Guest User


a guest
Mar 22nd, 2019
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XML 1.29 KB | None | 0 0
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <ConfigurationRaidAlerts xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  3.   <ExtraLog>false</ExtraLog> <!-- When enabled, this sends detailed logs to chat. Useful for debugging any issues. -->
  4.   <Alerts>
  5.     <Alert>
  6.       <Enabled>true</Enabled> <!-- When enabled, the webhook will post to Discord. -->
  7.       <DisplayName>Guest Alert</DisplayName> <!-- What that Alert looks like in the logs and any loading messages. -->
  8.       <CallerPermission>guestalert</CallerPermission> <!-- What permissions a User needs to have this Alert (raidalerts.guestalert) -->
  9.       <WebhookURL></WebhookURL> <!-- Webhook URL -->
  10.       <WebhookUserName>Raid Alert</WebhookUserName> <!-- What Discord Username the Webhook will have. -->
  11.       <WebhookColour>FF0000</WebhookColour> <!-- What colour the Embedded message will have in Discord (HEX colour). -->
  12.       <OnlyAlertOnExplosionDamage>false</OnlyAlertOnExplosionDamage><!-- When enabled only damage caused by explosions will be sent -->
  13.       <Cooldown>5</Cooldown> <!-- How long before the User will send another Webhook after just sending one. -->
  14.     </Alert>
  15.   </Alerts>
  16. </ConfigurationRaidAlerts>
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