
Call Drew Daddy

Jun 14th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was out on the balcony flipping through pictures of the finished bathroom, Him and his dad finishing it up over the weekend and Eli's mom getting the finishing touches set up for the decor as well. He smiled then turned around looking towards the house, giving a sigh as he thought about the serious shit he needed to do and still talk to at least Prudence about. The bruises and marks on his face were that weird shade of yellow and green with a few spots where his skin had split still there as well.
  2. Tsaaq: Bliss stood by the liquor cart, pouring herself a glass of wine and swirling the liquid around in the glass before she took a few sips. She glancec out on the balcony at Eli with a worrisome look. // "You know, you never did tell me what happened to his face." Prudence said softly as she went to take the glass from Bliss. "Not that it's any of my business I suppose. I just hope everything is alright." // Persephone was in the kitchen doing the dishes intently while eavesdropping. // Drew was on his side of the house getting a blowjob from one of his prostitutes in bed and stuff.
  3. Covet: [Jesus Drew XD]
  4. Tsaaq: ((That's what he does most of the time when he's home now.))
  5. Covet: Eli saw Prudence and and Bliss just inside and made his way in giving a wave to them both. Then went to pour himself a glass of wine, even though he wasn't much of a wine drinker. "What's with the sad face, My Love. Good evening Prudence" He said giving a one sided smile.
  6. Tsaaq: "He's fine. It's okay. Everything is fine." She waved her hand at her grandmother. "Nothing. I was just thinking about a sad part of a book I read one time." Bliss answered, forcing a smile on her face. "You said there was something you wanted to tell us Gram Gram?" She asked. // "Good evening Elijah." She said gently with a smile. "Oh right, I'm sorry. Persephone come in here." She called for the other blonde. "I'm going to be taking a red eye to Manhattan in the morning. I have some legal business to attend to. And I generally miss New York, don't you?" She tilted her head. "I won't be back until Sunday night." // Persephone walked to where the group stood. She was stiff in her movements crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh god yes." She complained. "Can I come? I can't stand another minute here." Persephone whined. // Drew was still getting a blowie, an existenial blowie cause he was staring at his ceiling.
  7. Covet: [... XD Existential Blowies... nice...]
  8. Covet: "Oh, well have a safe flight then Prudence, and enjoy New York while you're there." He said with a smile, taking a sip from his glass, looking over at Bliss as she quickly covered for herself, giving her a curious nod, "Do you need us to take care of anything while you're gone?" He asked politely.
  9. Tsaaq: Bliss opened her mouth to speak, wanting to say she wanted to go but Persephone already volunteered. And she knew it would only be one or all of them. "Oh, you'll be gone for so long." Bliss said before looking to Eli then waited on her reply. // "Oh." Prudence rolled her eyes. "Fine. We'll have a girl's getaway." She said. "I suppose the house sitting is in your hands Bliss. I can trust you." She smiled. "Oh nothing really, tip the staff when they're here. Don't destroy the place. I am quite fond of this place now." She sighed, looking around the living room. "Oh crap, where's Drew?" // Persephone squealed. "I need to go to Marc Jacobs! We should spend a whole day on fifth avenue! I put on weight. I need new clothes." She said with a smile. "He's up in his room. I saw him earlier." Persephone answered instantly. // Drew sat up after ejaculating, reaching over to his bedside table. "You can have a little taste for that. But not a lot." He said, grabbing a needle with heroin and stuck it in the skeevy chick, like drugs were a reward for sex with him. Her face was black and blue but she seemed pretty stoked for drugs.
  10. Covet: [It just keeps getting worse and worse...]
  11. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooo))
  12. Covet: "We can take care of that. We'll make sure the place stays together and in one piece" He told Prudence with a smile, then heard the question about Drew, mumbling to himself, "Better than the answer I was going to give." He looked over to Bliss and cleared his throat... "Prudence....I..." He started off then realized he didn't exactly want to bring everything up before her business trip, "I wish you good luck with your business in new york as well." He covered quickly.
  13. Tsaaq: "Oh... Um." Bliss' eyes widened as she elbowed Eli gently. "Of course we'll take care of everything." She told her. She pushed her glasses up her nose and smiled at Prudence. "I love you grandmother." She said with a sigh. "I hope you get back safe and sound. You too Sephy." // "I love you too honey." She said softly. "I'm not your parents. I'm coming back." Prudence went to give Bliss a hug and squeezed a little before pulling away. "Well... I don't mean to make you two baby sit him but... I don't know. I'm just concerned. He spends days up there." She sighed. // Persephone crossed her arms over her chest. "Whatever who cares? Drew is just being weird. What hotel are we staying at?" Persephone asked, the conversation not being about her for too long. // Drew snatched the needle from the girl. "No more." He said before getting out of bed. "Stay here. Don't touch anything." He said angrily, grabbing her hair before tossing her aside. He pulled on some shorts and began to walk down the stairs in loud ominous steps.
  14. Covet: "Well it sounds like he's making his way from his tower now." Eli said, turning away to look out the window and drink some more of his wine, not intending to pay Drew any attention at the moment. He took a deep breath biting the inside of his cheek.
  15. Tsaaq: Bliss went to kiss Eli's cheek. "It's okay." She said gently to him. "Well... I suppose we can keep a keen eye for you Gram." She answered, turning still when she heard Drew. // Prudence turned as she heard the steps. "Would you stop it!?" She shouted at him. "That is mohogany." She gave Drew a threatening look. // Persephone grinned but it soon faded. Drew wasn't fun like he used to be. "Gram and I are going to New York for the rest of the week. Eli and Bliss are watching the house while we're gone."// Drew went over to the liquor cabient, silently making him a bourbon. He lifted his head once Persephone spoke. "Okay." He said in a monotone before looking at the couple. "I'm gonna be busy..."
  16. Covet: "Big surprise there." Eli said still softly but not mumbling. He put his arm around Bliss's waist and held her close. "Maybe when you get back we can have a family barbeque at the appartment, with my family. Kind of show off the bathroom?" He offered up. "My dad and I will grill"
  17. Tsaaq: "Oh that's sound nice. Gram doesn't that sound nice!" Bliss said with a smile, she looked over to Eli, touching his shoulder. // Prudence smiled at Eli and nodded. "Sounds wonderful. Drew and Persephone would love to join." She smiled. "Well... Busy or not. Don't make a mess while we're gone. And be nice to the staff." She said. // Persephone rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She scoffed before turning to Eli. "Hm... I guess that'll be fun." She shrugged. // Drew groaned and took a drink from his glass and shrugged. "Sure." He replied. // Skeevy hooker came down the stairs a cautiously but not far enough for anybody to see her. "Drew?" She called out, scratching her arms.
  18. Covet: "Cool, I'll let everyone know the time." He said with a smile, lifting up his glass then looked over to Bliss raising an eyebrow when he heard the voice of someone else. He tried to make his way casually around to see if he could see who it was without making it obvious.
  19. Tsaaq: Bliss glanced over to Eli then over to the stairs. // Prudence turned then looked to Drew. "Who else is here?" She asked sternly. // Persephone's eyes widened and she went to walk towards the stairs.// Drew pushed Persephone aisde. "Girl I met at the bar." He looked unfazed. "I'm going back upstairs." He said hurriedly, storming over to the stairs. // "Daddy?" She asked before yelping a little from Drew grabbing her wrist and dragging her up the stairs.
  20. Covet: "Daddy?" Eli mumbled then blinked, throwing up a hand and walking back over to Bliss. "Drew has an adult child?" He asked clearly clueless about parental pet names.
  21. Tsaaq: Bliss shook her head quickly. "We're going to head home I think." She said, linking arms with Eli trying to get him out the door. // Prudence furrowed her eyebrows and sighed. "Alright, see you after the weekend you three." She said loudly, still looking skeptically. // "Gross. Girls who call guys daddy have huge issues." Persephone said, up turning her nose and storming off.
  22. Covet: "Yeah. See you on Sunday, Prudence, and Persephone." He said setting his glass down on the bar cart as he headed out the door with Bliss, to go back to the apartment. To which Eli probably did some research because he clearly knows nothing.
  23. Tsaaq: ((How do you not know about the daddy thing Eli.))
  24. Covet: [....He was a virgin until he fucked Bliss... his idea of a wild time.. is... Bliss wearing lingerie and stockings... okay... XD]
  25. Tsaaq: ((Smfh!))
  26. Covet: [I guess we can close these out now XD]
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