

Oct 3rd, 2012
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  1. Well, I don't think you're making Brandon too nice too fast. /sideeyes that thread/ I'd add that things are a lot less stressful in Keeliai than in the Marvel universe (almost anywhere is), and he sounds very much like an angry, in-many-ways-broken teenager. I don't know Marvel at all, but just from a general bias about X-men, he seems reasonable enough for the template of 'angry broken mutant kid.'
  3. I am loving Asami. You've managed to hit that mix of sweetness and brains and competence and social grace that she's shown to be in canon. I will admit to being some episodes behind--I think I only got up through her father's betrayal. That might be my only comment: maybe try to get her into some more dangerous situations, just to put her through something a little harder, maybe see some of the other shades of her. But I also like seeing genuinely nice pups, because seriously, life is not constant world-shattering melodrama. Speaking of...
  5. Ah, Bruce. He is ridiculously hard to pin down, and honestly, he's gone through so many changes that a lot depends on player/writer choice. From everything I've read, you do write in in a lot of that pain when dealing with Clark or his kids--which does actually make a lot of sense. This place doesn't have the constant familiarity or stress level (yet, I assume?) as Gotham. There's no history of battle after battle and tragedy after tragedy in every alley and on every roof. A lot of that sense-memory fueled emotional turmoil isn't there. And again, as noted, I am a fan of exploring shades of life that aren't melodramatic and angsty, because those do happen. Like with Asami, some more conflict wouldn't hurt, and would bring back some of that darkness. I think it's a little of what I'm mentioning to Al, too: there doesn't seem to be as much opportunity for them to interact with other (non-Bat-or-Super) characters regularly as Superman and Batman outside a Major Game-Wide Event. I think you'll both feel more comfortable if there is. I do love that he created an entirely new identity to play with. That is pure brilliance and very him, and I've loved how you balance that with the rest. Any chance that Matches will put in an appearance at some point?
  7. And I know nothing about Aisha, so you do not get a tl;dr.
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