25 vyrange Invert Tickinterval1 range1-4, 4
  661. Gui, 2:Font, Bold
  662. Gui, 2:Font, Normal
  663. Gui 2:Add, Button, x20 y325 w20 h20 gleft, ?
  664. Gui 2:Add, Button, x20 y350 w20 h20 gwe, ?
  665. Gui 2:Add, Text, x200 y262 w60 h20,
  666. Gui 2:Add, Edit, x260 y259 w70 h20 vsav,
  667. Gui 2:Add, Button, x330 y259 w20 h20 gsave, ?
  668. Gui 2:Add, Button, x200 y285 w70 h30 g
  669. Gui 2:Add, Button, x280 y285 w70 h30 g
  670. Gui 2:Add, Button, x20 y385 w150 h30 vF1 gF1, 1280x720
  671. Gui 2:Add, Button, x200 y385 w150 h30 vF2 gF2, 1920x1080
  672. Gui 2:Add, Button, x20 y420 w150 h30 gF4,
  673. Gui 2:Add, Button, x200 y420 w150 h30 gF5,
  674. Gui 2:Add, Button, x20 y455 w150 h30 vpu,
  675. GuiControl,2:Disable,pu
  676. Gui 2:Add, Button, x200 y455 w150 h30 vkakao,
  677. GuiControl,2:Disable,kakao
  678. Gui 2:Show, w370 h495, Bentley Licensed User
  679. Loop {
  680. Gui, 2:Submit, NoHide
  681. Sleep -1
  682. Return
  683. TrigerSub:
  684. GuiControlGet, trigger
  685. if trigger
  686. setbatchlines,-1
  687. dir := "1.png"
  688. if (!fileexist(dir)) {
  689. URLDownloadToFile,, % dir
  690. while (!fileexist(dir))
  691. sleep, 50
  692. wingetpos,,,ww,wh, % "ahk_class TankWindowClass"
  693. center_x := ww/2
  694. center_y := wh/2
  695. loop {
  696. ImageSearch, , , % center_x, 0, % center_x, % center_y, % "*80 " dir
  697. If (!Errorlevel) {
  698. ImageSearch, , , % center_x, % center_y, % center_x, % wh, % "*80 " dir
  699. If (!Errorlevel)
  700. Send {Click down}
  701. Sleep,225
  702. Send {Click up}
  703. Sleep,20
  704. Return
  705. soundplay, C:\Program Files\ingame.wav
  706. Send {Ctrl Down}{Shift Down}{R Down}{Ctrl Up}{Shift Up}{R Up}
  707. Return
  708. #If roadhog1=1
  709. mbutton::
  710. MouseClick, right
  711. sleep, 5
  712. Send {LShift down}{LShift up}
  713. sleep, 1040
  714. MouseClick, left
  715. sleep, 50
  716. Send {v down}{v up}
  717. Return
  718. Return
  719. #If genji=1
  720. mbutton::
  721. MouseClick, right
  722. sleep, 15
  723. Send {v down}{v up}
  724. sleep, 15
  725. Send {Shift down}{Shift up}
  726. Return
  727. Return
  728. #If roadhog=1
  729. Send {r}
  730. Sleep 1880
  731. Send {v}
  732. Return
  733. Return
  734. #If torbjorn=1
  735. Send {r}
  736. Sleep 1780
  737. Send {v}
  738. Return
  739. Return
  740. #If pharah=1
  741. Send {r}
  742. Sleep 1200
  743. Send {v}
  744. Return
  745. return
  746. #If reaper=1
  747. Send {r}
  748. Sleep 350
  749. Send {v}
  750. Return
  751. return
  752. #If mccree=1
  753. ~RButton::
  754. Loop
  755. If GetKeyState("RButton") {
  756. Sleep, 5
  757. moveAmount := (moveAmount = 2) ? 3 : 0
  758. mouseXY(moveAmount,3.4)
  759. else
  760. break
  761. Return
  762. mouseXY(x,y)
  763. DllCall("mouse_event",int,1,int,x,int,y,uint,0,uint,0)
  764. return
  765. SkinForm(Param1 = "Apply", DLL = "", SkinName = ""){
  766. if(Param1 = Apply){
  767. DllCall("LoadLibrary", str, DLL)
  768. DllCall(DLL . "\USkinInit", Int,0, Int,0, AStr, SkinName)
  769. }else if(Param1 = 0) {
  770. DllCall(DLL . "\USkinExit")
  771. save:
  772. Gui,2:Submit, Nohide
  773. msgbox,0,
  774. ERROR
  775. return
  776. gui,submit,nohide
  777. filedelete %A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini
  778. IniWrite, %aimtype%,%A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini,
  779. IniWrite, %aimtype1%, %A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini,
  780. IniWrite, %aimtype2%, %A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini,
  781. IniWrite, %rx%, %A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini,
  782. IniWrite, %xy%, %A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini,
  783. msgbox,,SAVE,
  784. Return
  785. gui,2:submit,nohide
  786. IniRead,
  787. 1, %A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini,
  788. IniRead,
  789. 2, %A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini,
  790. IniRead,
  791. 3, %A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini,
  792. IniRead,
  793. 4, %A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini,
  794. IniRead,
  795. 5, %A_WorkingDir%\save\%sav%.ini,
  796. guicontrol,,aimtype,%
  797. guicontrol,,aimtype1,%
  798. guicontrol,,aimtype2,%
  799. guicontrol,,rx,%
  800. guicontrol,,xy,%
  801. Msgbox,, LOAD,
  802. goto,chch
  803. Return
  804. speed:
  805. msgbox,0,
  806. return
  807. high:
  808. msgbox,0,
  809. return
  810. left:
  811. msgbox,0,
  812. return
  813. msgbox,0,
  814. return
  815. chch:
  816. gui,2:submit,nohide
  817. if % aimtype = 1
  818. guicontrol,2:disable,aimtype1
  819. guicontrol,2:disable,aimtype2
  820. if % aimtype1 = 1
  821. guicontrol,2:disable,aimtype
  822. guicontrol,2:disable,aimtype2
  823. if % aimtype2 = 1
  824. guicontrol,2:disable,aimtype
  825. guicontrol,2:disable,aimtype1
  826. retur
  827. >AHK WITH ICON<(
  828. H゙■ᅢ
  829. Hヘ■ᅲ
  830. Hテ■ᄄ
  831. Hᄃ■ロ
  832. レ゙テ
  833. Bᄍᄍᄎ
  834. Mᄌᄌ
  835. ロホ￾ᅨ
  836. Dᅨᅨᅦ
  837. ルレ￾ᄇ
  838. Dᄚᄚᆱ
  839. dda
  840. ᅣt￯w
  842. StringFileInfo
  843. FileDescription
  844. FileVersion
  845. InternalName
  846. LegalCopyright
  847. OriginalFilename
  848. ProductName
  849. ProductVersion
  850. VarFileInfo
  851. Translation
  852. home:
  853. run,
  854. gui,2:submit,nohide
  855. return
  856. aim1:
  857. gui,2:submit,nohide
  858. guicontrol,% (aimtype=1 ? "disable":"enable"),aimtype1
  859. guicontrol,% (aimtype=1 ? "disable":"enable"),aimtype2
  860. return
  861. aim2:
  862. gui,2:submit,nohide
  863. guicontrol,% (aimtype1=1 ? "disable":"enable"),aimtype
  864. guicontrol,% (aimtype1=1 ? "disable":"enable"),aimtype2
  865. return
  866. aim3:
  867. gui,2:submit,nohide
  868. guicontrol,% (aimtype2=1 ? "disable":"enable"),aimtype
  869. guicontrol,% (aimtype2=1 ? "disable":"enable"),aimtype1
  870. return
  871. setformat,float,0.1
  872. GuiControl,, rx, % rx+0.1
  873. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  874. return
  875. setformat,float,0.1
  876. GuiControl,, rx, % rx-0.1
  877. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  878. return
  879. GuiControl,, xy, % xy+1
  880. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  881. return
  882. GuiControl,, xy, % xy-1
  883. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  884. return
  885. if ( %Result2% = aaa )
  886. Gui,2:Submit, Nohide
  887. guicontrol,2:disable,F1
  888. guicontrol,2:disable,F2
  889. soundplay, C:\Program Files\ena.wav
  890. #Persistent
  891. #KeyHistory, 0
  892. #NoEnv
  893. #HotKeyInterval 1
  894. #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
  895. #InstallKeybdHook
  896. #UseHook
  897. #SingleInstance, Force
  898. SetKeyDelay,-1, 8
  899. SetControlDelay, -1
  900. SetMouseDelay, -1
  901. SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
  902. SetWinDelay,-1
  903. SetBatchLines,-1
  904. ListLines, Off
  905. CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
  906. PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
  907. Process, Priority, %PID%, Normal
  908. ZeroX := 640
  909. ZeroY := 360
  910. CFovX := 320
  911. CFovY := 200
  912. ScanL := 500
  913. ScanR := 800
  914. ScanT := 180
  915. ScanB := 400
  916. GuiControlget, rX
  917. GuiControlget, xa
  918. GuiControlget, ya
  919. GuiControlget, xrange
  920. GuiControlget, yrange
  921. GuiControlget, rX
  922. Loop, {
  923. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  924. if (aimtype=1)
  925. GetKeyState, Mouse2, LButton, P
  926. GoSub MouseMoves2
  927. if (aimtype1=1)
  928. GetKeyState, Mouse2, RButton, P
  929. GoSub MouseMoves2
  930. if (aimtype2=1)
  931. GetKeyState, Mouse2, RButton, P
  932. GoSub MouseMoves1
  933. if (aimtype3=1)
  934. GetKeyState, Mouse2, XButton1, P
  935. GoSub MouseMoves2
  936. if (aimtype4=1)
  937. GetKeyState, Mouse2, XButton2, P
  938. GoSub MouseMoves2
  939. imageSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange /10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 10)), *4 C:\Program Files\hhp2.bmp
  940. GoSub GetAimOffset
  941. GoSub GetAimMoves
  942. if(ErrorLevel = 1){
  943. imageSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange /10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 10)), *4 C:\Program Files\hhp3.bmp
  944. GoSub GetAimOffset3
  945. GoSub GetAimMoves
  946. if(overlayActive=1){
  947. Box_Init("FF0000")
  948. X := 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10))
  949. Y := 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10))
  950. W := (A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10))) - X
  951. H := (A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange/ 10))) -Y
  952. Box_Draw(X, Y , W, H)
  953. if(overlayActive=0){
  954. Box_Hide()
  955. MouseMoves:
  956. If ( Mouse2 == "D" ) {
  957. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
  958. Return
  959. MouseMoves1:
  960. If ( Mouse2 == "U" ) {
  961. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
  962. Return
  963. GetAimOffset:
  964. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  965. AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX +33
  966. AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY +53 +xy
  967. If ( AimX+5 > 0) {
  968. DirX := rx / 10
  969. If ( AimX+5 < 0) {
  970. DirX := (-rx) / 10
  971. If ( AimY+2 > 0 ) {
  972. DirY := rX /10 *0.5
  973. If ( AimY+2 < 0 ) {
  974. DirY := (-rx) /10 *0.5
  975. AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
  976. AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
  977. Return
  978. GetAimOffset3:
  979. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  980. AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX +28
  981. AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY +53 +xy
  982. If ( AimX+5 > 0) {
  983. DirX := rx / 10
  984. If ( AimX+5 < 0) {
  985. DirX := (-rx) / 10
  986. If ( AimY+2 > 0 ) {
  987. DirY := rX /10 *0.5
  988. If ( AimY+2 < 0 ) {
  989. DirY := (-rx) /10 *0.5
  990. AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
  991. AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
  992. Return
  993. GetAimMoves:
  994. RootX := Ceil(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 )))
  995. RootY := Ceil(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 )))
  996. MoveX := RootX * DirX
  997. MoveY := RootY * DirY
  998. sleep, 1
  999. Return
  1000. SleepF:
  1001. SleepDuration = 1
  1002. TimePeriod = 1
  1003. DllCall("Winmm\timeBeginPeriod", uint, TimePeriod)
  1004. Iterations = 1
  1005. StartTime := A_TickCount
  1006. Loop, %Iterations% {
  1007. DllCall("Sleep", UInt, TimePeriod)
  1008. DllCall("Winmm\timeEndPeriod", UInt, TimePeriod)
  1009. Return
  1010. DebugTool:
  1011. MouseGetPos, MX, MY
  1012. ToolTip, %AimOffsetX% | %AimOffsetY%
  1013. ToolTip, %AimX% | %AimY%
  1014. ToolTip, %IntAimX% | %IntAimY%
  1015. ToolTip, %RootX% | %RootY%
  1016. ToolTip, %MoveX% | %MoveY% || %MX% %MY%
  1017. Return
  1018. Gui,2:Submit, Nohide
  1019. guicontrol,2:disable,F1
  1020. guicontrol,2:disable,F2
  1021. soundplay, C:\Program Files\ena.wav
  1022. #Persistent
  1023. #KeyHistory, 0
  1024. #NoEnv
  1025. #HotKeyInterval 1
  1026. #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
  1027. #InstallKeybdHook
  1028. #UseHook
  1029. #SingleInstance, Force
  1030. SetKeyDelay,-1, 8
  1031. SetControlDelay, -1
  1032. SetMouseDelay, 0
  1033. SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
  1034. SetWinDelay,-1
  1035. SendMode, InputThenPlay
  1036. SetBatchLines,-1
  1037. ListLines, Off
  1038. CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
  1039. PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
  1040. Process, Priority, %PID%, Normal
  1041. ZeroX := 960
  1042. ZeroY := 540
  1043. CFovX := 80
  1044. CFovY := 200
  1045. ScanL := 660
  1046. ScanR := 1250
  1047. ScanT := 280
  1048. ScanB := 610
  1049. GuiControlget, rX
  1050. GuiControlget, xa
  1051. GuiControlget, ya
  1052. GuiControlget, xrange
  1053. GuiControlget, yrange
  1054. Loop, {
  1055. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  1056. if (aimtype=1)
  1057. GetKeyState, Mouse2, LButton, P
  1058. GoSub MouseMoves2
  1059. if (aimtype1=1)
  1060. GetKeyState, Mouse2, RButton, P
  1061. GoSub MouseMoves2
  1062. if (aimtype2=1)
  1063. GetKeyState, Mouse2, RButton, P
  1064. GoSub MouseMoves11
  1065. if (aimtype3=1)
  1066. GetKeyState, Mouse2, XButton1, P
  1067. GoSub MouseMoves2
  1068. if (aimtype4=1)
  1069. GetKeyState, Mouse2, XButton2, P
  1070. GoSub MouseMoves2
  1071. imageSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange/ 10)), *4 C:\Program Files\hhp2.bmp
  1072. GoSub GetAimOffset1
  1073. GoSub GetAimMoves
  1074. if(ErrorLevel = 1){
  1075. imageSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange/ 10)), *4 C:\Program Files\hhp4.bmp
  1076. GoSub GetAimOffset2
  1077. GoSub GetAimMoves
  1078. if(overlayActive=1){
  1079. Box_Init("FF0000")
  1080. X := 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (range/10))
  1081. Y := 0 + (A_Screenheight * (range/10))
  1082. W := (A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (range/10))) - X
  1083. H := (A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (range/10))) -Y
  1084. Box_Draw(X, Y , W, H)
  1085. if(overlayActive=0){
  1086. Box_Hide()
  1087. MouseMoves2:
  1088. If ( Mouse2 == "D" ) {
  1089. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
  1090. Return
  1091. MouseMoves11:
  1092. If ( Mouse2 == "U" ) {
  1093. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
  1094. Return
  1095. GetAimOffset1:
  1096. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  1097. AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX +47.5
  1098. AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY +55 +xy
  1099. If ( AimX+5 > 0) {
  1100. DirX := rx / 10
  1101. If ( AimX+5 < 0) {
  1102. DirX := (-rx) / 10
  1103. If ( AimY+2 > 0 ) {
  1104. DirY := rX /10 *0.5
  1105. If ( AimY+2 < 0 ) {
  1106. DirY := (-rx) /10 *0.5
  1107. AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
  1108. AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
  1109. Return
  1110. GetAimOffset2:
  1111. Gui,Submit, Nohide
  1112. AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX +47.5
  1113. AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY +55 +xy
  1114. If ( AimX+5 > 0) {
  1115. DirX := rx / 10
  1116. If ( AimX+5 < 0) {
  1117. DirX := (-rx) / 10
  1118. If ( AimY+2 > 0 ) {
  1119. DirY := rX /10 *0.5
  1120. If ( AimY+2 < 0 ) {
  1121. DirY := (-rx) /10 *0.5
  1122. AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
  1123. AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
  1124. Return
  1125. GetAimMoves1:
  1126. RootX := Ceil(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 )))
  1127. RootY := Ceil(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 )))
  1128. MoveX := RootX * DirX
  1129. MoveY := RootY * DirY
  1130. sleep, 1
  1131. Return
  1132. SleepF1:
  1133. SleepDuration = 1
  1134. TimePeriod = 1
  1135. DllCall("Winmm\timeBeginPeriod", uint, TimePeriod)
  1136. Iterations = 1
  1137. StartTime := A_TickCount
  1138. Loop, %Iterations% {
  1139. DllCall("Sleep", UInt, TimePeriod)
  1140. DllCall("Winmm\timeEndPeriod", UInt, TimePeriod)
  1141. Return
  1142. DebugTool1:
  1143. MouseGetPos, MX, MY
  1144. ToolTip, %AimOffsetX% | %AimOffsetY%
  1145. ToolTip, %AimX% | %AimY%
  1146. ToolTip, %IntAimX% | %IntAimY%
  1147. ToolTip, %RootX% | %RootY%
  1148. ToolTip, %MoveX% | %MoveY% || %MX% %MY%
  1149. Return
  1150. pause
  1151. SoundBEEP
  1152. return
  1153. Gui,2:Submit, Nohide
  1154. CCC:= % EditU
  1155. DDD:= % EditP
  1156. winHttp := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
  1157. winhttp.Open("GET", "" CCC "&password=" DDD )
  1158. winhttp.send()
  1159. winhttp.WaitforResponse()
  1160. Result:=Winhttp.ResponseText
  1161. sleep 100
  1162. RELOAD
  1163. Return
  1164. 2guiClose:
  1165. CCC:= % EditU
  1166. DDD:= % EditP
  1167. winHttp := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
  1168. winhttp.Open("GET", "" CCC "&password=" DDD )
  1169. winhttp.send()
  1170. winhttp.WaitforResponse()
  1171. Result:=Winhttp.ResponseText
  1172. sleep 100
  1173. Gui,1: Destroy
  1174. Gui,2: Destroy
  1175. Exitapp
  1176. else
  1177. exitapp
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