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Apr 25th, 2018
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  1. [23:35] <Estrella> Arty?
  2. [23:35] <Estrella> Artax?
  3. [23:35] <@Robikku-Scratch> yup
  4. [23:35] <Estrella> you can have him >>
  5. [23:35] <Estrella> he scares me...
  6. [23:35] <Halide> Artaxillery!
  7. [23:35] <@Robikku-Scratch> xD
  8. [23:35] * GhostGirl noms foodz.
  9. [23:36] * @Dio noms on Estrella.
  10. [23:36] <@Artax> Estrella: yes?
  11. [23:36] <Estrella> just clarifying
  12. [23:37] <@Robikku-Scratch> She wasn't sure.
  13. [23:37] <@Artax> Wasn't sure of what?
  14. [23:37] <@Robikku-Scratch> Arty being your name. :P
  15. [23:37] <@Robikku-Scratch> shortened
  16. [23:37] <Corsair> A.rty = Artax
  17. [23:37] <GhostGirl> I'm off to watch Dark Knight for a biiiit~
  18. [23:37] <@Artax> Or wanted to clarify that I wouldn't react to mild insults?
  19. [23:38] <ApollineAllura> Hark! What light through yonder party cannon breaks! For it was aimed East, as Luna lowered the sun.
  20. [23:38] <@Robikku-Scratch> nah, I don't think that's her intent.
  21. [23:39] <Estrella> How did I insult you. . .
  22. [23:39] <Estrella> ._.
  23. [23:42] *** GhostGirl has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 192 seconds
  24. [23:47] *** Cuddleshy has joined #CanterlotCentral
  25. [23:48] <Ancre> hello Cuddleshy
  26. [23:49] <Cuddleshy> Heya Ancre
  27. [23:49] * ApollineAllura greets Cuddleshy and hopes everypony else saw his apology to Estrella and the chat before he goes AFK to play L4D2 for a little while.
  28. [23:51] *** Will-Travel has joined #CanterlotCentral
  29. [23:53] <@Artax> Estrella:
  30. [23:53] <@Artax> [23:35] <Estrella> you can have him >>
  31. [23:53] <@Artax> [23:35] <Estrella> he scares me...
  32. [23:54] <Estrella> How is that an insult
  33. [23:54] <@Artax> Perhaps you could explain why?
  34. [23:55] <Estrella> You've told me to stop goofing off in the past over real tiny stuff
  35. [23:55] <Estrella> and just been a strict mod whenever I was around
  36. [23:55] <Estrella> so I just go silent whenever you come in
  37. [23:56] * @RCTwi drags Estrella away by the tail
  38. [23:57] * @Skye has an -INCREDIBLE- urge to find some fresh-baked bread and slather it in honey and butter.
  39. [23:57] <@Artax> I'm sorry if being told to stop 'goofing' off is a large deal for yourself. You need to keep in mind that on a daily basis we may be asking lots of people to stop 'goofing' and follow rules. But the 3rd/4th/5th time I or anyone else may become stricter.
  40. [23:58] <Estrella> mk
  41. [23:58] <Estrella> you're the boss
  42. [23:58] <@Artax> The little things that are repeated over and over become bigger deals.
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