

Nov 18th, 2019
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  2. A heart centered on seeking God's will and pleasure, receives the promises of provision and contentment. They are part of the deal.Here is how it looks in my life sometimes: Struggle > frustration > distraction > disinterest >avoidance >failure. It can be about a project I'm working on, a challenge with one of my children,work issues, relationship issues, my own lack of discipline, or ministering to someone with a hard heart. Whatever. At times I just want to give up. It is then that I need to stop and examine my heart, and seek God's plan.
  4. Perhaps my favorite scripture about the Spirit is Philippians 2:13. "It is God who works in you both to WILL and to DO His good pleasure." We are not designed to go it alone, to figure it out alone in our own strength. We are designed for relationship with God, first and foremost.So when Disinterest, or Dissatisfaction, with a "Big D" sets in, and foreshadows disaster or failure, I need to put on the brakes and consult my Management Team. I've been trying to take the lead, rather than follow.
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