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a guest
Nov 10th, 2017
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  1. Options:
  2. Bannednavne: "Fuck","Noob","Ingen","None","<none>","Staff","HeadAdmin","Nations","Mod","Moderator","Ejer","Owner","Mor","Fuc","Nigg",".",",","Lort","Server","pik","fisse","dick","dic","*","_","&","-","'","¥","+","?","=","]","[","{","}","(",")","^",":",";","Ω","@","£","%%","§","/" or "Admin"
  3. prefix: &7&l| &6&lTeam &7&l|
  4. on join:
  5. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  6. if {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::kills} is not set:
  7. set {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::kills} to 0
  8. if {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::death} is not set:
  9. set {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::death} to 0
  10. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  11. if {navn::%uuid of player%} is not set:
  12. set {navn::%uuid of player%} to "%player%"
  13. set {uuid::%player%} to "%uuid of player%"
  15. on chat:
  16. cancel event
  17. if {team::%uuid of player%} is not set:
  18. broadcast "%colored player's prefix%%colored player's suffix% %player% &8| &r%message%"
  19. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  20. broadcast "&8[&b&l%{team::%uuid of player%}%&8]%colored player's prefix%%colored player's suffix% %player% &8| &r%message%"
  21. stop
  23. Command /team [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  24. Trigger:
  25. If arg-1 is not set:
  26. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  27. send "{@prefix} &eÅbner team menuen... "
  28. wait 20 ticks
  29. open chest with 5 rows named "&6Team: &e%{team::%uuid of player%}%" to player
  30. format slot 0 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  31. format slot 1 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  32. format slot 2 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  33. format slot 3 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  34. format slot 4 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  35. format slot 5 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  36. format slot 6 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  37. format slot 7 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  38. format slot 8 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  39. format slot 22 of player with skull of player named "&6Team: &e%{team::%uuid of player%}%" with lore "&6Team Kills: &e%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::kills}%||&6Team Døde: &e%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::death}%||&6Team Level: &e%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::level}%||&6Team Bank: &e%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::bank}%||&6Team Lavet: &e%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::lavet}%" to be unstealable
  40. format slot 20 of player with chest named "&6Team Shop:" with lore "&eTeam butik, det er kun ejeren af teamet der kan åbne denne shop" to be unstealable
  41. format slot 36 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  42. format slot 37 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  43. format slot 38 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  44. format slot 39 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  45. format slot 40 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  46. format slot 41 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  47. format slot 42 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  48. format slot 43 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  49. format slot 44 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  55. else:
  56. message "&6----&e---&6----&e----&6---&e---- &6&lTEAM &6----&e---&6----&e----&6---&e----"
  57. message "&6/team info &8| &7Viser denne menu."
  58. message "&6/team opret &8| &7For at lave en team &8| &6&LINFO: &7Det koster &e&L&o$1000&7."
  59. message "&6/team inviter &8| &7For at invitere en til din team."
  60. message "&6/team tilslut &8| &7For at joine en team."
  61. message "&6/team afvis &8| &7For at afvise en invitation."
  62. message "&6/team forlad &8| &7For at forlade en team."
  63. message "&6/team kick &8| &7For at smide en ud af din team."
  64. message "&6/team stats &8| &7Viser stats om din team."
  65. message "&6----&e---&6----&e----&6---&e---- &6&lTEAM &6----&e---&6----&e----&6---&e----"
  66. If arg-1 is "info":
  67. message "&6----&e---&6----&e----&6---&e---- &6&lTEAM &6----&e---&6----&e----&6---&e----"
  68. message "&6/team info &8| &7Viser denne menu."
  69. message "&6/team opret &8| &7For at lave en team &8| &6&LINFO: &7Det koster &e&L&o$1000&7."
  70. message "&6/team inviter &8| &7For at invitere en til din team."
  71. message "&6/team tilslut &8| &7For at joine en team."
  72. message "&6/team afvis &8| &7For at afvise en invitation."
  73. message "&6/team forlad &8| &7For at forlade en team."
  74. message "&6/team kick &8| &7For at smide en ud af din team."
  75. message "&6/team stats &8| &7Viser stats om din team."
  76. message "&6----&e---&6----&e----&6---&e---- &6&lTEAM &6----&e---&6----&e----&6---&e----"
  78. if arg 1 is "shop":
  79. if arg 2 is not set:
  80. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  81. if {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::ejer} is uuid of player:
  82. open chest with 5 rows named "&6Team: &e%{team::%uuid of player%}%" to player
  83. format slot 0 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  84. format slot 1 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  85. format slot 2 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  86. format slot 3 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  87. format slot 4 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  88. format slot 5 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  89. format slot 6 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  90. format slot 7 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  91. format slot 8 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  92. format slot 22 of player with skull of player named "&6Team: &e%{team::%uuid of player%}%" with lore "&6Team Kills: &e%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::kills}%||&6Team Døde: &e%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::death}%||&6Team Level: &e%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::level}%||&6Team Bank: &e%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::bank}%||&6Team Lavet: &e%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::lavet}%" to be unstealable
  93. format slot 20 of player with chest named "&6Team Shop:" with lore "&eTeam butik, det er kun ejeren af teamet der kan åbne denne shop" to be unstealable
  94. format slot 36 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  95. format slot 37 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  96. format slot 38 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  97. format slot 39 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  98. format slot 40 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  99. format slot 41 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  100. format slot 42 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  101. format slot 43 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  102. format slot 44 of player with orange glass named "&f" to be unstealable
  103. else:
  104. send "{@prefix} &eDu er ikke ejer af teamet: &6%{team::%uuid of player%}%"
  105. else:
  106. send "{@prefix} &eDu er ikke med i noget teamet!"
  109. If arg-1 is "opret":
  110. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  111. message "{@prefix} &6Du er allerede med i team &e%{team::%uuid of player%}% &6og hvis du vil forlade teamet.. &a/team forlad"
  112. stop
  113. Else:
  114. If player's balance is between -100000 and 999:
  115. Message "{@prefix} &6Du mangler 1000$ for at oprette et team!"
  116. stop
  117. Else:
  118. set {_arg2} to "%arg-2%" parsed as a text
  119. if arg 3 is set:
  120. message "{@prefix} &6Der må &4&LIKKE &6være &cmellemrum &6i team navnet."
  121. stop
  122. if length of {_arg2} is between -9999999999999 and 3:
  123. message "{@prefix} &6Dit team navn skal være længere end &c3 &6bogstaver!"
  124. stop
  125. if length of {_arg2} is above 15:
  126. message "{@prefix} &6Dit team navn må &4&LIKKE være længere end &c15 &6bogstaver!"
  127. stop
  128. if arg-2 contains {@Bannednavne}:
  129. message "{@prefix} &6Dit team må &4&lIKKE &6hedde &c%arg-2%"
  130. stop
  131. if arg-2 do not contain "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "Æ", "Ø" or "Å":
  132. message "{@prefix} &6Dit team må &4&LIKKE &6hedde &c%arg-2%"
  133. stop
  134. if {team::%arg-2%} is set:
  135. message "{@prefix} &6Der er allerede et team der hedder &c%arg-2%&6."
  136. stop
  137. set {team::%uuid of player%} to "%arg-2%"
  138. set {team::%arg-2%} to "%arg-2%"
  139. set {team::%arg-2%::lavet} to now
  140. set {team::%arg-2%::ejer} to uuid of player
  141. set {navn::%uuid of player%} to "%player%"
  142. set {uuid::%player%} to "%uuid of player%"
  143. set {team::%arg 2%::death} to 0
  144. set {team::%arg 2%::kills} to 0
  145. set {team::%arg 2%::level} to 0
  146. set {team::%arg 2%::bank} to 0
  147. set {team::%arg-2%::chat} to "%arg-2%"
  148. add uuid of player to {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::medlemmer::*}
  149. remove 1000 from player's money
  150. message "{@prefix} &6Du har lavet et team navngivet &c%arg-2%&6."
  151. stop
  153. if arg-1 is "forlad":
  154. if {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::ejer} is uuid of player:
  155. message "{@prefix} &6Du har forladt teamet &a%{team::%uuid of player%}%&6, men fordi du var ejeren, så blev hele teamet slettet! "
  156. delete {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::ejer}
  157. delete {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%}
  158. loop {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::medlemmer::*}:
  159. remove loop-value from {team::%{team::%loop-value%}%::medlemmer::*}
  160. delete {team::%loop-value%}
  161. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  162. message "{@prefix} &cDer skete en fejl, kontakt en staff."
  163. else:
  164. loop all players:
  165. if {team::%uuid of player%} is {team::%uuid of loop-player%}:
  166. message "{@prefix} &c%player% &7har forladt teamet." to loop-player
  167. remove uuid of player from {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::medlemmer::*}
  168. delete {team::%uuid of player%}
  169. stop
  171. if arg 1 is "inviter":
  172. if {team::%uuid of player%} is not set:
  173. message "{@prefix} &6Du er ikke med i et team."
  174. stop
  175. else:
  176. if {team::%uuid of arg 2%} is set:
  177. message "{@prefix} &c%arg 2% &7er allerede med i et team."
  178. stop
  179. if {team::%player%::invite} is set:
  180. message "{@prefix} &c%arg 2% &7er allerede blevet inviteret til et team."
  181. stop
  182. if arg 2 is player:
  183. message "{@prefix} &6&oDu kan &4&L&oIKKE &7&oinvitere dig selv"
  184. stop
  186. set {_player} to "%arg 2%" parsed as a player
  187. set {_playeruuid} to uuid of {_player}
  188. set {_uuidplayer} to "%{_playeruuid}%" parsed as a player
  189. if {_player} is online:
  190. if {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::ejer} is not uuid of player:
  191. message "{@prefix} &6Du &4&LSKAl &7være &cejeren &7for at invitere folk."
  192. stop
  193. else:
  194. if arg 2 is not set:
  195. message "{@prefix} &6Korrekt brug: &c/team inviter <navn>&7."
  196. stop
  197. else:
  198. if {team::%{_player}%::invite} is set:
  199. message "{@prefix} &c%arg 2% &7er allerede blevet inviteret til et team, få %{_player}% til at afvise den anden invitation med &c/team afvis&7."
  200. stop
  201. else:
  202. if {team::%{_uuidplayer}%} is set:
  203. message "{@prefix} &c%{_player}% &7er allerede med i et team."
  204. stop
  205. else:
  206. set {team::%{_player}%::invite} to "%{team::%uuid of player%}%"
  207. message "{@prefix} &6Du er blevet inviteret til &c%{team::%uuid of player%}% &7skriv &c/team tilslut &7for at joine teamet, for at afvise invitationen skriv &c/team afvis&7." to {_player}
  208. message "{@prefix} &6Du har inviteret &c%{_player}% &7til teamet."
  209. stop
  210. else:
  211. message "{@prefix} &c%arg 2% &7er ikke online.... Han/Hun skal være online."
  213. if arg-1 is "afvis":
  214. If {team::%player%::invite} is set:
  215. message "{@prefix} &6Du har afvist invitationen fra &c%{team::%player%::invite}%&7."
  216. loop all players:
  217. if {team::%{team::%player%::invite}%::ejer} is uuid of loop-player:
  218. message "{@prefix} &c%player% &7har afvist invitationen." to loop-player
  219. delete {team::%player%::invite}
  220. stop
  221. else:
  222. message "{@prefix} &6Du er ikke blevet inviteret til et team!"
  223. stop
  225. if arg 1 is "tilslut":
  226. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  227. message "{@prefix} &6Du er allerede med i et team!"
  228. stop
  229. else:
  230. if {team::%player%::invite} is set:
  231. loop all players:
  232. if {team::%{team::%player%::invite}%::medlemmer::*} is uuid of loop-player:
  233. message "{@prefix} &c%player% &7har joinet teamet." to loop-player
  234. set {team::%uuid of player%} to {team::%player%::invite}
  235. add uuid of player to {team::%{team::%player%::invite}%::medlemmer::*}
  236. message "{@prefix} &6Du har joinet teamet &c%{team::%player%::invite}%&7."
  237. set {navn::%uuid of player%} to "%player%"
  238. set {uuid::%player%} to "%uuid of player%"
  239. delete {team::%player%::invite}
  240. stop
  241. else:
  242. message "{@prefix} &6Du er ikke blevet inviteret til et team ;("
  243. stop
  245. if arg 1 is "kick":
  246. if {team::%uuid of player%} is not set:
  247. message "{@prefix} &6Du er ikke med i et team."
  248. else:
  249. if {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::ejer} is uuid of player:
  250. if arg 2 is not set:
  251. message "{@prefix} &6Korrekt brug: &c/team kick <spiller>&7."
  252. stop
  253. message "{@prefix} &6Du har smidt &c%arg 2% &7ud af teamet."
  254. delete {team::%{uuid::%arg 2%}%}
  255. remove {uuid::%arg 2%} from {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::medlemmer::*}
  256. message "{@prefix} &6Du er blevet smidt ud af teamet &c%{team::%uuid of player%}%&7." to {_player}
  257. stop
  258. else:
  259. message "{@prefix} &6Du &4&LSKAL &7være ejeren for at smide en ud af team."
  260. stop
  262. If arg 1 is "stats":
  263. if arg 2 is not set:
  264. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  265. Send "&6----&e---&6---- &6&lTEAM STATS &6----&e---&6----"
  266. Send " "
  267. Send "&6Kills: &a&l%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::kills}%"
  268. Send "&6Dødsfald: &4&l%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::death}%"
  269. Send ""
  270. Send "&6----&e---&6---- &6&lTEAM STATS &6----&e---&6----"
  271. else:
  272. send "{@prefix} &eDu er ikke med i noget team "
  274. if arg 1 is "penge" or "bank" or "balance":
  275. if arg 2 is not set:
  276. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  277. send "{@prefix} &eLoader team bank... "
  278. wait 20 ticks
  279. send "&6----&e---&6---- &6&lTEAM STATS &6----&e---&6----"
  280. send " "
  281. send "{@prefix} &eDit team har: &6%{team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::bank}%DKK"
  282. send " "
  283. send "&6----&e---&6---- &6&lTEAM STATS &6----&e---&6----"
  284. else:
  285. send "{@prefix} &eDu er ikke med i noget team"
  286. else:
  287. if player have permission "team.admin":
  288. if {team::%arg-2%} is set:
  289. send "{@prefix} &eLoader &6%arg-2%'s &eteam bank... "
  290. wait 20 ticks
  291. send "&6----&e---&6---- &6&lTEAM STATS &6----&e---&6----"
  292. send " "
  293. send "{@prefix} &eDit team har: &6%{team::%arg-2%::bank}% DKK"
  294. send " "
  295. send "&6----&e---&6---- &6&lTEAM STATS &6----&e---&6----"
  296. else:
  297. send "{@prefix} &6%arg 2% &efindes ikke!"
  298. else:
  299. send "{@prefix} &c&oIngen Adgang"
  300. if arg 1 is "tc" or "chat":
  301. set {_arg2} to {team::%uuid of player%}
  302. if {team::%uuid of player%} is set:
  303. loop all players:
  304. if {team::%{team::%{_arg2}%}%::chat} is set:
  305. send "test %arg 2%" to loop-player
  307. On death:
  308. If {team::%uuid of attacker%} is set:
  309. add 1 to {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::kills}
  310. If {team::%uuid of victim%} is set:
  311. add 1 to {team::%{team::%uuid of player%}%::death}
  313. On death:
  314. If attacker is a player:
  315. execute player command "eco give %attacker% 10"
  316. If victim is a player:
  317. execute player command "eco take %victim% 5"
  319. on damage:
  320. if {team::%uuid of attacker%} is {team::%uuid of victim%}:
  321. set {_random} to a random number between 0 and 100
  322. if {_random} is not between 0 and {team::%{team::%uuid of attacker%}%::damage}:
  323. message "{@prefix} &6Du kan ikke slå på &a&o%victim%&6, da i er samme team!" to attacker
  324. cancel event
  325. stop trigger
  326. else:
  327. stop trigger
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