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Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. Script("Name") = "SnapNJacks Trivia"
  2. Script("Abbreviation") = "st"
  3. Script("Author") = "Snap -"
  4. Script("Category") = "Entertainment"
  5. Script("Major") = 1
  6. Script("Minor") = 0
  7. Script("Revision") = 0
  8. Script("Description") = "Nondescript"
  9. 'This script has been converted from the plugin version of 0.849 by Neco (
  10. 'All original coding credit goes to Snap.
  12. 'At the moment, all the commands remain the same as the plugin counterpart.
  13. ' • trivia on/off
  14. ' • score
  15. ' • score <user>
  16. ' • skip
  17. ' • qadd
  18. ' • category <category string>
  19. ' • qformat
  20. ' • hformat
  21. ' • hints <amount>
  22. ' • useserver <on/off>
  23. ' • stver
  24. ' • high scores/hscores
  25. ' • gemote on/off
  26. ' • hintchar [char]
  27. ' • reportbadq [id] [why]
  28. ' • AFormat [newformat]
  29. ' • difficulty [difficulty]-[difficulty]
  31. '||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  32. '|| CREDITS ||
  33. '|| Assistant coders: Jack and Swent ||
  34. '|| Extra ideas from: ||
  35. '|| Nellaf, MoV-Leader, The.Warchief, Three_Stooges, TcHa2-PulK, Hr.Frosty ||
  36. '||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  38. Public ST_VER : ST_VER = Script("Major") & "." & Script("Minor") & Script("Revision")
  40. Public Const ST_VER_DESCRIP = "Release"
  41. Public Const ST_COLOR = &HFFCC99
  43. Public ST_USER_LOC : ST_USER_LOC = BotPath() & "scripts\ST_users.ini"
  44. Public ST_USERDB_LOC : ST_USERDB_LOC = BotPath() & "scripts\ST_users.mdb"
  45. Public ST_CONFIG_LOC : ST_CONFIG_LOC = BotPath() & "scripts\ST_config.ini"
  47. Public stFSO : Set stFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  49. Public st_enabled '// Global on/off
  50. Public st_q_array(41) '// Question DB pull 2deminsional array.
  51. Public st_q_set '// Current Question Set
  52. Public st_q_total '// Question Number - how many questions downloaded.
  53. Public st_q_num '// Current Question Number
  54. Public st_q_answer '// Question's Answer
  55. Public st_q_skiped '// The answer to a skipped question
  56. Public st_unanswerd '// The consecutive amount of questions unanswered.
  57. Public st_hint_num '// Current Hint Number
  58. Public st_hint_string '// Current Hint
  59. Public st_q_asked '// Contains GetGTC of the time the question was asked.
  61. Public st_flooduser '// Used to prevent spam.
  62. Public st_floodtime '// ^
  64. Public st_DBConnStr : ST_DBConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & ST_USERDB_LOC
  65. Public SNJ
  66. Public ST_Streak, ST_Streak_User, ST_Streak_Con
  67. Public ST_VQL
  68. Public ST_File_Config
  69. Public ST_File_Users
  71. Public Sub Event_Load()
  72. Set SNJ = New SNJClass
  74. If stFSO.FileExists(ST_USER_LOC) AND NOT stFSO.FileExists(ST_USERDB_LOC) Then
  75. Addchat vbYellow, "ST: SnapNJacks will now create the database, and copy the users over."
  76. call SNJ.OpenDB()
  77. call SNJ.MoveOldScores()
  78. Else
  79. call SNJ.OpenDB()
  80. End If
  82. If SNJ.Setting("configver") <> ST_VER And stFSO.FileExists(ST_CONFIG_LOC) Then
  83. Addchat VBwhite, "Welcome to SnapNJacks Trivia, this script was brought to you free of charge by Snap"
  84. Addchat VBwhite, "Be sure to visit the Guide:"
  85. If MsgBox("This appears to be a new update." & VBnewline & "Would you like to delete your ST_Config.ini? (This will reset the ST_Config to the new defaults. Which is recommended after a update.)", 4) = 6 Then
  86. stFSO.DeleteFile ST_CONFIG_LOC
  87. Addchat VByellow, "ST_Config File deleted"
  88. Else
  89. ST_WriteSetting "configver", ST_VER
  90. End If
  91. End If
  93. If Not stFSO.FileExists(ST_CONFIG_LOC) Then
  94. stFSO.CreateTextFile(ST_CONFIG_LOC)
  95. ST_CreateConfig
  96. End If
  97. If Not stFSO.FolderExists("question files") Then
  98. stFSO.CreateFolder("question files")
  99. AddChat vbYellow, "ST: New folder ""question files"" created. Put your question files in here to use them."
  100. End If
  102. call CreateObj("LongTimer", "AskQuestion")
  103. AskQuestion.Interval = 5
  104. call CreateObj("LongTimer", "VirtualQ")
  105. VirtualQ.Interval = 3
  106. VirtualQ.Enabled = true
  107. call CreateObj("LongTimer", "GiveHint")
  108. GiveHint.Enabled = false
  110. Randomize()
  112. AddChat ST_COLOR, "SnapNJacks Trivia. Version " & ST_VER & " " & ST_VER_DESCRIP & " loaded with " & SNJ.GetUCount & " users in the DB"
  113. End Sub
  115. Public Sub Event_Close()
  116. Set SNJ = Nothing
  117. End Sub
  119. Public Sub Event_UserTalk(Username, Flags, Message, Ping)
  120. If Left(Message, 1) = BotVars.Trigger Then ST_Commands Username, Message, "Talk"
  122. If st_enabled Then ST_CheckAnswer Username, Message
  123. End Sub
  125. Public Sub Event_PressedEnter(Text)
  126. If Left(Text, 3) = "/a " AND st_enabled Then
  127. ST_CheckAnswer BotVars.Username, Mid(Text, 4)
  128. VetoThisMessage
  129. Exit Sub
  130. End If
  131. If Left(Text, 2) = "//" Then
  132. ST_Commands BotVars.Username, Mid(Text, 2), "UEnter"
  133. Exit Sub
  134. End If
  135. If Left(Text, 1) = "/" Then ST_Commands BotVars.Username, Text, "Enter"
  136. End Sub
  138. Public Sub Event_WhisperFromUser(Username, Flags, Message, Ping)
  139. If Left(Message, 1) = BotVars.Trigger Then ST_Commands Username, Message, "Whisper"
  140. End Sub
  142. Private Sub ST_CheckAnswer(Username, Message)
  143. If SNJ.GetBlocked(Username) Then Exit Sub
  147. Dim Answers, NewScore, AddScore
  148. If Not st_enabled Then Exit Sub
  149. If instr(st_q_answer, "/") = 0 Then
  150. If lcase(Message) = lcase(st_q_answer) Then
  151. SNJ.AcceptAnswer SNJ.PUser(Username), st_q_set(3), GetGTC - st_q_asked
  152. st_q_answer = ""
  153. st_unanswerd = 0
  154. End If
  155. Exit Sub
  156. End If
  157. Answers = Split(st_q_answer, "/")
  158. For Each Item in Answers
  159. If Lcase(Message) = Lcase(Item) Then
  160. SNJ.AcceptAnswer SNJ.PUser(Username), st_q_set(3), GetGTC - st_q_asked
  161. st_q_answer = ""
  162. st_unanswerd = 0
  163. End If
  164. Next
  165. End Sub
  167. Sub ST_SQ(Text)
  168. If Instr(Text, "%nl") > 0 Then
  169. Dim TextAry
  170. TextAry = Split(Text, "%nl")
  171. For Each Item in TextAry
  172. STAQ Item
  173. Next
  174. Exit Sub
  175. Else
  176. STAQ Text
  177. End If
  178. End Sub
  180. Private Sub STAQ(Text)
  181. If Not SSC.IsOnline() Then
  182. Addchat ST_COLOR, "ST: Stealthbot isn't online. Trivia will now be disabled."
  183. ST_Disable
  184. Exit Sub
  185. End If
  186. '//GlobalEmote=False
  187. If lcase(st_GetSetting("GlobalEmote")) = "true" Then
  188. If lcase(left(Text, 4)) = "/me " Then Text = Mid(Text, 5)
  189. Dsp 2, Text, 0, 0
  190. Else
  191. Dsp 1, Text, 0, 0
  192. End If
  193. ST_VQL = ST_VQL + 1
  194. End Sub
  196. 'For the Commands Sub
  197. Private Sub ST_R(Username, Message, Method)
  198. Select Case Method
  199. Case "Enter"
  200. AddChat ST_COLOR, Message
  201. VetoThisMessage
  202. Case "UEnter"
  203. STAQ Message
  204. VetoThisMessage
  205. Case "Talk"
  206. STAQ Message
  207. Case "Whisper"
  208. STAQ "/w " & Username & " " & Message
  209. End Select
  210. End Sub
  212. Private Sub ST_Commands(Username, Message, Source)
  213. Dim Lmsg, Tmp
  214. '//Request Command and String
  215. Dim RCmd, RStr
  216. Lmsg = Trim(Mid(Message, 2))
  217. '//No command?
  218. If Lmsg = "" Then Exit Sub
  220. '//Is there full-sentence alias for this command?
  221. Tmp = ST_GetCommand(Lmsg)
  222. If Tmp <> "" Then
  223. RCmd = Lcase(Tmp)
  224. Else
  225. '//How about first-word alias?
  226. RCmd = Lcase(Split(Lmsg)(0))
  227. Tmp = ST_GetCommand(RCmd)
  228. If Tmp <> "" Then RCmd = Lcase(Tmp)
  229. If Instr(Lmsg, " ") > 0 Then RStr = Mid(Lmsg, Instr(Lmsg, " ") + 1)
  230. End If
  232. '//Command disabled?
  233. If RCmd = "disabled" Then Exit Sub
  235. Dim InBot
  236. InBot = False
  238. ST_Debug "Command used: " & RCmd
  239. ST_Debug "String: " & RStr
  243. '//-1 Because script returns -1 if not in DB.
  244. If hisAccess < st_getaccess(RCmd) - 1 Then Exit Sub
  245. Username = SNJ.PUser(Username) '//Rids us of the @lordaeron and #2 etc.
  247. '//Check For flooding!
  248. If int(st_GetSetting("floodprotect")) > 0 AND Not InBot Then
  249. If ST_VQL >= 2 Then
  250. If int(st_GetSetting("floodprotect")) > 1 Then Addchat ST_COLOR, "ST: Flood protection has ignored due to a high virtual-q."
  251. Exit Sub
  252. End If
  253. If st_flooduser = Username AND GetGTC - st_floodtime < 2300 Then
  254. If int(st_GetSetting("floodprotect")) > 1 Then Addchat ST_COLOR, "ST: Flood protection has ignored a spammed command."
  255. Exit Sub
  256. End If
  257. st_flooduser = Username
  258. st_floodtime = GetGTC
  259. End If
  261. '//All done! On to our commands!
  263. '//Score
  264. If RCmd = "score" Then
  265. If RStr = "" Then RStr = Username
  266. Tmp = SNJ.GetUMoney(RStr)
  267. If Tmp = "" Then
  268. ST_R Username, "User not found: " & Rstr, Source
  269. Else
  270. ST_R Username, SNJ.ProcessVars(st_GetSetting("resscore"), RStr), Source
  271. '// SNJ.GetRank
  272. End If
  273. End If
  275. If RCmd = "donate" Then
  276. Tmp = Split(RStr)
  277. If UBound(Tmp) <> 1 Then
  278. ST_R Username, "Format: " & Botvars.trigger & "donate [username] [howmuch] ;Example: " & Botvars.trigger & "donate bob 20", Source
  279. Else
  280. '//Allow the bot console to donate username -5 to take money from users.
  281. If InBot AND Left(Tmp(1), 1) = "-" Then
  282. If SNJ.GiveMoney(Tmp(1), Username, Tmp(0), InBot) Then
  283. ST_R Username, "Removed " & FormatCurrency(Tmp(1)) & " from " & Tmp(0), Source
  284. Else
  285. ST_R Username, "Failed to remove money"
  286. End If
  287. Else
  288. Tmp(1) = Replace(Tmp(1), "-", "")
  289. If SNJ.GiveMoney(Tmp(1), Username, Tmp(0), InBot) Then
  290. ST_R Username, "Donated " & FormatCurrency(Tmp(1)) & " to " & Tmp(0), Source
  291. Else
  292. ST_R Username, "Unable to donate, make sure you have the funds, and that the other user is in the database.", Source
  293. End If
  294. End If
  295. End If
  296. End If
  298. If RCmd = "rank" AND RStr = "" Then
  299. Tmp = SNJ.GetRank(Username)
  300. If Tmp = 0 Then
  301. ST_R Username, "I don't have you on record yet " & Username, Source
  302. Else
  303. ST_R Username, Username & ", you are ranked: " & SNJ.AddSuffix(Tmp), Source
  304. End If
  305. ElseIf RCmd = "rank" Then
  306. Tmp = SNJ.GetRank(Rstr)
  307. If Tmp = 0 Then
  308. ST_R Username, "User not found: " & Rstr, Source
  309. Else
  310. ST_R Username, Split(Lmsg)(1) & " found: ranked: " & SNJ.AddSuffix(Tmp), Source
  311. End If
  312. End If
  314. '==Addslashes
  315. If RCmd = "stblock" And RStr <> "" Then
  316. If SNJ.GetBlocked(Rstr) Then
  317. ST_R Username, "User: " & Rstr & " is already blocked", Source
  318. Exit Sub
  319. Else
  320. SNJ.Block(RStr)
  321. ST_R Username, "User has been blocked from playing trivia: " & Rstr, Source
  322. Exit Sub
  323. End If
  324. End If
  326. If RCmd = "stunblock" And RStr <> "" Then
  327. If Not SNJ.GetBlocked(Rstr) Then
  328. ST_R Username, "User: " & Rstr & " isn't blocked.", Source
  329. Exit Sub
  330. Else
  331. SNJ.UnBlock(RStr)
  332. ST_R Username, "User has been unblocked from playing trivia: " & Rstr, Source
  333. Exit Sub
  334. End If
  335. End If
  336. If RCMd = "stblocklist" Then
  337. ST_R Username, SNJ.BlockList, Source
  338. Exit Sub
  339. End If
  341. If RCmd = "skip" AND st_enabled Then
  342. If Source <> "Talk" Then STAQ "Question Skipped"
  343. If Source = "Enter" Then VetoThisMessage
  344. st_q_skiped = st_q_answer
  345. call AskQuestion_Timer()
  346. End If
  348. If RCmd = "category off" Then
  349. SNJ.Setting("category") = ""
  350. ST_R Username, "Category reset to """"", Source
  351. Exit Sub
  352. End If
  353. '//To update a category selection
  354. If RCmd = "category" Then
  355. If RCmd & RStr <> "category" Then
  356. ST_WriteSetting "category", Split(Lmsg)(1)
  357. ST_R Username, "New category string: """ & st_GetSetting("category") & """ Saved", Source
  358. '//download a new set based on it :).
  359. ST_GetQuestions
  360. Else
  361. ST_R Username, "Usage: '" & BotVars.Trigger & "category " & ST_Def_Set("category") & _
  362. "'. Current setting: " & st_GetSetting("category"), Source
  363. End If
  364. End If
  366. If RCmd = "hints" AND RStr <> "" Then
  367. ST_WriteSetting "Hints", RStr
  368. ST_R Username, "ST: Change saved: Hints=" & RStr, Source
  369. End If
  371. If Left(Lmsg, 9) = "hintchar " Then
  372. ST_WriteSetting "hintchar", Mid(Message, 11, 1)
  373. ST_R Username, "ST: Change saved: hintchar=" & Mid(Message, 11, 1), Source
  374. End If
  376. If RCmd = "setfile" Then
  377. If RStr = "" Then
  378. ST_R Username, "ST: No input, - listing files:", Source
  379. If Source = "Enter" Then ST_Scan False Else ST_Scan True
  380. Exit Sub
  381. End If
  382. Tmp = RStr
  383. If InStrRev(lcase(Tmp), ".txt") <> (Len(Tmp) - 3) OR Len(Tmp) < 4 Then
  384. Tmp = Tmp & ".txt"
  385. End If
  386. If stFSO.FileExists(BotPath() & "question files\" & Tmp) Then
  387. ST_WriteSetting "questionfile", Tmp
  388. ST_R Username, "ST: Change saved: questionfile=" & Tmp, Source
  389. ST_WriteSetting "UseServer", "False"
  390. ST_GetQuestions
  391. ST_Enable
  392. ElseIf Source = "Enter" Then
  393. ST_R Username, "ST: File not found:" & Tmp & " Scanning...", Source
  394. ST_Scan False
  395. Else
  396. ST_R Username, "ST: File not found:" & Tmp & " Scanning...", Source
  397. ST_Scan True
  398. End If
  399. End If
  401. If RCMd = "blurtstats on" Then
  402. SNJ.Setting("blurtstats") = "true"
  403. ST_R Username, "ST: Now blurtstats is now on.", Source
  404. End If
  405. If RCMd = "blurtstats off" Then
  406. SNJ.Setting("blurtstats") = "false"
  407. ST_R Username, "ST: Now blurtstats is now off.", Source
  408. End If
  410. '//Console Only Commands
  411. If InBot Then
  412. If RCMd = "stconfig" Then
  413. ST_R Username, "ST: Opening config...", Source
  414. psWShell.Open ST_CONFIG_LOC
  415. End If
  417. If RCMd = "stdebug on" Then
  418. SNJ.Setting("debug") = "true"
  419. ST_R Username, "ST: Now showing debug data", Source
  420. End If
  421. If RCMd = "stdebug off" Then
  422. SNJ.Setting("debug") = "false"
  423. ST_R Username, "ST: Now hiding debug data", Source
  424. End If
  426. If RCMd = "stdelete" Then
  427. If RStr <> "" Then
  428. SNJ.DeleteUser(RStr)
  429. ST_R Username, "User " & RStr & " has been deleted", Source
  430. End If
  431. End If
  433. If RCMd = "stuserlist" Then
  434. ST_R Username, "Snap's Trivia Userlist (Top 500):", Source
  435. Tmp = SNJ.TopMoney(500)
  436. Tmp = Replace(Tmp, ": ", VBTab)
  437. Tmp = Replace(Tmp, ", ", VBNewLine)
  438. Addchat ST_COLOR, VBNewLine & Tmp
  439. End If
  440. End If
  442. '//UseServer On/Off
  443. If Trim(RCmd & " " & Lcase(RStr)) = "useserver on" Then
  444. ST_WriteSetting "UseServer", "True"
  445. ST_R Username, "ST: Change saved", Source
  446. ST_GetQuestions
  447. ElseIf Trim(RCmd & " " & Lcase(RStr)) = "useserver off" Then
  448. ST_WriteSetting "UseServer", "False"
  449. ST_R Username, "ST: Change saved", Source
  450. ST_GetQuestions
  451. End If
  453. '//GEmote On/Off
  454. If Trim(RCmd & " " & Lcase(RStr)) = "gemote on" Then
  455. ST_WriteSetting "globalemote", "True"
  456. ST_R Username, "ST: Change saved: globalemote=True" , Source
  457. ElseIf Trim(RCmd & " " & Lcase(RStr)) = "gemote off" Then
  458. ST_WriteSetting "globalemote", "False"
  459. ST_R Username, "ST: Change saved: globalemote=False" , Source
  460. End If
  462. '//Use Profile On/Off
  463. If Trim(RCmd & " " & Lcase(RStr)) = "useprofile on" Then
  464. ST_WriteSetting "useprofile", "True"
  465. ST_R Username, "ST: Change saved: useprofile=True" , Source
  466. ElseIf Trim(RCmd & " " & Lcase(RStr)) = "useprofile off" Then
  467. ST_WriteSetting "useprofile", "False"
  468. ST_R Username, "ST: Change saved: useprofile=False" , Source
  469. End If
  471. If RCmd = "qformat" Then
  472. If InStr(RStr, "%q") <> 0 AND RStr <> "" Then
  473. ST_WriteSetting "qformat", RStr
  474. ST_R Username, "New Qformat string: """ & st_GetSetting("qformat") & """ Saved", Source
  475. Else
  476. ST_R Username, "Usage: '" & BotVars.Trigger & "qformat " & ST_Def_Set("qformat") & _
  477. "'. %q Required! Current setting: " & st_GetSetting("QFormat"), Source
  478. End If
  479. End If
  480. If RCmd = "hformat" Then
  481. If InStr(RStr, "%h") <> 0 AND RStr <> "" Then
  482. ST_WriteSetting "hformat", RStr
  483. ST_R Username, "New Hformat string: """ & st_GetSetting("hformat") & """ Saved", Source
  484. Else
  485. ST_R Username, "Usage: '" & BotVars.Trigger & "hformat " & ST_Def_Set("hformat") & _
  486. "'. %h Required! Current setting: " & st_GetSetting("HFormat"), Source
  487. End If
  488. End If
  489. If RCmd = "aformat" Then
  490. If RStr <> "" Then
  491. ST_WriteSetting "aformat", RStr
  492. ST_R Username, "New Aformat string: """ & st_GetSetting("Aformat") & """ Saved", Source
  493. Else
  494. ST_R Username, "Usage: '" & BotVars.Trigger & "aformat " & ST_Def_Set("aformat") & _
  495. "'. Current setting: " & st_GetSetting("AFormat"), Source
  496. End If
  497. End If
  498. If RCmd = "pformat" Then
  499. If RStr <> "" Then
  500. ST_WriteSetting "pformat", RStr
  501. ST_R Username, "New Pformat string: """ & st_GetSetting("Pformat") & """ Saved", Source
  502. Else
  503. ST_R Username, "Usage: '" & BotVars.Trigger & "Pformat " & ST_Def_Set("pformat") & _
  504. "'. Current setting: " & st_GetSetting("PFormat"), Source
  505. End If
  506. End If
  507. If RCmd = "difficulty" Then
  508. If RStr <> "" Then
  509. ST_WriteSetting "difficulty", RStr
  510. ST_R Username, "New difficulty setting: """ & st_GetSetting("difficulty") & """ Saved", Source
  511. Else
  512. ST_R Username, "Usage: '" & BotVars.Trigger & "difficulty " & ST_Def_Set("difficulty") & _
  513. "'. Current setting: " & st_GetSetting("difficulty"), Source
  514. End If
  515. End If
  517. If RCmd = "stver" Then
  518. ST_R Username, "ST Version " & ST_VER & " " & ST_VER_DESCRIP & " loaded.", Source
  519. End If
  521. If Trim(RCmd & " " & Lcase(RStr)) = "trivia off" Then
  522. If st_enabled = True Then
  523. ST_Disable
  524. ST_R Username, "ST: Disabled '" & BotVars.Trigger & "trivia on' to start", Source
  525. If st_q_answer <> "" Then
  526. STAQ "Answer(s) to previous question: " & st_q_answer
  527. st_q_answer = ""
  528. End If
  529. Else
  530. ST_R Username, "ST: Trivia is already off", Source
  531. End If
  532. Exit Sub
  533. End If
  534. If Trim(RCmd & " " & Lcase(RStr)) = "trivia on" Then
  535. If st_enabled = False Then
  536. ST_Enable
  537. ST_R Username, "ST: Enabled '" & BotVars.Trigger & "trivia off' to stop", Source
  538. call AskQuestion_Timer()
  539. Else
  540. ST_R Username, "ST: Trivia is already on", Source
  541. End If
  542. Exit Sub
  543. End If
  544. If RCmd = "trivia" Then
  545. If ST_Enabled Then
  546. ST_R Username, "ST: Version " & ST_VER & " " & ST_VER_DESCRIP & " - Trivia is On.", Source
  547. Else
  548. ST_R Username, "ST: Version " & ST_VER & " " & ST_VER_DESCRIP & " - Trivia is off.", Source
  549. End If
  550. Exit Sub
  551. End If
  553. '//Top 10 High Scores
  554. If RCmd = "hscores" Then
  555. ST_R Username, "ST: Top 10: " & SNJ.TopMoney(10), Source
  556. End If
  558. If RCmd = "fanswers" Then
  559. ST_R Username, "ST: Top 10: " & SNJ.TopFAnswers(10), Source
  560. End If
  562. If RCmd = "manswered" Then
  563. ST_R Username, "ST: Top 10: " & SNJ.TopMAnswers(10), Source
  564. End If
  566. If RCmd = "lstreak" Then
  567. ST_R Username, "ST: Top 10: " & SNJ.TopLStreaks(10), Source
  568. End If
  570. '//We need this for the next 2
  571. Dim PreURL
  573. '//reportbadq
  574. If RCmd = "reportbadq" Then
  575. Dim Rstring, R_ID, Response
  576. Rstring = "<" & Username & "> " & Message
  577. R_ID = Split(Rstring & " ")(2)
  578. If IsNumeric(R_ID) Then
  579. '//Run replacements for HTTP transmission
  580. Rstring = SNJ.CleanURL(RString)
  581. PreURL = "" & st_GetSetting("reportpass")
  582. PreURL = PreURL & "&R_ID=" & R_ID & "&R=" & Rstring
  583. PreURL = PreURL & "&bot=" & botvars.username
  584. Response = scInet.OpenURL(CStr(PreURL))
  585. If Response <> "" AND Len(Response) < 230 Then
  586. ST_R Username, "ST: " & Response, Source
  587. Else
  588. ST_Debug "Server Response: " & Response
  589. ST_R Username, "ST: Could not send report!", Source
  590. End If
  591. Else
  592. ST_R Username, "Format: " & BotVars.Trigger & "reportbadq 60323 The answer is wrong, it should be Rob Thomas", source
  593. End If
  594. End If
  596. '//Question Add System
  597. '//Message = ".qadd What's 12*9?|108/one hunderd and eight|3|1.99|0|Math"
  598. If RCmd = "qadd " Then
  599. Dim Qstring, Qary
  600. Qstring = RStr
  601. '//Run replacements for HTTP transmission
  602. Qstring = SNJ.CleanURL(Qstring)
  603. If Match(Qstring, "*|*|*|*|*|*", True) Then
  604. Qary = Split(Qstring, "|")
  605. PreURL = "" & Qary(0) & "&A=" & Qary(1) & _
  606. "&Difficulty=" & Qary(2) & "&Value=" & Qary(3) & "&Type=" & Qary(4) & "&Category=" & Qary(5)
  607. If scInet.OpenURL(CStr(PreURL)) = "Question Submited" Then
  608. AddQ "Your question has been added to the Review Database, Thank you."
  609. Else
  610. AddQ "Error in sending Question. Sorry."
  611. End If
  612. Else
  613. AddQ "Format: " & BotVars.Trigger & "qadd What's 12*9?|108/one hundred and eight|20|5.99|0|Math"
  614. AddQ "Question|Answers Seperated by ""/""|Difficulty 0-5|Value|Type 0 (Used for special Q's)|Categorys seperated by "","""
  615. End If
  616. End If
  617. End Sub
  618. '|| END COMMANDS SUB ||
  619. '||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  621. Public Sub Event_ServerInfo(Message)
  622. If Message = "No one hears you." AND st_enabled Then
  623. If st_GetSetting("StopOnEmpty") <> "False" Then ST_Disable
  624. End If
  625. End Sub
  627. Public Sub Event_ServerError(Message)
  628. If Message = "All connections closed." AND st_enabled Then ST_Disable
  629. End Sub
  631. Public Sub AskQuestion_Timer()
  632. If Not st_enabled Then
  633. Exit Sub
  634. End If
  635. ST_AskQuestion
  636. If st_GetSetting("Askrate") + 0 < 5 Then st_WriteSetting "Askrate", 5
  637. AskQuestion.Interval = Int(st_GetSetting("Askrate") * (st_GetSetting("hints") + 1) + 1)
  638. AskQuestion.Enabled = True
  639. End Sub
  641. Public Sub VirtualQ_Timer()
  642. If ST_VQL > 0 Then ST_VQL = ST_VQL - 1
  643. End Sub
  645. Public Sub GiveHint_Timer()
  646. If st_q_answer = "" Or Not st_enabled Then Exit Sub
  647. st_hint_num = st_hint_num + 1
  648. If Instr(st_q_answer, "/") Then
  649. hintAnswer = Split(st_q_answer & "/", "/")(0)
  650. Else
  651. hintAnswer = st_q_answer
  652. End If
  654. '// Last hint already given?
  655. If st_hint_num > Int(st_GetSetting("hints")) Then
  656. GiveHint.Enabled = false
  657. STAQ "The answer(s): " & st_q_answer
  658. '==ST_Streak
  659. st_q_answer = ""
  660. st_hint_num = 0
  661. st_hint_string = ""
  662. Exit Sub
  663. End If
  665. Dim HintOdds
  666. HintOdds = Cint(st_GetSetting("HintOdds"))
  668. Dim i, hintchar, curHint
  669. '//Set the hint char
  670. hintchar = left(st_GetSetting("hintchar"), 1)
  671. For x = 0 to 10
  672. curHint = ""
  673. '// Loop char-by-char through string
  674. For i = 1 to Len(hintAnswer)
  675. '// Skip spaces
  676. If Mid(hintAnswer, i, 1) = " " Then
  677. curHint = curHint & " "
  678. '// Keep letters we already have
  679. ElseIf st_hint_string <> "" And Mid(st_hint_string, i, 1) <> hintchar Then
  680. curHint = curHint & Mid(st_hint_string, i, 1)
  681. '// If it passes probability test uncover current character
  682. ElseIf HintOdds / 100 > Rnd Then
  683. curHint = curHint & Mid(hintAnswer, i, 1)
  684. Else
  685. curHint = curHint & hintchar
  686. End If
  687. Next
  688. If curHint <> st_hint_string Then Exit For
  689. Next'//The outer loop decreases the chances of getting an empty hint, or an unchanged hint.
  690. '// Make sure the hint doesn't give the complete answer
  691. If curHint = hintAnswer Then curHint = st_hint_string
  692. '// Output the hint in the custom format
  693. Dim HFormat
  694. HFormat = st_GetSetting("HFormat")
  695. '//If no %h then go with the defaults
  696. If InStr(HFormat, "%h") = 0 Then HFormat = ST_Def_Set("HFormat")
  697. HFormat = Replace(HFormat, "%h", curHint)
  698. STAQ HFormat
  699. '//Save for next round
  700. st_hint_string = curHint
  702. End Sub
  704. '//Ask Question
  705. Public Sub ST_AskQuestion()
  706. '//Enable Disable based on the amount of users in the channel
  707. If st_GetSetting("AutoDisableP") <> 0 AND st_GetSetting("AutoDisableP") < GetInternalUserCount() Then
  708. STAQ "ST: Not enough users in channel."
  709. ST_Disable
  710. Exit Sub
  711. End If
  712. If st_GetSetting("AutoEnableP") <> 0 AND st_GetSetting("AutoEnableP") > GetInternalUserCount() Then
  713. STAQ "ST: Trivia started because there are now " & GetInternalUserCount() & " users in the channel"
  714. ST_Enable
  715. Exit Sub
  716. End If
  718. If Not st_enabled Then Exit Sub
  719. If st_q_num >= st_q_total Then st_q_num = -1
  720. '//Clear olddata
  721. st_hint_num = 0
  722. st_hint_string = ""
  724. '// move to the next question
  725. st_q_num = st_q_num + 1
  727. '//Make sure there's a question to be asked
  728. If IsArray(st_q_array(st_q_num)) = False Then
  729. Addchat VByellow, "ST: Loading questions..."
  730. ST_GetQuestions
  731. Exit Sub
  732. End If
  734. '// Current Question Set
  735. st_q_set = st_q_array(st_q_num)
  736. '//If Ubound(st_q_array(st_q_num))
  739. QFormat = st_GetSetting("QFormat")
  740. If InStr(QFormat, "%q") = 0 Then QFormat = ST_Def_Set("QFormat")
  741. QFormat = Replace(QFormat, "%df", st_q_set(2))
  742. QFormat = Replace(QFormat, "%vl", FormatCurrency(st_q_set(3)))
  743. If st_q_set(5) = "" Then QFormat = Replace(QFormat, "%id", st_q_set(5))
  744. QFormat = Replace(QFormat, "%id", "[" & st_q_set(5) & "] ")
  745. QFormat = Replace(QFormat, "%ct", st_q_set(6))
  746. QFormat = Replace(QFormat, "%q", st_q_set(0))
  747. If len(st_q_skiped) <> 0 Then
  748. QFormat = Replace(QFormat, "%sk", "(Previous Answer: " & st_q_skiped & ") ")
  749. st_q_skiped = ""
  750. Else
  751. QFormat = Replace(QFormat, "%sk", "")
  752. End If
  753. '// Ask the question
  754. STAQ QFormat
  755. '//Set the time used for speed checking.
  756. st_q_asked = GetGTC
  758. '//variables:
  759. ' %sk = Previous skipped answer - if existing.
  760. ' %df = Difficulty
  761. ' %vl = Value
  762. ' %id = ID number on
  763. ' %q = Question
  764. ' %ct = Category
  765. 'Possible ST_QFormat = "%skQ# %id (%ct) Difficulty: %df, for $%pt!: %q"
  766. 'Possible outcome: "Q# 2341 (Family Guy/Cartoons) Difficulty: 20, for $2.50!: Who's the fattest guy in Family Guy?"
  768. '//This would be a good time to update the profile.
  769. If Lcase(st_GetSetting("useprofile")) = "true" Then SNJ.UpdateProfile
  771. '//Set the question answer '// Additionaly, because we will be cutting this when question is answered
  772. st_q_answer = Trim(st_q_set(1))
  774. If st_GetSetting("hints") <> 0 Then
  775. GiveHint.Interval = st_GetSetting("Askrate")
  776. GiveHint.Enabled = True
  777. End If
  779. '//Check if we need to get more questions
  780. If st_q_num >= st_q_total Then
  781. ST_GetQuestions
  782. Exit Sub
  783. End If
  784. End Sub
  786. '//Scan Question Files folder for question files.
  787. Sub ST_Scan(Output)
  789. Dim QFolder, QFile, I, FileList, DspType
  790. If OutPut = True Then
  791. DspType = 1
  792. If lcase(st_GetSetting("GlobalEmote")) = "true" Then DspType = 2
  793. Else
  794. DspType = 4
  795. End If
  796. If Not stFSO.FolderExists("question files") Then
  797. stFSO.CreateFolder("question files")
  798. AddChat vbYellow, "ST: New folder ""question files"" created in your StealthBot Folder. Place your question files in there to use them."
  799. Exit Sub
  800. End If
  801. Set QFolder = stFSO.GetFolder("question files")
  803. '== This will eventualy just output a list of good question files.
  804. st_WriteSetting "QuestionFile", ""
  805. For Each QFile In QFolder.Files
  806. If InStrRev(lcase(QFile.Name), ".txt") = Len(QFile.Name) - 3 Then
  807. If ST_CheckFile(QFile.Name) Then
  808. If OutPut = True Then
  809. FileList = FileList & ", " & QFile.Name
  810. Else
  811. AddChat vbYellow, "Question file found: " & VBtab & "ÿc0ÿcb" & QFile.Name
  812. End If
  813. st_WriteSetting "QuestionFile", QFile.Name
  814. End If
  815. End If
  816. Next
  818. If st_GetSetting("QuestionFile") = "" Then
  819. Dsp DspType, "ST: No question files found in Question Files", "noone", VByellow
  820. Dsp DspType, "Simply place a question file in the ""question files"" folder located in your StealthBot Folder to use", "noone", VByellow
  821. Else
  822. If OutPut = True Then
  823. Dsp DspType, "ST: Question file(s) found: " & FileList, "noone", VByellow
  824. End If
  825. Dsp DspType, "ST: File set to: " & st_GetSetting("QuestionFile") & ". To use another file type " & botvars.trigger & "setfile filename", "noone", VByellow
  826. End If
  827. End Sub
  829. '//Check file for questions. - Checks for 3 proper-syntaxed questions in a row.
  830. Function ST_CheckFile(FileName)
  831. ST_CheckFile = False
  832. Dim File, I, Line
  833. Set File = stFSO.OpenTextFile(BotPath() & "question files\" & FileName, 1, True)
  834. Do Until File.AtEndOfStream
  835. If I > 3 Then
  836. ST_CheckFile = True
  837. Exit Do
  838. End If
  839. Line = File.Readline
  840. If Line <> "" OR Mid(Line, 1, 2) <> "//" Then
  841. If Len(Line) > InStr(Line, "*") AND InStr(Line, "*") > 2 Then
  842. ST_CheckFile = True
  843. I = I + 1
  844. Else
  845. I = 0
  846. End If
  847. End If
  848. Loop
  849. File.Close
  850. End Function
  852. '//Get the questions
  853. Sub ST_GetQuestions()
  854. If lcase(st_GetSetting("UseServer")) = "false" Then
  855. If st_GetSetting("QuestionFile") = "" Then
  856. AddChat vbYellow, "Questions file not set - scanning bot directory"
  857. ST_Scan False
  858. If st_GetSetting("QuestionFile") = "" Then
  859. AddChat vbYellow, "No files found, reverting to server"
  860. st_WriteSetting "UseServer", "True"
  861. ST_GetQuestions
  862. Exit Sub
  863. End If
  864. End If
  865. ST_ReadQuestionFiles
  866. Exit Sub
  867. End If
  869. '//Downloads Questions, Parses them.
  870. If st_q_num = 0 Then
  871. st_q_num = -1
  872. End If
  874. Dim Received, LineAry, PreURL
  875. PreURL = ""
  876. PreURL = PreURL & "?dif=" & st_GetSetting("difficulty")
  877. If st_GetSetting("category") <> "" Then PreURL = PreURL & "&ctg=" & st_GetSetting("category")
  878. '//Run replacements for HTTP transmission
  879. PreURL = SNJ.CleanURL(PreURL)
  880. If scInet.StillExecuting Then
  881. ST_Debug "scInet is still executing last request, unable to get questions"
  882. Exit Sub
  883. End If
  884. Received = scInet.OpenURL(CStr(PreURL))
  885. If InStr(Received, "|") < 1 Then
  886. AddChat vbRed, "ÿcbST: Question download failed."
  887. If Received = "" Then
  888. Addchat vbRed, "ST: The connection to the server failed, if this continues it could mean the server is down"
  889. ElseIf Lcase(Left(Received, 7)) = "message" Then
  890. Addchat VByellow, "ST: Message on server"
  891. Addchat VByellow, Received
  892. End If
  893. If st_enabled Then
  894. STAQ "ST: No questions were found with selected category. - try changing the category. ST Disabled"
  895. ST_Disable
  896. End If
  897. If st_GetSetting("ErrorHandle") = "True" Then Addchat VByellow, Received
  898. Exit Sub
  899. End If
  901. LineAry = Split(Received, "**")
  902. If Ubound(LineAry) > 40 Then
  903. AddChat vbRed, "ÿcbST: Server overload?: T=" & Ubound(LineAry)
  904. Exit Sub
  905. End If
  906. For I = 0 To Ubound(LineAry)
  907. st_q_array(I) = Split(LineAry(I), "|")
  908. Next
  911. '//Last question = st_q_array(st_q_total)(0)
  912. st_q_total = I - 2
  913. AddChat vbYellow, "ST: New set of questions Received " & st_q_total + 1
  915. '//Ask our question
  916. If ST_Enabled Then ST_AskQuestion
  917. '//AddChat vbPink, "ÿcb" & I - 2 & " Questions Downloaded!"
  918. '//The last question will be st_q_array(st_q_total)(0)
  920. '//st_q_array now contains an array of questions.
  921. '+---------------------------------------+
  922. '| st_q_array(Question Number)(Part) |
  923. '| Parts: |
  924. '| 0 = Question |
  925. '| 1 = answer |
  926. '| 2 = difficulty |
  927. '| 3 = point/money value |
  928. '| 4 = 1/0 Hotspot question? |
  929. '| 5 = Question ID number |
  930. '| 6 = Category. |
  931. '+---------------------------------------+
  932. End Sub
  934. '//Read Question file -- this may evolve into a multi-file reader - Thus fileS
  935. Sub ST_ReadQuestionFiles()
  936. If st_q_num = 0 Then
  937. st_q_num = -1
  938. End If
  940. Dim File, I, X, Line, FileName, LineArray, FullFile, LineCount
  941. FileName = st_GetSetting("QuestionFile")
  942. If Not stFSO.FileExists(BotPath() & "question files\" & FileName) Then
  943. st_WriteSetting "QuestionFile", ""
  944. AddChat vbYellow, "File Not Found: " & FileName
  945. Exit Sub
  946. End If
  948. Set File = stFSO.OpenTextFile(BotPath() & "question files\" & FileName, 1, True)
  949. FullFile = File.Readall
  950. File.Close
  951. FullFile = Split(FullFile, vbNewLine)
  952. I = 0
  953. X = 0
  955. '//Filter out comments and etc
  956. For Each Line in FullFile
  957. X = X + 1
  958. If Line <> "" OR Mid(Line, 1, 2) <> "//" Then
  959. If Len(Line) > InStr(Line, "*") AND InStr(Line, "*") > 2 Then
  960. FullFile(I) = Line
  961. I = I + 1
  962. Else
  963. ST_Debug "QFile Error:" & FileName & " Line: " & X
  964. End If
  965. End If
  966. Next
  967. Redim Preserve FullFile(I - 1)
  969. '//Randomize 40 questions
  970. Randomize
  971. Dim Eran, Tmp
  972. For I = 0 to Ubound(FullFile)
  973. Eran = int(rnd * Ubound(FullFile) - I) + I
  974. Tmp = FullFile(I)
  975. FullFile(I) = FullFile(Eran)
  976. FullFile(Eran) = Tmp
  977. '//We only need 40 random questions
  978. If I > 40 Then
  979. Redim Preserve FullFile(40)
  980. Exit For
  981. End If
  982. Next
  983. I = 0
  984. Dim QValue
  985. For Each Line in FullFile
  986. LineArray = Split(Line, "*")
  987. QValue = st_GetSetting("qtxtvalue")
  988. '//Use the custom value if it exists.
  989. If UBound(LineArray) > 1 Then
  990. If IsNumeric(LineArray(2)) Then
  991. QValue = Round(LineArray(2), 2)
  992. End If
  993. End If
  994. st_q_array(I) = Array(LineArray(0), LineArray(1), "3", QValue, "0", "", FileName)
  995. I = I + 1
  996. Next
  997. st_q_total = I - 1
  998. '//AddChat vbYellow, "ST: Pulled " & I & " questions from: " & FileName
  999. End Sub
  1001. '//Disable trivia
  1002. Sub ST_Disable()
  1003. st_enabled = False
  1004. AddChat vbRed, "ÿcbST: Stopping..."
  1005. AskQuestion.Enabled = false
  1006. End Sub
  1008. '//Enable trivia
  1009. Public Sub ST_Enable()
  1010. st_enabled = True
  1011. AddChat vbYellow, "ÿcbST: Starting..."
  1012. AskQuestion.Interval = 4
  1013. AskQuestion.Enabled = true
  1014. End Sub
  1016. '//Used to output debug-data.
  1017. Public Sub ST_Debug(Text)
  1018. If st_GetSetting("Debug") = "true" Then
  1019. AddChat ST_COLOR, "ST Debug: " & Text
  1020. End If
  1021. End Sub
  1025. '|||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  1027. '//Depreciated with Class Properties.
  1028. Function st_GetSetting(Setting)
  1029. st_GetSetting=GetConfigEntry("main", Setting, ST_CONFIG_LOC)
  1030. If st_GetSetting = "" AND ST_Def_Set(Setting) <> "NoDefault" Then
  1031. st_GetSetting = ST_Def_Set(Setting)
  1032. st_WriteSetting Setting, ST_Def_Set(Setting)
  1033. End If
  1034. End Function
  1036. Sub st_WriteSetting(Setting, NewSetting)
  1037. WriteConfigEntry "main", Setting, NewSetting, ST_CONFIG_LOC
  1038. End Sub
  1039. '//Dep
  1041. Function st_GetAccess(Command)
  1042. st_getaccess = GetConfigEntry("access", Command, ST_CONFIG_LOC)
  1043. If IsNumeric(st_GetAccess) = False Then st_getaccess = st_GetSetting("Access")
  1044. st_getaccess = int(st_getaccess)
  1045. End Function
  1047. Function ST_GetCommand(Command)
  1048. ST_GetCommand = Lcase(GetConfigEntry("commands", Command, ST_CONFIG_LOC))
  1049. '//Is it a two worded off/on command?
  1050. If ST_GetCommand = "" Then
  1051. If Right(Command, 4) = " off" OR Right(Command, 3) = " on" Then ST_GetCommand = Command
  1052. End If
  1053. End Function
  1055. '//Default Settings
  1056. Function ST_Def_Set(Setting)
  1057. Setting = Lcase(Setting)
  1058. Select Case Setting
  1059. Case "access" ST_Def_Set = "40"
  1060. Case "playaccess" ST_Def_Set = "0"
  1061. Case "floodprotect" ST_Def_Set = "0"
  1062. Case "useserver" ST_Def_Set = "True"
  1063. Case "blurtstats" ST_Def_Set = "True"
  1064. Case "hints" ST_Def_Set = "3"
  1065. Case "hintodds" ST_Def_Set = "20"
  1066. Case "streak" ST_Def_Set = "4"
  1067. Case "streakbonus" ST_Def_Set = "1"
  1068. Case "streakincrease" ST_Def_Set = "0"
  1070. Case "askrate" ST_Def_Set = "9"
  1071. Case "answerdelay" ST_Def_Set = "9"
  1072. Case "autodisableq" ST_Def_Set = "15"
  1073. Case "autodisablep" ST_Def_Set = "0"
  1074. Case "autoenablep" ST_Def_Set = "0"
  1075. Case "category" ST_Def_Set = "NoDefault" '//Because this can be blank
  1076. Case "difficuly" ST_Def_Set = "0-5"
  1077. Case "qtxtvalue" ST_Def_Set = "1"
  1078. '//Formats
  1079. Case "qformat" ST_Def_Set = "%sk%id (%ct) %vl: %q"
  1080. Case "hformat" ST_Def_Set = "Hint: %h"
  1081. Case "aformat" ST_Def_Set = "(%a)Well done. %u Received %vl for a total of %nv (%spm ms Ranked %rank) [%st]"
  1082. Case "pformat" ST_Def_Set = "Top 5 high scores: %hs(5)%nlFastest answer by %fa%nlLongest streak by %ls(1)"
  1083. Case "useprofile" ST_Def_Set = "False"
  1084. '//Anouncments
  1085. Case "ancstreakbreak" ST_Def_Set = "Sweet! %u, you broke %su Streak of %st!"
  1086. Case "ancstreakrecord" ST_Def_Set = "Congrats %u! You have beaten the record for longest streak![%st]%nlPreviously held by %su. With a streak of: [%sa]"
  1087. Case "ancstreakpersonal" ST_Def_Set = "Nice %u! You beat your record for longest streak![%st]"
  1088. Case "ancspeedrecord" ST_Def_Set = "Congrats %u! You have beaten the record for fastest answer![%sp ms]%nlPreviously held by %fu. With a speed of: [%fa ms]"
  1089. Case "ancspeedpersonal" ST_Def_Set = "Great job %u! you beat your fastest time![%sp ms]"
  1090. '//Responses
  1091. Case "resscore" ST_Def_Set = "%u has %vl, he has answered %qa questions, his fastest answer was %fams, and his longest streak was %st - he last played on %la"
  1093. Case "hintchar" ST_Def_Set = "-"
  1094. Case "globalemote" ST_Def_Set = "False"
  1095. '==
  1096. Case "questions" ST_Def_Set = ""
  1097. Case "scores" ST_Def_Set = "ST_users.txt"
  1098. Case "debug" ST_Def_Set = "false"
  1099. Case "reportpass" ST_Def_Set = "WeHelpSnap"
  1100. Case Else ST_Def_Set = "NoDefault"
  1101. End Select
  1102. End Function
  1106. '//Create the config file - with all the comments :)
  1107. Public Sub ST_CreateConfig()
  1108. Dim File
  1109. Set File = stFSO.OpenTextFile(ST_CONFIG_LOC, 2, True)
  1110. '//This saves some space
  1111. With File
  1112. .Writeline "[main]"
  1113. .Writeline "; Default access required for commands?"
  1114. .Writeline "Access=40"
  1115. .Writeline "; Access required to play trivia (0 for anyone to play)"
  1116. .Writeline "PlayAccess=0"
  1117. .Writeline "; Flood protection for SnapNJacks"
  1118. .Writeline "; Levels go from 0 to 2, 1 is on with alerts, 2 for no alerts."
  1119. .Writeline "floodprotect=0"
  1120. .Writeline "; Download questions from a constantly growing database of questions."
  1121. .Writeline "; If false, A question file will be used"
  1122. .Writeline "UseServer=True"
  1123. .Writeline "; Update profile using PFormat?"
  1124. .Writeline "UseProfile=False"
  1125. .Writeline "; Randomly blurt a random stastic after a question is answered (odds are one in 5 if no other anouncment is made.)"
  1126. .Writeline "BlurtStats=True"
  1127. .Writeline "; Amount of hints the bot will give"
  1128. .Writeline "Hints=3"
  1129. .Writeline "; Chances per-char of it being revealed. 20 will give you an average of 20% revealed."
  1130. .Writeline "hintodds=20"
  1131. .Writeline "; What counts as a streak, from this point on they will get bonus."
  1132. .Writeline "streak=4"
  1133. .Writeline "; Bonus recieved for being in a streak."
  1134. .Writeline "streakbonus=1"
  1135. .Writeline "; Bonus is increased by this per round."
  1136. .Writeline "streakincrease=0"
  1138. .Writeline "; Amount of seconds between hints (must be above 5)"
  1139. .Writeline "Askrate=9"
  1140. .Writeline "; Delay after a question has been answered, to ask again."
  1141. .Writeline "AnswerDelay=10"
  1142. .Writeline "; Consecutive unanswered questions before shutdown. 0 to disable."
  1143. .Writeline "AutoDisableQ=15"
  1144. .Writeline "; Less than amount of people in channel for shutdown. 0 to disable."
  1145. .Writeline "AutoDisableP=0"
  1146. .Writeline "; Greater than amount of people in channel for startup. 0 to disable."
  1147. .Writeline "AutoEnableP=0"
  1148. .Writeline "; Categorical Selection String:"
  1149. .Writeline "; Leave blank to not confine results. Normaly set via .category command"
  1150. .Writeline "Category="
  1151. .Writeline "; Difficulty limit, 0-5 downloads all questions."
  1152. .Writeline "; 3 downloads only questions with a difficulty level of 3"
  1153. .Writeline "; 4-6 downloads only questions with a difficulty of 4, 5 or 6"
  1154. .Writeline "Difficulty=0-5"
  1155. .Writeline "; The default value for question.txt questions"
  1156. .Writeline "qtxtvalue=1"
  1158. .Writeline "; <FORMATS>:"
  1159. .Writeline "; Question Format:"
  1160. .Writeline "; How a normal question is displayed. Note: You MUST have %q"
  1161. .Writeline "QFormat=%sk%id (%ct) %vl: %q"
  1162. .Writeline "; Hint Format:"
  1163. .Writeline "; How a hint is displayed. Note: You MUST have %h"
  1164. .Writeline "HFormat=Hint: %h"
  1165. .Writeline "; Answer Format:"
  1166. .Writeline "; How a correct answer is responded to"
  1167. .Writeline "; %vl = Value gained, %u = username, %nv = New Value - What the user now has"
  1168. .Writeline "; and %a = Answer (all answers seperated by /)"
  1169. .Writeline "AFormat=(%a)Well done. %u Received %vl for a total of %nv (%spm ms Ranked %rank) [%st]"
  1170. .Writeline "; Check the FAQ/Guide"
  1171. .Writeline "PFormat=Top 5 high scores: %hs(5)%nlFastest answer by %fa%nlLongest streak by %ls(1)"
  1173. .Writeline "; <MISC ANOUNCMENTS>:"
  1174. .Writeline "; Streak Anouncments:"
  1175. .Writeline "; Break anothers streak:"
  1176. .Writeline "AncStreakBreak=Sweet! %u, you broke %su Streak of %st!"
  1177. .Writeline "; Beat streak all-time record:"
  1178. .Writeline "AncStreakRecord=Congrats %u! You have beaten the record for longest streak![%st]%nlPreviously held by %su. With a streak of: [%sa]"
  1179. .Writeline "; Beat personal streak record:"
  1180. .Writeline "AncStreakPersonal=Nice %u! You beat your record for longest streak![%st]"
  1181. .Writeline "; Fastest-Answer Anouncments:"
  1182. .Writeline "; Beat speed all-time record:"
  1183. .Writeline "AncSpeedRecord=Congrats %u! You have beaten the record for fastest answer![%sp ms]%nlPreviously held by %fu. With a speed of: [%fa ms]"
  1184. .Writeline "; Beat personal speed record:"
  1185. .Writeline "AncSpeedPersonal=Great job %u! you beat your fastest time![%sp ms]"
  1186. .Writeline "; End MISC ANOUNCMENTS:"
  1187. .Writeline "; <COMMAND RESPONSES>:"
  1188. .Writeline "resscore=%u has %vl, he has answered %qa questions, his fastest answer was %fams, and his longest streak was %st - he last played on %la"
  1189. .Writeline "; End COMMAND RESPONSES"
  1190. '==
  1191. '.Writeline "; Use a rewards file? - UNSUPPORTED"
  1192. '.Writeline "UseRewards=False"
  1194. .Writeline "; The char for hints"
  1195. .Writeline "hintchar=-"
  1196. .Writeline "; Emote everything"
  1197. .Writeline "GlobalEmote=False"
  1198. .Writeline "; Password for the ReportBadQ command (Server password)"
  1199. .Writeline "reportpass=WeHelpSnap"
  1200. .Writeline "; Config version:"
  1201. .Writeline "; Stop when bnet says no one hears you -(channel empty)"
  1202. .Writeline "StopOnEmpty=True"
  1203. .Writeline "configver=" & ST_VER
  1204. .Writeline "[access]"
  1205. .Writeline "; Here you can set certain commands to specific access - instead of the default access"
  1206. .Writeline "; Like Hscores=20 This will override the default set at the top of this file, access=40."
  1207. .Writeline "; Commands set to 0 will allow anyone to use them."
  1208. .Writeline "trivia=0"
  1209. .Writeline "score=5"
  1210. .Writeline "[commands]"
  1211. .Writeline "; Here you can set an alias for any command"
  1212. .Writeline "; You can disable a command too, by setting command=disabled"
  1213. .Writeline "; Alias=Command"
  1214. .Writeline "high scores=hscores"
  1215. .Writeline "fastest answers=fanswers"
  1216. .Writeline "most answered=manswered"
  1217. .Writeline "longest streaks=lstreaks"
  1218. .Writeline "start trivia=trivia on"
  1219. .Writeline "stop trivia=trivia off"
  1220. .Close
  1221. End With
  1222. AddChat vbYellow, "ST: Config Created! (" & ST_CONFIG_LOC & ")"
  1223. End Sub
  1225. '//It's good to note that I learned the most VBs from SoCxFiftyToo.
  1226. '//So if it looks like I'm copying him. I probably am. Thanks 52.
  1227. '//This is a class. Their neat.
  1228. Class SNJClass
  1229. '//The varriables Dim'd under the class are public to the entire class and will hold their data.
  1230. Dim DBConn
  1231. '//Holds the last profile update.
  1232. Dim OldProfile
  1233. Private StreakBonus
  1236. Public Property Get Setting (Name)
  1237. Setting=GetConfigEntry("main", Name, ST_CONFIG_LOC)
  1238. If Setting = "" Then
  1239. If ST_Def_Set(Name) <> "NoDefault" Then
  1240. Setting = ST_Def_Set(Name)
  1241. Me.Setting(Name) = ST_Def_Set(Name)
  1242. End If
  1243. End If
  1244. End Property
  1246. Public Property Let Setting (Name, Input)
  1247. If Lcase(Cstr(Input)) = "false" Then Input = "false"
  1248. If Lcase(Cstr(Input)) = "true" Then Input = "true"
  1249. WriteConfigEntry "main", Name, Input, ST_CONFIG_LOC
  1250. End Property
  1253. Public Sub OpenDB
  1254. If NOT stFSO.FileExists(ST_USERDB_LOC) Then
  1255. Addchat VByellow, "Database not found! - - Creating database..."
  1256. '//Me means within this class, - like SNJ.CreateDB
  1257. Me.CreateDB
  1258. Exit Sub
  1259. End If
  1260. On Error Resume Next
  1261. Set me.DBConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  1262. '== Fix this, I shouldn't be using addchat in here...
  1263. If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  1264. Addchat VBred, "ST Error: Unable to connect to database, you must not have the proper drivers."
  1265. Exit Sub
  1266. End If
  1267. Me.DBConn.ConnectionString = ST_DBConnStr
  1268. Me.DBConn.CursorLocation = 3 '//adUseClient
  1269. Me.DBConn.Open
  1270. End Sub
  1273. Public Sub CreateDB
  1274. If stFSO.FileExists(ST_USERDB_LOC) Then
  1275. Addchat VByellow, "Database already exists!"
  1276. Exit Sub
  1277. End If
  1278. '//Make the file/database.
  1279. Dim ADOXdb
  1280. Set ADOXdb = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
  1281. ADOXdb.Create "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Data Source=" & ST_USERDB_LOC
  1283. '//Ok we made the file/db - now open it.
  1284. Me.OpenDB
  1286. Dim SQL
  1287. '//Create the table! - And resist the urge to use $SQL.= !! lol.. (PHP habbit)
  1288. SQL = "CREATE TABLE `users` ("
  1289. SQL = SQL & "`ID` COUNTER ,"
  1290. SQL = SQL & "`Username` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, "
  1291. SQL = SQL & "`Money` DOUBLE NULL, "
  1292. SQL = SQL & "`Answered` INT NOT NULL, "
  1293. SQL = SQL & "`Streak` INT NULL, "
  1294. SQL = SQL & "`Flags` VARCHAR(32) NULL, "
  1295. SQL = SQL & "`FastestAnswer` INT NOT NULL, "
  1296. SQL = SQL & "`LongestStreak` INT NOT NULL, "
  1297. SQL = SQL & "`LastAnswer` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW())"
  1298. Me.DBConn.Execute SQL
  1299. Addchat VByellow, "Database created"
  1300. End Sub
  1302. '|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  1303. '|| ACCEPT ANSWER SUB ||
  1304. '|| This sub is called whenever a ||
  1305. '|| Question is answered. ||
  1306. '|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  1307. Public Sub AcceptAnswer(Username, Money, Speed)
  1308. Dim SQL, RS
  1309. 'Temp-Format
  1310. Dim TFormat
  1311. TFormat = st_GetSetting("AFormat")
  1313. If StreakBonus = 0 Then StreakBonus = Me.Setting("streakbonus")
  1314. '//Check Streak
  1315. If Int(st_getsetting("streak")) > 0 AND Int(st_getsetting("streakbonus")) > 0 Then
  1316. If ST_Streak_User = Username AND ST_Streak + 1 >= Int(st_getsetting("streak")) Then
  1317. If Instr(TFormat, "%streakbonus") = 0 Then
  1318. TFormat = TFormat & "[Streak Bonus + " & StreakBonus & "!]"
  1319. Else
  1320. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%streakbonus", "[Streak Bonus + " & StreakBonus & "!]")
  1321. End If
  1322. Money = Money + 0 + StreakBonus
  1323. StreakBonus = StreakBonus + 0 + Me.Setting("streakincrease")
  1324. Else
  1325. '//Reset StreakBonus
  1326. StreakBonus = Me.Setting("streakbonus")
  1327. End If
  1328. End If
  1329. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%streakbonus", "")
  1332. '//Virtual Queue Load - Used to add to the time to ask next question
  1333. '//Not in the database?
  1334. If Me.GetUMoney(Username) = "" Then
  1335. SQL = "INSERT INTO `users` (`Username`, `Money`, `FastestAnswer`, `Answered`, `LongestStreak`) VALUES ('"
  1336. SQL = SQL & Username & "', " & Money & ", '" & Speed & "', 1, 1)"
  1337. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1338. '//STAQ "Welcome to the database " & Username & "."
  1339. Else
  1340. SQL = "UPDATE `users` SET `LastAnswer` = NOW(), `Money` = `Money` + " & Money & ", `Answered` = `Answered` + 1 " & _
  1341. "WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1342. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1343. End If
  1344. '//Build response:
  1345. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%a", st_q_set(1))
  1346. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%vl", FormatCurrency(Money + 0))
  1347. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%nv", FormatCurrency(Me.GetUMoney(Username)))
  1349. If ST_Streak_User = Username Then
  1350. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%st", ST_Streak + 1)
  1351. Else
  1352. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%st", "1")
  1353. End If
  1355. TFormat = Me.ProcessSpeed(TFormat, Speed)
  1356. TFormat = Me.ProcessVars(TFormat, Username)
  1357. '//Respond:
  1358. ST_SQ TFormat
  1360. If ST_Streak_User = Username Then
  1361. ST_Streak = ST_Streak + 1
  1362. SQL = "SELECT `LongestStreak` FROM `users` WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1363. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1364. '//Beat Personal Record?
  1365. If Int(RS.Fields(0)) < Int(ST_Streak) Then
  1366. If ST_Streak > 2 Then
  1367. SQL = "SELECT `Username`, `LongestStreak` FROM `users` ORDER BY `LongestStreak` DESC, `LastAnswer` ASC"
  1368. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1369. '//Beat the all-time record?
  1370. If Int(RS.Fields(1)) < Int(ST_Streak) AND Lcase(RS.Fields(0)) <> Lcase(Username) AND ST_Streak_Con <> 2 Then
  1371. ST_Streak_Con = 2
  1372. TFormat = st_GetSetting("AncStreakRecord")
  1373. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%su", RS.Fields(0))
  1374. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%sa", RS.Fields(1))
  1375. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%st", ST_Streak)
  1376. TFormat = Me.ProcessVars(TFormat, Username)
  1377. ST_SQ TFormat
  1378. ElseIf ST_Streak_Con < 1 Then '//Just beat your own score
  1379. ST_Streak_Con = 1
  1380. TFormat = st_GetSetting("AncStreakPersonal")
  1381. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%st", ST_Streak)
  1382. TFormat = Me.ProcessVars(TFormat, Username)
  1383. ST_SQ TFormat
  1384. End If
  1385. End If
  1386. SQL = "UPDATE `users` SET `LongestStreak` = '" & ST_Streak & "' WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1387. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1388. Else
  1389. '//Used to prevent record-breaking anouncments after EVERY record broken.
  1390. ST_Streak_Con = 0
  1391. End If
  1392. Else
  1393. If ST_Streak > 2 Then
  1394. TFormat = st_GetSetting("AncStreakBreak")
  1395. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%su", ST_Streak_User)
  1396. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%st", ST_Streak)
  1397. TFormat = Me.ProcessVars(TFormat, Username)
  1398. ST_SQ TFormat
  1399. End If
  1400. ST_Streak_User = Username
  1401. ST_Streak = 1
  1402. End If
  1403. SQL = "SELECT `FastestAnswer` FROM `users` WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1404. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1405. If Int(RS.Fields(0)) > Int(Speed) Then
  1406. SQL = "SELECT `Username`, `FastestAnswer` FROM `users` ORDER BY `FastestAnswer` ASC"
  1407. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1408. If Int(RS.Fields(1)) > Int(Speed) AND Lcase(RS.Fields(0)) <> Lcase(Username) Then
  1409. TFormat = st_GetSetting("AncSpeedRecord")
  1410. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%fu", RS.Fields(0))
  1411. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%fa", RS.Fields(1))
  1412. TFormat = Me.ProcessSpeed(TFormat, Speed)
  1413. TFormat = Me.ProcessVars(TFormat, Username)
  1414. ST_SQ TFormat
  1415. Else
  1416. TFormat = st_GetSetting("AncSpeedPersonal")
  1417. TFormat = Replace(TFormat, "%u", Username)
  1418. TFormat = Me.ProcessSpeed(TFormat, Speed)
  1419. TFormat = Me.ProcessVars(TFormat, Username)
  1420. ST_SQ TFormat
  1421. End If
  1422. '//Update record
  1423. SQL = "UPDATE `users` SET `FastestAnswer` = '" & Speed & "' WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1424. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1425. End If
  1426. If st_GetSetting("blurtstats") = "True" AND ST_VQL < 2 AND Speed > 4100 Then
  1427. Select Case Int(Rnd * 20) '//one in 5
  1428. Case 1
  1429. STAQ "ST: Top 5 scores: " & Me.TopMoney(5)
  1430. Case 2
  1431. STAQ "ST: Top 5 fastest answers: " & Me.TopFAnswers(5)
  1432. Case 3
  1433. STAQ "ST: Top 5 longest streaks: " & Me.TopLStreaks(5)
  1434. Case 4
  1435. STAQ "ST: Top 5 most answered: " & Me.TopMAnswers(5)
  1436. End Select
  1437. End If
  1438. AskQuestion.Interval = st_GetSetting("AnswerDelay") + Int(ST_VQL * 2.8)
  1439. AskQuestion.Enabled = True
  1441. End Sub
  1443. Public Sub DeleteUser(Username)
  1444. Dim SQL
  1445. SQL = "DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1446. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1447. End Sub
  1449. '//Non-Database related Subs:
  1451. Public Sub UpdateProfile
  1452. Dim NewProfile
  1453. NewProfile = st_GetSetting("pformat")
  1454. For I = 1 to 15
  1455. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%hs(" & I & ")", Me.TopMoney(I))
  1456. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%fa(" & I & ")", Me.TopFAnswers(I))
  1457. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%ls(" & I & ")", Me.TopLStreaks(I))
  1458. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%ma(" & I & ")", Me.TopMAnswers(I))
  1459. Next
  1460. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%hs", Me.TopMoney(1))
  1461. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%fa", Me.TopFAnswers(1))
  1462. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%ls", Me.TopLStreaks(1))
  1463. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%ma", Me.TopMAnswers(1))
  1464. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%su", ST_Streak_User)
  1465. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%sc", ST_Streak)
  1466. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%ch", MyChannel)
  1467. '//We don't want to update the profile - unless we have new information
  1468. If Me.OldProfile = NewProfile Then Exit Sub
  1469. Me.OldProfile = NewProfile
  1470. '//Time and vbnewline.
  1471. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%lu", Time)
  1472. NewProfile = Replace(NewProfile, "%nl", VBNewLine)
  1473. SetBotProfile "", "", NewProfile
  1474. End Sub
  1476. '// FUNCTIONS
  1478. Public Function GiveMoney(HowMuch, FromUser, ToUser, InBot)
  1479. GiveMoney = False
  1480. HowMuch = Round(HowMuch, 2)
  1481. If InBot Then
  1482. SQL = "UPDATE `users` SET `Money` = `Money` + " & HowMuch & " WHERE `Username` = '" & ToUser & "'"
  1483. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1484. GiveMoney = True
  1485. ElseIf HowMuch <= Me.GetUMoney(FromUser) Then
  1486. If Me.GetUMoney(ToUser) <> "" Then
  1487. SQL = "UPDATE `users` SET `Money` = `Money` - " & HowMuch & " WHERE `Username` = '" & FromUser & "'"
  1488. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1489. SQL = "UPDATE `users` SET `Money` = `Money` + " & HowMuch & " WHERE `Username` = '" & ToUser & "'"
  1490. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1491. GiveMoney = True
  1492. End If
  1493. End If
  1494. End Function
  1496. Public Function ProcessVars(Text, User)
  1497. Dim S
  1498. S = Text
  1499. S = Replace(S, "%vl", FormatCurrency(Me.GetUMoney(User)))
  1500. S = Replace(S, "%intmoney", Me.GetUMoney(User))
  1501. S = Replace(S, "%st", Me.GetStreak(User))
  1502. S = Replace(S, "%qa", Me.GetAnswered(User))
  1503. S = Replace(S, "%fa", Me.GetFastest(User))
  1504. S = Replace(S, "%la", Me.GetLastAnswer(User))
  1505. S = Replace(S, "%intrank", Me.GetRank(User))
  1506. S = Replace(S, "%rank", Me.AddSuffix(Me.GetRank(User)))
  1507. S = Replace(S, "%u", User)
  1508. ProcessVars = S
  1509. End Function
  1511. Public Function ProcessSpeed(Text, Speed)
  1512. Dim S
  1513. S = Text
  1514. S = Replace(S, "%sps(3)", Round(Speed / 1000, 3))
  1515. S = Replace(S, "%sps(2)", Round(Speed / 1000, 2))
  1516. S = Replace(S, "%sps(1)", Round(Speed / 1000, 1))
  1517. S = Replace(S, "%sps(0)", Round(Speed / 1000, 0))
  1518. S = Replace(S, "%sps", Speed / 1000)
  1519. S = Replace(S, "%spm", Speed)
  1520. S = Replace(S, "%sp", Speed) '==Depreciated
  1521. ProcessSpeed = S
  1522. End Function
  1524. '//Top Stats
  1525. Public Function TopMoney(TopX)
  1526. Dim SQL, RS, I
  1527. SQL = "SELECT `Username`, `Money` FROM `users` ORDER BY `Money` DESC"
  1528. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1529. Do While TopX > I AND RS.EOF <> True
  1530. I = I + 1
  1531. If TopMoney <> "" Then TopMoney = TopMoney & ", "
  1532. TopMoney = TopMoney & RS.Fields(0) & ": " & FormatCurrency(RS.Fields(1))
  1533. RS.MoveNext
  1534. Loop
  1535. End Function
  1537. Public Function TopFAnswers(TopX)
  1538. Dim SQL, RS, I
  1539. SQL = "SELECT `Username`, `FastestAnswer` FROM `users` ORDER BY `FastestAnswer` ASC"
  1540. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1541. Do While TopX > I AND RS.EOF <> True
  1542. I = I + 1
  1543. If TopFAnswers <> "" Then TopFAnswers = TopFAnswers & ", "
  1544. TopFAnswers = TopFAnswers & RS.Fields(0) & ": " & RS.Fields(1) & "ms"
  1545. RS.MoveNext
  1546. Loop
  1547. End Function
  1549. Public Function TopMAnswers(TopX)
  1550. Dim SQL, RS, I
  1551. SQL = "SELECT `Username`, `Answered` FROM `users` ORDER BY `Answered` DESC"
  1552. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1553. Do While TopX > I AND RS.EOF <> True
  1554. I = I + 1
  1555. If TopMAnswers <> "" Then TopMAnswers = TopMAnswers & ", "
  1556. TopMAnswers = TopMAnswers & RS.Fields(0) & ": " & RS.Fields(1)
  1557. RS.MoveNext
  1558. Loop
  1559. End Function
  1561. Public Function TopLStreaks(TopX)
  1562. Dim SQL, RS, I
  1563. SQL = "SELECT `Username`, `LongestStreak` FROM `users` ORDER BY `LongestStreak` DESC, `LastAnswer` ASC"
  1564. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1565. Do While TopX > I AND RS.EOF <> True
  1566. I = I + 1
  1567. If TopLStreaks <> "" Then TopLStreaks = TopLStreaks & ", "
  1568. TopLStreaks = TopLStreaks & RS.Fields(0) & ": " & RS.Fields(1)
  1569. RS.MoveNext
  1570. Loop
  1571. End Function
  1573. '//END STATS
  1575. Public Function GetUCount
  1576. Dim SQL, RS
  1577. SQL = "SELECT Count(*) FROM `users`"
  1578. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1579. GetUCount = RS.Fields(0)
  1580. End Function
  1582. '//Block list
  1583. Public Function BlockList()
  1584. Dim SQL, RS, I
  1585. SQL = "SELECT `Username` FROM `users` WHERE `Flags` LIKE '%B%'"
  1586. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1587. Do While 100 > I AND RS.EOF <> True
  1588. I = I + 1
  1589. If BlockList <> "" Then BlockList = BlockList & ", "
  1590. BlockList = BlockList & RS.Fields(0)
  1591. RS.MoveNext
  1592. Loop
  1593. End Function
  1595. '//Blocks a user from playing Trivia
  1596. Public Sub Block(Username)
  1597. Username = Me.AddSlashes(Username)
  1598. Dim SQL
  1599. If Not Me.GetBlocked(Username) Then
  1600. SQL = "UPDATE `users` SET `Flags` = `Flags` & 'B' WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1601. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1602. End If
  1603. End Sub
  1605. '//Unblocks a user from playing Trivia
  1606. Public Sub UnBlock(Username)
  1607. Username = Me.AddSlashes(Username)
  1608. Dim SQL, RS, FlagList
  1609. SQL = "SELECT `Flags` FROM `users` WHERE `Flags` LIKE '%B%' AND `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1610. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1611. If RS.BOF = True AND RS.EOF = True Then
  1612. Exit Sub
  1613. Else
  1614. FlagList = RS.Fields(0)
  1615. Addchat VBwhite, "F: " & FlagList
  1616. FlagList = Replace(FlagList, "B", "")
  1617. Addchat VBwhite, "F2: " & FlagList
  1618. SQL = "UPDATE `users` SET `Flags` = '" & FlagList & "' WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1619. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1620. End If
  1621. End Sub
  1623. '//Mimics PHP's
  1624. Public Function AddSlashes(Text)
  1625. Text = Replace(Text, "\", "\\")
  1626. AddSlashes = Replace(Text, "'", "\'")
  1627. End Function
  1630. '//True/False - is the user blocked?
  1631. Public Function GetBlocked(Username)
  1632. Username = Me.AddSlashes(Username)
  1633. Dim SQL, RS
  1634. SQL = "SELECT `Flags` FROM `users` WHERE `Flags` LIKE '%B%' AND `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1635. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1636. If RS.BOF = True AND RS.EOF = True Then
  1637. GetBlocked = False
  1638. Else
  1639. GetBlocked = True
  1640. End If
  1641. End Function
  1643. '//Returns "" if user isn't found.
  1644. Public Function GetUMoney(Username)
  1645. Username = Me.AddSlashes(Username)
  1646. Dim SQL, RS
  1647. SQL = "SELECT `Money` FROM `users` WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1648. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1649. If RS.BOF = True AND RS.EOF = True Then
  1650. GetUMoney = ""
  1651. Else
  1652. GetUMoney = RS.Fields(0)
  1653. End If
  1654. End Function
  1656. '//Returns 0 if user isn't found.
  1657. Public Function GetRank(Username)
  1658. Username = Me.AddSlashes(Username)
  1659. Dim SQL, RS, I
  1660. SQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `users` WHERE `Money` >= (SELECT `Money` FROM `users` WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "')"
  1661. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1662. GetRank = 0
  1663. If RS.Fields(0) <> 0 Then GetRank = RS.Fields(0)
  1664. End Function
  1667. Public Function GetFastest(Username)
  1668. Username = Me.AddSlashes(Username)
  1669. Dim SQL, RS, I
  1670. SQL = "SELECT `FastestAnswer` FROM `users` WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1671. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1672. If RS.BOF = True AND RS.EOF = True Then
  1673. GetFastest = 0
  1674. Else
  1675. GetFastest = RS.Fields(0)
  1676. End If
  1677. End Function
  1679. '//Returns 0 if user isn't found.
  1680. Public Function GetStreak(Username)
  1681. Username = Me.AddSlashes(Username)
  1682. Dim SQL, RS, I
  1683. SQL = "SELECT `LongestStreak` FROM `users` WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1684. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1685. If RS.BOF = True AND RS.EOF = True Then
  1686. GetStreak = 0
  1687. Else
  1688. GetStreak = RS.Fields(0)
  1689. End If
  1690. End Function
  1692. '//Returns 0 if user isn't found.
  1693. Public Function GetAnswered(Username)
  1694. Username = Me.AddSlashes(Username)
  1695. Dim SQL, RS, I
  1696. SQL = "SELECT `Answered` FROM `users` WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1697. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1698. If RS.BOF = True AND RS.EOF = True Then
  1699. GetAnswered = 0
  1700. Else
  1701. GetAnswered = RS.Fields(0)
  1702. End If
  1703. End Function
  1705. Public Function GetLastAnswer(Username)
  1706. Username = Me.AddSlashes(Username)
  1707. Dim SQL, RS, I
  1708. SQL = "SELECT `LastAnswer` FROM `users` WHERE `Username` = '" & Username & "'"
  1709. SET RS = Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1710. If RS.BOF = True AND RS.EOF = True Then
  1711. GetLastAnswer = 0
  1712. Else
  1713. GetLastAnswer = RS.Fields(0)
  1714. End If
  1715. End Function
  1718. '//Kills the @ and # names. '//Parse User
  1719. Public Function PUser(Username)
  1720. PUser = Username
  1721. If Left(PUser, 1) = "*" Then PUser = Mid(PUser, 2)
  1722. If InStr(PUser, "#") Then PUser = Mid(PUser, 1, InStr(PUser & "#", "#")-1)
  1723. If InStr(PUser, "@") Then PUser = Mid(PUser, 1, InStr(PUser & "@", "@")-1)
  1724. End Function
  1726. '//Formats a String to a URL-Accepted string.
  1727. Public Function CleanURL(URL)
  1728. URL = Replace(URL, "%", "%25")
  1729. URL = Replace(URL, "+", "%2B")
  1730. URL = Replace(URL, "#", "%23")
  1731. URL = Replace(URL, " &", "%26")
  1732. URL = Replace(URL, " ", "%0C")
  1733. CleanURL = URL
  1734. End Function
  1736. Public Function AddSuffix(Number)
  1737. Dim Suffix
  1738. Select Case Right(Number, 1)
  1739. Case 1
  1740. Suffix = "st"
  1741. Case 2
  1742. Suffix = "nd"
  1743. Case 3
  1744. Suffix = "rd"
  1745. Case Else
  1746. Suffix = "th"
  1747. End Select
  1748. If Number > 10 AND Number < 14 Then Suffix = "th"
  1749. AddSuffix = Number & Suffix
  1750. End Function
  1752. '//Old Subs:
  1753. Public Sub MoveOldScores
  1754. Dim File, LinesArray
  1755. Dim SQL
  1756. If NOT stFSO.FileExists(ST_USER_LOC) Then
  1757. Addchat VBred, "Score file not found!"
  1758. Exit Sub
  1759. End If
  1761. Addchat VByellow, "Copying Scores..."
  1762. '//Open file
  1763. Set File = stFSO.OpenTextFile(ST_USER_LOC, 1, True)
  1764. LinesArray = Split(File.ReadAll & vbNewLine, vbNewLine)
  1765. Dim I
  1766. I = 0
  1767. For Each Line in LinesArray
  1768. If Instr(Line, "=") > 1 Then
  1769. Line = Split(Line, "=")
  1770. If Me.GetUMoney(Line(0)) = "" Then
  1771. SQL = "INSERT INTO `users` (`Username`, `Money`, `FastestAnswer`, `Answered`, `LongestStreak`) VALUES ('"
  1772. SQL = SQL & Line(0) & "', '" & Line(1) & "', '15000', 1, 1)"
  1773. Me.DBConn.Execute(SQL)
  1774. I = I + 1
  1775. Else
  1776. Addchat VByellow, "User: " & Line(0) & ". Already in Database!"
  1777. End If
  1778. End If
  1779. Next
  1780. Addchat VByellow, I & " users have been copyed"
  1781. '//Close the file, or we wont be able to delete it!
  1782. File.Close
  1783. If MsgBox("Delete Old File?" & VBnewline & "ST_Users.ini has been successfully copyed to the database. Do you wish to delete the file?" & VBnewLine & "(We Recommend YES)", 4) = 6 Then
  1784. stFSO.DeleteFile ST_USER_LOC
  1785. Addchat VByellow, "File deleted"
  1786. Else
  1787. Addchat VByellow, "File not deleted"
  1788. End If
  1789. End Sub
  1790. End Class
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