

Dec 12th, 2017
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  1. Preferred Name
  2. My roleplay name is Donka Strauss, My real name is Darius, adress me as your preferred.
  3. Age Range
  4. From years 16-20
  5. What makes you a better choice than the other applicants.
  6. I beleive that in terms of productivity, I am like no other, I always am efficient in getting work done, and I never ignored, or decide to be uncooperative towards anyone, no matter my feelings toward them, the will always be fair and just.
  7. Do you know anything about, or have expirience moderating.
  8. Of course, I have moderated chats on things called PO, and PS, with over 10,000 players at a point, it was a handful, but moderating did come easy.
  9. When you work with people you dislike, how do you act or react.
  10. I would like to think that my actions are unbias when it comes to real, serious activities. I will act for the benefit of who the decision is made for, not being unfair just because of my feeling or mood towards anyone.
  11. How would you prove that you are qualified if you were picked?
  12. Probably putting my work ethic into overtime, figuring out everything asfast as possible, and getting started doing anything I can.
  13. What were your reasons for becoming a curator on the Amino.
  14. Well, I have been here a short while, while here, I love the Amoni, with all my heart, having tons of fun, and good times with a lot of people here. I wish to make it a great experience for us all.
  15. What skills do you possessof the Amino.
  16. Quialities such as being active a large amount of the time, being unbiased for serious things, knowing when it is time to be serious, and when not, etc.
  17. What is the most important part about being a curator on and Amino?
  18. Most likely keeping up with chat, making sure it is appropriate, as well as making sure systems are working well.
  19. What suggestions and ideas do you have that you can offer?
  20. Things such as a full sheet of advantages and disadvantages to races of characters, reworks of anything that needs reworking, and more.
  21. What is your definition of, feature worthy> What sort of posts would you feature.
  22. Nice looking, Presentable, and Important posts, those dealing with high ranking people's announcements, are for the community, and anything else benefitial and would make the community look nice.
  23. If you were assigned to finish a task by the end of the month, and there is absolute zeo percent chance you'll finish them, how wold you handle it.
  24. I would definetly ask a fellow curator for help, if this tactic fails me, I will simply tell you the truth, and try my best to finish it anyways, deaking with the consequences, but tell you right when I realize.
  25. A member of the Amino is outraged, They insist another memeber is bullying and harrassing them. They come to you for help, what do you do?
  26. My first question will be for screenshots, after which I calm the at bit, assuring it that it will all be okay, after which confronting the person, all the while telling my felow curators, giving them the appopriate consequence.
  27. What timezone do you live in?
  28. Eastern Standard Time
  29. What time/days and you available.
  30. I can be access after 4:30 PM on weekdays, I am more available on weekends, minus holidays and celebration, I haven't much of my life, so this will consume my time.
  31. Will you notify a leader when you are going on Hiatus for more than a single day.
  32. Of course, every day, any time. Even if I leave one time, short notice, it will be known piror to me leaving.
  33. What are your pisition and negative traits?
  34. Pros would be hard work, always getting better and wantint to know more, being unbiased, and more, negatives being my tendancy to tell people to go to higher ups when I do not know an answer.
  35. What would you expect to happen if you abuse your power?
  36. I expect to be banned, Punished, or demoted, using power irresponsibly is not an option in a community, it would make it no fun to actually be there.
  37. How well do you understand the One Piece Universe?
  38. Every episode, every manga page, movie, and game has seen my eyes glance upon it. As well has al fighting styles, meito grade of swords, ect. U am just bad with character names, sadly.
  39. For how long have you been roleplaying.
  40. For about 6 years in total, it has been a fun ride.
  41. Do yoiu have any experience in Rp fighting?
  42. Of course, as a judge I would absulutely need to.
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